Monday, November 04, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Nov. 4, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 for the first full week in November! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thoughts. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 42-44
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 16-18

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Part 1

A pleasant episode that was mostly just spinning around getting nowhere in particular. But no animals were harmed during the filming, and no human beings either, as far as I can tell. Here's what happened.

The townsfolk do an about-face after Juan takes the microphone and explains how the video was doctored to put false words in Juana Victoria's mouth. Suddenly the gals are beloved celebrities again. Everybody is hip hip hooray and Juan gets one of many hugs with his four daughters. Later, when they're collecting used clothing for the poor, the townswomen are thrilled they're doing such charitable work. All good.

Leonora and Dario meet at his gorgeous home. I'm distracted by my usual clothing envy (her blue and white dress looks great)but try to concentrate on their dialogue. Actually, Dario shows a flash of his nasty temper and Leonora is shocked. He quickly explains it as worry over how the four Juanas are corrupting his kids. They quibble about whether they can sow doubt over which video is the "real" one. But that seems to go nowhere (as did a lot of other plot lines.)

Vicky makes her usual counseling pilgrimage to Javier's office. Is he really really sure that Sebastian is her half-brother. 'Cause he doesn't have the birthmark. Javier mentions the mystery of genetics. And insists that romance is impossible because Seb IS her half-brother and IS getting married in a few months. Checkmate One.

Barb is in Juan's office with her list of needs for the gym. He's more than generous and even agrees to import her trainer to work with her here. Big hugs. And a couple of kisses.

But no hugging and kissing with Steffi and Seb. He's in a foul mood over the failure to purchase the adjoining land to the hotel. Then apologizes for not being more empathetic with her distress over finding out Daddy is a churl. This all gets resolved though when they both go to confront Dario as being the man behind the blocked sale. He quickly improvises and says he did it in order to give Seb and Steffi the land as a wedding present. She's thrilled. Seb not so much. He comes back later with a check for the amount of the original price and lays it on Dario's desk. Checkmate Two.

Leonora strikes out as well. She's following Juan in her car, thinking she's going to catch him with his lover. But turns out he's taking flowers to an old woman who used to be the cook at the hotel. Checkmate three.


Part 2

The gals are sorting out the used clothing in the storeroom. Octavio is helping because he's currently out of work. But is still skittish around Soledad. When she pretends to see a spirit hovering around his head, he takes off running. Checkmate Four. And a big yawn to boot.

Another counseling session with Javier. This time it's our clueless Juan who thinks Leonora's jealousy is a sign of her love and her intention to forgive him soon. Javier thinks the jealousy is more a matter of pride. But why in the Sam Hill does Leonora think he's cheating? Does he have a lover? Of course not, sez Juan.

Dario also weasels out of his guilt in commissioning the altered video. Convinces Steffi that he has no reason to want to hurt the Juanas. It was all his assistant--since fired!--who was paid a great deal of money by some mysterious person who only communicated through text messages. Our dear sweet credulous Steffi believes him.

Juan asks Margarita to congratulate him--Leonora is going to forgive him for sure! Big hug. Which Leonora sees. And stalks out, determined now to put an end to the divorce proceedings. No way is she going to leave the way clear for that conniving wench!

Exit Leonora, enter Juana Victoria. Who wants to know all about how things were when Juan and his wife conceived Sebastian. We get a weird playback of the story of the "menjunje" [herbal brew] which not only increased Juan's sperm count but also made him incredibly horny. Unfortunately every time he tried to jump his wife's bones, she would tell him to wait until she ovulated--20 days from then. And off they went to consult another expert. And he met Margarita.

Somehow we never actually get to the time they conceived Seb. But we do get a sweet memory of how thrilled Juan was to know that Leo was finally pregnant. And how overwhelmed he was when Seb was actually born. Suddenly his life had meaning. And he was going to do everything in his power to raise up a fine young man with principles and honor.


Part 3

Octavio is laying out the contours of Barb's boxing ring and she's reaming him out for enticing--and then fleeing--Juana Soledad. Another yawn.

Juana Victoria is back in her room trying to get it through her head that Seb is really really really for realz her brother. Writing it 100 times on her computer. Knock knock. Who's there? Steffi? Steffi who? Ah fuhgeddabout it. Steff wants Vicky to come with her to Mexico City for the first tryout of the wedding dress. No way, sez Vick. Steffi leaves in tears. Vicky runs after her, apologizing. "It's the pain, you see. My wrist still hurts. Of course I'll go with you. But why me?" Well, turns out Vick is her best friend. Huh? And ordinarily, she'd ask Leonora but she's miffed at her. Y'know. The nasty way she's been treating the Juanas. More burning coals being poured on Vicky's head.

Now do you really believe that Estefania, having grown up in Mazatlan, has NO best friend but the new Juana in town? Well, yeah. Would you like to have a friend like Estefania? Perfect in every way? Probably not. Those girls are a load. Perfect hair. Perfect skin. Perfect figure. Big blue eyes.Lovely blonde hair. Gorgeous, endless wardrobe. In short, your worst nightmare. Just no.

So how does this little Hamster Episode end? Seb tells his dad he got the terrain back. But it's a long story and he doesn't have time to explain. The ever-perfect Steffi wants to give Seb the Night of Passion they missed at the beach house but no, he doesn't have time for that right now either. And Leonora comes to Margarita's door, barges in and announces that I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU STEAL MY HUSBAND!

Big glare from Leonora. Equally big glare from Margarita.

And there we end. Go Hamsters go! You're not getting anywhere. But we've still got many episodes left to fill. So keep on churning.

JudyB, love the title; it so depicts today's happenings. How many more episodes (yawn) :-) And of course thoroughly enjoyed reading your recap which outshines the episode.

I especially liked all the checkmates and yawns, plus...

They quibble about whether they can sow doubt over which video is the "real" one. But that seems to go nowhere (as did a lot of other plot lines.)

Juana Victoria is back in her room trying to get it through her head that Seb is really really really for realz her brother. Writing it 100 times on her computer. Knock knock. Who's there? Steffi? Steffi who? Ah fuhgeddabout it.

I was trying to get a close look at J-Vic's hair. Me thinks it's a wig. I could never see her scalp through all that hair...or it could be that she has LOTS of hair. Oh well, je ne sais ne care pas.


Thanks, judyb, this show does go round and round . Hijas on a merry go round.

Estefi is too good to be true. Perfect Barbie.

Chickie, it sure looks to me that Michelle (Juana Vick) is wearing a awful, awful wig. When does she get the makeover? Maybe the girls and Estefi will have a pajama party ,and Estefi will give Juana Vick a makeover.
Brrr...It inter is cominv.


...Winter is coming


Thank you for your recap, Judy, and the perfect title! I was drooling over that blue & white dress Leo was wearing, too. I love all her clothes!

The Leo scenes were the most entertaining ones today.

”He comes back later with a check for the amount of the original price and lays it on Dario's desk.”
And that would mean Dario is out the difference that HE paid, right? I went “commando” (DID NOT USE CCs) when I watched this.

” Would you like to have a friend like Estefania? Perfect in every way? Probably not. Those girls are a load. Perfect hair. Perfect skin. Perfect figure. Big blue eyes.Lovely blonde hair. Gorgeous, endless wardrobe. In short, your worst nightmare. Just no.”
I. totally. agree. Judy. All the guys would be drooling over her and we would be … invisible.

And I agree,,, why doesn’t Stefi have a BFF already? I know, right? (answer: plot propeller-LOL)

Sebastian actually looked a little nauseous when Stefi proposed nookie. He dodged that bullet. Whew!

- Could it be possible there was a baby switch at the hospital, and that’s how Los Oropeza unwittingly brought home Seb? I’ve heard things like that happen in telenovelas. ;-)

The most interesting thing today a/k/a the larger cerebral challenge, was --- what type car was Leo driving??? The badge on the front grill looked like a Nissan emblem, but they do not make station wagons. I even googled it for Mexico. Hmmmmm...... inquiring minds want to know.

