Monday, November 11, 2019

DAYTIME TNs (#1): Y Mañana Será Otro Día, Hijas de la Luna… y Mas - Week of Nov. 11, 2019

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 1 of our afternoon delights! Join us at our patio; everyone is welcome to provide highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes…we enjoy discussing the different perspectives and thought s. Questions about specific scenes or dialogues are also very welcome; someone is sure to respond and explain to ensure that you can enjoy the TN(s).

·         2 PM   - Y Mañana Sera Otro Día…Mejor:  Ep. 47-49
·         3 PM   - Hijas de la Luna…Y La Familia Cambio:  Ep. 21-23  
Note: Hijas will be pre-empted by “Latin Grammy Extra” on Friday, Nov. 15th.

Any daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mañana”)

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Part 1

I've given up trying to be interested in this silly plot. From now on I'm just going to enjoy Leonora's fabulous wardrobe. And Ms. Steffi sported some dynamite outfits as well. As for the events?-- super dumb for the most part. But the beach and the skyline looked lovely. We find our joy where we can, Patio.

This episode starts off with a smarmy car agent calling on Juan to devastate him with the horrendous cost of the Forgiveness Car that Leonora wants. Meanwhile, she's on the phone with her coven of middle-aged witches who are advising her to soak him for even more luxury items before she gives in.

So what's up with our shaggy haired, bushy eyebrowed, broken-hearted Juana Victoria? She's trying to study her computer lessons, but keeps seeing a vision of strangling Estefania instead. Knock knock. Who's there? Oh c' know! It's Sebastian, looking lovelorn and wanting to see how she's doing.

Mal, muy mal.

And she slams the door in his face.

Inés, otherwise known as Sor Necio [Sister Pain in the Butt] is still waddling around in those leg weights, dismissive of the 7th Commandment [Do not Steal] and doing her best to ignore Soledad's very wise and reasonable nagging to give it up and return the "polainas" to Barb. Not even a forced march (make that waddle) across town to pick up some package is enough to make her come clean.

We see, from the darkening sky, that night is falling. The Juana Pack and their would-be swains are gathered in la Dolorosa, kvetching about the Despedida being held at Dario's mansion rather than the bar. But Mauricio explains he agreed to the change of venue to please his dad and earn his respect. Inés says she admires him for that and he lights up like a chandelier. And Juana Victoria sees an upside: maybe if they're at Dario's house they can find out why he hates them so much.

Fat chance Vicky. But juarever. Always good to look for the positive.

And guess what's up on the beach now? Wow. A canopy. Gourmet dinner served with wine and every conceivable elegance. A musician playing romantic music on the violin. Every woman's dream, right?


Estefania is in tears. Even after Sebastian weakly assures he that he loves her. She doesn't believe it for a minute. She'd give anything to have him look at her, and kiss her, the way he did BEFORE. And she staggers off (hard to run in high heels) dinner untouched.


Part 2

Lest we forget, Juana Victoria is not the only one suffering at the moment. Fernando is in agony. When we begs for mercy at the gym (no more reps, no more reps!) Barb sneers and offers him a pair of weeny pink dumbbells. Empathetic, she's not. But for a real clue to her character, observe how she goes about finding the "rata a dos patas" [lit. rat with two feet. fig. filthy thief] First she tortures the hotel employees by running them to exhaustion on the treadmill. Or working them into a puddle on the stationary bike. When no confessions are forthcoming, she switches to another form of torture. Lining them up and making them bite down and swallow raging hot peppers. Not even a fellow with a gastrointestinal illness is spared. No confessions. Zip. Nada. But lots of misery which Barb seems to enjoy.

Seb and Vicky are wallowing in misery as well. With no joy whatsoever. He's telling her about the debacle of the romantic beach dinner. She's saying "I told you so".

" A woman always knows when a man has stopped loving her."

And then she goes on to confess her own secret: She had a vivid dream of strangling Estefania with the lazo de bodas. Sebastian looks horrified, but then reassures her that it's just her subconscious talking....Feelings aren't bad after all; it's acting on them that gets you into trouble.


With that established, our lovelorn pair gets off the bench and wanders away. Then we realize that Javier has overheard everything through the window of his office.

Back at the Oropeza house, Juan is trying to explain to an indignant Leonora that he really doesn't have the money for the luxury car she's demanding. And he can hardly come up with the million pesos needed just like that.

"Consult your checkbook," she coos.

And stalks off.

But looking fabulous, readers! A long beige duster sweater, sleek black ensemble underneath, set off by a chunky white necklace, matching earrings and bracelets. And of course that gorgeous braided hairpiece. Just deeee-vine! I want everything.

Well, not Juan. And not the car. Just Leonora's wardrobe.



Part 3

Sebastian is in the office, staring at the computer, but remembering Vicky's words of love. And then Steffi arrives. Looking quite fetching herself in an outfit that shows a lot of cleavage and a lot of leg. Pretty much the perfect ensemble if you're young and gorgeous. Which she is.

And she has an announcement: Okay, so he doesn't love her like he did before...

But she has enough love for the two of them! She'll make it work!

And just look...I've designed these darling little invitations for the Despedida de Solteros. Sebastian agrees that they're darling and that he loves seeing her smile. Gives her a melting smile of his own.

Okay. A lot of mixed messages here. Guess we all know....

Breaking Up is Hard to Do. (Sing it with me now, chorus)

Or sing it with Dario He's having a conniption fit because Leonora, lunching with him, is still not planning to divorce her errant hubby. Whaddya mean, you're sticking with him and asking for a luxury car!!!!???? DUMP THE GUY!

He's been unfaithful to you with four different women!!!

Leonora shrugs

He's being unfaithful right now with someone!

Another shrug.

He's got a secret bank account! Fergawds sakes, divorce him!!!!!

Leonora eye roll like "Jeez, what's got you so upset???!!!"


Part 4

Juan and Javier are having a little chat before the Despedida. Juan has plans to confront Dario about his crappy treatment of the Juanas. He didn't like him before. But now he likes him even less. Javier, playing the Eastern Sage or Secular Priest... take your pick...advises Juan would be better off accepting Dario just as he is. And adds that To Forgive is to Forget.

(I've got news for you Javier...People can forgive, but they don't forget. And would be wise not to. Just sayin'.)

Leonora is not happy when Steffi delivers the Despedida invite. Not when she learns those rotten, illegitimate Juanas are all going to be there! Sensing her blood pressure rising precipitously, she stalks off.

Good thing because later her blood pressure gets another big boost. Juan has been revisited by the car agent who tells him his loan application has been turned down. No way can he get credit. Maybe for a car three times cheaper, but that's all. Juan comes up with the lame plan to give Leonora a toy luxury car instead. And plants it outside the house.

It doesn't go well. After a fruitless chase around the sidewalk, looking for the culprit, Juan gets a frosty ultimatum that "he's a millimeter away from divorce."

But later, as Leonora fumes on the phone to her faithful coven, one of them advises her to show up, all flags flying, at the Despedida anyway--because for sure Juan's current mistress will be there!

And "Dias Después" here we are indeed at the Despedida. Leonora is looking fabulous in a royal blue sheath dress. Estefania is looking equally fabulous in an off the shoulder, back-baring, leg-flashing white gown. Dario is giving an unctuous speech about how he admires and respects Sebastian and that's why he's giving him his "greatest treasure"--his daughter. Papa adds a menacing afterthought: And she will ALWAYS have my support! Sebastian,( wearing long pants, ANDY!) looks properly intimidated.

Inside the house, Octavio is having a moment. Seeing the kitchen again, reminds him of his happy childhood, when his mom worked there as cook and housekeeper. He and Mauricio grew up together. A happy time. Until his mother died and Dario kicked him out. Mau distracts him from these sad memories by enlisting him to pack some balloons into large plastic bags to take outside.

Vicky is having a moment too. She's staring sadly off into space and denying to the other Juanas that anything is wrong. Barb is still steaming about the leg weights theft but doesn't seem to notice that Inés has a very peculiar way of walking around like she has eight of them strapped to her legs! And Margarita and Teresa, like two middle-aged middle schoolers, are planning to play a trick on Leonora.

Honestly girls, grow up. You're waaaay too old for this.


Part 5

Outside, the classic Despedida game begins. Each fiancé is asked a question about the other. Then we find out if the answer is correct. Our hapless couple has a perfect score: She knows his way of relaxing is to go snorkeling. And he knows her favorite activity is helping disadvantaged children. Ahhhh, okay...these two are meant for each other.

