Monday, November 11, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno - Week of Nov. 11, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are doing an outstanding job of providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 87-89
Note: All Primetime TNs will be pre-empted by “Latin Grammy Awards” on Thursday, Nov. 14th.

Only one TN is being covered by this page for now. Although there is really no need to identify it in your comment, you may continue to do so to avoid confusion in the future. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Emir demands to know where Leyla is. Suddenly he gets a call from Pelin, she tells him that the auditors are at Kozcouglu holding, and that he needs to come immediately because an investigation is underway. Apparently there was evidence that he manipulated the markets.

Nihan can’t believe that they’ve both reached this point. Kemal says it’s their turn to live their life, before they die. Nihan goes out of the convertible top with her arms outstretched, to tell out that she’s so happy and feels so well. Kemal, worried at first that she may be weak, realizes she must be feeling much better and laughs, enjoying the moment.

Emir is making Tufan inform all the country’s ports of exit the information of Kemal and Nihan. Tufan hangs up and Asu asks what’s happening. He tells her, very aggravated, “The same thing as usual,” and adds that Emir went to get Nihan out of the hospital, and now he wants him to do something. Asu tells him she never knew about his mother’s existence but he says that obviously Hakki did. She says that he didn’t either, but Tufan leaves her there.

Efsame gives Vildan a letter from Ozan. Vildan worries and tells Onder to immediately call Emir. Onder refuses and tells her that his children have chosen their paths and that’s their decision. He also tells her that if they knew anything about their kids at this point they shouldn’t tell Emir anything because they will be put at risk. He asks Vildan not to say anything. She agrees, yet upon seeing Efsame spying from the doorway she gives her permission by looking at her directly while telling Onder “Emir will know what is happening.” He looks confused and Vildan corrects herself, adding that he will know one way or the other. Efsame was gone to do as told.

Emir greets the auditors. One of them tells him that they can’t leave until the technical exam is done. Emir requests that they rush.

Nihan and Kemal are staying for two days in a countryside home. She’s excited, saying that it feels like she’s on vacation. Kemal tells her that he promises she’ll always have that feeling. He tells her they will leave in two days, because right now Emir is obviously searching for them in all of the country’s ports, but in two days Emir should realize they are still in Turkey and so they’ll exit when he diverts his attention. Kemal shows her the keys and she’s excited to know that he rented the room beforehand. She’s happy to know that she’s Kemal’s choice and that now he’s stuck with her forever. She can’t believe that this moment is happening right now. He’s happy to hear her say that, and she tells him that she doesn’t want other women around him: she wants to be his only one. He agrees, laughs and gives her the keys. They enter room #7.

Emir is speaking to the auditor and wants to know who reported the company. The auditor says they can’t release that information. Galip interrupts and Emir requests for a moment, so he steps out of the room. Emir tells his father that Nihan has left. Galip says that obviously Kemal must have made the accusation to distract him. Galip warns Emir that he’s managed to close the investigation made against him. He can’t afford to do anything stupid right now, so he wants him to lay low in the meantime. Emir replies that he will continue to wreak havoc, but won’t leave any evidence behind. He’ll make sure the Soydere family suffers, and with them Kemal and Nihan.

Onder gives Vildan a pill for her nerves. He asks her to lay down on the couch and he covers her up with a burnt orange blanket. He steps away and calls Leyla. She’s being driven somewhere. He tells her he only has one question and she immediately cuts him to say “They are well.” She repeats it. He says “It’s fine, then” and hangs up.

Tariq was called by Emir. The boss demands to know if he knew that Nihan and Kemal were going to escape. Tariq thinks back to the sibling reunion last Thursday, when Kemal was making it seem as though it was the last time they would be together. Emir immediately jumps to the conclusion that he knew, but Tariq says no, he hasn’t even seen Kemal since Nihan attempted to kill herself. Emir wants to know where Kemal would go to hide. Tariq doesn’t know. Emir asks if anyone else in the family would know. Tariq doesn’t believe so either. Emir demands that if he ever gets any clue to immediately report to him. Tariq exits the room and hopes (I think) that he doesn’t see Kemal ever again, for everyone’s sake.

