Thursday, July 18, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Sin Tu Mirada y Mas - Week of July 15, 2019

Welcome to page 2 for the week! Some of the current daytime telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 84-85
Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

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Part 1

Well, we've had our first little miracle. Toribio, now that's he's confronted don Luis and told him off, is quite frankly a new man. Calm. Recovering his memory. No longer haunted by the Devil. Ready to face life squarely and perhaps even start his own business. Facing one's demons can be liberating indeed. Yay Toribio!

But other demons still abound. Like Susanita whose tender care of her injured daughter includes hissing YOU'RE SO STUPID! And coaching her on how to lie to the police so she won't be suspected of killing her husband.

The agent comes in to quiz Vane but very quickly Hilda, who's a lot more maternal than Chooch, shoos the guy out. Let my daughter-in-law rest! Strong at first, then collapsing in pain whispering, "Oh Vane, what are we going to do now. We're all alone."

Well, we'll leave these two for now. One grieving, one apprehensive, but also relieved. Back to the vecindad where Marina is thanking Ricardo for the ride and for being her guardian angel. He wants to be much more than that. [This guy needs to let up on the accelerator a little.] Marina also notes that don Luis' punishment will be not seeing his grandson any more.

Beto and Erick are having one of their buddy chats. Erick wonders if Vanessa helped Big Ed go splat. Beto doesn't think so. Then he wonders if Beto has clued in Lucreepy. Not yet.

Hilda is still lamenting and grieving, no longer caring about the business or anything else. Susana comes in and does her best to imitate an actual human being who would hug a bereft mother. And it doesn't take much to fool Hilda. "I realize we haven't really been close before but I really appreciate your compassion and caring. [Oh Hilda, if you only knew!] Chooch grimaces like she's afraid she's picking up cooties.

Then Luis muscles in. He seems incapable of any entrance but an out and out barge and lunge. But he's helpful. He'll pay for the hospital costs and those of the funeral. Hilda is very grateful.

Lucreepy has managed to slither into the hospital and is doing her usual subtle interrogation of Alberto. -You look overwhelmed. What's happened? He tells her about the accident and Ed's death. Plus the baptismal kerfuffle. She zeros in on his presence there. On purpose? Scraping around to find out why. Our love is based on respect and honesty...or am I wrong? she adds. No, no. Alberto comes to heel and our Dominatrix is satisfied.

Marina is telling her mom Damiana how much better Toribio is. Ready to be "el dueño de su vida". When boom! crash! lurch! stumble!...yes, don Luis barges into that room. [He's been busy today.] Cold, cold looks from the assembled. And a shamefaced one from don Luis.


Part 2

Now Lucrecia is oozing all over Vanessa, reassuring her that she's ready to listen if Vane wants to spill the beans about the whole thing. After all, Lucreepy is her new best friend. Beto is cautioning Vane however. I know you didn't tell the truth to the police investigator. And it's never good to lie to the police.

Well, here comes Toribio's finest moment. Looking quite groomed and confident, Tor takes charge when Baldomero screams at Luis "Get out you scum!" -Don't dirty your hands with that wretch." retorts Toribio with perfect aplomb.

Luis hangs in there. I need to talk to Toribio, and leans in with his foot up on a chair. Damiana tells him to take it down. He does. And then starts his spiel:

I failed you as a man and as a friend. I want to make things right.

And I should believe you!? cackles Toribio.


Get out and don't ever come back!

Did you hear? adds Marina.

I'm not deaf, daughter. And yes, Luis slinks out. Amazing.

In other parts of the vecindad, Paulino is receiving an equally cold reception at Doña Chole's. Anita's not here. Staying with her aunt. She's leaving you free to seek out Vanessa. He slinks off as well, complaining to sister Yola that he just doesn't understand women. They're so darn complicated. She thinks he's so darn dense and tells him so.

Spider Queen Lucrecia is still spinning her web, calling Doc Sotero to see if he's thought about her proposition. He is. Ugh.

Luis is licking his wounds at Susana's apartment (that he pays for) She thinks he's glum because he offered to pay for funeral. Nopis. But my dear Prudencia sold me out about the shooting to both Marina and Beto, and now I can't get in to see my grandson. I don't know why you're still with that woman who doesn't support and protect you like she should. -Ey ey ey ey! he cautions. [I love it when he slaps Susana down.] But she continues, You shouldn't let those proletariat debase you. And all just to see that brat! HEY, THAT "BRAT" IS MY GRANDSON! [another slapdown. Thanks Luis.] Susana looks sour. But then she usually does.


Part 3

Doña Enriqueta, aka Fairy Godmother, is trying to persuade Marina to go shopping with her. Hidden agenda is to actually buy a ball gown for Marina, not Mama Ricky. Damiana is complicit, but doubts that Marina will allow it. And she doesn't. They check out some luscious gowns and I'm really wishing Marina would accept one--but our little gal doesn't need borrowed finery to shine. She knows her own worth and value and she'll shine on her own merits at the gala festivity, thank you very much.

Prudencia, who also wanted to shop for Marina, has called Yola to tell her she can't go. She's scheduled to attend the velorio for Big Ed.

And Lucreepy is smarming all over Daddy Dearest to get him to agree to meeting with Doc Sotero in his office. On a Sunday. She's all over him like a rash, talking baby talk, scurrying her little fingers up and down his chest and cooing "porfa Papi" and it's truly gag worth. And effective. He caves.

Doc Sotero is his usual churlish self. When Zambudio assures him he can totally recover, Doc Mask snarls "Don't make me false promises!" -Well it will take several surgeries. The first to reconstruct your facial muscles, and the second to lay down some new skin where the scar tissues is. You'll be your old self. -No! I want to look DIFFERENT! Change my face! -Well, we'll have to change your nose, your mouth and your eyes then. You need to know what you're facing [no pun intended]. -Will it be painful?-Yes. [Boy, I hope that it's VERY painful. Is that bad?]

