Wednesday, October 09, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 17 - What’s in a name? Turns out quite a bit for a jealous twin.

Paulina, having been dragged back to the hotel, is told to pack as they are leaving for Mexico immediately. Back in Mexico the grandmothers broke in to Lis’s room, found her next to an empty bottle of pills and are at a complete loss as to what to do. Thankfully for them, Gema shows up to save the day. She also has a phone and knows which discreet doctor to call. One of the perks of being a presidential child is that in case you attempt suicide, a doctor will come to pump your stomach at your residence, which is exactly what happens. Lis will be fine they are told. Everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief. 

While this drama is unfolding, Paulina is trying to solve a dilemma of “which twin goes back to Mexico”. It seems to her that it should be Paola, since her daughter attempted suicide. She decides to take this news to Paola (and we can already predict how well that is going to work out). To do that she enlists the help of trusty Nava, who is back at her house spying on Manuel (the latter is still waiting for Paola to get back) home having some sort of argument with Teresa over the phone. Nava informs her about Manuel’s arrival and that it would be difficult to see Olga right now. 

Yet he arranges it somehow, and Paulina meets Olga somewhere in an alley behind their house, with Nava nearby. She asks to see Paola, so Paola can go to Lis, but Olga doesn’t know where Paola is. Nava receives a text from Montse (whose name, I learned from that text, is spelled with a ‘t’!) that the plane is about to depart and she cannot cover for Paulina any more. 

(Let’s take a little detour: Montse is actually quite ingenious. Carlos was hot on Paulina’s heels, trying to see if she is ready for departure. Montse faked vomiting sounds and rushed out to tell him Paulina feels bad, so he should go ahead and they will catch up. )

Back as we were: Nava relays Montse’s message to Paulina, so she says good-bye to Olga, bidding her not to trust Manuel. Olga, though, seems confident that everything will be fine ,and that Paola is a “different person”, since she learned the truth. (Seeing as Olga never knew Paola until now, she should forgive us our skepticism). They part ways, but Nava wants to make sure Paulina knows she is making a mistake letting Paola stay, unpunished. Paulina repeats the same story: she is doing it for Olga. She is worried about Manuel, but Nava promises to take care of that. He asks Paulina about their relationship, and she answers that there is no space for them right now. And with that, off to Mexico she goes. 

Paola finally comes home with Wilson, sees Manuel and mutual delight ensues. They make plans to meet later in the park. While Paola is getting ready, Olga tries to tell her about Lis and the seriousness of the situation. Our mother of the year Paola, however, thinks it’s no big deal. She herself tried to get attention with suicide attempts when she was little many times, and look – she is fine! Lis is exaggerating and plus, she is surrounded by all those people – nothing will happen. Olga thinks that we all learn from our parents and Paola learned to abandon, since she was abandoned herself. All this psychology washes right over Paola’s head and off she goes to chat with Manuel. 

On her agenda for that meeting are two items: what to do with Paulina and Nava, and who tried to kill her. She runs an effective meeting, because between the two chats she has with Manuel this episode, she covers both. She thinks she can handle Nava – she sensed there was something between him and Paulina, and she can work with that. On the assassination item, Manuel denies that his Terryfying sister had anything to do with it and suggests it may have been Gonzalo. Paola’s biceps probably still hurt from hurling his body onto the raft and then off of it, so naturally she laughs this suggestion off. Manuel is saved by the bell – phone call from Olga. She fell down and needs help. Paola’s face visibly changes, and she rushes off to help Olga, despite Manuel’s protests that they need to strategize. 

She goes back and takes care of Olga,  and is almost sweet doing that. The she leaves her in Tina’s hands and goes for another round of discussions with Manuel. They finish up the conversation and are joined by Wilson. Manuel takes this opportunity to depart, and Paola explains to Wilson that Manuel with help them get a whole lot of money. 

Manuel doesn’t get very far though. On his way back he is ambushed by Nava, who asks him to go for a drink. Manuel correctly surmises this is not an invitation. Nava brings him to the hotel, gives him a drink (“to loosen his tongue”) and knocks one back himself (“to loosen his hand”). Then he beats Manuel up nicely, asking him how long he has been working for Paola. (So Nava is really losing his marbles and the actor is doing a good job portraying it. Kind of a disturbing scene to see him beat Manuel like that.) Right when he pulls the gun out and we are beginning to worry this is heading to a point of no return, he – too – is saved by the bell from Irene. She calls with good news that she is in charge of the investigation now, and she got them to agree to retain Nava as a consultant. He is to travel to Mexico immediately, which also puts a damper in his plans to spend the night shooting Manuel full of holes. Instead, he tells Manuel they are both going to Mexico. 

