Friday, September 20, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 5: Where is a time machine when you need one?

After yesterday’s shocking turn of events (for us anyway), Paola must have consulted her copy of Handbook for the Criminally Insane, which seems to have indicated that the next step to follow after murdering your lover is to dump the body overboard, while jamming to some death metal tunes. So that is what she did, while also bawling her eyes out. But really, what is she constantly listening to at the most inopportune moments?? 

In Mexico, Paulina is about to send an email to her mom, but is persuaded otherwise by Monse, who worries about the threats that hang over her mother and the mysterious eyes that are everywhere. Paulia allows herself to be persuaded and instead they put their heads together to determine who Paola’s lover was – Gonzalo Santamarina of the chocolate empire fame. 

Paola swiftly packs up, puts a bad wig on, grabs Paulina’s passport and heads to the airport to board the plane of the man she just killed. She spins a tale of the change in plans to Gonzalo’s pilot, and asks not to call Gonzalo to confirm their departure. She spends the entire flight in tears and has a mini-meltdown, when the pilot walks in to let her know they need to make an emergency landing in Cancun due to the engine malfunction. Paola panics that she cannot be taking a commercial airline to Mexico (probably rightly assuming that the presence of the First Lady on the plane will be noticed, even in that messy wig…). When she finally arrives to Mexico, she has a scare at the border (these people at least must have been watching the news…), but is allowed to enter.

First family is having a surprisingly pleasant breakfast. The jabs are very limited and almost civil. (mostly Emilio giving ‘tude to Paola, and Carlos trying to calm him down) Paulina looks like she is fitting right in. They comment on her diet again, and Carlos is slightly surprised when she stands up for the protesters, but looks like they forget about those character inconsistencies almost immediately. 

Meanwhile elsewhere Wilson, the local Colombian stud, spends some close and personal time with Paulina’s best friend Andrea. He then complains about Paulina being away and supposedly with another man, and stomps out when Doña Olga calls. Andrea is beginning to realize sleeping with him may not have been her brightest idea… Still, she makes her way over to Doña Olga’s to look for Wilson, and is hesitating whether to confess all her traitorous troubles to her best friend’s mother. Doña Olga comforts her and also asks if there is money in the foundation’s account, as she needs to go Mexico and look for Paulina. No money yet, but soon there should be a deposit, says Andrea.

Facundo seems to have been walking around the mansion hallways long enough to finally run into Paulina. After a few quips back and forth, he invites her for a walk and suggests that it’s in her best interests to agree. Reluctantly Paulina says yes, and they are on their way out the door when they run into Monse. Monse invites herself for this walk, and Paulina is only glad for the company, though Nava brusquely declares that they won’t be long and she doesn’t need a chaperone. So off they go, just the two of them… He brings her to a ranch, which is supposed to be Paola’s favorite place and continues with the cat and mouse game, and a flirty one at that! He disrobes to take a swim in the pool. Paulina declines the swim and asks if he brought her here under some other pretenses. Facundo insists his intention is not to seduce her, even though that is what she would like. Paulina is confused by that comment, and he volunteers that nothing happened “that other time”, because he didn’t want it to. Then he gets Paulina to give up Gonzalo’s full name. They move this party to the dining table and a few sarcastic insinuations later, they are heading back to the house. (It’s hard to tell what Nava suspects yet, if anything, but these two do have an interesting dynamic.) 

Carlos tries to figure out why Gema is acting strange. She, in turn, thinks it’s Carlos who is paying too much attention to Paola. This mini scene of jealousy concludes with Gema leaving over his protests and telling him to enjoy his Sunday with his family. 

