Monday, October 07, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 16 - Romance on steroids develops multiple personality

We are officially less than 10 episodes from the finale, guys. Put your seat belts on, because this one had some sharp turns! 

Despite Paola’s efforts to run out and catch Olga, the latter did make it to meet Paulina. They rehash some of the same old: Paulina is happy at the house with this family, who all thinks she belongs there. Paulina always wanted a family, so Olga is happy for her. Olga thinks this is destiny sending her Paola, so that she could give her the love she couldn’t give previously. She needs some time with her and doesn’t believe Paola is bad. Love will save her, says Olga.

Meanwhile Paola has been dragged by Nava to – what appears to be – a hotel room. (Begging the question – how long was he dragging her up the stairs, and how far do those stairs go??) He keeps her there, fending her provocations, until Paulina calls. He tells Paulina he completed the task they agreed to, and she is to hurry to meet him at once with her mother. While Paulina is on her way,  Paola continues trying to incite something in Nava and eventually he has to handcuff her. When Olga and Paulina arrive, Paola immediately begins to cry and beg to be freed from the handcuffs. Olga demands Nava uncuff her and he obliges, remarking that this is a terrible idea. Olga asks to be left alone with her daughters. 

The conversation goes like this (and try to avoid rolling your eyes while remembering it, if you can): Paola is crying that the only thing she wanted was to meet her family, she is not perfect and made many mistakes, but she wants an opportunity with them. Paulina is begging her mother not to believe Paola, but Olga made up her mind about who to believe a long time ago, so she yells at Paulina to shut up and let Paola talk. Olga is not even interested in Paulina’s scar or a story about the psychiatric clinic. She looks very happy that Paola wants to be with her and asks her daughters to promise to make peace with one another. Paola quickly promises, but Paulina – understandably – hesitates. Olga begins to feel faint, so Paulina promises as well to not worry her more. (Starting to really wish for that dose of common sense to hit Olga square in between her eyes right about now…) 

This concludes their heart-to-heart, so they exit. Nava, who has been waiting outside, is surprised to see Paulina letting Paola go. He is not prepared to get on board with that plan, so he pulls a gun out to try and keep Paola. Paulina asks him to put the gun down and Olga tells him it’s family business. Olga and Paulina say their good-byes (Olga is almost hurrying up with her super quick blessing of Paulina to get this over with) and Paola exits on Olga’s arm, looking triumphantly.

Nava is upset – how could Paulina let this happen? They had a plan, they needed to catch Paola. Paulina says she did it for her mother. Always great with timing, Carlos calls with dinner plans. When Paulina hangs up, Nava asks her if the reason she let Paola go is because she decided she is happy in her pretend life with Carlos. Paulina denies it and leaves to go meet Carlos at the club. Nava stays behind to spy on Paola and Olga, but gets tired in the evening and calls Pedro to tell him everything has gone to crap, so Nava is off to get drunk. He dutifully comes back to his post the next day though and scares away the evil doctor with a gun, telling him to forget about his money and never to come back again. 

Paulina and Carlos are doing some of their own drinking at the club they are in. She arrives looking upset and decides she needs a drink immediately. She orders a Colombian drink called el chirrinche. (Carlos didn’t know what it was and neither did I. But google to the rescue and it turns out el chirrinche is a fermented honey drink, native to Colombia. That’s why it was honey-colored!) They talk about something and laugh the way drunk people do. Paulina decides they need to dance, so they get out on to the dance floor and eventually start making out. (In addition to this coming out of the left field, once again – where is the security detail?). They finally make their way back to the hotel, but Paulina quickly falls asleep, no doubt foiling Carlos’s plans of continuing these marriage counseling endeavors. 

Earlier in the episode Diego and Lis were sending each other cute messages and photos, and finally Diego asked Lis if they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Lis pondered that for a good part of the episode, but decided that yes, they are. Diego was over the moon. While they were sending these photos though, Lis also sent him some photos of herself with her shirt off (but still wearing a bra and pants). Diego quickly called her to ask to delete those photos “just in case”, but Molina already downloaded them off of one of their phones. Molina ended up selling those to Fanjul, and they appeared in the morning issue of the gossip column with the title of “Intimate photos of the daughter of the President”. (Intimate is a bit of a stretch from those photos, but we strap the beanie on and imagine that they were.) In any case everybody panics. Emilio finds out and calls Gema, who immediately calls Pascual ordering him to get his people on the task of buying all the magazine issues that were printed. (Dear Gema, 1980s called from their mobilephones, and they want their crisis resolution strategy back.) 

