Thursday, November 14, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Nov. 11, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 2 of our afternoon delights! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 50-51
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 24
Note: Hijas will be pre-empted by “Latin Grammy Extra” on Friday, Nov. 15th.

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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HIJAS - Part 1 of 2

Here is my recap, please feel free to edit, correct, or ignore any part that is inaccurate. Some scenes are not worthy of inclusion, and some are all lumped together and not necessarily in the order they were shown.

Judy – I liked that blue & white outfit Leo was wearing.

It’s another day in Hija-landia and we all know the drill. The only orange I saw today (too busy reading the CCs) was the off-the-shoulder top Vicky was wearing in the final scene. She wears a lot of those tops. Flashbacks to my youth, it always seemed to invite a guy to pull the elastic away from a girl’s chest and peek down to see “the girls.” But whatever . . .

A local Toyota dealer had a 30-second ad over the first part of today’s episode, so we began with Leo resting after her shock of the cancelled wedding. (I’m going to refer to it as the CW in the rest of this recap. Or should it be BC --- boda cancelado?) and she kicks Juan out of the room and Stefi is there; apparently it was her who told Leo about the CW.

Sebastian & Victoria are talking after she got off the bus, the usual barfola … “we can’t have a relationship because everyone THINKS we are siblings” ad nauseum. Moving on . . .

Dario reads Stefi’s goodbye letter to Mauricio and finds a way to blame him for the CW/BC. Not really, but the letter asks Dario to respect her wishes and NOT try to find her. So true to form, Dario has everyone he knows out looking for her. What a swell guy. Dad of the year? Nopis.

Mauricio defends Stefi’s wishes, so Dario slaps him up the side of his head and tells him probably for the umpteenth time, “you are useless!” Definitely not Dad of the year material. Personally, I’m hoping to see the day Mauricio has had enough of Dario’s abuse and leaves. Just checks out, gets a job (what does he do all day?) and a place of his own.

Sebastian and Vicky sit on a sea wall on the beach that same night, talking, the usual Conversation #86 ---
I love you, we cannot be a couple.
We’re going to learn to be happy within the limits of propriety.
Life is cruel.
es, but sometimes miracles happen.
yadda yadda yadda

The other Juanas learn from TEM’s blog about the CW/BC. Sor Silly Goose gets her hopes up re: Sebastian. Yet again. Give me a break.

Juan’s insurance agent is in his office and he writes the check to pay his premium. Dramatic music in the background so that we know this will not end well.
Sure enough, the agent next goes to Dario’s office to collect his insurance premium check. She happens to mention she just came from Juan O’s office. Dun…dun…DUNNNNN!!! Dario asks her to not deposit JuanO’s check. He shows her a briefcase of cash that looks exactly like the one delivered to Leonarda. Hmmm…. this recapper is wondering if the top layer is cash and the bottom layer is not. Dario says she would have to leave Mexico forever if she does this. Oh gasp! The agent looks at the money and says, “Well, I always wanted to live in Rome.” Oh noes! This cannot end well, at all! Major telenovela drama!

HIJAS Part 2 of 2

Sebastian and Victoria are still on the beach the next morning, kissing. I guess those crazy kids stayed up all night talking, repeating Convo #86 ad nauseum. In brief, looks like they’re going to remain an item and be sneaky about it. So then Vicky jumps up onto Sebastian and wraps her legs around his waist, for more smoochies. These crazy kids are hopeless. No hay remedio. And Seb is working those leg muscles to keep from falling over while Juana Victoria is wrapped around his waist. Good thing he goes to the gym between takes.

Leo learns from Dario that Stefi has flown the coop. After she leaves, Dario says to himself it is all Sebastian’s fault. (well, yeah, it pretty much is)

- Some silly scenes with Barbara and her slave Ines. Spare me. I’ll spare you, too.
- A silly scene was the reunion of Victoria with her sisters.
- Silly scene where Inés visits Sebastian under the premise of wanting a job. Thank heavens that was interrupted by the arrival of Leonarda.

Leo tells Sebastian that she blames him for Stefi’s disappearance, and says his security depends on marrying Stefi. Sebastian is, like, all “Whaaaaaat?” but that goes unanswered because we need more drama in future episodes. Leo continues to guilt-trip Sebastian over the CW/BC.

