Thursday, October 10, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Y Mañana Será Otro Día…Mejor y Mas - Week of Oct. 7, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 2 for the week! Currently, recaplets are being provided for “Y Mañana Será Otro Día…Mejor” by some very kind and generous recappers. Join us at our little but awesome patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         3 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 25-26

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Continuing conversation from previous page...

I’ve put a nice couch in the patio. JudyB, just lay back and “Tell me about it...tell me aaaall about it.” 🧐😜


This is brief, probably full of mistakes because my Spanish is so bad, plus I don’t have a lot of time to edit this. Please feel free to correct mistakes or add to this recrap. This is not necessarily in order, things have been grouped together for brevity.

Tita tells Diana that she will lose Camilo if she keeps treating him this way.

At Chez Gonzales, Cam & Regi argue over Regi wanting to stay a few days at the Gonzalez’s house. Same-old, same-old. Lather, rinse, repeat. Meh…. but finally Camilo gives in. She can stay.

Nora is bugging Monica about her relationship with Luis. Moni tells her she “quieres” everyone at the office. Well, almost everyone.

Nora asks Luis about the police investigation re: the internet crime. Luis assures her that he is not the perp. Later, Luis tells his sister he is determined to discover just who the internet criminal is. They talk about Nora, and he is convinced he has nothing to offer her. (gah!)

Malicio is trying like mad to erase his tracks on the computer and isn’t sure there is enough time to complete the task.

While Monica is packing, she tells Xi that she is taking a much needed month-long vacation. Later on, she tells Xi that she has been mooning over Camilo for too long and she needs to get herself sorted out. Camilo will miss his secretary, but he won’t miss HER.

Camilo and Rafa talk about his friend Armando getting a job at Media Link, and they talk about Monica. Cam tells him that Monica denied being in love with him (Camilo). Later we learn Armando is definitely coming to see about a job.

Camilo later goes to Moni’s house akd asks ‘what can I do to get you to stay? At least for now? Give you a raise?” Monica tells him this is low season and vacation prices are really good. (LOL) Cam says he will miss her.

Malicio gives Barbi a big bottle of massage oil, tells her they can use it to (ahem) get to “know” each other before the wedding. Barbi says she will put it away and they’ll use it on their honeymoon. Ha!Curses, foiled again! Malicio is not a happy camper, that horndog! He leaves the house, gets into his car, and is ambushed by Paloma, who is waiting in the back seat waiting for him. (Gee, good thing Barbi didn’t go with Mal.) Looks like Paloma will give Mal what he needs.

Laura thinks she can get a temporary job to fill in for Monica while she is gone, with Di’s help, then maybe Camilo will fire Monica when she returns. Di tells her she does not get involved in office stuff.

Nice family scene with Rafa, Barbi, Cris & NIco blowing up balloons for Diana’s homecoming tomorrow.

Monica holds a staff meeting and tells them about her trip, how she has organized everything prior to her departure, and that she will not be taking calls from the office while she is gone.

Looks like Adrian & Manual have made some kind of joint business agreement,,,something about “Marido a domincilo” (???)

Regi goes to yoga class with Maggi and is not doing well with it. She hates it, whines & complains about it, later, to Pablo.
Regi & Pablo talk about “el enmascarado”. During this convo, she doubles over a little bit, like she is in pain. Pablo asks if she is OK. (This might be a red herring, or perhaps a precursor to an imminent miscarriage?)

Monica calls Camilo, she forgot to leave office keys at work, she will come by hospital to drop them off. Down in the parking garage…
Cam: I have another set of keys. This wasn’t necessary
Moni: Yes, well, you never know what might happen
Cam: This isn’t “goodbye” , or is it?
Monica: I really don’t know

Then Moni says now is a good time to do something I always wanted to do, a happy ending to this chapter of my life (ruh-roh!). SHE KISSES CAM ON THE MOUTH!!! And Bouffant Hair Cris sees it all! Cara de impactada on Cris!!! And that’s the end of the episode. And my last mini-recaplet of Mañana.


P. S.

And, of course, Camilo leaned into that kiss!

Ah DORIS...Another stinker of an episode. You and Rgv Chick and yes, this crappy story have convinced me...I'm jumping ship next Monday with y'all. I just did NOT need to see that kiss. And what in the tarnation was she thinking!!!??? Not cool Monica. Just so not cool. I'm sick of these people.