Gema, by the way, had a busy couple of days. She managed to decline that job offer on account of them wanting her to reveal confidential information. She then opened a rare bottle of wine that she and Carlos were saving for something special, got drunk in the middle of the day and called him with information about Fanjul and his developments (which, apparently, are to be built on a sand bed and could collapse any time). Carlos asked her to come back and work for him again, but she declined and gave him a very sad and almost moving speech of a woman in love. However all stiff Carlos could manage in response was: “I don’t know what to tell you, Gema”. (Really, it’s either that he is so poorly written as a character, or they intended for him to have zero feelings for her. The latter is just lazy scripting.) 

Manuelito decided to come to Colombia to be reunited with Paola, and wrestles his Terrifying sister for the keys to the front door. She locked the front door, you see, so he couldn’t leave. Surprisingly he wins the wrestling match and tells her they stopped being a team when she tried to kill Paola. He leaves and she sobs on the floor. He does get to Bogota and invites himself in to Olga’s house. Paulina is not home, so he sits down and says he will wait. Prior to his arrival, Olga told her friend Tina the truth about Paola, but also told her that she has been feeling badly for a while and knows the end is coming. She gives Tina instructions on what to do after her death. 

Back in Mexico, Lis finds out about the photos and of course assumes it’s Diego. She gets home and swallows a whole bunch of pills. And in Bogota in the meantime, Carlos arrives to tell Paulina about Lis, grabs her by the hand and drags her out saying they must return to Mexico immediately (Is he dragging her all the way to the plane?? We’ll have to wait till tomorrow to find out.)


Ahh Ria. Just wonderful.

Sharp, clear, concise, insightful and witty to boot.

"Dear Gema, 1980s called from their mobilephones, and they want their crisis resolution strategy back" was excellent and my favorite (of many).

"Paulina is happy at the house with this family, who all thinks she belongs there. Paulina always wanted a family, so Olga is happy for her". Color me confused. Does Paulina forget she was forced to assume Paola's identity? That she is playing a role?? Why she would ever want to be there with Carlos whom she seems to barely tolerate is a mystery. Every day she is there, she perpetuates a lie. Haven't the children suffered enough?

"They talk about something and laugh the way drunk people do". Yes. Cringe worthy. Carlos and that vacant stare are getting to me.

I hardly think that a photo with a "celebrity" wearing a bra would get more than a quick glance. But, OK. Whatevs. That doesn't take away from Lis' trauma though. The thought of anyone, let alone a lovely young girl trying to hurt themselves makes me ill.

Nava calling Pedro shows he really cares for his associate. I wish a bit more time had been spent showing what appeared to be a romantic candlelit dinner with Osvaldo, but I digress.

"Olga made up her mind about who to believe a long time ago, so she yells at Paulina to shut up and let Paola talk". Aside from Lis, this was the most upsetting moment for me last night. In the blink of an eye, she turned her back on her beloved dutiful daughter thinking she can somehow salvage her murderous spawn.

Not a huge Gema fan but have to say she is very capable, rising to the situation and getting rid of the magazines. I think she and Carlos are going to end up together. Speculation only.

The bright spot was Emilio (who sounded pretty good on the drums) getting a nice kiss.

And Manuel showing up like a suitor, sitting calmly on the settee was cringe worthy.

Ria, thank you for all of your time and dedication. Without your recaps, I would be lost the majority of the time.


Thanks, Ria. Great job.

I was sooo disappointed that Paulina got pulled back into Paola’s mess because of her mother Olga’s naïveté and guilt. It was hard to believe that Olga would believe Paola over Paulina who she has known so well but then we do have nine episodes left. ; ) Somehow I do not think Olga has long for this world.

Diana, I, too, think that Carlos and Gema could end up together. I liked one dimensional Carlos even less last night when he still seemed to think he was entitled to keep his wife AND still wanted Gema back. Someone needs to hit him up side the head. Perfect description as Manuel as “suitor” being cringeworthy.

Yay! They gave Paulina a scar!

