Thursday, May 23, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#2): Week of May 20, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series which are not being covered by recappers. It’s your sandbox where you can gather to discuss, critique, snark, or just plain talk about your favorite or not-so-favorite characters, scenes, dialogues, wardrobe or whatever else you can think of. Everyone is welcome to join in the conversations. Highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes are encouraged (this would be a good time to practice your skills in recapping :-). As of now there are no recappers for LRSY, so if some brave souls would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap, I’m sure it would be very appreciated. TNs/series covered by this page are:
  • 9-10PM – La Rosa de Guadalupe
  • 8-9PM   – La Reina Soy Yo : Ep. 10-11
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, please identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for, especially after La Reina Soy Yo starts.

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

Proximas: “Silvia Pinal: Frente a Ti” starts May 27th at 9PM

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Charley is crooning and grooving as his audience (composed mostly of admirers and a sprinkling of skeptics) cheer. (He does have mad moves) :)

Gente de Zona sing in sync to an upbeat tempo. Yameli seriously assesses and silently approves.

We see Charly sporting gold lame and a studded collar (does anyone wear lame well?) as they toast and celebrate. Later Charly replays “the” song as he stares at Yemeli’s image on his phone. Ahhh, he calls her as she and Jack talk. She ignores the call. Diana (looking sparkly herself with a layer of leather) struts in and Charly kisses her but nothing more to her annoyed chagrin. Yameli and Steve discuss the Monchis/Erick connection.

Yameli calls Juanjo who smiles delightedly. They agree to meet up the next day. I believe Jack objects but she reminds him Juanjo thinks she is dead. Diana and Charly breakfast as she asks about Yameli as she throws his phone at him. Guess it’s no secret Yameli is on the minds of both men. Charly tries to sleeze his way out with slimy excuses.

Yameli and Juanjo take off and go back to her neighborhood. Yam looks like the last thing she wants is a stroll down memory lane. They get to her house desecrated with graffiti and Yameli can hardly bear to turn her head. Juanjo runs into a group of young men and I believe they are trying to get a number for Erick.

Charley and Monchis meet as Juanjo and Yameli survey the city from a high vantage point. Juanjo recalls he, Charly and Yameli as they celebrated their friendship and loyalty many years ago. He relates Yameli died as the alive and breathing Yameli swallows and looks sad. Does he say she was the love of his life? The warm and fuzzies are short lived as when they arrive back at the studio, (Gwen??) is already there and very unhappy he took off and didn’t give her his afternoon itinerary. Ack.

Brandon gives his bevy of bikini clad beauties a few moment off from a “photo shoot” while Vanesa undresses. Oh noes!

Juanjo is fantasizing about Yameli. Oh, looks like Charly is equally smitten as he and Axel work in the studio. Steve makes three. Sweet (day) dreams…

Yameli meets Erick and tells him how gifted he is as she presents her card. Maybe the call of the blood wasn't screaming, but there was a quiet whisper.

Yameli stops by a house and urges a blonde man to audition. Sorry, I do not know who this character is. Diana was not enthusiastic but Yameli smilingly urges Charley to hire him.

Yameli meets with hawt DEA guy. He gives her a wire. Looks like fun and games (such as they were) are over. She plants the mic on the ceiling in his office. Randy Charly (and the reporter) come in as Yameli barely escapes getting caught.

She almost snarls as she talks with Jack. Later, she and DEA guy confer on a park bench as he gives Yameli her orders.

Vanesa and Erick talk at school.

Axel and Charly drive around in a bright red corvette like car. Draw your own conclusions as to what this might mean. Charly drops in on Yameli unannounced. She holds her own and soon Charly is dismissed.

Yameli looks hot but not particularly bothered…


Good evening all.

There were a few scenes tonight I could make no sense of. First, whose house Yameli went to, asking the blonde man to audition. I had to include something, so I did.

Charly met with someone talking about documents but I could glean nothing from the conversation so I left it out.

I would like to sincerely thank Judy and Rgv Chick who are the ones who really concoct these. I simply throw on a bit of fluff, they are the ones who pull this together and make sense of it.