Asu knocks on her uncle’s door. She asks Hakki if he knew about Tufan’s mother, then continues that though she’s aware he’s feeling weak, she’s very worried about everything that’s going on right now. Hakki coldly cuts her off by asking if they can speak about that later because he has something important to give to her. He hands over a letter from Kemal and warns that it will break her heart.

Nihan asks Kemal if she can speak to Ozan now. He tells her he will see what he can do. Zehir answers the call and Kemal asks for Ozan. Kemal passes the phone to Nihan and goes inside the house to give her privacy. She starts to cry upon seeing Ozan. He asks her if she ever knew why he’s the weak one and she’s the cryer? He answers that she used to cry since she was in the womb, and so he used to tremble from her cries. Nihan asks Ozan if he’s sure about handing himself over to the police. He tells her that if she’s asking if he’s finally reached the point of deciding to live his life, he says that he will. Nihan tells him that it’s true he will have to go through many challenges to prove his innocence, including trial, but at the end he will at least have gotten that weight off his shoulders. Ozan tells her that he’s doing this for his wife and for his small family. Zeynep gives him a resentful look. Nihan cries and Ozan tells her it’s ok, this is the first time he’s doing something for her, they will be freed from Emir now and he asks her to live her life. Before letting her go, Ozan says that Zehir promises to take them fishing somewhere. They laugh. Upon hanging up, Kemal hugs Nihan and reminds her that she had once said that Ozan and Zeynep were brave to have gotten married. Kemal tells her they themselves must be just as brave now, their siblings have finally matured. Nihan wonders if they really are ready to be brave yet.


Hakki tells Asu that rereading the letter won’t change anything. Kemal gave up his shares in the company. Asu gets angry at her uncle and tells him that Kemal won’t ever come back because he’s with Nihan. She blames her uncle for having involved Kemal in the revenge plans, claiming that may have been the reason Kemal never married her. She yells that now that she has nothing to fight for, she will get the ultimate revenge on Galip by killing his only son. After all, she has nothing to lose anymore; her identity means nothing now, Hakki will die, Kemal is gone, her mother is comatose, and she lost everything do to her uncle’s stupid revenge. When she’s done ranting and leaves his room, Hakki looked upset.

Emir finds Leyla in the hallway and questions her about Kemal’s whereabouts. When she claims she knows nothing, he forces her into the boardroom and takes her purse, starts rummaging through and ends up looking at her phone. He reads a message and sees that Kemal plans to leave in a boat. Leyla takes her phone away and exits, very offended. Emir calls Tufan and tells him to search all the boats.

Asu is at the port and calls Tufan, who’s at the travel agency. Asu reproaches him for knowing that Kemal and Nihan were gone yet he never reported anything to her that morning. Tufan barely tried to defend himself, and she tells him “You told me you couldn’t trust me, yet here I am realizing I can’t trust you either.” She hangs up and Tufan asks the travel agent when the lovebirds will leave.

Nihan approaches Kemal, who’s sleeping on the couch. She asks if he’s awake, and he groggily asks her if she’s tired. She tells him that she’s up, can’t feel tired or be left to do nothing, and she can’t believe that he’s spending their first day together sleeping. He barely moves. Nihan tries to get him up by making as much noise as possible. The TV, the phone, a vacuum cleaner, opening and slamming the door, she eventually gives up. When she walks out to the porch, Kemal gets up and looks for something to eat. He starts calling out her name when he notices she’s quiet. He goes out to the porch and doesn’t see her there, panics but sees Nihan sitting up on the roof. He’s relieved, and she tells him that she can’t stay still. Since she has so much energy, he takes her to the bicycles.

Hussein is in Kemal’s room, sitting on his bed. Fehime sees him and says “Our son is gone, how can you be so calm about that?” She sits on the chair. Hussein says that Nihan’s marriage is fake and will be dissolved soon, so Kemal and Nihan will together. Fehime claims that Emir will never leave her alone, and Kemal is in danger from that risk. She would rather that he suffers, stay alone forever than get together with Nihan and die from it.