Good evening patio.

Judy, your "menjunje" [herbal brew]" and "More burning coals being poured on Vicky's head" were wonderful. What a fun recap, especially that "no animals were harmed during the filming, and no human beings either". Excellent!

Sorry I missed Leo’s blue and white dress as you and doris liked it so much.

Rgv Chick and Susanlynn, I have no right to voice an opinion as I’ve never seen this, but the group picture sure looks as though Michelle Renaud is sporting a wig. Only my opinion.

So another comment come out of the far left field. Did anyone see My Best Friend's Wedding? Beautiful Julia Roberts was going to steal her best friend engaged to a sweet, seemingly a bit ditzy but otherwise perfect Cameron Diaz. Well Cameron went with the notion of keeping your enemies close, entangling Julia in the wedding prep by making her the maid of honor. Julia's machinations were fruitless. Cameron kept her man. Perhaps Steffi is being calculating. Or not.

Judy, thank you for your always intriguing, fun filled recaps.



RGV CHICK...Love "je ne sais pas, je ne care pas." That's pretty much how I felt about this episode. Don't know if I'm suffering from a general sense of "ennui" or if it's Hijas. Though actually just can't get excited about anything right now. Maybe I need some of Juan's "menjunje". It certainly perked him up!

SUSANLYNN...I like your idea of a pajama party and a makeover for Juana Victoria. And throw in Juana Inés as well. They both need work.

DORIS...Relieved that you too are lusting after Leonora's wardrobe. Well, "lusting" maybe isn't the right word. You know what I mean! And your Crockpot theory of a baby switch certainly sounds plausible. And I like the idea of another fella in Mazatlan with a half-moon birthmark on his backside. But I like the idea of Leonora's infidelity even more. We shall see. At least a little mystery to keep us on tenterhooks.

Ah DIANA...I remember that movie quite well. Loved the shots of Chicago, and still laugh thinking about Cameron Diaz' horrible karaoke singing. As for Estefi, who knows? We have seen her being very kind to her brother when Papa Dario was treating him badly. So I fear she may just be a very very very nice person. But there might be some calculation in her bid for Vicky's friendship. And a little bit of cynical plotting would certainly make her more interesting. Carlos always defended the bad girls and Hombre de Misterio preferred snappish, irritable gals to the bland and sweet. Not sure either of them would find our Juanas or Estefania interesting at all.


Judyb, when I was in 8th grade, a new girl came to our school grade, my section. Mary Jane was pretty, curvy, and slightly wild and crazy. All the boys in our tiny class of 88 were thrilled to see a new face ...and body ...considering we had all been together since first grade. When I complained to my aunt about the new girl stealing the boys' attention, she told me to befriend her. It was wise advice.


[some scenes combined, the rest mostly just mooshed together]

Luis tells Bodoque that he has found her a job, helping Diana with the house and with Nico; not what she was hoping for, but a job is a job.
Bodoque interviews with Diana, not mentioning her lucha libre background, and gets the job. They shake on it, and Diana remarks how strong Bodoque's grip is.

Laura rails at Eugenia for never telling her she was adopted, denying it, in fact, when Laura, often hurt by Eugenia's coldness toward her and preference for Diana, outright asked if she was adopted. Laura fumes and then says "Goodbye, Señora" and leaves.
Eugenia and Chabela argue about telling Diana that she too is adopted, then Eugenia gets a text message from her bank. Paloma cashed the hush money check anyway!    :-)

Monica is working hard to get up to speed with every department and aspect of MediaLink with the occasional time out to fantasize about Camilo fawning over her. Unfortunately Diana keeps appearing in her fantasies to reclaim him.

Regina asks Manuel to help her get Pablo out of jail and not fired from MediaLink. Manuel is unenthusiastic, but suggests they might have better luck with Camilo if they can get Adrian to help.

Closed Captioning tells me that Nico's little girlfriend has a name, Elisa, and I see she has a couple of new teeth coming in. They leave school together, chatting, and Nico wants to show her his room and his toys, and she would like that. Good for you, Nico, but don't think it will always be this easy.

Ximena takes Monica shopping. Ximena's tastes run skimpier and sexier than Monica's but they manage to find clothes that both approve of -- and Ximena manages to sneak in a few exchanges.

Evil Malicio finally turns over some documents Monica had requested but he is a bit surly with her, and... oh, whatever, he'll get his.

Manuel, Adrian, Rafa, and Regis hold a little conclave to consider how to give Camilo the bad news that Pablo has been using MediaLinks computer resources for his radical eco protests.
Camilo doesn't take it well, and it gets worse when Regina lets him know she took part in the latest stunt. He is fuming, and there is quite a bit of shouting and arguing, but Monica quietly leaves the room and calls a lawyer to find out what they can do for Pablo.
Afterwards, alone in Camilo's office, Monica and Camilo talk things over as friends, then get a little silly, and wind up talking a flirtatiously until Camilo gets a bit nervous. Monica just smiles.

Diana learns Laura is adopted when Laura cries her heart out to her. Laura wonders if her biological mother could be Chabela, but we quickly learn Chabela is NOT the mother of either Diana or Laura, and Diana learns from Eugenia that she too is adopted. The episode ends with Diana asking Eugenia about her biological mother and Eugenia looking worried and upset.
Well, of course. They can't give us all the answers in one episode.


Judy your recap was quiet, and fun.
Nothing earth shaking in today's episode, but you Made it fun with the
"No animals were harmed in the making of this episode. Or people.

That was an SUV that Leo was driving.
They do make em in Mexico don't they?
She cancels the devorce to keep marga
From having him. I don't think she wants him. And He wants his wife. As silly As she is.

That's an interesting theory,switchin
Of the babys. And somebody is walkin around with a moon birthmark on their
Heres another one, what if its one of the boys? Stephi's brother?Why doesn't
Dario like his son? Just throwing it out there.

So that's the little ol lady that made
The "horny juice" for jaunO! And he went all over the place tootin his horn. 4 times. Well 5 with seb, if he
Is his seed.

That looks like a wig. A bad one cuz I
Can't see her scalp. If looks itchy.

Thanks Judy.


JudyB, thank you for another of your great recaps.

We have at least one great mystery in this TN: is it or isn't it a wig?

Judy, I now remember that you earlier mentioned you didn't think it was wig, and you said so again just a while ago. I get very nervous when we agree on things.   :-)

And to make it worse I think we are the only two who say it's not a wig. Whatever.

I had to laugh at the young Juan and young Leonora bedroom scene. I said to myself that I had to later check to see if Judy goes on about Juan's being shirtless (down to his boxers!).
OK, that's cleared up. Judy likes 'em buff.




Oh know me so well. Yeah, I pretty much tried to forget that whole scene. Not my idea of landscape. Not at all. But I agree, it's absolutely scary that you and I are the only ones who think it's NOT a wig--and that we're in agreement. What is this world coming to!? Can't count on anything these days.

NINA...Yes, Juan certainly was juiced up by than "menjuanje". I'd would love to find something similar, but made for ahem, ladies of a certain age. Sure would be nice to have more energy.

SUSANLYNN...Your aunt was wise to give you that advice. And you were wise to take it. But now the real question is: Whatever happened to Ms. Mary Jane. Did she go on to an eventual happy marriage. Or many tumultuous affairs? Or did she just disappear from view. Inquiring minds and all that.



ANDY...You are the Quipmeister. "Some scenes combined and the others just mooshed together" was great. As was this:

Nico wants to show her his room and his toys, and she would like that. Good for you, Nico, but don't think it will always be this easy.