On the Luis/Nora conversation, I think that he told his sister he didn't think he had enough to offer her, not the other way around. But I could be wrong. And honestly, who cares? This story is a dog.

And jeez, what kind of a cousin is Paloma, that while sharing her cousin's room, and family food etc., she looks for opportunities to have sex with cousin's fiancé? I get that she's an equal opportunity flirt and bedmate, but let's draw the line at other people's fiancés. I'm sure there are plenty of single, unattached guys who'd be happy to give her a roll in the hay.

Another unpleasant episode with unpleasant people.

But bless you for doing this. And for your wise, gentle teasing about my stupid idea to continue doing cliffnotes or recaps for this mess.

Nothing quite so wonderful as having wise friends, and you and Rgv Chick certainly are. Tomorrow will be the KissOff Baby! And not like Monica's.


Doris, thank you for this excellent and speedy recap! Anxious to get it done and finished?    :-)

I believe the Adrian & Manuel business is a sort of "rent-a-husband" to do jobs like fixing leaking faucets, replacing light fixtures, etc. Should be a real gold mine!?????

Wow! Regina impressed me! We should send her to negotiate with world leaders, and then we would have at least one intelligent person in the room.

Wow! Monica impressed me! She's still making those dumb sad puppy faces after all this time.

Wow! Monica impressed me! She engineered a big sorta-wet kiss with Camilo before she takes off.

Wow! Fat Guy & Skinny Gal tell me that a recently completed statue of Vicente Fernandez was done by Miguel Angel and is "just OK".

Wow! Pow! Holy Nonsense! I gotta stop reading these old Batman comic books.



Doris, you did very well! Thank you! I just love how you make the misery so much entertaining.

"Cam & Regi argue over Regi wanting to stay a few days at the Gonzalez’s house. Same-old, same-old. Lather, rinse, repeat. Meh…. but finally Camilo gives in. She can stay." Yeah, he agreed that she can stay FOR A FEW DAYS, but Mag wants her to stay forever..and she doesn't give a hoot about what Diana will say. And they played that eerie music as she and Regi walked off to the yoga class. So is she going to go "Lifetime" or something? Do we care?

"Barbi says she will put it (the massage oil) away and they’ll use it on their honeymoon. Ha!Curses, foiled again! Malicio is not a happy camper, that horndog!" Doncha just love how Barbi cools him down? better than a bucket of ice!

"Looks like Adrian & Manual have made some kind of joint business agreement,,,something about “Marido a domicilio” (???) Yes, since Adrian seems to be pretty handy with just about everything, Manny wants to set up a business and wants to call it "Marido a Domicilio" which is "Husband for the Home" so that he can be hired to do whatever chores a husband should do...but doesn't.

I think that kiss was a really bad move. Even if Cris hadn't happened along, Monica might as well have turned in her resignation...BAD, BAD writing!

JudyB and Andy, I was writing while you all posted.

YAY!! JudyB is moving on! Bring out the ice coolers, candy and chips!

Andy, Thanks for the good laugh! Aww you brought back some good memories with the Batman comic books :-)

MAÑANA (& Hijas)

Oy, caray! Problems!

I have looked at some info on "Hijas" and it doesn't appeal to me. However, I have been so wrong so often and so repeatedly that I will check it out for a short while. I figure that a story about four grown daughters has to at least have a certain amount of eye candy.
But I am recording and watching two TNs already (Mañana & El Hotel de los Secretos). Hotel is excellent. Mañana is bizarre but colorful and so far no murder, rape, infanticide, kidnapping, arson, narco trafficking, human trafficking, etc., etc. Just stupidity.

I have online subscriptions to two different newspapers and occasionally read others, so I already get all the politics, idiocy in high places, murder, rape, infanticide, kidnapping, arson, narco trafficking, human trafficking, idiocy in high places, politics, dumb politics, dumb and dumber politics, etc., etc., that I can stand.

Any TN with any of these has a much higher bar to clear, and two TNs is really my limit; I have enough trouble making sense of two. But I will watch three TNs for a week or a few days and then drop at least one. It won't be Hotel.


In any case I will be with you guys, or will check in with you guys periodically. Your insights and conversation are too great and too much fun to do without completely.



Thanks for that shoutout to the Batman comics Andy.

And Rgv Chick, the Marido a Domicilio reminds me of when I would be shoveling our driveway out...all alone...and resenting that my husband didn't help. I finally decided that the resentment was doing me more harm than the solo work, so instead I started saying "God I want a husband who helps me with the snow shoveling". Kept saying it to myself and suddenly heard this big rumbling in the distance.

