Thursday, October 17, 2019

La Usurpadora - Capitulo 24

Recap by Princess Juju  

Here we go patio peeps! Penultimate Episode!!!

Arcadia overhears Piedad telling Carlos that the woman in the house is Paola not Paulina, she runs to tell Paola this and they both bolt out of the house. They leave the car behind and Arcadia complains about Carlos being a terrible President because he never fixed the streets in Mexico. They take a cab to their lair where they find one of Teresa's henchmen, who is there to take Manuel out of the country but he refuses to go without Paola. They offer triple the money to get all three out of Mexico but he refuses, especially because everyone knows who Paola is. In the end no one leaves and Arcadia calls Manuel an idiot for not leaving when he had the chance.

Nava and Carlos finally tell Pascual the truth. He's unhappy with both of them for not telling him the truth sooner but he's also a professional and gets down to work. Soon after a call comes in from Terrible Terry, she wants five million US dollars delivered to an old mechanic shop. She warns Carlos not to alert the police or to trace the call- both things that Carlos has already done.

Operation save Paulina gets underway, the bad guys soon realize that they are surrounded and a shootout takes place, Teresa is arrested, Paulina is rescued and Nava gets shot protecting Carlos.

Once Paulina is back home and safe Carlos tells Emilio and Liz the truth, the woman that's been living with them is not Paola. Emilio seems to take the news well but not Liz, who calls everyone in the house liars and refuses to believe the things she has been told about her mother. Paulina tries her best to reassure Liz that she loves her and that she's the daughter that she's always wanted. Liz is not buying it.

Pedro calls Osvaldo and tells him that he misses him, he tells him he told Pascual the truth and Osvaldo asks him if he has told his father that he is gay. Pedro says he has not and asks for a little more time to do so, but Osvaldo is tired of waiting for Pedro and hangs up on him.

Carlos goes to see Nava in the hospital and apologizes for not trusting him. Nava tells him they are brothers and that they both fell in love with the same woman.

Later we learn that the news of the kidnapping has gotten out, Carlos tells Gemma the truth and says that the opposition will ask for his resignation, that's why he made her secretary of state, so that she will become President once he is removed. Gemma is not having it and tells him they will do whatever it takes to get through this crisis including fabricating evidence.

Back at the trash pandas evil lair, Paola tells Arcadia and Manuel that they have nothing, the bank transfer did not and will not go through, and so she is left with only one option: seduce Camilo, so she goes to see him and offers herself as a "gift" with the condition that he take her with him to the DR. There's one little problem tho...Camilo is poor, everything he claims was his belongs to his employer, a woman that verbally smacks Paola down and who then fires Camilo.

Paola returns to the lair and Manuel shows her a news story on his phone, it is about the arrest of Teresa. Arcaida tells Paola that if news of the kidnapping has gotten out then that means that Liz knows Paulina is not her mother. Paola then calls Liz and tells her that Paulina is the cause of all this- yes, she switched places with her because she wanted to get to know her real mother but then Paulina became seduced by the money and the lifestyle she had as first lady and tried to steal Paola's family. Liz agrees to meet with her at the women's shelter to hear her side of the story.

Bad choice Liz.


Thank you Ria!

Princess, I can't wait to read your sure to be fabulous recap.

A beloved character is not yet cold in her grave and another shooting occurs. The outcome thankfully, is different.

Paola using her daughter is such a cruel way was heartless. But, the truth is out there. Now. Very different reactions from Lis and Emilio. Emilio, rather relieved and seemingly happy at the news. Lis, angry and incredulous, wanting her "real" mother, livid at the imposter. Paulina's real anguish over hurting Lis.

Carlos impressed me last night. What he lacks in intelligence, he made up for in courage.

Was Paola's targeted conquest's (wife?) played by Claudia Ramirez. I thought I recognized the sultry, sexy look. Was I right??

A lot more I wish to say but will wait for the recap. Busy day here at work, will check back when I can.


Thanks for creating this post Ria.

Diana, you are more kind than I am because when Nava was shot I viewed it as a plot contrivance. He had a vest on and the bullet still got him. Really, he's a professional and Terry's goons were amateurs. And ITA with you regarding Carlos. He did have courage and that was nice.