Manuel arrives to Mexico and Teresa is happy to see him. Manuel tells her he did not rat her out to Paola, but from now on - they work for Paola for free. 

Also back in Mexico, Paulina is taking care of business. She makes sure Lisette is ok and spends some time with her, comforting her. She spends some time comforting Carlos. Then she goes over to Diego’s, asks him about the photos, does not believe his denials, slaps him really well and tells him he can explain it all to the judge. Then she goes to Pascual to ask him to investigate Diego, as she isn’t sure he was acting alone. With twelve more minutes left before her carriage turns into a pumpkin, she rebuffs Arcadia’s attempts to get more money and gives her a good yelling. Arcadia, in turn, still shows up to casino with the deed for her house as insurance. 

Carlos is not far behind Paulina on productivity. He thanks Gema for her help with Lis and tells her she is part of the family. Gema thinks he already has a family and he will try to save it. She leaves and cries in the elevator. Carlos then meets with Fanjul to revoke the authorization for construction. Fanjul looks like he’s gonna take it really well… 

In other news, Juana spies Demetrio very close to the mansion and assumes he is following her. She learns though that he is Emilio’s sponsor, and Emilio (who by the way has been drinking all episode, while trying to process what happened to his sister) hasn’t been to a meeting in a while. Demetrio and Juana have a nice chat. 

And in Bogota Olga has another chat with Paola, who tells her all about the terrible hard life she had. In fact the precise words were “life has knocked her down so many times she lost count”. (Really, Paola? Really? Forgive us for not reaching for the box with tissues…) Olga tells her she was very loved as a child and though Olga lived far away, she thought about her and prayed for her every day. Olga shows her a piece of her infant clothing she had kept. They both cry and, once again, putting aside the fact that Paola is evil, it is a sweet and touching moment. 

Later Olga feels worse, and Paola and Tina try to convince her to go to the hospital. She refuses. Paola says she just found her and can’t lose her now. Yet lose her she will, because by the end of the episode she is so bad that she is asking as her final wish for Paola and Paulina to reconcile. Paola, who has been promising to contact Paulina for a while, finally says she will get her on the phone, so Olga can hear her voice. But it’s too late. Olga dies while repeating Paulina’s name and over her soul-wrenching cries, Paola keeps asking in vain: “Please say my name! Please say my name!”. On the backdrop of this, Paulina is having a nice family moment at dinner with a recovered Lisette, they laugh and joke, when she suddenly feels bad just as Olga is dying, and faints. 

And there we go – the cast is shrinking. But wow, what an episode. What will Paola do now? 


Thank you, Ria. Wonderful recap. I agree “ . . . Wow, what an episode.”

It was tragic that when it came down to the end of her mother’s life, Paola was left out in the cold permanently because Olga thought she was Paolina. There is no fixing that no way no how. With no hope for a relationship with her mother left, will she want to be the First Lady again? Will she be even more violent and twisted if that is possible? Can’t wait till tonight.


You could not have picked a better title Ria.

Sensational recap.

"mutual delight ensues" and "Paola’s biceps probably still hurt from hurling his body onto the raft and then off of it, so naturally she laughs this suggestion off" were among many favorites.

I must admit, when I saw the tiny yellow outfit of Paola's that Olga had kept lo these many years, my eyes misted Both actresses did an excellent job during Olga's death scene. I found myself on the edge of my seat thinking "say it Olga", "just say Paola". But as you noted Jarifa "Paola was left out in the cold permanently". And yes, I think her thirst for revenge will be terrible to behold.

"She herself tried to get attention with suicide attempts when she was little many times, and look – she is fine". Oh yes. Of course she is. Her mother spent time away from home and wasn't loving or caring. While very sad, so many others have had far worse childhoods and survived. Some who've managed to overcome, with their hearts intact. While Paola elicits a scintilla of sympathy, her background cannot begin to justify the heartless shrew she has become.

I loathe seeing the cool, one woman wrecking machine Terry morph from a powerful woman one moment into an almost obsequious ghost. Her empty expressing was haunting. While the story between her and Manuel has yet to unfold, I have no doubt some terrible secret lurks, waiting to be discovered.

