Saturday, March 16, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Viernes 3/15/19, Episode 4: Man on a Mission

I'm Christoper Mason. Thomas Paine once spoke of times that try men's souls. This has been such a time for the partners and associates at the Vega firm. Even the most level-headed people can become unhinged in a crisis and forget what they are all about. There are explosions all around them. Sometimes a man on a mission implodes as well.

I'm Candace DeLong. In my experience I've seen some otherwise good people do bad things when provoked intensely enough. It would be ironically tragic for a lawyer to do this.

Alejandra called Ricardo to tell him her location so he could come to get her and her father.

Susanna got up and saw Juan sitting at the kitchen table. He told her he was unable to sleep because he was worried about what was happening with his colleagues, so he may as well be awake and working. He was particularly worried about Gustavo, who had changed so much that he no longer believed in justice. He wanted to help him because he was sure he would not want to live if something had happened to her or to Fernanda.

Alejandra had just gotten Jaime into her car when Ricardo, Carlos, and Inspector Quiróz arrived. She explained that her father had been beaten and is weak. She gave the cell phone to Quiróz, explaining that it was the one she took the kidnapper's calls on. She explained how she found her father.
Ricardo went to her car to ask Jaime the relevant questions. He said that they had held him some distance away because it had been a long drive to this area and that he had been blindfolded the entire time. They had just dumped him out of the car, probably about ten minutes before Alejandra found him. Alejandra then told the men she was taking her father home so he could rest. They all went to their cars and took off. Except for Carlos, who insisted on helping Alejandra.

You'd think that someone would have insisted upon taking Jaime to a hospital to document his injuries.

Ricardo and Quiróz spotted something that could be evidence. Quiróz radio-called for an evidence collection team to prepare. He then collected some duct tape left at the location, careful not to get his own fingerprints on them as he put them into an evidence bag. Some trucks passed by and Ricardo looked over his shoulder at them and commented before they left.

Carlos supported Jaime, who was too weak to walk on his own as they entered the house. Paula was relieved to see him. As Carlos and some of the tech personnel continued to help Jaime up the stairs, Alejandra told the bare bones of what happened, concluding that the only important thing was that her father was alive and safe. Paula hugged her.

The following morning Lourdes picked Alonso up from the hospital. The first thing he wanted to do was to see Jaime. Lourdes thought he should rest, but Alonso said he needed reassurance that Jaime was alright. He insisted they go to Paula's house.

Victoria got up to another good breakfast with Roberto. She told him the good news about Jaime's release (Alejandra having called her about it) and both were relieved. Victoria wanted to prioritize finding the criminals but Roberto said that the one person who was responsible for everything was Jacinto Dorantes. They needed to find him. They were not out of danger yet.

It's unlikely that they will be completely out of danger even when Dorantes is found. Criminal masterminds like him have tentacles everywhere, including in prison.

Ricardo went to Paula's house to check on her and Jaime. They did not find the criminals the night before, only the duct tape and other things they had bound Jaime with. She was concerned about finding the criminals as fast as possible so nobody else had to suffer the same way. She escorted Ricardo to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Sofia paid another visit to the chief of police with her findings, including the security videos. He asked how she obtained them without a court order and she told him “Let's just say I called in a favor.” She then sat down and presented documents of her findings. He dismissed the photos as not having clear images of faces, but she told him that she handed him a starting point.
She then got up and left.

Judging by his facial expressions he must have enjoyed the rear view more than the rest of the visit.

Sofia definitely knew that.

Alan congratulated Carlos on the events of the previous night. Carlos told them over morning coffee that he should have seen Alejandra's face when she found her father. Alan asked what he expected to get out of this; he replied that it was that Alejandra would know that he was the only one who would go to any lengths on her behalf. He expected to be able to marry her but his immediate priority was to work however much was necessary to recover the amount of the ransom money and pay it back. They had to take on new cases, as many as possible. He sat down to his computer.

Roberto and Victoria were in his office talking about their relationship, to which she did not seem very committed. He told her that he was sure they were right for each other because he loved her. He was about to kiss her when Juan came in to talk to them about Gustavo. They all agreed to help him.