See, that's why the man's perspective on these recaps (er, Andycaps) is so important. You have a different (but always hilarious) perspective on things.

Thanks for managing to make Mañana a lot more interesting and a lot less annoying than it would be if I had to watch it. You're a prince!


"...he is a bit surly with her, and... oh, whatever, he'll get his". :)

"Afterwards, alone in Camilo's office, Monica and Camilo talk things over as friends, then get a little silly, and wind up talking a flirtatiously until Camilo gets a bit nervous. Monica just smiles". This crazy relationship still has me shaking my head andy.

Enjoyed every single word - Diana



Thank you for your andycap, Andy. And I agree with Judy about up your "mooshed together" and advice to Nico comments. Both of those had me laughing.

DIANA - great minds think alike. While watching that scene with Stefi & Vicky, My Best Friend's Wedding" came to my mind, too.

NINA - an SUV? Then it must have been a Pathfinder. Gah, looked like a station wagon to me and I'm probably going blind. LOL. I'll have to go back and have another look. It sure was pretty. The cars of telenovelas always interest me. I don't know why. ����‍♀️

Janie was the friend who was most unlike me. I always say that you could write a book about most people's lives. Janie's parents divorced , and she , her mother, and her younger sister moved to our area from a nearby city. She never talked about her father and didn't get along with her mother and sister. She was mischievous and loved drama and stirring the pot. Most days had me saying to her, " You are going to get us in trouble. " ( The day I met her , she used her foot to push the stool out from under me as I sat down in art class.) She came to see me in the hospital After I had a bad car accident when I was 16. After I started dating Hub, she delighted in ripping the little fabric loops off the back of his shirts at every olportunity. His mother asked him who kept tearing his shirts. Janie wanted to go to nursing school, but there was no money for that, so she went to work in a bank. She married a cop and had three sons. THen, she divorced him , and married another cop...and divorced him. Years ago, she brought a date to our 25th reunion . As we were all dancing, the date asked hub if it was true that we had been married for 20 years. Hub smiled and said "yes" , and then the guy put a dollar in hub's pocket. Later, her sister told me that Janie had an alcohol problem. I havent seen her since that reunion. She was a fun, exciting, sometimes annoying but faithful friend. I always asked her to spot me when we were vaulting the horse in gym because Janie was pretty strong and I knew she would catch me if I fell. She put a little spice in my teen years . When asked for a memory from high school , our friend David simply smiled and replied "Mary Jane in that red dress!" Janie was a pretty memorable person. I once read that who you are can depend on whom you have met, and I guess I was lucky to meet Mary Jane . She definitely was different than my other friends and often pushed me out of my comfort zone.


Ah SUSANLYNN--What a lovely tribute to your beautiful, but star-crossed friend Mary Jane. Her life does indeed sound like it was tumultuous (hey, with three boys to raise every day is tumultuous). But divorces are miserable affairs and hard on people in so many ways. Still, I imagine those marriages and those dates were great fun and very exciting for a while. And Mary Jane has no doubt whirled through many a life leaving both sweet and bitter memories.

But you wrote about your friendship with her so beautifully. Thanks for sharing that. And wishing Mary Jane well...wherever she may be. And for you, my friend, as always, many many blessings.


Susanlynn, I will echo everything Judy said about your lovey friend and story.

We often miss some from our past, but they are with us as long as our memories sustain them.



Andy, thank you for that mahh-velous Andycap. I would have probably enjoyed seeing Nico and Elisa...the rest, not as much, especially not Monica fanatic-sizing about Cam (BLECH)!

OT Susanlynn, everyone who comes into out lives touches us in their own unique way. You were lucky to have Janie, but she was even luckier to have such a caring friend as you are.

HIJAS--Judy--I can't decide whether you write better when it's a tn you hated watching (Manana) or one that is going round and round. Recaps for both are brilliantly crafted and all for our benefit. Thank you.

MANANA--Andy--Thanks for picking up where Judy left off. You've come a long way, baby. Thank you, too.

SUSANLYNN--Thank you for your everpresence in our lives. All the personal stories you share with us can be used as life-lessons for the rest of us.

'Cmon, we know we are bored with the status quo of the hijas when the biggest thing we have to worry about is whether our JuanaVic is wearing a wig or not.

Judy--I haven't had to use the word CHURL since Medieval History in high school. I had to check on its modern usage. It certainly fits Dario.

Shazzam! Doris - "Could it be possible there was a baby switch at the hospital, and that’s how Los Oropeza unwittingly brought home Seb? I’ve heard things like that happen in telenovelas." Wouldn't it be a hoot if that were true and Octavio turns out to be JuanO and Leo's bio-child?

About those adopted daughters--Laura and Diana. We obviously don't know the whole story. You should have watched the faces of Eugie and Chaba as both Laura and Diana (separately) confronted them. Chaba denied birthing Laura, but didn't quite come down on not being Diana's mother. Eugie shushed her and said quite loudly that she, Eugie did not give birth to either one of them. The panic showed on both their faces, especially when Diana demanded to know who her birth mother was. Hmmmm.

I can't wait for Inaki to come back. He was a breath of lucid thinking. I'm afraid Ximena has become a nuiscance and is not giving Monica good advice. The advice she is giving Monica is better suited to herself. Xi walked out of the dress shop with about 5 shopping bags to Monica's one.


Part 1

Well, if Monday was bland, Tuesday was grand. Lots of drama, the requisite conflagration (isn't there ALWAYS a fire...and a coma...and a kidnapping?) Well, anyway, you can check off "suspicious fire" on your Bingo card folks. And we also have the painful sacrilege of a beautiful, sumptuous bouquet thrown in someone's face and falling into sad little bits. Those scenes always kill me.

But--let's start at the beginning. The Leonora-Margarita Confrontation. Marg gets so het up, she actually challenges Leo's ultimatum with a false claim "So what! I'm going to keep on sleeping with your husband no matter what you say!" Leo storms out and Marg has that look on her face like Oh me Oh my, I've gone and done it now!

The Juana Pack, minus Vicky is at the neighborhood bar. All the boys are there except Mauricio who's chained to his computer finishing up the financial task that Daddy set. But he's thrilled when they call and Juana Inés seems worried about him. Even more so, when they all decide to show up at the office with enough snacks for a small battalion. Not exactly brain food, but it's the thought that counts.

Meanwhile, our perfect Estefania is weeping perfect crystalline tears as she huddles in Papa's arms and tells him Sebastian seems to prefer spending time with his sisters to spending time with her! A valid complaint indeed. And Dad vows to take vengeance on anybody who hurts his little darling.

Next scene though is of a happier Steffi and a miserable Juana Victoria, driving through the streets of Mexico City to the bridal shop. Vicky does her best to look approving when Steff walks out in her gown--but her smile is more like a grimace. And she quickly fades into a daydream of herself being in the bridal outfit instead. Somehow the dress doesn't work with her ratty, unkempt hair. And neither does the daydream. She snaps back to reality and dutifully assures Estefania that Seb will be a wonderful husband. Well, yeah, that's one of the unwritten rules of a bridesmaid--keep reassuring the doubtful bride that the future is rosy.

Back at the hotel though, Vicky is redoubling her efforts to convince Sebastian that they're not related. He begs to differ. "If that's so, then my mom was unfaithful to Dad. And no way! She's "intachable" [impeccable, pure as the driven snow]." - "Ya think so?" challenges Vicky. "Women can cheat too. She may have cut loose [echado une cañita al aire] you know." No he doesn't! And if she keeps on in this vein, he'll simply stop talking to her altogether.

We then have an odd scene where Juan and Javier are talking, and Javier has a terrible cold. It's the usual go-round of "I'm sure Leonora is about to forgive me."-" And are you sure you don't have a mistress as she suspects?"