Well, back to the toils and troubles of the vecindad. Yola and Erasmo are talking and she decides to not tell Lino that Vanessa is now a widow. Both of them think that Anita is a lot better for him. Anita not so much. When Paulino finds her at the aunt's place, she's very cold indeed. But Lino wears her down. You bring out the best in me. I want to marry you, have kids. Vanessa is a great gal. But she's married. Come back to the vecindad, Anita. Of course she's only too happy to do so. Hugs and kisses.

While alas Vanessa is getting renewed hope about Lino. Uh oh. Yes, when she talks to Beto about needing something or someone to lift her up now, he confirms that Lino was actually there to see her. But warns her not to look at Paulino like a "tabla de salvación" (last resort, only hope) You need to find out the source of your panic attacks first and resolve those before you go looking for Paulino. [Anyone want to bet the source of the panic attacks is Mean Mom Chucha?]


Final part

Back in the Sardine House, Toribio and the rest of the Amoeba are musing about the shopping trip. They're pretty sure Marina won't take the dress, but Toribio does note that the other doctor's wives are going to "colgarse hasta el molcajete" [dress themselves to the nines]. But Marina just can't. Those dresses cost our food budget for the month. But turns out Baldo has some savings which were meant for his wedding to Damiana, and Toribio has some savings as well. THEY will buy the dress for Marina. At least this earns Baldo a warm, tender smile from Damiana. Amazing.

Back to Doc Mask and Zambudio. Doc Creepy admits to Lucrecia that the famous surgeon knows what he's doing. Well, that famous surgeon is my Daddy, she clarifies. I persuaded him to do it because I only want you to recover your happiness. AND THE WOMAN YOU LOVE. [I'm thinking very bad thoughts about Lucrecia. Isn't the most important rule of medicine "First do no harm"? She's hell bent on doing harm. Of the worst kind.]

Switch to noble Anita and Lino. She's now so sure of his love that she's willing to go with him to visit Vanessa and see how she's doing. More kisses and hugs. Oh my, this could end badly.

And speaking of ending badly. The final scene is of Doc Sotero, in hoodie and red tennis shoes, lurking once again outside the vecindad and vowing I'LL BE A DIFFERENT MAN. I'LL GET YOU BACK.

Okay Patio. Time to vent, rant and rave. Things are heating up and going south. Trouble ahead for sure.


Thank you for another great recap, Judy, and thank you or the translations!
My favs:
” Erick wonders if Vanessa helped Big Ed go splat.”
” Chooch grimaces like she's afraid she's picking up cooties.”
” [Boy, I hope that it's VERY painful. Is that bad?]” Nopis, because he plans to make Marina think he is someone else. May it hurt like ****!!!

Our story just chugs along. After the excitement of the past two days, this episode felt like a breather. At least everyone got to change their clothes.

I loved Damiana telling Louse to take is foot off his chair because it diminished his “I’m in control” stance. Plus putting your shoes on someone else’s chair like that is just. plain. bad. manners. punto.

Ayyy, Lino, just wait until you hear that Vanessa really is a free woman.


Hey Ms. Doris, I'm with you. I fear Anita's happiness is going to be very short-lived. And yet Paulino seemed so sincere and passionate when he talked about marriage and kids.

Nice analysis of the "foot on chair" move also. Luis was definitely trying to establish dominance of the room. And Damiana wasn't having it.

And neither was Toribio. I love seeing his new calm and confidence.


Aaah, another block buster JudyB.

The louse can't help himself. He knows no other way to be but bigger than life.
Not in the right way either. He had 8
Daggers coming at him from four pairs
Of eyes and two litte butter knives with 100 grams of fat butter on them
Cuz he been a bad bad gwanpa.
I thought baldo was gonna jump on him.
Glad he didn't. I love seeing tori in
A calmer normal state of mind. And He looks so mature.

The louse is not thinkin of changing.
He has no respect for these people. He
Puts his big feet on their furniture
And thinks nothing of it.
He is not sorry for what he did, only that he got caught. I don't like him anymore than I like sudogdoo.

Pru,angsty and hildi are more of a mom /mother to vane than sudogdoo is.
Judy you say she has a cash register for a heart, more like a cold Black empty money safe waiting to be filled with money from her dead son inlaw's inheritance. That woman is so EEEEVIL! Anvil is to good for her, she Needs something worse. And she Gonna get it.

Anita is in for a world of hurt. Lino know he wont be able to stay away from
Van-nesa. And if she get knocked up he
Gonna be stuck with somebody he don't ♡love.
Thems the ways of the novellas.

Thank you JudyB.


I should make sure the recap is over before I do my comment. So now comment #2 is coming up. When I've read the rest of the recap. Ha ha on me.


It was nice to see Damiana smile today, when Baldo mentioned the money he saved up for their wedding. problem. I only wrote 4 sections today. Loved your analysis of Susana’s black heart. As well as your nickname for her—Suedogdoo. That is wicked, lady! I don’t ever want to get on your bad side!


Well, let me start with the title—Puurfect! Amazing how Tori has “seen the light” and is now much stronger and lucid—it must have started when he appeared without his beanie and improved wardrobe. 

“But other demons still abound.” Yes, Mooch is in true form—despicable, egocentric and full of it. I hate that Vane is still puddy in her hands. And some sage words from Doc Beto—her panic attacks are only a symptom of what truly ails her—her mean Mama Chooch

“…Hilda, who's a lot more maternal than Chooch…Strong at first, then collapsing in pain whispering…” You caught the essence of that scene beautifully, JudyB. I, as so many others, have grown fond of Hilda. If she remains strong and sharp as she has been, Mooch won’t be mooching off ANYthing from her or Vanessa.

Re: Ric-- “[This guy needs to let up on the accelerator a little.] “ Yess! Thank you for adding that. The guy is getting on my nerves.He’s getting to the point of obsession and being a control freak; Marina may be able to see now, but she is blind to his obsession.

“Alberto comes to heel and our Dominatrix is satisfied.” Another winner; I must add that to my JudyB Vocabulary/Fav list. How the Spider Queen can deceive all those men is unbelievable. She snares them into her web and they are goners. Pobrecitos—except for Don Mask. No Judy, it’s not bad that you wish him much pain with his surgery. So the man wants a completely different face??? What he needs is another soul; can we call Death Chick?

