Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Amar a Muerte, 2/26/2019, Episode 78: A Hard Fall from Grace

Eva arrives at Alacrán’s hideout and is patted down before she enters to see Alacrán. After she and the goons enter, Mateo cautiously comes out from the side of the building. He doesn’t dare go inside, but finds a scaffolding leading up to the second floor and starts his way up.

At Barb’s house, LCJ (León/Chino/Jacobo) laughs as he teases Camilo for trying to be a jokester in his old age since he is trying to make him believe that his daughter is laundering money for the Cartel de los Sierra. Cami chides LCJ for thinking that he would go there just to say jokes so that LCJ can have a good time. When Cami tells LCJ that Mateo went to his house, LCJ asks him to tell him exactly what Mateo said.  Mateo told Cami something very serious—the Carvajal Group is involved in money laundering. Cami asks LCJ to think about who heads the company if not Eva. LCJ thinks that the idea that his daughter is laundering money in the company that he built is crazy. Cami asserts that Mateo arrived at his house and he has evidence. This is a critical situation since LCJ has been marked as a sicario. LCJ wants to go talk to Mateo so Mateo can explain it to him, but Cami tells him he can’t; Cami is there so LCJ can tell him what he needs to do.

 At Alacrán’s hideout, Mateo has reached the second floor and is looking around. Meanwhile, Eva sits beside Alacrán smiling at him and telling him he will be well. Mateo finds an opening where he can see and hear Eva clearly as she tells Alacrán that she will be there to take care of him and that he is the most important thing to her…and that she loves him. Mateo continues to watch as Eva kisses Alacrán; devastated, he sits back as he despairs over what he has just seen and heard.  Is that Bed Bath and Beyond-Baby deposit refundable, Mat?

 At the Carvajal study, Lucía thinks it’s incredible that Candela has been there only two hours and she is already looking for a way to steal from her. Candela claims that she is only looking around and seeing how nice the house is. (Sometimes called casing the joint) Candela tells Lucía to relax, but Lucía can’t; she wants to know what it is that Candela wants. Candela reiterates that she is just seeing how nice Lucía mansion is…well, errr, “our” mansion; because it’s only natural since she is her mother. She gave birth to her, she gave her food, she gave her a roof over her head; it’s time that Lucía repay her the favor. Lucía doesn’t think she owes Candela anything. Candela continues that Lucía has more than enough rooms, more than enough cars and lots of servants; Candela just wants what should be hers. When Lucía asks her to define “what should be hers,” Candela replies that she is going to charge her interest on everything she invested in Lucía’s upbringing…she wants a big slice of everything Lucía has.  If we thought her past actions indicated mental deficiencies, she just confirmed it.

At Alacrán’s hideout, Alacrán tells Gancho to get out of the room. Once gone, Alacrán confides to Eva that when he got shot, he became scared that he would die and he felt angry because he wouldn’t see her again. Eva reassures him that he won’t die and he will see her again because she will always be with him…as Mateo listens.

At the sanatorium, Micaela sings as she walks down the hall and is surprised to see her professor (Beltrino) whom she hasn’t seen in so long.

At Silvina’s house, Lupita is distressed to think that her husband’s soul is in another man’s body. Pancho never thought something like this could happen; and Lupita doesn’t think she will be able to handle this…it scares her. When Pancho wonders if Lupita is thinking about going back to El Chino, Lupita can’t believe he is even thinking that. To Lupita, Beltrino is a man whom she just met and there is no reason for him to come back into her life. Juls approaches and tells Lupita that Vale just told her that Lucho had been killed. Lupita confirms that Lucho was killed…all because he was trying to save her (Lupita). Vale called the cops and gave them the address; if it weren’t for Lucho and Vale, she and Juls would be dead.