Vicky tells JuanO she has come back to stay, does not want him to give her a business, but she will accept his apellido. Awwwww! He decides he will make her the Manager of the hotel’s Food & Beverage department.

Some guy named Salvador (per my CCs) visits Juan, wants to make a movie on location at the hotel Media Luna. The guy talks big, promising lots of good business (and cash flow) for the hotel. Juan is all in. I don’t trust this guy and wonder if he will end up stiffing Juan.

Wiley E. Coyote (Dario) visits some sleazy looking guy (who I would swear owned the cantina bar in FELS) with a new plan to ruin the RoadRunner (Juan). This guy has some kind of grudge against Juan because he can’t wait to carry out Dario’s plan.
Will this plan go kaput, as all the others have, and will an anvil finally fall on Dario's head?

And we learn new words today, because that is why we watch. No?:
Casorio = wedding
Esfumar = to blur, to soften, to tone down


"Hija-landia". Perfect doris.

Ahh my favorite - vocabulary. "Casorio = wedding" and "Esfumar = to blur, to soften, to tone down" were fantastic. Looked up "No hay remedio" so will add that as well.

Thank you for "Some silly scenes" and "Spare me. I’ll spare you, too".

Sebas tried to do the right thing with Steffi and while it was a painful realization that she lost his love, she did the right thing too.

Sebas and Vicky still not together. Boy, I wish I'd seen his leg muscles. Or his face. Or anything of his. Talk about a Pepsodent smile.

Lots of fun doris - thank you.



Doris, thank you for a fun recap. I loved your disclaimer, I may "borrow" some ideas.

" always seemed to invite a guy to pull the elastic away from a girl’s chest and peek down to see “the girls.” You must have hung out with some nervy guys.  :-)

I'm beginning to feel sorry for Inés:
"Sor Silly Goose gets her hopes up re: Sebastian. Yet again. Give me a break."
"Some silly scenes with Barbara and her slave Ines." OK, this one gave me pause, but then I thought "3 PM daytime TN on Univision... right, not what I was thinking. Too bad."

How many briefcases full of "cash" does Dario have???

Thanks again, a fun read.



Today's hash of MAÑANA will be brief, probably incomplete (what else is new, eh?), and much delayed, maybe forever.  :-)

Most of the episode was preempted by a live report on yet another awful school shooting that took place this morning, so I got to see less than half the show and slept through that part because it was mostly about Cristóbal.

I will record the 2 AM airing, but...

No need to tell me not to worry about it, because I'm already not.



MAÑANA Part 1 (of maybe 2; maybe not)

(OT: one of the young women on Hoy, which precedes MAÑANA, sounds just like Ximena.)

Diana is acting sexy, trying to reel Camilo back in, and making progress, but he says they first have to deal with Cristóbal. Cristóbal has been screwing up "lately" and got expelled from school for not attending classes or exams. He also got dropped from Javiera's band when she learned that he had been lying to her. He's now trying to get back into the band, but his parents won't allow this. He needs to finish "prepa" to be eligible for university; if he wants a job he needs to find something stable, not music, which he has never formally studied.

He decides it is time to leave the house and is 18 so he can. Lots of family boohooing and hugging. Nico gives him his little piggy bank and his sisters give him what cash they have to help him get by. Camilo says he will drop him at Ferchi's house.

Monica and Iñaki have dinner together. Iñaki wants to know if the heartbreak story she told him at Valle de Bravo was about Camilo. She is reluctant to admit it, she likes Iñaki and she's afraid he will judge her and think less of her (certainly nobody here did that, right?). He tells her he has made a lot of mistakes in his life and no longer judges people. She's still reluctant because there are things she's not proud of. But they agree they have a good relationship and there should be no lies between them; he won't repeat anything she tells him.
He does think she's wasting her time with Camilo. She should be doing other things, developing her career, finding someone else...
Monica says she has been waiting 20 years, she can wait a little longer.

In the morning Ximena straggles in from her night with Malicio but pretends she just got up and is going to work. Monica remarks that it looks like she is wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday. Not at all, insists Ximena and leaves. But once Monica leaves Ximena returns to shower and change. Fun girl.