And while Lis has been through a lot, I'm finding it hard to believe she is so livid about Paulina. Her own mother's cruelty last night was what Paola normally does to her unless its a situation where she is more comfortable with abuse. I hope Lis's anger isn't used by Paola to harm Paulina or Carlos, sigh. At least Emilio was "relieved and seemingly happy" as Diana noted.

It did seem that Arcacia realized how awful and murderous her daughter is.

Good morning Karen!

Actually, to show just how uncharitable I am, that single tear that slid down Nava's cheek?? Severe, severe eye roll. And thank you so much for your comment about the vest - I was totally confused. Is it possible a bullet could do such damage? I think your "unless its a situation where she is more comfortable with abuse" regarding Lis was spot on. Although I cannot begin to understand how someone could prefer such cruelty over love and kindness, perhaps that is how deep, complicated and abusive some mother/daughter relationships can be.

That said, speaking of exactly that, I am looking forward to hearing Acacia's take on Paola. How much and what does she know???


Princess Juju, looking forward to you recaps.

Howdy, Diana and Karen. Looks like Nava is out of the game. Paulina looked upset, naturally, when he got shot, but not crazed with fear of losing him.

My favorite scenes we're the sidelines: the older hot chick putting Paula in her place and Pedro crying over Nava.

Lisa can't think straight at the moment. She is so hurt.

Is Cuna de Lobos next in the "Fábrica de sueños" series of classic remakes? I think it's 25 episodes also.

Hi, All! A very belated thank you to Ria for the excellent recaps this week. I've been up to my ears in yardwork and housework; so very little time to comment, though I do make time to read the recaps and the comments. Princess Juju looking forward to your recap :-)

Diana, YES! That WAS Claudia Ramirez! It looks like she put on a little weight, but I would recognize those eyes and voice anytime. I just loved how she fired the gigolo DES-PE-DIDO! HA!

I was confused by Nava getting shot too. Wasn't he hit in the shoulder?? The vest wouldn't have covered that, but if he was hit in the chest,then he needs to ask for a refund on that vest and maybe sue the company :-)

Hugo, yes, "Cuna de Lobos" is next and it IS 25 episodes. It starts this coming Monday and will be covered by a recapping team. YAY!

That was so embarrassing for Paola, it was felt through the screen.

It seemed Nava was hit at an angle where the vest was unable to protect him. There were also bullets going off everywhere, so his hit wasn't really so fictitious.

Lis overreacted. She knows who her mother is.

The "older hot chick putting Paula in her place" was fabulous Niecie!

So Rgv Chick, was Paola's mark a gigolo? Or was that a reference to Paola? I am embarrassed to admit I'm a bit lost.

Yes, refund on the vest sounds fair. Very fair!


Diana, I’m really not sure if the guy is a gigolo, but rich hot chick did tell Paola that everything he was pretending to have was hers. After Paola drank the drink and scoffed at it, she told rich chick that she should fire the guy since he couldn’t even make a good drink. So rich hot chick did exactly that...DES-PE-DIDO! Heehee...

Looking forward to the recap!

Loved seeing Claudia Ramirez. Her character did not seem intimidated by Paola.

I hope nothing happens to Lis. She is not safe with Paola and Arcadia. Lis was unnecessarily harsh with Paulina. Paulina has been a lot more caring with her. Paola seems to be only discouraging her kids from their dreams and aspirations.

I watched the scene where Nava was shot again and it looked like the shoulder to me. I'm glad he wasn't killed off but it seems like he lost the battle for Paulina anyway.

I'll be back when the recap is up. Hopefully the finale isn't terrible.

Excellent Princess.

For some reason" Arcaida complains about Carlos being a terrible President because he never fixed the streets in Mexico" made me smile. Yes, that and likely a million other things.

I feel for Pedro. His father is so prejudiced, he will never accept Pedro's truth. While Pedro will gain Osvi, he will lose his father. I doubt most sons want to disappoint their fathers and while this shouldn't be the case, it is his reality.

I'm going to cut Lis some slack here too. I can't help but think Lis is hurt and disappointed she is the last one to know and that, along with thinking Paulina betrayed them is a lot to absorb. I worry more what will happen when she learns what a monster Paola is. That will surely drive her into Paulina's comforting arms.

