Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/12/19, Gran Estreno: No Honour Among Thieves

I'm Christopher Mason. When last we met the partners and associates at Alonso Vega's firm were steeped in ugly and dangerous situations. Jaime Ponce was being held captive, Gustavo is grieving for his wife and son, Ricardo had advised his ex-wife to flee with their children, and Alonso had considered dissolving the firm. He was outvoted by his partners, all determined to fight for justice.
I'm Candace DeLong. I was an FBI profiler and I had many cases involving psychopapths and other cold-blooded criminals. No matter how they dress or what kind of cars they drive, they are the lowest form of human life and deserve to be locked away. Thanks, Christopher, for inviting my observations.
Alonso lunched with the police chief and talked about the murders of Gustavo's wife and son, looking for assistance in some way. Also about the kidnappng of Jaime Ponce, all because he refused to represent Jacinto Dorantes. He was told that the department was doing everything it could. Interpol had been informed and they would be watching out in case Dorantes tried to leave the country. Alonso wasn't sure how long they could deal with this and said that they needed help. In the name of Justice.

I'm not sure this police chief knows what Justice really is.
Alejandra watched the clock as some technical experts watched their computer screens, hoping to capture the location of any ransom call. A cell phone began ringing. Ricardo told her “You know what you have to do.” She nodded. She hesitated to answer so as not to betray her sense of desperation. Finally she picked up her cell phone; it was El Ciego. She asked to speak to her father, who was tied up and blindfolded.
El Ciego told her they would negotiate his release. She refused to until she knew her father was alright. El Ciego said she would have to trust him... and that he could kill her father in an instant. Neither moved on his position. She told him that this crime is enough to get him locked up for the rest of his life, but she would negotiate a lesser sentence for him if he assured her of her father's safety.
Alejandra may be the daughter of a law professor, but she should have left this to the experts.

He told her he wasn't an idiot and said that the only thing he would negotiate was the amount of the ransom payment. He accused her of not valuing her father's life. He told her she would never forget this for the rest of her life and then fired his pistol at the wall above Jaime's head. She told him she would not rest until she made him pay, but he said nothing. He grinned at his phone as he ended the call.

This is the act of a true sadist.

Alejandra thought her father had been shot. Ricardo was sure he had not. She ran to her mother for comfort.

Two vans of men with assault rifles pulled up in front of the hotel at which Alonso was lunching.
The men opened fire, killing a woman outside the building.
Alonso had ducked during the first exchange, but emerged from behind a parked car and was hit by gunfire. He fell behind the vehicle as the shooter shot up the car.
The shooters kept on firing as they boarded their vans again and drove away; the hotel security staff was too late to be effective, although one shot shattered a rear window. Alonzo lay on the sidewalk.

One of Alejandra's tech crew told her that the signals were coming from various locations, but the call had been recorded. Alejandra didn't know what to do. Ricardo was sure something would come of Alonzo's meeting and was also sure that the shot she heard was only meant to intimidate her.
Despite his assurances, she was on the edge of despair, saying that if anything happened to her father she would die.

Despair is an emotion that clouds logical thought. Unfortunately, intelligence does not make one immune from this.

The shooters gone, people began gathering in the area. The police arrived and talked to the (ineffective) security team. They said that the police chief had been in the hotel and was probably the intended target.
The lead cop shouted for an ambulance and for his men to keep the crowd back.

El Ciego removed Jaime's gag only to hear him try to taunt him into killing him. In return El Ciego taunted him with insults about his daughter. He kicked him brutally, only to get insults back. His cell rang; it was the man who had shot Alonso, who confirmed that he had carried out El Ciego's orders. El Ciego was satisfied. He ended the call and made another, this one to his boss. Jacinto Dorantes.

Jacinto Dorantes – like many power-hungry men – did not care what it would take to achieve his aims.

True, as long as he didn't get his hands dirty in the process.

The lead cop confirmed that Alonso was still alive
while at the offices of Vega and Associates Roberto, Victoria, and Juan were all in the conference room, trying to determine how all their cases were going to be handled. Alejandra was out trying to rescue her father, Ricardo was with her, and Gustavo was currently unfit for duty. Victoria decided to handle all the civil cases while leaving the criminal cases to the men. Roberto was satisfied with that... and displayed that he had not lost personal interest in her.

At the same time Carlos Ibarra went over many documents relating to the money-laundering he had been doing for El Ciego. Alan looked at the computer screen and was shocked at the amount of money this involved. He warned Carlos “You will become this man's slave!” but Carlos said he needed to do what he could to help Alejandra save her father. He said he loved her and was prepared to do much more.

One has to wonder how naïve Carlos Ibarra had to be to think that he could play both sides of the law. I believe the ancients referred to this as hubris.

Paula brought food while Alejandra listened to the recording of the call, looking for any clue that would be helpful. Ricardo texted, then received a call from the office informing him of the shooting. He told Carmen to tell the others while he went to the hospital. Alejandra stayed behind in case something else developed.

El Ciego met with his assassins and issued part of the money he owed them. One stayed as he entered the room where Jaime remained blindfolded with duct tape and listened to him taunt him with Alonso's death. Jaime's ire went up and he cursed them out, calling them cowards. The assassin punched him in the face several times.

It takes a true coward to physically abuse a man who can't defend himself.

Gustavo was drinking tequila alone in a dive bar. He got the waiter to leave the bottle with him; it was 2/3rds full. He began to cry.

Ricardo arrived at the hospital where the doctor told him that the bullet had gone through Alonso's body on the upper left side of his chest. It had missed his heart but hit a major vein so that he had lost a lot of blood. They were waiting to see how he responded to the blood transfusion. He and the nurse left Ricardo alone with him. He touched Alonso's hair and told him he would get better. Alonso heard him and began talking, but flatlined. Ricardo shouted for the doctor.

El Ciego visited Carlos at his place, claiming to know nothing of Jaime. Carlos noticed something wrong and El Ciego looked at his reflection and wiped away something from his neck, saying “Nothing; just a mosquito.” Dorantes' name came up and Carlos told him that he must be hiding since Interpol was looking for him. El Ciego then changed the subject to the latest round of money laundering. When Carlos told him that it was in motion, he asked for another favor. As in laundering a much larger sum of money. Carlos replied that putting that kind of money through as charitable donations would look suspicious. However, El Ciego did not appear to recognize that as a polite refusal or even as a cautionary message. And Carlos knew that. He told him to bring the money but he would have to find some other direction for it. The two men stared each other in the eye.

Mephistopheles can always recognize a Faust.

Juan, Roberto, and Victoria arrived at the hospital just as Ricardo was ending his call to Alejandra. He explained Alonso's condition and that he said it had to have been Dorantes' people. Ricardo tried to call Gustavo, but got his voice mail. He didn't leave a message. The doctor returned to explain that Alonso has been stabilized but will not be able to have visitors for a while.

Gustavo had collapsed on the table, reliving the discovery of his dead wife and son. He cried.

That evening it was evident that nobody in Paula's house was going to get any sleep. Paula told her daughter “You are just like your father in this.”
The cell rang and one of the tech guys signalled to Alejandra when to answer. It was El Ciego, who brought his phone to Jaime while simultaneously threatening him with his pistol if he said the wrong things. Jaime told her not to cave to the demands that were going to be made. El Ciego stepped away with the phone and told Alejandra that his first demand was to leave the police out of this. Alejandra told him that this was impossible. “If you don't want any trouble, free my father immediately.” El Ciego said that all he was interested in was money. Jaime yelled to her not to agree to this. Alejandra asked how much he wanted and he said “Thirty million pesos.” [$1.55MM US, as of today]. Alejandra told him this was impossible; that was a great sum of money. El Ciego didn't care, telling her that if she didn't he would shoot her father for real this time. She told him that this kind of money would take time and she needed a guarantee that her father was alright. This provoked El Ciego's volatile temper. He yelled back that he would leave her father bleeding out on the floor, and ended the call.
The techies still had not identified the location.

Someone really needs to investigate how many tech experts are on the wrong side of the law.

Gustavo was stopped when he tried to drive out. Apparently there is a police unit specifically to watch for drunk driving and he was arrested, yelling all the while why they weren't looking for the killers. Gustavo was put in the lockup in the same cell as a man in a business suit who told him that he would feel better after breakfast. Gustavo told him that nothing could make him feel better.

Alonso made enough progress for the hospital to permit his colleagues to visit. They encouraged him to rest for the time being and speculated that the shooters were possibly the ones who had killed Gustavo's family. He asked about Jaime and Ricardo told him that there was no progress yet and he would have to go back because he didn't want Alejandra to be alone. Alonso asked him to take charge of the office; there were a few pending cases of his. Ricardo told him not to worry. Juan excused himself to go to see his mother. Alonso asked them to call Lourdes. Roberto and Victoria stayed.

Juan went home to find his mother and girlfriend talking about him. He told them what happened. When his mother suggested that he leave the firm he refused, saying that he and his colleagues were more united than ever.