Rafa is with Paloma in her sumptuous hospital room (I was not kidding; you guys should see this hospital room) and it's all sweetness between them. Rafa kisses her on the forehead and leaves for work.

Laura arrives, but here we are interrupted by news of the school shooting in California.



Ah Doris yes! Leonora’s blue and white outfit was f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s. To die for. The rest? Well as you said,some scenes are not worthy of inclusion.
And how right you were about Sebastian’s leg muscles working overtime to keep a rambunctious Juana Victoria hoisted. And like Diana, loved “spare me, and I’ll spare you...indeed. But sun and sand still top dark murder and mayhem.
Thanks so much Doris. Having your help is so wonderful. And I had both a lovely night off and a lovely night out.


Enjoyed your recap Andy but how sad that we’ve had another school shooting and still no progress on gun control in this country. I admit the only thing that intrigues me is Paloma’s “sumptuous “ hospital room. I may have to tune in to see that!
Hoping that Monica and Ximena both wise up and eventually choose to go after more available , worthwhile men so that we can cheer them on instead gnashing our teeth.

Thank you Doris. I always enjoy your comments and now a recap!

I am still trying to catch up. Gaining traction on the guys slowly. I do not understand JuanaVictoria’s hair. Must be a makeover in the future. Maybe she leaves to clear path for JuanaSor and becomes a great success somewhere only to reunite later. It’s been known to happen

I doubt it is easy to just move to Rome unless it is off grid. Pesky things like visas, residency permits, extradition treaties

Bus scene was fun. Haven’t we all seen vignettes in real life and filled in back stories and resolutions? My favorite airport activity




ANDY...I watched the late night recording to check out Paloma's "sumptuous" hospital room. We do have rooms like that in our newer hospitals here, or in the new wings of our existing hospitals. Medical care is a booming industry in central Ohio. But nurses are still overworked and floors are still understaffed, in spite of the lovely decor and conveniences for visitors. Which reminded me of our daughter's stay in a hospital at age 14 for suspected appendicitis. At the time, one of the hospital chaplains was in my weight training class, and she asked my daughter who, of the staff was the most helpful to her.

Her reply?-- The cleaning lady.

She was caring, comforting and nurturing which is what a frightened teenager needed.

I visited another friend, in her 90's, who had a similar experience. (different hospital, different personnel) But the fellow swabbing out her room, listened attentively, prayed with her, and later brought her a candy bar to cheer her up.

So many ways of caring and healing, but it sure has nothing to do with decor or the education and salary level. In both those cases, the people earning the least seemed to do the most for those two patients.

As for the rest, I did enjoy Iñaki's Spanish accent and crisp, quick way of speaking. Let's just leave it at that! Everyone else...well...

Doris, thank you for Another fun retelling of all the weirdness as our characters continue to create drama out of everything.

Nothing better than kissing beside the sea. I must say that those kisses between Vicky and Seb looked convincingly real as if the actors didn't mind at all. The way Vicky leaped into Seb's do that you have to really trust the person to catch you.


JudyB, I'm glad that you got to see Paloma's "sumptuous" hospital room.

Did you notice her very pink lips? It looks like she and Rafa are going to pair up and that's, to me, an interesting combo.

Interesting stories re hospitals, both sad and nice. I agree about a lot of nurses being overworked due to understaffing. For all the money we spend on healthcare in this country we don't always get the best results.



This is just from memory, and my memory is not what it used to be... if it ever was.

The most important thing is that Eli was presented with a flower from Nico at the school entrance. Not quite what I was expecting, it was a flower from a toy store, something like that. But the note was great, "A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl."

Eli was delighted and told Nico so. Lots of pulsating red hearts all around for Judy. I expected Eli to give Nico a little peck on the cheek, but no, not even that. Well, they are only seven years old, so no reason not to take it slow.

Laura visits Paloma in Paloma's sumptuous hospital room, but Paloma wants nothing to do with her. Laura tries to explain what happened, blaming Paloma's father for everything, and of course he has just walked in behind her and challenges her version. Paloma asks them both to leave her alone.

They leave and argue in the hallway. They get really worked up arguing and the next thing they are in a tight clench and kissing each other. Of course, Adrian has just turned the corner and sees all this, though Laura doesn't see him. Poor Adrian, there go his dreams. He leaves and Laura breaks the clench and says enough.