Diana - yes!! I too was very perplexed by the direction this episode took. Both Olga and Paulina recognize that what she is doing is a crime, yet Paulina does not insist on stopping this charade. She could have brought Carlos to see Paola and together with Nava they would have explained the situation. Olga could find a different way to be with her daughters, instead she quickly got on the "Paola must be saved" train.
Gema is indeed very capable in a crisis and saved the day. And Emilio scene was nice too - he did sound good, didn't he?
To both yours and Jarifa's comments: Was very surprised by Paulina-Carlos scene. Was she not "with Facundo" one episode ago and gushing how she wants him there and misses him? Together with the scenes referencing her supposed happiness at that house, I guess they imply we should have been seeing some signs of her and Carlos developing feelings for each other. If that was the intent, it seems like they missed the mark there by a lot. But I guess we officially have rivals now!

Jarifa - I was disappointed too in how Olga handled that. I can appreciate that mother always wants to believe/save her child, but her other child was telling her she almost got killed!!


Jarifa, that scar spoke volumes, didn't it? I would hope that if my child showed me a gaping gunshot wound, I would have acted somewhat concerned, especially if the attacker were my other daughter. Perhaps that is just silly ole me.

Ria, I suspect Paulina is getting far too immersed in her role, play acting in a life that is not hers. I thought for a nano second she might be trying to convince herself she felt something for Carlos during the very public make out session. However,when she woke up, her distaste for the situation (as well as perhaps for Carlos as well) became clear.

The storyline has been taut and fascinating. But I think the writers are struggling with what they wish to convey.

Being a lucid human being, Paulina can't really think she and Paola are simply going to change places, right? What does she have in mind? Keeping Paola home, down on the farm, doesn't seem like it is going to work. Call me cynical.


Diana - right! That part is fascinating to me too - what is the long term plan here, both for Paola and Paulina? If Paulina intends on swapping places back, they need to be figuring that out and talking about it. She knows Paola isn’t happy with Carlos. If she wants to be with Nava, all the more reason to hurry this up.

And Carlos needs to be told at some point too - no doubt they realize the security implications of something like this happening to a First Lady! She seems captivated by the idea of making a difference in non-profits, but there is not much traction there so far (while Paola robbed her own organization clean!).

Oh, and Paola - I still think she is planning something devious...

Fascinating story indeed!!!

Also, it’s a great point, Diana - I do wonder too if Ria has feelings for Nava, but family life with Carlos with kids and stability (or her dream, as her mom said) is attractive to her.


Last night, seeing the promo for "Cuna de lobos"(with Catalina Creel w/ her eye patch, the familiar soundtrack and howling wolf) has led me to ask this question: is there anyone interested in recapping "Cuna de lobos"? I am. Please let me know if YOU are. : ) It starts on 10/21 following "La usurpadora" and has only 25 epsiodes.

Thanks Ria. Another fabulous title. You keep knocking them out my friend. And especially enjoyed this:

"They finally make their way back to the hotel, but Paulina quickly falls asleep, no doubt foiling Carlos’s plans of continuing these marriage counseling endeavors."

However, I do think that Carlos' response to Gema's moving lament "I don't know what to say to you." sounded very believable rather than "poorly written". Generally (in my experience) men cannot come up with empathetic, understanding responses on the spot. And perhaps never. But they would certainly need a lot of time to think. Not male-bashing, but that is not their strong suit. Taking action is. Registering and validating feelings is not. Unless they've been trained as a counselor. And there's a self-selection in that also. Carlos needs Gema desperately. And admits it. But he doesn't know how to respond to her deep feelings of hurt and exclusion. Makes perfect sense to me.

And I also find Olga's infuriating reaction perfectly understandable. She is a sweet, naive, simple woman. And plagued by the guilt of giving away a daughter to a woman who turned out to be a terrible mother. That blinds one to any sort of reason. And as she senses her end is near--of course she wants a sweet reconciliation of the whole family, however unrealistic that is.

But what I really get now is that 25 episodes is too short! We just haven't had time to digest this or the changing relationships. I think 40 or 50 would be perfect. Any longer and we just get sick of the characters and the story lines. But 25 is like having the rug pulled out from under your feet. Too fast! Wah!

But glad, since you are often the only recapper, that this is wrapping up quickly. These recaps drain us of energy and time. And there is never enough of both.

Diana: I 100% agree with you that it's looking more likely Carlos & Gema are going to be together.

As for Paulina, I've given up on her because of the non-stop stupidity. Unless Nava comes to the rescue & becomes the knight in shining armor....

Judy: I'm beginning to doubt we're going to get a happy ending here with little time left in this Telenovela.


Ria: We both agree that Paola is plotting one final sinister plot against Paulina.

Jarifa, to be honest, I am struggling with the dialog. It's not until I read Ria's recaps the following day that I actually know what is going on.

While I did help recapping Reina a bit, initially, I was fortunate enough to have several episodes where actions were overt and understanding what was said was less challenging. Later, I had a hard time. It was only with Judy supplying the dialog and Rgv Chick's filling in what I missed that enabled me to do recaps toward the end.

The case of Cuna seems large and intimidating. I can't in good conscience even offer to do once a week. Once Cuna gets started, if I find I have some inkling as to what is transpiring, I may be able to offer to be a fill in with some advance notice. I will have to wait and see.


Ria, thanks for yet another stellar recap.

I too was dismayed at Olga's insistence in saving her long lost daughter and try to make up for all the time she had missed with Paola, but I can understand how her "real" loving daughter would not want to go against her mother despite how unreasonable the request was. Pua was raised to be respectful and obey...and that is exactly what she was doing.

Double Yay! for the scar...I thought one of those TN miracles had made it go Poof!

The Pau-Carlos kiss--QTH? Pau may have been tipsy but surely she couldn't have forgotten about Nava.

JudyB, I agree that 25 episodes is just not enough for this TN. It's moving along so fast tha sometimes I don't have time to strap on my beanie :-)

I, for one, am enjoying the 25 episode format because I think it forces the writers to concentrate on the main plot, not get off track in countless inconsequential subplots, and write a tighter story. That being said I never saw the original “La usurpadora” or most of the other eleven novelas in the series. This is an interesting experiment for Televisa. It is nice to have some variety.

Diana, thank you so much for responding. I appreciate it. “Cuna” promises to be fun. Juan Pablo Minor, Gabriel from MMTF, is in it, too. I cannot wait to see who he is playing in this tale of high drama.

JudyB - yes, agree too that Carlos’s response is more typical of be male mentality. I guess for me it’s just the lack of emotion he says it (or most things really) that are concerning. He spent quite a bit of time with Gema romantically, they are old friends too, surely there’s some feeling there he can dig for... If they continue developing his and Paulina’s arc, I am curious how he is going to behave when love-stricken, if it happens! I understand Olga too where Paola is concerned, though this is causing her to remove focus completely off of Paulina. And 25 episodes is too few! Recapping it has been great so far. I was worried about the every day recaps initially, hoping I’d be able to post them in time. I do think that knowing it’s only 25 episodes keeps it exciting! I am not tired yet, but I attribute it exclusively to the wonderful and engaging company on the patio and all the curious and stimulating discussions we have on here!! Really thankful to have a chance to recap this!

Steve - yes, you know - at least Nava is doing something. Our sweet bafoon Carlos is yet to catch on his wife was replaced.

Jarifa - just watched the promo! It does look interesting, though not sure yet if I will watch that or try to catch up on El Dragon after LU ends. Let me ponder that and respond later :)

Rgv Chick - seriously? What about Nava?! Very interesting left turn!

Thank you, Ria.

Rgv Chick - that was supposed to be an agreement “seriously!!” above. Blame clumsy fingers!!! I am too wondering how she forgot about Nava!

Susanlynn - always my pleasure!! Thank you for popping in. Was thinking about you this weekend!

Thanks, Ria. My faves:

The conversation goes like this (and try to avoid rolling your eyes while remembering it, if you can):

Emilio finds out and calls Gema, who immediately calls Pascual ordering him to get his people on the task of buying all the magazine issues that were printed. (Dear Gema, 1980s called from their mobilephones, and they want their crisis resolution strategy back.)

Poor Olga. Full of blind love and wracked by guilt. Not even a bullet wound near her daughter’s heart could sway her.

When Paulina hangs up, Nava asks her if the reason she let Paola go is because she decided she is happy in her pretend life with Carlos. Paulina denies it and leaves to go meet Carlos at the club.