Lino—another one that is getting on my “stoopid/crappy” list. He’s giving Anita false hopes knowing that he still cares for Vanessa. I concur; this will not end well. Nina, "Anita is in for a world of hurt. Lino know he wont be able to stay away from
Van-nesa." I'm afraid you are right on this one.

I wasn’t too sure how to read Damiana’s look when Baldomero offered his savings—that he was saving for their wedding. I thought it was a smile…and you JudyB and Doris confirmed it Thanks!

Thank you, JudyB! Another gold star for you!

I saw a few gorgeous gowns in that shop that would look beautiful on marina. All the docs wouldn't be able to keep theirs eyes off of Her. That
Includes beto.

What if dami was smiling cuz if baldo used the money for the wedding to her
To buy marina's dress, there wouldn't be any for them to get married. And so
She Could marry marg. That sounds cruel but, who knows what's lurking behind those weird eyes of hers. Ok
Smile it's just a story.

Have I mentioned I don't like the lu-
Creepy? Well I don't. The girl is very delusional. Hey here's a thought,daddy
Does the surgery on the freak,she sees
Him, falls for him and leaves beto to go after marina. Yeah I know it's just wishful thinking.

I just loves Toribio new demeanor. He
May not need the surgery. After all.

Ok that's it for now.
Thank you ms JudyB.

Hola RgvCick. I see we have the same loves and the same annoyances. I know we’re supposed to see Ricardo as a good guy but he’s getting on my last nerve. So glad I’m not the only one. And yes, I’ve never seen Damiana smile like that except at the baby. Poor beleaguered Baldomero finally scored some points.

And loved this statement of yours...Doc doesn’t need a completely different face, he needs another soul. Hear hear! I second the motion. have a wonderfully Gothic mind—Lucretia falling for the new and improved Doc Sotero and dumping Beto for him. Very interesting scenario. What an amazing Patio we have!


JudyB, thank you for this great recap chock full of terrific lines and explanations.

But no rum raisin last night, just a big, bad storm that dropped my internet connection for a while. I will admit I had some Dulce de Leche ice cream after lunch.

"Erick wonders if Vanessa helped Big Ed go splat." Oh, that's both naughty and hilarious.

"Then Luis muscles in. ... He'll pay for the hospital costs and those of the funeral. Hilda is very grateful." I suppose that this was decent of him, but why? I thought this trucker family was rich. Is this a Mexican thing?

Toribio is much improved, very much improved. Louse, not so much. Good for Damiana for telling him to take his foot off the chair!

JudyB, don't try telling us you aren't having some fun with Lucreepy: "Alberto comes to heel and our Dominatrix is satisfied." and "Spider Queen Lucrecia is still spinning her web..." and "She's all over him like a rash, talking baby talk, scurrying her little fingers up and down his chest and cooing "porfa Papi" and it's truly gag worth. And effective. He caves." and " [I'm thinking very bad thoughts about Lucrecia. Isn't the most important rule of medicine "First do no harm"? She's hell bent on doing harm. Of the worst kind.]"

She is one of the best, most subtly villainous characters around. And she has great hair.




I love Nina's idea of pairing up Doc Mask and the Spider Queen!

Really, this TN is about musical loveseats.


Andy Andy Andy, don't rile me son. I am NOT having fun with Lucrecia! Not not not!
But alright, yes, dang it, she does have great hair. And a nice chest to drape it over. But she is soooo evil and duplicitous, I literally break out in hives when she's on the scene and I have to include her in the recap. I. Hate. Her. But like you, I like Nina's idea of having her fall for the revamped Frankenstein. And I think Nina's brain should be preserved for Science.


So much to savor here Judy.

"baptismal kerfuffle", "Susana looks sour. But then she usually does", "Susana comes in and does her best to imitate an actual human being" were but a few.

"She's all over him like a rash, talking baby talk, scurrying her little fingers up and down his chest and cooing "porfa Papi" and it's truly gag worthy" was my favorite. What visions that is conjuring up in my head :)

Your vocabulary was wonderful: "colgarse hasta el molcajete" [dress themselves to the nines] and " tabla de salvación" (last resort, only hope)".

The camaraderie is palpable here and obviously everyone is loving your recaps. Another stellar outing.


We do have a super Patio Diana...and you are part of it. It touches my heart that you stop by and support me, and also Rgv Chick with Flor, when you are not able to watch either telenovela.

Of course this is a particularly wild group, heavily into ice cream and adult beverages, and dealing in some truly spectacular flights of imagination.

Well, at least it's keeping us off the streets.

I'm sure missing Reina tonight. But it's interesting how much those song and dance acts on Premios de Juventud look just like the sizzling numbers on Reina. The music, the moves, the glitz...virtually identical. None of the guys though are quite as hawt as our Charlie.


MIRADA (mostly)

Judy, Judy, Judy...

"I am NOT having fun with Lucrecia! Not not not!" The lady doth protest too much, methinks. (Oh, come on, you set me up for this one.)

And this one:

"And I think Nina's brain should be preserved for Science." No, Judy, not yet!




Oh wow..I especially love "No Judy, not yet!" Definitely NOT YET. I want Nina on the Patio for all Eternity. Heck I want all of us here. Maybe the rules of the Universe will change.

As for Lucrecia...Man, I wish I could have fun just dissing her without getting upset, but sneakiness masquerading as beneficence is one of my trigger points. I can joke about it, but seriously, it gets to me. Even if it's just a story, just a story. I like my villains to be straightforward. Is that too much to ask?

Ummm...don't answer.

Anyway, thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning, Andy.


I am having some intermittent connection problems, I may not be able to comment for a while.


Andy - oh noes! I hope your internet will be sorted out soon.


Part 1

Okay, by now you know I hate Lucrecia (no matter what Andy says!) and dang it, she's spinning more evil webs, talking up Doc Sotera like he was a great physician who needs to have his life restored. -But er, don't tell Alberto what we're doing Dad.

Dad, who's already seen that Doc Mask is a churl, reminds Lu that her patient is NOT her friend. He's a patient. Keep your professional distance. As if! He's a time bomb she's setting for hapless, innocent little Marina. Uf!

Toribio and Damiana are wandering around the dress shoppe and he's incredulous at the prices. She explains that these are dresses for special occasions and that means glamorous and costly. But they ask if they can negotiate a discount. Instead of being snotty, the saleslady says she'll ask the manager. Interesting.

Luis, Pru and Angy are back from the funeral and he's spoiling for a fight. And furious that the "tribe" in the vecindad had the nerve to run him off. Don't play the victim, notes Prudencia. You need to realize that things don't always go your way. -Ah, my DEVOTED WIFE! Thanks a lot! -I'm here, she responds quietly. But I don't feel like arguing.

Well he does! Still fuming, he snarls that he needs to be around his grandson. He wants to make him an Ocaranza! -You know, I'm happy you have to keep your distance, murmurs Pru. You'd be a terrible influence.

Luis revamps his approach. I'm wanting to find a way to make things better for Toribio. -Out of the goodness of your heart or from self-interest? queries Angustias.

Shut your trap!

Well, no miraculous character change there.

Lino and Anita are at the hospital. She looks stressed and tense. He's ready to leave after finding out Vane has been moved to a regular room. That means she's no longer critical. Anita insists that he should actually go and see how she is. Noble child I must say.

Darkness. It the gloomy Doc Sotero apartment our cheery, bewigged Ramona is bustling around vacuuming the place. Lord and Master arrives and wants to know what there is to eat. She's thrilled he's on the mend, until she realizes it's because he thinks he's going to be a new man! different man! whom Marina will accept. She's a simple gal but she knows a sick obsessive when she sees one. So do we. Ugh.

Antler bashing numero uno. Erick arrives at the vecindad with an ugly flower arrangement and begins an equally ugly tangle with Erasmo, who accuses him of just wanting a little hoochie-choochie with his gal. -Nope, Yola is different. Unlike any woman I've known. I'm going to make my bid and whoever she accepts is the winner. Erasmo has a different idea. Why don't you come to the gym where I work and hop in the ring with me. That's how we'll decide the winner. Erick gulps.

Hey guys, how about just letting Yola decide?

Lino runs into Alberto outside Vane's room. Don't tell her I was here, he murmurs, and starts to leave. -Wait, I told her you were here the other day. And it would do her a lot of good to see you.

Actually no. The visit doesn't go well. Lino is still cautious and distant. Vanessa breaks into a beautiful smile thinking this is the start of reconciliation. And shares her story--about how miserable she was, how she asked for a divorce, and now she's free to tell him how she's never stopped loving him. -Don't disrespect your husband, he snaps.

-He's dead.



Part 2

Back to the vecindad. Are these scene changes making you dizzy? Erick has arrived and there's a great moment when burly Margarito gives him a stern once over and asks Who Are You? -Er, I'm a doctor. A bad doctor... who's now working as a bartender. Marg smiles and notes that it's quite a change. Erick has passed the first test. Marg didn't kill him. So he turns to Marina and says "Beto was right. Your little son is a beautiful baby. And not only cute, he plows on, but really healthy. Beto is really sad that he abandoned a baby that may be his.

(Okay, bull in a china shop. But a lot more subtle than belligerent Luis. And oddly vulnerable.) Yola may kill him at this point, but Marina looks pensive. And Margarito intrigued.

Yola snaps that the last thing Marina needs right now is to be reminded of Beto. Marg tells her not to be rude. Erick is undeterred anyway. Once his mouth opens, it doesn't shut until he's finished. -Look, I know Beto did wrong. But you were pretty inflexible also. And you were the one who left. Well, I thought he would know it was HIS child when he saw him, replies Marina. -He DID see him at the baptismal party. And he told me what a beautiful child he was.

-Thanks for stopping by, glares Yola. ADIOS! And on he continues. -Excuse me, but if I've learned anything from you, it's to say things straight out. But okay, I'll go now. Just water the plant twice a day, alright?

-Wait. We can go out for ice cream. And off the two of them go. Leaving Marina thoughtful and quiet.

Lino and Vanessa, though, are still talking. She's apologizing for past behavior. -I didn't know how to value you and then look at who I married! -Well, at least you're rich now. -No. I'm a woman who needs you. And is asking for forgiveness. -It's too late. I have someone in the vecindad who cares for me. And I care for her. She's my support. My everything. -I don't believe that. You're just with her out of spite, not love. -You can keep your money, your friends, your social standing and your appearances.

Vane is still trying to make her case. I've paid my debt. You have no idea how I suffered in the relationship. I'm free now. I have money. -So you want me to be a "kept man"? Keep your money. Be happy. Goodbye.

Ay yi yi. Lino is not about to open that particular door again. Or is he?

Erasmo is coming along with his own flower arrangement. But when he spots Yola and Erick he ditches it. Erick tells him they're going out for ice cream. Yola invites him along. It's a twosome, says Erick. Not it's not, says Yola. And off the three of them go. Wow. Yola rules.

Meanwhile, in another dark room, Doc Sotero has recovered his mojo and is pounding the sheets with a prostitute who has the grace to look absolutely thrilled about it. I sure hope he pays well.



Part 3

Lino is back down with Anita, looking right glum but reassuring her that he made it clear to Vanessa that he's a man with commitments. And the fact that she's now a widow changes nothing. He drapes an arm around an ecstatic Anita and they're off.

Vanessa is now singing the blues to Alberto. -I thought seeing Paulino would help but he told me our moment is over. He has a girlfriend. How can I convince him that in spite of all my mistakes, he's the love of my life? How an I get him back?

-Ah, if I knew the answer to that one, sighs Beto. -Do you still love Marina? -Yes. -What about Lucrecia? -She's a great gal. Calm, understanding, intelligent...-But you can't forget Marina. -Ricardo is right. I look for any pretext to see her. But she's forgotten me.