Jaime lay in bed in one of Paula's guest rooms. A young doctor handed him some pills and left. Jaime thanked Paula, telling her how proud he was of her for what she had faced on his behalf. He intended to pay give her all he had to payback the money she raised. She told him not to worry about it. Alonso and Lourdes arrived. Jaime had been told about what happened to his friend and they half-joked about almost ending up in “the other world”. But Alonso said that they were tougher than the criminals who tried taking them down. He was sure they would win.

Elena called Ricardo while packing for the move to Vancouver. She was a bit calmer in view of the latest development. She had called for a moving van to collect the boxes. He asked whether she wanted to come back to the apartment or to move. She said she had decided and that she wanted to get out as soon as possible.
Ricardo realized that she intended to leave the country and not return.

Alejandra and Lourdes left Jaime's room and the two men talked about what their next move should be. Jaime decided it was time for him to return to the courtroom. He wanted to wreak havoc on criminals who do things like this and pay back not only his own injuries but the psychological warfare they waged on Alejandra.

Julio walked his dog down the street, his father coming after him. His father had been hoping that they would stop arguing and that Julio would ultimately have a career and become independent. Julio answered in monosyllables without looking at his father.
He walked a little faster and

picked up his dog as he turned the corner.

Two men appeared from behind his father and one grabbed him. The other got in front of him, pulled out a knife, and demanded everything he had. He started to protest he had nothing and both men began stabbing him. One in the abdomen and the other in the back. Julio not only made no attempt to stop them but did not shout, nor pull out a cell phone to call police.
The two men ran off, leaving their victim on the sidewalk.

Julio sat on the sidewalk, holding the dog. He said nothing. A man came along, saw the blood, and called for emergency services.
He then crouched down near Julio who said “That's my father” without looking at him. “What happened?” he asked. “They assaulted him. I don't understand what happened.”

Christopher, did you catch the expression on Julio's face when he turned the corner?

Yes, I did. It is all too common among spoiled trust fund brats who kill their parents in hopes of an inheritance.

Ricardo was working at his desk when Gustavo came into his office. He was obsessed with finding Dorantes. He had a full list of all properties owned by Ramiro Dorantes and was certain that Jacinto Dorantes was hiding in one of them. Ricardo tried to get him to calm down but he would not. When Ricardo told him that Elena was taking the children to Vancouver he was especially incensed at how “these criminals are destroying our lives.”

Criminals at this level have one thing in common with many of the very rich: a major sense of entitlement.

Alejandra brought her father lunch in his room and talked to him about talking to the police. He could not see where they were moving to and from and as he had been blindfolded all along he tried to listen carefully. He remembered three different voices but said that they did not seem to be ones with a lot of experience as kidnappers. The place did not seem secure or isolated and it was cold.

Despite his conversation with Ricardo Gustavo took his list and began going to all the addresses. There was no answer at any doorbell.

Sofia entered Ricardo's office and handed him the information about the security photos and updated him on the case. She had filed all the appropriate documents. He updated her on Alonso and Jaime. She said she wanted to help Alejandra with her father's case and that she admired Alejandra's courage.

Alejandra and Jaime continued their conversation, which ended with him making her promise never to take any more risks like this again.

Roberto, Victoria, and Juan went to Ricardo to talk about Gustavo. Ricardo told them that Gustavo had become obsessed with revenge and was risking his own life to look for Dorantes. He did not trust the police to do this. Juan described him as violent, Victoria said Gustavo would never do anything illega, and Roberto told the others that when a person suffers from depression it becomes difficult to predict their behavior. All were concerned because Gustavo's present behavior was dangerous.

Quiróz paid Alejandra a visit, saying he wanted to talk to Jaime. Alejandra explained that he needed to rest a while first, but that he had not seen any of his kidnappers. He told her that thus far they had no fingerprints or anything else that was useful aside from police sketches of possible suspects...except that Jaime had been blindfolded and never saw anything. Quiróz speculated that while the kidnappers were not experts in this due to their negotations they were nonetheless organized criminals.

Gustavo rang another doorbell and got no answer. A woman was entering the house next door and he approached her, asking if she knew the occupant of the house. She said something she had heard someone arriving late the night before. He showed her a photo of Jacinto Dorantes, asking whether she had seen him there. She said she had. He thanked her then went for another look..

