Thursday, February 07, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 2/6/19 Capítulo 102 GirlS Gone Wild--Or--Neto Loses Round #2 and More

Guido has finished preparing Dani's tea and he brings it to her. He says it is good for her nerves.  He starts going on about how he knows she is going through such a complicated time in her life. He is to a certain degree, also.  He mentions how he still doesn't understand how Gabriel could die so young and so quickly.  She sips the tea.  He says the tea will do her good.

Neto has changed into his borrowed black pants and shirt from Pancho. Earlier Pancho brought them linens and some clothes. The twins and Yolo have changed, too. Of course, Yolo is sulking. Neto tells her to take care of her brothers because he has to go to work.  He tells them they are allowed in the building but not out on the street.   Yolo closes the door behind him and tell the twins it is time to initiate her plan to get them out of this terrible place.

Neto runs into Eugenio as he leaves the building. Eugenio demands to know who he is and Eugenio introduces himself. They joke back and forth and Eugenio tells him that his wife calls him Eugenio or "mal genio" (bad mood).

Andi asks Yolo about the plan and hopes it won't affect their dad  because he is supporting them. She tells the twins how bad things are going to be if they think this is the best place to live.  They decide they won't be helping her.  Fine,  will be doing this on her own. She thinks back about Ari who loaned her a charger for her phone. She asked how to find him on Facebook so they could be friends.  She said it was always good to meet great people.  They shook hands. Yolo decides to put out an invitation for a rooftop party on Facebook.  Everyone says to make friends, so that is what she will do.  Then they will see if Blanca and Pancho still want them there.

Neto tells Eugenio this story and that his wife Blanca has been very good to them.  Eugenio says that Blanca has a huge heart.  As for his mother Imelda, she can be a bit closed minded and surly but still is a good person.  Neto needs to get to work. Eugenio wishes him good luck on his first day.

Outside of the restaurant where Neto is working,  there is a line of waiting  customers that Neto is controlling. Grecia and Crisanta are in the line.  Grecia thinks they will have an incredible time and Crisanta is ready to sing but only romantic songs, not spiteful ones.

The owner Ramón talks to Neto. He wants to know why Neto isn't letting the customers in. Neto says it is a strategy. If people passing by see the long line, they will want to get in too thinking that something really great must be happening inside.

Loads of kids start arriving at the apartment building as Yolo directs them up the stairs to the rooftop. She invited like all of Oaxaca. Fifty people on Facebook alone.  The kids cheer on their way up.

As they continue waiting in line, Grecia is getting impatient.  She hates places like this where you have to stand a in line and "somebody" decides if you are getting in or not. Crisanta is sick of being discriminated against because she is old. Finally, Neto lets in a party of two and the rest of the line is kept waiting. Crisanta starts yelling at him to let them in. Grecia recognizes Neto and tells Crisanta. Crisanta says maybe he can let them in. Grecia says no way because he was the fish stealer from the market. Crisanta says he might be but Grecia won. Grecia approaches Neto and asks him who he thinks he is deciding who gets in or not. Neto tells her he is in charge of security.  Grecia is betting the place is empty and this is just a ploy to fool the public. She says they are customers and they will consume.  She starts getting the whole line  of customers into chanting loudly with her: "No nos vamos, nos quedamos" (We are not going, we are staying).

It is party time on the roof and more people are arriving.

Dani thanks Guido for the tea.  She is feeling calmer. She thanks him for being by her side. He has been a great support.  Guido mentions how Imelda and Massimo are novios. Dani is surprised. Guido explains that Nonno needed some company with Guido working at the distillery.  Guido tells Dani that Nonno told him to be in charge of all of his business since Gabriel is no longer here.  Guido will do his best to fill Gabriel's position.

The party is in full force on the roof and in the hall. .Linda,  Dani, Blanca, Eugenio and Imelda are in the hall wondering what is going on.  Linda asks some people in the crowd who they are and who invited them. Yolo is there and tells them all to relax.  It  is just  small welcome party. They all toast. The Córcega's stare.

