Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/19/18, Episode 14: People Who Work in Glass Offices...

Greetings and hallucinations! Due to the scheduling of this series I will not be likely to get more literary than this, so I hope it will be adequate. – Urban Ahthropologist

Luci-ho walked out of the competition's office gloating about how it didn't take much to put someone in his place.

Rosita introduced the shaman to Bel-chino. The shaman looked creeped out. He did not allow Rosita to follow the grownups inside. He seemed to understand the problem. He talked about how Death knows how it decides things. “I we don't understand it's because we need to really open our eyes.” He handed over the pipe. Bel-chino took a drag, then said he felt weird.

Renata donated blood.

Mateo, Gastón, and Susanna ate together and discussed the recent edition when Eva arrived to talk about the magazine. This did not sound good.

Lucho tried to interest Valentina in a trip to Playa del Carmen but she was pre-occupied with something else. He got her to get into the car and they left.

León-chino drove back and entered the BatCave from outside the mansion to access the spy screens. He watched Luci-ho talk to Pacheco about the mock-up mag that shook up the competition. She was pleased with the effect.

Bel-chino had visions of Santa Muerte, moths, and the tattoo and was all shook up. Barbara almost panicked, then saw the black moth outside. It flew away. Bel-chino sat up, saying he thought he was going insane. The shaman said it was – lamentably – all real.

The black moth went to León-chino who also seemed to have passed out in the chair. He got up very disturbed and called Camilo to tell him he had passed out and came to. He discovered that the moth tattoo was bleeding. Camilo told him to meet him right away. León-chino tried to say he needed to change his shirt, etc., but Camilo said it was urgent. After they ended this call Camilo had his secretary cancel all his appointments for the day.

Bel-chino's tattoo was also bleeding. The shaman said he didn't know why but that there were strong forces around him. Bel-chino didn't understand and became impatient but the shaman told him that he could not return and that the path of his soul was only in his hands.

Johny and Eva faced off in front of Luci-ho about the recent issue of their magazine and other things he had recently done. This was the beginning of a major power play. León-chino was watching this from the BatCave as Johny and Eva were at each other's throats while Luci-ho got on Eva's case for neglecting Valentina. Eva told her that if she and Johny wanted to go to war they would lose.

Barbara and Rosita found Bel-chino, who was walking like a zombie.

Eva talked to Gastón about dropping the articles on the narcos because they had killed an informant. He refused, saying that it was too late. He turned on the news showing a pretaped interview he had given aired on TV at that time and it was seen by Alacran's henchmen.

Bel-chino told Barbara he was alright. He told her about Javier and he needed to get to him. She asked him what he was going to do but he wasn't sure yet. He was still confused. She looked afraid. For him? For herself?

Guillermo and Renata drove to the Carvajal mansion. He introduced her to Silvina and asked Silviana to prepare snacks for them. He left Renata alone in the living room for a little while and she indulged her curiosity about the haunts of the very rich.

Mateo and Gastón talked briefly about Eva's bad mood. Gastón said he told her he would stop, adding to Mateo that it would be when they had more information. Meanwhile Eva called Alacran at his favorite pool hall. She got his voicemail and told him she had talked to her peeps and that this would not happen again. He then got a call from his boss telling him that this was unacceptable. He was peeved and that he had two hours to resolve this. Alacran knew he was up against the wall.

Eva is also likely to be in really hot water very shortly.

Luci-ho entered Johny's office and their dangerous liason was showing. She appeared to brush off a dinner invitation by saying that they should arrive and leave separately; people who work in glass offices and all that. She did agree to meet him later.

León-chino approached Guillermo to check on him. He said he was alright; he faked it well enough to fool most people, but probably not León-chino.

Renata stepped out to the garden and texted her roomie, along with photos. Silviana came out in time to see her taking a gloating selfie, then told her that the food was ready. They went inside and Renata indulged in the snack near the picture window.

In the hospital the doctor told Bel-chino and his wife that Javier could go home the next day. He was past the crisis... just as Bel-chino started having one of his own. They included visions of Santa Muerte followed by a flashback to Old Sparky.

This also affected León-chino. He started to collapse. Guillermo gave him a glass of water. León-chino than took out his handkerchief, which Guillermo was slightly weirded out by.

Bel-chino collapsed and was found by an orderly.