At the Carvajal study, Lucía now recognizes her mother as who she really is; nothing that Candela does surprises her. Deep down, Lucía knew that Candela would come back into her life…to continue taking advantage of her. Candela thinks that anyone who could hear Lucía talk would think that she is a monster. Lucía, however, thinks that whoever would hear Candela talk would think that she (Candela) is a victim. Candela agrees that she is a victim; after all, Lucía abandoned her. As she cries, Lucía responds, “That is probably the only good decision I have made in my life…no one likes to leave their own home, but if I had had a normal mother, a mother that cares for her child, a loving mother, a mother that tells you that you can count on her. And you, Candela, what did you do? You made everything dirty.” After Candela claims that she loved Lucía very much…in her own way, Lucía retorts, “And what was your way? Pimping me out every night with as many men as you could?” Candela, holding back her fake tears, walks away. Lucy, don't you have some kind of gun handy?

At Barb’s house, LCJ is adamantly disavowing the idea that his company is involved with a group of narcos and, now, that his daughter is pregnant when, in all her life, she has never wanted to have children. Cami points out the dilemma that poor Mateo has—sending his wife who is pregnant to prison OR becoming her accomplice. Still upset, LCJ questions why his daughter, who has all the money in the world, would get involved with a narco group. Cami asks himself the same thing and also wonders how long Mateo should keep his mouth closed. LCJ wants Cami to tell Mateo to wait a while and give them time to resolve this, but Cami wonders what Mateo should wait for.

At Alacrán’s hideaway, Eva has talked to the doctor and tells Alacrán that if he strictly follows the doctor’s orders, he will come out of this just fine. Eva has to leave and reassures Alacrán that he will be well; Alacrán thinks that with a nurse like her, he’ll be fine. Meanwhile, on the second floor, Mateo is hunched over listening as Gancho sneaks up behind him as he points a gun at Mateo’s head. When Gancho sees that it is Mateo, he wonders what he’s doing there. Mateo replies that he was following the lead Gancho gave him…his wife! Gancho thinks that they really pulled one on Mateo. Just then, the other goon calls out, so Gancho tells Mateo not to make a sound. After he tells the goon that he found nothing and the goon leaves, Gancho goes back to Mateo, but Mateo is gone. Is a Good Goon kinda like Animal Crackers?

At the sanatorium, Beltrino, Alicia and Micaela sit at a table talking. Micaela is very happy to see the professor and hopes that he remembers her. Alicia interjects that this is not the Beltrán she knows…at least that is what he insists; he is a transmigrant like her. Alicia shares about the accident and how she thought Beltrán had survived, but this man who is with her says that he is not her husband; that is why they are there. After Micaela asks Beltrino to show her his neck, she sees his butterfly mark and proceeds to show him hers. Micaela is excited since she didn’t know there were others like her. When she asks who he is, Beltrino responds that he wasn’t anyone significant. Now he has Alicia and their son, but he also wants to live for his other family from his former life. Alicia is taken aback since she thought Beltrino no longer cared about his former life. Beltrino looks angrily at her and hisses that he is confused and needs answers. He has met others like Micaela, but no one has been able to give him any answers. Micaela is surprised that the world is being filled with crazies like them; she wants to meet them.

At the Carvajal house, Sergio is about to leave and asks Vale if he will see her at the funeral. Vale cries that she doesn’t think she will be going; she doesn’t know how to face Lucho’s parents. Sergio reminds her that Lucho’s parents adored her; it will help them to see her there. Vale doesn’t think so; and when they find out that it was her fault that Lucho died, they will want to see her even less. Lucho told her that they should go look for Juls so that she could be there when Juls was released. They thought the cops would be there and everything would be over. Sergio wonders what they expected since they were dealing with sicarios. Vale knows that she was thoughtless; she should have told Lucho ‘no.’ As she cries, Sergio emphasizes that Vale did not kill Lucho. She should go to the funeral since she was very important to Lucho.

At Silvina’s house, Pancho explains to Juls that Vale was there all the time ever since she found out that Juls had been kidnapped; she was very worried and kept on top of everything that was happening. When he tells her that Vale came with Sergio, Juls is surprised. Lupita then asks Juls if it is true that Sergio is her boyfriend; Juls responds that he is definitely not and wonders where Lupita would get that idea. Lupita responds that Vale told them.

Mateo returns to his house with a bottle of tequila in hand. He recalls Eva’s words to Alacrán; the words echo painfully in his head.