Nava and Paulina return. Nava has to answer to Carlos on their whereabouts and why his investigative work hasn’t yielded results yet. Carlos suggests he gets some pointers from Pascual. Nava laughs in his face. (That actually was kind of funny). Meanwhile Paulina and Gema are arguing over the protesters’ real intentions, and whether they are being manipulated by the opposition for political gain. Paulina goes to see Carlos after this conversation and tries to convince him to allow her to participate in negotiations. In the midst of her impassioned plea enters Gema, sees Paulina standing mighty close to Carlos, misunderstands the situation and leaves. Gema is distressed and tries to leave the house, as she is already crying, but Emilio spots her and runs after. He is kind of cute in his attempts to comfort her, but the real reason he was following her, he says, was to ask her to put in a good word with Carlos, so the latter doesn’t send Emilio to the rehab. (What an irony, if only he knew whose suggestion is was in the first place…) 

Paulina must have convinced Carlos to let her interfere, because next she is meeting with the protesters outside the mansion and makes an adorable little 5 year old friend. His mother is telling her about their troubles. Also before she ventured out for her peacemaking mission, Paulina (who has been a busy bee today) dispatched Monse to go check out a few addresses she found in Paola’s notebook in case one of them is Gonzalo’s and Paola is hiding there. 

Lisette gathers her courage and sets up another date with Diego. He quickly agrees before she cancels again. These two look almost cute together over their coffee date, until they say good-bye and we realize that Diego has actually been planted there by his uncle, who is none other than the only security guy watching cameras at the mansion. (Wait, if the guy is here, who is watching the cameras??) 

Nava has put Pedro on the task o figuring out where Gonzalo lives, and in the evening the two of them arrive at that house. Nava leaves Pedro outside to chat with his girlfriend and goes in to check the place out. Meanwhile inside a tearful Paola performs what appears to be the exact opposite of a bedtime ritual – she is actually putting the lipstick on, while still bawling her eyes out. She hears Nava enter and scampers to get away. He hears the noise and pursues her. She manages to evade him, jumps in her car and drives off, with Pedro following her out. Nava runs out to the gate and who should he run into, but Monse, who has arrived to investigate on Paulina’s behest! 

In other less significant news today, Carlos negotiated some more with the head of the union Camacho. Looks like he suspects Camacho is corrupt and is trying to catch him in the act. Arcadia dispensed rather graphic advice to Lisette on how to attract galanes. Teresa took on a disturbing barber role and spent time helping Manuel shave in a pretty odd scene. 


Thank you, Ria. Your very fine recap got it all!

A few thoughts about these mostly unattractive characters:

They showed too much of Paola crying over Gonzalo’s death. Did they want the viewer to feel sorry for her since she is clearly “criminally insane” as Ria put it? It was annoying. Gonzalo’s woven shroud ( also courtesy of Paola) was impressive, though. I did enjoy seeing her freak out when she found out she couldn't fly all the way back on the same plane.

They also showed too much Lisette. I really do not care about her or her problems. At this point her plot seems like it is along just for the ride to fill X amount of minutes.

Manuel should have been shaving himself to begin with. Somber moment when Teresa told him she was just joking after nicking him good on his neck.

Let me get this straight. Wilson who is Paulina’s guy complained that she might be involved with another guy after he himself had sex with Andrea her friend. Another loser.

As for another “another”, It seems like Carlos is just another pretty face with nothing much going on behind his eyes or between his ears.

Nava has his possibilities but so far, the power resides with the female contingent: Paola, Teresa, Gema and now Paulina. The men are incidental.

"These two look almost cute together over their coffee date, until they say good-bye and we realize that Diego has actually been planted there by his uncle, who is none other than the only security guy watching cameras at the mansion. (Wait, if the guy is here, who is watching the cameras??)"

Nice catch Ria. And what do you suppose is Security Guy's game?

I'm quite impressed with Paola's ingenuity. Somehow she found a boat, navigated out to the full seas by herself, arranged for a truly impressive Gonzalo funeral burrito, without anybody asking questions about the bullet holes, I mean how did all that happen? And without Gonzalo's henchies following up on things? Oh well...let's just move the story along and let our brain go with the flow.

And wow, what a creepy shaving scene! Is our Terrifying Teresa the sister or the jealous wife? Certainly a very odd vibe there.