Vildan asks Onder if he’s not worried about everything that’s happening. Onder says that Nihan had just gone through attempted suicide, how much worse can it get? He trusts Kemal to keep Nihan safe; she needs to accept that Nihan is gone and if Ozan goes into police custody they can do nothing else but give him support. He tells her he will be by her side and she asks “Will you really always be at my side?” He corrects that they won’t be together as they were before: they did bad things in the past and now they must face the consequences. Vildan accepts that things will never be the same anymore. At that moment, Galip calls Onder to give him some news and requests that they meet in the office.

Emir watches as investigators take his computer and request that he stay nearby. Efsame calls Emir at that moment to tell him about Ozan’s letter to his parents. She adds that Onder does not want him to know about it. Emir then calls Onder and wants to know if there’s any news on Nihan, but he says there is none. Emir doesn’t believe him at all.

Pelin tells Emir that his father wants to see him now. He tells her that he doesn’t have time for that now but wants to be told when Onder comes to the office.

Zeynep and Ozan are walking. He tells her that sometimes he feels strong, but other times so weak and afraid. He’s worried he won’t be able to see his son grow up. She tells him that everything will be ok, and that she will take care of their son in the meantime. He immediately asks what she meant by that. Zeynep does a small laugh and says that in the time that he will be gone doing his time, she will be raising their son, and he needs to remember he’s doing this for his sister. They will leave happy together when he comes back from prison. He asks if she will wait for him. She says that of course she will, then observes him and asks “You’re not going to back out now, are you? We’re in this together and you can’t do that to Nihan and Kemal.” He promises not to disappoint her and says he’s tired and will go to rest.

Nihan is bicycling ahead of Kemal. She gets competitive and calls him a grandpa with no energy. She got too excited though, because her bike gets a flat. She gets a little upset and says that it’s only been two days and Kemal is already tiring of her. He puts her bike off to the side of the road and grabs her to say that he loves her. The two go for a kiss.


I get the feeling Ozan has something up his sleeve, or he will back out at the last minute. Maybe Zeynep wants Ozan in prison so that she can get rid of him.

I wonder if the information Emir for from Leyla’s phone was really a red herring.

Onder will probably get blasted by Emir when they meet. Vildan is terrible.

Asu is clearly not mentally stable.


Thank you Anon.

Zeynep wants ozan in prison so she Can Go after emir. What the hell is the attraction with this guy? Women want to have his children. Why would
Anyone want to spread that bad seed?

Vildan don't want to be poor. As long
As nihan is in Hell she will be able
To hit the boutiques,and rub elbows with the rich and elite. She Don't give 2 dams about her daughter. Thats where ozan got it from. They could care less about nihan suffering. Just
Don't go broke and don't go to jail.
What a useless family. Pretty much like kemal's family.

Fehima would rather see her son be un-
Happy and miserable. The thing with that is emir would still come after him Cuz he would consider him a threat
Cuz he's got nihan's heart. Something
Emir will never have.
Vildan has put her husband"s life in danger by telling her dog to go tell
Emir he dont want him to know about the letter ozan left him. She is just a horrible perso and human being.

I love seeing nihan and kemal happy but it won't last. There's trouble coming. I just Hope neither one of em
Ends up dead.

If tufan is sick of these people, why
Don't he pack up mom and leave Town?
He's probly made a boat load of money
Getting paid under the table by emir
For doin not so nice stuff for him.

So the revenge thing was old hakki's idea. I thought she was gonna hit him she's so mad at him. I think she's gonna flip her noodles sooner or later.

Thanks again Anon. Vildan is horrible.
Onder never loved her. He Got stuck with the bad sister. His own fault.


Kemal and Nihan are hugging. He receives a phone call from Zeynep. She asks how he’s doing, and he wants to know if something is going on. She tells him nothing, just that he took his medicine, is a little afraid, but so far nothing bad. Nihan is interrupting, scared that something bad is happening. Zeynep mentions that she’s afraid Ozan might back out. Kemal gives Nihan the phone and she questions Zeynep on Ozan’s health and his medicine routine. Zeynep says he’s a little scared, but she feels he won’t back out on the plan in the end. Nihan hangs up, worried. She tells Kemal she’s feeling afraid, but Kemal says that Emir won’t find them.