At the Carvajal house, Renata is walking around admiring the furniture. As she’s looking at Eva’s picture, Eva walks in with her signature stroking of her brown locks. Eva wonders what Renata is doing there; so Renata explains that they will be staying there for a few days until Vale feels better. Eva is repulsed that they are turning the house into a slum. After Renata tells Eva that Guille went out to dinner with Mayela and her father, Eva thinks it’s amusing that Guille brought her to the house, but then abandoned her to go have dinner with the woman he truly should be with. Renata affirms that Guille did invite her to go with them, but she preferred to stay there. Eva smirks and thinks Renata is so sweet…Renata probably didn’t want to feel out of place since a magistrate, a millionaire, and a TV celebrity just don’t mix with a simple secretary. Renata doesn’t back down and tells Eva that she knows exactly what Eva is wanting to do by saying those comments, but she’s not going to get her way. Eva scoffs and tells Renata to continue doing what she was doing—looking at the furniture, the paintings and the décor; maybe that way she will understand that she does not belong in that world.  An anvil somewhere doubled in size again.

At Barb’s house, LCJ has calmed down and can’t stop thinking of Eva. Barb brings him and Cami some food (From 7-11?)  as she comments that children also make bad decisions. Annoyed, LCJ tells her to be quiet; this is not a matter of good or bad decisions; Eva is behaving like a criminal. Never in his life did LCJ think that she would do something like that. Barb again opens her mouth and reminds LCJ that his other daughter is a homosexual. (Barb can be sooo comforting sometimes.  Like being beaten with a burning cactus.)  LCJ harshly tells her to ‘quit it!’ LCJ wonders what they should do now; so Barb whispers that he should tell Cami his plan. LCJ thinks that it’s time that everyone knows the truth.

At Alacrán’s hideaway, Gancho goes to talk to one of the goons who is drinking by himself. Gancho worries that the cops will find them at any moment. The goon agrees but points out that the boss can’t be moved or he will die, but Gancho thinks that they are in this situation because of Alacrán’s obsession with chasing El Chino…there is no reason why they should pay the consequences for that. When Gancho suggests that they each look out for themselves, the goon wonders if Gancho is thinking about taking out Alacrán. Gancho indicates a ‘maybe’ and tells him to think about it as he leaves.

At the sanatorium, Micaela tells Beltrino that she was returned to the living less than a year ago.  At first, she didn’t understand anything, but little by little, she figured things out and even got used to “Tosca,” her butterfly mark…she named it after her favorite opera. Tosca has been her best counselor since Tosca tells her when she is doing things well or not. It gets bigger, then smaller; and thanks to her, Micaela figured out that her cancer had much to do with her lifestyle and her arrogance. When her soul came into this body, Micaela went to Beltrán’s seminary and it helped her quite a bit; she learned about transmigration through Beltrán. The real Professor Beltrán explained to her that one shouldn’t be afraid of death; it is just the door to an existence with sacrifices. Beltrino gets impatient because that is what he hears from everyone; he needs solid answers. Micaela wonders if he hasn’t figured out that he returned for a reason…that he is part of a plan which includes him. Beltrino wonders how she could know that; how can she know that Death has a plan for him. Micaela questions if Beltrino really thinks that Alicia found her just by coincidence. She adds that that is what she has learned; that they all form a part of a bigger plan. Beltrino gets very impatient and grumbles that he wants her to tell him exactly what she discovered. After Beltrino calms himself down and Micaela agrees to tell them everything from the beginning, she senses the butterfly. After Beltrino and Micaela look at the butterfly on the wall and stop talking, Micaela gets scared and runs off…as Death Chick watches.

Vale is in bed as Silvina gives her a sedative, but Vale doesn’t think sleeping will make her feel better. Silvina understands and adds that only time can heal. As Vale cries that she feels so guilty, Juls calls her, but Vale doesn’t want to talk to anyone.

At his house, Mateo looks through a picture album. As he recalls Mayela congratulating him for becoming a father, he tears a picture of him and Eva into small pieces. He then tears a picture of Eva as her words of love to Alacrán echo in his head.

At the Carvajal living room, Eva is having a drink when Candela approaches and asks Eva to pour her a drink. After Eva gives Candela the bottle so she can pour it herself, Candela wonders if Eva portrays what a millionaire looks like and asks her how much money she has. Eva scoffs at such a daring question…it’s in bad taste, but even Candela’s name is in bad taste. Candela laughs and replies that she is always asked that question…by the baker and the butcher when they want to make sure she has money to pay. When Candela sees that Eva is not amused, she thinks Eva is bitter and not everyone is like that. After Eva responds that everyone chooses the life they want to lead, Candela counters that if there weren’t rich people as rich as Eva, there wouldn’t be poor people as poor as her. She adds that it is very easy to be arrogant and unappealing when life has given you every opportunity unlike her who has learned from life’s hard knocks. Eva wonders why Candela is complaining since she is there in that house. Candela’s daughter is a millionaire just like Eva; the only difference is that Eva got her money from the cradle…and Lucía got her money from the bed. Candela laughs as she tells Eva not to pretend that she is perfect because everyone has a limping foot (“todo mundo tiene un pie de qué cojea” aka skeletons in the closet)…and she is sure that Eva is not the exception. Behind those nice hairstyles, green eyes, porcelain skin, and expensive clothes could be hiding a long tail that can be stepped on. Eva snaps back that she knows Candela likes the nightlife, but thinks it’s time that Candela go to sleep. (Yes, with the fishes)

In Lucía’s bedroom, Johny wants Lucía to forget about things for a while so that they can come up with a plan to calm her down. Lucía, strutting around with her hands on her hips, tells Johny that the only thing she wants right now is that he get out of her room; she doesn’t want to see him…she wants to be alone. Johny frowns as he agrees that he messed up; it was a really bad idea. Tomorrow morning he will send Candela back to her hometown. After he apologizes, Johny tries to kiss Lucía, but she pushes him away and tells him not to touch her. Johny wonders why she is rejecting him and if she wants to go looking for her chauffeur. Lucía snarls that that is none of his business. Johny removes his glasses and tells Lucía to listen up; if she even thinks of doing something stupid with the chauffeur again… Lucía interrupts as she grabs him by the lapels and demands to know, “What are you going to do, Johny? Are you going to kill me…or what…EH?” After she releases him, they stare each other down until Johny puts on his glasses and walks away.   The knee, Lucia, the KNEE.  He needs the knee!

 Back at their home, Beltrino and Alicia sit at the edge of their bed. Beltrino wonders if Alicia now believes him. It’s too much for Alicia; she needs to hear it from a doctor or scientist. Beltrino knows a good one, but it’ll be of no use; no one has been able to give him any answers. Alicia still wants to know who he is; so Beltrino gives her Camilo’s name and tells her about the book he wrote. It’s taking a lot for Alicia to accept that he is not her Beltrán…she will be sleeping with Javier tonight. Rats, that was the only redeeming thing you two had going.

In the guest bedroom, Renata talks to Keila on the phone and tells her she feels strange in that house; it seems so cold. The house is big and the furniture is beautiful, but she misses her apartment, Tlacoyo, and the pajama parties with Keila. In addition to that, she has to put up with Keila’s boss and people who come here who are really odd. As Renata lays on the bed, she gets a chill; she tells Keila she wants to leave…as a black butterfly rests on the wall.

Outside the house, Guille is being dropped off by Mayela and her father. Guille thanks Mayela with a hug and walks toward the house, but Mayela follows. This house brings up many memories for her and she isn’t sure that she is ready to let them go. Guille is tired and would rather talk about this some other day. Mayela just wants a hug; so Guille obliges. Mayela then tells him that when she found out he was in jail, her whole world came tumbling down…and she has never been able to stop thinking about him. As Guille tells her that she shouldn’t make things more complicated, Renata walks by the wall-size window and watches as Mayela grabs Guille and kisses him. After Renata gasps and starts walking away unseen, Guille pushes Mayela away and asks why she would do that. It’s what Mayela feels and it’s not fair that she should ignore what she feels. Guille questions if she thinks it’s fair to him especially since he has a girlfriend. Guille then guides her back to her car.

Montilla is walking out of the police station as he talks to his wife on the phone. Soon after he ends that call, LCJ calls him to ask if they caught Alacrán. Montilla chastises LCJ and asks if he is worried; LCJ should come to the station so Montilla can give him all the details…and he can arrest him because LCJ should know that he will catch him eventually. LCJ smartly returns that he does know that Montilla is a very good inspector who does his job well, but LCJ wants to talk to him about something else.  LCJ needs to see him, but it has to be by himself. Montilla wonders if LCJ is going to turn himself in, but LCJ tells him that for now he has some information that can help him in his investigation of León Carvajal’s murder. Montilla doesn’t hesitate in asking when they can meet. LCJ tells him that they can meet the next day in the afternoon, but he has to come alone; if he brings someone else, Montilla will never see him again…since he is good at getting away.

In the Carvajal study, Eva calls Alacrán, but he is asleep. Eva makes plans to go the next day and thanks Gancho for taking care of him. Eva then calls Mateo who is still boozing it up, but he refuses to answer.

In the bedroom, Renata is angrily packing her clothes. Guille wonders why, so she tells him if he doesn’t think it is enough that he keeps sucking face with Mayela. Guille responds that it isn’t what it appears to be. Renata retorts that she is not crazy; she saw how he caressed, hugged, and kissed her. Guille gets frustrated and tells Renata that he can’t control what Mayela feels, but he can control what he does…and he is not going to betray Renata. Renata trusts him, but she doesn’t trust Mayela who isn’t going to rest until she breaks them up. When Guille responds that Renata is exaggerating, Renata pleads with him to open his eyes; Mayela is a witch who is disguised as his best friend. After Guille tries to defend Mayela by saying that she had been drinking, Renata gives up and starts to leave, but Guille pleads with her and reminds her that he has enough problems in his life without her doing this to him. Renata can’t take this anymore; she understands Guille and won’t leave, but she wants a separate bedroom.  Better known as 'Cut Off'.

 The Next Day—

Candela wakes up to find Lucía in HER room, but Lucía pointedly reminds her that this is her room…her house. Candela suggests getting coffee before arguing, but Lucía sternly tells her that her honeymoon in that house is over; she wants Candela to shower, get dressed, and leave the house that day.

In Vale’s bedroom, Juls waits until Vale wakes up. Once awake, Juls tells her she came over as soon as she could. They hug tightly as Vale cries. Juls is sorry about Lucho. Vale explains how Lucho helped her find the place where Juls was being held and that she called the cops. Vale only wanted to be there so that Juls could see her when she was released. Silvina then knocks and tells Vale that they received a call to inform them about Lucho’s funeral. Juls offers to go with Vale to the funeral, but Vale assumes that Juls should go with Sergio since they are seeing each other. After Juls denies a relationship with Sergio, Vale asks if it is also a lie that Juls had sex with him.

Eva is her own bedroom and suddenly wakes up and sees that Mateo is not there. She calls him, but it goes to his voicemail. Meanwhile, Mateo is about to work on his report when he sees LCJ in the patio. LCJ just wants a few moments of his time; he talked to Camilo and they need to talk about Eva…Mateo should just take it as LCJ coming on behalf of León Carvajal. Mateo questions why he should talk to a chauffeur and what they could possibly have to talk about. When LCJ mentions the money laundering with the Cartel de los Sierra, Mateo wonders why LCJ would even care. LCJ retorts that he cares because he knows Eva more than Mateo can imagine; and he knows that Eva is incapable of doing something like that unless she was threatened. Mateo thinks LCJ sounds exactly like Cami; they think they know the Carvajal family, but they don’t. LCJ must think he knows Eva because she is laundering money with El Alacrán, but what LCJ doesn’t know is that Eva is also f***ing Alacrán. LCJ is dumbfounded…


Thank You Ms. Chik, very thorough. Poor Mateo having to see it with his own eyes to realize what he should have seen in his non-marriage six months ago. Now the stupid guy can stop making excuses for the witch he is married to. Get pissed, then get EVEN.