The problem here is that Gustavo is behaving like a man on a suicide mission.

The others decided they should not allow Gustavo to be alone.
When Ricardo called him from his office Gustavo told him he had found Dorantes' hideout. Ricardo told him to call the police and he would get there. Gustavo said he would give the location but he was not going to allow Dorantes to escape. Ricardo took the address and the others wanted to go there with him. Roberto made Juan stay behind so there was at least one lawyer in the office. He agreed. Ricardo called the police before they got to the elevator.

Alejandra went to see Carlos in his office to talk about a repayment plan. She handed him books of receipts. He told her she didn't have to but she insisted and she insisted upon being clear about it.

Alejandra really needed to be careful here. She still didn't seem to see Carlos' true motives for coming up with the money.

Alonso went to the office and found it almost empty. Carmen started to embrace him then realized he was probably still in pain. He wanted to call a staff meeting in fifteen minutes. Juan came out and told him that they had just found out where Dorantes was. They went into Alonso's office to talk about this.

Ricardo and the others got there just ahead of the police. Gustavo left his car to get into Ricardo's and told them that the neighbor had identified Dorantes. They waited for the police, who were right behind.
When Quiróz got out of his car he directed the others to their positions and Gustavo pointed out the house and said that the criminal was inside.
Quiróz told them not to move as his men rammed down the door and they entered the house. No sounds came out of it and Gustavo became impatient. He ran across the street. Ricardo had tried to stop him but could not. He ran after him.
Roberto and Victoria stayed where they were, Victoria preventing Roberto from following the others. But Victoria couldn't stop looking over the car.
Then the shooting began, although they could see nothing. She looked higher, but ended up having to duck all the way behind the car.

Alejandra told Carlos that she hoped it wouldn't take twenty years for her to pay back the ransom money but she would never forget this major gesture. He immediately began tearing and discarding receipts from the booklet, finally saying that after what happened with Patricia all he wanted was to see her happy and at peace. She could not get him to listen to her need to pay him back.

That is because he wants to guilt her into marrying him... after which he would probably cheat on her again at someone else's bachelor party.

The shooting stopped. One cop came out of the building, followed by Ricardo. They had not found Dorantes. Gustavo came out of the building, livid that Dorantes wasn't inside. One of his men had been inside, but is now dead. Gustavo began ranting again, but Quiróz told him to calm down. Whether he realized it or not they were closer to finding Dorantes. He promised to remain in constant contact on this as Ricardo led a still-ranting Gustavo back to his car.

Alejandra said she had to get back to the office. She declined Carlos' offer to drive her there. He asked about the others and she explained that Alonso was back and they were trying to find Jacinto Dorantes, who is now a fugitive. She had the experience now to understand other families who have suffered kidnapping and was determined to make such criminals pay. Carlos agreed.

Carlos certainly didn't think about how his laundering of El Ciego's filthy lucre is perpetuating such crimes.

Alonso was finishing a conversation with the chief of police. He had been told that Dorantes was not found. He was angry, but not entirely out of control. Sofia entered to talk to him about the case.

The staff meeting had been delayed until evening. Gustavo was still ranting about the failure to find and arrest Dorantes that afternoon. He threatened to go out and look himself if Quiróz didn't find him soon. He was still pounding the desk and shouting when Alonso entered the room. Everyone went silent as he went through the opening formalities. He finally told everyone – especially Gustavo – that all was forbidden to attempt to look for Dorantes on their own; they were to leave this to the police. Gustavo tried to protest but Alonso out-shouted him. It was their job to enact justice in court, not by taking the law into their own hands. He didn't care what happened to himself but they were the future of the firm. This was the most difficult thing they had ever faced, but when Dorantes is finally caught nothing will silence them about his crimes.

A bodyguard might have been able to prevent Gustavo from giving in to his impulses.

In a funeral parlour elsewhere in the city Julio's mother was leaning on her husband's coffin and crying. He went over to her and led her away from the coffin.
Her sister arrived and embraced her. She said things like not knowing how to go on without her husband, the father of her son.
Why did this have to happen?
Julio looked at his girlfriend (?) and she gave her condolences and said that there were a lot of people there. Julio said they were his father's friends and people he had worked with. She asked Julio how he was.
He said he was not well and didn't know what to do.
She told him to be strong because his mother needed him. He said he didn't know what he would do without her.
He embraced her while watching his mother and his aunt.