Except they're not.

And that's when it hits the fan. A drunken waiter, coached by Margarita, has announced to one and all that she is pregnant again--by Juan Oropeza!

Margarita, suddenly appalled by what she's done, hies herself off to the bathroom to hide. Juan follows, demanding to know why such a ridiculous lie was announced to one and all. Leonora also makes an appearance, LOOKING FABULOUS FOLKS, REALLY!, and shrugs off the whole catastrophe.

"I don't believe it for a minute, darlings. After all, I doubt that the "menjunje" Juan took 24 years ago is still working." she declares. And off she goes.

Well played Leonora. And well dressed too you rascal.

Now we're back outside, and see everybody helping themselves to lovely trays of food (and I'm wishing I were eating instead of recapping). Octavio draws Soledad aside, gives her a rose that he snagged from Dario's garden and asks her to be his novia.

An enthusiastic "yes" and many enthusiastic kisses follow. Everybody stops eating for a moment to give a big round of applause. (I'm still wishing I had some appetizers at least.)

Back inside, Juan is lamenting to Javier (who's also looking spiffy in an ivory
brocade sports jacket) that he doesn't have the money for a real luxury car. But he fears Leonora is now out for vengeance. If only she would forgive me before I go into hock for something that expensive! he wails.

Leonora (still looking fabulous, dang it!) overhears and looks...conflicted? repentant?...thoughtful? Hard to tell. But sleek and well-dressed for sure.

And there we end.


Oh Judy, I just loved "rata a dos patas" [lit. rat with two feet. fig. filthy thief]". Most excellent!

"she's on the phone with her coven of middle-aged witches" and "Mal, muy mal" were other favorites.

Some wise words here amidst the angst: " A woman always knows when a man has stopped loving her." I think, deep down, even though most would be loathe to admit, this is true.

And oh dear "Okay, so he doesn't love her like he did before...But she has enough love for the two of them! She'll make it work!" Oh no Steffi. No. Having one person deliriously happy cannot balance the scale of the differing levels of devotion. Constant adoration that cannot be reciprocated could make the other party feel stifled with resentment likely to follow.

In addition to seeing Steffi, I need to see Leo's wardrobe. One of these days.

Great fun Judy. Vivid, colorful images are appearing in my mind thanks to your precise, picture perfect recap.


Judyb...thank you for that excellent recap of all the crazy.

Speaking of wardrobe, Javier seems to cornered the market on Nehru jackets. The women in this show have very distinctive styles.

Well, it's a silly show, but at least we are not getting the doom and violence we have at Cuna and Dragon.

Estefi is too good to be true.

MAÑANA (1 of 2)

[There were lots of scenes that mostly killed time. Some were fairly interesting to watch, but otherwise did not much advance the story.
Some things combined, but wanton misrepresentation kept to a minimum.]

Diana and Laura decide to recruit Nora as their spy inside MediaLink to let them know if anything happens between Camilo and Monica. Laura will approach Nora so that Diana won't be connected in case it's found out that Nora is passing on info. [Would this make Diana "intachable"?]

Paloma is all upset after her father leaves. Rafa takes her some water and asks her how she's doing. She's upset. Her father won't tell her anything until he can talk to Laura, and he doesn't want Paloma to let Laura know he's there in Mexico. Rafa can't explain this, but he's hoping that perhaps her father can help her and she could find a good job or focus on making her jewelry there in Mexico.
Paloma doesn't think so and says that at least in Brazil she would have a roof over her head. Rafa tells her she will always have one with him, he's grown accustomed to having her as his "roomie", and he would very much miss her. She would miss him too, very much. They lean in, not for a kiss, but to bring their foreheads together and embrace. Awww!

Monica has trouble sleeping and fantasizes about Camilo and remembers their night sleeping in the hotel. She laughs about it, fondly, even though she didn't get much sleep that night.

Monica and Ximena go running in the park but Ximena's pretty butt is dragging after her night out. Monica wants to know why she didn't come home when Monica texted her the "all clear" message. Where was she, and with whom? Hopefully not with Malicio. Ximena lies and says nope, some other guy. A little later they meet with Armando, Rafa's buddy. He tries to talk up Ximena, but she's not interested. It seems she's still thinking of Rafa. [and Malicio???]

Manuel packs his bags [note to Kirby: two bags!] and tells Maggie he can't continue with her if she won't get help.

MAÑANA (2 of 2)

Adrian shows up at the pasteleria to see Laura, apparently to talk about sweet nothing, and Laura goes to get them coffee when her (ex-?) husband walks in. She faints and falls to the floor. Wow, that's some reaction. Anyway, Adrian helps her up off the floor and helps support her. The husband wants to have a family discussion with Laura, Paloma, and himself, to discuss things. Laura refuses, but he gives her 48 hours or he will talk with Paloma alone and tell her exactly what kind of mother she has, and he leaves.
It looks like Laura left out a few details when she told Paloma that her father was a cheating no good bum.
She talks with Adrian a few minutes and then decides she has to leave so she tells him to man the counter. He doesn't know about selling cakes but...

Almudena shows up at MediaLink with marzipan cookies for Camilo and flirtatiously reminds him how he used to love those back when. Monica makes faces behind his back, but Almudena makes progress with her "bizcochito".

The police arrive to check MediaLinks computers for documents related to illicit activities but Pablo tells them he erased all his folders. The police say there should be copies on the server, which seems to be news to everyone at MediaLink.

Diana arrives home from her radio-therapy and talks to Lidia about lucha libre. At first Lidia says she doesn't know that much about it but soon she's babbling all sorts of stories and Diana gets all enthused and excited; she definitely wants to do a children's book about lucha libre!

Meanwhile Almudena and Bizcochito are in his office eating cookies, talking about old times, and laughing. Rafa pops in to tell Camilo that the police have left and is surprised to see his mother. They tell him to sit down and join them and continue with tales of their courtship, etc., and continue laughing and having a good time. Monica comes in and forces a strained laugh, but she needs to discuss business with Camilo. He says talk to Rafa, and he leaves with Almudena.

Maggie goes to a psychiatrist and wants to pay him for a letter that she is perfectly sane and would be a good mom. He declines to do so.

Rafa and Monica discuss what she has found. At some point some things in the accounting ledgers were changed and the budget for his projects has almost completely been spent. I didn't understand this completely, but it looks like a large amount of money has gone missing. Rafa, Armando, and Pablo are dumfounded and have no idea how they will explain this to Camilo.

Malicio hears some of the conversation and laughs. "The show has begun."



Thank you Judy for your recap! This is the silliest telenovela I can remember. It makes Sin Tu Mirada look like Shakespeare, or Tennesse Williams. Gah. But I choose it over drama, drugs, and murder, so there you have it. And today I learned what “chillar” means. It’s all about the Spanish. It’s all about the Spanish. It’s all about the Spanish . . .

Both of Leo’s outfits caused me to drool uncontrollably. They’re much better than the large flower black dress she wore last week that did nothing for her. Or me.
I loved:
”"she's on the phone with her coven of middle-aged witches"”
”The Juana Pack” (LOL)
”Javier, playing the Eastern Sage or Secular Priest... take your pick...”

The convo between Leo & Dario was too funny, especially Leo’s facial expressions and those shrugs. LOL!!! If she does not love Juan then she must be stuck on him. Dario’s frustration was too funny, too. Poor guy, he wants to control everything and he is not getting his way.

Margarita’s “plan” was. the. stupidest. idea. Good grief. Leo handled it with aplomb.

Barbara’s “dressy” attire to the fiesta de Despedidas was a bit much. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING???!??? Shiny gym attire? Ummm…. no. Just no.

Leo’s “luxury car” with the bow made me laugh. Truly. It brought back memories! All through high school, our son always asked for a new sports car for Christmas (he was driving a 9-year old Volvo station wagon with 100k miles hand-me-down). Every year, I bought a small model car of some fancy type, like Porsche or Dodge Viper, with a bow. :-)


Andy, thank you for another great "andycap"! It's so good of you to soldier on and report the activities in Mañanalandia. I somehow believe your andycap is better than the episode, itself.

What does Rafa see in Paloma? Does he know what a skank she is? Has he had his shots?

Poor Maggie is wigging out.

I might have to watch Friday's episode, since we don't have Hijas that day.


Judy, thank you for your very entertaining recap.

I know I've said this before, but Leonora steals the show. Not only is she better looking than the Juanas and Steffi, but her antics are great.