Monica continues telling Camilo how terrific Iñaki is, Camilo continues making faces when Monica is not watching.

Other stuff happened, I'm sure, but I think nothing that important.


Good Day, Patiomates!


Doris,you covered everything that needed to be covered and then some...and you did is it splendidly. Thank you!

When J-Vic jumped on Seb I laughed thinking that they could have fall off of that ledge...mow that would have been long as the fall was only a couple of feet.

I don't really feel sorry for Ines. She has no common sense and bends the rules to her convenience, all the while, trying to act like a saint; no wonder they keep calling her saint (juarever). In addition to that, she has Mauricio who is after her like a lovesick little puppy.


Andy, thanks again for the Andycap. Now I'm going to have to check out that "sumptuous" hospital room too.

I suppose Monica shows no remorse about using Iñaki? I still can't believe that the protag is behaving so badly.

OT- JudyB, "So many ways of caring and healing, but it sure has nothing to do with decor or the education and salary level. In both those cases, the people earning the least seemed to do the most for those two patients." Similar things happen in the schools. Children who need attention many a time get it from the custodians or cafeteria personnel...yeah, nothing to do with education or salary.



RgvChick - LOL I might start calling Inés "Sor Juarever".

Susanlynn - " I must say that those kisses between Vicky and Seb looked convincingly real . . . "
Caray has a rule about not discussing actors' private lives, so I won't. However, if you consult Señor Google, you will see just how accurate your observation is.


Perhaps Rafa and Paloma could share lipstick?


Angels show up in the most unlikely way, including hospital janitors. Or cafeteria workers. Life is full of surprises.


I just passed by my local hospital, all in all a pretty good hospital, but there was a, probably union organized, demonstration going on against understaffing. Everybody wearing red hats (must be a thing) and waving placards that said "Every patient is a VIP" and chanting.


Doris, "Perhaps Rafa and Paloma could share lipstick?"
I think they will be doing so in the very near future.

Rgv Chickie, "I suppose Monica shows no remorse about using Iñaki? I still can't believe that the protag is behaving so badly."

This is interesting but I'm not quite sure what you mean. She is not using Iñaki in the sense of deceiving him in any way. She has told him several times that the only man she is interested in is Camilo; she and Iñaki are very good friends who very much like each other, but no more. At least on her part; it's obvious that Iñaki would like to escalate the relationship.

OTOH, Monica does "use" Iñaki as a fake "other suitor" to make Camilo jealous. She pretends to be on the phone with Iñaki, sweet talking him, etc., all just to make Camilo think there is something going on between her and Iñaki. That sort of thing has probably been going on since before humans acquired speech, just using body language. I don't see anything wrong with it.

In defense of Monica in this silly TN that had an awful, awful start, she was supposedly in love with Camilo for 20 years and nobody had a clue except for Ximena. She never acted on her feelings and no one was aware of them. THEN Diana thinks she's dying and pushes Monica to be her "replacement" and facilitated Monica and clueless Camilo's becoming romantically involved.
Once the cancer scare was past, Diana wanted Monica to just forget any interest in him. Monica was not willing to just go back to the status quo ante. (Sorry, but that phrase sort of came to me but I could not remember the exact wording and had to spend a few minutes searching for it. And after that effort I just had to use it.   :-)

Anyway, my take on this is that Monica is a nice, very decent person who just happens to be trying to snag a married man. Nobody's perfect.

And I would be very surprised if Camilo and Diana do break up and if Monica and Iñaki don't get together.




I recorded and watched today's episode and looked like a Paloma had the day off.

Andy - that "status quo ante" is cool. I'm looking forward to your andycap.


andy, I always enjoy your perspectives. Anyway, my take on this is that Monica is a nice, very decent person who just happens to be trying to snag a married man. Nobody's perfect". Hmm. I agree that while she kept her crush on Cam to herself, she did nothing wrong. And while Diana's offer might have been tempting (for a NY minute), making a play while Di was still among the living was well, just wrong.

"And I would be very surprised if Camilo and Diana do break up and if Monica and Iñaki don't get together". From what I'm reading, that does seem to be the inevitable outcome.

Rgv Chick, I loved your "Similar things happen in the schools. Children who need attention many a time get it from the custodians or cafeteria personnel". That is so true. Kindness has no social status.