Now to someone who is and always has been fierce - the newly christened Montse! I also loved her pretending to gag and putting off Carlos! My new hero.

I was a bit unnerved by Nava's beating of Manuel. It seemed rather heartless and that he was taking his frustration out on him. Not very galan like, was it? I think he should stick with Irene.

I'm glad to see Lis is up and that the family dinner seemed to comfort her a bit. I hope they find that rat Molina and that he gets his due.

Too little Pedro last night.

Excellent episode, excellent recap. Thank you Ria. You are beyond kind, continuing to craft these amazing summaries and giving so generously of your time.


Awesome it when we can bring Shakespeare into the mix. And this was delightful:

With twelve more minutes left before her carriage turns into a pumpkin, she rebuffs Arcadia’s attempts to get more money and gives her a good yelling. Arcadia, in turn, still shows up to casino with the deed for her house as insurance.

Yes, Paulina was marvelously efficient in this episode. And Montse (I presume it's short for Montserrat) is a genius! Also happy though that Paulina and Carlos haven't "connected" or he would have assumed she was pregnant.

They fleshed out Paola's character nicely in this one--alternately tender and vulnerable, then back to the heartless and lost soul,dedicated to filling up her emptiness with sex, power and a never-ending source of luxuries.

The acting in this is top-notch. Enjoying how everyone plays their parts--villain, angel or somewhere in between.

Thank you Ria. Your recaps are a delight. Well written, humorous and insightful.

Excellent work, Ria Love all the lines others have quoted so far.

How old is Lis supposed to be? She was already lectured on those photos and she did this anyway? When they catch Molina he should do some serious time for this.

How is it that all the adults in that household didn't think to call an ambulance or a doctor when they saw those pills? How is Gema the only person who knew what to do?

I had the feeling that Olga would die without Paulina being there, which will upset Paulina terribly. Paola will probably be even more psycho after this and blame Paulina for it. She is such a narcissist, but then again look at who didn't really raise her.

With eight episodes left more hell will still break loose.

"Carlos then meets with Fanjul to revoke the authorization for construction"

Why did Carlos do this? Does he know about Diego's link to Fanjul?

Arcadia knows Paulina won’t leave her out in the cold, so she can lose the house and she’ll be insured forever by Paulina anyway.

I think no one called the ambulance because they didn’t want Lis’ suicide attempt in the media, which was why Gema chose not to keep her at the hospital in the end.

Nava’s bearing of Manuel was overboard.

All Paola has to do know is report Paulina for assuming her identity and she’d probably get away with it. Paulina willingly sent back with the false identity to Mexico.

Great recap, Ria, and the title, as noted is fantastic! Thank you!

It's difficult for me to believe that Paola had any inkling of sincerity with Olga, but if she is bipolar/psycho, that could explain it. Jarifa, "Will she be even more violent and twisted if that is possible?" I think she will be more violent; and her hate for Pau just jumped quite a few notches.

Diana, Nava's beating of Manuel was definitely unsettling. I never cared for him as Pau's galan and now I like him even less; though I do feel sorry for him since it seems that his relationship with Pau is going south. I am disappointed in Pau too; she should have never given him hopes for anything.


Ria: Enjoyed your recap. With 8 episodes left, will the Good Guys be victorious & will Nava come to Paulina's rescue ?

RGV Chick: I KNEW I recognized Jack from "REINA". RIP Olga.

UA: Paola still plotting more schemes against Paulina to the very last minute.


Thanks, Ria. Great title and recap. My fave: With twelve more minutes left before her carriage turns into a pumpkin,

Nava’s use of excessive force with Manuel surprised me too. What would he do next? Waterboarding? I like Nava, so I’m attributing this to the writers going for ratings by throwing in some violence. Up to now, Nava has appointed himself well in his police work, and notably didn’t slug Carlos back when Carlos hit him.

Paulina doesn't seem to have thought about her next steps. I'm wondering how cruel Paola will be when she delivers the news about Olga's passing.

Now that she has Manuel back, I'm expecting Terry to be her old Terrifying self again.

I do believe Paola has been moved by her mother, but she has no empathy for anyone, not even her mother or daughter.

Hi everyone! Apologies I am late today. Been a busy day at work, but I have been peeking at all the wonderful comments and antsy to respond!