We're both people whose loves no longer want us, concludes Vanessa sadly.

Let's drop the drama for a moment and turn to the trivial. How are Damiana, Prudencia and Doña Enriqueta going to convince Marina that the gorgeous ball gowns they've bought for her are just some old dresses Yola had hanging around? Doña Enriqueta is the only one with a definitive plan. She's ripped the lining a little bit to make the dress look like it's second hand.

Marina is musing over the past and remembering Erick's words "you were the one who decided to leave". Damiana leans in to make sure she's not thinking of reconciling with Beto. Mama Dam doesn't like Erick, first of all, and she wants no part of Alberto either. Not once he abandoned Marina and the baby.

An attitude that would certainly please Lucrecia who's back playing Benevolent Blonde Gestapo with Beto. -Why is Vanessa still in hospital? -I need to keep my eye on her. I'm worried about her mental health. -Well you can't treat her. You're a friend. -You're right. Can you recommend someone? Lucrecia can't resist sticking in a little dagger...You know, she's probably feeling guilty. Because she knows she could have been a better wife. Yep, quietly eliminating any competition at all for Alberto's time and compassion. Our Lucrecia is a very hungry spider indeed and she's not sharing the fly who's currently caught in her web. No no no!


Part 4

More antler-bashing at the ice cream shoppe. Yola, who's already eating a cone, is resolving the current fight by having both of them buy her one each--strawberry and lemon. Here's the upshot of the current rumble. Erasmo thinks he has the advantage, thanks to years of friendship and confidence. Erick says no. That just keeps him in the friend zone forever. Whereas he, who has education and culture..-And who is now just a bartender, adds Erasmo. Well, we'll leave them to it. Yola wants her ice cream anyway.

Mean Mom Chucha and Hilda are straddling Vanessa's bed and each is being totally in character. Chucha is telling her to get that sad look off her face. Vanessa just wishes she could have said goodbye. And apologizes to Hilda for not being the wife Big Ed wanted. Hilda waves it off. -He was crazy about you, honey! And sure, there are adjustment problems at the beginning but....-No, I should have been more understanding, affectionate.

Chucha breaks in. She doesn't like where this is going. It's important, dear, that you remember THAT YOU WERE HAPPY THE LAST FEW DAYS. And a LOOK.

Vanessa ignores her and turns to Hilda. How can I help you get through this grief? Hilda admits that she doesn't know how she'll go on, coming home to an empty apartment. Never hearing her son's voice again. Chucha seizes her chance. -Why don't you live with Hilda sweetie? My apartment is so small. Only one bedroom.

Vanessa looks stunned, but Hilda is delighted. I would love to have you with me.

That taken care of, Chooch Mooch gets down to the real business at hand. -Ed was so organized. Did he have everything in order?

Are you talking about a will? snaps Hilda. Because he didn't have one. He wasn't planning to die. But Vanessa doesn't need to worry. Of course I'll share our fortune with her. I'll make sure that she never lacks for anything.

Vanessa looks sick. Why are we talking about this? Mom, can you leave?

Couldn't have said it better myself.


Final Part

Yola, presumably ice creamed out, is back chatting with Marina. I know you still cry about him. Marina admits that she does when she remembers all the wonderful moments of their love. But it was just a fantasy.

Beto and Erick are debriefing as well. Erick's telling him how he made it clear to Marina that if she had only agreed to the DNA test, all could have been resolved. Beto can't believe he was that much of a meddler, but appreciates that Erick said things that he couldn't. Well, she told me I was a nosey-butt, adds Erick. -And you are! -But Marina hasn't fogotten you. Beto smiles.

More debriefing. Yola and Anita this time. -It's great that you came back to the vecindad, Anita. -Yes, Lino was so sweet, so romantic, I couldn't resist. -Well just don't hurt him! You have no idea how Vanessa made him suffer!

Prudencia has arrived to the vecindad as well, partly to deliver the "Yola's castoff dress" and partly to hold the baby. Damiana, who has no reluctance to meddle herself, is now asking her how she can possibly stand to stay with Luis. Pru wonders as well. But adds that her main focus right now is to make things right for Toribio.

Beto's smile has vanished. -No, he tells Erick, Marina has forgotten me. She's made that clear. And evidently Destiny has other plans for us. I'm going to pick up Lucrecia now.

And then we see Lucrecia, creeping down the hospital corridor, while menacing music plays softly in the background. (just in case we haven't noticed she's a villain).

When the nurse leaves the reception area, Lucreepy surreptitiously drops the stolen pharmaceuticals in Marina's wastepaper basket. Take that Romantic Rival!

And there we end. Will Marina make it to the ball? Will she be formally accused of theft before this happens? Will someone just drop a cannonball on Lucrecia's head? Tune in Monday to find out.


JudyB, thank you for this great, as always, recap!

Gee, I like Lino, but he has been unnecessarily cold to Vanesa too often lately. He didn't need to be so harsh with her while she's in such a bad place. He could have explained that he had moved on, they had had their chance and couldn't make it work, it wasn't going to happen now. Offer to be a friend if she was interested, because she could really use one.

Anyway, musical loveseats continues. At the moment, and subject to change without notice, I put the pairings as: Lino and Anita, Erick and Yola, Vanesa and Beto(!), Lucreepy and Doc Limpy-no-more, Marina and Ricky Racoon, Damiana and "lucky" Baldo, doña Chole and Erasmo, Ramona and Toribio. OK, the last couple of couples are just to cross everybody off the list, but who knows?

I didn't find a place for Erasmo because he's ticking me off. He wants to duke it out with Erick? After telling Yola that he quit boxing for a while because he actually injured someone in the ring? It seems his plan is to intimidate or seriously hurt anyone who is also trying to win our little... um, what kind of flower is Yola? Is there such a thing as a plucky flower?

Ah! Something I should have mentioned yesterday: that smile that Damiana gave Baldo, if someone "smiled" at me that way I would be half scared to death.