I'm thoroughly enjoying this - different and fun. All comments and corrections are most welcome.

Sleep well!


Thanks, Diana for the summary. Here are a few more details I picked up--hope they're accurate. When Juanjo and Yameli were with the group of guys in the barrio, one of the guys followed them and told them they could find Eric at his college.

When Juanjo and Yameli were on the terrace with the view and the memories of the past, he did say that Yameli was the love of his life and he regretted never telling her that.

In Charley's meeting with the dirty business guy, Charley says he doesn't want his name on any documents. Guy says he's in charge and not to worry.

I think the bleached blonde guy from the barrio is Chris. Charlie ignores wife's disapproval of the audition and goes with Yameli/Lari's urging to give him a contract. Chris has always been a big Charley fan. Lari/Yam tells Charley they will be a successful team.

Rizzo/DEA guy finally gives in to Lari/Yam and and says she can pursue Eric for talent. She told him this was good way to get to Charley.

At the end, Charley tells Lari/Yam some kind of flattery. She thought bubbles that he is "asco." My Spanish dictionary says this is something dirty, despicable, loathsome. I heartily agree.

On the sidelines cheering for Yameli to keep her cover and her cool, and for Charley to be revealed as the stupid, self-serving asco he is.


Diana, I only saw parts of this tonight and will watch the rest tomorrow. I can tell you that Charly first met with Monchis who talked him into going ahead with the laundering of money since Charly is broke (he put all his money, and then some, into the recording studio). Charly agree to the laundering of money, but only until he gets back on his feet (yeah, right!).

Later, Charly met with a man (probably an accountant) who explained exactly how they would be laundering money. Charlie told the man that the man would be in charge of all the laundering, but Charlie will not sign any of the documentation.

The house Yameli went to is where Chris Vega (the whitish/blonde hair young guy) lives. Yameli was asking the mom if she would allow her to represent Chris (but I'm not sure how Yameli discovered Chris) and introduce him to Charly.

When Charly and Axel were driving around, Charly was telling him about Yameli catching him and Zaria in his office. He was worried that Yameli might rat on him since he is such a "decent' person. Axel laughed when Charly said that (and so did I!) Actually, Charly is more worried about his fans finding out about his messing around since he and Diana have an "understanding."

More tomorrow (yawwnn)


La Paloma, I was writing while you posted!

Thanks Diana...I loved this!

"Maybe the call of the blood wasn't screaming, but there was a quiet whisper."

So funny. At first the DEA agent didn't want her to have anything to do with Erick, but I don't remember why. But now that has been worked out. Of course he is still resisting because putative dad Monchis doesn't want him in the business. It also seems strange that she doesn't just freak out at his resemblance to Charley as a lad. But oh well....

Even though there was a lot of filler during the opening moments of this episode, I continue to really enjoy Charley's dancing. Even his arm and hand gestures are amazing. Too bad the character is such a tool!

Simply amazed at all you can glean just from the visuals and the tone of voice. Rgv Chick, Paloma and I just get to fine tune a few details. Believe me, editing is easy. Writing is hard. You're doing a fantastic job.

And the closed captions are sometimes wrong. Mine said that Monchis was an "ampón" Which means someone stout or thick. But it should have been "hampón" which means bad guy, thug, criminal, low life etc. In short, everybody struggles at some point.

Anyway, all this to say that you're doing a beautiful job of picking up what's happening in this one. I fear Gwen (Wendy) is about to have her heart broken now that Yameli/Lari is back in Juanjo's life. Ah well, "nadie tiene la vida comprada". We take our risks and sometimes our nose gets bloodied.

Loved the title too. One of my favorite songs and so apt for this one. That song will be going through my head all day. Fine by me!


Diana: I enjoyed your recap. Looks like Erick will join the drug trafficking business.

RGV Chick: Yameli came very close to getting caught.

Good morning everyone and I gratefully thank the three angels who filled in the all important details.