Along came two husbands with snowblowers to help me! They weren't MY husband but they were husbands! Got a good laugh out of it, along with some terrific help.

God has a sense of humor. And a nice way of getting us to put aside rancor and resentment.

Thank you, Doris.

I realize that recapping this show is worse than getting a foot canal. Thanks to everyone who stuck with this disaster for so !ong.

Has there ever so many despicable, unLikable characters one show along with storylines that make no sense.
HOwever, as someone dealing with a lot of household jobs that I have never done before, the rent- a- husband idea is a good one.

Judy - yay! that you will give Hijas a try. If it's a bust and we decamp back to Mañana, chances are that the plot will not have progressed very far.
What have we got to lose? Eh, not much. De veras.

doris, this was so much fun.

"Same-old, same-old. Lather, rinse, repeat. Meh" made me smile...

"Camilo will miss his secretary, but he won’t miss HER". Too bad Monica didn't keep that thought in her head. Sorry but worse than her kissing Cam was that he "leaned in". Apparently he cannot separate business from personal.

"Wow! Pow! Holy Nonsense!" :) Andy...

I think you've all made the right decision. Some sinking ships just aren't worth saving.

Judy, look forward to your "KissOff".



Judy, hadn't refreshed my page so missed some comments. Love your story!

Susanlynn, I'm all for the rent-a-hub idea.

I might follow you all on hijas. I'm getting used to commenting on stories I haven't even seen. :)


Diana -LOL. Please join us at the Hijas table on the Patio, even if you cannot watch. This is a remake of the Colombian telenovela Las Juanas.

I've quit watching this mess and also skimped on reading comments. Sounds like the patio is emptying out fast. Thanks for the recaplets and comments. Maybe I'll find another one to watch soon.


Part 1

Fortunately, I only lost the first 12 minutes. So I don't know what happened after that awful kiss between Camilo and Monica. But from what I saw later, Cristobal clearly decided this was another good reason to get blind drunk. That seems to be his go to reaction for every hiccup in life.

So what was going on when I actually walked in the door and turned on the TV? Another ugly, stupid scene of Diana (now home) berating her husband for "letting her family fall apart" during the three days she was in the hospital. Cristobal gone, Regina at the Gonzalez household, IT'S ALL HIS FAULT! And how can she deal with the specter of death when it's obvious that he cannot keep their family together. Let's up the ante even more, shall we? If Regina stays at the Gonzalez, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU! And now pulls out another Martyr Card--all I want to do is run after my daughter and bring her home, but I can't. I'm too weak and vulnerable. (Doesn't matter that Camilo went there and tried to talk Regina into coming back. Without success)

Camilo asks her not to exclude him If she wants them to be a couple, as they were, rather than pretending [fingir]that's fine. Or does she want them to separate? She refuses to answer, maintaining that she's so overwhelmed by her illness and his failure to keep the family together that she can't make a decision.

He's has enough. I said when we married, that I do anything to make you happy. But you're clearly not happy with me any longer. I'll leave. But please do me the favor of not portraying me as garbage [basura] to the kids when you explain my absence.

Ugh. Just so ugly and unnecessary. How are we supposed to feel any sympathy for this people?

The only other event of this segment (minus the first 12 minutes) was Mauricio trying to talk determinably virginal Barbi into scheduling the wedding early. She points out it's a terrible time, given all the tension in the household. But he points out that it's a great time because it would solidify his position at MediaLink and protect him from being shoved aside by Rafa.


Part 2

The family (minus Regina and Cristobal) are gathered at the table and sees Camilo trailing down the stairs lugging a suitcase. Yep, he's going to the hotel for a few days to give their mother the peace and quiet she wants. He starts to hand Barbi some grocery money but she throws it back in his face. "How can you leave Mom and us to face this alone when we need you the most!?"

Camilo explains that Diana doesn't want him here. Adrian promises support [apoyo]and will let him know if he hears anything from Cristobal. Rafa does more than that, he runs after his dad, asks him "if this has anything to do with Monica?". Gets a negative. And then insists that Camilo stay at his apartment rather than going to a hotel, handing over the keys for good measure.

Adorable Nico is with his mom wanting the 411 on why Dad's leaving. Diana assures him Dad just "needs a few days off. Nico: "But he's coming back, right?" Martyred look from Diana. So Barbi jumps in and says "Yes, he's coming back and everything will be just like it was before." More martyred silence from Diana. (Boy, don't expect me to EVER buy any Cicatricure!)