And now we're in Dario's office where the "fired employee" has crept back ready for more cash and another assignment. He plans to study the Juanas and their pet projects so he'll know how to attack them. Evil chuckles and all that.


Part 2

The Juanas are huddled with the fellas, all excited about the new gym and the medical consultant for the Dispensary and the spiffy new shelves for the Clothing Collection. Everything seems perfect, and they're so glad the folks of Mazatlán are supportive [solidario]. But Soledad is distracted. She wants to go back to Octavio's house because she felt the spirit of his mother there the last time, and really wants to try and make contact. He's spooked about it and pretty soon she is too. Because instead of picking up dear departed mom's vibrations, she gets a vision of something terrible about to happen to her and her sisters.

Back at the hotel, Vicky is burning the midnight oil, trying to do her homework, but engaging in some wicked self-talk. You know the kind. DON'T BE STUPID! THIS RELATIONSHIP WILL NEVER WORK! Wow, doesn't that bring back memories? I'd rather be 90 than 19 again. Wait. No...let me think about that.

Well, moving on. Here we are in Sebastian's bedroom, and yes, Andy, I far prefer them buff and our Seb has been working out. He's no Fernando Colunga but he's very very nice. And he has to deal with cousin Fernando complaining that he's not getting anywhere with Vicky. Lacking any sympathy from cousin Seb, Fernando stalks off and Sebastian hunkers down to sleep. Or fantasize. And what dream! In comes Vicky--sorry to say with the same ratty hair--but clad in a skimpy pink gown and full of love, tenderness...and... well,we draw a veil. This is an daytime show after all.

So amigos, back to the front desk, where Leonora, clearly needing some reading glasses, holds the card from the bouquet about 5 feet away from her in order to decipher who it's from. Then she heads with it to Juan's office where everything is in disarray. The warranty papers for the water pump are nowhere to be found. Margarita is getting chewed out by Javier because her mania for filing everything has caused this mess. Because when things really WERE a mess, he always knew exactly where to find things. (I know this is true because my husband's office is an ungodly mess but he can always locate things. Whereas mine is impeccable but I can't remember where I put anything. But I DID put it away, damn it!)

Anyway, Leonora demands that Juan fire Margarita. He's in no mood for threats, what with no water pressure for the hotel showers and no help from the manufacturer. Things go from bad to worse and he gets the bouquet smack in the kisser. Our shapely Leonora sweeps back out to man the front desk again. And guess who shows up. The indefatigable Juana Victory.

Great scene where Leonora asks coldly. "Asunto?" [ what do you want to see me about?] And lifts one eyebrow. Well, Vicky wants to know if she were ever unfaithful to Juan. Clearly a conversation best held in the ladies john! Upshot of the confrontation is that Leo looks guilty as hell and Vicky storms out, sure now that she and Seb are not blood-related.

Another change of scene. We see Barb at Todoelmundo's house, wanting help social media to publicize her new gym and the self-defense classes. He agrees, but quickly shoos her and Mundito out, so he can handle a Facetime chat with Adela (Mundito's mom). She's wanting to come back to Mexico. ICE is hassling her and the situation is getting risky. He's less than enthusiastic and claims he has a novia--named Teresa. (Does Teresa know this? Hmmmm)


Part 3

We now see a stealthy figure, armed with the usual large plastic container of gasoline, quietly dousing both the dispensary and the clothing outlet. Nobody around to see evidently. And poor Ms. Vicky is back at her computer, but can't focus on her homework. Instead she keeps hearing Leonora's harsh words "Just because your mom slept with a married man, don't assume that about me!"

Burning words indeed. Just like the Juanas' dreams which are going up in suspicious flames. Your recapper gets a nice break as people just stand around staring at the flames and looking upset. (That's right, put down your pen and just relax, Recapper!)
Some more dead time as a few guys show up with pails of water and make piddling attempts to douse the fire. More sad faces. I'm loving it! Almost as good as those "dias después" montages where we see lots of life changes but not a single word is spoken. Sweet!

The next morning, everybody has managed to get ashes all over themselves trudging through the mess, weeping and wailing and gnashing their teeth. And trying to figure out who did it. The answer keeps coming up Dario. But how to prove it? He's rich and powerful and always manages to cover his crimes.

Meanwhile, there's a fire of another sort burning with Leo, Margarita, Juan and even involving Sebastian. Mom, having gotten nowhere with her husband, is demanding that Sebastian fire Margarita. And Margarita is so upset about misplacing the water pump guarantee, she wants to quit anyway. What a mess!

But the real problem is our wicked Dario. The besmudged and crestfallen group at the fire scene lament that HE GETS AWAY WITH EVERYTHING!

And there you have it Patio. Now I know not one single one of you is a bit worried about how this will turn out. Of course Dario won't get away with it! Oh, he might for a while. But justice and right thinking will prevail. Because this is a daytime show, dang it. I might be worried if it were one of these horrors being broadcast at night, but this is our after-school special. So relax, kick back and enjoy dinner y'all. It'll all be fine.


Breaking news: Nico has a rival in the romance department. My grandson, who just turned two, was having a late breakfast out in his favorite café this morning. (No homebody, this kid has been traveling and staying in hotels since he was 3 months old). Anyway, all business at first with his egg and arugula sandwich. (Yes! arugula!) But then he spotted some comely young ladies at a nearby table, and began smiling, batting his eyes and generally pouring on the sparkle. And finally turned back to me and his Dad and sighed, "Women!"

Kind of scary. A don Juan in diapers. It just ain't right! Step aside Nico. Although I probably should have told him, like Andy said, that "it won't always be this easy, son."

Judyb...ha .. "Don Juan in diapers." The lad sounds like a charmer and probably always will be. After all, we know that he has a charming grandma.


Sounds like a lot of action which you covered marvelously Judy.

"intachable" [impeccable, pure as the driven snow]" was my favorite (no surprise there)!

"painful sacrilege of a beautiful, sumptuous bouquet" was excellent as were many others.

"perfect Estefania is weeping perfect crystalline tears". Hmmm. I am going to have to call in sick some day to see this chick. Nothing. No one. Is that perfect, right? ack.

I'm not at all surprised at your "don Juan in diapers" but really, how adorable is that! That kind of magnetism can't be taught. It's innate. Sparkle on little one. Sparkle on!

Judy, you are the best!

as sunshine as



Thank you, Judy, for another snarktastic recap and title!!!

My favorites:
”The Juana Pack”
”our perfect Estefania is weeping perfect crystalline tears”
”The indefatigable Juana Victory.”

Seeing Margarita going at it with Leo, it’s easy to see where Juana-Barbara gets her feisty personality from.

That. is. definitely. a. wig. Vicky is wearing. Put on some dorky black glasses frames on her with that godawful hair … and she’s a dead ringer for Garth, from Wayne’s World.


[The usual mish-mash, but with questions for the (tiny) audience. Not test questions, but stuff I didn't understand and am hoping you can 'splain me.
Busy day today. It was even election day here.]

Barbi is helping Nico with his arithmetic homework when they get a call from Elisa's mom to set up the play date. Done! And Nico pulls ahead of Judy's grandson!

Monica and Camilo are in his office, where we left them yesterday, chatting very comfortably. Camilo tells her that he so appreciates her because she is the only one who always understands him, and is always thinking of him. This is..."
Monica thinks to herself, twice, "Let him say 'Love'." [Que diga: "amor".]
Camilo finishes his sentence, smiling and nodding and pointing to Monica, seemingly in agreement, and saying "That." [Eso.]
QTH?? I don't get it, what "that"? And when he continues Monica seems a bit disappointed, but still starts daydreaming another little fantasy of him kissing her.

Diana argues with Eugenia that she has a right to know who brought her into the world. Eugenia says she knows nothing of the bio mother, case closed, but later Diana really, really sweet talks Chabela and gets her to give up the name of the lawyer who handled the adoption.

Maggie visits Regina and she is obviously losing it completely. Barbi has to ask her to leave and Maggie leaves miserably dejected.

Monica, Camilo, and the lawyer meet with the owner of the plant that Pablo and Regina broke into, and after a lot of convincing by Monica he agrees to drop the charges if Pablo lets it be known that his plant has stopped using toxic materials, which it has. Afterwards Camilo thanks Monica and tells her how much he admires her and the way she calmly finds solutions to thorny problems.
Monica suggests that this would be a good time to have their long-delayed personal conversation and Camilo agrees.

Paloma is still thinking about returning to Brazil and tries to talk her mother into going; they could start over there. Laura won't go. She is devastated and suffering after learning she was adopted by Tita Eugenia yet never received any love from her in her entire life. Paloma is leaving the Sarmiento house when Eugenia walks in. Eugenia tells Paloma that she is shameless for cashing the hush money check and still telling Laura that she was adopted. Paloma fires right back and tells Eugenia that she was a miserable mother and with her Laura never felt loved or wanted a single day of her life.
Eugenia tries to talk with Laura, but she can't offer any explanation, and Laura, miserable, asks her to just leave.
If you like tearjerkers, you would love this plot line.




Camilo and Monica go to a restaurant to have their little talk. They beat around the bush, hide behind menus, etc., but Camilo finally tells a beaming Monica that of course she's very important to him, and making love to her, big smile from Monica, was, was, was...
Saved by the phone. Eugenia has to talk to him, urgently, now, about Diana. Naturally Camilo has to go, and a frustrated Monica grouses to herself that it's always Diana putting herself between her and Camilo.

Monica goes to get dressed for a dinner party they are planning to crash. She screams for Ximena because Ximena has laid out for her a flimsy dress with a plunging neckline. Monica says NO! Ximena says Monica should show off her assets, emphasizing what she means by almost cupping said assets. Almost. Too bad, I like scenes like that.

Anyway, Monica refuses to wear it. They argue a bit, but settle down and agree they will always be friends, "Pinky promise", in English, and they do the pinky bit.

Paloma and Rafa discuss her plans to go to Brazil. He says he will miss her, and she replies he should take advantage of the situation while she's still here. They could watch some TV and he could make her popcorn (hacerme palomitas para consentirme.). Okay, he will make her popcorn but he can't stay, he has to go to the dinner party for his mom. Paloma says OK, it was just a joke, and kisses him suggestively on the corner of his lips and flounces off. Rafa is... disturbed? I still can't read Rafa.

OK, I think I get Paloma's intent, but "hacerme palomitas para consentirme," can this mean something other than making popcorn?

Everybody is getting dressed for the dinner party, the invited and the uninvited. Monica receives a text from Iñaki, he is now in Mexico City, and Ximena is delighted, and maybe our Anita too. But Monica tells Ximena to calm down, the only man she's interested in is Camilo.


Thanks, Judy B. I saw most of Monday and bits of Tue., but don't get to sit down and really absorb the "drama." I missed Steffi in the wedding gown, but saw Leo ruin the lovely large bouquet.

I haven't looked it up, but I think Steffi was the sweet blind younger sister in La Gata--the one in love with the Pierre Louis character. She does have a very sweet face and probably couldn't play an evil bee-atch if the director held a gun to her head.

I liked the hamster wheel image and Susanlynn's story about her friend Mary Jane.


JudyB, thank you for another excellent recap and fun read. And the vocabulary such as "intachable" [impeccable, pure as the driven snow]." It may take me a while to work this into a conversation, especially with the people I know, but I will eventually!

"We then have an odd scene where Juan and Javier are talking, and Javier has a terrible cold." I'm glad you also found this odd. I kept wondering what the significance of all the sneezing was.

Anita, "'Cmon, we know we are bored with the status quo of the hijas when the biggest thing we have to worry about is whether our JuanaVic is wearing a wig or not."

No argument from me.




Andy, thank you for your andycap and watching, so that I don't have to.

". . . what she means by almost cupping said assets. Almost. Too bad, I like scenes like that."
Awww, see? The men on our Patio often bring a different perspective to the ... plot. ��

So now the only mysteries to answer are -
Who is Regi's baby daddy, and
Who is Diana's bio-dad.

Hmmm... lately is web page is not accepting the emojis from my iPad. What's up with that?

Good Morning Petite Patio! Always great to start off the day with you.

SUSANLYNN AND DIANA...Li'l Will (as Carlos used to call him) thinks that women are the absolute best. He assumes every older woman is his grandmother and every younger woman is his aunt. From his first airplane flight where the stewardess made a big fuss over him, to the sadder but wiser ladies at the bar when we had a big family dinner out, he's been oohed and ahhed over by females. He clearly thinks they are all goddesses put on earth for his delight. And he returns the favor.

DORIS...Good call on Barb getting her feisty personality from the little bantam rooster Margarita. The latter reminds me of my mom, barely 5 feet tall (although she fibbed and said she was taller), and tough as nails. And Juana Victoria as Garth from Wayne's World also a winner. Whether it's a wig or an endless bad hair day,I can't wait for the makeover!

ANDY...Ah, while others are discussing Stephen Hawking's theory of the universe, here we are wondering if "hacerme palomitas para consentirme" is a naughty saying. Well, anything Paloma says seems to have a naughty sub-text. I'm beginning to suspect she is drinking some of that "menjunje" that got our Juan in so much trouble. As for the rest of the episode, even reading about it upset me! Sooooo glad I'm not watching anymore. Now, back to deep questions about the galaxy and the universe in general.

LA PALOMA...Hmmm, interesting call on the actress being the sweet blind girl in la Gata. I only saw a few episodes of that but you could be right. Guess we will have to research the cast names to see if that is so.

ANITA...Love your quip about our wig/natural hair debates. Yes, this is what we're down to for the moment with this bit of fluff. But at least the stories don't give us nightmares or cause us to despair of the human race.



It's too bad we can't set up Estefi (the perfect Barbie Doll) with Victor (the perfect Ken Doll), in the role of the currently perfect man on El Dragon--no flaws whatsoever and cute to boot. I say currently perfect because there are suspicions that he's been planted to keep our lead gal away from Sebastian Rulli (as if anyone could).

Thank you JudyB for the latest runaround on the Hijas merry-go-round. Loved the "this is our after-school special."

Interesting that the fire only affected the two new boutiques and all they had to put it out were pails of water. Good grief, there was a whole ocean not 50' from them. I got a laugh out of all the smudged clothes and faces the morning after. OK, we get it, there was a fire! Only the girls seemed to have been affected in a major way. I felt sorry for the boys who hand-made all the shelving now crispy carbon. JuanO didn't seem too upset--well, he's got the money to replace everything. He didn't even show much distress to find out the fire was deliberately set--where were the fire inspectors? Are they on it?

Andy--way to go. A great recap in words and "pictures." Thank you for keeping us up on this piece of trash--well, not really, it does have some redeeming elements, but not that many.

I'm tired of Margie going crazy. Nico is taking up too much oxygen (as innocent as his invitation for little Elisa to come over to see his toys). I have to admit, it's a diversion. I think this was a Mau-free episode. Yep, Rafael was certainly stopped in his tracks as Uncle-advisor by Paloma's palomitas. Well, we don't have to worry about being blood-relatives if they decide to hook up.

Agree: the two biggest draws in this tn are who is Regie's baby daddy and who is Diana's (and Laura's) bio parents. Don't care if Camilo and Diana get back together, but that's the way it looks. Enter Inaki.


OT--I have my own story of "come over to see my toys." My daughter was not quite 3 when she started Montessori school. She (at that time) was a little timid (you should see her now) to leave my side. One little boy came over and asked her to come work with whatever equipment he was working on. She accepted. Later on he asked us if she could come over and see his goldfish. It's been a family story ever since. We did go over, she saw his goldfish and all his toys. They became buddies as long as the two were in school together. Alas, he didn't live near us and after she "graduated" we lost track of him.


