Thursday, August 29, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Week of Aug. 26, 2019

Welcome to page 2 for the week! There are no TNs currently being recapped, but feel free to continue discussing, dissecting, or ranting about any daytime novela...OR some alternative endings to "Sin Tu Mirada" would make for a nice reading :-)

Coming on Sept.3rd at 3PM: Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mirada”)



Rgv Chick: To answer your question in the other discussion page about the alternate ending, I actually found it on Facebook. There is an upload on YouTube but it’s altered in an attempt to not violate copyright. So it’s not even worth it to find and watch it there. As for the Facebook upload, it’s on a page called “Direto De México”. It was uploaded on April 17, 2018.

CORRECTION: it’s “Direto Do México” not De


Thanks, TF! I look it up on Facebook... yeepeee!


JudyB, thank you once again for the amazing and heroic work you did with Sin tu Mirada. I also want to thank, and send virtual bouquets to, Rgv Chickie, Anita, and Doris. All you guys rock!

Thank you also to everyone who posted about Mirada. I join with others who have already mentioned how much better was the whole experience with all the witty, insightful, often funny comments, and even the teeny tiny arguments, which were never really arguments. It is a hugely better experience watching and sharing a TN with other people who take the time to chime in, even if only now and then.

Doris, I very much enjoyed reading your comments on the "blended family". I'm another one who appreciated seeing that. I loved that Marina and Beto could so easily tell each other "Te quiero." And to see both men taking care of the kids, Rafa calling Beto "Papá" (and probably calling Ricardo the same; after all, Marina has two moms, why shouldn't Rafa have two dads?).

It was a shame that Beto and Marina didn't make it as a couple, and the real problem started when Luis kidnapped her and dropped her off for Doc Mask to do whatever with her. This is probably Luis' greatest sin. Still, Santamarina also made the character likeable in many ways, and I did not care for his end condition. And I find it a bit hard to believe that neither Prude nor Vanesa would not or could not help him. Maybe especially Vanesa as he hadn't harmed her as he did Prudencia.

probably more later... (What?! I'm not yet finished with this TN? After all, it's just a story. Right, Judy?)




Andy, I had to laugh when I saw your post...not at your post necessarily, just that you had posted a comment. I dropped in to the patio to ask how you were doing with your PMW, but no need to answer LOL I'm having my own PMW; I kept waiting for 2 PM (C) to come rolling around, but then I'd wonder "Geez, what for? ..No Mirada or should I say "Sin Mirada." So I was flipping through the stations and ran across "Porque El Amor Manda" on Galavision and of course my first attraction was Fernando Colunga. I watched it for a few minutes, but lost interest since I had no clue what was going on. Anywho, glad to see you are still here dissecting our last TN experience... and what a fun ride it was!

" I find it a bit hard to believe that neither Prude nor Vanesa would not or could not help him. Maybe especially Vanesa as he hadn't harmed her as he did Prudencia." ITA that Vanesa, at least, would have stayed in touch and tried to help him.

And thank you for the bouquet of flowers; they are lovely :-)

That scene where Beto was in the stair
Well at the hospital and he Sat down and just boohoo cried, all The regret came down on him all at once. Rejectin little rafa because At The time he
Didn't think he had his blood, which was really stupid on his part to take
That position knowing he didn't have
Luis' plasma in his veins either. His
Love for Marina fell short because of
That. And the fact that he could have been the crispy critter's kid. Still not rafas fault. Marina knew, love did
Not lie, beto Jr had his DNA. But in the end he stepped up. Just not in time to get marina's heart back. Hope
The next tn has a happier ending. Rick
Got got his princita, beto got his son
They made a good blended family. So we
Move on.

CORRECTION: it’s “Direto Do México” not De --- that looks like Portuguese with the "do"

Andy: I had a hunch Marina would end up with Ricardo.


Hope our Florida folks are going to be safe and dry on Labor Day. Looks like the storm may be headed to North Carolina where one of my daughters lives, so keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well.

Pffftt Dorian -- Snory One. He / she / it? ? ? has already seen how foolhardy an attempt on Kirbo would be and is taking the next exit North.

Suck up a big eyefull of our Florida flesh eating bacteria / Red Tide water and you will wish you had stayed down at tasty Puerto Rico, Dorry.

I think it had just been a slow news week, and retail can always use the business. I needed lawn mower gas, but was not in the mood to wait in line for gas for the John Deere. Waited a day and the lines were gone.

We Foriduh folks are fine.

(Portrait of) DORIAN (GRAY) [I guess it's a he.]
Sending you sunshine and kisses. Missing you. Are you in for at least watching Manana or are you going to wait for Dragon?