Emir goes into Onder’s office. He asks the auditor to leave him alone with Onder and Vildan. Emir begins by telling them that he’s reaching his limit right now. He demands to know what was in the letter Ozan left. Onder plays dumb and Emir grabs him by the neck, choking him. Vildan begs Emir not to do anything to him, but Onder refuses to speak. Vildan spills the beans and Emir lets Onder breathe again. Emir claims that Ozan telling the truth won’t be as easy as they think it is, and Onder tells him that it’s not up to him anymore. Emir leaves and Vildan says Onder’s name, he asks her why she opened her mouth. Now he knows what’s coming up.

Emir calls Ozan and Zeynep but can’t reach either of them. Zeynep is watching TV and finds out Kozcouglu holding is under investigation. She realizes that Emir must be going crazy right now. She goes for her yogurt anyway, but suddenly feels disgusted at the taste. She assumes the yogurt went bad and lays down on the couch and eats chips.

Emir wants to get the truth out of Yasemin. She looks very sure of herself and thinks this is a joke. He tells her to take it seriously because he will put her life in danger if he has to. He wants her to get information out of Nihan if she communicates with her. Yasemin exits the office and tries calling Nihan but can’t reach her either. She leaves a message telling her to not come back, wherever she is.

Asu is with Tufan. She’s looking at a travel itinerary. He explains that it’s Kemal’s and Nihan’s plan of escape. Asu asks if he speaks that way to Emir too, to get his trust. Tufan says no. Emir calls and Tufan puts him on speaker. Emir wants to know if there is any information yet, and when Tufan is reaching for the itinerary, Asu rips the paper up. Tufan tells him he’s still researching. When Tufan hangs up he asks Asu why she destroyed it. She tells him that she would rather that Kemal never come back than risk getting hurt by Emir. They stand in silence and Tufan says he wishes he could do something to not see Asu so heartbroken. She asks that he not inform her uncle about Kemal’s plans.


Nihan and Kemal are still bicycling, but on one bike. She’s still not tired. She worries again about her whole family, Kemal assures her that nothing will happen to them because Emir doesn’t care about them, he’s only after her. Nihan pushed the thought out of her head and Kemal asks her what she wants to eat. She wants a roast, as she feels the environment is perfect for it. Kemal suggests they go out to eat, but she tells him she’s not as hungry yet.

Zeynep is in the kitchen when Zehir comes with the groceries. He asks if she will also prepare the beans. She says of course. He tells her he will be outside and asks about Ozan first. She says he’s out. He says it’s understandable that he’s nervous, prison is not fun. She imagines it must be because he’s been there several times already. He leaves to the cooking and as she’s washing the vegetables she runs to the bathroom because she wanted to vomit. She flushed the toilet and stares at herself in the mirror, suddenly horrified by the thought that she’s pregnant.

Kemal is trying to figure out how to make the roaster/spit. Nihan is preparing the table. Kemal is struggling and there’s too much smoke coming out. He’s getting frustrated and Nihan asks him if he’s ok. He asks why he shouldn’t be, and she says it seems like the spit won. He blames the charcoal. Nihan thanks god that she’s been given the sign that Kemal cannot do everything. He begs to differ and promises to get this going. He asks her to bring the meat.

Tufan is in his car, contemplating something. He calls Emir. ETERNO face answers and Tufan tells him about the boat reservation that Kemal has for the fifteenth. Emir wants him to immediately investigate each hotel or any place where they can room. Tufan asks what he will do to them when they’re found. Emir says that he wants nothing done to Nihan, but with Kemal, it’s a different story.

Nihan says that with the amount of time it took him to get the spit going, even she would have gotten it ready by now. He asks if she has no faith in him making the food. She says his next challenge will be making sure the meat doesn’t burn. She notices a shadow moving along the trees and tells Kemal there might be someone there. He gets alarmed by this and asks her to go inside and lock herself in. He investigates while she prays that it isn’t Emir coming for her. When she goes to look at the door, Kemal is petting a dog. He suddenly realized the meat is getting burned and claims she did sabotage. Nihan refutes that as she pets the dog and says that she was really worried, but Kemal asks her to stop with that. She continues petting the dog, and Kemal starts losing some of his patience. He asks her to bring the food out.