Getting "on the phone to her faithful coven" for encouragement and silly advice sure is funnier than poor Juana Inés' trudge across town or Juana Bárbara's drill sergeant routine in the hokey gym.

Most everything Leonora does is pretty much OK, and the rest of the cast looks lame in comparison. Mister Trivago (I can never remember his name, neither his role nor his real name) looked quite ridiculous in the gym, and his beard is totally out of control. At least in the Trivago commercials he looks like they got him out of the homeless shelter and cleaned him up a little before filming.

But, yeah, I agree with those who say this nonsense is better than the nighttime blood and terror.



Doris, thank you for your kind comments.

"What does Rafa see in Paloma? Does he know what a skank she is? Has he had his shots?"

That's very funny, and I don't know about the shots, but Rafa does know her history and he knows she has been growing as well. She managed to get herself away from Malicio and wants nothing to do with him, and has become a somewhat responsible person. And she's good-looking enough to really deserve a second chance.

And I think it's doubly interesting because the show, I think, was deliberately a bit vague about Rafa's sexuality.




"Laura goes to get them coffee when her (ex-?) husband walks in. She faints and falls to the floor. Wow, that's some reaction". I'm smiling andy.

I really enjoy your recaps which are fun, soothing and fabulous.

Thank you!



Good morning Petite Patio. And DIANA, assuming you got to work okay. Roadways here are hazardous, other than the suburb where I live (and where we pay BIG taxes). And the weather forecasters sound just like SUSANLYNN, when they say "it feels like January in November". It sure does, but I don't have to go out until later in the morning so I can just enjoy how beautiful the snow looks.

DIANA...This observation of yours was so wise and thoughtful:

"Oh no Steffi. No. Having one person deliriously happy cannot balance the scale of the differing levels of devotion. Constant adoration that cannot be reciprocated could make the other party feel stifled with resentment likely to follow."

Perfectly stated. Reminds me of a book I read once titled "How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together". Written by a woman. For women. 'Nuff said.

SUSANLYNN...."Steffi is just too good to be true." Sure seems like it! We haven't seen her slip up yet, but her sweetness and kindness do seem a bit...well, Stepford-like. We'll have to see how this all evolves. Maybe she'll suddenly morph into a snarling she-wolf. Like those scary characters on the nighttime shows.

DORIS...We're totally on the same page, fashion-wise and elsewhere. Yep, that large floral dress was the one slip-up by the wardrobe department. But for the most part, they're doing right by our funny, delightfully mugging comedienne Cynthia (Leonora). And I hope Juan doesn't end up with Margarita. Her behavior has been neither cute nor funny. I know we're supposed to chuckle at all this, but nopis, not amused. Not one bit. Ditto for Ines and the leg weights. So much of the "humor" seems forced in this. Not sure if it's cultural differences or just inept writers.

ANDY..."Most everything Leonora does is pretty much OK, and the rest of the cast looks lame in comparison." Exactly. Leonora maybe went a bit too far demanding that luxury sports car, but then she had no way of knowing that Dario was feeding her false information. Hard not to root for her. And she's not encouraging Dario at all. Most of all, the look on her face as Juan was lamenting to Javier at the end, seemed to be one of vulnerability, affection and contrition. But what do I know? I've been fooled before.



AMIGO ANDY... Enjoyed every word of your wry, witty recap, but especially this:

[There were lots of scenes that mostly killed time. Some were fairly interesting to watch, but otherwise did not much advance the story.
Some things combined, but wanton misrepresentation kept to a minimum.]

Listen, you can do all the "wanton misrepresentation" that you care to. It would be better than what these writers are churning out. Also laughed at Ximena's "pretty butt dragging after her night out" and your quip about Laura's BIG reaction to her ex-husband showing up. Clearly there's going to be a back-story there. Whether or not it will be interesting...well, time will tell. Still not liking this show, but always look forward to your recaps . And hoping for LOTS of "wanton misrepresentation".


"Maybe she'll suddenly morph into a snarling she-wolf. Like those scary characters on the nighttime shows."
I hoping she does go postal and will have the popcorn on hand to share with our patio peeps.


"[There were lots of scenes that mostly killed time. Some were fairly interesting to watch, but otherwise did not much advance the story.
Some things combined, but wanton misrepresentation kept to a minimum.]"
Best disclaimer ever. LOL


Winter hit here last night, too. Woke up to 22°F and a Real Feel of 3°F wind chill factor. Walking the dog at 5:45a.m. was not fun. but she took care of business quickly. Our high will be 30° and set a record for coldest "high" today. Going down to 18° tonight. We southern fried chickens are not used this. Four weeks ago it was 95°F!

Not surprised your pup took care of business quickly! Doubt that she likes this cold any more than you do, Doris. But loved your "southern fried chickens" quip.

Our pets always make sure we stay on schedule, don't they? Whenever I traveled, our little Kizzie would yowl outside our son's door or my husband's. When both my son and I were away, Bob would just ignore the yowls. Eventually she understood there was no way she was going to get fed until about 10 am. He's an Owl not a Lark, and won't change for anybody, even our beloved pet.


Good morning, patio. It's a very chilly 38 (and drizzling) in the RGV this morning and it won't get much warmer the rest of the day...BIG difference from yesterday when we had a high of 89, but I know it's colder elsewhere, so not complaining (too much).

Judy, you are like a snarktastic Energizer bunny; you just keep going and going and going...Thank you and all the patio peeps for making the Caray world such a fun place.

So two steps forward on the treadmill and not getting anywhere for now, but the most enjoyable scene (IMO) was Mau reminiscing about his mother. An interesting twist would be if Dario turned out to be his father.

I too am really enjoying Leo’s and Steffi’s wardrobe…and even J-Sol’s. I wonder if they have their own fashionistas because the other Juanas sure could get some…no, make that LOTS…of tips.


WTG, Andy! you continue to amaze me with your Andycaps and you add in lots of conversation which is quite impressive. Again the only good thing about this TN is your Andycaps., so THANKS!

OT-"Our pets always make sure we stay on schedule" Most definitely!! Goats, chickens, and all other pets are fed already. Mama eats last :-)


Yeah, RGV CHICK...I figured you knew just what I was saying. When my kids were little, I used to call it the Warm Orange Juice, Cold Coffee Club. Those days are long gone, and alas, my little Kizzie is too. But I still have the happy memories.


Part 1

Petite Patio, have you every noticed how the most dramatic point of the whole episode always comes right at the end? Maybe we could save time on these recaps and just talk about the last 5 minutes?

Or maybe not. I've got to do something to keep you rowdies off the streets. So abide a wee with me.

Juana Inés is not the only bald-faced liar. Margarita tells a big fib when she blames the tasteless "Margarita is pregnant again by Juan" chisme on the tipsy waiter.

Meanwhile, our "intachable" Leonora is inside fending off another Dario Divorce Attack. She's decided to forgive Juan and accept all the little Juanas to boot. Dario is incensed and starts to yell again..."Have you no dignity!!!??? And are you so greedy that you're hanging on for that million dollar off-shore account!!!????

Well, who knows? Maybe she's just walkin' with Jesus. She certainly looked remorseful and conflicted when Juan was lamenting to Javier.

Anyway, she can forgive whoever she wants! So there. And flounces out.

Alas, her Milk of Human Kindness quickly turns sour when she overhears the four Juanas dissing her and talking trash about her character. Leo does an ethical about-face and vows to "make 'em pay". This consists of putting some Energin (something like 5-hour Energy?) into some champagne glasses and sending the waiter off with orders to deliver them to the four Juanas. Naturally, this play goes awry. Inés doesn't drink. Todoelmundo grabs one of the glasses. Waiter looks for someone in a black dress and figures Teresa is the one (her dress is black and white). Octavio grabs a glass for himself and Margarita follows suit. Before you know it, they're all drunk as skunks and having a whale of a time. Not sure what the vengeance was meant to be, but this particular four are having quite the party.

Thanks Mom!

Oops, elsewhere the party is getting rough. Dario and Juan are facing off like two aging bulls, each one accusing the other of infamy. Basically Juan blames Dario for the fire and gym theft; and Dario blames Juan...well, for the Juanas! Juan is half-right and Dario completely. But still...let's not forget that Dario is the villain. Our Juan is just an idiot. Nice. But an idiot. Kind of like his girls when you think of it.

Our "intachable" Estefania, who truly does seem without fault in any way, tries to pour oil on troubled waters. Surely Sebastian doesn't want the party to end this way. And Dad, you were about to come to blows with your "consuegro". Is that how our family is going to act? Beating up on each other? I insist that you apologize to Juan.