Carlos arrived at Paula's house and Alejandra told him about the ransom demand. “Where are we going to get thirty million pesos?” she asked, rhetorically. Carlos rubbed his forehead and told her not to worry; he would figure it out. He asked her to count on him.  Alejandra talked about selling her car and other assets to cover the ransom. Carlos told her she shouldn't have to do that. He asked to be in charge of this.

Carlos always wanted to be in charge of everything. Little does he realize that his cousin Alan is right: He is now enslaved to a criminal.

Roberto picked up coffee and food for himself and Victoria, but she was not hungry. She was becoming afraid. He tried to reassure her.
Shortly after this Lourdes arrived.

Carlos called Alan and told him they needed to pull some money out of the foundation. Ricardo arrived and updated them on Alonso's condition. He didn't like the money discussion, saying that handing over a ransom is no guarantee that the kidnappers would keep their word. Alejandra said that this was her family's issue and she was going to make calls to see if she could get a loan. Carlos then said to Ricardo that they both needed to help Alejandra despite their personal differences.

This is where Ricardo should have seen red flags.

The following morning Elena saw the news report on the shooting. She immediately called Ricardo who told her she needed to get the children to safety because they were all in danger.

El Ciego and his minions were counting their cash when he got an angry call from
Jacinto Dorantes, who called them incompetent because Alonso Vega was still alive and he wanted his money back. El Ciego told him that this would not be possible. He was hidden perfectly and could not risk meeting with him because all law enforcement is looking for him. “It would be better for you to concern yourself about them not finding you,” he said as he ended the call. One second later he threw his cell to the floor and berated his minions.

El Ciego should have known that Jacinto Dorantes wasn't the sort of man with whom there was any margin for error.

Carlos left Paula's office to go to work, telling Alejandra to call if she needed to. She told Ricardo that selling the house and both cars would not raise even half the money for the ransom. He told her she was not alone and that he would help.

El Ciego continued to yell at his minions who did not appear to be afraid of him. As they continued to eat pizza and drink beer he told them that if they they screw up again he would killthem. He got up from the table and went into the next room where he kicked Jaime in the face. The other two wondered what to do. “Our job,” said the primary shooter. He got up and went into the next room.

Paula told Alejandra that Lourdes would help them and possibly Alicia. Ricardo took his leave, telling them he needed to get to the office and to speak with the police department.

Gustavo went home to an empty house.
He looked at the family photo and began crying again.

Ricardo went to the chief of police, who told him they were doing their job.

We are not convinced.

Sofia Alcócer arrived at the firm for her appointment with Alonso only to be told by Carmen that it was moved. Alejandra arrived and stepped in.

Alan handed a balance sheet to Carlos who determined that there wasn't enough money to pay the ransom. He told Alan to pull everything out of the foundation and that he would get a loan. Alan told him he was crazy. What collateral could they offer?

How about all the money Alan embezzled from the firm when Carlos was in jail pending trial?

Alejandra took over the interview, telling Sofia about their recent troubles and that everyone in the firm is at risk. Sofia told her that she was not afraid. Alejandra welcomed her to the firm.

Before leaving police headquarters Ricardo visited the lead investigator into the attempt on Alonso's life. He explained the connexion between Alonso's efforts that landed Jacinto Dorantes' brother in prison and the subsequent kidnapping of Jaime and the murder of Gustavo's family. The cop replied that if Jacinto Dorantes is involved in this he has lots of help. Ricardo went on about how justice must be served and he was sick of wrongdoing. They agreed to work together.

I hope that this investigator does things ethically. I've seen many that haven't.

Well, Candace, I've seen too many people with more money than ethics and some of them enjoy making an epidemic of it. Time will usually tell, but this situation is dire. Jaime needs to be rescued and his kidnappers identified and caught. Alonso Vega and his firm are willing to fight for justice and thus far they seem to have two new allies. They will need more and quickly. Till next we meet behind the Walls of Justice, I'm Christopher Mason.



I can already tell that this will earn a "double watch" for me: I'll stream it three or four days ahead of the US EST airing and then again on the night it airs in Mexico.

Adding to my novela pleasure will be your perfect screencaps, narrative, and Christopher Mason's and Candace Long's investigative skills.

As we Tarheels (Haha Rednecks) like to say:. Yeppeeeee!

I'm so very thankful to you for playing such a great role and helping all of Carayville. This site has kept me sane for the last few years.

And you lead me to Alejandro Fernández, my new heartthrob!!!

Gracias, Victoria. I just wish Alejandro would come to New York again. It's been too long since I saw him at the Barclay Center.