Tufan goes to Emir’s office and says he knows where the lovebirds are. Emir gets up and is ready to go. He wants the men to go armed.

Zeynep is looking at a positive pregnancy test. She’s worried it’s Emir’s child. Zehir or Ozan knock on her door and ask if she’s ok, she says she’s fine and wraps up the test in toilet paper.


Vildan wants to know when everyone can leave. Onder says that will be as soon as the auditors leave. Everyone is getting restless and Leyla brings up that the one who should definitely be here is Emir. Vildan wants her to shut up. Pelin eventually comes at the door to report that Emir is not around. Galip calls him and demands that he come back.

Emir is in the car with Tufan when he received his father’s call. He’s unmoved and continues on his way to Nihan’s hideout.

Over dinner, Kemal tells Nihan that he thought he would never see her again. Nihan makes a joke out of it, but he says he’s serious: her suicide attempt was scary. He asks her to never do it again. Nihan asks that they move on from that and says they should enjoy the evening. He agrees. She says that she’s been thinking that if no one can find them, then they can’t see anyone anymore. Kemal thinks that she should think about their new life now. She can’t constantly worry about Ozan and her family. She needs to think about herself. Nihan asks if he doesn’t miss his family. He says that in a way he has already said goodbye to them. He hands her the phone and asks her to say goodbye to her family.

It’s getting dark outside and Vildan asks Galip to go with the auditors so that they won’t think Emir has left the building. Galip says that he believes Emir is on his way back to the office. Onder gets a phone call from a mysterious number at that moment. He leaves the room to answer it. Nihan asks if he’s ok and would like to speak with Vildan. He says that right now is not a good time. She apologizes for everything. He tells her to go with Kemal, that if he loves her as much as he loves his daughter, she needs to go with him. She says that she misses her father so much and isn’t sure if she really should go away. Onder says it’s necessary for her to leave because he can’t protect her anymore; she needs to go with Kemal, who will protect her from Emir. She tells him that she loves him, and he asks her to be happy. When they hang up, she hugs Kemal.

Onder goes to see Leyla at her office. She’s busy drawing and Onder says that that was the way he most loved to see Nihan, when she was painting. Leyla says it runs in the genetics. He starts describing Nihan, but Leyla tells him that’s where they differ, because sadness is not one of her own traits. He goes on to say that he doesn’t want Nihan to continue suffering anymore, and that apparently Kemal was the best choice for his daughter. Leyla affirms that Kemal is, and will always be, the best man for Nihan.

Galip tells Vildan that Emir is not responding to his phone. He leaves the room and Vildan receives a phone call at that moment. The lady on the line affirms that Zeynep has been pregnant for four weeks already. Vildan is left shocked and goes to look for Onder. In the hallway, though the glass wall, she sees Onder and Leyla speaking in the office. She thinks back to yesterday, when Onder told her he would always be at her side. Vildan chooses to leave them alone.

Zeynep sitting by the fireplace and realizes that if the child is Emir’s, he will kill them both. Then she starts wondering if perhaps he wouldn’t, but should she tell Kemal? She unconvincingly chooses not to tell him.

Nihan and Kemal are sitting on the porch, listening to music. Apparently it’s their love song. They both start singing along.

Emir is still on his way to the hideout. He tells Tufan that he wants everyone to be discreet, as there are other houses nearby. Tufan corrects him, and Emir thinks about Kemal renting a bungalow. Tufan tells him they are very close now.


Vildan really is horrible, Nina. Choosing to out her entire family just to get Emir’s money going? She’s going to end up alone.

Is Tufan in love with Asu?

It looks like Kemal and Nihan won’t escape this time either.


I certainly hope not. At this point I
Just wish he would go away. He could die. Ive never seen such a cold evil
Person determind to have somebody that
Don't want them. But that's pretty much how these love stories go, but at
This point They've usually solved the
Problem. The bad guy is caught or dead
And things are lookin up for the happy
Couple. Not these two. This bad guy &
Bad is puttin it mildly is relentless, he won't take no for an answer. I do remember the first episode, he saw nihan with this guy at the club, and he just beat The guy up. Nihan wanted nothing to do With him. So emir went
Whinning to Galip. And I think Galip is the one that gave him that idea to setup something that would keep nihan
With him.