Other than that, we have a stupid riff about San Antonio being upside down in Monica's packed and unpacked suitcase. And then a magic spell [hechizo] that hyper Ximena found on the internet. Supposedly it will ensure that your memory will follow your loved one everywhere and he will come back to you and marry you. Why it was so successful with one of Ximena's friends, that not only did she get married, she had twins! Monica says no to the twins, but clearly is still hankering after her married boss. And the feel of his lips still lingers on hers. (ugh)

Well, the half-baked spell seems to be working in a half-baked way. Camilo calls Monica. But instead of saying what he wants to say (and I don't even want to imagine what that is) he simply wishes her a good trip.


Part 3

Paloma is persuading Mauricio to sign up for another night of Brazilian style passion. He's circumspect enough to insist they leave separately, but they will join up at a café a few blocks from there. Another disgusting couple. Jeez.

Pablo is still talking ecology and animal protection rights with Regina. Now they're quite cute together, but not sure how that pairing could actually work out. For one thing, she's only 17! And having disturbing, alarming cramping. Still a possibility that this little gal might miscarry, I would think.

Tita, meanwhile, is on the warpath, with Chabela scrambling along right behind. Granny is going to give the Gonzalez a drubbing for letting Regina stay at their home. And will insist that the letter Regina wrote and asked Adrian to give to her mom (probably happened in those missing 12 minutes) will be handed to Diana personally. By Regina herself! But first, the hapless hospitality couple will be in for a good verbal thrashing by Head Proctor Tita.

Ximena gets a call from Rafa and borrows Monica's car to go meet him.

Meanwhile Adrian and Laura are conferring in the kitchen about how they're going to keep the Family Ship a-float, now that Camilo has left. Laura blames it all on "esa" (Monica) but also blames Diana for sending Camilo off, rather than holding on to him.

Ugh. Another scene with Monica, looking at old Christmas office party photos and wishing that Camilo "knew her feelings". This is just So. Messed. Up.

And irony of irony: Diana is reading an old story of hers to Nico about how you don't look for happiness outside of you. It's been inside you all the time. (Really Diana? Haven't seen much evidence of that Wisdom lately)

Nico has his own version of Wisdom. Will you let me go with Papi on his "vacation"? Another martyred look from Diana. (Watch out lady. If you keep doing that, your face will freeze that way.)


Part 4

Even the soundtrack to this is stupid and annoying. And one of those dumb songs is playing when Camilo walks into Rafa's apartment, looking lonely and bereft.

Diana is refusing the juice she's supposed to drink. Barbi is insisting. And tells her that Adrian has heard from Cristobal and he's on his way back home. So now we see Diana remembering tender moments when she and Camilo looked at old videos and photos of their happy times as a couple. More martyrdom, long-suffering looks. Barbi can't believe that this perfect couple has come apart. Diana assures her that they are not perfect: they have highs and lows and crises like any married couple. "But you DO love him, don't you Mom?" Another martyred silence from Diana. (Soooo glad this is my last recap ever of this dreck!) However, Barbi does get her to recall how they met and fell in love in the univsersity library. (Actually Diana had been tracking him around campus before then.) And Di adds, that yes, we women have our little "trucos" [tricks] for snagging men, and perhaps I'll have a "truco" for getting your father back. (yeah, like not yelling at him and pushing him away for instance!)

Paloma and Mau are walking through the park while various guys ogle Paloma's 10-mile legs. She's wondering why he's marrying Barbi if he's hot for her.

Ximena is letting Rafa know that Mauricio thinks he's a scam artist [estafador] and asked her to spy on him.

Monica is hugging her teddy bear and remembering the kiss she and Camilo shared.

There's a knock at the door. Is it Camilo? Nopis. It's disgusting drunk Cristobal. Who collapses on her couch and tells her the troubles in his family ARE ALL YOUR FAULT. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

And there we have it. Farewell. Good-bye. Auf Wiedersehen. Adios. It. Has. Not. Been. Fun. (But we do like Nico) And the Petite Patio.


Judy, you took one final bullet for the Patio, and now it is behind you. Too funny that even your DVR went on strike and refused to record this episode. I did. It even bother to record nor watch. Maybe Univision will accelerate this one, or even pull it. Who knows? Who cares? It turned out to be a major disappointment. Here's to hoping Hijas de la Luna will deliver! 🍷

Well, clearly I failed to proof read my post. Ack. "I did not even bother to record....." is what I meant to type.

