Monday, August 26, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Sin Tu Mirada y Mas - Week of Aug. 26, 2019

Welcome to page 1 for the week! The current daytime telenovela being recapped is:
  • 3-4PM – Sin Tu Mirada: Ep. 110-112 (GRAN FINAL on Wednesday!)
Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)

(Coming on Sept.3rd at 3PM: Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor)

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OT - Casting on Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor

Thank you Rgv Chick.

Interesting tidbit on Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor. It is produced by Carlos Moreno who also did (among other things) El Nombre Del Amor.

Some of us watched and remembered the beautiful love story between Paloma (Allisson Lozz) and Iñaki Iparraguirre (played by Luis Hacha). Luis doesn't survive but his death scene was memorable and we all wondered whatever happened to him. Well, here he is "Luis Hacha as Iñaki de la Maza". I don't believe he has been in any TNs since. Very interesting.



Part 1

Wow, the writers really had fun torturing us today. First of all they let Paulino and Anita's wedding run until almost the last second before Anita finally halted the farce and confessed the truth. Then we see Luis, seemingly repentant, reaching out to Prudencia (who blows him off) but when she leaves, he shrugs and says "más se perdió en la guerra" [no biggie] and finally, Lucreepy kills off Sotero with a syringe, then stabs Marina, puts the syringe in Marina's purse to inculpate her, and stabs her AGAIN! (ay yi yi) with Sotero's hand on the knife. It's a gruesome scene to watch. Even worse when he crawls over and plants a dying, disgusting kiss on her cheek.

On the other hand, the arrangement of the bodies was quite artistic. If you discount the huge puddle of blood on the floor.

But she can't die, right? She's the heroine. Might end up with the wrong guy. But she won't die. It's just a story, just a story, Patio. Pour yourself another drink and let's get down to the details of this episode.

Luis has been arrested and is making his case worse by lipping off to the judge. I HAD to leave the country! And you are not going to put me in jail for that. But the judge promptly does. And not just jail, but prison. His nervous lawyer promises to get him out but who knows how long it will be? Sometimes Luis is his own worst enemy.

Beto and Marina are talking in the hospital corridor. He's adamant that she not visit Sotero. She's conning herself that perhaps Sotero's seeming grief over Ramona's death will change him into a kinder, nicer person. Beto knows better--he'll never renounce anything that gives him power over you. Lucreepy zips up to reclaim Beto as her territory and pretends that her concern over Marina is leading her to counsel Sotero to give up his obsessive love. Marina seems to have no illusions about Lucrecia--lots of luck, she snips, and walks off. Lu then tries to cast a little shade on Marina. Surprised she's here--would have thought she'd want to spend all her time with her baby. Sotero is forcing her to visit, admits Beto.

Awful scene in Sotero's room. He's playing helpless victim, asking Marina to help him with juice. She moves it closer. He can't handle it. Forces her to hold it to his lips to sip. Continues to whine. -I wanted you to live in my house so you could see the immense love I have for you. -Funny way of showing it, she snaps, battling me for custody, obliging me to visit you every day. You and I will never be anything at all.

Let's leave this gruesome scene and travel to the prison. Eduardo Santamarina is still managing to be both funny and endearing, even though clearly he's the villain. Kept pointing to phone to oblige Pru to talk to him. She's cold and sarcastic. -Your great lawyer can't get you out of here? -I'm going to have to call in a lot of favors to get out of this "chiquero" [pigsty] -Why did you leave the country? You could have let the police go after Zack. You went after Susana. Paulino told me. The things I have to learn from others! -That was our life. Life after lie, he replies. Angustias is the one who should be behind bars. But yes, I went after Susana because I want everyone to know who and what she is. -Well now everyone knows who and what you are too! You're in all the news.

Mi Prude, mi Prude. I don't like being alone. Don't abandon me. I need you.

Okay...I have to admit it. This charming sociopath is totally winning me over. I would have folded like a cheap tent at this point.



Part 2

But Prudencia is too smart for that. Need me? You need the money you signed over to me. -That too, he admits. Well don't worry-I'll talk to my lawyer and make sure you get what you need. But you've lost me. -Tell Marina that I'm not a criminal. And whisper it in little Rafa's ear. -Marina isn't interested in your life. -The love you felt for me is all gone? he asks, reaching his fingers out towards her. -Adiós Luis. And she leaves. He pauses, hand still reaching out, crestfallen. Woebegone. Then shrugs. No big deal. And turns to go.

He had me. He totally had me. But not Prudencia.

Back to the hospital and the noxious Lucrecia. She and Beto are watching a newsreel of Luis' arrest on her phone and she asks if he's going to see his dad. He's not my dad! he snaps. So she moves on to her real objective...having dinner with him. He shrugs that off to get back to patients. Evil pout from Lucrecia. Curses! Foiled again!

So on to the Disaster Wedding. Lino is looking mighty fine in a tux. (One must take time to notice these highlights in the midst of all this miserable sturm und drang.) Waldo is amazed he hasn't invited Vanessa to the wedding. After all, she's the reason for your success. She paid for the studio and now your career is going gangbusters. Lino admits he's heartsick that she's left the city with no forwarding address or phone number. Anita overhears all this. But...but...nothing.

Marina arrives with the judge. Andy, don't take umbrage but honestly, the dress she's wearing looks like a cheap kitchen tablecloth. It's a disaster. So are the shoes.

Okay. Moving on. Erasmo and Erick mend fences. Also with Yola. The whole Amoeba Clan is there plus Hortensia. Damiana has on eyeshadow and pale lipstick and looks halfway decent and halfway happy. Baldo is a prince, saying it was all worth it to see the joy shining in Dam's eyes.

Brief scene with Lucreepy coaching Sotero to give up the nice guy routine and just kidnap Marina now! Next we see her ensconced in Beto's apartment, plying him with liquor and wrapping herself around him, celebrating that he's getting cozy with her rather than at the wedding. He puts aside the drink (which she purposely made too strong) and suggests they go to a movie instead. Finally our boy has some smarts! Too late...but still.

And the wedding ceremonies continue. Lino and Anita are saying their vows. The judges mentions the necessity of HONESTY in a relationship, and unconditional love.

That does it. Anita FINALLY puts a stop to the wedding, takes Lino aside and confesses that there is no baby. Cara impactada and plenty enojada. And off he goes like a shot. Good running style by the way. Enjoyed watching him exit.


Part 3

We see Vanessa at work, in tears, briefly stepping away from her desk. Manager follows her and gives her a consoling hug as she cries on his shoulder.


Sorry, y'know the stress. Probably need some Fritos.

Sotero is walking around his room, trying to get strong enough to kidnap Marina. Detective stops by with the good news that the mysterious object was the window handle and that they have identified the make and model of the car that has those. Soon they're going to crack the case!

Back in the vecindad, Toribio winds up the stunned guests, reminds them that there's food and drink and the party should continue. So it does.

Baldo, again a prince, takes on the task of consoling Anita. Basic message: Everybody makes mistakes in love. We all have a right to be wrong. He's very proud of her for finally owning up to the charade. Mama Toolbelt at this moments softens as well and gives her a big hug.

A frantic Lino is waiting at Beto's apartment to see if he knows Vanessa's whereabouts. He doesn't but will call Vane's friends to see if anyone has her number. Lucrecia will also help.

Gah! How long are the writers going to draw this out? Enough already!


Lucreepy is snickering that she never would have thought that Vanessa and Lino had their "queveres" (that they were hooking up). When Beto leaves the room she fields Sotero's call that the police are closing in. She has a plan all set up for the kidnapping tomorrow so no worries. Car in a certain spot, chloroform, keys on the windshield, some ready cash in clothing she'll provide.

Next day there she is in his room. When he turns his back, she grabs a syringe and injects a substance directly into his IV. What are you doing? he shrieks, staggering as the substance takes effect. "Just solving all my problems." she replies.

Marina arrives and asks what's going on. Too late girl! Lucrecia stabs her, and as Sotero is crawling towards Marina, whispering "Bonita", Lu places the syringe in Marina's purse. "Only one more detail," she adds.

Oh no! She stabs her AGAIN! This time with Sotero's hand on the knife! Blood pooling in great puddles everywhere.

Could it get any worse?

Yes, it could. As Lu takes off, stripping her hospital coat and loosening her hair, Sotero crawls closer and presses his disgusting lips against Marina's cold cheek. But as I mentioned earlier,it's a lovely arrangement of dying bodies. Apart from all the blood.

More good times at the prison. Zack sees Luis behind bars and gives him some attitude. You may get out in a few days but your clients will never trust you again.
Luis gives him some attitude back so Zack's henchie punches him out. -Remember, Luis, in here we're "equals". So next time treat me nice or you'll get worse. Actually, I feel sorry for you. Your wife's leaving you, your children don't want you, your lover knifed you in the back and that's not all--she married her daughter off to that rich guy 'cause she knew Vane and Lino were hooking up. Luis is stunned.

Vane hears the news of Luis' arrest on somebody's screen at work. And dashes out the door.

The nurse discovers the bloody bodies on the floor of Sotero's room and dashes out the door as well.


Part 5

Beto dashes in, finds a pulse and starts administering CPR.

The detective is given a drawing of the person some couple saw driving the car. It's a dead ringer for Sotero. Case solved! Now to make an arrest.

Fernando is telling Ricardo, Beto, Prudencia etc. that Dr. Qijaro, the best surgeon in the hospital, will try and save Marina. Now the whole Amoeba Clan is there, huddled together, worrying, grieving, consoling each other.

Beto and Ricardo find time for a little last minute antler-bashing. "How could you have let her visit Sotero alone!" yell Beto. Dona Enrigueta arrives to hug her baby boy and join the hand-wringing.

Back in Beto's apartment, Lucreepy is now swaddled in a cozy robe, awaiting Beto's arrival. She knows just how she's going to console him.

In the surgical theater, the writers treat us to some gory details. Just in case we were eating while watching the show.

Damage to the stomach is the worst. Lost a lot of blood. Also damage to gall bladder and part of liver. We're losing her doctor! Her blood pressure is dropping!

You know. The usual surgical drama. I refuse to bite. Marina is the main character. But still...Who needs this?

Okay Crazy Patio. Your turn.


Two more to go! Thanks JudyB! I got very invested in this one. Maybe too invested. “It’s just a story!”

To essentially echo your sentiments, I’d rather Marina end up with Ric aka “the wrong guy” than die. At least Sotero is dead but Lucrecia outsmarted him and was smart with not leaving her fingerprints. Still, there has to be a flaw in her plan....but what is it?

I wonder how many times Beto and Lucrecia have had a conversation that goes like:

Lucrecia: “Wanna eat (lunch/dinner) together?
Beto: “Nope. Gotta work. Lots of patients.”

At least Lucrecia doesn’t keep begging or Beto doesn’t give her a chance to. And I love Beto not caring about Luis’ arrest.

I guess I never regarded Vanessa helping Lino as a secret after Lino found out about it but obviously he wasn’t gonna tell Anita. At least she did the right thing. If the writers want us to think that Vanessa’s boss is yet another obstacle, I’m not buying it. So can Vane and Lino just be together already?

There seems to be corrupt jail guards in some telenovelas. They let Zack confront Luis like nothing. I’m actually kinda glad Luis didn’t get gutted or something.



First the positive. Your wonderful recap Judy. "On the other hand, the arrangement of the bodies was quite artistic. If you discount the huge puddle of blood on the floor" made me smile despite what must surely have been a horrific episode. Not just to watch, but especially to recap. Shiver...

"más se perdió en la guerra" [no biggie] was my favorite along with your observation "Eduardo Santamarina is still managing to be both funny and endearing, even though clearly he's the villain". He is a magnificent, powerful presence.

As time is filtering through the hourglass and this TN prepares to end, they are really ratcheting up the violence rather late in the game, aren't they? A stabbed heroine this close to FIN?

"But she can't die, right? She's the heroine. Might end up with the wrong guy. But she won't die. It's just a story, just a story". Marina might or might not have a happy ending but my question to you and the patio is, was it worth the journey either way?

Judy, you deserve all the credit in the world for recapping this with such honest and on point observations. And with humor. Always with humor! You are amazing.



Judy, thank you for another splendid recap. I hope you weren't munching any Fritos during the stabbing scene or the later OR scene.

Very exciting episode, but upsetting as well. Why do they have to keep up the tension and suspense until the very last reel of the last episode? OK, they're not on reels anymore, but same thing.

I thought Anita was quite lovely in her wedding dress and with that beautiful bouquet. Not quite a runaway bride scene, but at least she fessed up to Lino before the marriage, and then we had a runaway groom and, wow, was he ever moving!

I was very upset with our Evil, no good, Spidery Ice Queen from Hell and Disaster with Hair. Here she has been the perfect villainess slithering right along doing evil here and there along the way, and she finally decides Sotero is of no use any longer and injects some spider venom into his IV line. Fine, he was expendable. But then she goes and stabs our little daffodil! No, no, no! Can't do that! Marina is at the very top of the not-expendable list!

OTOH, I do have to admire the way she is framing Marina, very wicked indeed.





Ah ! Stupid, stupid, stupid people. Gotta give it to LuCreepy Crawly, smarter than the average witch. Smarter than Marina could ever hope to be, smarter than Isidious, smarter than Beto. What a let down, after all that detective work NiNa and the amateur detectives did with the clenched fist button, Luc just waltzes in and syringes him. DRT. Dead Right There.

There is just something annoying as hell about Marina which can not be attributed to having been blind. She's just dumber than a box of rocks. But I guess they should try to save her anyway.

Speaking of dirty prison guards, I guess so. The one hencher backing up ZackRat had a syringe or something himself. Were he not there King Louie could pop Zack's head like an overripe grape.

And Anita isn't all that bad. She is do-able in a freaky kind of way, like in "I hope she doesn't expect me to do things that would embarrass farm animals."

Muchas gracias JudyB. Thank you for recapping this distress-o-rama so skillfully!

Ricky seemed resigned when talking to momma at beginning of episode. Maybe he is weary of denial
He also had on a blue shirt!

Liked Marina’s blouse with tassels and vest. A very different look! Then she shows up to wedding in 1950’s church lady dress. Looks like the organist to me.

Lino looked fab in his tux. I think maybe he convinced costume dept to let him wear his own suit. Looked custom to me! Anita also looked lovely

Loved Toribio taking charge of the celebration. He has really come into his own since becoming the landlord. Seems confident in what he wants and doesn’t feel he needs anyone’s advice

Doc Mask surely would have pulled the IV out of his arm or disconnected the line. Nothing in that IV solution could work that fast


Y Mañana sera otro Día will air Tuesday September 3, at 3p/2c. Ringo cancelled.

El Hotel de los Secretos returns Wednesday September 11, at 11p/10c on Unimas.

Good evening Patio. Great to hear from you all.

TF...Ah yes, we found out how invested we really were when we saw all the violence today. Wow. Like you, I sure hope there was a flaw in Lucreepy's plans, although she was astonishingly cool, collected and thorough as she cleaned up after herself.

Diana...thanks for all those kind words. And your question is very interesting.
I would say yes, if only for the terrific Patio we had and the fun discussions that always ensued after every episode. Quite the family room!

Andy...In total agreement that Anita was lovely in her wedding dress, her simple elegant hairstyle and her bouquet. And loved your description of Lucrecia:

Evil, no good, Spidery Ice Queen from Hell and Disaster with Hair
Evil, no good, Spidery Ice Queen from Hell and Disaster with Hair
Simply perfect.

Big Spammer....Yes, wide-eyed Marina has been stupid, and a number of other characters as well. Unfortunately, that's the modus operandi for these stories. "Good guys" are stupid until almost the last hair-raising minute. And agree that it was a bit of a bust, especially after Nina's hard work on this case, for Lucreepy to just off Sotero with a flick of her syringe. Thoughtless of her indeed.

Mely...Ah, even better. Marina looking like a church lady organist. Also made me think of the old Carol Burnett show and her feuds with "Mama". They both wore wretched dresses like that. But with orthopedic shoes. On the other hand, Anita looked spiffy. Always best not to outshine the bride. And you're right, Lino's suit fit him like a glove. Could well have been made to order. Certainly a pleasure for us ladies to behold.

Alexander Velaquez...Thanks so much for the heads up on what's to come in this time slot after Labor Day. And even more for the news that Hotel de los Secretos will be on Unimás. That is one I will gladly watch again. Simply sensational.



Judy: Creepy Doc gets whacked ? In his last dying breath, he kisses Marina (yuck).

LuCrazy adds more to the growing Body Count now at 13 ?

Andy: Once again. Marina is framed for more BULLSHIT.


Thank you again, Judy, for another great recap. Oh, my, and what an episode!
--” On the other hand, the arrangement of the bodies was quite artistic. If you discount the huge puddle of blood on the floor.” BwaHahahahahaaaa!!!

--- ”…the dress she's wearing looks like a cheap kitchen tablecloth. It's a disaster. So are the shoes.

I’m glad I am not the only person who thought that dress Marina wore to the wedding was hideous. And those boots? OMG. If she was still blind I could understand.

Yay!!! Ana finally told the truth and Lino is off the hook.

Ricky was wearing . . . a plaid vest today! With matching white shirt. Is it a sign?

Encarnacion’s hair looked like it was styled in a wind tunnel.

Damiana looked very nice at her wedding, and she even smiled. Awwww!

Good riddance to Sotero. But I was shocked at Lucreepy stabbing Marina. Who knew she was capable of that? Not me.

Zacarias and his two . . . bodyguards? Is he now their bitch? There is no other rational answer. Yeesh. Beanie Hat time.

ITA, Marina is dumber than a box of rocks. (we say that around here, too) But she did grow up in a sheltered life and lacks street smarts.

And honestly, I thought she was dead, laying there with her eyes open. Just like Vanessa after her fall. So . . . is that a thing? Do people really do that when they're unconscious? But I digress. I thought she was dead and all I could think was --- "Oh well, that's the way this will end. Eh . . . next?"


Diana and Judy, I suspect I'm an outlier here, but I have enjoyed this TN immensely, much more so than most TNs. I have a few possible complaints, but I'm not sure the complaints were not deliberate strategems of the producer/writers/whoever. E.g., the galanes competing for the lovely Marina, Beto and Ricky, could certainly have been much more galán, much more.
I'm not a good judge of the attractiveness of men, but it seemed to me that Beto was a second rate galán, not all that attractive in appearance, character, or behavior. Ricky has been no great shakes either. He's older, I don't know how much older, but older than Beto and Marina who were both born the same night. He has greasy hair always falling into his face, wears funky clothes, and sometimes has a facial expression somewhere between that of a sad puppy and a hungry undertaker.

I would appreciate a third choice for our heroine. But maybe that's exactly what the producers wanted. No clear cut choice, forcing us to consider. My reluctant choice is Ricky but I think the majority favors Beto because he was Marina's first true love. Maybe, but maybe she was so hurt and disillusioned that she got over that love.
Much like Prudy has. She married for life, but eventually it became insupportable. This might even be a deliberate parallel.

And it could still go either way for Marina. She could even die, though I doubt that will happen. They might do a "después" on us, and have her come back after surgery and rehabilitation and decide to marry, say, Anita. Have them both say 'a pox on all men.'

Ok, unlikely. But we should know in two days, hopefully.

Lucrecia has been a good villainess, but not in the upper ranks of fun Arch-Villainesses. But still pretty good. And she finishes off her competition and expendable characters, um, artistically. BTW, Ice Queen from Hell and Disaster with Hair were coined by Nina.

Only two more days. I will miss this TN, but as they say in show business, or at least used to say, "Always leave them wanting more."





Yes. It was totally worth it. No regrets.

We had:
- great villains.
- great snark
- many eye-roll moments
- horrible clothing choices
- some characters redeemed themselves (Erick, Vanessa)
- wonderful Patio and Patio peeps
- awesome faithful snarktastic recap warrior JudyB, who is the glue that held us together and made our Patio possible ❤️❤️❤️
- we were ... entertained

Good Morning Thoughtful Patio. I'm really enjoying these responses to Diana's great question. But first:

Steve...Where do you get your Body Count of 13? Are you thinking of a different story?

Andy...And so you would like Bachelor No. 3 to be Marina's choice. Well, I agree with you on some points. The actor playing Alberto has always been a second tier character in the telenovelas I've watched. And I don't find him wildly attractive. But still, more so than Ricardo for all the reasons you've mentioned, including that hilarious "hungry undertaker" observation. However, I don't just want Marina with him because he's her "first love", but because he's THE FATHER OF HER CHILD. Raising children is tough from the get-go, but it really gets challenging during the adolescent and young adult years. And that's when you need "the call of the blood" to get through it. And there's a reason why the social workers always try to keep the original family together if humanly possible.'s just a story, just a story.

And I remember that our inimitable Nina coined "Ice Queen from Hell" but had forgotten she was also the creator of Disaster with Hell. Perdoname Nina! Mea culpa mea maxima culpa.

Doris...Nice resumé of why this was a fun ride, and goodness, thanks for the praise. I do agree that we were entertained. And very much caught up in all the drama as well as the occasional humor. Not only were Erick and Vanessa "redeemed" but we got to see Prudencia emerge from her shell. Remember when she was all hunched over, covered up in big sweaters, and would twitch any time Luis came near? Now she's a straightforward, tell it like it is woman. And I have especially enjoyed Eduardo Santamarina's tongue in cheek portrayal of don Luis. Many of his scenes with Susana and other characters were flat out hilarious. And who could forget Hilda? Her time with us was brief but every moment was memorably delightful. Just wish we could have had more of that crazy lady.

So yes, totally worth it. I have never done daily recaps before and never will again. Too draining. But I would certainly be part of a full team again. But only with this Patio. You're the best.


JudyB, you are the Wonder Woman of Caray! Your recaps have made me smile and giggle...sometimes an outright 'laugh out loud." Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter to our world! I'm sorry you were taken by Luis's pleas and sad looks...and then just to have him say "no biggie." what a disappointment! Just when you think he is being sincere, he takes his foot and plops it into his mouth.

- "Lino is looking mighty fine in a tux. (One must take time to notice these highlights in the midst of all this miserable sturm und drang.)" The highlight of the episode.

- "Marina arrives with the judge. Andy, don't take umbrage but honestly, the dress she's wearing looks like a cheap kitchen tablecloth. It's a disaster. So are the shoes" I was so appalled by the dress that I didn't even notice the shoes! And ITA with " Also made me think of the old Carol Burnett show and her feuds with "Mama". YESSS! Exactly!

Andy, I was amazed at how fast Lino was running....and I kept wondering "Ok, if the man has no clue as to where Vanessa is, where is he running to?"

Doris, " I was shocked at Lucreepy stabbing Marina. Who knew she was capable of that? Not me." Me neither! I knew "Spidery Ice Queen from Hell and Disaster with Hair" was capable of many things, but murder? Nope! I noticed that she tucked her hair into her blouse as she was leaving the room. Was that so that she wouldn't be recognized? Highly unlikely! Maybe there are cameras in the hall and they will see that she entered the room before Marina did and left after Marina entered??

Diana, yes, the journey was definitely worth it! Not because of the show itself, but because reading JudyB's snarktastic recaps and everyone's comments brightened my days. I wouldn't have missed them for the world :-)

JudyB, sending you a virtual bouquet of white roses, a Medal of Valor, and the Daytime Recapper Award. Well deserved, Amiga. Thank you for sharing your time, effort and wit with us. Tu eres el sol de Caray! ♪♪You are my sunshine, my only sunshine; you make me happy when skies are blue...♪♪


Rgv Chick...As far as I'm concerned, you're the one who deserves the bouquets and Medal of Valor. After finding out how challenging it was to do daily recaps, I shuddered remembering when you were doing THREE DAILY RECAPS AT ONCE. And continued to do TWO AT ONCE for some time. I stepped in to help you because I was grieving and needed distraction. You were carrying that enormous load simply out of the kindness of your heart and your commitment to keep CarayCaray going.

I do think--since there are so few recappers available these days--that we need to limit the telenovelas being offered--in order to have a full team. You and Jarifa have soldiered on with daily recaps and I admire you. But I'm sure you could be just as happy being part of a team and having some flexibility in how you plan your days. Just a thought.

Our Patio is bright and clever and if 5 of us teamed up to do the next one scheduled for 3 pm, I'd be on board. But not as a "daily", rather as part of a full team. Think about it Patio.


First, it was TOTALLY worth it!

Secondly, since I know you now Judy, and know how much you love a friendly argument, I'm going to disagree with you about "the call of the blood". I think the show anticipated that argument and dealt with it early on. When Luis learned that Beto was not his biological son he dismissed the importance of it. Beto was his son and always would be. And this from the man who obsessed so much over an Ocaranza male heir, the family name and bloodline.

Luis got over the fact that Beto was not his offspring; of course, he had had twenty-odd years of being Beto's father. But then Beto couldn't get over the idea that Marina's unborn baby might not be his and he destroyed his relationship with her. This "call of the blood" can be destructive as well as constructive.

I think it would be interesting to poll single mothers and ask them which they would prefer if they could have only one of these: having the biological father in the house to help raise the kid, or getting child support payments on time and in full.






Me, I think JudyB, Rgv Chickie, Jarifa, and the other recappers as well, are ALL terrific!




JudyB said --- "I do think--since there are so few recappers available these days--that we need to limit the telenovelas being offered--in order to have a full team."

I have been a substitute recapper only two or three times in my life, and it is hArD wOrK!!! Not to mention the time commitment.

I am thinking out loud here . . . what if we provided a topic for telenovelas and, instead of a dedicated recapper, various members of the Patio who want to can provide mini-caps? Each person can post the highlights of what they remember, like a bullet list, news headlines, or whatever. It would be a group effort.
Might that be worth a try?

I would feel comfortable participating in something like that without the pressure/responsibility of recapping everything in an episode and worrying that I forgot something. Or got it wrong-lol. And it is just a thinking-out-loud idea. IDK if it has any merit.

In the meantime, I am gearing up for today's episode. Ultimas Horas! Squee!


JudyB--There are no words sufficient to thank you and praise you for your daily dogged slog through this telenovela--despite the reasons why. It was the perfect venue for you and the Patio to get together and snark our way through. I will miss it when it ends.

Now that I'm back, I promised myself NOT to read yesterday's recap, but to save it for when I've really caught up, but I'm weak and gave in to JudyB's sterling recap and all the comments as this winds down and gets tied up. I can't wait to actually see the episode. Gosh, a lot happened while I was gone.

Back to Friday the 16th, where I'm starting out--gotta add these, even though they are long forgotten by the Patio.
1) Doc Mask is undergoing a delicate surgery on his face, but they didn't shave his hair back (although they did put one of those little blue hats on him.
2) I would have expected classist Don Luis to wipe the top of the bottle after he forced Paulino took take a swig of tequila (which he spit out in a big spray), but he didn't.
3) At a very emotional moment, Rapunzel stops begging Daddy Z to operate and why to push her hair out of her face and hook the locks behind her ear, for a better camera view and then goes back to her filial hug. (I was prepared for the wind tunnel scene later and wondered why it was necessary. We all know by now she has long straight hair.)
4) Doc Z, as we all noted, should have known better than to operate in his condition--and without an assisting surgeon. That can be attributed to either a) doctors are their own worst patients, and probably diagnosing symptoms as well; or b) a plot propeller. Both are valid.
5) In Ana's confrontation with Vane, she comes off as a petulant 10 year-old. (I especially liked Nina's Miss Pissy Pants).

Enjoyed watching and reading the episode for last Monday and Tuesday. I'm afraid that I will still be commenting on past episodes, long after El Fin fills the pantalla. Oh, well. I must say, with hardly a single exception (that being Lino), I was never invested deeply in ANY of the characters, per se, but as an assembled Amoeba Clan and its hangers-on, they made for a pretty good, if frustrating tale.

JudyB, you and the rest of the Patio made it the hit with us that it has turned out to be. Eternal thanks for spending the summer with us.


Anita -Your five points are perfect. I never considered any of those. Especially #2 sharing the tequila . . . no thoughts about cooties by Luis. Thank you for adding to our Patio enjoyment.

Honestly, our group and Judy's recaps (plus Anita's and didn't RgvChick do a few, too?) have made this an enjoyable viewing experience. I have watched one or two telenovelas without benefit of a Patio or forum (I miss telenovelaworld), and that is a very lonely experience.

Okay . . . fifteen minutes 'til showtime!

You made this novela a favorite of mine with your sparkling recaps. Thank you so much JudyB You created this patio and tended it faithfully. I certainly appreciate it and know all the patio does as well!


Ok JudyB Interesting way to recap,I'll
Take it. I don't to read this till now
But I like what I've read so far. It's
Just hosb darn good to see the crazy
People gettin their Anvils. Is there a
Part 2, 3, 4, &5?

"Sometimes Luis is his own worst enemy",No baby luis is ALWAYS his own
Worst "idiot" enemy.

That was disgusting watching sotero
Crawlin up to marina and callin her
Bonita and then kissin her on The jaw.
Makeup really did a horribly good job
With burn Makeup on that actor. He was
A nasty lookin sight. Koodoes to the
Makeup people.

Ok now I gotta find out if there's a
Other parts to this episode.
Thank you JudyB for part one.:-)


Doris, I think you have an excellent idea. How well it would work in practice would depend on the participants, of course.

All the recappers are overworked these days, and there have been TNs that had only some days covered, etc., and there is occasionally something posted to encourage people to try recapping. I even considered it myself although I was quite sure that wouldn't work well. Too many impediments, especially my Spanish. My Spanish is limited, very limited when it comes to spoken Spanish; also, I am a fair typist, maybe 20 - 25 wpm, but a very slow thinker, maybe 1 word per minute.

Nonetheless, I did a trial "practice" run; I decided to try a recap of a Mirada episode. I figured I might have to watch two or three times to get it right. First time to watch and appreciate the show, and to take some notes; second to use Closed Captioning to read the dialog that I couldn't understand, and to find meanings in the dictionary; third to read the recap and watch the show again to see if there was a reasonable resemblance.

This did not work out well. I had difficulty taking notes while watching the show, and later I couldn't always decipher what I had written. Reading Closed Captioning did not always help, especially with idioms. Male character says to a woman something that CC says is, just say, "The cat is in the tree."
Wow, I have no idea whatsoever what that might mean. I am reduced to replaying the scene a few times to see what his expression is, and hers. Does she slap him? Smile or kiss him? Run away screaming? Otherwise I would have no more idea than a Spanish speaker coming across "it's raining cats and dogs" for the first time in English.

Anyway, I gave up half-way through the second viewing and found that Judy's recap had been posted a couple of hours earlier. I didn't even bother trying to compare them, it would have been too embarrassing.



"Male character says to a woman something that CC says is, just say, "The cat is in the tree.""
LOL! Sometimes that is the true extent of telenovela conversations!


The Univision web site is posting transcriptions of the episodes and scenes (escena del día & Mejor Momento). You can access the transcriptions for the whole episode only if you have the right cable or satellite ... although the episodes become unlocked after 2 weeks or so.

So, if your Spanish is limited or you think you may have missed something, check the web site the day after the broadcast. The transcriptions (plus Google translate) may help you.


Hi all. Judy called to tell me the recap is done and ready to be posted. Unfortunately, the weather there is terrible and Judy's cable is out.

As soon as service is restored, she will post the recap.

Thank you - Diana


Part 1

Wow, this was a razzle-dazzle cliffhanger of an episode. And since the whole Patio knows I have a weakness for bad boy Luis, I'll cheerfully confess that I was touched when he told Vanessa he was learning to live with Shame and Sadness. Susana is gloriously unrepentant, but I honestly believe that Luis has serious regrets. (Don't laugh, the actor is just so goldurned endearing I'd probably give him a pass on a ridiculous number of sins and shortcomings.

But enough of that. Let's get to the action. It was fast and furious today. We start at the Call Center where Vanessa has fled her desk to weep a bit. Manager follows her to console and finds out that Luis Ocaranza was like a father to her, and Susana Balmaceda was her mother. He volunteers to take her to Mexico City.

The police show up to arrest Sotero and find his pretty nurse in shock. But she shakes it off long enough to tell them he's dead--as of this morning. Lino arrives at the Call Center where everybody ignores him. Finally he snags a guy in the middle of a call who tells him Vane has left the building with the boss for parts unknown. Gah! Lino could be assuming all kinds of horrid things at this point. After all, Vanessa thinks he's a married man now. I'm wringing my hands and biting my nails already.

Vanessa arrives at the Women's Prison. Some little gal playing the entry guard is making the most of her bit part. She laughs when Vane says she wants to see Susana. Chuckles some more when she says she's her daughter. Titters again after Vane goes down the corridor for the visit. Okay okay! We'll cast you again little cutie.

Susana, as always, is laser-focused. Wants Vane to cough up some cash to use for prison favors and even more cash for a good lawyer to get her out of here! And for heaven's sake, make it fast before our friends find out we're in financial doo-doo. Vane explains her pittance of a salary barely covers her rent and a few tacos. Well then ask Prudencia for the money! You don't have to tell her who it's for! You should have stayed with Ed, rages Mom, then we could have been living the High Life that we deserve. Since Vanessa won't play ball, she promptly gets her hair pulled and her head slammed down on the table.

Well, that pretty much sums up the relationship. And now it's over. Vanessa has grown up. And moved on.

At the men's prison, Luis learns from his lawyer that his daughter is in the hospital, and in grave condition. He's frantic, slams his own head down on the table in despair, and then quickly morphs into rage. GET ME OUT OF HERE! NOW! And that sums up Luis. He's more comfortable with rage and commands, than he is with sadness and repentance. But then he surprises us. When Vanessa comes to visit, he confesses that he's getting what he deserved for not respecting his marriage. Now his son no longer wants his name, nor does he come to visit him. He's spurned my name, my money...everything.

I'm learning to live with shame and sadness.

He's even embarrassed to realize that all the time Vanessa was living with them, he never realized that she was in love with Paulino.

He doesn't seem offended by this. Just sad that he knew so little of what was going on in her heart and mind. Life has presented him with a big bill [facturota] and he's paying it.


Vane assumes he means his time in prison is the “facturota”. But no, he explains, it's that his daughter, sangre de mi sangre, is in the hospital hovering between life and death.

And next we see the esteemed surgeon giving the gory details of the surgery to the assembled Amoeba Clan. We had to suture the stomach, removed the injured part of the liver, but then the surgery had to be stopped. Patient was too weak. All we can do now is hope for a miracle.

The scene switches to Marina, hooked up to a gazillion tubes. No words or needed but there's a quiet piano theme with minor chords playing softly. You know, the kind of music that makes you feel like weeping. No fair Writers! You're tearing our hearts out!

And then rats! Lucrecia shows up, assuming both Marina and Sotero are in the next world and ready to lay claim to Alberto. The look on her face as he hugs him and gnashes her teeth is almost worth all the horrors she's put the viewers through.

Next a shot of Ricardo, thought bubbling that Marina Must Survive! Well, we surely hope so. Otherwise this rowdy Patio is going to descend on the Televisa Studios and burn the place to the ground.


Part 3

Lucrecia is all but stamping her feet as she quietly rages, You should be dead! In the meantime, the police inspector has found the incriminating syringe with azitricazona (at least that's what the closed captions say) and the surgical gloves. And is asking Director Muñoz if Señora Rios had any motive to kill Sotero. Cara impactada look from Fernando.

Oh dear, Beto is with mask, holding her hand (Hope he washed his! She's hovering between Life and Death you idiot!) and praying earnestly that God save her. If necessary, take him instead of her.

Fine. Moving on. Lino gets back to the vecindad, exhausted and frustrated, only to find Anita waiting to ask for forgiveness. Not the right time lady! I'm separated from the woman I love because of you. Maybe one day I'll forgive but right now I just want to find her. Adiós! (Anita, you had a brief moment of being noble, but you've gone right back to being a pain in the butt.)

Vanessa on the other hand is an absolute savior. Standing outside the intensive care room, she spots Lucrecia about to enter, clothed in cap, mask and gown. Asks the logical question: Aren't visits prohibited? Why were you about to go in? Whew. Marina still alive. Lucreepy still thwarted. Works for me.

Ricardo and Beto are in Fernando's office, all in a lather about the unthinkable conclusion of police that Marina is Sotero's assassin. Alberto wants to go give them What For, but Ricardo stops him. I'm Marina's novio. That's my job. You go home and relax. Ah, little Ricky, claiming your territory once again. Makes me like you less, you twit. (Sorry Andy)

Manager meets Vane at hospital, tells her they can stay at his cousin's apartment (don't worry, just as friends!) and she accepts. Off they go.

Lucreepy is back to quizzing Beto about the investigation. So they suspect Marina as the murderer? Beto points out that Marina would have no way of knowing azitricazona would paralyze the heart. Lucreepy though has no problem with it—after all, Marina had a reason to want him dead. And even questions the conclusion that Sotero could have killed Ramona.

Ugh. Our Ice Queen from Hell, Disaster with Hair is firing on all cylinders, as usual.

And Beto seems clueless as usual.


Part 4

While Lu and Beto are talking, a nurse rounds the corner with a note for him. Vanessa was here last night, left this note for you with her cellphone number and address. Beto promptly goes off to call Lino while Lucreepy does a little more teeth gnashing. Fernando comes upon her and wants to know why she's trolling the halls so early. She dishes out the story that she was here all night supporting her Alberto and when Fernando reminds her that Beto and Marina have a very close bond, she whisks it off as “Of course...but I have total confidence in my man.” Riiiight.

Muñoz goes on to explain to her why the surgery was stopped and laments the fact that sometimes doctors are so impotent when it comes to medical crises. Lucrecia smiles enigmatically and shares that she wants to go home, shower and change so she can support Alberto IFsomething goes wrong. Or in you thoughts, Ms. Lu, WHEN something goes wrong. You villain you!

Ay yi yi. Painful moments. Luis is remembering his wretched treatment of Marina, yelling at her to get off his land, dragging her around like a bag of trash and dumping her in Sotero's lair, hissing “Monkeys to monkeys (changos) and the Blind with the Charred.

Forgive me daughter, he whispers, I was not the father you wanted me to be. I put my pride ahead of my love for you. Because of me, you and Alberto went through Hell. And he weeps.

Okay. Call me a softie. But there's no one to hear this confession. No one to manipulate. I'm ready to believe he is really and truly repentant.

But who has time for that? We're still biting our nails over Lino and Vanessa. When he knocks on the door, the manager answers with his shirt unbuttoned like he's just getting dressed. And Vane? Uh, she's in the shower. Who are you? Paulino comes to all the wrong conclusions and leaves.

I'm tearing my hair out here! How long are the writers going to torture us? Not to mention Lino and Vanessa?

Dam, Pru, Fernando and Ricardo are tearing their hair out also. We should never have left her alone with that assassin!

And Lu is tearing her abundant hair out too. I should have taken care of Marina at the very start! And she goes in Marina's room to do just that. Fortunately, like all good telenovela villains, she needs to give a little speech first. This isn't going to hurt (not like the stabbing I guess) as she whips out the syringe. But Beto is mine. I need to get him back.

Marina comes out of her coma lickety-split, starts heaving and shaking and fortunately Beto comes back. “She tried to kill me!” Marina gasps. -No, no, she's delirious! stammers Lu. It's the medication!
The intensive care nurse arrives and says stupid stuff like Breathe, breathe! Of course she's going to breathe you idiot! Oh well.

Lu takes off. Ricardo bumps into her. Beto yells that she killed Isauro. They both take off running. Ricardo is pretty speedy. I'm distracted by the fact that he's wearing white socks. Oh for gawdsakes, Marina, don't marry this dweeb! (Sorry Andy)

Lu jumps into her little Beetle. I momentarily like her for having such a cute car. Ricardo opens the door, tries to put his foot on the brake, but she reverses and throws him off like the wee bug that he is. (Really sorry Andy) Beto, meanwhile, in a big, manly SUV blocks her from leaving as she tries to accelerate out of the garage.

I didn't do anything she pleads. Marina is crazy. And wraps herself around Beto like the Velcro Villain she is.


Part 5

They announce that Marina Rios is awake and the worst is over. Now to explain to the police. Ricky found the syringe and surgical gloves that fell out of Lucrecia's hospital gown in the car. The police chief is still hedging that they need to look at the angle of the stab wounds. But Lucrecia is being held at bay in a conference room with two security guards.

Marina is sharing all of what Lucrecia said to her...which is a lot more than they showed us. Editing? Anyway, here's the deal: Lucrecia and Isauro knew each other. And Lucrecia said she would have liked to have seen my face (gloat, gloat) when I learned that Sotero was the father of my child.

Let's switch to what's really important. The Lino-Vanessa romance. He's lamenting to Yola that the guy came to the door half undressed and draw your own conclusions! But then the manager shows up and invites them to all come to Puebla. Again, I think we missed an intermediate scene here. But whatever. It's Ultimos Capitulos and all hell is breaking loose.

Ricardo is walking down the hall and asking a nurse if she still has a vial of Sotero's blood. He wants to run another test. (Crossing my fingers! Don't give up Team Beto!... Sorry Andy.)

Vanessa and Prudencia are having a wee chat. Vane shares that the Mom business is over and done with, but Pru hopes that she'll still come and see her. Well, I need to “put distance” between me and Paulino. I've got a job and I'm making new friends.

And what does Prudencia say? Does she tell her Lino didn't marry Anita and took off in a sprint to find Vanessa. NO! She simply shares that Vane needs to talk to Paulino. They have a few things to clear up.

Lord! I'm gnashing my teeth myself.

Lucrecia is calmly denying all guilt to the inspector and reminding him that she is a very prestigious doctor. Marina is delirious. It's the anesthesia, y'know. He demands her cellphone. She protests that it's personal. He demands it anyway. Pops it in a ziplock evidence bag. And reminds her that they have reason to believe that she killed Isauro Sotero and tried to kill Marina Rios.

Lu delivers the haughty look that says “Surely you jest, you peon you.”

And there we end. Of course in true cliffhanger style I could not post this when finished at 6:04 pm, because we had an internet cable outage due to the storm. I'm sure you all were champing at the bit. So was I. But the Gods of the Internet are in charge. Once you get this, jump in and join the fracas!

Wow Patio! This was so frustrating. Took forever to get the cable fixed and here I was champing at the bit to get this posted. Was lucky that I had Diana's phone number so I could at least call her and have her post what the delay was about. The perils of cable and storms.

But also wanted to address Andy's concerns about being a recapper. I learned my Spanish from the TV in an effort to stave off senility. And made plenty of mistakes in my understanding in early recaps. And I remember one person recapping Destilando Amor way back when who heard two characters say they were going out for "nieves". Well yes, it means "snow". But in Mexico it also refers to ice cream. But in an attempt to make sense of the scene, the recapper wrote that they were going out to see Snow White!

And let's not forget the night I came back from dinner and a little drinky-poo and posted the third segment as Part 1!

Well, nobody said anything. And it was no big deal. Not like the future of the free world hangs on being 100 per cent accurate in these resumés. Just be willing to join the team and do the best you can.

Still, I will agree with Doris that it's Hard Work. My adrenaline pumps so hard I have trouble sleeping afterwards. And by Friday I'm darned tired and cranky. Especially like last week when I was collaborating with Diana on the Reina 8 pm recaps as well. I truly don't understand how Rgv Chick was able to do 3 daily recaps. She's the Iron Lady.

But there's a case in point. Diana goes on visuals since she doesn't have much Spanish and no closed captions either. But she's willing to help out. Last week, she came home from a grueling day at work, an even worse commute, and sat down to write a recap.Every night. So that Rgv Chick could take a break.

So...just sayin'. We could all collaborate and it would be fun. I'm comfortable sharing my cellphone number if any of you need to text me with questions also. Plus, if you click on my name, I think you find my email.

Just think about it Patio. You're a great group and we've bonded over this show even though Andy and I fight like cats and dogs! I think of him as my kid brother with whom I also fought regularly. We're family!

Great work, JudyB! Sorry about your cable issues. Hope you’re staying safe and dry.

I have the feeling scenes were cut and I know all the episodes were uploaded on dailymotion but now some including 110, 111 and 112 have been removed. Oh well.

One thing that might’ve been cut was that we saw Marina tell Beto that Lucrecia tried to kill her, and I assume she wasn’t just referring to the stabbing but what Lucrecia tried to do right then by unhooking Marina from the machines and holding another syringe, but when Beto ran after Lucrecia he told Ric that Lucrecia killed Isauro...did Marina say that too or did Beto just deduce it on his own?

I probably sound like a broken record at this point but seriously just because Ric is Marina’s boyfriend doesn’t mean Beto can’t defend Marina too. At least the investigation will focus on Lucrecia now and hopefully conclude that she staged the crime scene.

I too believed that Luis’ guilt and grief over Marina was sincere. Which is a big difference from him telling Beto to get over Marina when Beto pointed out that it was Luis’ fault that he lost her. And even with Vanessa he admitted all of his wrongdoings.

No redemption for Susana though. While Luis used his last name as an excuse to seem important, Susana only cared about money and was willing to force her daughter into a loveless marriage in order to obtain it. It was pretty pointless of her to bring up Edson. Susana got what she deserved.

I don’t blame Lino for being harsh and cold with Anita. Can we just get rid of Vanessa’s nobody of a boss? Lol

One more to go!



So sorry you lost your power Judy but the recap was certainly worth waiting for! Despite the serious content, you found the lighter moments and illuminated them perfectly. They were desperately needed...

I would be rooting for Lino to catch up to Vanessa. If only I knew who they were!

"Ice Queen from Hell, Disaster with Hair is firing on all cylinders" was my hands down favorite.

"little Beetle", "big, manly SUV" had my smiling and the savvy "wraps herself around Beto like the Velcro Villain she is" was excellent.

It sounds as though the Perils of Pauline pale in comparison to what Marina has gone through. Is still going through. Getting stabbed (and multiple times at that) seems severe especially for the heroine.

Glad you are all having fun and disagreeing in a likewise spirit.

Judy, you had a hard night and came through like the champion you are!

Gracias amiga.


Anita...Thanks for stopping by earlier this afternoon. By the time you comment, I'm usually not around the computer. And when I do get back to it, I'm ready to write the recap. But you raised a lot of interesting points. I too agree that Nina's sobriquet for Anita, Miss Pissy Pants, is perfect. And thanks for all the "flores" as well. You are so supportive. This is a great Patio because it's a great Patio. I just got to enjoy it.

TF...Yep, safe and dry. But the ground was so soaked and the cables are underground. So in a big storm they often go out. And that's when you realize how hooked we all are on TV and internet. Scary.

Today's episode was definitely choppy. But exciting. Glad you agree with me that Luis' regret seemed sincere. I was afraid my not so secret delight in the actor was affecting my judgment.

After watching the chase scene for Lucrecia, and Paulino's impressive running exit from the boda, I'm thinking these guys must work out on the track a lot. Even Rickypoo whom I delight in mocking, seems a really impressive runner. And honestly, I'd consider the guy good-looking if he weren't competing for Marina. Still on Team Beto even though I have to agree with Andy that there could be better candidates around. But none have shown up.

And no, no redemption for Susana. But I also like villains who stick to their guns. One of the first telenovelas I watched was called Heridas de Amor and Diana Bracho played a truly dreadful villain. At the end, one of the goody two shoes characters told her she forgave her. "I don't care", snapped Diana. I'm not sorry.

Gotta love it. Not sure how our Rapunzel is going to react when confronted.


JudyB, thank you for another great recap. I'm sorry you had cable problems, but all's well that ends well. And, well or otherwise, it all ends tomorrow.

Ready for a complaint or two? Certainly nothing to do with your recap, it was great and later I hope to address some things you brought up about recapping. But I'm miffed at these TN guys. I know there has to be some tension and suspense even up to the last day, but this is ridiculous. They won't even let Vane and Lino get together until tomorrow, and that should be long settled by now. And if it were we could concentrate on the Marina and her two scruffy docs triangle.

I still don't know how that's going to work out. Let's face it, Ricky has been gaining ground, but she has never once told him "Te amo". And the TN folks have rubbed that in our faces just to provoke us. Ricky has been gaining ground, but Marina was critically wounded and in a coma for a while; she could tell Ricky "Sweetie, when I was thinking I was dying it was Beto I kept thinking of. You know, the guy who thought I was shagging Sotero and who called me a slut? Yeah, him. I wanna marry him. Bye!"

It could happen.

I do think Luis is really remorseful... mostly. But he's still Luis.

more later, we have lots to consider and discuss, and I am getting very anxious about tomorrow. Well, somewhat. After all, it's just a story.



Ok I wrote that before 2 3 4 5 was put up.

So let me say this now, Ms Chick you
Started this wacky woo-woo recap of
This show and you were snarkielisous.I
Dont think that's a word which is why
I didnt spell it right. But you get it
I really enjoyed it, but girl you were
About 3 recaps a week, different shows
Po thing got wore out. Virtual red roses with a white rose in the middle
All for you my dear. I say recappers R
Amazing. Don't know how yall do it but keep on doin it .lite my life yes you do.

Inter JudyB, girl I have laughed some
Times when I didn't feel like it. That
Is how funny you made these situations
Seem when they would have been so very
Dismal and dark. It was just so fun on
This patio.
We insulted the clothes,the hair,shoes
The apartments, the facial expression
Of damiana(They should give her an award just for the looks).Im gonna miss Y'all. Unless we wind up on another patio on the next tn.

Now I did not see this comin. Lucreepy
Sunk even lower than hell. She want
Beto that much? She went all lifetime on Mari And doc crispy. Killing doc Chrispy. Im Not sorry he is gone. That man was gettin on my very last nerve. And had the gall to order Her to the hospital to visit his burnt butt. To coin a phrase "no biggy" he gone.

I know some don't want Marina and beto
Back together but....I do,they belong
Together. Its just a story.But They do belong together. It's the way of the
Telenovela/soap opera. Now sometimes it don't happen that way but for the most part it does. Marina and beto need to finish what they started.Being
Together. Let them have their happily
Ever after and little rafy have mom &
Dad together.

Anyways I gotta go read the episode from today. Thank you JudyB and Ms Chick, recappers are golden.


OT - Recapping

I would love to volunteer to recap once a week.

Unfortunately, due to work, I cannot watch any of afternoon shows.

It would be wonderful if there were enough so that one afternoon and one evening show could be recapped.

Once Reina finishes, I will be at loose ends until such time as a good TN is offered in the 7, 8 or 9 time slot. As much as I'd love to see Dragon, 10-11 is just too late as I get up at 4 am.

I never get much of the dialog and there are times I don't get it right. But it is fun. No one is judging and the patio is always helpful to contribute what might have been missed or not quite conveyed correctly.

I hope everyone will at least consider it. Even a high level listing of the events is always helpful.


Ah Diana...thanks for always reading and commenting even though you're unable to watch this with us. And glad you're rooting for Paulino and Vanessa. They have been a vexing couple to watch. One would lay himself out. The other would reject. And then vice versa. But of course there was tangential characters also plotting to keep them apart. But crimenently! to separate them until the very very last episode is ridiculous! Outrageous and then some. But as usual...We. Were. Not. Consulted. And wonderful to talk to you this evening. I realized there was no way I could connect to let the Patio know what was up. And then I remembered I had your phone number. Yay!

Andy...Had to laugh at your imagined conversation. And that's why I think you'd be a terrific recapper. "Sweetie, when I was thinking I was dying it was Beto I kept thinking of. You know, the guy who thought I was shagging Sotero and who called me a slut? Yeah, him. I wanna marry him. Bye!"

Now when you put it that way, I have to switch to Team Ricardo.

Good Lord, did I just say that?

Well, however it shakes out, both Luis and his one-time son Beto, are repentant. And for most of us, that's how our life goes. We make mistakes. We hurt people in a way that's irrevocable. The clock doesn't turn back. So we go on, learn a lot, and hopefully do better in our future relationships. And as much as possible, forgive those who hurt us, forgive ourselves, and work on improving our batting average in the next game. If there is one.

Nina...I always wait to see just what interesting phrases you're going to whip up next. And you never disappoint. Like this gem:

She went all lifetime on Mari And doc crispy. Killing doc Chrispy. Im Not sorry he is gone. That man was gettin on my very last nerve. And had the gall to order Her to the hospital to visit his burnt butt. To coin a phrase "no biggy" he gone

I especially treasure "burnt butt". Only one more recap to go but I will think of him as Dr. Burnt Butt from now on. Enshrined in my memory.

Diana...Yes, it's a darned shame that you have to work and that you don't have a DVR. Most of us have gotten so dependent on the latter. There's no way, for instance, I could watch the re-runs of Destilando were it not for our DVR. I'm often awake at 2 am, but that's my time to worry about stuff I cannot possibly control. Not watch TV. Would probably be better off watching the tube!

Not sure what we're going to have or whether it will be on at a reasonable time this Fall. I can't abide the Virgen de Guadalupe stories nor the Como dice el Dicho but that seems to be what's on at a reasonable hour. And if I were getting up at 4 am, I'd be in bed by 8 pm, honestly. You're another Iron Woman. Wasn't too long ago that you were indeed watching the 9 and 10 pm shows both.

Neither rain, snow etc will keep JudyB from posting. And a very enjoyable posting indeed!

Sue didn’t even bother to say “Hi, Honey” before the demands began

Vane looked stricken when Sue shouted “Muerete”. Sad

Luis on the other hand immediately worried about Marina

So LuCreepy was working her charms on Beto and he was rubbing his mouth in anguish. She reached up and yanked his hand down!

Ricky’s chase scene explains his slight wiry build. He is a runner probably long distance. He was really “picking them up and setting them down” as Kirby would say

I thought the actor playing Vane’s boss did a great job with his part. Avoided stereotypes. Was subtle in showing his emotions. Showed his feelings for her yet was respectful and a real help to her. L8no c9uld have just asked to speak to her or left a message. Boss was welcoming bi also think a scene skipped before he invited Yola to visit.


Mely...Always love what you add on the visuals. Like Lucreepy yanking Beto's hand down when he was rubbing his mouth in anguish. She has been all over him controlling since the very first day. And always probing, probing, are you, what are you thinking, what did you do, etc. Really "off" from the very first and yet off he rambled down that particular primrose path with nary a hesitation. Hormones are dangerous, and with that stubble you can tell he has a full pack of 'em.

And yes, the manager was a reasonable guy. A bit harsh on Vane at the beginning, but then for some reason she had reverted to her "fresa" personality when they first met as well. Nice to see them evolve. But for the love of Mike, let's get Lino and Vanessa together before the final minute of the friggin' telenovela. Puh-leeze.

Not sure what to do with Anita. Maybe send her off to a nunnery.


Another great title *and* sassy recap, Judy. Thank you!!!

I agree with you about Luis/the actor. Often his face looks like a little boy. Luis finally realizes that he is up the creek without a paddle and does have some regret and remorse about how he treated Marina.
---” I do think Luis is really remorseful... mostly. But he's still Luis.” You are so right, Andy.

Marina waking up right before Lucreepy was going to inject her with death serum was just a bit hokey. Telenovela beanie hat time.

”She went all lifetime on Mari And doc crispy.” Nina, you have me laughing again. You do have a way with words. LOL

I loved the caras de impactadas of the Amoeba Clan at the hospital, especially Erick’s face. I had to rewind, just laugh again. They all looked just like one of “The Californians” skits on SNL.

Patio, does Anita & Lino’s non-wedding count as a “Derailed Wedding”? Because if it does, I finally have a BINGO. I noticed that when I was crossing off “Unsuccessful Murder Attempt.”

I hope tomorrow’s Gran Fin/Por Fin is satisfying. All the baddies are accounted for. We just need Lino and Vane to reconnect. Maybe Marina will join a convent.



Judy: It's obvious Vanessa had sex with Manager.


Doris, thanks for that shoutout to the Californians on SNL. You're right, Erick's face was really something.

AND YES, YOU HAVE A BINGO CARD! That was definitely a derailed wedding of Anita and Lino. Our finally-honest Anita derailed it herself.

Well, we can't send Marina to a convent I'm afraid. Little Rafa would miss her, although he's had a long list of other care givers. In fact we can't send Anita to a convent either. I think she was his nanny a lot of the time.


Steve...that was a wrong conclusion by Lino. The writers assumed anybody watching the show would be too smart to fall for that.


Judy: I hope you're right about Lino jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Too bad there wasn't flashbacks..



Steve, if you had been watching this all along, you would know Vanessa is a good girl. There is no way she slept with that guy. She is not interested in him. He brought her to the city because of the crises in her family life and she has no car. They were staying at his cousin's place. The writers wrote the scene that way so that Lino would jump to conclusions, and thus drag out their reconciliation until the final episode today.


Steve — there’s no indication that Vanessa is interested in her boss. She still loves Lino even though she thinks he got married and is going to have a child with someone else. Her boss may have a crush but she doesn’t reciprocate those feelings. There might not be hope for Beto and Marina to reconcile but there is hope for Vanessa and Lino. I don’t think he’s given up trying to see her despite meeting her boss and obviously thinking that she has moved on. Vanessa isn’t that type of girl to move on and be intimate with someone else so quickly.

Another blowout recap--111 down and one to go. You'll cross the finish line a winner, JudyB. Unfortunately I'm not quite caught up, but making progress. I just had to watch yesterday's episode in real time (between laundry and putting stuff away), so reading the recap was a real treat.

Here are some musings on the episodes now watched:
1) Luis wears a pink shirt like the macho man he his. I bet he picks out his own personally cutomed tailored clothes (them biceps and chest need an extra couple of inches and his pants a squosh more room).
2) Doc Crispy was wearing a lavender dotted hospital gown, luckily for us it was a long one.
3) I got the feeling Ricky loves it when Marina is in more trouble and desperate because those are the only opportunities he gets to hug her tightly. Other than those occasions, there's no physical contact between them except little pecks on the lips.
4) I was shocked by the schoolmarm glasses The Mooch was wearing as she tried her come hither glances on the mark. What was yacht guy thinking? Did she look like an easy mark to him? He was quite nice looking, but who knows what lurked behind those sweet looks, S&M on the yacht? Hmmm.
5) Hairy Rapunzel--I haven't been able to take my eyes off her hair since the wind tunnel episode. At first I was convinced it was her real hair (she had long frizzy hair in Un Camino). With all the close-ups from the side and the back, I'm now convinced she's been wearing an additional hairpiece. They used a full wig for Daniela Romo and her tons of long hair in Sortilegio. It didn't look natural. (Note, as my own hair thins, I envy lucious locks on men and women - save Ricky). If it's not Killer Rap's own hair, they've done a good job matching color. Still, if you look closely, where the hair that falls in front is woven/twisted (a sure sign they've added hair) at the line where the rest falls to the back.
6) I'm obsessing over inconsequential stuff when I should be worrying, like everyone else, that they are going to give Lino and Vanessa short shrift on their reunion in favor of at least one kiss and hug from a happy Beto (finally out of his 90+ episodes of blue funk) with a chastened but happy Marina and a delighted Rafa, who gets a decent dad in the end. Ricky should get a professional haircut and start dating women his own age. (BTW, OT, in real life, Vane is 30 and Lino is 34; Ricky is 40 and Marina is 30--oh to be able to look like you are in your 20s when you are in your 30s, what a blessing.)

Number 3) is not quite accurate. It's ONE-WAY physical contact. I did not miss the massages Ricky is constantly giving Marina.


Thanks for checking in, between unpacking and doing laundry Anita. Ah yes, the aftermath of a fun trip. Reality.

But of course feel free to obsess over inconsequential stuff. After all, "it's just a story" so ultimately it's all inconsequential.

The actress playing Marina is so beautiful, it won't matter if she's 30 or day...80. She'll still be beautiful, barring dreadful accidents and such. And she's had the wisdom to stay out of the sun.

I'm always completely fooled by hair extensions, but I have noticed a little frizz underneath the flat-ironed overlay hair. Whatever, Lucrecia is becoming less attractive with each day and each foul deed. And agree about the odd choice of glasses and dippy hair-do for the actress playing Susana. Certainly not a help if she was counting on seducing a millionaire. Still, Denture Man seemed more than willing.
As for what lay behind those looks, probably a lot of hard work for Susana!


JudyB, you wove a golden tapestry out of a rotten weeds. So much happened, but you managed to catch every detail. THANK YOU!

I felt so sorry for Vanessa. She went in thinking that her mother had finally learned her lesson, but that idea got slammed out of her head (literally). I was amazed how everyone around them just ignored the whole fiasco and went on conversing with their partners.

I have to agree tha Luis was actually remorseful; and though he was a$$ for moet of the sow, his remorse should account for something...his freedom would suffice as long as he doesn't forget the lesson learned.

Though I know it is not written in the TN stars, I would still like to see Beto with Marina. He offered his life for hers, he actually cried with worry, and he saved Marina (things RichySticky did NOT do) could they not have him and Marina together? I will be very disappointed :-(

So Marina was near death and they were just hoping for some sign of improvement...but she happens to wake up right when Lucreepy is going to kill her...and not only does she wake up, she can TALK!! Doris, I'm wearing my Super Strength beanie too!

Now didn't you all just know that Lino would find Vanessa in the same room as her manager?? Torture indeed, JudyB! BIG eye roll time!

Can't wait for the GRAN FINAL!!


OT - I'm definitely going to DVR Hotel de los Secretos. It will be nice to watch Carlos Rivera in his first major acting role again and does NOT sing. Jorge Poza is a wonderful villain as is Ilse Salas. Daniela Romo is in this, too, as the ama de llaves and is Carlos' mother.

Looking forward to Manana Sera and hope Diego Olivera has a better role to deliver than he did in Corazon Que Miente and En Tierras Salvajes. He owes us a good one.


Hi RgvChick...just got back from your Reina site, and find you here. And I'm totally with you, I think Beto has shown enough repentance and remorse to deserve a second chance. After all, if we were never forgiven for the hurtful things we've said and done, there would be no marriages lasting more than a couple of years. Long lasting relationships, whether of marriage or friendship, require regular and repeated forgiveness. I'm not advising putting up with abuse. But when a person shows a clear change in understanding and in character...well...Plus, he IS Rafa's father.

Andy's capable of making me waffle temporarily but RickyTicky doesn't light my fire and he doesn't appear to light Marina's fire either. But if Tepid Stability is what she wants, Okay. She didn't ask us, did she?

Anita..Hotel de los Secretos is fabulous. Worth a second viewing for sure.


Judy, here we are at the final day of the show and we still don't know if it will be Ricky or Beto... or maybe nobody. This is exactly what the show's producers wanted, they didn't want everybody assuming they knew how things would conclude. I think they have done a wonderful job of it and either way it will be fun. And either way some people will be disappointed and some made happy.

Happier or more disappointed than if the TN were more predictable? We'll know soon. And, either way, I'm looking forward to your recap.


OT (post Mirada)

It's not even finished yet and I'm already suffering PMW, Post Mirada Withdrawal.

Someone, Judy, I think, suggested Destilando Amor. I recorded the last two nights' shows (1 - 2 AM Eastern) and managed a quick look today.

Very interesting and a real shirt-burner. A shirt-burner because it looks to have a lot of shirtless beefcake scenes, even in the credits I believe. OK, whatever floats your boat, Judy.


More interesting is its historical value. This was a 2007 TN, and was shot for a different screen format, for older CRT TVs, not the new wider LCD, etc., TVs. It's still a good quality video picture though. And it's fun to see several actors I know from more current TNs as they were 10 - 12 years ago, "Angustias" for example. And this TN seems to predate the "wino" appearance that seems fashionable in today's TNs, featuring men with three-day-growth beards. That helps me date the fashion... like it's so important.

Interesting, but I'm not sure it's for me. I'm hoping for better luck with El Hotel de los Secretos or Y Mañana Será Otro Día.



Last observation before El Gran Final. I’m all caught up, waiting at the ready.

In the hospital “double killing” scene, I had to guffaw when LuLu picked up the dinner knife and jabbed it into Marina, not once, but twice. Has anyone ever been near a tray of hospital food? The utensils are third class and their knives don’t even cut fried eggs. It was a good cliff hanger anyway.

Anita really looked beautiful with her hair swept back. Sor did Damian’s.

The moment the judge opened his mouth, I recognized the voice of Padre Severino in Cuando Me Enamoro and that was eons ago. He’ put on a little weight and lost his hair and was only in the scene a brief minute, but he has a distinctive voice.

A few brief remarks before I start writing recap. Andy, fear not...there's lots of things in Destilando to float YOUR boat also. Bikinis and negligées and smouldering blondes for starters. And Sergio Sendel outdoes himself destroying cellphones, landlines and various pieces of furniture. Plus Doc Sotero as Meester James is a hoot.
But..if you have to just choose one...choose El Hotel de los Secretos. However, one warning, the main galan has that unshaven three-day beard like all the other actors these days. I often wonder if the actresses ever complain about razor burn.

Anita..are you letting Reality intrude on your enjoyment and terror at seeing Marina stabbed? Surely Lucrecia carried a real knife with her! Or did I just imagine that? No matter. It's all over now. All over but the shoutin' as they say.

Yeah, JudyB, just shout it out in all CAPS. We’re waiting for you to put and END to this, for your own sanity.


Part 1

Remember that famous koan?..What is the sound of one hand clapping? Well, that is the joyous applause of Andy, all by himself at the Ricardo table, celebrating the marriage of Marina and Ricardo. We love you Andy, but we just can't get excited by this tepid, oh so reasonable coupling.

Evidently, though, that isn't the point. The story doesn't end the old-fashioned way with a wedding. We don't see that at all. But rather with Marina receiving her degree as a surgeon. Self-actualization is the goal for telenovela women nowadays; marriage and family is a happy post-script. Interesting change in focus, and probably a good one, given the short shelf-life of many marriages. Although more people are worried about losing their jobs than their marriages, the job loss rate lags far below the divorce rate.

But anyway, let's look back at the path that led our story to the new telenovela conclusion that Happily Ever After means Getting Your Degree.

Our path begins in a hospital corridor where Ricardo snags a nurse to ask if there are any more vials of Sotero's blood. Georgina wonders why he wants a re-test of the DNA. The lab they use is very vigilant. Never mind, he just does. She also shares that Lucrecia asked her to keep secret her visits to Sotero. Evidence against our Evil Ice Queen is mounting up. A policeman shows Beto the video of Lucrecia lurking in the stairwell outside Sotero's room just before the killing. Things are looking even bleaker in the dark room where the Inspector is questioning our wicked Rapunzel. He points out that Marina Rios has accused her of attempted murder. "Poor girl, she's sick in the head. Never got over that Alberto has moved on to be my boyfriend." Inspector brings up the little matter of the discarded syringe, gloves, hospital gown found in her car. Lucrecia just can't imagine how they got there. "Check your sources," she tells the inspector. What about the video of her lurking in the stairwell? "I work at the hospital. What's strange about that?" Prior knowledge of Doc Crispy? "Well, my fatherasked me to do a psych evaluation of him before surgery."

Her confident facade starts to shatter only when the Inspector informs her they found a long record of phone calls between her and Sotero and that they know she helped him register in the hospital under a false name. "I want to speak to my lawyer now. I have nothing more to add."

Here it comes Team Beto. Brace yourselves.

Ricardo is visiting Marina who is quietly wondering why they never realized how evil Lucrecia is. He's not interested in that philosophical question. Nope, he just wants to put in his bid to marry her as soon as she's released from the hospital. He wants to be the best dad and the best husband ever.

Marina appears stunned. Marry? We see one small tear roll down her cheek. We never hear her say "yes". But Beto overhears the proposal and looks even more stunned than Marina. Not just stunned. Devastated. (So are we Beto. So are we!) A few moments later, he tells Prudencia that he's lost Marina forever.

So it seems.


Ok JudyB Im cought up, I just got done
Reading the comments from yesterdays episode. I missed the part where lulu
Tried to off marina, I was occupied with something, so I'll go back and watch it later.

Luis is really sorry for what he did, but its to late. He threw away his all
Chances of happiness. He threw away his entire family. His arrogance and selfishness left him with nothing. He
Brought it on himself. Ok analysis of his sorry life is over. Moving on.

Sudoodoo has lived up to that name,cuz
That is what she is. And vanesa now is
Aware of it. Painfully aware. But lino
Will her get over it. Happily over it.

Anita you are correct about the horrid hospital silver ware being as dull as Ricky reading the phone book. She'd
Had to have really pushed that knife
Really hard into marina. And she did it 3x. Ouch! Her obsession with beto was as sick as doc Chrisp's was for our Daffodil. She'll rot in prison. Ok Moving on.

Vanesa would not have shlept with the boss. I picture them as friends. No more no less.

Look like they saved the severe crazy Stuff for the last 3 episodes. In a rush much? O well. Moving on.

Tomorrow is another day. That I will be lookin forward to. Thank you JudyB.
You shdzushed<Not sure bout that word) up another episode girl. Tomorrow's gonna be a doozy.


Hahaha, today is a doozy! :-)


Part 2

There are a series of little scenes. Lucreepy in prison, learns she has no right to bail. The charges are too serious and the evidence too overwhelming. Beto makes plans to leave town to study elsewhere, starting that very weekend. Marina tries to persuade Ricardo to quit bugging her about marriage (oh well, I made that part up) and go home and rest. She needs to rest also. Vanessa arrives back in Puebla, mentions her cellphone battery is dead; Manager makes his move to be more than a friend "some day" and she tells him she's not ready. He has the class not to protest. Doña Enriqueta arrives at the hospital to find Ricardo worrying that the new DNA test will indicate that Rafa is indeed Alberto's son, and he might lose Marina over it. Oh suck it up Ricky!

Vanessa, at work, hears that she has a visitor. It's Paulino. He wants to know if she's interested in the guy she was with in Mexico City yesterday. She wants to know why he's here instead of being with his wife. There was no wedding! We had to finish Doris' Bingo Card. And besides, there was no pregnancy. Anita lied. Vanessa turns away...what!?..but then suddenly turns back, grabs him and kisses his socks off. Lots of real smooches. Not like those tepid pecks we've seen in the hospital. Vane then introduces an exuberant Paulino to the office as the Love of her Life and rounds of applause. Manager looks down, a wee bit crestfallen. But he'll get over it. More smouldering kisses, and then Paulino gets down on one knee to ask for her hand in marriage. Other than the fact that his wretched song is blasting in the background, it's a lovely scene. Old tyme telenovela romance. That's what I'm talkin' about honey.

Back to Lucreepy. The make-up people have darkened her eyebrows so they look like two menacing caterpillars. She's upset that Alberto isn't visiting her and even more chagrined that he will be a witness against her. She needs to get out so she can convince him of her innocence. Lawyer gently explains that she's going to be in prison a long, long time. Unless she wants to plead mental illness. I'M NOT CRAZY! she screams.

Okay then.

Ricardo gets the results. Rafa is not Sotero's spawn. Beto must be the father. But will he tell him? Oh, I'm not going to make you wait. Of course he does. Although he does take his own sweet time about it. Probably helps to know that Alberto is leaving that very weekend to study abroad. Beto asks if Marina knows. -No, I thought I should tell you first. I was afraid she would end our relationship, knowing you were the real father. But Beto, you can visit Rafa whenever you wish.


Part 3 (of possibly 6)

We next find ourselves in don Luis' dim, dark, lonely house. He's thanking his lawyer for getting him out of prison and back into house arrest, after paying a hefty fine. But the lawyer reminds him there's a financial fallout--he's lost all his clients. No matter, Luis retorts, I'll talk to them one, by one, by one, and get 'em back. Lawyer makes another attempt to get him to see reality...Luis, take a bath, eat something, try to make amends with your daughter and see your grandson...

Don't waste any more of my valuable time, slurs Luis, swigging down another drink. Sacate! The camera pans to the photo of Luis hugging little Rafa. And the scene ends. Sigh.

Already feeling mopey and now worse as Beto comes once more to visit Marina. (Oh c'mon you crazy kids! Work it out!)

But they don't.

Do you want to revisit this? 'Cause it's a tearjerker. Okay, since you insist.

They wish each other great happiness. He asks if he can visit Rafa. He turns, starts to go, then turns back. Kisses her tenderly on the forehead. We see tears forming in his eyes. Hell, tears are forming in my eyes! And a single tear runs down Marina's perfect cheek.

Dang! Ricardo shows up. Beto hastily tells him he just came to say good-bye. Shakes his hand and asks him to care for her. Ricardo is clearly worried and wants to know how Marina feels about the leave taking. (there's still a tear on her cheek for one thing).

Alberto will always be part of my life.

And me?

No answer.


Part 4

Back in the vecindad, it's dinner time. Beto shows up unexpectedly. He just wants to say good-bye to Rafa now before preparing to leave this weekend. It's a sweet scene. Baby Rafa is doing what all babies love to do, grab people's noses, gouge their eyes and burble endlessly. Beto is torn with regret and guilt as he cuddles his son. -I was so wrong, Rafa. I should have stood by your mom. We conceived you with so much love.

Marina arrives, surprised to learn that Beto is with the baby. He asks her forgiveness once again. I know I've lost you forever. But I'll love you forever until the last day of my life. SIN TU MIRADA (cross this off your Bingo card if you have use of title on your sheet) my life won't be the same.

Marina admits that both of them made many mistakes. You were the first love of my life, the first who saw me as I really was and how I was meant to be.

Please don't toy with me. Don't make me think that there's still a chance we might be together.

No. But I need to tell you all I feel for you.

Well I have something to tell you. I am Rafa's father. I should have believed you...put aside my doubts. Should have cherished and protected what we had. Forgive me.

I should have been less proud. Forgive me too. But we'll be connected all our lives through Rafa.

With that, Marina kisses his cheek, nestles in on his shoulder and together they hold
each other and their precious baby, who's happily playing with their joined hands.

Damiana, who is quietly observing from the doorway, smiles in contentment.


Part 5

Wow. I'm an emotional mess after that scene. The writers are savvy though, they immediately transfer us to Wretched Lucreepy, hanging on the prison bars, annoying the crap out of her cellmates. Her soliloquy goes like this:

No one will ever know that damn kid is Alberto's. She'll never get Alberto back. I must get out of here! And so on.

Next a montage of the Amoeba Clan living happily ever after.

Toribio is decorating the vecindad when he looks up and sees a lovely face from his past. Joy joy.

Baldo and Doña Toolbelt are building a little cabin in the woods and enjoying connubial kisses.

Lino has won a prestigious award for his CD and is looking Very Happenin' in his cool hat. Later we see him leaving signed papers with don Luis. Seems that he and Vanessa, Damiana and Mararito, have bought the old Añoranza [Yearning] ranch and re-named it la Esperanza [Hope]. Later we see Vanessa, looking lovely in a plain flannel duster, kissing the bejesus out of Paulino again. Good times.

Anita is now working on graphic artistry at the Call Center and making googly eyes at the Manager. And he's making them right back. I will refrain from any snarky remarks about her getting Vanessa's castoffs.

Lucrecia is still in the dark cell, huddled now in her top bunk, isolated in the madness of her mind.

We see Luis, in a series of pictures, descend deeper and deeper into despair and alcoholism. First gargling booze in a wrinkled shirt. Later, raging, shirt open, one pants leg up, stumbling, ending up flat on his face. Finally, cradling a picture of him in happier times with Prudencia and Alberto. Weeping. We hear a baby cry. He turns to the picture of himself with Rafa and weeps again.

I hate seeing him like this.

Yola is perorating as a fiery lawyer defending an indigenous client. And later helping Erick in his Food Truck in between kisses.


Part 6

We end on a high note as we should.

We see Marina being professionally made up. Is it going to be for a wedding? Nope. It's so she can receive her diploma as a newly minted surgeon before an audience of family and friends, including our personal favorite Hilda! All the Amoeba Clan is there. Doña Enriqueta has a better hairdo. Vanessa has a new hairdo also. But her hair always looked great so no big deal. Marina is looking absolutely ravishing in a red dress, reminding us of how beautiful she was at the Medico Fiesta when she and Beto kissed and confessed they still loved each other. (sob)

Moving on. After thunderous applause and smiles, she steps down to thank Damiana for being her mother and teaching her to be the brave, capable woman that she is.

You didn't give birth to me, but you gave me life.

Next she walks further back to thank and hug a very proud Prudencia. Who is sitting with Fernando.

Waiting in the back of the room is Alberto. His son Rafa runs to him shouting Papá! and jumps up into his arms. In a very cute scene, the little devil refuses to give the white rose to his Mom. Typical boy. Alberto and Marina smile tenderly at each other and exchange gentle "Te quiero's". Rafa younger brother (her child with Ricardo) starts to bawl. Beto laughs and ad libs that there are too many kids around.

Ricardo comes up and he and Marina exchange little kisses as the camera pans upward. It's a beautiful shot of a lovely couple surrounded by people who care for them.

The next shot pans upwards to a canopy of trees. We see Marina showing her sons the wonders of nature at the ranch and environs where she first lived. A rabbit runs off into the woods, reminding us of earlier scenes when she first met Alberto. Ricardo is now in the picture, holding Marina-- and as they kiss, we look down from above, and this time they are surrounded by the forest and all that is beautiful in their world. Happy at last.



As a separate aside, want to thank Rgv Chick for starting this off--and Anita and Doris for pitching in and giving us both a break by subbing. You all were godsends.

And to my dear, rambunctious Patio. You kept me going when I was cranky and tired. You always made me laugh. And often added to my enjoyment of the story when you pointed out little gems that I missed.

Watching this with you all made the magic happen. Without community, telenovelas are just a way of passing time. Together, it becomes a delightful experience.

So thanks for being there. For speaking up. For disagreeing at times. For agreeing at others. For teasing. For laughing. For sharing. And just for being. You're the best.

Team Beto didn't win. But we sure had a good time trying.


JUDYB, LOOKS LIKE YOU MADE IT!!! Congrats, Amiga, for a stellar final recap. I could relate with your frustration and disappointment throughout your masterfully written recap. Well, pooh, pooh and POOH! They teased us until the very end, giving us hope that Beto would be the prize pick. My only consolation is that I know that in the original "Esmeralda," Juan Pablo (aka Beto) and Esmeralda (aka Marina) lived happily ever after with their baby girl, Erica.

I was satisfied with Lino and Vanessa FINALLY being together as well as Yola and Erick.

"I will refrain from any snarky remarks about her (Anita) getting Vanessa's castoffs." PERFECTOMUNDO!!

Who the heck was that lady that Tori saw? An old girlfriend?

A nice companion for Mr. Rabbit would have really made for a perfect ending :-)

Judy, thank you SO much for all the joy you have brought to this patio. You accomplished a tremendous feat and you did it beautifully and graciously. THANK YOU!!

More later...



JudyB, thank you for this recap and for the hundred others you have done for Mirada, literally, or almost so. I'm sending you a couple of virtual bouquets, one for each arm. I liked Anita's bouquet so much, so I'm sending two similar ones, but much larger. They seem to be just right for the Mirada recapper.

Also a giant bag of virtual Fritos and some ice cream. Others may claim to have no calories, but these really don't!

What else is there to say at this point? The TN ending was good, but they dragged things out waaaay too long. Then all the good HEA, feel good stuff was condensed into maybe nine minutes or so. No big wedding. Did Marina ever say "Te amo" to Ricky??? I must have missed it.

There was the obligatory villana behind bars and going mad scene. Luis disintegrating; I felt bad for him, I think they could have rehabilitated him somehow, and I was never a great fan of Luis. (The character, not the actor who did a great job.)

Everybody got matched up, even Toribio it seems. Certainly Anita and the call center guy. Everybody matched up, graduated and successful, etc., but it all went by in a flash.

I'm kinda, sorta happy that Marina chose Ricky, but only kinda, sorta. We never did see any great love or passion toward him from Marina, and near the end Beto was actually a decent human being and remorseful about his mistakes and fully admitted them. But, come to think of it, that is not all so important, the more important thing is that we never saw any heat in Marina's affection for Ricky.

Whatever. So a good ending, but not a great ending, and poorly handled.

My two cents.




It is difficult enough to recap a TN where happiness reigns and true love prevails. I can't imagine how impossible it must have been to summarize this drivel and dreck. A character spawned from hell, murders, attempted murders and a cast that seemed perpetually dazed and confused.

But you did so Judy. And beautifully. You separated fact from fiction, wishes from reality but with great humor and insight. Another stellar accomplishment in your recapping repertoire.