LaPaloma, thank you so much for confirming Juanjo admitted Yameli is the love of his life and the other essential blanks you filled in - so Rizzo said Erick can be courted to get to Charly and is fair game! Loved "On the sidelines cheering for Yameli to keep her cover and her cool, and for Charley to be revealed as the stupid, self-serving asco he is"! Simply great.

Rgv Chick, so Charly is broke! And will be engaging in money laundering. Chris is the young blonde man (good voice). And I wonder if Charly and Diana's understanding is simply on his part? :) Thank you for all this important information - I am so appreciative!

Judy, yes, I find it hard to believe that Yameli isn't picking up something/anything as Erick is the mirror image of his father! Thank you for your important contributions. Yes, Wendy seems destined for heartbreak. "nadie tiene la vida comprada". We take our risks and sometimes our nose gets bloodied" was great. You always provide just the right expressions! Your kind words and encouragement have buoyed my spirits. Gracias amiga.

Steve, thank you so much.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Good morning and thank you to Diana, judyb, La Pa!oma, and Chickie.

Judyb...yes, we need to suspend our disbelief that Yami does not freak out...or even notice... that Eric is the spitting image of Charley...Since it is the very same actor. uff.

Are Juanjo and Gwen married ? We all know that juanjo and Yami are meant to be together.

I have to giggle ever find I hear someone say "Yami"_because for some reason that is what my dad Called his steers. They would be grazing the hillside , and my dad would put out their feed and call them as if they were pets "Here yami, yami, yami..come , yami, yami, yami.

I hate autocorrect. I proofread , but it still gets screwed up. ... " ever find" started out as "every time."

Diana, just stopping by the old patio to visit (my current patio home is on the Telemundo side of the blog) and having the pleasant surprise of seeing you recapping this novela. What a wonderful way to share your talent as a writer! You have a lot to offer.

Good Morning, Sunshines!!

Diana, you write exquisitely. As JudyB stated, we only fine tune the details, but you are the master in writing.

"We see Charly sporting gold lame and a studded collar (does anyone wear lame well?) as they toast and celebrate." I am wondering who the heck is selecting this guy's wardrobe. Those jackets he wears are so outlandish and bright that I am tempted to squint.

"Charly tries to sleeze his way out with slimy excuses." The man cannot even lie well, but wifey seems to take it in stride. She may look upset, but she never really tells him anything.

"Maybe the call of the blood wasn't screaming, but there was a quiet whisper." Outstanding, of the many examples of why I enjoy reading your writings! Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent.

La Paloma, "On the sidelines cheering for Yameli to keep her cover and her cool, and for Charley to be revealed as the stupid, self-serving asco he is. That makes at least two of us!

JudyB, thanks for clarifying the error on "ampón" I heard it last night and had never heard that word I have something to add to my vocabulary list :-) Sometimes I turn on the CCs and see those errors, they seem to just go with phonetics. For example, the DEA agents name is Ben RICKSON, yet they identify him as "Rizzo" on the CCs. It could be a nickname for him, but I think it's more a phonetic spelling based on how Jack pronounces the name with his accent.

Did you all notice that Axel's name was changed to Carlos. I noticed that briefly last night, but I'll double check...maybe I heard wrong.

I still haven't watched the entire episode, but with your recap, Diana, and La Paloma's added details, I don't think I need to.

Hi Susanlynn - No, Juanjo isn't married. Yet. As you've pointed out, now that Yameli is back in the picture, I suspect that is not going to occur. I sort of liked Gwen initially but her little snit fit last night was very unbecoming.

Jarifa, I wish you were watching this with us! I appreciate your kind words and hope that we will be watching the same TN soon. Enjoy your current shows!

Rgv Chick, thank you for your always enthusiastic support. As if you don't have enough on your plate with work, recapping a minimum of 2 TNs and more, you always find time to cheer us on. You are so appreciated!

OK, so now Axel = Carlos and DEA agent = Ben. Sigh. I am still trying to learn who everyone is, let alone have the character's names shifts. But I appreciate your letting me know. I slip into "real life" names too often but I would rather get something right than nothing :)


Chris is the singer who lost to Prince Koi at the ring. Yameli was initially interested in bringing him to Charly.

Is Prince Koi is a play on Prince Royce?

Dislike Wendy. Juanjo was obviously never into her. She should have moved on long ago.


Diana, I just watched the red car scene again...and only to clear up the Axel/Carlos question. I had turned on the CCs last night to figure out what it was that Charly told Diana right before going up to bed. In that scene, not even the CCs could figure out what he said because it only indicated "Mumbles." In the red car, Charly refers to Axel by that name (Axel), but the CCs show "Carlos" when Axel speaks. Where the CCs got "Carlos" from is anyone's guess! So Axel is back to being Axel...sorry for the confusion.

I had liked Gwen too, but as you noted, after last night's little tantrum, she went down a few notches on the totem pole.

Oh and I forgot to write "Reina-Soy" in my previous comment...OOPSIE!


Anon 12:06, thanks for that info on Chris. I was so focused on Erick during the "match" that I didn't even look at his opponent. And I was not sure about the name Erick was using before, but last night his friend in the barrio referred to him as PEZ Koi which means Koi Fish. Your idea about the play on words is a good one though...wish the writers had thought of it!



Thank you Rgv Chick. Back to Axel it is! CCs would confuse me even more than I am now! :)

Thank you Anon. You have a sharp eye - I will admit I did not pay attention to Erick's opponent.

Also, I think Wendy was hoping for more from Juanjo. And she did get it - until Yameli showed up. Some are able to wear people down just by "being there". But you are right, she should have moved on as her jealous streak is already showing. Not a firm foundation for planning to get married.


Anonymous 12:06...Erick's performance name is not a play on Prince Royce. Actually his stage name is Pez Koi, a type of very determined, persistent fish. At least that was his reason for choosing the name. A fish that would not give up! But the "Pez" always makes me think of the candy of that same name.

Wendy has my sympathy actually. She has always loved Juanjo and waited for him. Her jealousy is based on something real...she senses she is losing him to Lari/Yameli and she is. Only a bona fide saint would not be jealous. I say cut the poor gal some slack. And maybe send a new fella her way who truly loves her.

Susanlynn: Gwen will find out Yameli is alive & working for DEA & snitch on her to Charly & the Drug Cartels.



JudyB, "Actually his stage name is Pez Koi, a type of very determined, persistent fish. At least that was his reason for choosing the name." Thanks! I do remember him explaining that, but, right now, this little fish needs to rethink his name because last night he pretty much indicated he had given up on his interest in music. I think Susanlynn should ship him some of her Hopeos so he can get back on track :-)


Hah, Rgv Chick, you already corrected Anonymous about Pez Koi. Sorry, in my ADD haste, I missed your full comment. Not unlike when I go back a page in a book and there are whole paragraphs I seem to have missed. Scary!

Yep, for some reason, Erick seems really freaked about Monchi's objections to his music career and is now stalling. I suppose we don't want Lari/ Yameli's job to be TOO easy. Throw a monkey wrench or two into the mix.


Judy: Something tells me Gwen will figure out Lari & Yameli are the same person & tell Charly.


It Takes One To Know One

At his recording session, Chris fawns embarrassingly over Charly. Yameli is not pleased with the performance, offering kind but firm constructive direction.

Charly shows up at Juanjo’s as the guy with man bun (who interviewed Charly early on) leaves. Charly sees the photo of the three amigos and they momentarily bond. I believe Charly offers Juanjo a job “freelance” which Juanjo refuses but thanks him for the opportunity.

Erick and Vanesa have a chat as do Charly and Monchis, but not privately as the mic is picking up everything Charly says. Yameli seems to have gotten Chris’ performance to improve but Charly is not impressed. Does he say the music lacks sexuality?

Yameli and Erick meet – she likes what she hears and offers appreciative praise, telling him he is talented. He says “cool” before she mentions Luxor. He admits Charly is his brother and that his father does not approve of his musical career. Exuding fear, he leaves in haste.

Monchis and Charly are grilling and chilling. Every time we see him he is on the patio with his henchies doing nothing. Yameli listens to the tape. I cannot shed any light on what was said.

Looks like Monchi’s “staff” are stealing everything from Juanjo’s studio.