Now they made him think there were blanks in that gun, I bet emir put a
Real bullet in that gun and then after
That it wasn't hard to convince ozan he killed somebody. And then he black
Mails the whole family. And nihan is his prize. The lnly yhing galip taught
Him was take what you want, no matter
What. And tgatscwhag he does. But he's a coward, he won't get his hands dirty
He tells his minions to do the dirty work. Speaking of:

Why is tufan helping him find kemal &
Nihan? Kemal put him and his mother back together and he shows graditude by Helping him find them? Whats up wit
That? Right now I'm liking asu more than I'm likin him. She tore up the itinerary. At least shes thinkin about
Kemals safty(the man who brought him and his mother back to gether after he
Was stolen by galip, who also told him his parents were dead). Stupid tufan!
Kemal is the best Galan I've ever seen
On a tn. He's good at protecting his ladylove. He even go so far to protect
I'm glad nihan talked to her dad. She didnt need to talk to vildan,she'd run straight to emir. Stupid vildan!

Thank you Anonfri, you didnt miss a beat.



Gracias, AnonFri, gracias! Trying to find a different way to say thank you, thank you! You are the best keeping the great recaps coming. At least Latin Grammy's will give you a much-needed break.

Kemal and Nihan, they're giving us some light, humorous time with them. Even if it will sadly be brief, apparently. That BBQ scene was funny. I was thinking "finally something Kemal can't do," then Nihan said the same, a flaw found in the perfect man.

Nina, agree, Kemal is the best galan ever! A superior being, confidently and consistently takes the high road.

Tufan and Asu? Agree AnonFri, crossed my mind that he might be interested in her with his lingering looks and comment in that scene. Of course Asu is gorgeous in a Beauty Queen kind of way, and they must have a bond from their cockamamie revenge scheme, whatever he is, but Turfan must know how intense and wacky she is. I was surprised too she ripped up the travel agent info.

Is Asu why Tufan is giving up Kemal? After Emir basically said he would kill him, and Kemal reunited him with his mother, and Tufan was "eternally grateful?" Not nice, Tufan.

Tufan is an interesting, wild card character.

Agree too, Vildan is horrible! Poor Onder. How is Vildan going to work Zeynep's pregnancy info to her advantage?

And still waiting for Kemal's reaction to learning about ETERNO pucker face and sweet innocent Zeynep, his cruel seduction followed by her calculating seduction.

NETT, if you see this, I saw your question on the last page about who is Asu's father? I don't think it is entirely clear. Her uncle said her mother [Emir's mother, the one in a coma] was the "love of his life". But we don't know the extent of their physical relationship.

What is clear is that Asu definitely thinks Galip [Emir's father] is her father too. She has said Galip's blood runs in her veins. She has said she seeks vengeance because Galip refused to acknowledge her as his legitimate daughter.

Gracias again, AnonFri!



Yes, Thursday I usually am unable to watch, and this week I'll be unavailable to watch Friday's episode. I try to post whenever I can or have the chance to watch. No need for thank yous, I'm glad I can help someone out in generally understanding what it going on.

Clara, is it possible Tufan may actually still be grateful and foil Emir's plan? Being hopeful here. Also, I don't know if it was discussed, but the actress playing Asu is a beauty queen. I think she represented Turkey in Miss Universe 2011.

Nina, I thought Asu finally grew up when she ripped up the travel itinerary.

*Unless Hakki lied to Asu as part of his revenge against Galip, Asu is a Kozcouglu. The blood vial that Tufan switched his with (two or three weeks ago?), was technically Asu's blood vial. As far as we know, she is Emir's sister.


Tryin to keep up with who is who's DNA
Belongs is like driving down a road &
Comin up on a turn you didn't see til you Got up on it. But it is fun. Thank
Y'all for recapping this show: Clara
AnonFri,and the other Anon, RgvChick.


Tufan confirms to Emir that they have arrived. