Friday, October 04, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 14 - Woe is Paola. And Arcadia. But Paulina is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Tearful mother-daughter reunion quickly turns into accusations of abandonment. Olga finally tells the story we’ve been waiting to find out: Paola was born needing a surgery and Olga did not have money for it. She was also sick - same mysterious ailment she has now, which was exacerbated after the delivery. She looked for help, but didn’t find any, and so had no choice but to give Paola up for adoption. 

Paola tells Olga a sad story of her life: gambling addict mother, dead father. Then she asks if Olga ever looked for her. Olga says she looked and thought about her every day, but no one gave her any information about this (apparently closed) adoption. But she will make up all the love she didn’t give to her in childhood, but she needs to ask Paola a question: if Paola is here, where is Paulina? Paola’s eyes flash like little daggers. Paulina, she says, is doing great and enjoying life, occupying Paola’s place. Paola confesses she is the First Lady of Mexico and, pathological liar that she is, tells a story that they changed places, so that Paola can meet her mother. Olga’s mother’s love must indeed have no bounds, as she buys that story, though wisely points out that impersonating someone else is a crime. She wants to talk to Paulina, but Paola now says that there is no way to communicate with a Presidential residence in Mexico. (Makes sense, since everyone knows Mexican president lives at the top of a dormant volcano, and so no surprises Olga believes her again.) Next batch of news from volcano will arrive in two weeks, according to Paola, so that’s when she promises Olga phone time with Paulina. Also Wilson comes and exits, noting that everyone is very quiet (took him his sweet time to catch the hint though). 

Gema is discussing with Nava the possibility of coming back and working for Carlos. Nava wisely points out that she wants to be with him in a capacity different from the political assistant. Gema got involved, thinking the divorce is inevitable, but she knows him well and is now sure he will try to save his family. Nava says nothing. Later in the episode Carlos comes to see Gema and asks her to return, but she declines and they part ways in a very awkward scene. 

And speaking of Carlos, he is finding himself in a very peculiar situation. The American ambassador and his wife are coming over for dinner the next day to discuss some super important political things, and Gema, who would have ordinarily taken care of all the details, has resigned! Since the production of this novela did not spend money on any extras, this piece of news is brought directly to Carlos, and the President of Mexico is asked by one of his assistants to take care of the dinner plans. Well, Carlos panics (and makes a mental note to ask the director about their casting budget before he agrees to a role next time) and quickly calls our world’s best compartmentalizer – Paulina. He asks if she couldn’t organize this dinner, and she happily agrees (which makes sense too – not like anything else is on her mind, she may as well keep busy and relax). 

Right then Arcadia shows up with Lisette (who really should have stopped her makeover several shades of highlights and eyeshadow ago). Paulina is surprised and questions if that’s appropriate for a girl her age, but is overruled on account of the fact that everyone dresses and paints their face that way now, and she is the daughter of the President, so has to look her part. Lis departs and Arcadia gets Paulina to loan her some money for her debts. Paulina does, but decides to go with Arcadia for a walk. 

They end up at a restaurant, where Arcadia also regales with the story of her terrible, tough, no good period in life, when Paola’s father died and Arcadia was left all alone. The only thing that saved her was spending all her money, living abroad for years, until she couldn’t any more. Who cared for Paola, you ask? Well, the nannies of course, although it’s a miracle they didn’t run away, because she was such a difficult child. 

Manuel is playing the regular role of his life: holding a punching bag while Teresa exercises. She is unhappy Paulina is no longer at the mental institution and still wants to leave the country. But Manuel dramatically says that life for him has no meaning without Paola. He manages to survive though at least long enough to report to the Presidential mansion, while everyone is having dinner, and be welcomed on his return. 

After dinner Paulina tries to convince Carlos that she needs to go to Colombia tomorrow. She has all of these printouts of meeting plans arranged to show him. (Thus we can conclude that she is either very attentive to detail and has all her bases covered, or she really is combining fun and business, so we should amend her title to efficient compartmentalizer. Carlos is leaning towards not letting her go (and I am not sure why she needs his permission. Paola was traveling around everywhere, so Paulina could just say she wanted to visit Colombia without the kids pretext.) 

When she leaves, he calls the doctor, and Paulina meanwhile sends Monse to Carlos’s office to collect the itinerary she left, so that Manuel doesn’t see it. Their goal is to keep her upcoming trip secret from Manuel at all cost (she, of course, doesn’t know that he believes Paola is dead). Nava calls her secret cell phone and they discuss “their” trip to Colombia, while emitting all kinds of tender sighs, when Carlos walks in and overhears. He is surprised, but quickly jumps to the good news he brought – the doctor gave his approval for the trip. Paulina’s joy has no bounds.  

Lis is taking selfies of her new look and posts them online. Diego phones to tell her she looked better without all this make up, but – coached by Arcadia – Lis replies that Diego is beneath her, so she is not interested in his opinion. 

Back in Colombia, Andrea comes to see Paola and, in between repeating her apologies, also tells her Wilson has been stealing from the foundation. Paola looks rather pleased by that development. She sends Andrea away and embarks on a shopping spree with Wilson. Olga is surprised, as she thought they would continue bonding. (Anyone catch that Olga called her “Paola” in the presence of Wilson, as they were leaving for the store?). Later they both stop by the foundation, where Paola fires Andrea. With that accomplished, Paola sleeps with Wilson for his troubles, and his mind is blown by her newly acquired (it seems to him) skills. Paola asks if he is such an idiot that he thought she was Paulina. Now Wilson’s head is definitely about to explode with this plethora of information. 

Pascual finally got his paws on Nava’s videos, so of course the first thing he does is he discusses it loudly for anyone to overhear, and Manuel – happily for him – does! This information quickly cascades from Manuel to Paulina to Nava, and the latter instructs Paulina to distract Pascual, while he gets Irene’s hacker to erase the videos. This operation is a success, though Pascual is not happy with this development and knows just who to blame. He marches straight to Carlos and spills the beans. Carlos, still peeved from overhearing Nava chat to Paulina in the morning, just needs an excuse. He readies his yelling voice and goes full steam ahead, when Nava shows up: why did Nava erase the videos and what does he have to do with his wife? Nava tries to deny both and gets punched in the gut. That concludes Carlos’s agenda for the day and off to the dinner with the ambassador he goes!

But before we talk about that, let’s mention Piedad for a second. She is another one of our brilliant characters with excellent lines. For several episodes in a row now she delights us with her sarcastic veiled references to Arcadia. Today, while observing Arcadia swoon over the newly made up and completely changed Lis, Piedad commented that she needs to go check on her plants, as it’s important to keep them away from diseases, lest they catch them too. Sadly it all went way over Lis’s freshly dyed head, especially since she caught the attention of some super cool dude at school, who is from the rich family. Arcadia insists Lis invites him over to dinner with the ambassador, which she does. However during the dinner Paulina overhears him talk on the phone that he made a bet to sleep with Lis that same night (and he already tried to invite himself to Lis’s bedroom). Paulina tells this to Lis and encourages her to do the right thing and value herself. Then Paulina leaves and goes about her hostess business….because it is certainly what anyone would do when they find out their teenager may or may not sleep with a creepy dude in their own house tonight. Thankfully for all, Lis does make the right choice, but wow, Paulina – close call! 

Other than this, the dinner with the ambassador goes great, despite Arcadia (whose version of mothering involves actively trying to undermine her daughter), and even despite a shaken up Emilio showing up in the middle of the dinner, who Paulina covers for. Emilio, it turns out, went to submit an application to a music college and met a girl. They went out for a bite, and under some peer pressure he had half a beer, panicked and ran away, while the girl was getting another drink.  

But the dinner again goes so great that Carlos begins to reminisce once more about the old times, and what great team he and “Paola” make. As Paulina is getting ready for bed, he barges in and jubilantly announces that he decided to accompany her on her Colombian trip! Paulina smiles awkwardly, as she begins to list out potential excuses in her head…. but all of those are to be revealed tomorrow! 


