Tuesday, November 26, 2019

El Dragon #39, 11/25/19: Discussion Page

With profound apologies, my cable company's website had major buffering issues with this program last night and the episode isn't posted for On Demand yet.  In fact, their site is two episodes behind on this program today.

All I saw was that:

  • Flaco was badly injured in the left thigh; Peligros has to carry him out
  • Adela was trapped under a beam; Miguel got her out and had to carry her out and went into the ambulance with her (I'm imagining that Jimena was royally pissed)
  • Pig was gloating
  • Lots of smoke in the air  and how toxic is it?


UA: Big question is whether Goth Chick was among those injured ?

Steve Boudreaux,

Goth Chick aka Kendra was complete fine. RIP Miriam. Adela was badly hurt and is fighting for her life. Flaco has a bad leg injury but is already out of the hospital. Jorge was majorly traumatized by the event but is physically fine. The rest off the team had very minor cuts.


The right side of JimEnema's neck was covered with blood and she was holding her neck in the Carotid Artery area. Very messy, and her dress was quite dusty. But, the teflon snake that she is, later there was no blood on her nor IN HER HAIR, and she was prissing around secretly hoping Adela would not make it.

Miguel's lower right ribcage was bleeding, although there was no damage to his shirt which some Oxy Clean on the hot setting would not remedy.

There was such a panic about Jorge. Have those cars which are all the rage in commercials now, which literally refuse to run down catatonic cell phone pedestrians not caught on in Mexico?

I believe my memory partially self-erased after Catalina's Prolicide and Diamond Dig last night.

UA, thanks for posting the discussion. I just HATE it when cable/satellite companies have their techie problems at the most inopportune moments.

Thank you, Becky and Kirby, for adding more info on the blast and it's aftermath. Beanie moments all over in this episode. When Miriam placed the package on the desk, there were others in very close proximity, yet she was the only one who perished??? Kirby, I caught that gash on Mig, but no tears on his shirt. And if you looked closely at Flaco's leg, there was a whole lot of ketchup but no gashes on the leg. OH and BTW, did anyone notice that Flaco was wearing a hoodie (in the hospital scene)?

Other stuff that I remember (in no certain order and from memory only)--

After Ishiro and Chisca visit the last hotel, Chisca tells Ishiro that she is going shopping (she leaves out the "lifting" part) and reminds him that he can let go of her hand because they can stop pretending to be a couple. Chisca goes to some fancy store and lifts a wallet only to turn around and see Ishiro who reminds her that she hasn't paid for the wallet. Chisca ends up actually paying for the wallet. Hmmm could Ishiro be the one to bring some change to our sticky-fingered floozy?

Mig goes in to see Adela who is in critical condition and tells her how she has a knack for taking him out of his shell...he wuvs her and needs her. Later, out in the hall, Victor blames Mig for everything that has happened and threatens Mig that if Adela dies he will testify against him (So what is he going to testify? What info does he have?)

Trejo tells Flaco that he remembers bumping into a delivery guy as he and Jim were returning to the office. The man looked nervous. Flaco access the company cameras remotely and finds the footage of the delivery guy leaving, but Trejo isn't sure that he is the one he bumped into.

Carlos meets with Epig and tells him that there had better not be any loose ends that will tie him to the blast. Then we see Taco Boy paying off the fake delivery guy then shoot him. They bring in the bombmaker and he has the same fate. I'm wondering why Taco Boy doesn't shoot himself since he is the loosest of asses...oops, I mean ends :-)

After some cop finds Jorge roaming around like a zombie, the family takes him home and he locks himself in his room. Kenia tries to convince him to let her in. She tells him that she has been in a position where she has been just a scared as he is. This seems to affect to bring Jorge out of his stupor but he still doesn't open the door.

Jimena tells Mig that she dropped her purse (which contained the sample of Efilina) during the explosion. Mig tells Ishiro and Peligros.