And he does. Boy, the princess really wields some power with dear old Dad. Dario extends his hand. After a pause, Juan takes it. And then folds his arms and glares some more. Not a total truce. But this will work for now.


Part 2

Sebastian is not so ready to make peace. He goes inside to confront Dario, but instead finds Estefania there, being questioned by her loving Papi. Dario didn't know that she'd sponsored all these kids in Chiapas. -Well, I didn't tell you, Dad, because I knew you'd scold me. -If you used MY money, sure! -Well, I didn't. I raised funds through various charities in order to support these deserving children.

Oh boy. What can you do? She's an angel. In sexy clothes and high heels, rather than a halo and wings. But needs must. Dad Dario and Sebastian are completely flummoxed.

I dunno SUSANLYNN...I think this little gal is for real.

Putting aside that burning question, what else happened? Well, Leo and Juan have a conciliatory conversation. She proposes a "dando y dando" (give and take) but neglects to add specifics. Yet!

And the four Juanas march in to see Dario now, demanding to know why he hates them so much. After all, they've never done anything to him! He puts them off, saying he never gives them a moment's thought. And he's as interested as they are in finding out who is behind all these nefarious plans to bring them harm.

Hmmm...the girls look confused and half-believing. Like Papa Juan, critical thinking is not their strong suit. Bikinis on the beach, on the other hand....

Okay. What else? Well Vicky ends up in Steffi's bedroom, looking at her pictures and sweet letters from the kids that she is sponsoring. Steffi glows with pride as she reads some of them, and Vicky, on the other hand shrinks in shame. But oh my, now she knows how good Steffi really is and gives her a great big Juana Victoria Hug. Yay!

After Steffi recovers from that, she admits to having doubted Vick for a bit. But now she knows she's the greatest sister ever! Best friends for life!

Oh my, you know this détente isn't going to last. Leonora's didn't. But we can hope, can't we?

Or do you prefer conflict? Well here's some. Mauricio and Inés are sitting together, while she waxes poetic about the vast night sky. It makes her feel so small and insignificant. He points out Sirius, the brightest star in the firmament. And then adds, "that's what you are to me". Dario overhears this cursi declaration and orders Mau inside. No way is he going to let him pursue one of the Juanas. And the most insignificant Juana of them all! Pathetic. "Poca cosa a poca cosa". Mauricio shrinks down a little more. Which evidently is just how Dario likes him.

And Sebastian and Juana Victoria? Yes, they have found each other again. Sitting poolside, with the iconic LOVE symbol nearby, they battle through the firestorm of their emotions. (Sorry, got carried away there.) But yes, they're conflicted. Or Vicky is anyway. Steffi is ten times the gal that I am, Vic assures Sebastian. And so it's time for you and I to separate forever, for realz, and I mean it. ADIOS! Sebastian doesn't look convinced. And gives her a very long, tender hug. But then he moves on, and the hapless Fernando moves in. Vicky thinks he's looking skinny. Is he eating enough? After that discouraging beginning, he decides to plow on and declare his undying hankering for her very self. She's like "Are you kidding!?" And runs off.

Fernando, forget about the gym. Ain't gonna happen, you and Juana Victoria. Tattoo this on your forehead-- El Amor No Se Manda and move on boy!


Part 3

Oh dear. The Despedida Party continues and Mauricio, clad in black robes and a commencement cap, is acting the good Padre marrying Sebastian and Estefania. He gives a credible reading of the marriage vows, and then he asks Steffi "Do you accept this man as your husband?" She readily and sweetly agrees. When he asks Sebastian, he gets dead silence. There are startled, worried faces all around. And Steffi looks about to burst into tears.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Sebastian answers. With a wan "Si, claro." Mortified, Steffi decides to skip the post-boda kiss and suggests heading off to open the party gifts. She can't even look at her fiancé, she's so hurt.

And we don't blame her!

The gifts are interesting. One is a bright yellow pair of handcuffs. Well, "esposas" means handcuffs as well as wives. Kind of a clue to the prevailing view of marriage in some places, no? Another is a bright yellow apron that says "Soy un mandilón" [a husband who does what his wife sez]. Hardly an encouraging message after that debacle of a mock wedding. In fact the only folks having any real fun at this point are our four drunken Energin-infused partygoers and the waiter.

That evening, as Soledad is washing off her make-up, she suddenly gets a vision of Juana Victoria sadly bidding farewell and leaving. Zounds! What can this mean?

Next morning, we get to see the carnage. Teresa is flaked out in bed, unable to move. Energin, where are thou? She's down for the count.

And Vicky is writing a letter, starting off with Querida Juana Victoria. Hmmmmm. Stay tuned.

Margarita is dealing with a beastly headache and is being a cranky secretary indeed.

And Sebastian is having a lovely breakfast on the beach with Tio Javier, and crying on his shoulder as usual. But getting some Javier advice as well. -"You mentioned your worries about Juana Victoria before you even brought up Estefania, your fiancée. What does this tell you about your priorities?"

Sebastian has a Eureka moment, flashes those perfect white teeth for us, and jumps up, ready to rectify his mistake and reconcile with Steffi.

Anybody think this is going to work?

Yeah, I thought so.


Part 3

Our poor little Steffi looks about as done in as Teresa. She's curled up in bed, all Woe is Me style, when Papi Dario knocks on the door. He missed her at breakfast and is wondering if his perfect little princess is alright. She tries to pretend it is. And then her cellphone rings and Lo! it's her prince, her Sebastian, and he's proposing something wonderful and romantic and he'll take care of everything! All she has to do is show up.

Steffi is all smiles again. Real ones. And Papi Dario is mollified for the moment.

Yikes. Elsewhere though, the relentless Juana Bárbara is doing her own version of water-boarding, forcing the hapless hotel personnel to stay underwater in the pool-- for longer and longer periods of time until....they confess, dang it!

Fortunately, Inés waddles up at this point and finally admits to being the thief. This earns her a well-deserved tongue lashing from Barb. Soledad comes in for some grief too, for keeping Inés' secret. Even the good Padre is annoyed, when Inés finally shows up and tells him what she's been doing. Hate to agree with Dario, but honestly, this kid is lame, lame, lame. And I'm not talking about her weight-bound feet either.

So what else? Well, Juan has come a-cropper with the Dando y Dando Detente. Leonora is still insisting on a REAL luxury car, not some poopy little toy. And when he begs poverty, she moves in, whispers in his ear that she knows "his secret" and flounces off.

But Juan has a plan. He'll rent a luxury car for a week. Leonora will forgive him. He'll woo her like mad during that Reconciliation Week and she'll be so in love by then, that the Forgiveness will last. Even when the car goes back to the dealership.

See? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, our Juan. But nice. If you don't count those four infidelities.

Meanwhile, Dario also has a plan. And the worst, gawdawful sports jacket on God's green earth. I thought the plaid number was bad. But this! Alternating shades of some kind of puke puce. Seriously. And some murky plan of making one of the Juanas a "chiva expiatoria" [scapegoat] and guilty of money laundering.

Don't ask me to explain it. Finances make me crazy. Just go with it. It won't work anyway.

Of course, neither will Juan's plan.

Maybe our "intachable" Leonora needs to re-find her Sperm King, as NINA calls him.


Part 4

Juana Victoria's made-up letter goes more or less like this:

Chela, the owner and manager of la fonda [low-cost restaurant] where Juana Victoria used to work is in trouble. She was hit by a bus "pesera" and is now paralyzed. Can't run the restaurant. She and her family will starve unless Vicky comes back and takes over.

The other Juanas don't want her to leave. After all, they're family! Not this Chela person. Papi Juan doesn't want her to go either. Why, he will die without her! Can he do anything to make her stay?

This conversation is taking place on the beach and it's lovely. The sky is dark, yet bright with stars. The frothing, melodic waves roll rhythmically into shore. It is truly Paradise. And she's with her loving father and sisters. How can she leave? But she must. So she and Juan draw in close for a deeply affectionate father-daughter hug.

And the scene changes.

It's Estefania and Sebastian in a cozy lodge. Fire in the fireplace. Wine, crudités, gourmet cheese and the ultimate romantic fruit to nibble--a juicy, sensuous strawberry. If you've ever seen any telenovelas, you know nibbling on strawberries is just one step away from Unbridled Passion.

And yikes, next thing we know, the camera pans to clothing scattered all over the floor. Yep, looks like Unbridled Passion for sure.

Except. Whoa Nellie, we've got a problem! Or rather Seb does.

Kisses and Hugs, but Little Soldier fails to make an appearance. Okay, he appears. But fails to salute.

Gosh. Going to be a long night for sure. How to fill the time?

Come to think of it...might be the moment for Sebastian and Estefania to have a nice, long talk. Not going be anything else going on, eh kids?

And there we end.

Judyb..thank you for soldiering ..neither rain, nor sleet and all that.
So sorry to hear that you have lost Kizzie. You took such good care of her.

And on goes the silliness by the sea. At least we can laugh at these characters making mountains out of molehills..

Bitter cold here, too. It rained last night. The temps actually fell as the day went on instead of going up. No outside chores for me today. It is supposed to go down to 19 tonight. Tomorrow sunny but the high will only be 34. I made a big pot of chili in an act of defiance . It is going to be a long winter.

Cousin Drew in Tennesee emailed me this morning that it snowed there.

The cold and the long nights are giving me cabin fever and making me blue. I have a lot of candles lit tonight and have my twinkling lights on. Fight, fight against the dark. Stay warm and safe all. Time for had to move from the patio into a cozy family room for the rest of the winter.


Judy – thank you for your recap. Another day of fluff and stuff on the boob tube. What can I say? And when I’m done with that, I start watching Hallmark Christmas movies. I need an intervention. lol

” If you've ever seen any telenovelas, you know nibbling on strawberries is just one step away from Unbridled Passion.” LOL Another Telenovela Rule!

Juana Victoria’s plan …. ugh …. she will never leave town. One thing I have to stay about Stefi is that she has not lied yet, while every one of the Juanas has told a lie at some point.

Señor FFWD-> told me to zip thru the waiter, Leo’s Energín drops effects, Barbara at the swimming pool, and one or two more scenes.

And that poor priest did some more eye rolls when Ines was there.

I still want that dress and necklace Leonarda was wearing. I think I'm still watching just to see her wardrobe. and hair. and facial expressions.

Oh dear, Sebastian couldn't ... ahem ... well .... no "soldiering on" for him. "He's Lost That Loving' Feeling" ♪♫♪ (apologies to the Righteous Brothers)

Susanlynn - I have to have lots of light on in the house during winter. I love the light of summer, but not the awful heat that accompanies it. Not thrilled about tonight's predicted low of 16, either.


Judy, this was a gleaming jewel.

"nibbling on strawberries is just one step away from Unbridled Passion" could not have been stated any more perfectly. A telenovela rule for certain.

"The frothing, melodic waves roll rhythmically into shore. It is truly Paradise". Excuse me while I book a trip there.

"her Milk of Human Kindness quickly turns sour" had me laughing.

So Steffi is the perfect woman. Just not the perfect woman for Sebastian apparently.

"Oh dear, Sebastian couldn't ... ahem ... well .... no "soldiering on" for him" was great doris!

Susanlynn, it is dark. And cold. I have to keep reminding myself that winter is still actually a month away! So hard to go to work and come home in the dark. I suffer from Vitamin D deficiency as it is :) I hope you find a cozy room and warm up with light and a steamy hot beverage.

"I've got to do something to keep you rowdies off the streets". Oh, you know us so well Judy! Bad to the bone we are…😊

Thank you for bringing the sun today...



Judy, thank you for your excellent recap and for keeping us off the street.

I caught part of today's show and Leonora was fun, as usual. Most of the others were essentially brain dead.

Like Doris, I liked that big necklace, but if there was any pearl clutching I missed it. And I have to wonder if "clutching one's pearls" is such a meme in Mexico.



MAÑANA (1 of 2)

Busy, BUSY episode, and mostly a fun episode. But as usual this summary bears, at most, a passing resemblance to the actual episode as aired.
Monica gets to make lots and lots of funny faces. Camilo too.

Eugenia is away for a couple of weeks or so. Diana confabs with Chabela about seeing the lawyer who handled the adoptions for Eugenia because she wants to know about her birth parents.
Then Diana gets a call from Cristóbal's school, he's been suspended for not showing up for classes and exams.

Laura meets with Nora. She wants to bribe Nora with pastries and in return she want the lowdown on what Camilo is up to these days, especially with Monica. Nora absolutely loves gossip and immediately starts filling Laura in on Almudena and Camilo. She's in, she'll be Laura's spy.

Rafa, Pablo, and Armando are frantically going over the balance sheets for Rafa's project. It seems there is not enough unspent money to either go ahead with the project nor to shut it down in a good way. MediaLink is going to look bad over this.
Rafa is so desperate that he goes to see if Malicio can help. I don't need to tell you that Malicio offered no help.
Rafa decides to forge ahead with the project anyway; he'll take full responsibility for any repercussions.

Monica goes to question Malicio, she thinks it odd that he didn't notice any problem with Rafa's project in the documents he sent her. He says he didn't have time to review everything as she wanted to review things right away. Monica smells a rat.

Manuel visits Regina at home and Lidia recognizes him immediately and hides before he sees her. He tells Regina that his marriage is now not solid, she needs to know that because she will soon have to make some decisions regarding her baby.

Malicio is on the phone with Ximena. Ximena has always been problematical. She's cute, but she's a bit sleazy too. Malicio wants to see her but she's resisting because she promised Monica she would. But she's weakening; finally she says to him "But you're getting married!" He replies that she and Barbi can share him. She doesn't hang up...
Oh, Ximena, I thought you had hit bottom before but I was wrong.
AND Barbi walks in at that moment and wants to know just who this Ximena is. He makes up some lies about a client and sweet talks her around her suspicions... mostly. Barbi's very few brain cells are now talking to each other and trying to figure this out.

Thank you JudyB for your warm welcome back to the patio! Your recap was perfect for me. I feel I am beginning to get a handle on this show already.

You guys weren’t kidding about JuanaVic’s hair. Bound to change. Some of my favorite actors are here. Love Cynthia and Alexis.

Between the Latin Grammys and the weekend I hope to catch up on some of the early episodes so I don’t sound too clueless.


MAÑANA (2 of 2)

Laura returns to the pastelería and sits down with Adrian to talk. She tells him that she's not in Mexico because her husband Patricio cheated on her, although he did, but because she started sleeping with one of his associates and when he found out he tossed her out of the house with nothing. So she immediately took Paloma to Mexico so she wouldn't find out what her mother had been doing and hate her for it.
Of course Paloma has just arrived in time to hear all this and screams at her mother then runs away, right into the path of an oncoming car and is struck.
She is taken to the hospital where they check her health insurance.
No, not really, she's good-looking so they take her to Emergency and try to fix her up.

Now comes the best part, all as totally believable as what came before:

Rafa and Monica are separately on their way to Nora's desk where someone is standing, talking to Nora; he is looking for Rafa.
Rafa, coming up behind him, is surprised and exclaims "Papá!" and they embrace.
Monica arrives and exclaims "Iñaki?!"

Yes, Rafa's stepfather is none other than Iñaki. He and Monica embrace and laugh and hug. And up walks Camilo who is not pleased with what he sees.
Monica is confused so Iñaki says Rafa is his son, he told her he was divorced and had an adopted son, but somehow he never mentioned the name. Camilo is processing this and not sure if he likes it. Iñaki is Almudena's ex-husband, stepfather to Rafa, and "friend" with whom Monica spent her vacation at Valle de Bravo.

There is then an outbreak of jealousy at MediaLink.
Monica takes Iñaki around MediaLink introducing him to everyone and telling stories about how they met when he crashed into her after he lost control of his paraglider, how they took the boat out on the lake and got stranded, etc., etc. Camilo is following them around the office, spying on Monica and trying to find out what's going on with her and Iñaki, eavesdropping and making funny, dismissive faces, mimicking Iñaki, and talking to himself.
Lots of funny faces from both Camilo and Monica. Once Monica catches on that Camilo is jealous she is absolutely delighted. Much more fun today than usual in this TN.

Iñaki says he's staying at the Hotel Colonial and Rafa tells him Almudena is staying at the very same hotel. Why don't we all have dinner together?



Good Morning Petite Patio Plus One! We're all glad that MELY is rejoining us. We've missed her observations on interesting visuals which seem to fly right by when a recapper is madly taking notes. Let's face it, it takes a village to really cover a telenovela, even one as silly as this.

SUSANLYNN...How wise you are to light candles and twinkling lights and fight, fight, fight against the dark. Winter is a challenge for most of us. I loved your description of Hijas--"Silliness by the Sea". Indeed it is. Just right for these cold, dark months.

DIANA...Ah those strawberries and what they portend! These scenes always remind me of our good buddy Carlos because he was a big fan--of the Passionate Prelude Strawberry that is. I can't remember which telenovela it was, but I do remember he loved that particular scene. Gone too soon.

ANDY..."Clutching one's pearls" it a meme in Mexico? Unlikely. But everything Leonora does is funny and worth watching. She is indeed the best part of this show. And her wardrobe is too. Well, not for you. Any interest in Javier's ivory brocade sports jacket? I thought it looked pretty nifty.


ANDY...What a great recap, beginning with your disclaimer:

Busy, BUSY episode, and mostly a fun episode. But as usual this summary bears, at most, a passing resemblance to the actual episode as aired.

Lots of other gems though:

"Barbi's few brain cells are talking to each other and trying to figure this out"

"she [Paloma] is taken to the hospital where they check her health insurance. No, not really, she is good-looking so they take her to Emergency and try to fix her up"

and "outbreak of jealousy at MediaLink"

Interesting how some episodes really inspire a lot of humor. Other times, it's just a hard slog uphill.

Have a great day everybody. It's one of those Freeze Your Eyelashes Day here in the Midwest. But grateful for a warm house, passably warm car and a good, cozy jacket.

And you all, of course!


Andy, thank you for another entertaining andycap. So many delightful lines in it, and these are my favorites:

"Barbi's very few brain cells are now talking to each other and trying to figure this out."

"There is then an outbreak of jealousy at MediaLink."

"she's good-looking so they take her to Emergency and try to fix her up."

So, Laura has her own skanky history. Fruit did not fall far from the tree (re: Paloma), eh?


We woke up to 16°F this morning. Thankfully, no wind when I walked the dog at 6 am. A warming trend starts later today with a predicted 45° high. Might see people in shorts. (no, not really)
Yesterday I sent my sister a pic of the snow on our deck, because they live a few miles from us. So . . .she sent me a pic of their deck/balcony....of their cruise cabin the Southern Caribbean. Smart alec.


Like Judy, I also liked “But as usual this summary bears, at most, a passing resemblance to the actual episode as aired”.

That said, I am sort of relieved to have missed “Monica gets to make lots and lots of funny faces. Camilo too”. 😊

"She is taken to the hospital where they check her health insurance.
No, not really, she's good-looking so they take her to Emergency and try to fix her up". Just great andy, just great.

I think it was 13 here this morning doris with it going to 50 tomorrow. No wonder everyone is getting sick. Judy, I'm going to try and avoid "Freeze Your Eyelashes Day" - too funny.

Stay warm all. Thank you andy!



Judy, "She [Leonora] is indeed the best part of this show. And her wardrobe is too. Well, not for you."

Yes, for me too. Natural Assets + Presentation = Net Effect. She comes off looking better than the younger, often more skimpily dressed, Juanas.

Now if you meant would I want to get any fashion ideas, want to wear anything she wears, probably not.





Judy, thank you, and it really was a fun episode.

Doris, thank you. Laura does have a history, and so does Paloma. They are both trying to move on though, and they are managing a bit better.

Diana, thanks for keeping us company on this small patio. The funny faces really were funny. And I am hoping that the return of Iñaki might be the start of a better, nicer romance for our Monica.



I forgot to mention that we are having our own "Freeze Your Eyelashes Day" here, though it's sunny for now. Cold, but sunny.

Now, where to buy eyelash antifreeze?



Hi, Patio Pals. Dropped in quickly after a very busy morning, but I had to make sure and thank JudyB for her continuous snarktastic flair. Just loved this which is sidebar worthy:

If you've ever seen any telenovelas, you know nibbling on strawberries is just one step away from Unbridled Passion.

And yikes, next thing we know, the camera pans to clothing scattered all over the floor. Yep, looks like Unbridled Passion for sure.

Except. Whoa Nellie, we've got a problem! Or rather Seb does.

Kisses and Hugs, but Little Soldier fails to make an appearance. Okay, he appears. But fails to salute.


Thank you too Andy for your delightful Andycap. So Camilo is now playing the jealous...hmmm what do we call him? Lover? Idiot? Imbecile? Tonto?


Judy this a was a jewel of a recap.
The little soldier refused to salute.
Well he wasn't where he wanted to be.
So why bother saluting when your heart is not in it. Poor stefy.

Renting a car is a good idea. With all
The deception going on add some more.
This a crazy ride. Gives you something to do while it's cold out Side. Y'all it's cold in Florida. Finally. A bigO
Pot of chilly would be Good. I just do not feel like Makin it. Yet. Maybe the weekend.

Thank you Judy.


Eyelash Antifreeze...Could work ANDY! New product placement?


RGV CHICK...Ah, our "little soldier". I think it was Recapper Ferro who came up with that description years ago. But I always remembered it. Quite the metaphor.

NINA...Oh a big pot of chili would be great in this Winter weather. I think SUSANLYNN has already made some. Now we could just all teleport to her house for dinner, we'd have a blast.


Part 1

Okay, you know it's a series of ho hum developments when your recapper starts looking for a color theme to describe the episode. I also could have titled it A Gazillion Hugs, A Fake Case of Hepatitis, Endless Tears And A Busload of Meddlers. But I went with "Orange". Hard to get excited about anything else that went on. Really. We've seen it all before. Still, it's in Spanish. And we ARE dedicated students in this Patio.

So let's get on with it. We open with Juana Victoria, on the edge of a serious wardrobe malfunction, weeping on Javier's shoulder. I was impressed that Javier could remember his lines, given that Vicky's girls were about to fall right out of her loose, scooped out top. Hope that ANDY and any male lurkers enjoyed that scene. Who needs a bikini and a beach?

Anyway, Javier admires her courage in leaving, but breaks down in tears himself, evidently remembering his own heartbreak and failed romance. Very soggy scene.

With Steffi and Sebastian, post...well, nothing, it's a very painful scene. He's brusque and distant with her as he hastily gets dressed after Soldier Malfunction. She's trying to smooth things over as always. We can just stay and just hug, she suggests.


Well do you want to talk about it? I know you've been under a lot of stress lately.


Is that how we're going to resolve never discussing it?


Okay, Carolyn Hax would tell her to kick him to the curb right now. And dear Steffi eventually decides it's necessary to cancel the wedding. She's so sweet, I feel kind of rotten for her. But as she points out "en el amor no se manda" [you can't force love] and Sebastian no longer loves her. He CARES FOR HER, but it's no longer love.

Elsewhere, Vicky is trying to explain to a reluctant Teresa why they must return to Mexico City. Here's her lovely image of why she can't stay: Sebastian and Estefania are going to get married. I CAN'T STICK AROUND LIKE A PUP LURKING OUTSIDE A BUTCHER SHOP.

"How do I love thee, let me count the ways" it's not. But she makes her point. And Teresa decides to go with her, even though she clearly wants to remain in Mazatlán for Todoelmunduo and Mundito.

But before Vicky leaves, Sol and Barb come up with a plan to make her stay. Painting her face yellow and coaching some random guy to play doctor, Sol puts on a creditable job of fulminating hepatitis. Why she might die unless ALL THREE of her sisters stay and nurse her back to health! The ruse appears to be working until Inés, Sor Metiche, decides to check the whites of her eyes. Problem? They're white. With hepatitis, they'd be yellow.

Plan fails so instead we have more tears, more "You're the best sister ever" and endless hugs. Plus some glares from Barb at the hapless Inés.

But let's use this scene to review a little Spanish. Teresa says "Se le reconozco el intento." [I appreciate your trying.] I like to pick up these useful little phrases, just in case I ever have a chance to use them. So tuck that in your kit bag and get ready to shine, students!

My favorite though is "Se ve muy bonito." A Spanish speaking landscaper used this when reviewing his work one day. I use it whenever I can. It's easy to say. And nice. Perfect in other words.


Part 2

We're treated to some more dreary details from the Unbridled Passion Debacle. Sebastian is meeting with Javier (if I were Javier, I would move and leave no forwarding address) to lament the uncomfortable ride back from the cabin. Not a word was said. Javier listens patiently, as always.

And Steffi is back huddled in her Woe is Me bed soaking the pillow with her tears.