El Ciego came to Carlos' apartment, then asked about his “father-in-law.” “Thanks to you he's free again,” he told him. “I always like to help my friends,” was the reply. Carlos said he was alright and gave back the suitcase with half the money, saying he didn't need all of what he had loaned to him. “You sure you don't need it for something else?” He said something about not being able to get it back to the bank right away, but took it back. He then said he was going to ask one more favor, but left without saying what it was.
When he was out the door Carlos sat on his couch looking very worried.

El Ciego had no intention of taking the money back right away. He wanted Carlos to incur an even bigger debt. He really owns him now.

He certainly does. It's the one thing that criminals are such experts at. Carlos' personal mission to possess Alejandra has led him into a life of high-level white collar crime as the accomplice of a violent thug who will never let him go. Gustavo's personal mission will end when Dorantes is caught but only if he is dealt with appropriately. If Raúl Quiróz' instincts can be trusted, this will not be long from now. Until next we meet Behind the Walls of Justice, I'm Christopher Mason.


Here it is at last, amigos.

Julio's case will be interesting. Is he mentally ill? That he never once looked anyone in the eye unless forced to (buy the girlfriend or whoever she is?) is telling. I hope Monday's episode tells us something about that. I would hate to be the lawyer who defends him if he actually got these two thugs to kill his father.

Incredible recap Urban. Tons of pictures, and I love the comedic interplay between Candace and Christopher. Like watching a tennis match between two highly skilled, strategic players. Well done. You bring such a fresh approach to re-telling these episodes.

And I certainly agree with the down to earth Candace and this line:

"You'd think that someone would have insisted upon taking Jaime to a hospital to document his injuries."

Yes, "document" and "treat"! The poor man looked like death warmed over and they haul him home, drag him up the stairs and tend his injuries with tea and toast! Jeez...good thing he has an amazingly strong constitution. In fact, just to survive that bear hug from Paula (not what one needs after being badly beaten) indicates he's a man of iron. Good thing!

I'm enjoying the fresh faces in this one...Quiróz is very is Sofia but she gives me a very bad vibe somehow. Something is "off" there.

Unlike my buddy Irene, I'm still enjoying the push/pull between Bobby and Victoria. For me a lot more amusing than a drippy romance. So I hope that she keeps resisting. At least for a little while.

Thanks Urban. You put in a yeoman's work this week. Big thanks and infinite congratulations.

Great recap, UA, thank you.

JudyB, I'm getting the same vibe from Sofia, but am wondering if it's my residual "hate" toward her character in Vino el Amor that is clouding my vision? Sometimes it takes a while for me to "forgive" a good character after I've last seen the actor playing a slimeball (i.e., Alexis Ayala, Diana Bracho, etc).

Urban, you definitely have supernatural intelligence, resilience, strength and dedication to be able to produce 4 detailed, smart and well-analyzed recaps one after another. I don't know how you do it.
As usual, I am amazed at your ability to find such profound unifying themes to each episode, your way to always find the right photos to go with your words and the ingenious use of outside characters analyzing the plot and making snarky comments about it.
I especially enjoyed the interplay between Christopher and Candice regarding Sophia's visit to the chief of Police.

As far as this episode is concerned, i totally second you and JudyB regarding the idiocy of not taking a victim of a violent kidnapping to the hospital. This Quiros is an eye candy, but unfortunately a very dumb and incompetent eye candy. I was screaming at my tv when he just left the half-dead victim with obvious signs of violent beating go home without calling for an ambulance and having a police officer go with the victim to the hospital, where victim could have received medical attention (and possibly have his life saved in case of internal bleeding), victim's injuries would have been photographed (for subsequent legal proceedings),evidence from the victim's body collected, victim's statement be taken when the events are still fresh in his mind etc.. etc...
And when I was still recovering from being shocked at his incompetence in dealing with the kidnapping, our eye candy goes on to prove that he is the worst cop ever by allowing civilians to run into a building where a highly dangerous criminal is supposedly hiding, instead of establishing a perimeter and not letting anyone near the place. He is lucky that Brick and Gus were not killed during this operation, but I would have made him direct traffic for the next twenty years if I were his superior.