Oops! I guess I did find a place for Erasmo, it's Margarito who is left in the cold.

So let's change that and pair up Margarito and doña Chole, and put Erasmo out into the cold.




Divine title Judy.

“She's a simple gal but she knows a sick obsessive when she sees one” was beyond.

Even though I’m not watching this, regret for mistakes and lost loves were notable. Mirroring real life in that we don’t know what we’ve got til it’s gone (thinking Joni Mitchell – Big Yellow Taxi).

“spinning more evil webs”, “churl” and “cheery, bewigged Ramona” all made me smile.

“Lucrecia, creeping down the hospital corridor, while menacing music plays softly in the background. (just in case we haven't noticed she's a villain)” had me nodding in vigorous agreement. A TN staple for sure! 

But then, “Doc Sotero has recovered his mojo and is pounding the sheets with a prostitute who has the grace to look absolutely thrilled about it”. So good I’m speechless.

Just incredible Judy.

Andy, I hope you get your internet issues fixed!



Andy...I actually think Ramona and Toribio could work. He's not bad when he's cleaned up and ditches that cap he usually wears. And she's not going to win any contests, but she's hard-working, cleans and cooks (he's always hungry) and is longing to take care of somebody who appreciates her. Matchmaker matchmaker.

And maybe we could fix up Doña Enriqueta with Dr. Zamudio Sr., thus releasing him from the clutches of his manipulative daughter.

Time to locate my magic wand and start messing with these folks.

And I know what you mean about Damiana's smile. She looks like she's about to eat you for lunch.

Diana...Thanks as always. You make a recapper's time and toil worthwhile with your careful reading and appreciation. I have to admit, it really feels good to read your comments and bask for a while in the warmth. By my fifth day straight of recapping I'm definitely getting that TGIF feeling! And how much more must you feel it with your full-time job and long commute. Gracias amiga.


JudyB, a hilarious recap this is. I did not see this episode. Had some Friday Runnin around to do. But as it always is, you nipped it in the bud.

We finally see what the dominatrix has
In Store for our little dafodil. What
A vicious weed she is. The kind that makes you want to get your lawn mower and run all over it on a hot summer morning. I hate ragweeds.

I would say yola is a prettily prickly desert flower. They are very beautiful but thorny. So watch out.

Aaawwww poor louse, nobody likes him anymore. Cuz you're selfish, you lie
You're a cheating husband, you love U
More than anybody else. And to add insult to iinjury your tryin to steal your grandson from your daughter, who
You don't think is good enough to be your daughter. You're a jackass man. And I use the term "man" loosely.

Moochie butt, being her usual motherly
Selfish self. There's not much changed there, moving right along.

So they are going to just go buy some perfectly beautiful gowns and make em
Look like hand-me-downs to placate our
Little daffodil? Would it kill her to
Let someone do something nice for her?
Just this once? Aparently it would.The
Girl wants to pay her own way. Nothing wrong with that. Whatever.

Sotero wants a new mug, but his heart is still black and his soul is Perdy much non-exitant. So what good is it to have a pretty wrapping when inside is sh*t? Sorry to put it so yucky but
Look who we Dealin with here.

Ok now we wait to see if our little dafodil does jail time.

Happy weekend. Stay cool people it's
Gonna be a hot one. Thank you JudyB.
Hey yall how bout some homemade peach mango ice cream? Mmmmmmm yummo!



Loved the recap!

I don’t know if Hilda’s willingness to share her fortune with Vanessa will stick. Chucha wouldn’t let Vane keep it all to herself obviously.

To me Erasmo was the third wheel for the ice cream date. Yola clearly enjoyed it though.

If I recall correctly, Marina also told Yola that she (M) and Beto shouldn’t have fallen in love. That’s a bold statement and Beto obviously wouldn’t wanna hear that. However, he’s the one with a new girlfriend and Marina hasn’t even made anything official with Bazán if she’s thinking about it.

Lucreepy up to no good and Doc Mask trying to get his manhood back. Ay díos mío.

I guess Lino has made his choice...but will it actually stick?

Good morning Patio. Hope you had a great Friday and are looking forward to an even better Saturday.

It's plenty hot and humid here so Nina's homemade peach and mango ice cream sound perfect. Just give me your address Nina, and I'll be right down!

Also enjoyed your botanical imagery-- Marina the daffodil, Lucrecia a noxious ragweed, and Yola a prickly desert flower. Right on. And you're on the money with Doc Sotero...a new face won't help since his inner self is so vile.

TF...Agreed. Erasmo was definitely the third wheel. Erick already has him beat in so many ways. Not that I'm saying Erick is superior. He most definitely is NOT. But Yola has her eyes set on Erick.

As for Lino, I just can't see him and Anita as Endgame. But that's how it's going now. As you say Ay dios! Don't even want to think about Doc Sotero's plans.


RGV Chick: I must have missed the violent confrontation between Vanessa & Psycho Eddie.


Judy, thank you for yet another great recap. You are, indeed, our recap warrior!
My favs:
” Well, no miraculous character change there.” (I’m coming back in from that earlier limb and now going with HE IS A HOPELESS NARCISSISTIC CASE.Punto!)
” Erick has passed the first test. Marg didn't kill him.” :-)
” Yola, presumably ice creamed out,” LOL

So are there three different dresses for Marina (Damiana, Encarny, Pru)? Or did they all three go in on one dress. I ended up confused about all that, yesterday.

The convo between Encarni and Doc Bazan at his place was visually interesting. His house is decorated in monochromatic greys. His suit was grey. Encarni’s suit was so neutral that it was probably grey. And the dress for Marina was grey! The only color in that entire scene was Bazan’s pink shirt and the ficus(?) tree’s green leaves. They made made a startling contrast.

Perhaps Mama Hilda will put Vane to work at the transport company, which could be the best thing ever for Vane. Gets her out of the house, off her self-centered problems & rear end, earn some money, and possibly become worthy of Lino.
Right now she is still a very useless human being. Like her mother.