So tired of this one sided #MeToo shit. So why did Guille not haul off and slap the pee doodle sheet out of Mayela when she pulled her last stunt? If the sexes were reversed, Guille would be in jail. Don't blame Renata, she should lay down the rules and if Guille can not wriggle away from Mayela for good, Reni should look up Teo or #anybodybutGuille. What was with that DC Butterfly in Renata's room? Scary. Those things are everywhere lately. #Bugspray

Loopy, Juls, Vale, Pooch-O, Lunko, ZZZZZZZZZZ just like a commercial. And they all cry ugly.

BTW, is there ANYONE in this show who should not be in a twelve steps program? Every one of these drink morning, noon and night. Many things in life you can not do safely when you are two sheets in the wind. But then, none of these people except Reni, Keila and Montillo do anything productive anyway. Bottoms up!

Points for Lucia for finally getting in Johny's face in no uncertain terms. Then very gracefully kicking out the cockroach. Shower, breakfast, drinks, and be out today? Should have been, like "Hey Hoe, your cab is outside. Get in or security will help you get in. Burn in Hell. Owe you for being my Mom? Ha"

Beautiful title for a heartbreaking episode. Troll Mateo all you want for being blind to the problems in his marriage, but witnessing a betrayal like that is the worst. A marriage counselor I know once compared his clients who had been cheated on like concentration camp survivors. They come in gaunt and hollowed it and never really recover. A betrayal like that is like being gut shot.

However, I do agree with Kirby that pretty much everybody needs a 12-step program. Booze is turned to immediately, whatever the crisis. Not our sweet Renata though. She stayed sober and persistently argued her case. Guille didn't do as well.

Aside from galan paralysis, he really muffed his chances by focusing on HIS feelings..."Don't hassle me when I'm having a hard time already" rather than working harder to understand HER feelings.

Reminds me of this quip "It's not enough for a narcissist to be the center of his own world, he must also be the center of yours." You blew it, Guille.

Back to the recap: Loved this observation:

Candela claims that she is only looking around and seeing how nice the house is. (Sometimes called casing the joint)

and also this:

An anvil somewhere doubled in size again. [Eva]

I was beginning to feel sorry for our pissy big sister as she sped to Alacrán's side, but that pretty much nixed it.

I agree that the mariposa is useful for finding one's path and recognizing one's faults, but why lay a guilt trip on cancer patients with the "My arrogance" helped cause my disease" We're all self-centered but we don't all get cancer. C'mon!!!

Alight, that was the only thing that really annoyed me. People dealing with illnesses don't need to blame themselves...or their moms. (For many years, docs blamed Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis on bad moms as well. Not to mention homosexuality)

Well, as usual, I'm waiting with bated breath for the next episode. Thanks for this great recap and all the wonderful screencaps Rgv Chick.

"Hollowed OUT" Sorry.

Judy: I'll bring the BBQ, French fries & other accessories....

Everybody on here should watch the BIGLY anvil with Eva's name on it.

Thank you, RGV Chick, a great read, especially since I haven't watched the show in a while and I don't have a lot of spare time to get back into it. But I just might make the effort for the moment Eva is finally revealed to her siblings for what she truly is. Poor Mateo, indeed, but what will he do with the information he has?

I'm confused, why is Renata still at the mansion? She wants another bedroom? Go home, girl, kiss your cat, count your blessings and turn the page on the Carvajals.

I think Lucia needs to leave the mansion, too, she has enough money to start fresh somewhere else, far away from Johnny. Yeah, we wouldn't have any show then right?

Is Bigly a word?

Greetings, Patio! Thank you, thank you for the kind critiques and such insightful comments.

Yes, Kirby, It's hard not to notice that drink (or bottle) that just about everyone has in hand ALL THE TIME! With so much drinking going on, I'm surprised they haven't given us a close-up of what brand of liquor they are drinking.

JudyB, re: Mateo: "witnessing a betrayal like that is the worst" ITA. I feel really sorry for Mateo. his whole world just fell on him...Eva landed right on top of him from that high pedestal he had her on. I really do want Eva to have a really heavy anvil befll her, but I don;t want the baby to perish for her sins.