I forgot to mention that a driving force behind the efforts that got Pablo sprung from jail has been Regina, she keeps defending him. At one time I thought she and Pablo would make a nice couple, but if he keeps involving her in illegal activities, well-intentioned as they are, then no.

Judy, re Paloma, wasn't it you who labelled Paloma "perpetually in heat Paloma"?


Anita, great goldfish story.



Good Day, Patio. I'm quite late to the party, but I finally made it to get my daily dose of delight.


JudyB, your titles always bring a laugh and the laughter continues as I read your recap. Thank you!

On J-Vic's hair, maybe a compromise would be that she is wear a hair piece and leave it at that :-D

Regarding ""We then have an odd scene where Juan and Javier are talking, and Javier has a terrible cold." I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure a scene was left out because Javier was complaining that he caught the cold because he went along on the serenata Don Juan gave Leo.

Anita, "I got a laugh out of all the smudged clothes and faces the morning after. OK, we get it" That was indeed a little too much smudging. My first thought was "What happening to the fire alarms?" and yes, trying to put out the fire with buckets of water was quite ridiculous. Don Juan didn't seem too worried about replacing everything, but later he was asking Seb about money in the "caja chica" and the emergency fund, but Seb told him there was none. So does he have the money to replace everything or not?

La Paloma, Steffi (Marilu Bermudez) was Virginia in "La Gata." She was also in "El Bienamado" and "Dona Flor y Sus Dos Maridos."



ANITA..."Come over to see my goldfish" is a new one. But I love these wee folk stories. No hidden agenda at that age. Rather sweet. And over all too soon.

ANDY...Yep, I'm afraid I'm the one who labeled Paloma with that sobriquet. But she does seem a little over the top in her sex drive and availability. At the school were I used to teach, we had a sexy maintenance man who was an Equal Opportunity Flirt. You had to love the guy because he flirted with the young and pretty, but also with the well into their eighties and ugly as sin. Someone like that is a gift, in my opinion, making everybody, no matter how old and decrepit, feel a little foxy and delicious once more. Better than any medication on the market. Kenny also had a very vigilant wife who worked there as well. Nothing could ever go any further than a little flirtation thanks to his watchful better half! Just perfect!

RGV CHICK...Thanks for the information of our perfect little Ms. Estefi. Stands to reason that she would have an equally precious little stage name of Marilu. Sweet to the nth degree!


Andy, thank you for such an entertaining Andycap. I don't even like reading about Monica and Camilo anymore, but I am intrigued by who Diana's and Laura's bio parents and a few of the other storylines.

THe OT stories about such young Don Juans are cutitos. I remember when I taught 4th grade; I was shocked to see so many little Don Juan's running around. Now I see that Don Juanism is starting at a much earlier age...WOW!

OT-Judy, I also saw Marilu in "Simplemente Maria." Her character (Diana) was an ill young woman who stole the heart of the male protag played by Jose Ron, but she eventually died. In that TN, she looked almost angelic; wish you could have seen her...she was perfect there too.


Breaking news: SEBASTIAN AND JUANA VICTORIA ARE NOT HALF-SIBs, not related, at all.

Our hamster wheel continues to spin and the hamster has endless energy.

The same townspeople who threw produce at Las Hijas have shown up at the burned out storefront, not with more produce and pitchforks (thank heavens!)but to offer donations to replace the lost inventory. But they did not offer to help clean up. Our oh so perfect Saint Stefi was there, helping with the cleanup. Juana Ines was wearing a long skirt or voluminous palazzo pants; seems like the hems would be a wreck after trekking around in the ash and cinders and be a major laundry challenge, but…juarever.

Margarita fesses up to Juan-O & Xavier that she told Leo they’re amantes, but she vows to set things right. Later, Leo does not believe a word of what Margarita is telling her.

Sebastian cannot get that hawt dream out of his mind. He can’t even get any work done. Obsessed much? So he goes to Garth’s place ... um ... Vicky's place, more or less kidnaps her, and they’re on a road trip to Mexico City. Well, it also involved a plane flight, too, but still a road trip. Stefi hears about it and is not a happy camper.

Seb will not tell Vicky why he dragged her along, nor does he tell us, but we’re along for the ride so we fasten our seat belts, too. Vicky is convinced he is taking her back to Mex. City to leave her there a/k/a dump her. She is quite feisty all the way and Sebastian just keeps mum.

First, they go to Vicky’s old apartment. Ruh-roh! The door is not locked and the place is a shambles. Well, what’s left of it. Most of the furniture has been stolen. Which begs the question … has Juana Victoria been paying rent on it all along? We don’t know, apparently it does not matter. We are wearing our telenovela beanie hats.

Next, they go to a big anonymous office building in the city.. When our protagonists exit the building, Vicky is calmer and nicer to Seb, apologetic, asking him why he did not tell her beforehand …. blah blah blah. Anyone who has watched a telenovela knows, by now, that he dragged her there to get a DNA test, so that is my own Crockpot Theory ©.

HIJAS (part 2 of 2)

Sure enough, in our last final scene of this episode, Seb gets a phone call and the results are in. He and Juana Victoria do NOT share even one iota of DNA. They are not related by blood! (look out Stefi!!!)

In other news, while in Mexico City, Sebastian got the water pump guaranty problem sorted out, while Margarita, in the meantime, has found the warranty papers for the water pump, and this sentence is overrun with commas. ;-p

There is a really random scene where Ines is at her desk, crying crocodile tears over …. something. That’s all. No hints, clues, or ‘splaining. Strange.

Juana Barbara’s gym equipment was stolen, lots of crying, then later Dario’s own helicopter “finds it” on a road in the middle of nowhere. HHHmmmm…. Barb goes to Dario’s office and accuses him. He calls security who drag her out, and Mauricio saves her.

Dario has been doing his best to sabotage Leonarda’s marriage to Juan-O while failing to notice how she grimaces and recoils from Dario’s touch. Dude, get a clue.

Later, Dario is yelling at Ricardo for his incompetency. (I’m still not sure if he told Ricardo steal it, or if he is mad because it was located) Threatens to fire him, I think. Ricardo reminds his boss that he knows all of Dario’s secrets. Um, well, that went well because Ricardo is still working for Dario the next day, when Dario is whining to Ricardo that inspite of four infidelities and illegitimate daughters, Leo still loves Juan-O! How can she? (he sounds like a letter to Dear Abby) Ricardo says, well, they say Juan-O is a nice guy (LOL!!!) and honest. Dario seizes upon the “honest” and now is cooking up a new plot to ruin Juan-O's marriage with Leo.

Xavier received a letter from someone named Alicia. The letter causes him to cry and be sad. The script in the letter looks foreign, possibly Japanese but not sure.

Courier delivers an aluminum briefcase to the hotel front desk for Juan-O. Leo talks the guy into leaving it with her. “I’m is wife.” Good grief, the guy doesn’t know her from Adam, and he leaves it with her. As she descends behind the counter, we all know she is going to look inside.

And that’s it.


Malicio is back. He and Barbi, the perpetually virgin girlfriend, with a seat cushion on her lap, chat for a while at the Sarmiento home. Later Malicio goes to a bar to try his luck there, but keeps striking out. He looks at sexy pictures of Palomita on his cell phone, but she has him blocked on her phone now.

Diana, and Camilo to a lesser extent, rake Regina over the coals for her night of crime with Pablo. They are concerned for both her and the baby.

