Thursday, November 14, 2019

El Dragon #33, 11/13/19: Moving Out, Moving On

Good Evening my Patio Peeps, I know, I am here a few days early this week, but due to some changes in this weeks schedules ( we all have lives), I am taking over this Wednesday night recap, and glad to actually. Usually, I wait until I am ready to recap to watch my episode, but I was so curious about what was going to happen last week that I went ahead and have already seen this one. So I am excited. It was good all around. More sentimental than some of you like, but just right for others. So let’s go!

At the beginning of the episode we get a brief replay of everything that happened in regards to Adela’s interview with the magazine Nosotros. The instructions given by Miguel, the interview itself, and the fall out upon publication, when Miguel freaks out on Adela over the amount of information she allegedly divulged in the interview. We pick up with the breakfast where he tells her that he would have expected betrayal from anyone except her. And of course Adela is in complete disbelief because viewerville knows that Adela did not in fact give up any information that she shouldn’t have, and that Jimena was the mastermind behind the entire thing. Adela denies that she opened her mouth. She tells Miguel straight out, “if I am telling you I didn’t say anything, it’s because I didn’t say anything.” Miguel, very sanctimoniously begins reading from the article.

The blonde bitch is celebrating her success while reading the article to her very unscrupulous journalist friend telling him how perfect it came out. Practically making fun, not only of how they made Adela look like the author of all that was said, but also, of putting Miguel’s life on display for the whole world to read.

Miguel is back to scolding Adela, he tells her “I told you all of that in confidence.” To which Adela replies, “do you think I am the type of woman that goes around gossiping,(telling other peoples business would be a better fit here).? He answers, “it would seem so.” And Adela drops the bomb of reason here, telling him that apparently, he doesn’t know her, not even a little bit, if he thinks that of her. He asks what he should think, if he just told her all of that, and suddenly it is all in the newspaper. Adela stands her ground and says, “Understand that I didn’t say anything!” Miguel, being a complete ass now, asks her if it is about revenge. Adela is like “what?” Then he sinks even lower and asks her if she did it because of Jimena, to which she replies “what does Jimena have to do with any of this, and he says, “you tell me.” Adela is indignant as she says, “you think I did all of this because I am jealous. You are unbelievable, Jimena doesn’t even mean anything to you.” And as she leaves he asks her how she knows this and she says, “of course I know, I know because no one ever means anything to you, no one, because you have a stone there inside.” He answers that he is only trying to protect himself, and she asks him “from what? From being happy, from giving yourself a chance with me?” The entire time Miguel is looking at her with a mixture of disbelief, anger, frustration. She finally, softening her tone asks him “why do you treat me like this, is it because of Victor? Because you know perfectly well, that I could fall in love with him? Tell me the truth, do you want me to fall for him, and forget about you?” The face that was starting to show a little emotion now hardens under the last question and he says, “its your life, not mine.” But Adela doesn’t take that for an answer and kisses him. Instead of brushing her off, he returns the kiss completely, and she says “now tell me that I am not important to you, tell me that you are not feeling the same way I do.?” She kisses him again, but just stays silent. I am guessing because he doesn’t want to lie. And then in the background we see the magazine again, and Adela realizing she is hold it, and she stops the kiss and tells him,” this was my goodbye, I quit.” The hard face that Miguel had now shows surprise, a muted surprise but one nonetheless, and she leaves, with a confused looking Miguel, almost tearing up, and then shaking his head against the feelings that are trying to surface. Now, I saw the first half of an interview with Rulli about this part this morning and he was talking about what we have said repeatedly here on Caray, that the character required a much different type of personality than others he has played and that so much of what is going on happens in his head. That being said, this is one of the few times we are seeing actual emotions from him.