But wait! It wasn't all misery. No way! Our fave, Leonora is beside herself, jumping for joy and pretty much spreading herself sensuously all over the bright red luxury car that she thinks Juan bought for her. She hugs it, kisses it, drapes herself over it in...well, Unbridled Passion...and even gives Juan a brief peck on the lips. Then jumps in and wants to drive it all over town. She generously lets her hapless husband sit in the passenger seat. "Hey, say hello to Vicky when you see her", she trills, as Juan heads into the hotel.

Complete character transformation.

Our Juan, who's wearing an orange shirt, can't believe the amazing change. Forgiveness and Unbridled Passion are clearly on HIS horizon.

Well, not if Dario has anything to do with it. Dario has on an orange shirt also, plus an orange and blue tie, and a dark blue jacket. He looks horrible as usual. Nice blue eyes though. And he wants to know how in the hell Juan can buy her a new car like that. "

Why, with his millions," Leo smiles.

"Millions!? He has nothing! I lied to you."

And we have the LOOK. No, not the passionate one. The HUUUUUHHHHHH? look. Cynthia does it well.

I'm not going to mention what she's wearing. It's not orange. And it's not flattering.

Other random fashion notes. Have you noticed that Mauricio, at home, always wears spiffy sports jackets in pale hues, topped up with a silken boutonniere? And Fernando, as ANDY once pointed out, always seems dressed like a homeless bum. Raggedy and with ugly tattoos and a scruffy beard. No surprise that he's making absolutely no headway in the romance department. But he also bids farewell to Vick with a big hug and a "Can I come and see you?" Nope. She'll be too busy running that "fonda". Get a clue, Fernando! And clean up.

This section ends not with a bang, but a whimper...Seb comes to the house to try and make up with Steffi. But she's realized that her great love is not enough for the two of them. And hands him back his ring.

Sheer happenstance that the following round of ads is about prepaying funerals and wrinkle prevention cream? Once again, I'm reminded that the afternoon crowd represents a very somber market niche.



Part 3

We're treated to more Emotional IQ wisdom from Steffi. Both she and Seb ask the other's forgiveness. And she sadly notes that you can't force love. It's either there or it's not. She, of course, will never stop loving him. But she hopes that Time will eventually heal some of her wounds.

Well done Steffi. Dignified and classy. No throwing furniture or slapping faces for you, my girl! You're still perfect IMO. So, moving on...

The Juanas are all gathered 'round Vick and Papi Juan for the emotional hug and farewell number. They look like they're facing a firing squad. Juan's moaning that "he'll miss her every minute",while Javier is reminding her she has his cell if she wants some more counseling. Everybody else carries on like the world is ending.

Elsewhere, Leonora is back visiting with her pal Dario and wanting to know how in the Sam Hill she received a briefcase full of dollars and seemingly credible financial accounts of hubby's millions if it was all a lie. Dario, by this time has come up with an alternative story. This has got to be the work of someone who really hates Juan Oropeza.

Leonora begs to differ. Why, nobody hates my Juan! He's a pan [de dios] "a real sweetheart".

Dario gives her a big hint: It must be that Ernesto Cifuentés, bankrupt hotel owner (whom the successful Juan put out of business). You know how he hates your Juan. He must be behind all this!

The storyline trudges on. Sebastian is driving around in his orange Hummer, wiping away tears and remembering all the painful moments of love gone a-wry. I was afraid we were going to have a car accident and the inevitable coma in the hospital. But not this time. Just wait though!

Back at Dario's palatial home, he's scampering after Mauricio, demanding that his son break up with that ridiculous Juana Inés. But is temporarily distracted by Princess Estefania who informs Daddy that she's given back Sebastian's ring. The wedding is off!


Final Part, God willing

Dario wastes no time heading to the hotel to punch out Sebastian. "How dare you! My daughter is a princess, and you're a nobody!" Seb tries to point out that Steffi broke up with him; not the other way around. But he gets nowhere.

Best part of scene? Dario, painfully massaging his sore fist afterwards. Yep, punching someone in the jaw is verry painful. (So I've heard.)

Steffi, like Teresa and Vicky, is packing her bags. But she's going to Chiapas and her dear, sponsored little kids, to find a way to heal her broken heart. See?...still totally classy. A villain would be plotting evil revenge at this point. Our Estefania is merely moving on to a life of selfless service.

So how about Leonora? Whose character is still...well, somewhat equivocal. She's wanting to get the straight story from Juan about the money. And he's outraged that she even believed for a minute that he was some kind of criminal hiding dirty money in an off-shore account. At that point, the briefcase falls, and we learn that under those dollar bills there was simply a lot of cut-up paper. As a disappointed Leo regards the paltry amount, Juan sighs:

"You're never going to forgive me, are you?"


Not looking good, Patio.

Meanwhile, Vicky and Teresa are in the bus, discussing Vick's love woes while all the passengers listen in. Before long, they're all giving advice and the women, at least, are wondering if Sebastian has a good-looking brother or cousin to pass along (Do you think they'd settle for Fernando?)

At that moment, they look out the window and see Sebastian, speeding along in his orange Hummer, honking madly and motioning the bus over. Implausibly, the bus driver cooperates.

Seb jumps out, climbs in the bus to cheers and "Oh yeah, he's very good-looking!" and tells a tearful Juana Victoria that Steff has broken up with him.

And there we end. Yawn. We knew this was going to happen, right? I'm more interested in the Juan-Leonora story and the mystery of the Sperm King. How about you?


Thank you, Judy, for your recap. ORANGE you glad you don’t have to do one tomorrow? LOL
Hubs and I are sitting in the parking lot a/k/a I-65 to meet friends for dinner. I will watch this after we get home.


Judy, thank you for your witty and fun recap. I enjoyed the recap and I actually enjoyed the episode!
I enjoyed it all the more because it puts an end to our current run of agreeing on things which I found to be very worrying.

You seem to have found the episode boring; I found it very entertaining, and not just because of its newfound attention to Juana Victoria's natural assets. Just incidentally, I have to believe that Xavier is enjoying all these hugs with the sobbing J.Victoria.

I thought J.Soledad's medical emergency was funny, and I did think it would work because something had to keep Juana Shaggy Hair in Mazatlán.

I enjoyed much of the idiocy on display in the episode. I can't believe that Leonora never took a look under the top bills in that briefcase, never tried to spend some of it.
More idiocy: Idiot Babyface again insisted that Estefania marry him.

I enjoyed the bus scene with everybody discussing J.Vic's situation. Babyface's race back to catch and stop the bus was good. We've seen it before, maybe a million times, but it's still fun.

Anyway, Judy, we're back to disagreeing and all's right with the world again.

Doris, Doris, Doris! "ORANGE you glad you don’t have to do one tomorrow?" I bet you are (were) a great fan of knock-knock jokes.





Judy, you are a lean, mean (in the cool sense of the word) recapping machine!

"Sheer happenstance that the following round of ads is about prepaying funerals and wrinkle prevention cream? Once again, I'm reminded that the afternoon crowd represents a very somber market niche" had me laughing out loud. You know that when I relegate my favorite (vocabulary) to second place, something truly sterling has been said. It was here. Just tickled my funny bone.

"Se le reconozco el intento." [I appreciate your trying], "Se ve muy bonito" and "pan [de dios] "a real sweetheart" were wonderful and keepers. All.

"Forgiveness and Unbridled Passion are clearly on HIS horizon" along with "Get a clue, Fernando! And clean up" were great.

So Steffi is gracious even in defeat. Is she really human (I mutter)…

So is the way now paved for the next romance? I will stay tuned to find out. BTW, I really want to see Michelle Renaud's wig.

doris, hope you and hub have a great dinner!

Rgv Chick, I was happy to see your post. Missing you over on the Cuna line.

Stay warm all! Thank you Judy!



Oh DORIS, I can't believe it..."Orange you glad..." Well, actually I am. I'll be going out to dinner tomorrow night while you "soldier" on. Although presumably Sebastian's troubles are over in that department.

ANDY, amigo mio...You're right. It was troubling the number of times we seemed to be in agreement. Next thing you know, the sun will be rising in the West and setting in the East. And the Apocalypse is just around the corner. Glad you enjoyed the episode. I was evidently in a cynical mood. Or perhaps out of sorts because Leonora was not wearing an outfit I liked. Anyway, all the more reason to be delighted that my pal Doris is Head Recapper tomorrow night.

DIANA...Honestly those ads get me down. And don't even start about the ads on the nightly news! One prescription drug after another with all the toxic side effects noted. Not the best for one's outlook. Better by far to focus on forgiveness and dwell on sweet memories of unbridled passion. And strawberries!

