Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 4/2/19, Episode 15: Surprises

I'm Christopher Mason. Courtrooms are rarely as exciting as the ones seen on television. Trials are usually rather dull affairs, even at 100 Center Street and The Old Bailey. In places like Mexico where there are no juries to play to the proceedings are usually far less dramatic... except for those times when the surprises shock the attorneys.

I'm Candice DeLong. I've witnessed a lot of courtroom action in my career and most of it is very dull. However, you always should be prepared. You never know what can happen.

Tito recounted the details of Ariadna's murder.
He and Mattias had entered the house through the unlocked front door, chased her, and strangled her before hanging her dead body. They had been instructed to make her husband's murder look like an attack for a robbery and to make her death appear to be a suicide. Julio had not been the first contact for this; Tito said that Eva had contacted him first. The prosecutor read Julio's text message to Tito saying that he and his father would be out with the dog and he was to go to the parking facility as he had said before.
Roberto wanted to check this, so the prosecutor showed him the telephone number of that message, then hit it to make Julio's cell ring. Raquel became hysterical with tears.

Ricardo and Adrián visited another law office office to investigate the mysterious Mónica. They explained the urgency of the case.

Julio was brought into the prisoner's holding cell and sworn in. The prosecutor asked whether he had ha any contact with either Mattias or Tito and once again he lied about this. Roberto reminded Julio that he was under oath so it would be better for him to tell the truth. The prosecutor asked whether he had masterminded the killing of his parents and he denied it. The prosecutor showed him the transcript of the messages and asked why he wanted his father murdered.
Before he could answer Roberto stood up and objected to the question. The prosecutor then asked why Julio had done nothing when the two men were killing his father. When Julio hesitated the prosecutor asked why he had left the door open so his mother would be killed. Roberto tried to get the judge to stop this but he did not. The prosecutor showed an afadavit about the video and the text transcript showing the message sent five minutes earlier. Raquel couldn't take any more, saying “No, no, no...” just as Julio said “They would never allow me to be free.

Roberto tried to stop him saying more but the prosecutor didn't stop. He asked “How did things go with your parents?” “They were difficult people,” he said. Roberto told him to say nothing again but the prosecutor would not stop. Julio started to say that they wanted him to see a psychiatrist, so Juan stood up to tell the judge that their client was not in control of his faculties and did not understand the consequences of his statements. The prosecutor said he seemed lucid and then asked Julio what had happened that afternoon.
Julio stated that he had asked his father for money to take Eva out on a date and his father told him he should be working, as he was more than twenty years old. He said he could not maintain him forever and asked Julio when he was going to take his life seriously and go to work. Julio answered that he worked but didn't get paid. Sergio said that his band wasn't work.
That if he wanted to be a musician he would need to work daily and in a disciplined way, not like it was a hobby. Julio then told him to forget it. Sergio then stopped him leaving and Julio accused him of not understanding him. His father answered that he was worried about his future. Julio walked out. He finished be saying his father never understood him. Roberto and Juan exchanged looks, then looked at their client.
Raquel was speechless.

Ricardo and Adrián were told that four years previously a complaint had been filed against Dr Lara by Mónica. Almazán on behalf of her son, but the reason for it was confidential. Ricardo asked whether it was going to be presented in court. The woman told him that because the parties did not come to any agreement so that this needed to go to another authority. He asked for a copy of the documents. Both he and Adrián smiled as payment in advance.

Carlos tried to chase Alan out of his office. He was angry because Alejandra was going out with Ricardo. He went on about the conversation and Alan told him that he had to know that this could happen at any time. Carlos refused to accept this, insisting that Alejandra would get back to him because he loved her.

So what did Carlos think he could do to get her back? Kidnap her as her father had been kidnapped? This is most likely why he borrowed the money from El Ciego. Alan should also realize that he was partly responsible for this. He told Alejandra to allow Carlos to hope for their reunion when he got out of jail.

The prosecutor stated that this proved Julio's involvement.
Roberto requested a psychiatric evaluation for his client due to the trauma and that this testimony be put aside. The prosecutor told Julio that it would have been easier for everyone if he had told the truth from the outset. “Now you have a chance to put this right.” Roberto told him for the nth time to say nothing. Raquel stared. The prosecutor said that they could compromise over him being the mastermind and Eva his accomplice but if he didn't tell the truth it would complicate his situation. If he would take responsibility and confess...

He did. The prosecutor handed the cell phone evidence to the judge.
Raquel cried. Roberto said that Julio had been about to say he was under psychiatric treatment and that the prosecutor took advantage of this by pressing his questions. The judge said he would take that under advisement and told him to take his seat.

Carmen showed a new client into Gustavo's office, a Señor Aguirre. He had been divorced for a year and had a six-year-old daughter. His ex-wife had custody. He had been compliant and on time with all child support payments and brought proof of deposits and transfers. He had been granted weekly visitation but his wife had not complied and it had been four months since he last saw his daughter. His ex kept coming up with pretexts for why he couldn't week after week. Gustavo told him that he would help.

The judge asked for closing arguments. Roberto said that Julio was clearly not in control of his mental faculties, as he had lied and had no awareness of the consequences of his actions. The prosecutor said he had proven that Julio was the mastermind of his parents' murder and that this heinous crime could not go unpunished.

Gustavo said he would talk to his client's ex and look for a neutral time to negotiate this. His client told him that once she knew he was his lawyer she wouldn't even return his calls. Gustavo said that they needed to do this and only if it doesn't work they would go to court. Gustavo told him not to be afraid. He had demonstrated he was a responsible father. He asked whether he was prepared to assume full custody and he said he was. His daughter was the most important thing in his life.

The judge said that in view of the evidence he was not accepting Roberto's argument because there was clear proof of premeditation in the murder. He therefore found Julio guilty of masterminding his parents' murders. He found Eva guilty of being his accomplice.
Julio tried to say she had done nothing but the judge demanded silence. He found Alberto Garcia and Mattias Madrigal guilty as well. He then sentenced Julio to thirty years in prison. Raquel looked at him, crying. He asked her to forgive him as the police dragged him out. Eva was brought in and he told her he loved her.
She stared out with evil reptilian eyes at the courtroom
that became mocking as she looked at the anguished Raquel.

Ricardo and Adrián visited Rafael to tell him that the phone number of the woman who called herself Veronica was the number of Mónica. Almazán. They told him her true name and he was still in denial that this had happened. They showed him her photo and he identified her as his Veronica.

Eva was found guilty of assisting in the planning of the murder and sentenced to fifteen years. She continued to deny having done anything.
She carried on like a child, hanging onto the bars of the holding cell until the female officer pulled and dragged her away.
Mattias Madrigal was sentenced to thirty-two years and Alberto Garcia to twenty-four years because he had turned states' evidence. Roberto looked angry with himself and Raquel was inconsolable.

Ricardo told his client that Mónica Almazán had brought a lawsuit against the doctor. He was still in denial about what happened. Ricardo told him that he and Adrián would see her at the address on the identification they showed him and they told him not to worry.

Mónica was talking to a man on the phone, telling him she had to change her number. He was not to worry since his testimony was ready. As she spoke she prepared an injection. She picked up the phone, saying that she would be able to pay bills that month. He asked how she would send the money.
She finished the conversation, and gave her son an injection, saying that when she got paid she would be able to buy more medication.
She kissed him on the cheek. His eyes were open, but appeared lifeless.

There was something very wrong here. A woman capable of tricking a man to commit murder for her is capable of other elaborate deceptions.

Raquel traded anguish for anger as she marched into the lockup, saying she finally understood why he was looking for the insurance payout so quickly and why he wasn't in the house the day his mother was killed. She demanded explanations.
Julio tried to say she had no idea what hell he was in and that he didn't think it would come to this. She didn't fall for this. She asked repeatedly how he could do such a thing to parents who loved him and gave him everything.
He grabbed at her hand twice and she pulled it back. Finally she told him she would not help him anymore and he was dead to her because he was a monster.
That this wasn't punishment enough, that he would never see her again, and that she would never forgive him.
She went out as he begged her several times not to leave him there. One of the older men told him to shut his mouth.

Carlos met with Damian Zevala, who represented a medical technology company. Carlos said he would need to know more about his business. He began explaining certain business aspects, particularly the elimination of certain middle men in order to be more profitable.

Carmen handed the files on their new interns to Alonso and they entered his office. Manuel mentioned having read all of Alonso's books. Lorena mentioned how much she admired the lawyers in the firm. Alonso was pleased. He gave them the Justice Pep Talk that he gives at graduations and said that in time they would be able to try their own cases after spending time assisting the lawyers at the firm. He discussed some financials and welcomed them to the firm.