Adela is in her room, the first we have seen of it, pulling out a suitcase. Miguel comes in and tells her, “you dont have to leave.” Adela replies, “I know, I am going because I want to.” Miguel seems to have thought better after his conversation with Adela because he tells her, “we can find out what happened with the publication.” And Adela tells him, “of course I will, but here, the problem is something else. You don’t trust me.” He answers, “I am trying to find an explanation to all of this.” Adela replies “Then go look somewhere else.” She stops her packing a looking him in the eye tells him that things are getting too complicated. And if he can’t accept what they are both feeling for each other than she prefers to go.” Miguel tells her that it is her house. And she responds, “then this is still my room, get out please.” See, this is some real TN stuff there, long suffering, drama, being unwilling to bend, until it is too late, or almost too late. Good stuff for us romantics.

Back on earth, Kenia is asking Pilar about vacation spots, she wants to go to the beach with Jorge. Pilar tells her she is crazy, she can’t be going on vacation. That she isn’t realizing how delicate her situation is. She argues that it is just for a few days. Pilar brings her back to earth, telling her that it is with the guy that is the brother of Miguel Garza. Kenia says she hate this. It isn’t fair.(This being in hiding, I am guessing). Pilar says what about me. She tells Pilar, she didn’t mean it like that, that she will always be grateful because she knows how hard it has been pretending to be a couple. Pilar tells her that she feels weird and misses her old life. Kenia says she doesn’t. The Pilar replies “all the more reason that we can’t afford to risk everything, just like that, right now she has peace.” Kenia agrees, she doesn’t want them to find her. Pilar says that would be terrible. They start joking around, and Kenia thanks Pilar for bringing her back to her senses. That she is the best friend.

Peligros is leaning on the car, and starts getting in the back seat when Miguel tells him that he is driving. Now I must say that I like that coat on Peligros. Still super tough, just a little less rancho. Peligros tell Miguel that he thought Adela was going to take them. Miguel responds that Adela is no longer his chauffeur.

Adela is fighting to close her suitcase and has flashbacks to the time she was watching Miguel meditate and she was leaving. He told her not to go and she asked how he knew it was her if he didn’t open his eyes. He told her that he didn’t need to see her, he could feel her. She says, its perfect, and he talks about the sunset. She says no, all of this, and looking right at her, he says, you are right, it is perfect. Back to her sitting on her suitcase, looking miserable.

Miguel is also having his share of memories, in the car, he remembers the conversation they had at the restaurant, after she got shot at, I think. And he asks her if she is sure she wants to work with him. She tells him that when all of it stops being good for her, he will be the first to know it. Remember that sweet scene where he was just holding her hand, while we all held our breath? As a little comedic relief, we realize that the entire time they were not moving, because Peligros tells Miguel that he still hasn’t told him where they are going.

In Ciudad Jimenez, Zaragoza and Coyote are toasting. Side note, my husband sat and watched one novela with me from start to finish and he couldn’t help noticing how frequently these people toast. It is to be noted that it happens regularly. Maybe I should start a toast count. When the guys finish their drink, Coyote gets up and says goodbye. Z gets up with him and says lets go. C asks where. Z says to the plantation of the Organization of the Valley, I want to see it. C tries to excuse him, asking why, when he is just doing a quick turn around trip. Z asks if he has a problem with him going with. C says no just don’t want to leave business around here unattended. Z says, well if its just a quick trip then no big deal. C has to agree. A guys comes to tell Z that the plane is ready. Z is doing a good job at what Mig asked of him. Keeping an eye on C.

Adela is talking to Dora as she leaves. Dora asks how is it that she is leaving and Rosario wants to throw a goodbye party. Adela says that its not that kind of goodbye and that she is no longer going to work as Miguels chauffeur. They ask for an explanation. She says there is one, but that they are going to have to talk to Miguel and ask him for the explanation. Rosario asks Dora if she is going to ask Miguel and she says that she will wait until he tells her. Rosario says she has nerves of steel.

Gato is outside of the house when Adela leaves. She sees him and asks what he is doing there and what he wants. He says nothing.