Guille is a spineless idiot. He should have thrown Mayela and her so-called friendship to the curb a LONG time ago. Renata certainly shouldn't put up with his blind cowardice. Kirby, I too was wondering why the butterfly was in her room...hopeoing it's not an omen; she certainly is not deserving of it. Adriana, Renata should listen to your sage advice.

Lucia needs to be very careful in how she handles Johny. She knows what he is capable of and he may just turn on her if he sees that he is losing her. I think he brought back Candela because he saw how independent and strong Lucia is becoming; he probably thinks Candela can break Lucia's confidence so that she'll go running back to him.


Thank you, Chickie.

Hmmm..Anita reminded us several times in her recap that Al "is bleeding " but Eva says he will survive.

Lucia's mother is awful. What a gigantic nerve expecting Lucia to support her after putting her into prostitution ,

I agree that Renata needs to move on. Guille is an idiot letting Mayela paw all over him.

RGV, then if that was Johny's game plan with bringing in the Floozy while he MUST know there are less than two dozen episodes left, it backfired badly. :-)

He had Lucia grabing him by his lapels and reading him the riot act, followed by her curt instructions to FloozyMom to be gone in under 24 hours.

Needless to say, Johny infuriates me. If only LCJ could actually do anything more forceful than send cryptic emails and texts, Lucia might depend on him for help with Johny. Thus far, he has done a Lot of talking and eye blinking, but miraculously, Johny seems unaffected.

Gracias, RGVChick. Too many brilliant ones to list.

WTF was Guille doing dining with Mayeli and her parents? I don't blame Renata for being angry. She should go home, change her locks, cuddle her cat, and let Guille sink or swim in the real world at this point. I have mixed feelings about that advice as this would mean that Eva wins.

We'll see what tune she sings when everyone else knows how deeply she herself is slumming.

I wonder what Candela has the nerve to describe as a "pittance."

Kirby, love the #Bugspray hashtag, but seriously, what do we think would happen if anyone got a can of Raid on those black moths? I suspect that would incur the wrath of Dona Muerte.

Urban: Much as I like Dona Muerte, I was a bit put off with her sending one of her little black drones to visit Renata. WTF? Her only sin is being criminally nice.

And maybe arrestably hott too. :-)

Renata needs to grab Keila, and their itty bitty bikinis and go far away to some beach somewhere and go on a serious manhunt. Pssst...I've heard good things about Florida......

Old Candy Pants must have thought she had gone to Hooker Heaven: Drinking good whiskey, none of the men smelled bad, and she was by far the skankiest dressed one there.

Hey Patio: Does Lucia know that Johny killed Susana? I am pretty sure, but somehow am drawing a blank.

Kirby: Lucia better watch her back because Psychopath Johnny isn't done adding to the growing Body Count just yet.

UA: I hope there's a BIGLY anvil with Eva's name on it & hits that EXPLETIVE hard.

RGV Chick: I'm crossing my fingers Death Chick makes a visit to Eva soon.

Steve, I want Eva alive to the bitter end and suffering every second.

It would be cool if Lucia and Candy could get into some altercation and Lucia kill her. Maybe that would put Johny on notice that he better watch his backside. And that would be real justice to kill her own Mother, the one who ruined her life to begin with. Very cleansing, I'd think.

Holy Shitzuu, RGV Gal--Thank you for coloring this horrible landscape and staying within the lines. Excellent. Especially Mateo's heartbreak. How much worse is it going to get?

Do we HAVE to have Guille and Ren separated again? Ren's right, though. Mayela is a tick the dog dropped on him and she's already burrowed her way in. I noticed she was wearing white that night. What happened to the red jump suit? Does she feel more virgin-like in white?

It doesn't look as though Micaela helped Alicia at all.

Kirby--Sorry, I don't want Luci's hands bloodied with fresh red blood. We're pretty sure Candela isn't going to just walk away empty handed. Better she steal something valuable--not something she can stuff in her bra. Fab catches her on her way out. (Where is he these days, anyway?) Fab calls Montilla. He arrives with 5 SUV's and armed popos to take her in. She should get Tono and Guille's cell.