Ria, what a clever title!

Your recap was marvelous! Your wit and wisdom were evident throughout.

It would have been so easy to cut and paste your entire summary. In particular, your descriptive "Paola’s eyes flash like little daggers", "pathological liar that she is" and "our world’s best compartmentalizer – Paulina" were wonderful.

"..the production of this novela did not spend money on any extras, this piece of news is brought directly to Carlos" had me laughing. Oh, so very true.

"Olga’s mother’s love must indeed have no bounds." I underestimated Olga thinking of her as a "good woman". She is far more. A caring and loving mother with good instincts and kindness. Although I would not have reacted quite as manically as Paola, she had every right to ask the question as to why she was given away. But, good answer Olga. I'm not sure even the demonically possessed Paola could find much fault with that.

Arcadia cannot be blamed for who Paola is. Fully. But she does bear some culpability for neglecting her child and leaving her to fend for herself. When Olga hugged Paola, for a few fleeting seconds, it appeared as though Paola was drinking in real love and affection for perhaps the first time in her life.

I cannot tell you how important your dialog translations are Ria. I struggled with much last night and did not understand that Paola was told Wilson was stealing. I couldn't fathom the shopping spree (why Wilson had any money and why Paola slept with Wilson but I suppose it is her intention to rob the foundation blind (if there is anything still to steal).

I had to laugh that the wife of the US Ambassador was preening while the pictures were taken. Paulina, looking lovely, had no need to do so.

I couldn't follow the dialog but it seemed that Emilio's lunch companion was pressuring him to drink. Glad he got up and left...

Apparently no one noticed Manuel has left the land of the living and is now a zombie. If looks could kill, Paulina would have been roasting on a spit...

"Lisette (who really should have stopped her makeover several shades of highlights and eyeshadow ago)" was perfect. She was very fortunate to be forewarned by Paulina and avert disaster.

Although Paulina has managed to dodge (and heal from) several bullets thus far, I'm not sure how she will relieve herself of Carlos who seems hell bent on recapturing something he really never had. With another woman!

Ria, my thanks and admiration for crafting yet another superb recap after working. Again, I miss so much and your recaps always explain the events perfectly.


Ria, thanks for the wonderful recap. Your commentary has me chuckling this morning.

Diana, great comment “Although Paulina has managed to dodge (and heal from) several bullets thus far, I’m not sure how she will relieve herself of Carlis who seems hell bent on recapturing something he really never had. With another woman!” He is clearly falling in love with his “Paola” all over again. He sure has his spidey sense going when it comes to Nava and possible interest in his “wife.”

So, now we know part of why Paola is like she is: being left with nannies because stepmom Arcadia could “cure her heart” ONLY in Paris for two to three years (!) after the death of her husband.

At least Lis had a character/confidence building moment. I felt sorry for Emilio being tested so soon but it truly is “one day at a time.”

It looks like Wilson is in for one real wild ride.

Things could get interesting in Colombia.


RIA, your reign as Titlemeister continues. Wow. And your description of Paola was perfect when you wrote "eyes flash like little daggers". I saw this actress in a telenovela years ago where she seemed wooden and uncomfortable. I really think that she is doing a great job now in this dual role.

The dinner? breakfast? with Olga was interesting. This poor woman has multiple sclerosis. Yet she's doing all the cooking? And neither Wilson nor Paola cleared their plates! So them she has to stagger off to the kitchen and wash up the dishes. C'mom selfish, oversexed people! Still, I'll give nasty Paola credit for paying off Wilson in just the kind of bonus he could enjoy thoroughly. The wicked lass gives value for money. In his and her world anyway.

As for the official diplomatic dinner, like my friend Diana, I laughed at the fashion preening that was going on by the American ambassador's wife and wondered, never mind.

And liked your observation about Arcadia (whose version of mothering involves actively trying to undermine her daughter). What a wretched character. Although again, well played by one of my favorite actors.