Chucha’s faces during the 3-way convo with Hilda and Vane were a hoot. No way does she want Vane living with her and stumbling upon her & Luis during their “afternoon delight”.

Doc Mask’s prostitute has hair very similar to Marina’s pre-makeover look. Hmmm…. Looks like he is over his "problem." Hooker looked quite happy. Must be the gym workouts. No little blue pill for him.


Judy - " Erasmo was definitely the third wheel. Erick already has him beat in so many ways. Not that I'm saying Erick is superior. He most definitely is NOT. But Yola has her eyes set on Erick."

The "reformed rake" is always a favorite storyline in romance fiction (as well as Rock Hudson/Doris Day movies-LOL). Erick is a perfect candidate if he can get his career goals sorted out. The "right woman" often ignites that action.

Lino and Anita ---- I don't see them ending up together.(crockpot theory™) He isn't right for her, although he is Mr. Right Now. And visa versa.

Enjoyed all your comments Doris. And agree totally. Our don Luis looks very un-redeemable right now. Even loyal wife Prudencia seems to be giving up hope.

There were three different dresses. Dam hung one up in a bag at Marg's house. Prudencia had one in a box to deliver. And Enriqueta, as you noted, had a long-sleeved gray one at Ricky's gray house, as he wore a gray suit. Were you once an interior decorator? You have the eye. And I thought the gray/silver dress was lovely but it had long sleeves. More appropriate for an older woman. At Marina's age, might as well display a some young skin!

"Gets her out of the house, off her self-centered problems & rear end".

Hear hear! Vanessa still has a lot of maturing to do before she's ready to truly appreciate Lino, who no doubt has worked since he was old enough to pick avocados up off the ground.

Well, I'm set to enjoy my Saturday and loaf around a bit. Your "recap warrior" is tired after 5 days straight. However little nieto is coming over in the afternoon so we'll all be busy following him around. Kids that age are just one step away from diasaster. But so cute!

Judy - enjoy your day with the nieto-nado. I will have our nieta-nado next week, mornings and afternoons.

And thank you for confirming there are three different dresses. That's what I thought happened, but I only saw the one. Bazan probs wants Marina covered up, as much as possible, to keep the "doc magnet" effect under control, although that plunging neckline won't help.

No, I am not an interior decorator nor do I have much in the way of art training (Business Admin degree). However, I tend to be a more visual than auditory person in life and when watching telenovelas.

Paying attention to telenovela sets, wardrobes, etc. has always been fascinating to me. I firmly believe there are no accidents in what is chosen for each scene and character. They often give clues to the viewer, or make statements about the person whose space or attire that is shown.

e.g., Luis' office at La Añoranza has a statuette of a moose (or elk) on his desk or some shelf. Innocuous in itself and probably nobody else noticed it. Moose are not found in Mexico. But .... it has very large antlers. Useful for his own ego and form of antler bashing.

another example - yesterday Hilda and Susana were dressed in black at the hospital. Hilda's dress was conservative and tasteful (thought she still wore that big statement necklace, true to herself), thus leveling the playing field for that scene regarding which mother will become the larger influence on Vanessa at this point in time. Just a guess, a feeling.... just a theory.

Doris, you're right about the importance of set design, and I'm gradually learning to pay more attention (I'm NOT a visual. Words are what grab me as you may have guessed). And I loved your description of Hilda's place a few days ago as a bad LSD trip. (although I assume you've never been on one!)

Will have to look for the big antler-bashing moose or elk the next time they show Luis' office. Learning to enjoy the details of the decor really does add to my enjoyment of these shows. Years ago I remember recapper Kat pointing out the importance of set design, and quite honestly, before that I had never noticed. Too busy trying to glean new vocabulary and dichos. But being more aware since then has really expanded my pleasure in viewing these. All good.

Judy - no LSD, nothing illegal ever �� and nothing stronger than pure grain alcohol, in my youth, until I saw the "flammable" notice on the label. I'm such a boring wimp.

Hey Doris, no apologies. That's why we're still healthy, in our right minds and can still help our with our grandchildren. Some of those flaming youth decisions turn out to be irreversible.


Dropping in very quickly to give JudyB and everyone else my thanks for keeping the patio motivated and talkin'. I've only had time to glance over the recap and numerous comments...this patio is on FIRE!! I'll be back after I thoroughly read and digest everything.

Have a wonderful day!


Okay, I'm back. JudyB, you never disappoint, what a superb recap! And the comments are tremendous! Just to add to everything else everyone has so artfully expressed--

Just love the way Pru stands up to the Louse. He’s starting to get everything he deserves. I just hopeo it doesn’t stop. I do, however, get the impression that Don Louse is one who we will be redeemed; he is slowly being transformed…maybe for the wrong reasons, but still a transformation is taking a turtle's pace.

“bewigged Ramona”- not too much improvement with that wig, though it does make her look quite different.

I’ve gotta say one thing about Eric—he is loyal to his friend, Beto. That was very brave of him to bring up Beto and tell Marina that she was the one who left Beto. A very good friend indeed and he made Marina think twice. I wanted to laugh when the trio went for ice cream. I was expecting the skip and a jump like Dorothy, the ScareCrow and Lion used to do.

RE: LuCreepy—“Benevolent Blonde Gestapo” “Lucrecia can't resist sticking in a little dagger…quietly eliminating any competition at all for Alberto's time and compassion” and “Our Lucrecia is a very hungry spider indeed and she's not sharing the fly who's currently caught in her web. No no no!” You sure are having fun with this one, JudyB…am I understanding that you loather her? LOL

Andy, “I like Lino, but he has been unnecessarily cold to Vanesa too often lately.” Ummm, I’m starting to not like Lino; he’s denying his true feelings and Anita will end up being hurt.

“Doc Sotero has recovered his mojo and is pounding the sheets with a prostitute” that just wanted to make me puke. I hope that pro got well-paid.

Nina, “Sotero wants a new mug, but his heart is still black and his soul is Perdy much non-existant. So what good is it to have a pretty wrapping when inside is sh*t? Sorry to put it so yucky” No need to apologize! Doc Mask brings out the worst in everyone and I totally uinderstand.