The other puzzling scene for me was Wilson with the woman. I had the impression he was unable to perform. So while he seemingly was willing to betray our little gal (ditto for her friend) his nether regions were saying Nopis. Rather an interesting switch. Usually the nether regions aren't quite that ethical.

Still liking this story, but today's episode seemed both slower and a little choppy. Hope they're not cutting scenes willy nilly.

Thanks so much. You and Princess Juju make a great team.

Thanks so much Ria for another fantastic recap. Your analysis of Wilson and Andrea made me chuckle. I hope they do better by Paulina in the future.

I'm with Jarifa on Paola's weeping being annoying. You killed your lover for no reason other than the fact you are crazy as a loon. Perhaps showing us her "remorse," is supposed to make the audience dislike her less but nah. I'm also with you on how the men are lacking here. Paola had a "good" guy and killed him. All three of the guys in Paulina's life, past and present, I'm not thrilled with them at all.

JudyB - thanks for the catch as I didn't realize Wilson couldn't perform. Nonetheless, his intent, even if he does go to look for Paulina, was there. And I'm so disappointed in her bestie.


Following are the words that Doña Olga said to comfort Andrea, which I think are some of the most beautiful I've heard in a novela:

Cuéntale a papa dios. El es el unico en que podemos confiar completamente. El es el unico que nos entiende. El nos hizo asi, los imperfectos, y el así nos quiere.


Ria, another beautifully written recap.

"After yesterday’s shocking turn of events (for us anyway), Paola must have consulted her copy of Handbook for the Criminally Insane, which seems to have indicated that the next step to follow after murdering your lover is to dump the body overboard, while jamming to some death metal tunes" was proof positive and deserved to be repeated in its entirety.

Paola is very resourceful. And creative. That lovely leaf shroud was impressive. How she managed to get the materials and wrap and carry her victim to the boat was mind blowing. I imagine this means he is indeed dead. Too bad - he was one of the most interesting characters.

Theresa giving Manuel too close a shave in a shirt and underwear was unsettling. Let's simply say theirs is not a wholesome relationship! :)

Judy, I don't know what the security guy's motive is either. I do think Diego looked guilty and uncomfortable after. I like Lisette she seems sweet, in contrast to her brother's craziness and her father's vacant, vacuous stares. And I could care less about the fact Gema is jealous of her lover's wife.

Jarifa, your remark about the female continent here is spot on.

Nava's leaving me lukewarm but hopefully things will heat up.

Wilson? Not worth typing his name. Whatever did Pau see in him??

Hugo, if you could translate what you wrote, that would be greatly appreciated.

Excellent comments and superb recap. Thank you Ria.


Hello, all.

Ria, thank you so much for another snappy recap. I appreciate every grin and giggle you gave me. Now that's a powerful skill to have..The ability to make people smile 😃.

I only saw bits and pieces of this episode. did Paola manage to transport gonzo's body...wheelbarrow perhaps or one of those hotel trolleys or shopping cart ? I am lowering my expectations and suspending my disbelief.

And , it seems that we do not know what the relationship is between Manuel and Terry..fying.

Judyb...your comment about Wilson's uncooperative "nether regions " reminded me of a recap of Alborada by Melinama in which she referred to the syphilis ridden villain having " swelling in the humid zones."I

This show definitely seems to have the currently popular strong woman theme with the women characters appearing to have all the power and most of the evil. Wow...we've come along way baby.

Thanks, Ria. I haven't watched this one yet, but I can "see" it now with your vivid recap.

So the security guy is setting up Lisette? Poor girl. But at least the boy is a boy and not some scary old man. Hey, aren't the secret service guys obligated to report to Carlos on his daughter? Never mind, putting beanie on.

I've got hopes for Facundo. He's got carácter and he and Pedro are a good working pair. I'll have to check out the mansion scene to detect if there's any spark between him and Paulina.

Jarifa - agree with all of your comments. Carlos is weakling for now at least. The power is indeed with the female crew. As Susanlynn mentions below - indeed, how the times have changed, which is great and interesting to see. I remember not so long ago, the standard was a weaker main female character controlled by the men in her life.

Also - everyone who mentioned the woven shroud - YES! How did she manage to weave it so well, get Gonzalo onto this boat without anyone noticing. She had so much trouble pushing him off into the water that our suspension of disbelief is really getting strained on this one. Yet, we push on :)

JudyB - no idea what the security guy wants! Money? But Lisette doesn't have much cash to share I'd imagine. Or he is planning to blackmail the first family through using her. Interesting twist. Diego seems a nice enough guy, and didn't seem to enjoy this deception. Maybe he will turn around. Your "funeral burrito" comment was too funny. Wilson is indeed despicable. I couldn't tell if he was unable to perform or was apologizing for dragging Andrea into this betrayal mess. I should have really rewatched the scene, but decided I had enough of those two characters :) The performance issue does make sense and again, you made me laugh with "ethical nether regions". Thanks!

Karen - agreed, not impressed by any of the galans so far. Unclear who they are positioning either to win Paulina's heart, and I would have thought it would be more obvious. This is only 25 episodes, so they must have already finished the filming and everything is decided, unlike in one of those long novelas these days where they change their minds sometimes mid-way through, like in PyP, based on audience response.

Hugo - nice words indeed! These were Olga's to Andrea, when the latter was wondering whether to tell Olga the truth about her adventures between the sheets with Wilson. Olga, sensing her hesitation says she doesn't have to tell her. Instead, "tell it to father God. He is the only one we can trust completely. He is the only one who understands us. He made us like this, imperfect, and he loves us as we are." Andrea never did tell her anything, which is just as well. Very interesting behavior - to attempt to relieve your conscience with the betrayal victim's mother.

Diana - indeed, too bad about Gonz. Arms dealer and all, but he also was exerting calming influence on Crazy Paola. She is also out of her pills it appears. What will she do? Terrifying Terry and Manuel's relationship is disturbing, especially if they turn out to be siblings. Agree, no idea what Paulina saw in Wilson, what a terrible galan.

Susanlynn, you are too kind and thank you. I am really enjoying being able to discuss this novela with such an amazing and engaging group of people and happy for the opportunity to provide recaps!
"Swelling in the humid zones" in reference to Alborada is a hilarious one! I remember that plot twist, it's a very funny description of it.


Niecie - Facundo and Pedro are a very good pair! I am really enjoying their banter and the actor who plays Pedro is very good.

Good Mornig, Patio!

Ria, thank you for such a splendid recap and the sides were spot on!. I really don;t have much to add since everyone has already brought everything that I was going to comment on--

Jarifa, "They showed too much of Paola crying over Gonzalo’s death. Did they want the viewer to feel sorry for her since she is clearly “criminally insane” as Ria put it? It was annoying." My thoughts exactly! No feeling sorry for this she-devil. And "As for another “another”, It seems like Carlos is just another pretty face with nothing much going on behind his eyes or between his ears." Que triste, but so true! This is the third TN I've seen Andres in; and in all of them, his characters have not really been the galan material we have been used to in the past.

JudyB,"I'm quite impressed with Paola's ingenuity. Somehow she found a boat, navigated out to the full seas by herself, arranged for a truly impressive Gonzalo funeral burrito, without anybody asking questions about the bullet holes..." and Diana, "That lovely leaf shroud was impressive. How she managed to get the materials and wrap and carry her victim to the boat was mind blowing." She must be a very strong and resourceful she-devil. M head started hurting when I tightened the strap on my beanie.

Karen, I have not had the pleasure of "meeting" you. Welcome back, you have obviously been missed!

Diana, I will translate for Hugo (and welcome Hugo!)--
Tell Father God. He is the only one whom we can trust completely. He is the only one who understands us. He made us as we are, the imperfect, and as such, he loves us."

Wishing everyone a great week-end!

Ria, our comments crossed....that happens quite often doesn't it? LOL

BTW security guy is Molina. Dk his first name.