Was horrified by the tarting up of Lis. And very relieved that she was spared a cynical deflowering by the high society scumball she invited to the dinner.

Don't care if all these developments and changes are unbelievable or incongruous. Just enjoying a quickly moving Adult Fairytale. And the excellent recaps. Thank you Ria.

Thanks for the recap, Ria; and I agree with everyone, your title is perfect!

I'm still in disbelief that a woman as cold and vicious as Paola would shed real tears or be moved by meeting her mother...but it's just a show :-) I still fear for Olga.

Wilson is getting what he deserves. Jarifa, I am going to enjoy seeing him getting thrown by this filly.

Diana, "Lisette (who really should have stopped her makeover several shades of highlights and eyeshadow ago) was perfect." And your comment is perfect too! I'm not surprised that Arcadia had a hand in this pitiful makeover, but I was surprised to hear Paulina tell her that she looked pretty. And like JudyB, "...very relieved that she was spared a cynical deflowering by the high society scumball she invited to the dinner."


Ria, thank you for another fun ride and your best title ever, in my opinion . I now think of your fast, fun, furious recaps as Ria's Wild Ride . Wheeeeeee. A bright spot in my days. A mini vacation from harsh reality. Thanks so much for all the time , talent, and effort you are devoting to bring us These wonderful recaps. I'm very appreciative.

These people this keep stirring the pot.

After a gray , rainy, chilly day here yesterday, we now have sunshine but still breezy and chilly. I guess I have to accept that fall has arrived. In am already starting to cocoon as a bad anniversary approaches on Sunday.

Chickie, I got an odd feeling last night as Olga was talking to Paola. Could Paola actually harm or even kill her own mother ?

Thanks, Ria. All the key details with spicy snark and wit. Love it. My faves:

Since the production of this novela did not spend money on any extras, this piece of news is brought directly to Carlos, and the President of Mexico is asked by one of his assistants to take care of the dinner plans.

Nava tries to deny both and gets punched in the gut. That concludes Carlos’s agenda for the day and off to the dinner with the ambassador he goes!

Olga’s story. Too impoverished and downtrodden to keep both babies, I believe. But Arcadia adopting a sickly baby, and from Colombia? My crackpot theory is that Arcadia married well moneywise but needed to produce a child to stay in but couldn’t so went the blackmarket route and pretended to all, including her husband, that she gave birth to Paola.

Diego phones to tell her she looked better without all this make up,

Yay! Diego proved he is a keeper, if he can rid himself of his uncle.

Diana, your comment was spot-on: "Carlos who seems hell bent on recapturing something he really never had. With another woman!" That dummy doesn't realize Paola was never caring and sweet like this woman.

Paola got the payoff she wanted when she deigned to bed Wilson: his exclaiming that it had never been like THIS!!! before. Take that, Paulina -- I’m so much better than you are.

Ria: Thank You. Paola still plotting to get rid of Paulina one way or another.

Diana: Does Carlos know that it's Paulina he's talking to ?

Niecie: Wilson is still an IDIOT & did someone say he was stealing $$$$$ ?


RgvChick, ITA about Wilson.

Hello everyone.

Enjoyed every single comment today. What an intelligent, insightful,supportive group.

But my dear Susanlynn, (I ask with great trepidation), is it a year Sunday?

Our hearts and prayers have been with you all the while. And will continue. Spend the day as you wish. Just know that we here on the patio are also here to help you heal and envelop you with support, sympathy and strength. God bless.


Diana, yes..still can't believe it. Still lost.

Oh Susanlynn, sometimes there are just no words...

I will continue to send you prayers for you and yours, for healing and for hope for your still raw pain and loss...


Hi everyone! Busy Friday today, so apologies for popping in late!

Dear Susanlynn, wishing you strength and lots of Caray love and support ahead of a tough anniversary. I marked one of those myself last month (first one too), so my thoughts will definitely be with you on Sunday. I know how much distractions, even little ones, can mean. I am so glad you are here with us and grateful for your company. Much love!

Diana - like everyone I loooved this line: "Carlos who seems hell bent on recapturing something he really never had. With another woman!" So funny and so very true of this very strangely written character! On Emilio: they went out to lunch and the girl ordered two beers. He didn't touch his, so she kept asking him why he didn't drink. He told her it was because the beer warmed up too much. So she gave him the rest of hers and said she will go get another one. He ended up drinking the rest of her beer and when she left to go to the bar, freaked out and ran.

Jarifa - the comment of Wilson being in for a wild ride had me nodding and chuckling! So true - and he doesn't even imagine how wild.

JudyB - oh so true about Olga doing all the housework, while those two rest up. So many incongruencies indeed, but I am with you - it is a fun ride so far. "Adult fairytale" is a wonderful description of it!

Rgv Chick - I also don't know what to make of Paola's semi-transformation. On one hand, tears seem believable, on the other - she continues to lie and cheat. So I am, too, fearful for Olga.

Niecie - Wilson's amazement was actually quite amusing. They both played that scene very well. And yes, Paola did delight in being better in something. Although, you know, it could just be that Wilson is not a prize in bed ;)

Princess Juju - are you out there? If so, we are thinking of you and hope things are going better with all of that mess!!


Excellent recap, Ria! Whoa! Wilson an embezzler? I also picked up on Olga's ms. She said something about having suffered from "sclorosis" for years.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Ria: I KNEW there was something off about Wilson & the embezzling part of this confirmed why I never trusted him.

With 11 episodes left, can the Good Guys (if there are any) save Paulina from danger ?


Ria, thats a real tongue twister of a
Title you got there girlie. I won't try to pronounce it, I just take your word for it,that's exactly what it is,
What you said, Lol.
I'm finally glad t know the back story
of her adoption. A sad story too.

Wilson is a kingsized jackass. What in
Hell did Paulina see in that looser?
Paulina could not have been attracted to that guy, she just wanted sex. She
Probly did all the work. Ok subject is
In need of changing. Pronto!

Now is Carlos gonna make a play for the first/second lady? And why didn't Nava defend himself? This is a very wonky Situation going on here.

I didnt see all of this episode so I'm
Hoping that lis didn't have purple hair or something like that. Whatever it was diego did not approve and she
Could care less. To much makeup looks
Horrid on anybody.

Now whats Wilson gonna do with the new
And improved Paulina?One thing fersher
He ain't gonna want the old one back.

Thank you Ria. This was informative.


Ria, I am sorry for your glad you are here where comfort and caring abound.

Thank you so much for explaining what happened with Emilio. I (mistakenly) thought he told her he had an issue and she was urging him to drink anyway. I'm glad that wasn't the case as I think we might see her again.

"Arcadia married well moneywise but needed to produce a child to stay in but couldn’t so went the blackmarket route and pretended to all, including her husband, that she gave birth to Paola". Wow Niecie - very, very good. That sounds very plausible to me!

Rgv Chick, I'm hoping that there is a tiny shred of humanity in Paola and that her tears with her mother were really genuine. I sort of thought Olga was out of danger. But you and others think she is in jeopardy. Oh dear, I hope not!

In contrast, "Arcadia (whose version of mothering involves actively trying to undermine her daughter)". How sadly true Judy!

Jaifa, "things could get interesting in Columbia". Absolutely! :)

SpanProf, thanks for the info on Olga...

"Now whats Wilson gonna do with the new And improved Paulina?One thing fersher
He ain't gonna want the old one back". Oh


Susanlynn, the first year is the hardest and the first anniversary is the ruffest, Especially around the holidays. Im Sending you love girl. Ur not on this journey along. The patio got your back baby.

SUSANLYNN...Sadly, every day is an "anniversary" when we are grieving the loss of a dear one. But if you are still here, heartbroken though you are, it's because the world still needs your warmth and wisdom. And the Patio at CarayCaray loves you, and looks forward to each dear, funny comment that you make. Or each treasured memory that you share. You are loved.

Thanks, all.

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