TF, “Lucreepy up to no good and Doc Mask trying to get his manhood back. Ay díos mío.” AMEN!!

JudyB, “ How are Damiana, Prudencia and Doña Enriqueta going to convince Marina that the gorgeous ball gowns they've bought for her are just some old dresses Yola had hanging around? Doña Enriqueta is the only one with a definitive plan. She's ripped the lining a little bit to make the dress look like it's second hand.” Ripping the lining was too funny…Wasn’t that the dress Marina admired when Doc B’s mom took her shopping??? Does she think Marina won’t recognize the dress? LOL

Doris, “ I firmly believe there are no accidents in what is chosen for each scene and character. They often give clues to the viewer, or make statements about the person whose space or attire that is shown.” So true! What an eye you have for detail! When I’m recapping, I’m too focused on taking notes and trying to decipher what is being said so I miss a lot of the “visuals.” With this show, I multi-task; so much of what I glean is through listening, which, like you, is not my strongest learning style.



Doris, Forgot to add--I hope you keep sharing all those details with us...quite interesting!

Wow. My entire comment just disappeared. Anyway, here's what I remember:

Thanks for checking in Rgv Chick. You always add so much to the richness of the discussion. You have the gift of gracious detail.

Yes, I truly truly loathe Lucrecia, but have to admit I've been "piling on" a bit in my recaps lately just to tease Andy...who is teasing me by defending her. Reminds me of dear Carlos who loved to stick up for the Bad Girls. Newcomers to the blog who didn't realize what an inveterate tease he was, would react with high dudgeon and great outrage at his comments. Fun to watch.

And I'm glad you still think that don Luis is redeemable. I confess to being rather fond of the old reprobate in spite of his truly heinous actions. Not fair since I cut Lucrecia no slack at all. But there it is.

Anyway Happy Hot and Humid to you all. I'm sending everybody virtual buckets of Nina's homemade peach and mango ice cream. It's the least I can do as thanks for all these wonderful comments.

This comment has been removed by the author.


How is it that I miss my typos before I post but they jump out at me after I hit "publish"?

Doris, "Doc Mask’s prostitute has hair very similar to Marina’s pre-makeover look. Hmmm…. Looks like he is over his "problem." Hooker looked quite happy."

Isn't it nice to see a woman who enjoys her work?



JudyB, "Yes, I truly truly loathe Lucrecia, but have to admit I've been "piling on" a bit in my recaps lately just to tease Andy...who is teasing me by defending her."

Well, yes, but... I really am enjoying Lucrecia for the most part. She is a fairly mild TN version of that long-time staple and favorite in storytelling, the unscrupulous femme fatale. Lucrezia Borgia anybody?

I admit I am not impressed with her planting "evidence" against Marina in the trash bin. That's not up to "Spider Queen" or "Dragon Lady" standards. Much better was pumping dumb Erick for info about the new security code, bringing Beto to heel, twisting Daddy Doc around her little finger, manipulating Doc Mask, and having uppity males dragged away and thrown into the bottomless pit. Oh, no, wait, that's a different movie/book/whatever! Like I said, this is a fairly mild, family TN version of the unscrupulous femme fatale. Still fun.

I do enjoy this TN.

Something I'm NOT fond of in this TN is the visual and sound nonsense in it. I wish they would stop with that "tea kettle" whistle sound, and stop filming through glass or including so many reflections, and better light some of the indoor scenes.

Well, can't have everything.


Ah Andy,'re enjoying Lucrecia? Okay. If you say so. And yes, what the heck is that "tea kettle" whistle sound? As for the filming through glass, I guess the visual folks need to throw in a little creativity so we can marvel at how clever they are. Toting around those big cameras on their shoulders has to get them down after a while.

And quite true that dumping the medication in Marina's wastepaper basket was crude and not up to Lucrecia's subtle standards. And jeez louise, why would Marina do that? Not a very plausible clue. But who knows how this is going to play out. We should know by Monday afternoon though.


I don't know about a teakettle sound, but what annoys me is the murmuring that sounds like a crowd of people they use as background sound at Doc Mask's old office, and I heard it at Zamudio's or some Doc at the hospital. There was never a crowd of people waiting to see Doc Mask and I don't k ow how he stayed in business.

That filming thru a glass is annoying, too. Perhaps summer interns are doing those shots for Televisa?

I miss Carlos. QEPD. His medical input was helpful and he always had a soft spot for the bad women of telenovelas. LOL 💕


I'm trying to keep up with all our "flowers" I've added a few...feel free to add or suggest other flowers...

Marina -> Daffodil

Vanessa -> Hothouse orchid

Lucreepy -> Ragweed

Yola -> prickly desert flower


Chooch - Snap Dragon

Damiana -> Witch Hazel

Prudencia -> Prim Rose

Anita -> Dainty little Daisy

Angustias -> Tiger Lily

Encarnacion -> Carnation

Ramona -> Wallflower



Just thought of another possibility for Chooch -- Venus Flytrap


Rgv Chickie, "Just thought of another possibility for Chooch -- Venus Flytrap"

Oh, yeah!




Venus Flytrap is pure genius!

I love Venus Fly Trap!!!

When those flys get stuck in There they can't get out cuz it closes up.
Yeah that's moochin butt. She grabs ahold and won't let go til she's just sucked all the life out of em. In this
Case it's her poor kid. Shes a blood sucker thats what she is.

Thank you again JudyB. You are such a talent!

I had a sudden glimpse of the future! Don Luis and Hilda together, combining their business skills and huge personas to become Mexico’s power couple! Perfect!

Ramona and Toribio are perfect. Not romantically, but as a loving partnership. Ramona loves to care give and Toribio appreciates good friends and gives full love in return

Also, Doc Mask and his girl who of course “Has a heart of gold”

Thanks for checking in Mely. I like your ideas for new couples. Creative and imaginative. And could work. We'll put you in charge of Matchmaking and Dori in charge of Decor on the Patio.

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