Rgv Chick - lol, indeed, happens a lot! Thanks for the name of the sneaky security guy. Interesting you say Palacios is being cast in a certain type of role. This is the first time I see him in anything and had high hopes based on his looks ;) Alas, so far quite an unimpressive character...

Ria--Thanks for the recap just isn't enough praise. Love, love, love to read your take on the action. You catch all the action and help with understanding the situation (which I miss a lot of).

I'm about to leave for the weekend, so this will be quick.

Did anyone notice that Piedad, at breakfast, slipped and said how changed Paulina is since she returned from her spa? I realize she is Carlos' mom, but why she use a diminutive--which actually ought to be Paolita. Well, what do I know.

I was also disappointed that Diego is a plant. I didn't catch what Molina told him to do, but stop short of .. what? What is his game?

Pedro is growing on me.

During the Paulina-Gema stand-off, they both said I know about your lover, as in I wasn't born yesterday.

I think Wilson and Paulina's best friend did finish the deed, even though we didn't see anything like that. We see him from the waist up pulling up his pants and BFF pulling down her dress. They both commented that they shouldn't have, etc. etc.

I'm willing to bet Nava will be the first to figure out Paola is not Paola. He's already testing her (the ranch, her initiating the seduction the other time) and she's failed.

Good afternoon patio.

Ria and Rgv Chick, thank you so much for translating that passage! This community is so helpful and supportive.

I think we are in different places on our views about Nava. And that's a good thing. I'm trying to keep an open mind and hope future events sway me toward being a bit more posisitve.

My only problem with Pedro is that he seems unreactive and unemotional. Not too crazy about him cheating either but Paola is bsc so as long as he doesn't preach to a choir he has no business preaching to about HER infidelity...He has a great smile and I'd like to see more of it.

Karen, you aren't the same Karen who used to comment years ago, are you? Happy to have you here in either case.


Anita - thank you! I am really glad it's helpful and grateful for the wonderful company in watching and discussing this TN! :) I did not notice Piedad slipping - good catch! Molina told Diego the he performed very well, but should limit himself to whatever Molina instructs, and asked to say hello to his sister-in-law (Diego's mother I assume, since Diego called him uncle). Not sure what Molina's game is either or what he thinks Diego did that Molina didn't sanction.

Diana - very welcome! :) And yes, I agree it's always fun to discuss all the various views, that's what makes it fun. Fwiw, I am not too crazy about Nava so far either - mostly because he just has too much of a "bad boy" vibe, so can turn out to "redemption of a playboy" storyline and those are sometimes tiring. We shall see though! Carlos does have an amazing smile. If only writers give him some emotional intelligence over the next 20 episodes, it will be splendid. Fingers crossed :)


Ria and RGV Chick thanks for translating that passage ... wondering if those words are in the original 1998 script ... I've read a summary of the original movie and there are some significant differences in the plot ...


Hugo, I don't remember those words in the original series. I might or might not have watched it several times back in the day :) Also the plot is quite a bit different here, which is good - no way to predict at this point where it is going!

Thanks for posting lovely those words Hugo and thanks for the translation, Ria and Rgv Chick.

Susanlynn, great observation about how female characters have become more complicated and not controlled by devious men.

Rgv chick - thanks for the welcome. It's great to be back. I've missed this community.

Anita - great observation regarding Piedad. I'm glad someone is realizing how "Paola" has changed. I'm hoping poor, not so swift Carlos will get a clue soon. Yes Nava will figure this out first. I hope you enjoy him more than I; the type of character he's playing (arrogant, somewhat intelligent, and thinks he's a gift to women) turns me off.

Diana - yes it is me! Glad to see you are here! ITA w/your assessment of Carlos. I'm hoping his character is developed more and better. It's your call about Nava being fated for Paulina may be on track, though I'm not a fan of his.

Ria - I would love for your suggestion of Carlos getting emotional intelligence. Like you, the "bad boy" Nava, tired troupe that only some many actors can pull off.


Pedro is Nava's sidekick. He's not the one cheating. Were you thinking of Carlos?

I still think of Nava as the cartel chief in La Piloto. Haven't warmed up to him at all.