MAÑANA (part 1 of 2)

(some scenes combined; others chopped, diced, or julienned.)

Laura returns to the pastelería and is a little confused because Adrian is a bit cold toward her.

Crazy Maggie calls Manuel to say they have received an invitation to Barbi's wedding, but Manuel says she and he are not now a couple.
(OK, I still like Manuel, but his wife has gone crazy and he's just abandoning her. Would he do the same if she had a physical illness? I will grant that it could be extremely difficult to deal with her and get her help, but she is his wife.)

Maggie meets Regina leaving school and tries to paper over her problems with Manuel, but Regina is not buying it. Then Pablo arrives and he and Regina are all silly smiles and goo-goo eyes. Could it be that they like each other???
Maggie is not pleased, but Pablo, Regina, and Nico go for ice cream. Regina and Pablo are busy talking to each other so Nico manages to steal some ice cream from each of them until they finally notice, and tickle him in revenge. Cute.

Camilo hand delivers Monica an invitation to Barbi's wedding (even though Barbi did not want her invited). Camilo says she has always 'been there' for him.
Monica can't decide whether she should go or not. Then she has one of her happy fantasies about Camilo. He comes to her, smiling and with his hand out for hers. But then Diana comes in, and Monica is upset. Then comes Barbi, then Cristóbal, Regina, Nico. They glare at her. Happy fantasy no more, and Monica is upset and looks a little guilty.

Diana meets with the lawyer who handled her adoption and asks him to find her birth parents' identities in his old records. He will try.

Later Diana runs her "luchadores" story by Nico. It is about a family named "Guerra" so they are all "guerreros" but the family seems a lot like los Sarmiento, right down to the names of the children. She doesn't have an ending yet, but she promises it will be a happy ending. Nico has a suggestion, she should add another luchadora named "Eli, corazon de dulce" who marries Nico (and we see radiating, pulsating little red hearts so we get the idea). Diana is amused and delighted. As, I'm sure, we all are, even Judy.  :-)

Días después:

Barbi is getting dressed for her wedding, and is looking good, a little heavy on the eye makeup, but really good.
Diana, also getting dressed, tells Eugenia that she has spoken with the lawyer, who told her that Eugenia did not want to adopt Laura but that her husband insisted. Diana thinks this sheds some light on why Eugenia always treated her and Laura differently. And I think there's a story behind Eugenia's not wanting to adopt Laura. We'll see.

Meanwhile, Malicio, dressed for his wedding, calls Ximena to say he's looking forward to seeing her again soon. Ximena says no way, single guys are one thing, married guys are off limits. I so hope she sticks to this line.

Malicio says to himself he has to marry Barbi for the money and for MediaLink.

MAÑANA (part 2 of 2)

At the wedding

Everybody is all dressed up and waiting outside the church. A small group of nuns file past, the last in line being our new Mistress of Disguises, Sister Monica.

Everybody is there and it's really fun. Eugenia and Laura look at each other then glumly turn away, Luis and Nora sit together, look at each other, sniff and look away, and later steal glances. Pablo smiles at Regina in the pew in front of him, big smile from Regina, no smile at all from Crazy Maggie who obviously does not care for this interloper making time with her Incubator.
Alumdena puckers up big time for Camilo as he walks Barbi down the aisle.

The ceremony begins.
Personally, I love big church weddings with a beautiful bride. I especially love it, as some of you know, when we get a wonderful runaway bride scene.

Run, Barbi, run!

But she doesn't!  :-(

Dumb broad.

The show did something wicked here during the ceremony. The priest says if anyone opposes this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace, and at that moment a hot looking woman enters the church, at first out of camera focus, and Malicio sweats a good bit, but then she just takes a seat in a pew, presumably just a latecomer.

They're married. And Sor Monica (!) sings "Ave Maria" and Camilo thinks he recognizes the voice.

The nuns want Sor Monica to ask her Mother Superior, Madre Ximena, to allow her to sing at all their weddings.

Lots and lots of little scenes at the wedding, great fun to watch.

There follows a very nice wedding reception and our Mistress of Disguises puts on a waiter's jacket, etc., and blends into the background. Camilo and Barbie have an emotional dance together and there's not a dry eye in the house. Well, maybe Malicio's.

The only one to recognize Monica is Nico, who wants to dance with her. She can't and she asks him not to tell anybody she was there.
A little later Nico goes to Camilo and whispers something in his ear. A surprised Camilo asks "Where?" and Nico leads him off, and the episode ends.

A very nice episode!



Doris, thank you. I'll try to work status quo ante into some of my comments. Hey, we can all use it and sound cool, or like we work for the State Department.


Diana, "And while Diana's offer might have been tempting (for a NY minute), making a play while Di was still among the living was well, just wrong."

Ah, but if she hadn't then we wouldn't have had a story. And Diana pushed her and pushed her and so did Ximena. Don Juan had his "menjunje", Camilo had his reaction to Ximena's blood pressure meds, and Monica had people pushing her into doing this.

Let's not be sexist about this, eh? (j/k)




You were on fire with this one ANDY--I guess weddings bring out the best in you-- romantic fella that you are...

(some scenes combined; others chopped, diced, or julienned.)

Just loved that...especially as Thanksgiving is coming up and I'll be chopping, dicing and julienning like crazy

As for those little hearts pulsating...ahem, I'm sitting here trying to be objective and not snarky. But that's so unlike me. Oh well. Nico is cute. Whatever.

And don't want to give you a big scare, but I AGREE with you about Manny and his treatment of Maggie. Cold. Unkind. Don't like where that storyline is going. Well, don't like any of the Mañana storylines, so I guess that is no big news.

And now Laura. Perhaps she is the blowby of Eugenia's husband with another lady. And that's why Tita was so reluctant to adopt and so cool to the result. Evidently Laura and her own whelp Paloma are ladies of "unbridled passion" so there will be some scandalous back story there. We can only hope.

Happy Chilly Saturday to everybody. Going to put on my toasty long parka in a bit, and go out for a walk soon just to get the blood running. Although staying home and curling up with a book sounds good too. Reading an interesting book about the border called When The River Becomes a Line. Heartbreaking stories.



andy, this was excellent.

Mi amiga Judy and I loved the same lines, "(some scenes combined; others chopped, diced, or julienned)" was my favorite.

"(and we see radiating, pulsating little red hearts so we get the idea". Fun!

"no smile at all from Crazy Maggie who obviously does not care for this interloper making time with her Incubator" - inspired.

So another marriage doomed to unhappiness. And from what I am reading, Manny seems cruel and callous.

A bright spot in this cold, blustery day. Judy enjoy your walk!

andy, thank you!



Thank you for another entertaining andycap, Andy. IT really was more fun than the episode. My favorite lines:

-- ”…no smile at all from Crazy Maggie who obviously does not care for this interloper making time with her Incubator.”

-- ” I especially love it, as some of you know, when we get a wonderful runaway bride scene.

-- Run, Barbi, run!
But she doesn't! :-(
Dumb broad”

(This one just made me laugh because, you know, perspective of a guy’s point of view. :-))

Barbi was a beautiful bride. But I could not believe she married Mauricio. Oh well, it is a plot propeller.
Too bad the latecomer in the bright yellow dress wasn’t there stop the wedding. Boo! Hiss!
Assuming Barbi is still a virgin, there is time for her to annul Malicio and claim lack of consummation.

Manuel’s treatment of Maggi was rather cold. Perhaps his beard-rug glue has affected his brain.

Was it my imagination, or did Pablo seem to run interference every time Maggi approached Regina? The timing was impeccable.


Oh, Andy, you brought us this sour-tasting "menjunje" and made it into a delicious treat with all of your added sides. Thank you!

I watched this to see the "sumptuous" hospital room but started late ...where the wedding begins. From your recap, it seems that there were no hospital scenes.

I hated watching Barbi marry Malicio, but enjoyed the father-daughter dance while Diana cried as she imagined a very young (about 5??) Barbi dancing with her daddy.

The bitter cold has come and gone in the RGV; we're in the high 60s today. Hope everyone else keeps warm. Judy, bundle up and enjoy your walk; and if you decide to stay in and read, enjoy that too.


Hi. Dropping by the patio to say hi on a cold, but brilliantly sunny day. Taking a break from last by bills and doing chores to the accompaniment nonstop Hallmark Christmas movies.

Andy ..thanks for another smile when I read your latest Andycap . When I say that I think of candygrams. I

Not a happy wedding with the groom being such a horny , sleazy weasel. UGH. Poor Barbi.


Judy, thank you for your kind comments, but the fact that we agree on Manuel has made me rethink things, I must have been mistaken about him.

After all, he did try to get her to find psychiatric help, but she has resisted consistently. She's his wife, so he absolutely should do something, but what?
If he went to the police and told the desk sergeant that his wife was nutso, the police officer would probably just reply that his was too, aren't they all?
Is she crazy enough that he could get her treatment against her will?

I don't know how easy that is here, let alone in Mexico. But it might happen. Or worse. I suspect that Manuel will eventually be paired up with the lovely Bodoque, who is so much better-looking anyway, but something has to clear the way for them.

But what do you do with a spouse gone crazy?



Diana, thank you very much.

But "Mi amiga Judy and I loved the same lines,..."

Diana, I'll let you in on a little secret. It is much more fun to disagree with Judy, and she's a good sport about it.




Andy does Manana--wish the editors were doing the cutting, slicing, dicing and julienneing (if that is a word) for us, but you do a great job. Thank you.

He's our Andycam into the lives of the oh, so forgettable characters and story but he's the reason we just keep coming back for more.

The only thing that marred my enjoyment of the wedding was Mauricio himself, knowing what a "horny, sleazy weasel" he is. At least he behaved himself. I was sure he would try to snag one of the bridesmaids...and speaking of them, weren't there about 8 of them all dressed in salmon? We never saw them anywhere near the bride until they threw rice at the couple emerging from the church, nor at the reception. What a waste. Oh, well.

Can't say I liked Monica's rendition of Ave Maria any more than Fina's in Cuando me Enamoro.

I thought Monica looked properly chastened when the whole Sarmiento family showed up in her fantasy. She could have slipped in and out of the church, just like the yellow blurred lady did. I guess Paloma didn't make it? I kind of looked for her for Rafa's sake, but he was there with La Bizcochita.

I'm beginning to feel sorry for Maggie now. Lost her father-to-be, will probably lose the Incubator (great line, Andy) and baby to handsome Pablo and is left in that big empty house, no will to go to the bakery anymore nor doctor's statement that she's perfectly normal.

I sure hopeo Rafa and Monica and the rest of the good guys find Mauricio's fraud soon (before consumation, if possible).

Bring back Inaki. He's a breath of reason.

Good to be back. Cold here, too, cold rain expected tomorrow. Will have to get a walk in today, too!


Doris, thanks for your kind comments. And I bet you enjoyed the episode more than you're letting on.

After all: "Barbi was a beautiful bride. But I could not believe she married Mauricio." I agree completely. Amazing the attraction of having a beautiful blow-out wedding can be to very young women. And I really thought that something would manage to cancel the wedding.

"Assuming Barbi is still a virgin, there is time for her to annul Malicio and claim lack of consummation."
That's a thought! Barbi has been resisting Malicio's entreaties to have sex with him, so their wedding night could be "special". Hmmm...

"Was it my imagination, or did Pablo seem to run interference every time Maggi approached Regina? The timing was impeccable."
Telenovela timing never ceases to amaze me. People always seem to show up where they need to be, or where they shouldn't be, at exactly the critical moment.

That said, Pablo and Regina actively try to get together as much as possible though the show doesn't do the little red pulsating hearts for them.



Susanlynn, thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. I hope all is well with you.

"Not a happy wedding with the groom being such a horny , sleazy weasel. UGH. Poor Barbi."

Yeah, I still can't believe it, I thought Malicio would be found out before the wedding.



Anita, thank you, I love your take on what happened.

Especially "I thought Monica looked properly chastened when the whole Sarmiento family showed up in her fantasy."
She did indeed. She looked quite guilty. At heart Monica is a very good person, but she has not given much thought to Camilo's family. Now she is doing so and, as she said to Iñaki when she filled him in on her pursuit of Camilo, there are things she's not proud of. It seems this is weighing down on her more so all the time.

And I think we will see more and more of Iñaki in the near future, and he now knows everything about her and Camilo. Good friends that they are now, Monica and Iñaki agreed when they talked about it that there would be no lies, and the whole truth. He says he has learned not to judge, and he is obviously still very much interested in Monica.