I do think Paulina has gotten caught up in being first lady and Carlos’ charm. She seems to have forgotten how he locked her up in a mental institution against her will. And she apparently never picked up on the fact that Carlos and Gema have a thing. Paulina lost points with me last night.

Poor Lis. The tabloid headline even made fun of her weight, something like “Gorditas Get Sexy Too.”

And Manuel showing up like a suitor, sitting calmly on the settee was cringe worthy.

Diana, you are so right. I think I’m going daffy though because I got a kick out of seeing Manuel get his groove back and dressed to the nines waiting in the parlor for his...boss lady. If only he weren’t criminally loco!

Carlos needs Gema desperately. And admits it. But he doesn't know how to respond to her deep feelings of hurt and exclusion.

JudyB, I believe you’ve nailed Carlos. He’d soothe Gema if he could, but he’s clueless. The only thing he can think to do is offer her the old job back. He’s not deep enough to think about what Gema needs for her life if she doesn’t have him in it.

I loved Nava phoning Pedro to tell him everything went to hell and his laughing at himself, presumably because now that he's fallen in love she prefers her fake husband. Paulina you've got some explaining to do. When she and Carlos kissed on the dance floor, I wondered if there was any paparazzi around to catch them.

"Poor Olga. Full of blind love and wracked by guilt. Not even a bullet wound near her daughter’s heart could sway her".

Nailed it Niecie. Just great.



Ria: I'm concerned that Lizette will begin to hate Paulina soon. With 9 episodes left, I wouldn't put it past Paola & the Bad Guys to poison people's minds against Paulina.

As for Monse (Paulina's BFF): getting a very bad feeling she's not going to be among the living. Hoping I'm wrong about that.

Excellent recap, Ria! I think the fatshaming might have been more hurtful to Lis than the pictures of her in her (very non-revealing) bra and pants. Judy and Rvg Chick: I agree that Olga doesn't seem to care that Paola is a psycho--her guilt is that strong, and she seems to think she has nothing to lose. That talk about not having much time left is pretty clearly foreshadowing. And speaking of characters not living though the end of the series--I hope Manuel and Tere get theirs before the last episode!

Good recap Ria.

Moma didn't even consider Paola tried to kill her sister. Paulina. The good sister.
I really don't want her to be with El
Presidente. Nava looked so very hurt and heartbroken.
She better not fall for Carlos. There is no chemistry there at all. He kinda
Boring. I just Hope Nava don't go and hook up With that snitch woman.

Moma Olga is being a mother. Maybe she knows something about Paola no one else does. Mothers are like that. But this Wont end well. Olga you have no idea What your baby girl has turned into. I don't think she will die from that illness. She will die from a very broken heart. What mother doesn't want to believe her child cant be redeemed? Well You can't win em all.

I don't know why people think it's a good idea to take naked(or halfnaked) pictures of themselves and send them to somebody over the net. Some pervert
Is just waiting to snatch them up and do whatever. What the heck was she (Not) thinking? Don't look like she took to Many of those pills. And he knew that Uncle person would do what he did that is why he called, but to late It seems.
Its Like these writers are comin up with Reasons for Paulina to stay will carlos.
Like Him wanting to make the marriage work.
Lis OD-ing on blue n white pills. She
Took what 2 3? And whose medication is it?

Manny wants his psycho woman, Why? No
Body knows what the hell the weirdO attraction is. Thats probly what terry
Wants to know too. He's got her, what does he need with that skinny freak? he's got me she's thinking. "It's a family afaaaair,it's a family afaair."
Manny don't think so.

Ok 2 minutes gotta go.
Thanks Ria


I would have threatened the magazines with having published sexual images of a minor, even if she's still technically dressed, but what do I know? Poor Lis. This would have been a good time to get Paola out of Colombia by telling her daughter needed her. Watch Olga's reaction when Paola says "Lis who?" Get Carlos to send the kids to Colombia for awhile and all is solved (ish).

Maybe if Olga knows she's going to die soon, she figured she'd get some life insurance that only pays out if she's murdered and let the evil twin do her best to the benefit of the good twin? Haha. No. Olga is just naive. Or not fully informed since Paulina didn't seem to bother telling her everything. But mostly naive.

At least there is hope for Emilio!


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