Alacran gave his orders that they were to follow Gastón and get him at the beset moment. Mugres and Marino were told to stick to Alacran and guard him with their lives.

The Inspector chewed Gastón out for not passing information on to the police. Gastón replied that he had received a tip in an anonymous note and that everything was in his article. The Inspector pulled back and told him to be careful.

Julia and her daughter talked about their upcoming difficulties about work and paying the rent. Ust as they were hawking lottery tickts.

Lucho and Val left school. Not sure she wants to really get back together with him.

Guillermo drove Renata home as she went on about his gorgeous home and how her apartment was smaller than his dining room. He asked her how long she had worked at his company, etc., and she went on about her thoughts on rich vs. poor. He said money wasn't everything and she said “Oh, yes, the rich also cry.”

León-chino had pain in his neck and Luci-ho noticed. He drove her to her next assignation appointment.

Mateo and Gastón left the office but Gastón was being watched by Alacran's goons.

Gastón talked on his cell to his wife, who was fetching their daughter from school. She talked about being proud of him.

Eva and Alacran talked on the phone; she had been unable to stop the interview. She told him to trust her that this would not happen again. She said she would not forgive herself if anything happened to Gastón or his family. He said he wouldn't make a move against them.

Gastón got home to find no one and the goons knocked. When he realized who they were he said he had made a mistake. He got very nervous, saying that people forget.They said it had better not happen again. They then asked how old his daughter was and he said she was eight. One good said to another that they couldn't make her an orphan... just before they all drew their pistols and began shooting Gastón at point-blank range.


Why Luci-ho?

Thank you, Urban, I was watching this morning and reading your story at the same time - I had some of your same thoughts, too. Especially about Eva, does she even know in how much trouble she's about to be in?
Poor Gaston, I just hope that we don't get to see a follow-up of the scene at his house. If something happens to his daughter... that's why I don't like narco novelas, they are to close to real life stuff.

I did miss a few episodes, so I might have skipped this part, but has Leonchi installed surveillance cameras in Johhny's office when he was Leon or only now, after he found out the truth about his betrayal? I get having a camera in his own office and all around the house but is the entire company bugged, too? How in the world could Johnny get away with everything then?

The whole Shaman angle bores me... I'm sorry, but the paranormal is not my thing. Camillo seems to be going the more scientific way, I wonder how long before Leonchi and Beltran meet and put two and two together...

Good morning UA and Adriana. UA, it's great to have you back recapping again.

Adriana, unlike you, I'm a sucker for the paranormal and love phrases like "the path of your soul is only in your hands". But you've got dear, rumpled, scietific Camillo. So, something for everybody.

Well thanks to those magical video cameras we don't have to rely on open doors and lurking listeners to pick up the secrets.

Looking forward to watching this today when I take a break from pre-Thanksgiving cleaning and cooking. But again, just glad you're back in the saddle, so to speak, Urban. We've missed you. And thanks for the interesting photo to start the recap. Great shot.

I don't recall any scenes of him having that done. However, I can see the original Leon in the role of benevolent dictator at work except... wouldn't he have found out about money being skimmed?

Thanks, Judy. I made that rosary and others with skull beads. I will be taking photos of those this week. I have more of those beads but crosses large enough for this design are getting harder to find.

I did locate the Univision streaming capability because despite not having a TV set up I still have the cable sub. Now I won't have to miss anything again. My take on this series so far:

The action is moving so fast that character development is suffering a bit. The actors are talking a little too fast and I had to watch this twice to get the details.

Eva is seriously delusional if she thinks that this situation with Alacran won't come back to bite her on the tuchas.

Barbara looks greedy for the dinero that Chino had stashed.

Guillermo will get caught, just you wait.

I don't know who thinks Alejandro Nones is attractive. While he doesn't clean up too bad (kind of like a dark-haired version of Michael C. Hall) he mostly looks like a thug.

Michel Brown's current haircut does nothing for him. I would also have styled his beard differently. Still has great eyes, though.

Angelique is doing her usual great job. She's 30 now, so she does look a bit more mature.

I see from the previous recaps that others have seen the relationship of this to El Cuerpo del Deseo. This is that with narcos.

Watch out for the possibility that those creeps kidnap and traffic in children.

Good Morning! Thank you, UA, excellent recap and that rosary is truly interesting. You made that yourself? Wow, impressive!