In other news, our heat wave is over and our drought has ended. More seasonal weather will arrive tonight. Autumn has arrived.


Judy, thank for taking yet another one for the (now rather small) team. Too bad your DVR didn't cooperate, I was kinda expecting a title of your last recap of this turkey to be something like "Free at last! Free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"


Also too bad it wasn't Nico who spotted Camilo and Monica kissing. A new toy or two and the kid keeps quiet.

Gotta run...


Judy, even in spite of technical difficulties, you soldiered on and gave this dreadful dreck a eulogy far beyond what it deserved.

"More martyred silence from Diana. (Boy, don't expect me to EVER buy any Cicatricure!)" made me laugh - thank you!

But I have to say "Camilo calls Monica. But instead of saying what he wants to say (and I don't even want to imagine what that is)" was very disturbing. What on earth is wrong with these people?

Fabulous vocabulary throughout with "trucos" [tricks]" being my favorite.

"Another martyred look from Diana. (Watch out lady. If you keep doing that, your face will freeze that way)" HA!

As much as I enjoyed everyone's recaps and comments, I will not miss this putrid storyline. And to be honest? I could care less about how it turns out.

Far too much talent and wit to be wasted on this. Glad you all are moving on. RIP MAÑANA.

Judy, again, a sensational send off.


Hello muy petite Patio of Doris, Andy and Diana. Who knew that DVR's were prescient and could record the hostile vibes of one of the viewers in the house? Kind of scary when you think about it. But no scarier than this wretched show and the writers and producers who decided to inflict it on us in the afternoons.

Above all, I want to thank my Tough Love Therapists Doris and Rgv Chick for making me let go of this "volunteer work". And Andy for making us all laugh with his outrageous justification for men watching women wrestling. That will remain a sweet memory. And for Diana who doesn't watch this, but would carefully read everyone's recaps and find things to praise in the writing. What a sweetheart.

And to Nina and Susanlynn who would check in occasionally and cheer us on. But time to pull the shades, turn out the light and try and forget we ever wasted a single minute on this. And it wasn't a total waste. It was in Spanish! Don't forget! And we're all about keeping our español skills up to snuff.

Oh and Doris, don't worry about those typos. I have those in every recap and alas, only notice them after I've posted each section and can't correct. Hope no one is reading this to improve their English! Well...I'm pretty sure no one is reading these. Nor watching.

"And Andy for making us all laugh with his outrageous justification for men watching women wrestling."
Isn't that the truth!?! LOL. Reminds me of The Man Show (when Jimmy Kimmel was co-host) where they lived to see girls in short skirts jumping on trampolines.

Ah yes, Doris,as far as our dear menfolk go, there may be some truth to the oft-quoted telenovela jibe, "cortados con las misma tijera". Anyway, a lovely weekend awaits me, knowing that Mañana is behind me!

Judy, once I made the decision to stop watching, it was like dropping a 50-lb suitcase and walking away. Relief!

So it seems that y'all are jumping ship on this "dying wife lookin for a replacement for hubby story disaster".

I tried I really did but it didn't do it for me. I wish yall had given the
7:00 "Amor Eterno" a chance, it really
Really is a good one. I would have love to hear the snark comin from yall About that one. Plus the eye candy is
Yummy to look at. But I digress.

I'm gonna go back and read this last recap, maybe say a few things and then check out of "tomorrow was a bad day". That should have been the name of it.
The recaps for this one was good, you
Guys whipped it into shape, with what you had to work with. So coodos to all of yall for tryin to make the pig with the ear so you could make it into a silk purse.

Happy weekend yall♡

Ok I've read the recap. Only your recapping skills helped make it worth
Reading it.

What so aggravating about thiz show is
The supposedly cancerous wife tryin to
Fix up hubby with a replacement. And she pushes him away when it looks like
She don't have that dreaded disease.
The kids are selfish(not precious lil Nico) the big stupid people.

As bad as this may sound maybe if the
Miscarriage does happen it could be a blessing in disguise. No more children
Should be subjected to that family.
Diana has a martyrdom complex. She is
Suppose to be dying and nothing is the
Way it should be in her eyes.

These People are depressing.Were those
Writters drunk when they were writing
This disaster? Is this a remake from the past? Don't matter. Im over. It.