Jimena, conveniently is sitting outside of Miguels office reading the article when Miguel arrives. The first thing she does is spew venom. “Did you see?” referring to the magazine. “Bad news.” Miguel shuts her down immediately, saying that yes he already knows about the article. Jimena, trying to sink Adela further with her instigations, asked Miguel if he authorized Adela to say everything that was written. He says of course not. She says that all that info being out could be very problematic for them. He says not if they act quickly. He tells Jimena to shut down the company mentioned in the article and to make sure there are no loose ends. And that he doesn’t want to have problems because of it. Jimena couldn’t leave well enough alone and asked if he was able to speak with Adela about the situation, he shut her down again and says that he is taking care of it.

Coyote is at a meeting with Epig. He is paranoid that Z was at the plantation looking at everything but that he doesn’t think Z suspects anything. Epig asks him what the problem is then. C says that he doesn’t like that Z was asking so many questions, that Z knows him well, and that he could screw up. Epig says that he isn’t going to screw up and that he can control Z. C disagrees (nell). He says that he isn’t going to transport any more of his merchandise. Epig doesn’t like that answer and tells him he has two options, stay with him, or stay with him. That once you are inside, you stay inside and the only way out is with a bullet in the head.

At the restaurant Trejo manages, the Balkan Princess Drenka is there delivering something and asking after Miguel.

Trejo takes the bags to the bag and they end up being huge sums of money. In another location Peligros is receiving cash in boxes where liquor should be and Trejo is overseeing the delivery of 55 gallon drums that are also full of money. All I am assuming, to be laundered. Peligros tells Trejo that he never thought having too much money would be a problem and Trejo tells him that in this situation, it is. Peli says that he hopes Miguel knows what he is getting himself into. Trejo answers that no one has ever dared try and launder so much money.

Only took about a third of the episode to get to our favorite screw up Chisca. Valentin is exiting her bed and she is asking him to stay. Excuses on his part. He tells her she needs to go back to Mexico. She is too tempting for him. Excuses. She says she isn’t leaving. He convinces her to go back for them.

Adela is at the magazines offices, trying to find out what happened. She asks for the reporter Tiago, and is told that he isn’t there, that he went on a long trip to do a report. She says then she wants the recording of her interview. He tells her that due to company policy, recordings can’t leave the building. She starts getting heated and then says, so for company policy, you also publish whatever the hell you want. He says he doesn’t know what she is talking about and she tells him that Tiago published an interview that she didn’t give him. She doesn’t understand where he got all of that information. The guy tells her that Tiago is one of their best reporters. She tells him then they are screwed because Tiago is a first class liar. He tells her that that is a serious accusation. She tells him, “don’t you understand what I am saying, serious is what was done to me, I don’t know where he got this, and I am not leaving until you give me the recording.” The guy backs up a little and says he doesn’t know where the recording is and by now it could be erased. To which she replies, “of course, how convenient.” She asks for his phone number or address, wherever she can find him, she isn’t leaving without an answer. The guy ask her to leave, or he is calling security. Adela says that it isn’t going to end like that and to tell Tiago that he is going to have to deal with her. She leaves and then the guy goes and tells Tiago, who was there the entire time, I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, Your ‘work trip’ better take a long time.” Tiago has a look of “oh crap” on his face.

Jimena brings Miguel two avocados on a plate, he asks what it is, she tells him it is his next business. Basically, Mexican companies are going to export avocados to a company in Singapore, but on the trip the entire load is going to rot from thrips ( a pest that attacks avocados). The Mexican company will have to pay the Singapore company a bond (insurance) to cover the loss of the load, 1 million dollars. But the game here is that Miguel owns both companies. They will ship the rotten avocados at a minimal cost to cover the trip, but it allows them to launder the amount of the bond. Miguel tells her it’s a brilliant idea.

Victor and Adela are eating and he is upset that she is going to go and live in a hotel. He invites her to go and live with him. She says thanks, but she doesn’t like to mix things. He clarifies mixing living with him while they are in a relationship. He throws back at her that it was fine with Miguel, she could live with him, even though he was her boss. He backs up a bit and apologizes for the comment, saying he doesn’t want to argue. She says she understands that she isn’t the easiest person in the world. She tells him that he knows better than anyone how well they get along, that they have great chemistry, and that she doesn’t want to be unjust with him. That she wants to treat him how he deserves and wants to love him as much as he loves her. He tells her that he isn’t naive, that he knows it can’t happen overnight, that relationships take time and that he doesn’t want to pressure her. She says that she knows but that she doesn’t want to be unfair, that its not right. He tells her that him asking her to live with him doesn’t mean that they are living together. He said that she could have the guest area and it wouldn’t be like they were living in the same place. She is in disbelief and he says he’s serious and that he is a quiet roomie. He jokes that he could sneak into her room and get in her bed and she wouldn’t even know it. Then he gets serious and says that the days he asks her to live with him, will be only because he is certain that she feels about him, the way that he feels about her. She asks if he is serious. He says yes, lets say its a thing between friends/bros/cuates and that he is helping her save money. He urges her to not think about it too much and accept his offer. She finally agrees. “As bros” He promises not to sneak into her bed.

In the office, Flaco, Kenia and Jorge are all working and Flaco asks Jorge to do something, Kenia tells Flaco that she can’t get an algorithm. Flaco fixes the problem telling her it is an amateurish problem. She says she has her head in the clouds, Jorge offers to help her and she shuts him down. Flaco goes to the restroom leaving them alone. Jorge uses the opportunity to ask her what’s up, did he do something wrong. Kenia says its all good. Jorge asks her is she is afraid of them being seen together. He asks if its Pilar, she says no, he hasn’t done anything, he has been good to her. He says he doesn’t understand. Kenia says it isnt him.

Epig and Tacho enter the building they were at earlier with Coyote, the lights are out. It seems that they have been robbed, everyone is dead except one guy. Epig asks him who took the stuff, Tacho says he is too injured. They take him to the hospital.

Peligros is talking to Miguel asking when they are leaving, he says tomorrow. Miguel says they dont have time to waste, the chemist is almost done with the formula for epheline and they need to get to Japan to close the deal. Dora asks what he needs of her, he says to take charge of things while he isn’t there. She asks if he is only taking Peligros. Miguel says he is taking Jimena too. Dora seems surprised and asks why he is taking Jimena. Miguel says that she is a key piece in the deal. Dora gets to the point and asks Migs what happened with Adela. He says nothing. She tells him that she left the house. Mig says they fought about work. Dora doesn’t buy it and says “and she left for that?” Mig says “not exactly.” Dora infers “something happened between you two.” He says nothing and then Dora says “el que calla otorga, mi hijito.” Which literally means, “he who is silent is tormented. I took it more as silence speaks volumes, by the context of the conversation.

Adela calls Miguel, he excitedly tells Dora, “its Adela” Dora and Peligros exit to give Miguel privacy. He smiles to hear from her, says that it is good to hear from her. He is happy to be hearing from her while she is all stressed. She tells him that she wants to ask him a favor. That she knows she quit her job as his chauffeur but that she doesn’t want to leave her role in the foundation. She has put all of her heart into the work and that she doesn’t just want someone else to take it over or worse that everything to be left undone simply because they argued. Miguel tells her that her position in the foundation is not nor will be anyone else. He tells her that he didn’t ask her to leave, the company, or the house. And that when she wants to return, the doors are open. Then he asks the million dollar question. “Where are you?” We watch Adela struggle as she answers “At Victor’s house. Watching Miguel reposition himself in his seat is almost comical, because you can see his internal struggle at trying to control his emotions. Through almost gritted teeth he asks if they are living together. Adela answers yes, but then immediately says no, clarifying that she is living in the guest room. Miguel says sorry, that he doesn’t have the right to ask her about that. He tells her he is leaving for Japan the next day and they exchange a few words about the purpose of the visit. Adela tells him good luck in Japan. And as they are about to hang up, he says her name, and then a long pause where he surpassed what he wants to say and just tells her to take care of herself. To which she replies, you too. There is not a recap of dialogue that could do justice to the sentiments expressed and suppressed by the actors in this scene. You just have to watch it, if you are a hopeless romantic like myself.