Works for me.



Rgv Chickie, thank you very much for your comments and for all you do for Caray.

"I watched this to see the "sumptuous" hospital room but started late ..."
I have to laugh at this. It's a very large, very nice private hospital room, well furnished, but nothing that would make any Saudi prince jealous. As Judy told us there are lots of such hospital rooms in Ohio as hospitals are a booming business these days.

I just wonder who pays for them. It must be expensive "boutique" health care plans or self-pay. Most health insurance won't, and many, including Medicare, specifically disallow any boutique care.

The thing is that Laura and Paloma arrived in Mexico with only a very few pesos to their names. Other TNs have had scenes where people were turned away from hospitals, or almost, because they didn't have health insurance. Paloma is pretty, but not so much that the hospital would decide she's a princess and needs such TLC and a decent hospital suite.

"I hated watching Barbi marry Malicio, but enjoyed the father-daughter dance while Diana cried as she imagined a very young (about 5??) Barbi dancing with her daddy."
It was touching, and the imagined 5 year old Barbi dancing with daddy, her feet on top of his, was very nice. I should have included that part in the description, thanks for mentioning it.



" Can't say I liked Monica's rendition of Ave Maria any more than Fina's in Cuando me Enamoro."
Pablo Montero's rendition in FELS made dogs howl and babies cry.

Manana-- Doris--I just couldn't remember when Pablo sang it. I know he made everyone cover their ears in Triumfo de Amor, with the endless repetitions of the one song he sang. And here I thought he made his fame with his voice.

Anita - it May have been Triunfo. So long ago I can’t be sure.

Doris, I remember Pablo's singing ,but I didn't remember the telenovela.

Paablo sang Ave Maria in Fuego en la Sangre. He sang it well except he was off key or, for sure on a different key than the orchestration behind him, so the total effect was excruciating.

Thank you Judy! THAT was the rendition.



"RINGO: La Pelea de Su Vida (The Fight of His Life)" is a new TN which will premiere on Univisión on Dec. 2nd at 8PM (E). A brief synopsis is provided on the " 2019" page. Here is the link...

DORIS, I've forgotten a lot, but I'll never forget that painful moment. The Ave Maria just went on and on and on, and if one is sensitive to "off-key", the pain is memorable and unforgettable. He really does have a nice voice, BUT.....

Fortunately, Urban isn't on this thread. She loves Pablo Montero. I think she told us she actually met him once. I'll check w/her.

Thanks, JudyB--Ave Maria would have been in FELS. In TdA he was always singing the same song to Livia Brito (her debut in a major role). I remember liking her a lot, but feeling sorry that Pablo was supposed to be her love interest. He just wasn't up to it, but he was.

OH, RGV--Thanks for the heads up on Ringo. The cast looks great (esp. Pierre Louis), although I'd rather it be someone other than Jose Ron in the lead. OTOH, he did fine in his little role in PASL getting shot right away.

ANITA....Yes, Urban’s avatar way back when used to be a picture of her with Pablo Monterey. They made a lovely couple!



I have a commitment tonight. If no one can jump in and recap for me, I will put up a recap a few hours later than usual. Happy Monday everybody!

JUDY - I can do today's recap.

Doris, you are a doll. I appreciate your help so much. I am sending you a virtual bouquet of flowers, and a virtual 5 pound box of chocolates. Enjoy! (Sending some virtual hugs too.)

Oh, wow, 5 lbs of chocolates with nary a calorie in the box. Lucky Doris. Lucky us to get another of her recaps.

Can I get one of those boxes if I volunteer to do Wednesday's recap?

Well, better virtual than real, because the weight I would gain from real would not be virtual. LOL 😳

ANITA...Yes, yes, yes, you will also get a virtual 5# box of chocolates for doing the Wednesday recap. How marvelous to have two days help this week. Really appreciate it. Would you like Virtual Dark Chocolate or Virtual Milk Chocolate? We aim to please.

JudyB--Virtual Milk Chocolate. If possible, covering a soft chocolate truffle with a hazelnut in the center. Hmmm, sounds a bit like Ferrero Rocher, but I'll take anything, honestly.

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