Vanesa wishes her delightful parents a good morning. She mentions her modeling and Charly vehemently reacts. A monster himself, he ruminates on how his daughter could be taken advantage of. Diana tries to talk to Vanesa who explains it is her passion. I think Diana is going to let her do what she wants under her watchful parental eye. Sigh. Uh oh – there’s the pinky swear.

Charly verbally attacks Erick while worthless Lidia stands by, chastising Charly far too late. She does later comfort Erick and has the grace to look a bit stricken. Erick is struggling emotionally and who can blame him?

Next, Vanesa and Diana show up at Brandon’s. Maybe it’s a good idea mama bear is there. I am sure she’s seen pretty much everything and her savviness has her several steps ahead of Brandon’s lecherous plans.

Yameli goes to Juanjo asking for his help telling him his talent, his passion are evident. Charly shows up, and tag teamed by both Yameli and Charly, Juanjo reluctantly agrees.

Diana and Charly chat. He reminds her she is HIS manager, not their daughter’s. He tells Vanesa in no uncertain terms that he is in charge. He is the head of the household and she will not be doing any modeling. If anyone know how to be treacherous and duplicitous, he does. But of course he avows that he loves her, she is his princess. Diana glares. I get the feeling no one tells Diana what to do.

Yameli shares the tape with Ben who is appreciative and says they are going to have a big surprise (Charly and Monchis). Great! Can’t wait. He wishes Yameli luck and says she looks nice (and so she does).

Here’s Jack. With still nary a lock out of place and still looking very hot. Does she say she thinks Erick is Charly’s son? Please, will someone with language skills please translate their conversation?


Friends, I readily admit, I totally struggled with tonight's episode in its entirety.

Without the musical interludes the previous episodes had, the conversations were too fast and furious for me. I felt as though I hardly understood anything said in the first twenty minutes and precious little else.

I did the best I could, and that's about all I can offer...

Thank you in advance for filling in the blanks of what I missed and corrections to what I missed.

My apologies. Good night all.


Due to household circumstances, my watching was a little sketchy tonight. Diana covered the essentials (thanks!). Looks like Vanessa is determined to be a model, with a little help from her mother, and Erick is determined to leave home and follow a musical career.

Maybe Yameli hasn't recognized Erick as Charley's son because he always wears at least one hoodie. If he is ever bare headed, the resemblance might be stronger.

Cruel of Monchis to steal all of Juanjo's equipment. This forces the three amigos to work together, almost like days of yore. Can Juanjo help Chris see the light, performance wise?


OMGoodness, Diana, you are one amazing lady. You got just about everything! There isn't much to add other than Erick deciding to leave home because of the fight with Charly who will never accept him as a part of the family...and Erick wants nothing to do with is father's business which he knows will be forced on him if he stays. He goes to talk to his friend and tells him he left home...and he hopes to look for his bio parents to find out why they abandoned him.

Some of the other stuff was summarized by Yameli at the end during her conversation with Jack. She suspects ( and she is correct) that Charly was the one who had all of Juanjo's equipment stolen because Juanjo refused to work for Charly who, like his uncle, will not take "no" for an answer. In stealing the equipment, Juanjo would not be able to work or make money. She made the connection because she heard (through the recording) Charly call Monchis and tell him that he needed to talk to him about a "job" and it just so happened to be the day after Juanjo refused the job offer.

Jack asked Yameli what else she had heard on the recording; so she told him that Charly was getting fed up with Zaria, the reporter. Yameli wants Diana to find out about Charly's affair and wonders how that can happen. When Jack told her to be careful because Charly could suspect her, Yameli thinks that it could be Zaria that tells Diana..when Charly throws her to the curb. Jack's light bulb goes on as he thinks about the "woman scorned" idea.

Nite All!! More tomorrow!


La Paloma, we cross the same path at the same time again! This is too funny. I sure hope Juanjo can help with Chris, but based on what Yameli was telling David, the audio tech guy, it was David who wasn't following Yameli's instructions, not Chris. That's why she thought to offer Juanjo the job. She was quite surprised when Juanjo thought Charly had sent her since Charly had been there the day before offering him the same job.

Wow, thank you so much Diana, La Paloma, and Chickie for a great recap. Talk about teamwork !!! I did not even have a visual because I got a phone call last night from .y E st friend who just returned from a short trip ,and I missed the whole episode. I really appreciate the three of you lovely ladies keeping me up to date. So far , this is the best telenovela that I have seen in a long time. Great acting and a good plot.

The actor playing Charly is doing a fine job of making me despise him. As you noted Diana, nobody can spot a grifter like another grifter. Charly's permenantly smug expression gets me. I suppose we have all met a Charly of two in our lifetimes...self serving and conceited.

La Paloma..I , too, have noticed that Eric wears a lot of layers of fabric. Is he wearing two hoodies ? A beanie and a hoodie? Is he cold or cool ? I guess I just do not get current fashion trends for the young. Likewise, Juanjo' s hairstyle. The trend for partially shaved heads for men and women...don't get it.

Chickie, I had a bowl of Hopeos for my breakfast. P.s. Chickie, we have had some fun, silly conversations here, haven't we ?

Also, dear ladies, I am still struggling after over 7 months of my life altering experience. Please know that you have been helping me to keep going . I find Caray a comforting place to retreat to for a few moments whenever my new normal gets to be too much for me to deal with .I try to keep busy and distracted. Thank you for helping me to hold onto my tilted world as a read comments from your familiar cyber voices. I am grateful .


"Cruel of Monchis to steal all of Juanjo's equipment. This forces the three amigos to work together, almost like days of yore" - excellent point, well taken. Thank you La Paloma!

"hopes to look for his bio parents to find out why they abandoned him" made me sad Rgv Chick. Be careful what you wish for! I dare say Erick will be saved by the fact Yameli is his mother. Otherwise...

Rgv Chick, thank you for all the updates! So Juanjo was suspicious as she offered him a job on Charly's heels. That certainly makes sense. So if Diana finds out about Zaria, will she care?? She is so selfish and self absorbed. I think only her pride will be wounded. She seems to see Charly as her personal property, not her husband.

"nobody can spot a grifter like another grifter" was perfect Susanlynn. And thank you for mentioning Juanjo's hairstyle. I do not like it. It looks as though a small hairpiece (we used to call them "falls") of a different color is taped to his head. Not attractive. I thought I might have seen a small bun on his head but was too annoyed to look further :). Bless you dear, we are all here with you in spirit, being supportive and caring about you much...



I got a little behind with watching this, but caught up now.
Thank you Rgv Chick for translating "Perdóname." The song lyrics fit right in the plot. As are some of the other songs Yamelí composed. This novela is like a musical.

"Fénix" - Yamelí sang it on her presentation party:

Every wound from my past
Is a new weapon that I am preparing

I am the flame that burns
Fire bird born of grief
I am new, full of force
Come from zero to touch the stars

And I fly
Like the bird Phoenix that rose of fire
And I fly
Today it makes me stronger what yesterday killed me
And I fly
Washed in flame, flying in the sky like a star
Today reborn
The siren of fire, woman powerful and warrior

Come renewed to fulfill a promise
Poor is the guy who already doesn't remember me
Come to find an opportunity
To bring him justice and make him pay

I come quietly so they don't here my steps
Under the water so they don't see what I bring
My flame is eternal, nobody will put it out
Only my justice is going to calm my fury

Nobody imagines I come back
Nobody imagines I come to war


Another one "Desilusión" - Yamelí sang it in jail:

Tell me why, after so much time
You reveal me this dark reality
I want to know what you felt doing it
You had no problem pulling the trigger, you felt nothing

When I finally saw you, I felt this disillusionment for you
It destroyed my soul in thousands of pieces also you killed me
How my dreams fell when I saw that you are not who I thought
So many beautiful moments are left in nothing, gone just like that

Disillusionment I felt for you, in one second I lost you
Now I never will be able to look at you without fear
Now I know that you are not for me, I was blind and didn't see you
Now I know who you are and you cannot hide

I can't believe that you didn't feel on your skin
The pain of a person that is gone because of you
Without thinking, without loving, doesn't seem to bother
You go looking for your way, stepping on the others

I feel inside this fear that gets in the bones
You turned into a villain, you don't have fillings

Nothing you say can save you
You have died for me, now I don't feel anything

When I finally saw you…

Disillusionment ...

Another one "Depredador" - Yamelí sang it leaving the jail:

This is the story that I am going to tell you
The one of a false man and his fatal betrayal
I gave him all my life without asking
And ended up behind bars in this dark reality

In this sad hole, lonely and not being able to sing
Little by little, discovering the horrible truth
My soul have filled with bitter loneliness
And I can only think of the vengeance and seeing your face, suffering

Blood in my eyes because of so much crying
Is the dark look that you will never forget
And falling down wounded you will ask forgiveness
And only at the end my soul will rest

Tremble, because here comes your predator
You robbed me all the dreams
Your mind only knows betrayal
You are the snake that poisoned me

I come with sweet words of love
The same ones you used in that acting
Of a man loving, gallant, and honest
That only in your twisted mind existed
That only in your twisted mind existed
That only in your twisted mind existed

Look, tremble, because here comes the boss
As soon as I can I will give you my vengeance
You got naive and even thought me dead
But nobody is going to save you because I come to destroy you

During my sentence I thought of you daily
And frequently I dreamed of having you
Because I lost everything one day because of love
But I come renewed, only to see you suffer

I tell you, wretch, haha
I am going to see you suffer

Tremble, because here comes your predator ...

Thank you so much Lucio!

So appreciate your translations...


The moment of declaration of love of Juanjo to Yamelí as Lari was very touching.

- I have been writing her a lot of letters, but she never …
- Sorry, before … Do you think she did it?
- No. And even if she did, I would have never judged her.

Yamelí looks surprised, touched.

- You were saying … About letters …
- Yes, for a long I wrote her letters, to tell her things, but she never replied. Maybe it was because I reminded her everything she wanted to forget. Or maybe she just forgot me …
- And how she died?
- She was poisoned. Imagine, being in prison for so long and leave it in a wooden box. Yamelí did not deserve it. Do you know, what is the worst? That I never told her what I felt for her. I never had the courage to tell her that she was the woman of my life.

Yamelí looks at him, shocked. Turns away, trying to process it.

- My only love. One of those loves that makes you crazy, that makes you feel alive, one of those loves that is never forgotten. Well, then, I started to go out with Wendy. We have always been good friends.

Tear falls down Yamelí's cheek.

I don't know how she has held herself together. She must have wanted so much to hug him right there. She was curious about what Juanjo thought of her and she was not disappointed.

Lucio...thanks so much for translating those songs.

"Yamelí looks at him, shocked. Turns away, trying to process it" said it all Lucio.

I would have lost it.


Good Morning...almost Afternoon...YIKES!

Lucio. Oh my goodness, what a sweet surprise! Thank you so much for translating the songs. I would get some of the lyrics, but then get lost with the music. Whoever the songwriter is really got to the crux of the situation..and with such flair. And thank you, for translating the conversation between Yameli and Juanjo. Ever since she spied on him the very first time and saw him with Wendy, I figured she would have a heck of time hiding her emotions. I suppose that is why Jack didn't want her working closely with Juanjo. Aside from Jack's green-eyed monster emerging, Jack also fears Juanjo eventually recognizing Yameli' and TBH, I agree with Jack. It's been 17 years, but when one loves a person as Juanjo loved Yameli, there has to be some things about her that he will recognize.

Susanlynn, "The actor playing Charly is doing a fine job of making me despise him." He definitely is. I just want to smack that smirk right off of his face. And about Erick's layering of clothes, I really don't think he is cold; I just wonder how he can stand the heat just to be "cool."

Diana, re: Diana the character, "She seems to see Charly as her personal property, not her husband." Agreed! I really don't think she'll care so much about Charly being with another woman as much as she does about "losing." And Charly mentioned that they had an "understanding, so she must be used to his philandering. I'm just wondering if she does the same...


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