"Old tyme telenovela romance. That's what I'm talkin' about honey was my favorite.

"And a single tear runs down Marina's perfect cheek" and "Please don't toy with me. Don't make me think that there's still a chance we might be together" tugged at my heartstrings.

"Although more people are worried about losing their jobs than their marriages, the job loss rate lags far below the divorce rate" was one of the many reasons I love your recaps.

"You didn't give birth to me, but you gave me life" brought tears to my eyes.

And your words to us that "Without community, telenovelas are just a way of passing time" stuck home. Perfect.

Also, well deserved thanks to Rgv Chick as well as Anita and doris.

Judy, your effort and dedication are so appreciated. As are you...Gracias amiga.


ANDY YOU GOT YOUR WISH! Marina and Ricky!

I thought Marina and Ricardo were already engaged, before today’s episode. Did I dream that?

First and foremost, I want to thank you, JudyB, for your dedication, time, and hard work in giving us the recaps. You are a trouper and I appreciate you more than words can say.

Second, thank you Patio community for contributing your comments and opinions. What fun we had! Y’all made this even a better watch than it would have been.

So, on to the show!

OH. my. goodness. I have never seen a telenovela ending like this. A graduation instead of a wedding. The girl did not end up with the main guy in the credits. My mind is completely blown away. And I am quite okay with Marina ending up with Ricardo. Looks like she learned to love him after all. It can happen.

Luis ended up with what he deserved --- nobody. Quite the perfect logical consequences for all his transgressions. He will probably (sadly) drink himself to death.

It was nice to see Yola got her law degree and is practicing.

The Lino/Vane reunion was nice.

I was especially surprised and touched to see Hilda at the graduation ceremony. It was probably just one big cast party because I doubt she ever knew Marina, but maybe H and Vane reconciled on some level.

Andy, you always make me laugh! ” PMW, Post Mirada Withdrawal” I always have withdrawals.
And “shirt-burner” That is too funny. Sort of like a reverse version of "bodice-ripper" novels.

I am going to try Mañàna Sera Otro Dia Mejor. It looks light, and I need that. We are in the middle of a major down-to-the-studs master bath remodel. I have enough stress. Lucreepy and Sotero are gone, out of my life, and I want something light. ;-)


Thank you so so much, JudyB! You’ve done an excellent job recapping this one.

There is an alternate ending where Marina and Beto do end up together. Basically the final scene is Marina’s graduation. So just like this ending we don’t see what happens in between the final scene of part 5 and the beginning scene of part 6 of your recap. Basically the alternate ending starts right at the moment when Rafa sees Alberto and runs to him yelling “Papá!” (I assume everything that happened before that: Marina getting her diploma then hugging and thanking Damiana and Pru is the same). The short conversation between Marina and Beto is obviously different. He congratulates her and has Rafa say “felicidades” too which is really cute then Marina says “Gracias por ser el primero en verme de verdad” then tells Beto she loves him (obviously using amar not querer) and he says it back, they kiss and FIN. So based on the alternate ending it’s not clear what happened to Ric and his mom.

Despite the ending the finale still had some satisfying moments. I think in the end it made more sense to root for Paulino and Vanessa. I wonder if they were already married by the time Marina’s graduation happened. I totally forgot Vanessa’s boss’ name lol but he never had a chance with her. I’m surprised that he may have gained interest in Anita though. At least one couple got a happy ending.

While it was sad, I think Marina and Beto got the closure they needed. They both admitted their mistakes and asked for forgiveness from each other. And what Ric did by having Sotero’s blood be tested again to find out that he wasn’t really Rafa’s father was very noble. Beto was the only person that Marina was ever intimate with before obviously having a child with Ric. I like what Ric said to Beto that he wouldn’t have been able to be happy with Marina if he didn’t tell Beto the truth.

I’m not 100% sure since it happened kinda fast but I THINK in the montage scene (part 5 of the recap) Toribio was putting up a “for sale” sign on the gate of the vecindad. Obviously he owned it but that was because of Luis. After everything, I wouldn’t think he’d want something from Luis. I think Luis got the worse punishment: ending up alone, without his wife, daughter, grandson and even “adopted” son (whatever you wanna call it lol). I liked hearing Beto being referred to as “Dr. Arzuaga”.

I guess now I can call Lucrecia “Lucrazy” instead of “Lucreepy” lol it was funny seeing the other inmates telling her to shut up. She really did go crazy even though she said she wasn’t.

I’m glad that at least Rafa knew who his father was. I thought that Marina and Ric’s baby would look slightly more like Ric (like the actor that plays Ric) but he looked more like Claudia (Marina) and could almost pass for potentially being another child of Beto’s too....particularly the hair color.

I’m not sure what I’ll watch now since I’m not even watching any primetime telenovelas. I might catch up on the Selena series on Telemundo but I heard it’s not that good. It was a pleasure discussing this one with all of you, Patio!


I almost forgot to mention Hilda’s reappearance lol my first post got too long winded though. She and Vanessa must’ve made amends because there’s no other reason she’d be invited to Marina’s graduation. I guess she could still be considered an MIL/mother figure for Vanessa since Vanessa wouldn’t have an MIL being married to Paulino. And of course Pru would also always be like a mother to her as well.


Well we have come the end of all
Things Marina and beto. And it was good.

First to Rgv Chick,Doris and Anita, U
Guys made this crazy ride fun. Cuz if
You hadn't well let's just say how very Boring this would have been. The last 3 weeks the bad guys were hiting home Runs every freakin day. But when the Anvils fell, they fell dam hard. Ok so You 3 lovely ladies made this story bearable, thank you very Much for that.
We laughed we teared up,well yall did
I just stared and got mad. Anyways we
Made it to the end.

Was it the ending I wanted? No, but it
Was good to see the respect and happy
Wishes they had for each other. Marina
And beto will always be in each others
Lives and always love each other after
All They were each other's first love and you Never forget your first love.
If we were to analyze this we'd know that Ricky knows she will always Love beto. And she loves him too, just Not like that first love. But I guess rick says I'll take what I can get. That
Was a sweet ending just not as sweet as if would have been with her & beto
Reunited. Rick's a good guy, good step
Dad, good daddy even a good husband.
Just didn't have that "Savin all my love for you" kinda feelin. But beto
Got two good friends for life Doctor &
Mrs.Doctor Bazan. I think they might have gotten pretty close as friends cuz rick handed beto rick jr. And then
Marina and rick went to smooching and
Every body gave a standing ovation.

My last laugh out loud was " back to Lucreepy, the make-up people have darkened her eyebrows so they look like 2 menacing in caterpillars". Good
One JudyB.

It's been good y'all. We should do this again, real soon. I saw some previews of what could be some good shows. Anyways we shall meet again.
Probly tomorrow cuz I got more stuff to say. Hahahaha!:-)



Hello Patio. Guess we'll be discussing this one for a while.

Rgv Chick...Thanks for all those warm, kind words. And happy to know that in the original story Beto (Juan Pablo) ends up with the girl after all. Since that role was played by Fernando Colunga, of course the writers would make sure he gets forgiven and reconciled with his true love. Same thing in Amor Real where Matilde had some pretty big stuff to forgive. But who can stay mad at Fernando!? As to Toribio's mystery lady, I just assumed she was some character I'd forgotten. If not, then maybe she's a new renter for the rooms that the Amoeba Clan vacated. And a new love interest for Toribio.

Andy...Wow. Two big bouquets, a bag of Fritos and ice cream. You know me so well, old son. I accept! Calories be damned. And I too was disappointed in the sad ending of don Luis. Yes, he was a total cad. Very few redeeming qualities. But he realized his dreadful sins and was truly sorry at the end. I hated seeing him descend into slovenly, desperately unhappy loneliness and drunkenness. The actor's portrayal made it hard to hate him.
As for the ending...yeah...good. Not great. But Marina looked lovely and so did everybody else too. Even Damiana had an elegant hairstyle and a smile. Wow.

Diana...Ah, I always feel "understood" by the things you highlight and mention. The reader every recapper wants. Thanks amiga. And thanks for posting about my recap delay yesterday. I was feeling pretty frantic when I called you.

Doris...No, you're not confused about the "engaged" thing. Marina previously asked Ricardo to marry her. And of course he accepted. But she seemed surprised that he was so anxious to do it as soon as she got out of the hospital. Or maybe she forgot with all the stabbing going on! LOL And good luck with the major bathroom remodel. Although Mañana is theoretically a "light" telenovela, the writers always throw in some baddies. So stay strong! And thanks for all the appreciation and encouragement. Not to mention subbing as a recapper. I and Rgv Chick will be forever grateful. It makes such a difference.

TF...Oh my. I did not know about the alternate ending. Am feeling a bit miffed that Televisa chose to show us this one. Team Beto to the end! I do like your explanation for why Hilda was there. Vanessa can certainly use three Moms to replace the Werewolf that she actually had. And if Toribio was putting out a "for sale" sign, maybe it was for a room and this quaint old lady was showing up for it. Elderly romance. It works. I've seen a lot of it in nursing homes. People always stay young in their hearts. Thanks for your appreciation and and all the information you seemed to have about this story. Together we all made this work.

Ah Nina...Missed your comment as I was writing my replies. Thanks for all the many times you made us laugh out loud with your crazy comments and crazier names for characters. And glad you enjoyed the caterpillars. I could not stop staring at them.
We "definitely need to do this again sometime" because this Patio rocks.

I'm going to repeat this because it's a very nice "homage":

"First to Rgv Chick,Doris and Anita, U
Guys made this crazy ride fun. Cuz if
You hadn't well let's just say how very Boring this would have been. The last 3 weeks the bad guys were hiting home Runs every freakin day. But when the Anvils fell, they fell dam hard. Ok so You 3 lovely ladies made this story bearable, thank you very Much for that.
We laughed we teared up,well yall did
I just stared and got mad. Anyways we
Made it to the end."

Glad you just "stared and got mad". I definitely teared up a lot during this last episode. So sad to see Marina and Beto so close, and yet so far apart. But..what can I say...I'm a sentimental fool. Need to get some of your toughness Nina.

Okay, heading up to the shower now. Wash away my blues. G'night Patio. See you tomorrow.

JudyB: You’re right, Vanessa could have three potential mother figures, not two. Since Margarito married Damiana. And if Marina and Vanessa had already agreed to be friends then Vanessa could feel comfortable around everyone that is part of Marina and Paulino’s circle of family and friends.


My personal thoughts on the Gran Final.

1.) Judy: Enjoyed the Gran Final recap. It was AWESOME.

2.) Lino & Vanessa got married & also got the ranch including his music career taking off. HORRAY :)

3.) Yola being a lawyer & helping Erick with the food truck was good.

4.) I had a gut feeling Marina would end up with Ricardo. She has 2 kids from 2 different Baby Daddies.

5.) Don Jackass all alone & broke. No other commentary needed because he got his Karma.

6.) LuCrazy in prison FOREVER.

7.) Fernando & Prudencia as a couple wasn't shocking.

8.) Anita & Manager as a possible couple ? She'll take another pregnancy LOL.

9.) Beto FINALLY apologizing to Rafa & Marina for treating them like crap.

10.) Marina waking up from the coma must be like Supergirl.

11.) More smooches from Lino & Vanessa :)

12.) I'm assuming Marina & Vanessa buried the hatchet & became friends.

13.) LOL at Doris wanting something light.

14.) Damiana was an interesting character.

15.) This Telenovela drove all of us crazy with numerous twists & turns.

16.) Even though some people on here wanted Beto & Marina, I think Marina ending up with Ricardo made much sense.

This has been one of my favorite novelas and it’s all because of you JudyB. Thank you so much for your efforts and thank you to your crew Anita, Doris and RGV. You made it so much fun!

Weird close up of LuCreepy hair during interrogation. Never seen anything like it

First hint it was going to be Ricky for the win was the flattering light that gave him a healthy glow as he discussed DNA with Momma

Bad sign for Ricky is that not once did I type his name without having to pause to remember it

Noticed last scene Beto and Marina said te quiero while Marina and Ricky said te amo

I thought the sign Toribio put up said for rent. He really came into his own. Fun to watch

Yola was completely in character as an attorney fighting for disadvantaged rights

I have known guys like Luis. His end was not in character. Those I have known have always bulled forward with no self doubt.

Andy, you are certainly gracious in victory



OMG and Good Grief! I had to view a part of the graduation scene several times with Closed Captioning on to be "sure", but CC says Marina called Ricky "mi amor" and he says to her "te amo" and she replies "yo tambien te amo". I think I can confirm the "mi amor", but the "yo tambien te amo" was not easy for me to make out.
But OK, I'll accept that she said "te amo" one time in the final few minutes of the TN. Sheesh!

I probably just need to let this go, I'm never going to be completely happy with this ending.





Mely, thank you for the confirmation that Ricky and Marina actually said " te amo". Finally!




Andy I am not that happy with the ending either

I was on team Beto so the ending with Ricky went as well as it could for me

I really felt Luis’s fate just didn’t fit with the character we had come to love and hate

For me the most complete story arc was Lino and Vanessa. Those to brought their A game


Good evening Judy, I came back a few days to Caray because I heard you were watching Sin Tu Mirada, fantastic job as always recapping the finale and last episodes. I actually never watched this telenovela as it was airing here but Esmeralda was one of the most popular telenovelas we had as I was growing up so I watched the finale and the last episodes after learning of the changes done to the story. My favorite couple there was Adrian and Graciela and their ending was so tragic that I’m really glad they fixed that here with Vanessa and Lino, their version in this story. I actually hated Esmeralda (Marina) ending up with Jose Armando (Alberto), he is one of my most hated galanes of all time and Leticia Calderón said the same, that she wanted Esmeralda to end up with Alvaro (Ricardo) or alone, she also said she had to do promotion for the finale alone in some countries after the finale because of how hated Jose Armando was, maybe that was a reason for how the writers of this version decided to change the ending. That said, it seems they worked much more in rehabilitating Alberto’s character here so I’m glad for that and how he got to have a true redemption arc at the end and didn’t simply want Marina back because he found out he was the father after all.