I'm pretty sure Leonchi had those cameras installed prior to his death; he hasn;t really had time to install them postmortem. My question is: why hadn't he seen the looks and caresses (or heard the discussions) between Luciho and JohnyBeBad?

Adriana, I don't like narco novelas either, But what's different about this one is that the focus is not on the narco activities so I tolerate it. I'm really glad they spared us from seeing the actual shooting of Gaston.

JudyB, "Well thanks to those magical video cameras we don't have to rely on open doors and lurking listeners to pick up the secrets." ITA, the TNs have finally caught up to technology.

Urban, "Eva is seriously delusional.." Most definitely!!

More laters; my animalitos await :-)

Good Morning all. UA: long time, and thank you.

Every time one of these goons makes a 'management decision' and whacks someone for the sheer fun of it when they have been told NOT to, there is hell to pay. If these pistol waving punks had the IQ of a bright fruit gnat they would know that. But then if they had more horsepower upstairs than said gnat, they wouldn't be doing this to begin with. OK. Nevermind

Eva is flirting with disaster in a big way, as almost everyone agrees. What will be her downfall, and what she is overlooking, is DADDY is no longer there to cover her ass and protect her. We have gotten the impression that previously she spent half her energy fighting with Leon, directly or elsewise, and that is typical of the spoiled rotten prima dona. UNTIL your shenanigans catch up with you, then you snap into Daddy's little sweetheart long enough for him to fix the mess. Um...he is seeing you through a different set of eyes now. Alacran is the only one who sees her as the disposable shop towel that she is. But she IS pretty.

And while I'm at that: What is with LuciHo and these matronly length dresses covering those award winning Bailando por un Sueño legs? Carpet burns?

And does anyone care to venture a guess why Afterlife Chick traded in her trademark black dress for a red one which we saw a glimpse of in the Shaman scene?

I am still wondering what Rosita the busty student has to do with any of this too.

Renata is bubbly, sexy, (in an almost adolescent kind of way) and nice. She should not waste her time on a worm like Guille, but she is, and is pretty much in past the point of no return now.

One more question: Did LeonChi access the Bat Cave from an outside entrance this time rather than the hidden hallway digital code lock?

I too am mystified about the cameras ansd Bat Cave. That is a fairly comprehensive system so it HAD to have been installed by Leon 1.0. W@hy he is now seeing things he did not before must just be writer's liberty.

UA...yes! the actors speak so fast in this one. The only one who speaks clearly for me is the kindly housekeeper and her husband. I can understand her clear as a bell. Every one else, I'm dependent on the Spanish CC's.

And yes again, Alejandro Nones does look like a thug. Or like someone you remember from high school who was a bully. But he's perfect for this slimy role.

Thank you for your recap Urban Anthropology.
I agree with you Kirby, I also don't like the matronly length dresses Lucia wears, it makes her look senora like, she needs to wears more dresses like the red one she tried on while she was seducing Jacobo, but I guess she still has to dress like she is mourning...I am not too crazy about the supernatural events going on either, but it doesn't really bother me too much...My take on Eva is that her greed is causing her to lose sight on what's most important, and her involvement with el Alacran is just a sweet ride to eventual doom...Lucia and Jacobo's relationship needs a kick start already, I want to watch how she falls for him and untangles herself away from Johnny. From the previews, I think that kick start couldn't be more closer hehehe ;)


Kirby, it does seem strange that AfterLife Chick's dress style is changing...it's gotta mean something, but beats me what it could be. In regards to the batcave, they didn't really show how Leonchi entered the batcave, they only showed him sneaking into the house through a back/side door.

I too like Renata; she's like a breathe of fresh air amidst all the gloom and doom.

AfterLife Chick is really hard for me to get a handle on. She materializes at the most opportune times, and always has that half smirk. The one time she accidentally on purpose bumped into LeonChi in the park or somewhere.

Then there was the always floor length black dress which shortened to above the knees once to do the park encounter above.

Now we have a bright red dress. I don't see her in the mornings in the mirror, thinking: "Babyoooh, check it out, hair turned out good this morning. I feel sexy, red it is. Oh yeah, to DIE for."

And where is she getting all those black moths?

The final kill scene in this episode reminded me of the opening scene in Beverly Hills Cop where the villains pretended to forgive the guy who ran off with the goods, just told him to"just never let it happen again" and then obliterated him. So often I see reflections of American movies in these, both comedy and drama.