Love Paola getting dissed and Camilo getting dismissed. (Thanks for the explanation Rgv Chick!)

Manuel is in total mental meltdown.

I see no options for Pao now. Surely, she will disagree.


That recap went just like the rat-a-tat-tat of the shoot out. For once the Mexican swat team swarmed and did their job and so did you, superbly. Thank you.

While it seems that Carlos and Nava admit they fell in love with the same woman, that woman has not actually declared herself to be with one or the other--so there is still time for her to choose Nava (not that I think she will), but I'm reminded of Paulina's responses to Montse (RIP) that she seemed more excited by the prospect of a Nava. However, I think the pull of having a family of her own--and maybe adopt that baby Montse was going to adopt will lead her to choose Carlos (and not their ratings on the sexy scales).

I wonder whether Gema will convince the public that the switch was in the best interests of Mexico (Paulina's social activism) or Carlos resigns. I wonder what his line of work will be if he does? Will he be able to afford sending Emilio to Berkley?

I hope the best for Osvi and Osito. Thank you, Diana for your everpresent wisdom regarding Pedro's dilemma.

I never thought those vest covered enough for piece of mind. I could see
Where he could get shot.
I don't think It will be made clear who She'll end up with til the twisted one is caught. Or if she'll end up with anyone.
I don't believe lis' reaction. She'd rather have her psycho mother there to abuse her than a normal Tia to nurture encourage her and love her? Whats wrong with this picture? Maybe she has one of those condition where the victim has Simpathy for their torturer What's it called...... the Stockholm syndrome. She kinda pissed me off defending her evil Mom against her kind hearted tia.

I well, later. Bring it Princess.

Acadia may have realized how evil Paola is, but her eyeballs still turned into dollar signs when she had the brilliant idea of using Liz. Paola is so desperate for money, she will hold her own daughter hostage in order to get it. She is also do consumed by her hatred of Paulina, that if she DOESN'T kidnap Liz she'll probably convince her to somehow poison the usurpadora so they can all be a "happy family" again.

Thanks so much Princess Juju! And I was so happy you were able to use your wonderful term "trash panda" for your last recap of this series!

Gema's reaction is interesting. I wonder why she doesn't go for the presidency if Carlos has to go. She may still love him and who knows she might get him in the end.

Diana thanks for laugh regarding Nava's lone tear. As Rgv Chick pointed out, he was shot in the shoulder but somehow the bullet moved to the chest area.

Niecie - ITA the best scene was the mature hot chick putting Paola and her lover in their places.

TF - ITA that I hope nothing happens to Lis but I'm concerned with this turn in her character. Yes she's been abused all her life but this seems out of the character for her and a convenient plot device.

Anita - I am also intrigued by Gema's response to the twins and Carlos. I hope the writers do this well but I'm still grieving Montse.

Nina - I also thought what Lis is going through may be similar to a type of Stockholm syndrome; unfortunately this behavior can be seen in victims of abuse wanting to be with their abuser.

Anon 3:55 - Thanks for clarifying this. I had hoped Arcacia realized how horrible her daughter is but the fact she encouraged Paola to manipulate Lis seals her fate for me.

Thank you, juju, for a snappy decap.

I thought that Nava took himself out of the running for the fair Pauline when he slept with Irene . Pft...galans don't sleep with anyone but their soulmate, Nava. However, taking that bullet may have put him back in the running. Paulina seems to have a choice between Randy or boring. Uff

Thanks, Princess Juju. Terrific job.

The Manuel actor is quite the chameleon. I've seen him in so many different role. Last night Manuel was so sad, so defeated. Good.

Gracias, Princess Juju. Great work.

Forgive me for this one, but I wanted to slap Lis flat during most of this episode. I ended up simply thinking that she needed a shrink.

I half expected that Nava would be shot or something because only one of those guys would get Paulina unless they wanted to shock the audience by having her walk away from both of them.

Hi all - so sorry to be popping in so late today. Have been out of town for work and just returned now.

Princess Juju - thank you so much for this wonderful recap and for your help throughout this series. I could not have had a better recapping partner!

So many wonderful comments today -was nodding along with all of you!

Are you guys ready for the last episode?? Here it comes!

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