Neto and Grecia are still at it. While Neto is talking to Ramón his boss,  Grecia sneaks in.  Neto follows her in and carries her out.  She has a flashback to where she was grabbed and attacked and slaps him.  She apologizes on the spot but Ramón says he cannot have Neto treating customers that way.  Neto says he never thought anything like this would happen. Ramón thinks it is clear that Neto wasn't thinking. After this, he has no confidence in Neto being able to manage a business. Neto is fired. Crisanta is so shocked her mouth  hangs open. The crowd cheers. Neto can only stare at Grecia who is clearly upset.

The party continues. Yolo tells Imelda it is only a party to have some fun.  Imelda informs her that that is not happening in this building. There are rules. Well, Yolo is not into following any rules because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! Imelda wants to know where her father is. Yolo says he is at the bar. Imelda tells Blanca that she told her so. Yolo elaborates and says her father works at a bar. Dani and Linda want to know who Yolo is anyway and they are told. Dani asks if Yolo thought this party was a good idea while her father wasn't at home. Yolo answers of course, "darling", it is a house warming! The Corcega's tell her how serious this is with minors drinking, etc. Yolo tells them all to relax.  Ari and Temo come home and Ari jokes asking if they are getting to the party late.  Imelda accuses the two boys of being a part of it all.

Grecia tries to take the blame as she talks to Neto's boss.  She has no success and Ramón wants all of the money he gave Neto as an advance back, too.  Neto says he earned that money already.  The owner tells the crowd that they are full now and to come back another day. Grecia feels guilty. Crisanta never saw Grecia violent like that.  Crisanta is aggravated that she got all dressed up and didn't get to sing.

Back at the apartment building, Blanca announces that the party is over NOW.  Yolo doesn't think so. She invited 500 people.  Imelda will not permit this in her building. Yolo tells her to sit down or to go to bed. because she is old.  Blanca and Eugenio are angry now and all of the Córcega's come to Imelda's defense. They tell Yolo she cannot talk to Imelda like that and needs to have some kind of respect. Dani, Ari and Linda take control. Linda tells Yolo that someone has to put her in her place. Ari goes to turn off the music. They start emptying the building of partygoers. Dani threatens Yolo with calling the police. Yolo will not back down and tells her to go ahead and call them.

Pancho and Susana will not be blackmailed by Sebas and Julio who have joined forces going on strike unless they get their own rooms.   Sebas doesn't know why he has to share a room. Pancho explains they are becoming a new family and thought they were getting on better.  Sebas and Julio say not that well because one of them is the tomato head and the other is the vampire.  Susana doesn't understand then how they could get together to go on strike.  Julio suggests a hunger strike could come next. With a growling stomach, Sebas does not agree.  The boys decide to give Susana and Pancho the silent treatment besides being on strike and march around their room.

The apartment building is finally cleared out.  Eugenio and Blanca threaten the last few party goers with cutting their hair if they don't move on out. Imelda says they should start with Yolo and leave her bald.  Yolo remarks how much she spends on her hair treatments.  The twins come down and try to shush Yolo but her mouth will not stop.  She hates living in this building in Oaxaca.  Imelda tells her she is just bad mannered. Yolo warns them that worse things are coming so they better be prepared.  Linda tells "blondie" to stop threatening them.  Doesn't Yolo have a grandmother?  No, Yolo says she doesn't. Linda says you can tell.  Imelda blames her father for never telling her what to do.  Imelda tells Yolo she is to clean up the mess she made. Yolo tells Imelda she is not doing a thing and goes upstairs. Imelda asks if the twins are going to complain.  They say no and nervously run up the stairs.  Imelda tells them all that things are not staying like this. Linda agrees.