Lucia's dresses don't strike me as being too prudish, they are so tight you can actually count her ribs; and she does know how to work a cleavage. I think this is a wardrobe decision, if they made her outfits shorter,too, she would appear as being really slutty, which is not the point the show is trying to make. Yeah, she's involved with JohnnyBeBad and complicit to a murder, but she still is the heroine and she needs to have some redeeming qualities. Like the fact that she's actually mourning Leon and she does seem to show some concern for his younger kids.
In my opinion they haven't decided yet what to do about her fate, will she get her redemption and ride into the sunset with Leonchi or she'll crash and burn next to her JohnnyBoy? So, in the meantime, they just play it half-half - as Urban put it really well, some of the character development hasn't been too great so far and Lucia is sure suffering from it, since we still don't know what her angle and endgame are.

I don't give to much thought to the moments the DeathLady shows up, I take her like an omen, a visual alert of the fact that these guys are supposed to be dead. The outfit change could be about the men's state of mind? Black at first because they had been on the verge of dying, red now because they are in the middle of big, turbulent messes... I don't know, I'm making stuff up.

I've been wondering about the batcave, too. Getting in without being spotted is one thing, but how does he always manage to get out when there is nobody in the kitchen? Why would he make the access in a place where there is almost always someone present? Maybe there really is another entrance somewhere in the yard?

Leon might have been a smart business man but imagine all the heartache he could have been spared of (not to mention his life) if he had started to listen on Johnny earlier...

Adriana, I agree with your take on Lucia’s dresses. She needs to appear professional and respectable. Though her dresses are longer, she can still be very enticing especially if the style of the dresses flatters her figure and other assets.

And you may be making stuff up, but your theory on Lady Death’s wardrobe change makes sense.

I think there is an entrance on the outside of the mansion; there would need to be for several reasons. Otherwise that room is a trap.

I don't think Teresa got her due at the end of that series as she was not a nice person at all. I didn't for one second buy the idea of her giving up that nine-figure bank account at the end to get Arturo back. However, Lucia here had a worse childhood as it went beyond poverty. She looks like she might be set up for redemption but it is too early to tell. I really don't like the recent trend of writers failing to develop characters because they want to keep their options open on them. They just need to improve their writing.

Adriana Good Point about Leon: 'If you begin to suspect your life is actually a TN, don't trust anybody.' :-)

He probably has a camera on the BatCave entrance, so he can look from within and make sure the coast is clear. Otherwise getting out is a sure fire way to get caught as he materializes in the hall/kitchen out of nowhere.

"Wup ! Dad, where did you come from?"
"Oh I was over there checking the thermostat, it seems warm in here, you walked right past me." (sweating bullets by now)
"Yeah, you walked right past me."

I told Guilly that weed last night smelled funny. Yikes!

isn't beltran asthmatic? he smoked a lot with el chaman, guess thats why he feels so bad. El chino must've forgotten or just didn't care

Are you guys liking this one? Is it worth watching?

Oh, oh when will Por Amar start?

Victoria: I really like it, as it is a bit different from the run of the mill every day TN. It is kind of complicated, but interesting. It is by the same Studios, W Studios and Lemon Films, who did Descontrol, La Piloto, and Bela and La Bestias.

Urban--Great debut and return to telenovelalaland. Your signature photos are always so interesting--I remember the fans in, what was it...Que Bonito Amor? (Gee, I miss Jorge.)

Victoria--I think we are all liking this one. We especially like Leon II in his new "package." But you will have to ask Kirby if there are enough dolls for him in this one. Don't know a thing about Por Amar. Who is in it and when was it filmed?

I agree, what is Rosita doing in this, unless she plans to be the juvenile Camilo and figure things out. Interesting that she is the one that knew the shaman, yet he wouldn't let her in.

Let's not overthink the Bat Cave, folks. It is what it is. Enjoy the fact that WE can now see all the goings on, along with Leonchi.

Victoria, I think this is a TN definitely worth watching. Good unique storyline and good actors head the cast. And as Anita indicates Leon 2.0 is (deep breath) muy guapo! I’d watch the TN just to see those baby blues :-)

The fans were on QBA and I think I once posted this rosary photo on a Toxic Mothers page.

And yes, I miss Jorge too. When the hell is he getting a new series?

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