No, Luci doesn't know Johny actually killed Susana. He's never confessed that to her. He knows she would walk away with that slice of pizza. Susana's death had to do with HIS promoting himself as being behind pro-S-B news. It didn't have anything to do with Luci. She was affected by Mateo's reaction, but he and Montilla's report are still sticking to something she ate to which she was deadly allergic.

I agree there's too much drinking that goes on in this AND in other tns. It also happens in American soaps and series and movies. At least there's not much smoking any more--except for Leon, who apparently liked a good cigar once in awhile. I watch movies from the 40s and 50s from time to time and it's amazing how much smoking goes on. It didn't bother me until the last few decades. Now I'm repulsed by it--just because it's a nasty habit that kills a lot of people (including members of my family).

RGV--"I think he brought back Candela because he saw how independent and strong Lucia is becoming; he probably thinks Candela can break Lucia's confidence so that she'll go running back to him." Johny is definitely dangerous. You nailed it. But it didn't work, did it? When he took his glasses off, I thought to myself that Luci should have socked him with his glasses ON.

I'm working on a little AAM project that requires me to go back through all the episodes (to be revealed later). We had been wondering when LCJ had seen Death Chick before and here's one we left out from Kirby's 12/12/19, Episode 29 recap. It had certainly slipped my mind.

"After Armenta states that there will be no more deaths…death will have to move to another country for lack of a job, Death Chick sits beside LCJ and remarks, “Really?” She asks LCJ, “Let’s see, you who know so much about death, what is your opinion? Do you think death will listen to what that decrepit old man has to say?” LCJ thinks she has him confused with someone else, but Death Chick sees it in his eyes, she sees it clearly. His eyes are not his, they come from elsewhere, and they didn’t always see what he sees now. LCJ asks for a drink so they can continue talking, but Death Chick disappears."

"So tired of this one sided #MeToo shit."

Lol, you're tired? Thank god you're not a woman because if you were you'd never survive. The reason that #metoo is "one sided" is because men are generally the ones assaulting women and getting away with it, our society places more worth on men than it does on women and we constantly justify men's bad actions as "boys being boys". Let's get real, if men were raped or assaulted at the rate women are things wouldn't be so "one sided". I'm in awe at your anger that a fictional character was touched without his consent, but I wonder if you have any empathy for women who are raped and abused in real life every day, or any sympathy for the women that have to put up with the abuse they get from men in power in order to not lose their jobs, I seriously doubt that you do.


I'll let Kirby speak for himself, Juju, but I think Kirby was exhibiting just that, the one-sided-ness of the whole no consent, no touch. I think it was sardonic as well as sarcastic. At any rate, that's how I took it.

BTW--I'm not excusing Guille's behavior. Ok, so Renata had been invited. She's the one that turned down the invitation. OTOH, they BOTH promised not to leave Vale's side. He's the one that should have turned down the invitation for both of them.

The jab Eva was making was, that the man who went with Guille and Mayela was her dad and the magistrate who had something to do with getting the judge to review the case or let the video become part of the evidence. It was appropriate for Guille to go out to celebrate, but that night was not the right night--least of all without Renata--to whom he at one time said he was proud of his relationship with her.

And here we go with the making excuses for grown men. Yes, it is one sided, women are victims of sexual abuse more than men, women have historically been treated like we don't matter, it wasn't that long ago that we couldn't vote or work outside the home, we were property. We should not be angry at the fact that women are standing up and saying "no more", we should be outraged that it did not happen sooner.

And, to bring it back to our novelas, how many productions have we seen where women being raped is a plot point? Should we sit and compare how many women suffered through rapes in novelas and compare that number to men?

If he had said "it is 2019, no man or woman should be touched by a creeper" I'd totally be down with that BUT that's not what he said, he's upset that the #metoo movement is a thing, and he apparently feels that in the era of #metoo it is okay to hit women who get into your personal space, imagine if we as women had the option to do that with every creep that tries to cross the line?

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