Trejo goes back into the offices and finds Edna snooping around and trying to take evidence; so he reminds her that she needs a search warrant. Ishiro arrives and finds Jim's purse. Edna notices him and has him searched since she saw him get something from the purse, but they find nothing. After Edna leaves, Ishiro removes the sample from behind his belt buckle. Smo-o-oth, Ishiro, you and Chisca would make a great team!

The episode ends when Mig goes back into Adela's room. She opens her eyes after he tells her that she is strong and has to fight for her life, but then she FLATLINES!

That's all I remember...for now :-)

Thanks RGV, and to add to the disgust of Chiscasssss....... after Lurch makes her pay for the wallet and they walk out of the trendy store she just tosses the bag with the new wallet to some mall rats sitting outside and tells them happy birthday, or your lucky day or something similar. IE: She is a pure clepto and steals for the thrill. I wonder if that kind of behavior might somehow down the road bring a bit more thrill than she bargained for in the absence of big brother.

Why do TN characters stand there and beg flatliners not to die, or search the Google Play Store for an anti flatline app rather than get somebody in there STAT with the cardiac cart and then get out of the way?

Urban, sorry for your cable company's delay. Last night was pretty good. I'm glad they didn't drag out who did and didn't survive the bombing.

Rgv Chick, Becky, and Kirby, thanks for fleshing out the episode.

Rgv Chick, too funny: Chisca tells Ishiro that she is going shopping (she leaves out the "lifting" part)

So that thing that looked like a roll of scotch tape is the Elfilina sample.

My favorite scene: Peligros lifting Flaco over his shoulder and hauling him out of there.

I was surprised Mig didn't refuse medical treatment for that little scratch on his side. But then, I can't argue with any reason for a shirtless scene. Flaco was injured much worse, and already he's back home?

Jimena and Víctor are in the hall at the hospital and Jimena has to plant her little bit of poison. She tells Victor that this isn’t the first time Adela has been in danger, or in the hospital. That he should get her far, far away from there, because she is such a nice girl and doesn’t deserve all that is happening. She used we in everything she said. I imagine trying to put emphasis on her and Miguel. This preceded Victor threatening Miguel.

Before Carlos met with Epig, he met with his associates and they made a comment that Epig isn’t good for anything. Suggesting that he needed to take care of him. But since Epig covered for Carlos in the killing of Natalia...I think Carlos feels like his hands are tied.

Also, when they were loading Adela into the ambulance Jimena kept trying to call after Miguel and get his attention. He didn’t even turn. Later in the hospital, he sees her in the emergency room, he tells her he thought she was at the lab, that she wasn’t anywhere near the explosion. This is where she tells him about the Efelina staying in her purse at the bomb site.

Also, Tacho and Epig send their homeless guy spy into the building to find out about Miguel. They are totally pissed when the find out he lived. This is before the scenes with Duarte.

And good for Trejo, cause Edna was trying to full on take a computer hard drive from the bomb site that had nothing to do with the explosion.

Oh yeah, the investigator also confirmed that the bombing was on purpose, thy there was evidence of a device, as well as it was either detonated by a timer or by remote. This will prob come back to bite Epig in the butt because cameras might have caught him hanging around the outside of the building.

Also, Victor was stuck in the elevator until after Adela was taken in the ambulance.

I think that Adela flatlining at the end of the episode is prob a bad dream of Miguel’s.
Excuse typos. Typing from my phone.

Esther to the rescue! Thanks for the added details. That Jim is a snake in the grass taking advantage of every little opportunity to undermine anything Adela. Can't Stand. Her!

One other little detail. Hector went to the hospital and told Mig that he had tried going to his office to apologize for being such an ass and throwing him out of his house. They kissed and made up. Ok, ok, they didn't kiss :-) but they became besties again. Hector pleaded with Mig to get out of the business since he already had more than enough money. He pointed out all the people who have been hurt or killed due to Mig's dealings. Miguel seemed to ponder the thought.

Thanks for understanding the situation.

And yes, any excuse to make a hot actor take his shirt off. Rulli never disappoints in that department.

I was really afraid for Flaco; that's a dangerous place for such an injury. And Jorge will need a shrink after this, I'm sure.


UA, Jorge has been needing a shrink since the beginning! He’ll need extensive treatment after last night.


The site finally updated and I'm seeing the episode now. If Jimena was injured in the carotid artery, why is she still alive and why isn't there blood all over that dress?

Kirby sometimes you have me in tears from laughing.

Teflon snake


Thanks UA for posting this discussion page. Cable companies can be vexing.

Thanks Becky, Kirby, Rgv Chick, and Esther for your additions.

Niecie and UA - I too am up for any excuse to see Rulli shirtless.

Kirby - your nick names are classic. Thanks for the laughs.

Rgv Chick and UA - Jorge has been needing treatment since his parents' murder. It's disappointing Dora and others have not gotten him treatment.

I am now wondering whether he is struggling to remember because [insert drum roll] Dora and/or Lamberto had him hypnotized to forget it, like Ursula did to Maleny in YNCELH.

Thank you to everyone who have details about this episode. I only saw the beginning.

I hope that Mig heeds Hector's warning and gets out of this nasty business.

I think that Irina ( Jimena) looks more better as a brunette.

Maybe the writers or makeup people are not know where the carotid artery is located.the

" do not know"...not " are not know". My fight with autocorrect continues.

Susanlynn, I agree about Irina Baeva.

Despite that she has fair skin and light eyes, somehow blonde hair doesn't suit her. It could be her features or her cosmetics, but it doesn't look right.

I also hate autocorrect. It also corrects to things that clearly not that.

What will Miguel do now that he admitted to loving Adela? Will he admit it to her when she's out of danger or will he keep pushing her away to protect her from his life (and to protect himself from being vulnerable)?

Jimena really is slick and cunning. Never loses an opportunity to look out for her own best interests. But "love" or "obsession" is making her pathetic too. Miguel was so preoccupied worrying about Adela, he hasn't taken a moment to give Jimena even a little comfort.



Susie, you and Diablo still rocking and rolling I see.

Carotid artery: All JimEnema's blood looked to me to be in about the right place. It's whereabouts is no great secret, that being where everyone in movies and TV checks for a pulse. But I'm no Doctor.

Yeah, hate it when the carpet doesn't match the drapes.

" more better"????...really autocorrect??!? I typed " MUCH " better!!!!

Thanks to all who contributed to this emergency recap. UA--don't stress over it. You did a bomb of a job on Cuna. Becky, come back....you added a lot.

Did you all also notice that while Flaco still had his long pants on and they strapped the brace over it, he had his street clothes on. Miggy had a scratch near his ribs and he's in scrubs. I (with emphasis on the I) think he put on the scribs to be near Adela when the doc said no visitors. However, then they just casually showed Victor in her room, so, juarever.

Susanlynn--"More better" is acceptable in among some people. Maybe whoever programmed autocorrect comes from that school of thought.

No autocorrect inserted itself in my typos. Hmmmm.

Re: Jorge going all this time when he should have been in therapy (or put dowwn) :-). Dora probably fought tooth and claw to NOT get him any help if she has any inkling that he might then remember things which he now can not.

Anita and Esther: Susie and I decided years ago that there is a certain secure comfort in being able to make typos among true friends and rather than be faulted for it, it is somewhat a badge of comaraderie.

Anita, Mig's clothes were in the hot cycle with some OxyClean.

Kirby--I didn't see any blood on his pants, but maybe there were some drops he wanted washed out. OxyClean is my go to for BBQ sauce drops.

Hmmm....product placement in caraycaray. I had Oxyclean , too !

Kirby...yes, we have such a wonderful, humorous, tolerant , clever community of friends. As I rushed to comment and didn't proofread, I made lots of typing mistakes which were greeted with smiled and winks. ..Hopeos, anyone??. I, especially, remember late night conversations with you and Julie about Doritos in detention hall...back when I was a happier, snappier, funnier person. I fear that I am not that fun person anymore, but...still hanging out here with my buds.

You and Diablo are still fun, and autocorrect STILL tries to convince me that hopeos is not a real word.

Yes Doritos in retention hall. What a hoot.

Kirby...good times.

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