Raquel almost collapsed against a wall on their way out. Roberto told her that it was difficult to come up with a good defense in a case with so many lies. She told them they were not at fault. She went on about how could Julio do this to parents like his. Roberto told her then that they could file an appeal but there was no chance of winning.
Raquel told him not to bother. “Julio must pay for what he's done. My nephew is sick. He has no heart, no feelings. He is mad and would only get worse if he were set free. Please don't do anything.” She turned toward the wall and cried harder.

Ricardo and Adrián met with Sonia to bring her up to date on their investigation. She still expressed her doubts about their client's word, as the confession was too elaborate. They didn't have a motive yet and were asking her help in getting an arrest warrant so they could get Mónica in for questioning. She reluctantly agreed but gave them no additional time to build their case.

And they say the wheels of justice turn slowly in Mexico.

Carmen showed Manuel and Lorena to the library and there introduced them to Roberto. Lorena expressed an interest in criminal law. He told them to count on him for assistance.

Alan asked Carlos for the new case, since he was more versed in corporate law than he. Carlos hesitated, but conceded the request and handed him the file.

Paula was having coffee with her friends, who were happy at the news about Alejandra and Ricardo. Alicia handed her the papers regarding the loan she was making to Gilberto.

Alicia may get a very unpleasant surprise about Gilberto. Something about this deal won't pass inspection.

Mónica bathed her son, telling him that someday he will be able to get out of the bed. She flexed his leg, talking about how they would walk for hours and he would be able to play fútbol again.

Victoria went into Roberto's office and found him upset. He told her what happened in the courtroom. He went on about how could he do his job with Julio not being honest with him and how his specialty shows him the dark sides of humanity. Victoria told him this was not his fault and that this turned out the best possible way. He couldn't win every case. He seemed to feel better after this.

Alejandra and Sofia discussed the investigation into the attempt on Alonso's life.

Sonia, Ricardo, and Adrián accompanied the police to Mónica.'s address with an arrest warrant. She called out “Coming!” However, a man answered the door claiming no knowledge of her. Sonia told the police to go inside just as a delivery man arrived at Mónica.'s back door with what looked like oxygen tanks. The man who had opened the door to Sonia told Ricardo and Adrián that he didn't know the woman they were looking for. He had been living there a year. The policeman who went inside said she was not there.
Sonia gave the two lawyers a dirty look just as they asked the man if he had any information about who had lived there before. He went inside and returned with a slip of paper. Sonia told them that at that moment their client was the only suspect. She made a sarcastic comment about how could they continue to defend a client who continually deceives them.

I'd much rather be surprised during an investigation than in a courtroom.

I'm sure most attorneys would agree with that. The surprise about El Gato was unwelcome but still left room for investigation. The surprise in the courtroom made Roberto look foolish but this couldn't have been the first time. However, it devastated Raquel, who must feel abjectly stupid at not having seen the evil in her nephew. Rafael was unable to accept that a scheming woman used him to carry out her revenge while Carlos cannot face that Alejandra meant it when she said their relationship was over. There is also Alicia's situation to consider and what shock could be in store for her and her friends over the business that Gilberto is talking about. All in good time. Until next we meet Behind the Walls of Justice, I'm Christopher Mason.


UA: Good Job on the recap. I see that Nina Montenegro from "PyP" AKA Purple Lips made an appearance.


She does get off on playing the femme fatal. I wondered if that was the same red dress worn by Susanna Gonzales in LSdP, but that one was sleeveless.

On another note I wonder where parricide killers rank on the prison food chain.

Thank you, UA, another stellar recap. I don't believe for a second that Julio was the 'mastermind' behind his parent's murders. I believe it was Eva and when he realized the jig was up, he quickly confessed that he planned everything in order to protect his puppetmaster. It's been clear in all their interactions that SHE was running the show, and out of greed, not out of love for him. Pobre imbecil! He doesn't know what hit him. And even if she ever finds out that he threw himself under the bus to protect her, it won't be enough for her. She'll find a way to blame him for her having to spend ANY time in prison.

For Roberto and Juan, this was a lose-lose situation. Like Victoria said, can't win 'em all! I'm glad the writers show them losing sometimes, though.

Best thing about this novela, is seeing favorite characters/ actors we’ve seen before. The young man wanting more visitation rights is Diego de Erice, who we saw as the rascally motorcycle riding priest who wooed Cynthia Klitbo! In La Sombra Del Pasado. And we seen Marlene Favela who played Johny (of Amar a Muerte) mother in Poder y Pasion. Alejandro Nones was a bad guy, too. How about dem
murderous lovers....to prison they will go.......