Thanks, amigos.

Irene, I agree about taping off the area. We didn't see what happened inside the building and we don't know what the interior of that building has, which I think might be because the writers were still making up their minds about it. However, this was still a general safety issue.

I often wonder whether some of these things are from writers who secretly think that their audience is stupid.

As to Sofia's visits to the police chief: I've been watching telenovelas for a long time and I know slutwear when I see it. Some actresses are always stuck with it because of their age and/or their figures and K2R is one of them. I think that VEA was the first time I saw her and her character was one of the most hateful I can remember. I don't like women who do the sorts of things she did, as they give the rest of us a very bad name. This series may provide us with an impressive array of slutwear; they're off to a start. I can't imagine those clothes being acceptable in a law office.

Sofia is not the first Vega lawyer to wear skimpy and very figure-hugging clothes. Leticia often wore quite revealing outfits.I think it was done to contrast her slightly antagonistic behavior (sleeping with slimy Benjamin, taking cases that others wouldn't take etc...) with pure and angelic Olivia, Victoria and Alejandra. So maybe the writers are going this way with Sofia too. God knows, we do sorely need good antagonists in this telenovela. The Dorantes brothers and El Siego are just not what telenovela villains should be. They were introduced too late into the plot, have no past with any of the protagonists and their motives are really just " we are criminals, that's what we do and you just happen to stand in our way so we take you out". It can maybe hold for a couple more episodes, but it gets more and more boring with every passing episode, and the sooner they are caught and this plot line is finished, the better, in my opinion.
So, Sofia as a villain does appeal to me, we have more than enough protagonistas, we don't need another holier than though random lawyer that is very good in her job, we already have Alejandra and Victoria for that.
And in any case, she was way too eager to join a sinking law firm whose lawyers get shot at and kidnapped left and right. So maybe there is something there. Oh well, we shall see.



Urban--Thanks for everything you have done in these first episodes. I wish I could help sooner, but I might be able to relieve you some Friday evening in April--unless we go to Headline Postings only.

Urban, if you have time, check out K2R in Quien es Quien, a Telemundo offering from 2016. She was a wholesome young lady who got tripped up a couple of times by the twins (played by Eugenio Siller), who didn't know they were twins. I really enjoyed it, light comedy with some dark places. Laura Flores was the mother.

Irene--So happy to see you in print again and hearing your voice. Your observations have been missed.

Yes the lack of a permanent female villain was obvious, so I thought Sofia was just right for the part. Interesting that so far, she's had us fooled by playing it straight.

Irene--I see you and Judy already had a nice conversation after Thursday's episode. I just wanted to add that sometimes, watching a telenovela is ALL about formulating in your head what you want to discuss on Caray the next day, enjoy the companionship of a virtual community, rather than the story itself.

As someone once mentioned, long ago, sometimes the worst telenovelas bring out the best in recappers and commenters. Mocking and snarking are definitely allowed.

Thank you Urban, lovely you are.

Ok, my father would have gone to the hospital after being in the hands of nasty kidnappers for....almost a year? Our time anyway.
He was beaten, he didn't eat much and
He's old. Yep you are going to the hospital old man. Maybe that's just me.
Ali,will you ever remove the blinders?
Carlos is a devil. Maybe she will when
The next person dies. Hope it won't be
The one fun part in this tn is robby &
Vicky. And shes Havin fun amunks all
The death blood spillage.

Elena and her children are leaving?And
Not coming back? Finaly rick will be free. Maybe. There is sofia. Haven't
Figured her out yet, but you can be sure the girl has an agenda. We will see what that is in the coming weeks. Or I could be totally wrong,and she could be a really nice lawyer lady. Not!
Thanks again Urban. Loved the details in Your recap.

Sofia has her eye on Ricardo; of this I have no doubt. The only question is how long she is going to wait before making her move. She could succeed if she waits long enough since she won't have Elena to deal with.

I completely agree with Irene's comment about los Dorantes. This is not what we expect from novela villains. We expect them to be related to a protagonist and do things like try to break up relationships or to steal inheritances. Juan Carlos Barreto (Jacinto) was brilliant in La Candidata as Silvia Navarro's corrupt father who did his best to manipulate everyone around him and in Yo No Creo en los Hombres. When are we getting another novela from Giselle Gonzales?