Is cristobel of school age? Where does he get the booze to get pickled? Don't care. AA is available.

Thank you JudyB. Yall enjoy your week end.

It was a recap from the past Nina...I think the original story was Chilean. Anyway, it should never have been resurrected. It was simply horrible. And I was able to look ahead to some later chapters, and in my opinion it gets even worse. Repugnant storyline in every way.

Evidently one of our Dragón recappers, Esther, has seen the whole thing. For me, I feel greatly relieved that I don't have to follow any more of this horrible story.

But...Individual my husband likes to say. Somebody MUST have liked this. Just not our group.

For a story to work, you have to like the protagonists. I don't think any of us liked Monica, Diana or Camilo. Those characters, as written, were simply too off-putting. Without empathy and a deep desire to see these people, as portrayed, achieve their goals, you just have nothing to root for or connect with.

Nico was cute. The you said...better forgotten.

Thanks for stopping by Nina. We're going to watch the 3 pm replacement starting this week. Hopefully it will be good. In the meantime, this dog is being moved to 2 pm.

I'll be watchin"General Hospital"at 2.
Or at.

Work. ^^^^

Judyb, I think you made a good decision. Why would we want to keep watching an hour-long show that none of us like and which has shown no sign of improving? Sometimes the right thing to do is just NOT do it...just say NO...surrender...give up. When the going gets tough, tough get going to a new sbow. I am looking forward to seeing Michelle and Cynthia in the next show moving into The 3.00 time slot. By letting this disappointing show go, we are possibly going to make way for something better....and the bar has been set very low.


Susanlynn - "....and the bar has been set very low". I agree. At this point, I would rather watch a Mejía production....and I swore off him 😳 after Triunfo de Amor. 😜

Can someone tell me the name of the new tn with Michelle Renard that is coming into the 3 p.m. Time slot and when it will start ? Thanks.

Susanlynn - it is the one we are going to watch, Hijas de la Luna.

JudyB, I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend; your certainly deserve it. How you were able to weave gold out of moldy straw for the past few weeks is beyond me. Diana said it best, "you soldiered on and gave this dreadful dreck a eulogy far beyond what it deserved." Thank you for making our days bright with your snarktastic talent.

I do hope that "Hijas de la Luna" is a better option. I had said that Cynthia Klitbo was going to be playing Michelle Renaud's mother, but I was mistaken, cynthia will be starring as the wife of Michelle's bio dad. Here are some of the main characters:

Michelle Renaud as Juana Victoria Ramírez Nieto whose mother tells her who her real father is on her death bed.

Danilo Carrera as Sebastián Oropeza, half-brother of all the Juanas. He is into water sports so we may see some skin...hehehe

Jade Fraser as Juana Soledad García (remember Linda on MMTF) who grew up in an orphanage after her mother died. She is studying to be a nurse and is a Tarot card reader.

Geraldine Galván as Juana Inés Bautista, a young, sweet girl whose mother abandoned her at a convent where she grew up.

Lorena Graniewicz as Juana Bárbara Treviño who is not a happy camper and is into boxing.

Omar Fierro as Juan Oropeza as the father of all and hotel owner who had children from four different women in four different states...the man did get around, didn't he?

Cynthia Klitbo as Leonora Ruíz de Oropeza, the evil stepmother. I'm sure she'll be BAAAD!


Thanks for the "prep" RGV CHICK on what is, hopefully, an enjoyable replacement for the dreadful Mañana Sera un Dia Mejor. I looked ahead on Mañana and it does not get gets worse. Didn't think it was possible, but....

Crossing my fingers for this one. Do we want to do a team recap? Or just coast and answer questions when people are baffled.


Judy, I might be able to do one recap for the team, but I cannot promise any set day of the week.

In looking at the Wikipedia page for Hijas. Alejandra Barros, ur "Diana" in Mañana is "Rosaura" in Hijas, and she really does get to die in this one. LOL

That's cool Doris. I'm out of town this Friday and Monday a week from today, so those are two days I would need a teammate to step up.

Ah so Alejandra Barros really gets to die. Well, she has annoyed me so much in Mañana, I hope her part in this one is a short one! Not really fair. But it's like that actor who played the wicked usurper son in Alborada. Forever afterwards I could never seen him as other than a wretched villain. And he hasn't had many roles since.

Put up some cliffnotes for the Hijas opener. If I do any on Wednesday, they will be late as I have an afternoon commitment.

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