Tonight's recap won't have as many screencaps because I'll be going out for a while. BTW, did Televisa air this debut with no commercials? It was a full 57 minutes.

Victoria: Who's Candace De Long ?

Candace DeLong is the host/commentator for the true-crime series Deadly Women. One of my guilty-pleasure programs.

I just saw Candace DeLong’s photo so I had to comment. Candace DeLong also wrote an excellent book: “Special Agent: My Life on the Front Lines as a Woman in the FBI.”

Thanks; I'd like to read that.

Thanks, Christopher! -- I mean, Urban. "Mephistopheles can always recognize a Faust." Stunning.

So, lots of shout-outs to La Justicia and lots of uneaten sandwiches. Ricardo really needs to cut back on the caffeine before his lips disappear into his head. And was anyone else thinking, PLAY THE TAPE FOR CARLOS??? He's bound to recognize El Ciego's voice; they're practically roommates.


That is a good point. Especially since this would put Carlos in a very uncomfortable position, which he richly deserves.

Thanks UA! PASL2 started off pretty strong. Hopefully it'll keep the momentum.

A shootout within the first few minutes. Thank goodness Alonso wasn't killed. Jacinto and El Ciego aren't playing games.

Poor Gustavo. He is really suffering. I take it that he's taking time off from the firm. I wonder who bailed him out and took him home?

Sofia could be an interesting character. I wonder what her story is if she has one.


UA, you are off to an amazing start! Looks like Christopher Mason and Candace de Long will have their hands full. Awesmoe screenshots, THANKS!!

Is the novela going to be listed on the side bar under current shows?

I thought Elena was planning to pack up the kids and move to Canada, yet she's still sitting on the sofa?

And who will be her partner in crime, since Leti left town?

It will be listed on the sidebar when I have time to put it there.

And if Elena leaves town who cares?

Thank you UA for this thorough and entertaining recap. I've been away awhile dealing with lots of family health issues. I look forward to reading all the recaps and following what is sure to be witty and lively discussion. I've missed this great community.

<3 D.

Welcomeback, Delilah.

Will someone else please volunteer for this series? Each episode has so much detail...

Urban, you are off and running. PASL2 didn't waste any time at the starting gate either. Thanks for introducing us to your two commentators. It's like an aside coming as an aside. Like Blue Lass, I enjoyed "Mephistopheles can always recognize a Faust." And thank you for the recap.

I'll follow along, although my longing for Beltino and LCJ has not waned. I think I'm going to enjoy watching if Kimberly 2-Branches is going to be on the side of the law as part of the team or out for herself regardless of who she steps on.

Thanks Urban. This was a lovely recap.
Everybody is up and running.

What the the hell is Carlos thinkin by
Burning 2 ends of the candle? He'll
Get burned and quit possibly scorch Ali.
That shooting at the Resturant was a blood bath cuz the guardes or whoever was Suppose to be there sooner must have been in the bathroom or eating
Lunch, or watching the bachelor on demand. Well They shot one of the bad guys, looked Like anyway.

Gus is allow to some tears,but I still
Think it's quilt. All that time he wasted with the jailed hooker he could
Have been spending with the wife n kid
. He should put all his energy into helping get the sons-of-bitches that
Ended his family. Work through the quilt, the anger. Let it give him some much needed strength.

In the opening credits I saw some new faces in the firm. I hope they're not like the two that couldn't keep their hands a off each other. That stupid one That ended up in prison and the one that thought she could get ahead by using that area between her legs.I cannot remember their names, just as well.

Thanks Urban, good recap of an eventful episode.

Sorry Urban, I did it again. What can I say except this old mind is sluggish.

And what the heck was Alonso thinkin standing up in the bullet shower? Oh I
Know, he thought the bullets would bounce off of him. I saw no reason for him to do that. It made no sence to me
. Just wondering.

Thanks, Urban. Great recap and pics. Christopher has found himself a great partner in commentary.

PASL 1 ended violently so I don't know why I was surprised PASL 2 started so violently. I'd rather see the family cases. Hoping Ciego and his crew get crushed soon. Carlos seems to have lost some brain cells since last season. He noticed the blood on Ciego's face but not the blood on his lapel.

Ricardo's right. There's no reason to believe El Ciego will free Jaime unharmed if he gets the full ransom. He's on a power
trip, enjoying seeing everyone scramble at his feet.

I think Elena and her sofa are in Canada or someplace else out of DF. I figured she was calling Ric to see if it's safe to come back.

Niece: I could care less about nagging Elena.

Tonight's will be a little late due to a minor tech issue. If I can't get it posted by midnight look for it in the morning.

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