In my neck of the woods people are still trying to decide rather to leave
Town or stay. Even tho dorry will be off off the shores of north flo we will still be inundated with winds &
Rain. Flooding is a problem here, but for the most part we're fine Thank the
Good Lord. So.....whens the next block
Buster tn?

Bless you, girl, with all that coming your way and you are able to say "...for the most part, we're fine." We're dying for some rain up here in the mid-Atlantic.

Here's the line-up:
Sep 3 - 3 pm Univision, "Manana Sera Otro Dia...Mejor" lighter fare than what we just went through (?)
Sep 11 - 11 pm on Unimas, rebroadcast of "El Hotel de los Secretos" If anyone hasn't seen this and can save it to DVR, do so, especially if you like a period mystery story
Sep 16 - Time? Channel? new version of "La Usurpadora"
Sep 30 - 10 pm on Univision, "El Ultimo Dragon"

Take your pick--if not all of them!

Does anyone have any inkling of what happened to "Me Declaro Culpable" with Juan Soler, Mayrin Villanueva and Daniela Castro? It has a 2017 production date, but never showed up here in the U.S. (that I know of).


La Usurpadora will start in two weeks, at 9 pm, when Juntos ends. On Univision. I sure like the idea of a short telenovela.

Kirby and Nina, glad to hear that Dorian isn't going to hit directly, but that wind and rain can still be treacherous. My thoughts and prayers are still with you.

JudyB, thoughts and prayers are extended to those in North Carolina and everyone else along the East Coast.

Anita thanks for that line up. I have no idea about "Me Declaro Culpable, but it sure would have been nice to see Juan Soler.


Thanks for thoughts and prayers Ms Chick. Let's send some to The Bahamas
Too, those folks are gettin hammered down there.

And thanks for the lineup Anita. I'm lookin forward to the next tn that's a
Bit light in Flavor. I'm gonna enjoy the next few days off cuz they are evacuating my town. The problem with that is everybody decides to leave at
Same Time and then you're stuck in one looooooooong parking lot. I think the kids have fun, they're out of school.

Anyways y'all down south, Kirby be safe. Thoughts and prayers to the north and south carolinas, and Georgia
Coastal regions.

Stay safe and don't run out of gasoline or water.

About shorter telenovelas--I think Uni and Telemundo (maybe) have finally learned that viewing habits of folks in the U.S. (and that includes EVERYBODY living in the U.S. and maybe Mexico and Canada, too) are changing. Sitting infront of your TV five nights a week for a year and a half just doesn't work anymore.

I'm for shorter ones, too. It saves us from too many side stories that have nothing to do with the main characters and the mains are already enough to deal with. It probably saves the producers money on extra talent and sets, a cost-benefit factor.

It used to be that the longer they made them, the cheaper it was since they could use the same sets for longer periods, but wages for actors and locations are increasing along with other costs.

I do wonder if because more women are now in the work-force, other interests take up free time (gym, book clubs, gardening, movies, socializing, vacations) have also changed viewing habits. Now, closed captions, streaming, on-demand watching and binge-watching have also cut into daily watching the boob-tube, thus, fewer readers, commenters and recappers for Caray.

Aye de mi, are we becoming as obsolete as Super8 home movies, slides and projectors? (Thus sayeth Anita having transferred precious baby films to DVD. Guess the next step will be converting the DVD's to the Cloud.)

I'm safe Anita, Iam home. I got some days off cuz Dorian wants to skirt up
The east coast of America.

I found a tn on GALA network and the
Name of it is "Porque El Amor manda"
And Fernando calunga, I think thats his name is in it. His ears does not take away from his attractiveness. I probly Wont see this after today. I'm only watching this cuz I'm home and there's nothin Else on. I have no idea what its bout but it got some formilar actors In it. Like that guy from "El Hotel de los Secretos". Here he's got dark hair, still good lookin tho.

I like the short tns cuz I won't have to wait so long for the bad guys to get their anvils, and for the super couple to get back together. Or some such. And it would be nice not to have all those side stories about people I
Have no interest in what so ever. Not
That they're not go actors,I.Just.Do.
Not. Care.

Ok not much to do so I'll just balance my checkbook.(I used to enjoy that).
Be safe people.

Nina—Glad you are safe and enjoying your day off and not worrying about Dorian. Balancing a checkbook can be fun if you come out ahead.

A few words about PEAM. It is among the list of worst stories ever created. This was FC’s first foray into light comedy and it just didn’t fit. There were superb deliveries by quite a few of the actors, individually. Eric Elias was one of them. Something happened about halfway through when one of the main characters left (not happily) and they had to sort of redeem E.E. It’s probably just as well you will have to miss it. It was met with a lot of snark, especially (sadly) for Blanca Soto. This tn proved she can’t act. Read a few of the recaps and comments and you’ll get the picture.

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