In the hospital, the guy who was shot is being interrogated by Epig, he tells him how tough he is, they tell him that they let his wife know where he was. Then he asks who stole the shipment. The guy tells him it was Chano.

Kenia gets home, she looks around nervously and as she is about to close the door, Jorge barges in telling her that she left so fast from the office, he tried to catch her but didn’t. He asks if she’s ok, he could see she was scared. He tells her about the conversation that he heard her have with Pilar about deserving to be happy. He asks her what happened, she denies everything and asks him to leave.

Back in Spain, thank God, this is only the 2nd Chisca scene. Chisca asks what she can do in Mexico alone. Valentine finally lays his cards out and tells her that she needs to keep an eye on Miguel. He gives her a cockamamie reason why , something like he might use the contacts that Valentine hooked him up with in Europe and cut him out of the deal. He somehow convinces her with his stupid reasons but she buys it and agrees to let Valentine in on all that Miguel is doing. Now for those who have not actually watched the episode, keep in mind that he is doing this with her pressed against a wall, being all gallon and kissy kissy.

So we get to see our friend IRS agent. He has a meeting with Edna Gonzales, Attorney General of Mexico, I guess since he was told by his bosses to drop the whole thing, he wants to put another dog on Miguels trail. He tells her all about Miguel Garza and what he suspects.

In Tokyo, Miguel, Jimena and Peligros are checking into their hotel. All separate rooms. Go Miguel. He tells them to go and rest, Jimena says not in this city. Peligros asks where he can accompany Miguel. Miguel tells them that he is going alone, to make sure his luggage gets to his room. He tells them that there are places where one must go alone.

Miguel ends up at his house in Tokyo, remembering her, their conversation about having a baby together, the photos she took of him. For a minute he hears her calling to him and showing him a home pregnancy test. But comes back to reality.

Back to Howard, and his explanation to the AG, she agrees to investigate.

Tacho is talking to people on the street.

Chano is meeting with his guys. The guy tells him that Epig isn’t going to sit around doing nothing after what happened. That there is going to be a war. Chano says there is a plan. He is visibly nervous. He says the Epig taught him how to finish someone and keep everything. He places a call to Hector telling him he has information about who is in charge of the Organization of the Valley. At first Hector isn’t convinced, and then Chano asks him if he is going to join the group of serious journalists or keep being the drunk guy who threatened the secretary of the interior. Hector agrees to meet him. Chano’s guy tells him he is crazy to go to a park, they are following him. Chano says that he will be safe, because a park is a public place.

Gato is once again hanging outside the offices. Adela walks out and sees him. She follows him onto the bus.

In Japan , Miguel meets with Tagamichi, and introduces him to Jimena, who looks overeager. They talk about business a little, Tagamichi compliments Jimena and then asks her to take a tour of the company making it so that he can talk to Miguel alone. Tagamichi asks Miguel if he wants to share something with him. Miguel tells T that he knows him well. He tells T that he has met a woman who attracts him much more than he would like her to. T comes to the conclusion that the woman is not Jimena. M tells T that it is Adela. T confirms that Adela is the woman M met in CJ. Miguel tells T that Adela is not like any other woman he has met since Asya died. T tells M that what happened wasn’t M’s fault and that he should keep going without regrets, otherwise his life with turn into a prison. M says that he doesn’t think the analogy is the correct one. T says that M’s Mexican ways have taken over his Japanese ways, that it is normal. M says that either way, there is not a place for anyone in his life right now. T asks Miguel if Asia still shows up in his dreams to which M answers yes, but that sometimes her faces morphs into Adela’s. His mind is playing tricks on him. T reminds M that the years of training have taught M not let it defeat him. M says that is what he is doing, keeping Adela at arms length and let time do the rest.The only love of his life already died. T tells M that is appears he has already made a decision.

Chano shows up at the meet with Hector.

Gato gets off in a sketchy neighborhood and she follows him without being aware of her surroundings. Some guys come up to her asking her what she is doing there alone. She tells them to keep walking, that she is too much woman for them. They circle her and tell her she has a big mouth. They ask her name and she says Berta Nates which in the dictionary of Mexican Sexual Slang says that it means “ver ta nates”, which means watch your balls. A little play on words there in Spanish. The guy didn’t like Adela’s response and tried to grab her, she pepper sprayed him. She tries to run and the guy sends his sidekicks after her. They give chase.

Chano and Hector are talking, Chano tells Hector that his name isn’t important. The important thing is that a new organization is being born. Chano tells Hector that he is the face of the organization but that the real boss is Epigmenio Moncado. Hector takes out his notebook to write it down and Chano gets his head blown off from a shot a mile away and falls to the ground. Hector kind of freaks.

That is all of the episode for tonight my friends. I really enjoyed this episode, more because we see some development in the primary relationship and because I am a softy. Also, probably because I didn’t have to spend a hour watching Val and Chisca bunny hop. Hope you watch the scenes and see what I did. Good night and see you next week.



Esther: Good Job on the recap. My personal thoughts:

1.) I KNEW Jimena set up Adela. Dumbass Miguel scolded our lovely damsel in distress.

2.) Adela moving out! HORRAY!

3.) Bad news is Victor still lurking & getting his claws on Adela: you know he's pumping her for information.

4.) Chisca still screwing up as usual. Why is Valentin addicted to this girl ?

5.) Dora needs to tell Miguel the truth before he hears it from someone else.

Yes, Great job on the recap And I vote wholeheartedly for your use of one capital initial for these bad guys, especially the ones with names which look to have been made up with the alphabet dice from a scrabble game Epigxxxxxx, Zaragoosie, HUH? Is he a mineral or something?

1. Yeah you knew, we knew, but Einstein can't figure it out? No clue? I have renamed this show Lizard: One shit in the coocoo for Cocoa Crispies.

At least Adela is still halfway thinking, even going to confront the reporter. I hopeo she persues this further.

2. Adela moved out. Good for her, in case whatever ails the whole Garza clan is actually contagious. But was it frying pan into fire?

3. I ahaven't noticed Victory Lap really pumping her for info yet. Ms Ad is pretty sharp, she might be on to him if he tries too hard.

4. Valentine is addicted to Chisca like millenials and most of humanity is addicted to phones ----- An unending stream of nformation, but in his case all about Miguel, who is his secret enemy.

5. Yes. That little fellow in the pleather coat, Gato, knows, and he may beat her to it.

6. And he..oops wait, there was no six. Rats. OK anyway, does Aw Heck understand how easily the next exploding head could be his?

Esther "Balkan Princess Drenka" Excellent.

Miss Adela sure seemed to get herself into a real pickle. Pepper spray will only last so long. These thugs are young and about her size, hopeofully she is in much better health and can just plain outrun them until they all need to stop for a smoke. When they first bothered her I heard 'puny sausage'. The girl's got game.

Thanks, Esther. I don’t like that we won’t see El Dragón again until Monday, but it’s great that our recappers get a break. Love all your detail on the argument between Mig and Adela over the magazine article, with your “hopeless romantic” self. :> I was still mad at Mig at the end of the episode, but I take it back now that I understand he said “we can find out what happened with the publication.” So he realizes Adela was set up and isn't lying.

Miguel tells her that it is her house. And she responds, “then this is still my room, get out please.” Ooh, snap! Good one, Adela.

He told her that he didn’t need to see her, he could feel her. Esther, I’m glad you cleared this up for me because I thought he had said he could smell her! :> Not that sensing a woman by her scent is bad, but “feel” is more romantic.

Victor makes me laugh, so even though he’s a liar I’m hoping he’s not THAT bad. He certainly is taking the long route to get info on Mig.

I’ve never paid much attention to Chano, other than wondering if he was wearing that bandana around his bald head for style or to blot sweat bead. So I have no idea why he thought he could take on Epigmenio.

Toasting and always with 150 proof tequila, no wine for these people.

Yes no wonder their country is in such a mess they are a nation of alcoholics. Some things you need a clear head for. Motorcycles, chainsaws and guns come to mind initially. Maybe running a country too?

Niecie: Make a mental note, don't wear your bandana too tight, as it appears it may affect brain function.

Kirby, 1. We see Jimena meet with the guy and then him meet with Adela, so it should not have been a secret as to who was behind the whole thing, except that we get introduced to so many people. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track.

2. I am getting less sus piscinas of Victor as the episodes progress. Not sure if that is a bad thing or not.
4. Chisca is seriously one raging hormone to not wonder why her brothers “best friend” would be pumping her for info about her brother

Yes Kirby, you did hear puny sausage. I believe the full statement was too much woman for your puny sausage. Trying to keep it tasteful.

Valentín isn’t addicted, he is just using her to find out what deals Miguel has going so he can try and take him out. I think we missed some of the conversations he has had with his Italian Mafia cohorts.

Chano thought he had learned enough from E’s underhanded dealings with el Halcon and the other guy, on how to keep an Ace up your sleeve. He doesn’t realize that E has been playing the game for 20 plus years.

Also, I didn’t realize no shows tonight and tomorrow. I recap from the stream not the channel.

Thank you Ester. There was a lot going on, but thankfully we were not subjected to too much Chisca this time. I laughed when you said, “In Japan , Miguel meets with Tagamichi, and introduces him to Jimena, who looks overeager.” I pictured a dog sitting up on her hind legs begging for a treat. LOL!

Well, I hope Adela is able to get rid of that gang that is bothering her. She needs a better weapon on her. Miguel should have given her martial arts lessons.

Well, with Chano dead, there is one down and hopefully more to go. Perhaps we will get to see PIG get hit right between the eyes by the last show. He and Taco have to go. They are just too evil for words.


Cynthia, the Japan meeting with Oh Great Master Tagamichi was priceless. Jimena was totally out of her element, among a few men where great legs and blonde hair bought her a tour of the factory, One notch above being sent to sit in a broom closet.

And Miss Adela, in spite of no grand ambitions, is the shining star among them all. It would be a waste for her to produce offspring with Miggy when there are far better candidates. Would she take exception if they were born with tails?? Woofing and wagging.

Esther, thank you . Everybody wants info on Mig.

As always we know who the lead actor ( I can't think of Mig as a galan ) should be with, but the two starcrossed lovers will be kept apart until the end.

OT...we have had many discussions about the moon here. Has anyone noticed the big full moon ? I thought I heard the weatherman refer to it as the first moon.


Esther, it appears that El Dragon is back on Monday. Tonight there are Latin Grammys and tomorrow "futbol".

Got it! Thanks! Then my next recap should be episode 38.

Patio Peeps, wishing you a good weekend! Sunny and 40 degrees here, but I miss catching up on ED. I might even miss Chisca -- not! Anyhoo, thinking about how Adela will elude the street harrassers, maybe a Good Samaritan -- neighbor, dog, kid? -- will come to her aid. Too bad Mig never showed her that Vulcan neck grip.

This novela could really pick up some steam if it concentrated more on the people that want to take Miguel down instead of stupid, bubblehead Chisca. She has brought absolutely nothing to the storyline, and I have no clue as to why the writers wrote her in.
I'm still debating whether or not Victor is a spy or not.

And why couldn't they have done a second season for AAM?

It was all Ana Brenda's fault for leaving to film 'Dynasty' which she withdrew from to return to Mexíco for personal reasons. Just kidding.



"RINGO: La Pelea de Su Vida (The Fight of His Life)" is a new TN which will premiere on Univisión on Dec. 2nd at 8PM (E). A brief synopsis is provided on the " 2019" page. Here is the link...

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