Normally not on the computer at this hour, but just finished watching an awesome basketball game where we absolutely killed Villanova. I was expecting a rout...the other way. Really really love basketball! Too bad it's not in Spanish.

Thank you JudyB. Wit and entertainment over the top!

I see you are a basketball fan. I thought I was too, but am finding my beloved Warriors hard to watch

I am still trying to put names with faces. Got Juan and Leonora down pat. Also Vicky, Sebastián, Inés , Barbara and Darío. The guys kind of all look alike to me

I can see why JuanaVicky has that wig. Keeps the show family friendly as she prances around

I miss the tippling waiter. He’s not going to be a regular?

What’s with the sport coat and shorts? A warning sign if I have ever seen one!



[busy day and I ran out of time, so things massaged and contorted more than usual. Some really boring stuff just ignored.]

Monica is on the phone with Ximena and Ximena learns that the Iñaki Monica met on vacation, "Monica's Iñaki", is Rafa's stepfather. Ximena needs to hear the whole story directly from Monica so she says she'll be there in a few minutes.

Almudena arrives for dinner with Rafa and is surprised and delighted to see her ex, Iñaki. He's happy to see her again and, as he once told Monica, they are still good friends.

Ximena arrives at MediaLink and she and Monica talk. Monica affects a deeper voice, channeling Camilo, and does a good job of imitating him telling her he's not the least bit jealous of Iñaki. Ximena is all giddy, she counsels Monica that this is what she needs, another "suitor" even if he is actually not a suitor, but jealousy and the thought of losing a woman to another man often makes the guy value her much more than ever.

Meanwhile at dinner Iñaki is telling how he met Monica and Almudena decides she needs to go to the bathroom. Armando notes that Almudena doesn't seem pleased that Iñaki is friends with Monica. Iñaki says that once you give yourself to a woman, even if the relationship ends later, she will always feel she owns you, at least in part. So we now have some philosophizing on the war of the sexes from both perspectives.

Ximena leaves Monica and finds Malicio. He pulls her into his office and closes the blinds so they can make out and make plans for after work. They plan a scene for their playtime, should he be a firefighter, a super hero, a...? But then Monica knocks at the door and Ximena hides under Malicio's desk. Malicio opens the door and Monica wants some paperwork from him. She then notes there is a smell of perfume in the office. Malicio says no, she is mistaken.
Funny bit: Monica says it's definitely a woman's perfume, but a cheap perfume. Ximena under the desk is offended by this, but keeps quiet and Monica leaves. A little later Ximena leaves the office.

Nico is watching TV and sees someone make a great impression on his girlfriend by sending her flowers, so he gets on the phone and tries to order flowers for Eli but is not successful. Barbi is busy with wedding preparations so he calls Monica to see if she can help him like she helps his dad.
Monica arranges a flower delivery for Eli when she arrives at school the next morning. She sighs and thinks 'Love at that age! I wish it were always so simple.'

Paloma is in no danger, reports Dr Juan the oncologist (and family friend, okay, okay). But she doesn't want to see anybody but Rafa, and certainly not her mother.
Rafa visits her in her sumptuous hospital room and they bond a bit more... and he's going to stay with her.

Laura comes clean with all the family about her cheating on her husband, and they are supportive. She cozies up a bit with Adrian.

Later Monica and Iñaki have dinner together, and he asks about things she told him in Valle de Bravo. The story of a woman who had cancer and thought she was dying and asked her husband's secretary to be her "replacement" when she died, was this about Monica and Camilo?



Actually, Nico wanted to send Eli a single flower if I understood correctly.

Smart seven year old.




An Andycap brightens the morning. Considerably :)

"So we now have some philosophizing on the war of the sexes from both perspectives". Huge grin.

"sumptuous hospital room". Isn't that an oxymoron? :)

It seems Monica is trying to be portrayed as "every woman". Given the fact she made a play for a "dying" woman's husband, I'm not quite viewing her in that light. It still sort of gives me the shivers. Iñaki sounds cute and though I've not seen this I know the actor played a character with the same name in one of my all time favorites El Nombre del Amor from about 10 years ago.

Thanks andy.



Hey, Ms. Mely, so glad to see you back on the patio. The tipsy waiter you like was a very funny character in Destilando Amor years ago. But I don't know if we'll be seeing a lot of him on this one. But now ANDY has gained an ally in you. He is NOT a fan of Sebastian's sports coat and Bermuda shorts routine. I'm more tolerant since I'm a great fan of legs. But have to admit, it is an odd combination.

As for basketball teams, we have our highs and our lows, don't we? We used to attend OSU games in person, and for a few golden years we had seats right behind the bench. I always loved the point guards, win or lose. Will be crossing my fingers that your Warriors turn a corner and start doing better.


Andy, your Nico and the "one rose -smart seven-year old" story reminded me of my mom's experience years ago. After two miscarriages and a difficult pregnancy, her first little girl (my sister) was born. My Dad brought a big potted plant to the hospital. But a charming bachelor friend of the family brought her one single, beautiful pink rose--symbolic of the lovely little girl she had brought into the world.

Poor Dad. To make things worse, I think he'd let his sister pick out the plant. Anyway, I heard about that lovely pink rose many times over the years. He probably did too.


"sumptuous hospital room". Isn't that an oxymoron? :)
So true! Diana, that gave me a laugh. Thank you.
Great andycap, Andy. Thank you.


Got home from Carrabba's and we watched the CMAs with all the local kids in the stage. Wow, the hockey arena was transformed! LOL. So, I"m behind on Hijas, but will have today's recap up, and maybe I'll have time to watch yesterday's tribute to the color orange, too.

RgvChick, Anita &Judy ---

Since there is no show in Friday, can we put today's recap here instead of starting a new page?

Good Morning, Patio Pals!


THank you, JudyB, yet another of your masterpieces to enjoy this morning.

We open with Juana Victoria, on the edge of a serious wardrobe malfunction, weeping on Javier's shoulder. I was impressed that Javier could remember his lines, given that Vicky's girls were about to fall right out of her loose, scooped out top. I laughed out loud when I read this, Judy. I thought the exact same thing, but of course, you expressed it in a much better way.

Well done Steffi. Dignified and classy. No throwing furniture or slapping faces for you, my girl! You're still perfect I have to give it to Steffi; she is one grand, graceful young lady. I thought fer sure, she would stick to her "I have enough love for both of us" but I guess that when she saw that it included self-gratification instead of a saluting little soldier, she knew it would be impossible. Ay, caray...some of us want it all! ;-)

Though I really like Leo's wardrobe and expressions, I am starting to dislike her more. Don Juan should wake up and see what a conniving, greedy woman she is. All she wants is the prestige and money. What a disappointment.


Andy, the more you massage and contort things, the better; it sure is an improvement on what the writers have to offer. I managed to catch a glimpse of this during lunch and was so happy to see Nico in his little bright green dinosaur outfit. So glad I saw him instead of anything else...but I do love to read your take on this show.

OT-Doris, having another recap on this page makes sense (since there is no show on Friday), but it would leave the Daytime page even further down on the main page; so I think it's best to go ahead and use the new page.

Thanks RGV CHICK....Glad you noticed the attempted "jailbreak" of Vicky's charms. When no one else mentioned it, I was beginning to feel rather pervy.

I agree, our Leonora definitely has her eye on the money ball...but Cynthia Klitbo is playing her with so much wacky humor that I can't quite dislike her yet. And frankly, not enthused about Margarita. But she seems to be the future "intended" for Juan.

Well, whatever. Just like my kids, these characters are going to do whatever they choose, whether I like it or not. Another Life Lesson!


I watched this episode while eating lunch. Andy's buddy Señor FFWD helped me navigate it.

Judy, we are in agreement about Leo's dress. Looks like it is from the same collection as one a few episodes ago.

Yes, Bicly was dangerously close to a wardrobe malfunction. Yikes! How Xavier kept his eyes up and remembered his lines (LOL) deserves a Latin Emmy premio.

Vicky & Teresa's bus ride would have been much more entertaining if it was like the one in Romancing the Stone.

Okay, so Sebastian rescued Vicky from the bus, not in a white horse but an orange Hummer, but it's all the same to Vicky.


Enjoyed reading your comment DORIS...especially that shoutout to Romancing the Stone. What a great movie. Would love to see it again. Especially that slide down the mountain.

I'm pretty sure you'll like Leonora's outfit (not the jammies, the visiting outfit) in today's episode. I thought it was fabulous. The Wardrobe Department clearly loves Ms. Cynthia!

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