Another cast member from La Candidata also just arrived, Federico Ayos. He was the troubled son of the title character in that one and now he seems to be the disturbed teen or 20-something who was present for his father's nasty murder. I suspect he set it up and that we will see him crack within a few episodes. I wonder whether Sofia will end up defending him.

Thank you, Urban.

I tuned into the first episode , but then tuned out when the poor kidnapped guy in the blood white shirt with duct tape on his eyes came on the screen. I don't need that image in my brain.

If you all think the graphically nasty scenes are over for awhile, I may watch again.


Urban, thanks so much for all your hard work! Sorry I'm late to the party, but we are an all-Apple shop at home and my i-devices won't let me comment.

Do you think Elena's off to Canada for good? Now that she is a reformed villainess, there's not much for her to do other than make regrettable sartorial decisions. Maybe the writers will take a page from old American soaps and bring the kids back as plot-advancing disturbed teenagers.

Speaking of fashion, whoever is dressing Ana Brenda this season is doing a spectacular job. That peplum really suits her, and she looked terrific in her rescate-jeans.

I've never seen K2R before. Does she always look like she just sat on something sharp, or just when she's flirting?

Anita, do you want to split Fridays? I am free to recap through 4/13; after that I'll be on vacation for a few weeks. We have successfully shared Fridays in the past, as we seem to travel at different times.

P.P.S. I think the girlfriend put honker-nose up to it. He doesn't seem capable of being the "autor intelectual" of such a crime.

SusanLynn, I can't predict how much blood and guts will be in this series. I hope it doesn't go farther than the first season did, as you don't need too much of this to provide drama and suspense.

Blue Lass, Anita, I'd love if you could do this! I'm currently putting together screen shots of Candace and Christopher for the next two episodes but doing every episode is exhausting. Not as bad as when I had the overlap of YNCELH and PyP, the triple episode nights of PyP, or the overlap of VEA and MdN, but those didn't get the number of screen grabs I do here. I really will have to cut that back, but this time I felt the murder of Julio's father deserved them as the police investigation will lead to identifying the killers.

As to Ana Brenda's peplum outfit, I haven't seen anything like that since my mother had one in the late 50s.

Blue Lass--You almost have talked me into it, despite my promise to myself that I would take another break (it's a two-day process for me--writing all night and sleeping it off the next). I'll send you my trip schedules and we'll work something out. It'll be nice to pair up with you again.

Well Judy B and others all commented on Sweet Goody Teo Shoes real,intentions. Don’t trust her at all. Not a spoiler alert, but I think she is
Two sweet..nah she’s gonna be a MAJOR villainess!

Thanks, Urban. Fine recap and the screen shots show me nuisances that I miss.

The son and his girlfriend seemed about to kiss inappropriately at his dad's velorio, but they didn't. I agree the son is behind his dad's murder and I suspect her too.

Now that her dad's back, Ale and Ric either need to get back together pronto or just forget it.

They seem to be making Carlos softer but honestly can he be that clueless about El Ciego.

I'm so use to professional women dressing inappropriately at the job on TNs that Sofia's low-key ware and low neckline seemed normal by comparison. Anybody watch the Brooke Shields lookalike at the Premios with her shirt open down to her black bra? Saw that look on Tyra Banks at a
an awards show a week ago. She was in that peekaboo outfit to hand an award to a woman elegantly dressed who'sacrificed much to help women in poor countries. Tyra looked so frivolous at that moment.

Blue Lass, K2R always looks like she "sat on something sharp." Your comment gave me a giggle. She was deliciously evil in Vino de Amor.

That little troll that had his dad
Knocked off, Carlos would love a case like that cause he is a immoralist jerk. He wouldn't even Think about impressing ali with defending this guy, he's just thinking about money. I wonder how long it will take her to see the blinding light about this guy? Just before the last two episodes perhaps? Look luck ali.

Blue Lass, "does she always look like she sat on something sharp?" Lol. That was so funny. It's kinda like that person that has that amazed look no matter what's going on. He was one of our presidents and I won't say his name, and he's a nice guy too.

Anita and Blue Lass, I hope you two will be joining Urban on recapping!

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