The guy who plays Ricardo here was in a short telenovela with Adriana Louvier (Maria Dolores in Yo No Creo En Los Hombres) and I thought they had good chemistry there and I was actually rooting for him to end up with her in that novela but he seemed a little grey here. I think that while he is a fine looking guy he just doesn’t exude the sex appeal and attractiveness needed for such a passive and contained character. In Esmeralda the actor playing Alvaro/Ricardo had so much presence that he made simply being kind and supportive something so very attractive that they had to turn him evil two episodes before the finale to prop Jose Armando/Alberto.

So, overall I thought Sin Tu Mirada seemed to do a good job in updating the characters and the story, judging from how it ended. That was interesting because I thought the make up on the evil doctor was terrible and he was too young for the character so that put me off of watching it when it was initially promoted. Sadly, the last episodes of this novela and a few clips of Amar a Muerte is all I have seen from telenovelas in the last few years. I miss this community but it was nice to take a peek and say hi again.

Big hugs to everyone!



i thought the whole Marina/Beto/Ricardo ending was well done. I said, a week or two ago, that I did not care who Marina ended up with, and I still don't, but this blended family was written with grace, dignity, and mutual respect all around. Our son is divorced with a child, and I had to work hard to maintain love and forgiveness toward his ex, including when she moved 175 miles away and took his daughter with her. All very legal in our state, BTW. She is a good mother and a good person (as is our son) and even he knows he could have done far worse when it comes to ex-wives. It is not a perfect situation, but it could be worse. (and I don't have to pay for a plane ticket and go thru TSA screening to go see her. It is a day drive.)

So this part really resonated with me and I was so happy to see peace, love, acceptance, forgiveness, blah blah blah, with our trio, because not many people get that in real life.

I watched again and that sign looked like it "se renta" but it was so fast . . . And looks like Toribio got paired up with his HEA too

Good Morning Beautiful Patio. I know we are all still processing the gran finale. We may be talking and thinking about it for some time. Amazing, isn't it? how we all get so invested in these characters? And even though its "just a story" it often resonates with our own stories as Doris pointed out so beautifully.

Steve...Good call. Marina waking up from the coma must be like Supergirl. Yes, she went instantly from too weak to continue with surgery to up and dressed, back to the vecindad and ready to snuggle with Rafa and Beto as a last good-bye. Oh well.

Mely...I always wait to hear your wisdom on the visuals (that I always miss).

'First hint it was going to be Ricky for the win was the flattering light that gave him a healthy glow as he discussed DNA with Momma.'

Excellent! As was your observation that Luis' end was not in character. " Bullies go forward with no self-doubt." Indeed. The more they hurt weaker characters, the more they justify to themselves their behavior. And that leads to even more abuse. And self-justification. And Eduardo played the role with such humor and charm, that even Andy was rooting for his redemption. Quite a tour de force. Thanks too for making me feel very special and appreciated.

Andy...I love that you re-watched several times to make sure there was a "te amo" and a "yo tambien te amo". We do have our standards, don't we? So it's love alright. Bland but grand.

Jarocha...Wow! We have missed you. Welcome back even if it's just for a brief visit. As always I'm blown away by your perfectly idiomatic English. You're a marvel. And found your information on the original, Esmeralda, fascinating. I guess in many prior novelas, the perfectly awful, not particularly repentant men are always forgiven and taken back. Glad at least that in the updates, acknowledgement of mistakes and cruelties is not only required, it sometimes isn't even enough to fully restore the relationship. So sad that in the past, women were supposed to put up with the worst of behaviors and just smile, bow the head, and go on loving and accepting. And certainly glad that Vanessa and Lino did not have a tragic ending as they did in the original. You have made me want to watch Esmeralda now to see all the changes that were wrought. Gracias amiga mia. You always bring so much to the table and enrich our discussions.

Doris...Thanks for sharing your heart and your story. Families breaking up is something most of us are dealing with today, and for me, I find that I have to work on forgiving and accepting every single day in order not to fall back into bitterness and resentment. It's work worth doing. But it's work. And glad that your dear granddaughter is only a day's ride away. But wish she were close by and your son and former daughter-in-law were still happy together. But it doesn't always work out that way.


It is always a joy to read everyone's comments; and as JudyB stated, I'm sure will be continuing this discussion for a while.

I felt bad for Luis too. He was cruel and egotistical, but in the end he repented. I agree that his end was not in character, but I would hope that he would learn from his hard knocks and be a better person. Maybe Angustias should go back and straight him out...they might even end up together...LOL (NOT!!)

TF, thank you so much for sharing the alternate ending; I'm going to have to look for it...maybe YouTube??

The sign that Toribio was putting up was indeed a "For Rent" sign. I suppose that with all the Amoeba Clan moving to their own places, he has plenty of rooms to rent.

JudyB, the original version of "Esmeralda" that I was referring to was aired in 1970 and starred Lupita Ferrer (Esmeralda) and Jose Bardina (Juan Pablo). I'm sorry to say that I missed the version with Fernando Colunga (sigh).

I am not going to say that I am going to miss this patio because I'm hoping everyone returns for the next (hopefully light) whirlwind.

Have a wonderful day, Patio!!

--NO PUEDE SER! No Mirada to look forward to, no capital recaps, no Patio discussions, no Bingo. What are our characters up to now? My humble thanks to ALL who contributed to making this the liveliest Patio Party in a long, long time. I didn't even miss the Limpid Pool (except on those dog days of high summer).

I agree with all the comments on what happened to all the characters in the last few minutes. So, I won't repeat them.

We got some sizzle between Lino and Vane. I think the actors enjoyed their kissing scenes a lot--they put a lot into them. It showed. Beto/Marina/Ricky? Meh. They sure teased us with the cuddly family circle at the end. By the time I could see they were approaching the last 5 minutes, I was only interested in the gathering of the cast for a last pan.

Think about it, though, no one mentioned it...what we got for the ending was a re-write of Querida Enemiga, where Gabriel Soto (the doc), the lead galan, lost out to Jorge Aravena (chef Hawt), the second stringer. Nobody saw that coming either until the very end. That was my very first telenovela (and not so long ago--ahem, Jarocha). I think I'll need to rewatch it on my DVD.

Marina getting her degree. Kudos to her. She certainly made everyone around her happy, starting with Ricky, Encarnacion and the whole Amoeba Clan. I think Beto will remain single for a long time, or end up like Ricky with at least one divorce behind him. At least he wasn't saddled with La Loca.

Which reminds me, in so many tns, where the worst villains are not killed off (or killed off too early, like Doc Masquerade), they end up crazy, in jail, in a manicomio or a combination of both. To us it means they never have to own up to their deeds.

Luis' punishment was too harsh. He should have been exonerated of the money-laundering and fraud, at least. He could have learned through required counseling that his arrogance and bullying just breeds resentment that might come back to hurt the bully. Maybe it would have been more compassionate to show him helping the underserved in his neighborhood, financing programs to help the poor, etc.

On a more upbeat note, I was happy for Baldo and Dona Toolbelt. Putting their skills together to make a home was perfect. I've never "seen" the actor who played Baldo (Ignacio Guadalupe) but I was really drawn to him (as was the Dona) in this run. He's made dozens of films and has been in quite a few tns that I've watched, but can't now place him (Amor Bravio, PyP, Fuerza del Destino, and some only on DVDs-Mariana de la Noche, La Otra and Abrazame muy Fuerte). I hope he gets more prominent roles in the future. He's easy on the eyes and inhabits his character.

Jarocha--After I finished watching El Fin yesterday, I was bereft. So, I pulled up the last two hours of Amar a Muerte and watched it. I'm so glad I saw Claudia Martin in AAM first, even though I was told they filmed Mirada before AAM. She certainly brought out some of that angry feistiness she had with Marina. Still, at times Marina was just too much of an ingenue, timid and overly-forgiving almost unto syrupiness (yeah, I know, sheltered youth, blind, gracious and kind to a fault). She was great in AAM as one of the primary villains.

Maybe some more thoughts will come to me later, but for now, this is Anita signing off (until maybe next Tuesday). Chau a todos. Los quiero mucho.



Ah yes, here it is 3 pm and I'm not hunched in my chair, madly scribbling notes and sneaking Fritos. If all this free time keeps up, I may have to clean the bathrooms after all.

I think Doris was okay with don Luis' sad ending, but most of us would have liked something a little cheerier, given that he seemed to have truly (if at the very last minute) repented.

Rgv Chick...Way back to the 70's eh? Not sure if I could find that one, but given Jarocha's description of the one she watched, the later Esmerelda is definitely is worth checking out.

Anita...I like your alternate ending for Luis. Much more hopeful and productive than alcoholism and despair. I hate to see that happen to any character. Or any human being. And I agree that Ignacio Guadalupe (Baldomero) made the most of his secondary character. Always gentle and wise. But not a pushover. Margarito, as written, was a fine man, but I would definitely have gone for Baldo given the chance.
And LOL at the dedication the Vane and Lino actors put into their kissing scenes. They were indeed devoted and very believable in their passion.

Now, all I ask is another telenovela with our Hilda in a more prominent role (but just as fey and crazy).

One last thing. Did note that Ricardo had on a short-sleeved (RED!) shirt in the last scene and was sporting some very impressive biceps muscles. I take back every snotty remark I made about Wee Ricky. It was just my Team Beto bias talking.


Ha! JudyB--Every snotty (and snarky) remark we all made about Wee Ricky was deserved. He was definitely a second-string galan. But as we all said along the way, if Marina wanted a stable, free-of-guilt relationship, Ricky the obsessively devoted, was the guy. We should have seen it coming. I think the writers deliberately made Wee Ricky really Wee just to put us off the track, especially with all that shoulder and neck and knee massaging. I guess Marina really went for that in the end. Endless massages at no charge!

Thanks recappers...Judy B. My favorite was Hilda ...great funny actress....Vanessa..kudos...Lino Kudos Why did busy body Angustias bug
me big original Esmeralda, poor Gracielita dies in Adrian Luceros arms. Laura Zapata humbled and grieving goes to Adrian and begs him to go see her dying daughter. His new girlfriend understands and encourages him to go to her...beautiful, emotionally scene.....Fernando Colunga...meh! Hoping it would not end like original....and give Hilda get her own telenovela. I’d watch....

"Ah yes, here it is 3 pm and I'm not hunched in my chair, madly scribbling notes and sneaking Fritos. If all this free time keeps up, I may have to clean the bathrooms after all."
Oh noes, Judy, anything but that! LOL

I saw the regret and remorse Luis had, but also saw no desire or willingness to change. None. This happens in real life. Sometimes families end up like Luis and his former-family. Don't ask me how I know. It is so sad, possibly some sort of mental health issue. Luis was a bit of a misogynist in his own way; he never appreciated nor treasured the women in his life. But give him a male! Beto! Rafita! Someone to carry on the family name while the girls don't count! That was the holy grail for him. Yeah, whatever. That happens in real life. Santamarina did a fantastic job interpreting the role and brought a facet of like-ability to it, in spite of the character.

Carlos de la Mota did an excellent job as Sotero because we all hated him, despised him so much, so well done, maybe too well done. I may never be able to warm up to this actor again, and I used to like him a lot.


Anita...Well, endless massages at no charge sounds good. Especially at my age. But thanks for making me feel less guilty over my Ricardo-animus.

Anonymous 3:29...Glad you loved Hilda as much as I did. And frankly, I found meddling Angustias often annoying as well. She was so self-righteous. And oh my, so glad we did not have to see our little Vane die like Gracielita. And can't imagine Susana being repentant and asking Lino to come and see her. But I guess the writers made multiple changes. Actually Susana/ChoochMooch was rather awesome in her Relentlessly Rotten behavior. I like a villain who sticks to her guns. Shows character. Even if it's bad character.

And I don't know how Colunga was in your Esmeralda. Actually I'm only a fan of the actor in the Carla Estrada telenovelas, Amor Real, Alborada and Pasion. In others I've seen, he's only so-so. Although actually, not bad in Soy tu Dueña

Anyway, I'll happily join you for Hilda Goes to Hollywood or whatever they decide to write for her.


Doris...Good point. Luis was definitely macho. Women were there to serve and/or look lovely. In fact he only seemed to warm to Marina after she appeared spectacularly beautiful at the Medico Fiesta. Now he was ready to be proud of her as a trophy, albeit a female one. This is still very much an attitude in all cultures. Subtle in some. Ferociously obvious in others. But so sorry you saw these devastating effects up close and personal.

Carlos de la Mota is a cutie. I think if he gets cast again in an adorable role, we'll get over Doc Sotero pretty quickly. I'm enjoying him re-watching Destilando Amor and I certainly liked his role in that Lo que la vida me robó telenovela. We shall see. He may want a long rest after this one!

JudyB--so right about Carlos de la Mota needing a long rest. He probably had to spend more time in make-up than all the ladies, and certainly not Ricky or Beto. I wonder if he knew what he was in for. Having to wear that half mask and the hood must have been stifling.


Anita: Lino & Vanessa getting married & getting the ranch was inevitable.


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