I meant that Piedad called her Paulina and not Paola.

Ria that was very well done.

So now we know that there could have been a thing between Paola n Nava. Man
Is he gonna be shocked when he finds out the woman he just insulted is a desent person and not a skank like her
Twisted sista.

Emilio is what...schizophrenic or just a nervous nelly? Mixed with a very bad
Dose of alcohol? Also mixed with some paranoia. Who would want to kill him?
That would be a waste of perfectly good Amo.

So now nava may think that Paulina has sent monse to that house cover up some
Thing.And her being nervous will maybe probly make Him think so.

Gema is upset cuz shes thinkin her boo
Is falling for his wife. Could be. In any case I dont like her. Any woman that would lower herself to bed the president is lower than cesspool scum.

At first I thought they weren't gonna let paola in when the guard went to ask that other Uniformed guy. I'm glad they did cuz it could Have been a bad melt down. More Of those are comin too
Gonzalo makes a fine cover guy. Really
Fiiiine! Lets say hes not dead. And he
Got rescued by Some body that saw her
Dumb him in the ocean. They swam out &
Got him. Nursed him back to health. He
Got healthy. they can do that it's tv
So they can make him healthy in 2 3 days.
Timejump y'all know how it goes. This
Is just wishful thinking. He'll come up with some plan get her good. He'd be the one to do it. Remembering how she looked when her sister got shot? O
He could sink her ship. I don't know how the first version went down probly
Not like that but That would be a good one. O well whatever will be will Be.

Thank you Ria.

One more thing, that was kinda weird
With Manuel and hit lady teresa in the tub, well he was in the tub yuck! What
Happened? he didn't have a date for the prom so he took his sister and it went down hill from there?
Is he and she sister and brother or
What exactly are they to each other?

Lol, JudyB lol, "funeral burrito" lol
So very funny. :-》

Y'all I'm sorry for these lil tidbits
But when I read the other comments stuff comes to my mind and I have to get it out there while its on my mind.

JudYB, ethical nether regions, lol. So funny. And the look on her face while he was on Too of her, like she was thinkin "what the he'll was that?".
The nether regions wasn't Havin it tonight. Lol:-)

Susanlynn, girl you got me crackin up with your comments.

"So how did Paola manage to transport gonzo's body...... wheelbarrow, perhaps on one of those Hotel trolleys, shopping carts?"


"JudyB your comment about Wilson's uncooperative "nether regions" reminded me of a recap of Alborada by Milinama in which she referred to the syphilis ridden villain having "swelling in the humid zones".

You know how to bring if laughter. Thank you for that:-)

"You how to bring the laughter"

Anita, yes I meant Carlos, not Pedro. Thank you - I sometimes get confused, especially with names.

Nava seems quite conceited, not a turn on. At least to me. Hoping to see a different side.

"Emilio is what...schizophrenic or just a nervous nelly? Mixed with a very bad
Dose of alcohol? Also mixed with some paranoia. Who would want to kill him?
That would be a waste of perfectly good Amo". Nina, just a few reasons why I love your comments.

Karen, I am so happy you are back! It's been far too long...


Nina, your comments are so funny and always a delight to read! Thanks :)


Ria: I feel awful for Paulina, who's going through an EPIC Hell right now:

1.) Being threatened by Manuel, Paola & Teresa, who threaten to kill Paulina's family & friends in Colombia.

2.) Manuel using the intimidation tactic non-stop, in order to get our gullible twin in line.

3.) Surviving an assassination attempt at the National Palace.

4.) Kidnapped & Drugged.

Nava is easily going to figure this out!

Finally got a chance to view Friday's episode. Ay, Teresa and Manuel have three dogs. Those little creatures deserve so much better.

Paulina must be blinded by Wilson's thirst for social justice, though I haven't seen that side of him myself. Her poor best friend - after she lowers herself to sleep with him, he can't deliver. Now she's got both shame and all-around feeling stupid.

So Gonzo was both a legit chocolatier and illegit narco arms dealer? Okay.

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