The flashback indicates that Julio had a major conflict with his father over his failure to launch as an adult. What Sergio said about Julio's music being treated as a hobby I will accept at face value. We have a classic case of a spoiled rich kid who hasn't learned to adult and who is besotted with whatever charms the psychopathic Eva used (brujeria, por ejemplo?) to get him.

We have no information on Eva other than the two have dated for 2-3 years. We know that she did most of the communication with the killers. Does she come from their neck of the woods? If so she had to have been clever enough to conceal that from Julio's parents or they would have found a way to break them up long before we got to this.

Her sense of entitlement is even greater than his. She also got half the time in the slammer as he did.

However, I don't feel all that sorry for him. He's over 20 and should have gotten off his butt to work a long time ago.

Thank you UA, Christopher Mason and Candice DeLong for you recap, narration and interjections. It was charming, as always.

Is the Monica with the comatose child the same gal a few days ago who had the black eye? Did the eye heal, or was was that just shadowing to throw us off the trail? It's looking like she had a bone to pick with Dr. Lara over malpractice and not assault.

Speaking of old friends popping up in this tn: Who recognizes that Sonia was Blanca in Cuando and Sandra's friend who is dating Alonso was Constanza from Cuando?

Responding to comments from yesterday: There is a Dynasty re-boot? And Ana Brenda is in it? Does anyone know if it's better than the Dallas remake attempt?

Blue, I don't know how long Dona Flor is supposed to run. I've only talked about it with you. I'm hoping it lasts long enough to let me keep up with my reading of the book IN SPANISH (clap clap clap for me). I wonder how closely it will follow the book?

R la O

OT: The Dynasty reboot is on the CW network. Also available the Demand. It's into its second season. Grant Show plays Blake Carrington; Ana Brenda plays Krystal; Nicollete Sheridan plays Alexis. Don't know much about the other characters except that there is a Fallon and the Sammie Jo character (was Heather Locklear) is now Fallon's gay brother Sam. I loved the original, but could only take about ten minutes of this one, but that's just me. There's just no way to forget the REAL Alexis - Joan Collins! Nope, doesn't work for me. I'm my opinion, the bland Dallas reboot was better than this. At least they stayed true to the original characters and used the original actors as their base.

The black eye -- whether real or faked -- was in a flashback, so it's not meant to throw us off and isn't a continuity error.

I seem to remember the camera focusing on the newspaper article about the doctor's assassination and then panning up to Monica's battered face as she said, "Valio la pena," which I took to mean it was worth it getting beat up (I assume by a hired someone) in order to get the patsy to do her dirty work. She got her revenge on the doc and by giving him a fake name and backstory, got rid of the clingy "amor" too. She's home free! She thinks.

Thanks Urban. Things are moving rather
Quickly here.

I wonder what happened to that kid in the comatose condition? And how much Of is his creepy moma's fault? And what's in that giant syringe? So many
Questions I have. The answers will come soon quickly enough.

That DA lady is a tough Ol broad. She
Don't seemto like the defense lawyers.
What's her story? She probly had to be
Tough in law school & to be where she is.
Now the fact that that poor schlubb did The murder/assassination of the doc for creepy mom and is now sorry dont flush the toilet. He let that nut
Talk/trick him into killing this guy.
Your probly right ANON 3:33, she may have Hired somebody to beat her up to fool That guy, and he Fell for it. And He's Not that bright to easily be talked into murder. And He's saying he loves this Psycho woman? He'll do time for the Murder. Do they have the death penilty in Mexico?

Gilbert is a crook,a scamer,and he saw
Alicia comin a mile away. What's the loan for? Anybody know?

Julio Eva, pathetic. I think eva was the mastermind, but it don't matter he
Has admitted to hating his dad & moma
Enought to kill them for money. His pa
Was right, He shouldve took his but to work instead of wanting handouts from
Dad. Over 20 years old too. He was just sorry and didn't want to work. That band probly tweren't that good anyhow. Poor robby. All that good hard
Lawyering he and jaun did, and all for a lying client. He'll get over it.

Good recap Urban.


They shouldnt even try to do the
Old shows over. The actors arent even that convincing.Some of the classics cannot be touched. And
Shouldn't be.

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