At the restaurant where Diana and Camilo have invited Almudena for a welcoming dinner Monica is already seated at her own table, "waiting for Ximena." Ximena is actually outside, waiting to send Monica word that Camilo has arrived.
But Rafa and Almudena arrive first and are seated, but she sees she has a rip in her dress and goes to the bathroom to see if she can fix it. Rafa leaves the table with her, I'm not sure why, but maybe he had to tinkle. Ah, now I see! He had to be away from the table so he could not tell anybody that Almudena was in the Ladies Room. How brilliant!

Camilo and Diana arrive and are surprised to see Rafa and Almudena are not there yet. Monica approaches to do her "Oh, what a coincidence! Us at the same restaurant on the same night!" Diana is not amused, but Monica invites herself to sit down right next to Camilo. Diana is definitely not amused. She announces she has to go to the bathroom and drags a reluctant Monica with her.
There they have it out, yelling and screaming at each other. Of course, they don't know that Almudena is there as well and she is getting an earful. Monica tells Diana that she pushed her to go after Camilo when she thought she was dying, now she has to live with what she created, and she goes into her history with Camilo. Almudena is delighted. Camilo and Diana are not a rock solid couple, he is in play.

Ximena arrives and joins them and tries flirting with Rafa, who is polite but not especially interested. But Almudena scores points with Camilo, her "Bizcochito".

Adrian visits the depressed Laura and helps her remember some few positive interactions she had with her mother. Adrian and Laura have been getting closer and closer to playing footsie for a while now. And after footsies anything could happen, maybe a trip to see his goldfish? But not yet, maybe later. Adrian does get her to remember at least one time Eugenia showed real concern for her.

We get to see that Manuel and Lidia were a couple in the past, intensely happy, then lovely Lidia snaps out of her reverie and says that he betrayed her and went off with that one with the gold hair.

The dinner eventually breaks up and everybody goes home. Ximena is depressed that Rafa is definitely not into her and she decides to go out. Monica is not interested but Ximena goes by herself and winds up at the bar where Malicio is oozing sleaze again. She gets up to leave but he convinces her to stay. They knock back a lot of shots, and eventually start swapping spit. Eeeuuuwwwww! Ximena, you are really scraping the bottom of the sleaze barrel now.

Rafa arrives home, sees Paloma sweetly asleep on the couch, and is affected. She wakes and smiles at him. He kneels by the couch and she asks him what he's doing. He carries her off and says he's taking her to bed. Well, we'll see.
He also dropped his wallet on the floor; they showed us that twice, so remember it.

Camilo, in his PJ's, sends Monica a picture of himself from back when, when he was a young hippie musician with long hair. She sends him back a silly picture of herself. No doubt about it, these two are now close buddies...

And, if anybody cares, Cristóbal has been invited to join a band that is recording, and he has cut way back on the booze.

The next morning a hungover Ximena tells Monica that she was with Malicio last night. Monica asks her to not get involved with him, for her sake.

Diana tells the family at breakfast that she and Laura are adopted. Shocked silence.



I've gotta run, comments later. You have been warned.


Thank you , Doris , for the re cap.

Thank you ,Andy, for the andycap !

OT...I went to a grief support group today for the first time and came home exhausted.

HIJAS --- a P.S.

It is obvio that Sebastian watches telenovelas! He is the first telenovela character I have ever seen that had the DNA test done in a different city, did not tell a soul, including the other test participant, so there was no way the results could be altered, stolen, or otherwise tampered with. This guy has a brain!

Susanlynn -- Oh you dear sweet lady, that must have been difficult to do and I am so very proud of you for going! (((Hugs))) Grief is not pretty, it is painful, hard, and messy. Keep going to give it a good try and to see if the group has anything to offer you. (((more hugs)))


Andy - another great andycap! Thank you. My favs:
"And after footsies anything could happen, maybe a trip to see his goldfish?"

"... he(Camilo) is in play."
Great sports talk! We girls generally don't think like that. :-)

"Ximena, you are really scraping the bottom of the sleaze barrel now."
Oh noes! Ew!!! Hope they did nothing more than kiss; that is bad enough. She needs shots, now! And not booze, but immunizations!

"No doubt about it, these two are now close buddies..."


"Ximena says Monica should show off her assets, emphasizing what she means by almost cupping said assets". andy, you had me laughing out loud.

What can I say?

I really needed that - thanks so much.



doris, loved the perfectly descriptive "Juana Ines was wearing a long skirt or voluminous palazzo pants; seems like the hems would be a wreck after trekking around in the ash and cinders and be a major laundry challenge, but…juarever".

"this sentence is overrun with commas. ;-p" was great too.

So, Seb and Vick aren't related. Hmmm. Perhaps Stefi's perfect façade may crack once she hears this noteworthy news!

Anita, joining the chorus of those loving the goldfish story.



Love the title with musical notes DORIS. And with this remark, you echoed exactly what I thought when I watched it:

The same townspeople who threw produce at Las Hijas have shown up at the burned out storefront, not with more produce and pitchforks (thank heavens!)but to offer donations to replace the lost inventory. But they did not offer to help clean up.

Helping clean up would have been more appreciated, seems to be. The extra clothes can come later.

Also wondering if you liked Leonora's red ensemble this episode. I did, although red is definitely not my color. But wow, Cynthia is looking good in this story. Also rather touched by how she and Juan really do seem to still be in love with each other. Sort of hoping they can work it out and Margarita can find somebody new--like maybe Javier, once he gets over his failed Asian romance. At any rate, maybe with a new back story, this romp will get a little more interesting.

You put a very positive interpretation on Sebastian's DNA kidnapping caper. I was just annoyed that he said nothing, left Vicky in a hotel with no jammies, no toothbrush, and evidently no dinner! I wouldn't have been apologizing the next day, I still would have been plenty angry. (Hmmm...first clue to ongoing personality problem?)

And yeah, what's with Juana Inés this time. No clue, no 'splaing as you noted. Maybe just ongoing guilt over her crush on Seb. Well, let's face it...another yawn.

Thanks partner. Wonderful to have a night off and great fun to read your recap. Could I line you up to sub on Thursday Nov. 14?


ANDY...How's your mental health holding up? You seem fine, but I'm worried about you. These icky storylines have all us womenfolk upset. Hope that you can shrug it off better than we can. Maybe it's the male perspective and the ability to compartmentalize. Yep, must be it.

This really struck me:

They knock back a lot of shots, and eventually start swapping spit. Eeeuuuwwwww! Ximena, you are really scraping the bottom of the sleaze barrel now.

This clearly establishes what we have long suspected--Ximena is a complete idiot. And no one should ever, ever, ever take her advice.

Wondering about the wallet--maybe Paloma is going to steal some money from it. She does seem to have a rather fluid sense of ethics. Oh well, I'll trust you good buddy to keep us informed. Thanks.



SUSANLYNN...That sounds like a really hard night. But a really brave decision. Several of my friends here have attended Grief Support groups and found them very helpful. But it is a painful process. I have not been widowed, but I have been through something horrible in my marriage and when the therapist asked me what I wanted out of therapy I said--A lobotomy! I think I would have liked to have had a magic wand also, something to just make the grief disappear. But that's not the way Life works, unfortunately.

You have so much wisdom and heart and I know you are getting through this tough time day by day, and sometimes minute by minute. But just know that you have a virtual "cloud of witnesses" who are cheering you on and sending you all our love and support.


JudyB- yes I can recap November 14. It's now on my calendar.

As for Sebastian leaving Vicky in the hotel with no jammies, toothbrush, deodorant, or even a change of underwear, just goes to show that our hunkalicious hottie ain't perfect. Oh yes, I noticed, but This is what our telenovela beanie hats are for. :-)


How long will it take Sebastian to realize that he must not have Juan-O's DNA? And wonder "who the heck IS my father?"

Judy - I really liked Leo's red & white outfit today. Wardrobe Dept is doing great by her! She has not worn anything yet that I did not like.