Jarifa - it was very difficult to watch Olga’s death scene, not in the least because of Paola. Despite the character’s awfulness - I did feel terrible for her having to beg for delirious at this point Olga to say her name. Underneath everything she wants to be loved by her mother. I wonder if Olga’s good influence in the days preceding this was enough, or if Paola returns to her evil ways quickly.

To that end, Niecie - I also wonder how Paola will deliver the news, and if it will be in a cruel manner. I believed her too in her interactions with Olga. She left Manuel very fast to go help Olga, and seemed sincere.

Diana - yes!! Those yellow booties made for an excellent touching scene, and I agree that the actresses did a wonderful job! Also agree that Paola’s “difficult” childhood doesn’t excuse her behavior today.

JudyB - the line of being grateful they did not suspect a pregnancy made me chuckle! Yes, that would definitely have been the go to, if Paulina didn’t get that drunk. Although I have to say I am enjoying how original this script is so far. They are managing to avoid all the common plot points.

Urban - I was wondering the same thing: both of these grandmothers were in shock just standing around, waiting for something. Although maybe there is a secrecy-preserving protocol for them. Either way, you’d think they know who to call in case of emergency. And definitely agreed on Paola’s upbringing. Here is that nurture piece again...

Hugo - Carlos doesn’t know about the link to Diego, but Gema tipped him off about the sand. She learned it from the politicians she was interviewing with last episode.

Anon - that’s an interesting point about identity theft. Wonder if Paola will think of it!

Rgv Chick, Niecie and Diana - I, too, found Nava’s violence unnecessary. Manuel is so scared he will talk anyway. And yesterday he pulled a gun at Paola in front of Paulina and Olga. Too much of a hot head.

Steve - I hope the good guys win. But now that we have Carlos in the mix, not sure who is supposed to come to Paulina’s support. Both of them are losing points. Well, Nava lost some in the last two episodes, and Carlos really never earned any yet...


Another superb recap, Ria! I loved the family scene with everyone supporting Lis by telling her what their own physical defects were. Olga's death scene was incredibly well done! That actress is superb! It was credible and not overdone. I wonder if the writers researched the last stages of ms. Wow! Paola had attempted suicide as an adolescent. Very telling! Did Nava just disqualify himself as a novio for Paulina by his beating of Manuel? As others have commented, no matter what Manuel had done, that was over the top. And what a powerhouse wife/mother/household manager Paulina is now!

Thank you, Ria. You are devoting so much time and effort to bringing us these daily recaps. You are amazing and generous . I am grateful because I would be lost without your help.

Ria, enjoyed The recap.

It was sad and Poignant. Olga's faith in her daughter Being a changed person is topical of a parent in denial. But she didn't live long Enough to see the real Paola in all her evil gory glory. She still wants to off her sister. Probly more so than ever. She wasn't gonna say her name Cuz she wasn't the child of her heart, even tho she was in her heart. Paulina Was her baby. The sad part was that so Was Paola. From a distance. Arcadia was A poor excuse of a mother. Paola had to raise herself. It's very sad when a child has to do that. They turn out like her
Or worst.

Paulina may have to put her heart on
Hold as far as Nava is concerned so as
To ensure that lis don't turn out like
Her mother. Stop that generational curse right there.

Eight episodes left. What now? This is
Gonna move fast y'all. They got a week
Well 5 nights plus 3 to wind this up.

I just had A thought, what if gema is
Preggers? See yall, all kinds of wires
Is gonna be sparking up.

Glad lis is ok. Diego is in hot doggy doo. I hope he gets help.

Ok my dinner is ready.

Thank you Ria.
Lookin forward to the next recap. This is gettin gooder.

Ria thanks so much for your wonderful recaps. I just catch up after my poor computer died. Can't wait to join in again as our series winds down. Thanks again for all your wonderful work.

This is really behind and I apologize! Had meetings that started 5 am for the past three days - look forward to the busy season wrapping up.

Susanlynn, it is definitely my pleasure. I love this patio and company and grateful to be along for this LU ride with all of you!

SpanProf - I wonder if Nava is now disqualified. I still cannot quite get on board with Carlos, so Nava still wins by a very narrow margin. Beginning to think there's nothing wrong with some independence and no galan for the main heroine either ;)

Nina, oh my goodness - pregnant Gema! That will certainly throw a wrench in the plans!!

Karen - it is so good to see you back! Glad you were able to sort the computer troubles and hopefully you can catch up soon. We miss you here!

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