Susana and Pancho are doing the dishes.   She tells him that they need to think of alternatives. She never thought it would be so hard living in the same house. She thought that the kids and everything would just come together. Pancho knows but thinks things are getting better little by little.  Susana does not agree citing the strike.   If they go to her house, each child will have his own room. Pancho says NO.

Neto is in the basement of the restaurant thinking of being deported andYolo blaming him for everything.

Crisanta wants to move on to another place to make up for the bad time they have had. Grecia wants to wait for "that" man. She doesn't like him but feels responsible for him losing his job.  When Neto comes out, Grecia calls to him to apologize for what happened.  Everything got out of control.  It wasn't her attention that he be fired even though it wasn't much of a job.  She looks stricken when she realizes that she said what she thought. Neto says he believes that any job is  respectable and he needs to be working. She apologizes again and he accepts her apology. He just hopes that they never run into each other again because any day they do is ruined. He turns and leaves.  Grecia tells Crisanta that as much as she tries, she just cannot stand him.

Pancho and Susana talk about their situation. He thinks it wold be a terrible move on their part to give into the kids' blackmail. Susana  asks what the alternative is. Each child deserves their own space.  Pancho makes it clear that he is not giving in because if you give in on one thing, you will be giving in on everything that follows.  Susana is exasperated and needs to get some air before this issue ends up dividing them.  She goes to talk to the Canuto tree.  She needs her father's advice. Why does life have to be so complicated? Neto arrives She asks who he is since she has not seen him there before. He explains that he is the new renter. Now she knows who he is because Pancho told her all about him.  She lives with Pancho and they are engaged. Neto thinks Pancho is such a great guy with such an enormous heart.  Susana welcomes Neto to the building and tells him to prepare himself because there is always something crazy going on. Neto leaves.  As Susana starts to clean the leaves of the Canuto plant, Crisanta and Grecia arrive. Crisanta needs her keys.  Crisanta and Grecia tell Susana what went on at the bar.  They wonder what she is doing out in the hall. Grecia asks if she already had a fight with Pancho.  Crisanta wants to know what is wrong. Susana tells them that Pancho doesn't want to live at her house and she doesn't know how much longer she and Sebas can stand living here at his place.

Ernesto has it out again with Yolo. How could she think of having a party? She was bored and she needed to make new friends because she doesn't know anyone in this place. HE forced them to live there or did he forget already.? Neto says he asked her for only one night to be at peace and watch her brothers. The twins tell Neto everything and how they wouldn't go along with her plan . She calls them traitors. She says their  only choice is to go back to the USA. Neto tells her one more time that they cannot go back.  She says maybe he cannot return, but SHE can and by herself.

Axel meets with Clarisa. He tells her he has chlamydia and that he probably infected her.

Linda is at Dani's and bumps into Guido. He notices how well Linda speaks Italian. He remembers Nonno telling him he needs to find a wife.

Imelda and Blanca come to talk to the one room roof apartment.  He apologizes for the party saying he was working without any knowledge that his daughter had planned an event. He assures them that this will not happen again. Imelda doesn't believe that Neto is capable of handling his daughter. Neto explains that he was working and didn't think that something bad like  this would happen. She is a teenager so he asks them to understand. Imelda says no way. His daughter was rude, and disrespectful. She acted like she owned the building when she Imelda is the one who owns it.  Neto apologizes in his daughters's name.  Blanca says he doesn't know but his daughter brought dozens of people into the building. They left it dirty and Yolo didn't even help clean it up. Imelda adds they were drinking and smoking. They were turning her apartment building into a cradle of sin. Yolo says she wasn't drinking or smoking. She was a little angel. Imelda points out toNeto that that is how his daughter spoke to them with the same level of cynicism. Imelda will not allow that kind of impudence.  She is giving Neto and his family ten minutes to pack up and clear out oft he apartment. She doesn't want to see them again.