Two minds working as one, I see! Wishing we could both get Leonora's clothes once this is over. Thanks for pitching in on Nov. 14. Wonderful!


Doris, thank you for a great recap, I very much enjoyed reading it.

"Sebastian cannot get that hawt dream out of his mind. He can’t even get any work done. Obsessed much? So he goes to Garth’s place ... um ... Vicky's place, more or less kidnaps her, and they’re on a road trip to Mexico City."

Yeah, this really did call for a fully checked and prepped TN beanie. I agree that it was good planning on his part to make sure no one could fudge the results, but he didn't have to treat her that badly. After all, JayVee is in love with him and is desperately looking for a way to make it happen; she would have cooperated to get DNA results to corroborate the birth mark results.

It's just no way to treat a lady. John Wayne could have, Rock Hudson could have, but that was back in the Good Old Days. Oops, I mean a bygone era. That's what I meant.

Was I hallucinating or did BabyFace wear long pants today?



Doris, "In other news, while in Mexico City, Sebastian got the water pump guaranty problem sorted out, while Margarita, in the meantime, has found the warranty papers for the water pump, and this sentence is overrun with commas. ;-p"

There is absolutely no need to ever, ever apologize for commas! I love commas, as you may have noticed. Always remember:

A sentence without a comma, is only half a sentence.



Andy - I only remember seeing him in shorts today. In one scene, his tan line was showing. No, I was not looking at hawt manly his muscular legs. They just happened to be above the closed captions. Pinky swear.
Maybe he wore long pants to Mexico City and left the resort wear back at the resort?


Susanlynn, quite some time ago I found both grief counseling and a grief support group to be a considerable help. Sometimes exhausting, and sometimes even exasperating, but helpful.



Here's my comment from yesterday. Did
Not see it all but that torch that set
The poor folk store on fire seem very
Happy with his performance. I think he
Thought he should have gotten an oscar
I beg the differ. The flames didn't go inside for a long time. And where was
The people that go for walks that time of dusk? It's like he was say "see I
Set nice fires, destroying people's hard work". Stupid fire starting guy. Those were some nice clothes in that store.

That was a nice vase of flowers they
Destroyed in The making of this scene.
Poor beautiful vase of flowers.

Seb sounded like he didn't want to believe mom was a cheat. Or did she have Envetro virtualization(EVV)? Probly not.

Anyhow thank you JudyB. I bet it's a


Good to hear from you NINA. And another vote for "a wig"! ANDY and I are definitely in the minority. But ANDY, you're right--Sebastian did wear long pants in one of the scenes. Perhaps a change in pant length signals the same thing as a change in hairdo for the females. A change in character! We shall see.


.there were 15 people and a counselor in that group I went to yesterday. The counselor said that ideally a group should be about 4-5 people. Many there had been meeting together and knew each other and wanted to stay together.Some had lost their spouses and others had lost their mothers. Only two had been married for 60 years ! There were a lot of sad stories of long illnesses, resentment, and loneliness. I have lunch with the neighbor who took me about every three weeks. She has been attending the group for two years. I don't know if I will go back . They meet twice a month , and It is a half hour drive through the city. My friend picked up at 10.30 , and I didn't get home until 3.30. I do meet with many friends for lunch or breakfast at least twice a week. Maybe one to one is better for me.

I taught grammar for many years....including commas !


Fifteen people is a lot. I would say no more than 7 for comfortable sharing and getting to know each other. We have "small groups" at my church where we can feel safe talking about whatever is troubling us, but it really does have to be "small"...otherwise it doesn't work. Or one person takes over and does almost all the sharing.

Just follow your instincts SUSANLYNN. Driving through the city really takes a toll. I do it several times a week in order to see my little grandson, the don Juan in diapers. But if it weren't for that, I would NEVER do it.


Doris, you're just getting better 'n better. Thank you for that snarktastic recap. You captured all of the beanie moments with pizzazz.

“Seb will not tell Vicky why he dragged her along, nor does he tell us, but we’re along for the ride so we fasten our seat belts, too.” This was really frustrating! Why couldn’t he just tell her what he was up to instead of letting her imagine so many wild things. JudyB, “I wouldn't have been apologizing the next day, I still would have been plenty angry.” ITA!!

“Which begs the question … has Juana Victoria been paying rent on it all along? We don’t know, apparently it does not matter. We are wearing our telenovela beanie hats.” And the purpose for this scene was??? This is one that could have surely been cut instead of others that leave us wondering QTH happened.

“…while in Mexico City, Sebastian got the water pump guaranty problem sorted out, while Margarita, in the meantime, has found the warranty papers for the water pump, and this sentence is overrun with commas.” No worries on the commas, I can take those better than I can take a TN that is overrun with unnecessary scenes (such as this one…except for the letter that Javier got.) Andy, “A sentence without a comma, is only half a sentence.” Grammar 101??? LOL

“Xavier received a letter from someone named Alicia.” Who is Alicia??? JudyB, has she been mentioned before??? An Asian romance?

“There is a really random scene where Ines is at her desk, crying crocodile tears over …. something. That’s all. No hints, clues, or ‘splaining. Strange.” I believe J-Inez was in tears because she was working on the wedding invitations that Steffi has been so anxiously waiting for. The love of her life is getting hitched...BOOHOOOO!

“Diana, “Perhaps Stefi's perfect façade may crack once she hears this noteworthy news!” You may be on to something. Someone who seems that perfect usually perceives that their world is perfect…so what will she do when someone ruins her perfect world?


Andy, you must have the stamina and drive of a warhorse. (BTW, have you seen the movie "War Horse?" Good movie! now back to the TN...) Thank you so much for your Andycap. So Ximena and Malicio had a liplock...well, well, well, those two deserve each other. I disliked Ximena since the very start; she has always pushed Monica and given her horrible advice. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

JudyB, “This clearly establishes what we have long suspected--Ximena is a complete idiot. And no one should ever, ever, ever take her advice.” (HIGH-FIVE!!)


OT Oh Susanlynn, I clicked on publish before adding how much I admire you for going to the support group. I agree with JudyB, 15 people is too many...and you really should go with your instincts. You are a strong woman; I'm sure you will find solace where and with whom you need.


Doris, if you are still fretting over this, there is an answer, "There is a really random scene where Ines is at her desk, crying crocodile tears over …. something. That’s all. No hints, clues, or ‘splaining. Strange." JuanaInez was asked by Stefie to handwrite all the invitations. She had started them and was weeping over them when the fire started. Now she's back at her job and weeping, just like before. The stack of invites is pretty high.

M'dear, all of us forget what happened before in order to not lose our minds when the after comes along. I just happened to recognize the handwriting....

OT-Susanlynn--We are with you all the way. You can share here and we will listen and those among us who are better than I am at giving comfort will do so. You are in a safe place here.

MANANA - Andy, how I wish this thing were over, already. But then I realize we won't be privy to your wonderful, madcap reviews of the stupidity exhibited on this tn. (Hint, hint--there are many recappers that don't post till the next day and nobody minds at all.)

RGV--Sorry, I hadn't gotten to your comment about the invitations until after I'd posted. How unimportant was that scene, anyway? And we're trying to explain it? Maybe it means that things are back to normal in Mazatlán? What is normal? Seb in trousers? JuanaVic in the twirly red dress? The nuptials that are about to be up-ended? Well, at least the sea and the sun can be counted on (well not the sea maybe, it's encroaching more every year on happy beach places).

To NINA: You have given us a new word for the Caray Lexicon. Wow, the possibilities. (Pardon the slight editorial change.)

"Or did she have En vitro virtualization(EVV)?"

Doris recap was fun.
So seb is not jaunO's kid. Oboy this is gonna be a Humdinger. Who is daddy?
Please don't let it be dario He is
Such a jerk of a man. And kinda stupid too. Ok gotta go.

Thanks Doris.

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