Guido offers to make supper while Linda works with Dani on the alebrijes. Linda is all excited he is going to make "frutti di mare. " (seafood and pasta) Dani says that sound good and thanks him. When he leaves, Dani tells Linda that Guido seems to be looking at Linda in a "special way". Linda doesn't think so and is in no mood to hook up with anyone.  Dani tells her that Guido has been so good with the family, maybe Linda could go out with him for a coffee or something.  Linda is clearly not interested. She has plenty to focus on like her work and her family and Dani.

Clarisa is upset about the chlamydia. Axel apologizes and tells her to get treated ASAP so she won't suffer any complications like infertility.

Neto tells Imelda it is very late. He will go but asks if his children can stay the night. Imelda says no because his children were the cause of it all especially her and she points at Yolo. Neto still tries to make amends saying he realizes that his daughter went beyond all acceptable limits. Blanca adds she was  very rude to them. Neto asks Yolo to apologize. Yolo says she doesn't want to.  Imelda says that is fine by her because she is not putting up with such insolence in her building. She is asking that they leave her building right now. They can look for a hotel or whatever.  The twins look like they are sad to see Frida go.  Neto has had  it.  How could Yolotl do something like this to affect her own family?Where are they supposed to spend the night. She tells him that is HIS problem and not to call her Yolotl.

Clarisa keeps getting more upset as if she  didn't have enough worries. She never imagined this in  her nightmares and it was all because she didn't protect herself. She asks if Axel knows who gave it to him. He doesn't know and he also doesn't know if he gave it to anyone else. That makes Clarisa turn her head to look at him.

Susana, Crisanta and Grecia have a snack and talk. Crisanta tells Susana to keep her eye on solutions and not problems. Grecia ays all of the good in this life comes form love patience and educations. Crisanta agrees.

At the same time,  Nonno is calling Imelda to let her know that he is at her door. She tells him that she has a story for him all about rebellious tenants. She will let him in in a second. While he is waiting Crisanta leaves. She calls his name . He asks what she is doing there. She wants to know why he is at her biggest rival's door: he blonde's.

Ari asks Temo if he is on love. Yes, he is in love, too.  Temo asks Ari if he knew he liked him when he came to Oaxaca. Ari says it went slowly for him because he didn't know what was going on with himself. That is why he told him he wasn't in love with him at first. Ari apologizes. Temo says the good thing is that they are together. As Ari is going to go on a timer goes off that Ari has run over his time. He and Temo are playing a game. Temo says rules are rules. Yolo comes out wondering what they are playing. Temo says it is a game of Questions and  Answers. Yolo says it is like Truth or Dare. She wants to play. Temo is not happy. She wants to start again. She asks them if they are gay, bisexual or something else. Yolo just smiles. Ari and Temo are uncomfortable.

Crisanta wants to know why Nonno wants to see the Córcega. He lies and says he wanted to see Dani.  Crisanta misses him so much. She would love fort he families to be united to she could tell them all that they are novios. Dani is just arriving and overhears this. She asks them if they are novios.

Guido and Linda are by themselves as Guido cooks. He is telling her that he was eleven when his parents died and his grandfather gave him a new life and something he had never felt before: love. That is why he will always defend love with all he has. To be honest he wants a woman to share life and his dreams with.

Crisanta says best to leave Dani and Nonno alone. When she is gone, Dani tells Nonno he has a lot of explaining to do about him be novios with Crisanta. Is he playing both Crisanta and Imelda? Nonno says he knows it is bad but . . . Danis says it is beyond bad; it is appalling.  She tells him that Iemlda suffered because of Canuto and now here is the second time when the same thing seems to be happening with Crisanta again. Both women deserve the truth. Nonno swears he will fix the situation. He just needs a little time. he will tell them the truth himself. Finally, Imelda comes to the door. She asks them if something happened. Dani says that Nonno will tell her.

Yolo says if neither wants to answer her question then she will give them a challenge. She wants Ari to kiss her.  Temo and Ari both look freaked out. Temo tells her  she might want to be the life of the party but it isn't working for them. Ari tries to quiet him down.  Yolo tells him to chill. She just wants to be friends. She doesn't know a lot of people there. Temo advises her to get back to partying.  She wants to know why he is so jealous. Temo tells YOLO that he is not jealous.  She says he seems like he is.  She keeps baiting Temo until Ari grabs him and they go back to Polita's.

Pancho sees Neto and his family leaving the building and wants to know what is going on.  Pancho invites them to stay at his place. They can all pile in together. Neto thanks them but he has already done too much for  them. He doesn't want to cause more problems. Imelda has banned them from the building. Neto says he will find another solution.  Pancho offers him some money. Neto says he ahs to solve this on his own and he thanks Pancho from the bottom of his heart for all the help he gave them. They will return the clothing and they left the linens upstairs. Pancho says no worries.

Nonno is all over Imelda. He missed her so much. Eugenio asks why the Italian is hugging Imelda. Imelda says the Italian is her novio. Eugenio doesn't look like he likes that news.

Guido offers to take Linda home since it is night. She says she will be fine on her own. He thanks her for the company. He din't feel s alone. She is sure they will have the chance to get to know each other better. He goes in for a real kiss but she sees it coming and grabs him and gives him a kiss on both cheeks the Italian way.

Ari asks Temo if he wants to discuss what just happened in the hall with Yolo. Temo says he cannot stand her. She makes him feel insecure. Ari says she is nothing. Temo and him are fine. Temo tells Ari it took him a long time to decide  how he felt.  He admits to being afraid that Ari will like her more than him.

Neto and the kids walk the streets in the night and sit on a curb in the park. It is a rainy cold night and Yolo asks if they are really going to sleep in the park. Neto is silent but looks petrified.


Well, this was a slice and dice of Mexican episodes 108 and 109. Here is hoping this was only because of there be ing no show last night.

Grecia sure showed an obnoxious side leading chants outside of the restaurant and being nasty to Neto to try to get into the restaurant. She couldn't help the flashback but sure could help the rest of it.

I was hoping that Yolo would have done something a little more provocative so Linda could have slapped her. At this point, I was happy Yolo was cold sitting on the curb in the park.

I found Temo's show of jealousy to be very realistic given the situation as he explained it to Ari. They have sure treated their relationship very sensitively showing all of the nuances therein. This has been one of the strongest and enjoyable plot lines so far.

Jarifa episodes 107 and 108 were used! 😉

Alex, you are right. They were 107 and 108. Thanks!

Superb Jarifa.

Your “Eugenio tells him that his wife calls him Eugenio or "mal genio" (bad mood)” and "No nos vamos, nos quedamos" (We are not going, we are staying)” were delightful. “Sebas and Julio say not that well because one of them is the tomato head and the other is the vampire” made me smile as did "Crisanta is ready to sing but only romantic songs, not spiteful ones".

I did sense a call of the blood when Eugenio shook hands with Neto, sparking happy memories of Eugenio and Robert.

“Susana is exasperated and needs to get some air before this issue ends up dividing them”. Too many relative strangers in too small a space. A very real problem. It appears Pancho is digging his heels in. While I understand the logic, my thought is that if more space will allow he and Susana to start their lives together peacefully and without so much resistance, then moving to her house seems the more reasonable solution.

I underestimated Yolo. She is much more than a spoiled brat. She is hateful and truthfully, rather dangerous. Not a word usually applied to such a young girl. Resentment is understandable but she was boorish to Imelda and while a tiny part of my brain was cheering that someone had the gaul to stand up to her, Yoyo (intentional spelling) was completely out of line.

That said, I was fascinated by Yolo, Temo and Ari last night. Temo's jealousy contorting his face, mirroring anger, frustration and pain was as you noted, very realistic. I could not sum it up better than your comment: "...They have sure treated their relationship very sensitively showing all of the nuances therein. This has been one of the strongest and enjoyable plot lines so far". Indeed!

We now understand that Grecia suffered a terrible violation. But I also didn't like the chanting in the line. Neto's trying to create a buzz about the restaurant was actually very smart. He looked defeated as he settled down with his children at the end. I hope this homeless situation comes to a quick resolution.

Marvelous Jarifa. And I shamefully admit I sensed no slicing or dicing. I hope they don't continue to do that.

Thank you for making my day once again. Your insightful comments were spot on as always.


Thank you for your recap, Jarifa!

"She couldn't help the flashback but sure could help the rest of it. ". I agree. So far, Grecia has not endeared herself to me, and that scene did not help.

Yolo is a real piece of work. I hate that the rest of her family is homeless, again, especially because of her, but I sure am happy to see she might have to sleep on a park bench. #logicalconsequences

Yolo has no idea just how awful living in foster care can be.

And for once (gasp!) I agreed with Imelda.

"And for once (gasp!) I agreed with Imelda". I know doris! Did you ever think you'd see the day?

And yoyo is beyond selfish - not even considering her younger brothers. She seems hell bent on punishing her father while never considering the other casualties.

My memory. Ack. There is a phrase I can't recall- something about collateral damage, something.


". I know doris! Did you ever think you'd see the day? " Diana - !no, nunca! !jamas! No puede ser!!! LOL

Diana, it seemed to be the “call of the blood”. When Eugenio told Neto to have a good day he called Neto “son” in the uncut version which would have been natural for a fatherly aged man to do to someone younger. What else they cut was then Eugenio’s reaction catching himself and wondering why he called Eugenio “son.” This is a prime example of why I dislike the slice and dice especially with this novela.As for Grecia, they cut a lot more of her chanting and obnoxious behavior. I loved your “Yoyo.”

doris, I, too, couldn’t believe that I was cheering Imelda on. Evidently Yolo has been allowed to rule the roost far too long that she feels that she is empowered to act as she does in the face of her family’s crisis. Imelda sadly was right about Neto not being able to control his own daughter. Yes, she has not had many #logicalconsequences.


Thank you, jarifa .

This homeless storyline is very upsetting. I know that at the end of a long , stressful day, it is comforting to have a place to Rest and heal to meet the next day's challenges.

My mother would have said that Yolo is "cutting off her own nose to spite her face. " She had a million axioms like that one.

Jarifa: I'm screaming at the TV trying to warn Dani that Guido is killing her.

Susanlynn, I love all of those old sayings. They are a great form of shorthand and usually “Hit the nail in the head.”. 😂🤣😅

ON the head!

Jarifa, I'm so upset to have missed such a crucial scene where Eugenio actually called Neto son. Eugenio's joyous smile and the handshake was my favorite moment of the night.

Susanlynn, that is a great expression. I heard that a few times myself! And yes, we are so lucky to have a roof over our head where we are warm and dry.

Was anyone else wondering if there was anything in Dani's tea? Steve, it seems you think that there was. I considered it but then thought no. Now that poor Linda is in Guido's sights, I'm hoping he will leave Dani and the children alone.



Hmm, I didn't see Guido add anything to the tea. He was just stirring it with the tea bag in it, so I guess we will never know if he put something in earlier.. Poor Linda, YES! When Guido went in for the kiss, it was just EWWWW!

I just gonna take a moment to really applaud the acting in this Novela. The way that everyone has been judging and criticizing the behavior from the characters really means that they are doing their job well. Gabriel Soto, The guy who play Guido, Yolo, are doing a fantastic job to really sell their roles.

Now my two cents on the story. . . (Keep in mind im only 24)

Susana has to convinced Pancho to move. Keeping all of them in that small apartment is almost considered torture especially when susana has that mansion and umm Pancho you're rich!!

Minority opinion but i enjoyed Yolo giving it to Imelda. Sad Blanca, Dani, and Eugenio got caught in the crossfire but i have to agree a little bit. It wasn't that bad and kicking them out was completely exaggerated and now I can't wait till she finds out about Nonno. Poor Crisanta.

Grecia and Neto are still my favorite but not cool getting him fired, but Neto was taking too long in letting people in. Also Boss guy has no patience.

Guido and Linda make a cute couple(If he were actually a good guy and not a murderer) Ugh.

Temo's jealousy was cringy to watch and liked how Yolo was completely unbothered. Ari make up your mind!!

Thats my take. High 30's here in the Monterey Bay. Cold morning. Looking forward to the comments :)


Thank you Jarifa for making sense of such a fast moving double episode. Yeah, I loved your “Girl Gone Wild” title. And Yolo is not only wild but highly disrespectful. She keeps blaming her father that he’s the one who got them into the situation and being “illegal” in the USA, but I noticed that after they were thrown out, Neto wasn’t blaming her. And there they were out in the park with no roof over their heads because of Yolo’s doing. She should be ashamed of herself. This actress is great because she has really made herself unlikable to the viewers.

I guess Temo is so jealous he’s afraid Ari is going to change sides. It’s really very unbecoming.

When Clarisa received the news about having the chlamydia, she acted like she was just diagnosed with in inoperable, cancerous brain tumor. You would have thought Axel was HIV+ or something and there was no cure. Just go to your doctor and get antibiotics already! Stop whining. Yes, be mad at Axel, fine but just go to the doctor and get the antibiotics.

I was so grossed out with Guido trying to kiss Linda but I liked how she did the side to side kisses on the cheek, Italian style.


Thanks for making sense of a hodge-podge of a combined episode Jarifa. And like everyone else, I'm vexed that they left out the key scene of Eugenio calling Neto "hijo" and then wondering why. Love these "call of the blood" scenes. Hope they're not leading us astray on this one.

As for the rest, sounds like there are a lot of scenes where I will want to fast-forward. Hate willful messes and hate Guido. So it will be a very short session when I watch.

And for Pete's sake Pancho, listen to your fiancée. Ignoring her concerns and discomfort is certainly not a good sign. And then you were ready to welcome a whole other family in besides! Never been a particular fan of this romance (his honking laugh alone would drive me nuts after a few months), and even less so now.

However the hunky Neto and the fiery Grecia seem promising.

Rainy, soggy day here, with the ground already saturated from all the melting snow and previous rains. "Lloviendo sobre mojado" for sure!

Cynthia, ITA about the reaction to the chlamydia diagnosis. There seems to be an over reaction to pretty mundane medical issues.

JudyB, I amready for some positive Grecia/Neto encounters.

Ana: You better hope Linda doesn't end up in the morgue once Guido is done with her.

When are the Protagonists supposed to come back from Africa & stop this chaos ?

Grecia was so ugly yesterday someone should have slapped her to the other side of the continent with Yolo.

Thanks, Jarifa. I loved the "call of the blood" scene between Eugenio and Neto. Eugenio has such a beautiful smile. Glad you filled us in on what got clipped.

Ana, I cringed at Temo's jealousy too. He is so vulnerable and Yoli can easily set him off and she knows it. And then there's Ari -- it's not intentional, but he so sweet and agreeable that he sends off a vibe that he can be had.

Pancho and Susana. In my experience, the guy always wants the blended family to move into "his" home. I didn't agree with Pancho at first, but now that the kids are there I do think it'd be a sign of weakness to give in to Sebas and Julio. But those two boys have bonded and don't even realize it. They cooperated very well to go on strike together.

Yoli was deliberately trying to get her family kicked out of the building, but where in the heck did she think they'd wind up?

Niecie, So true about Yolo. Did she think they would end up in a hotel? I hadn't thought that way about Ari but I fear you may be right.

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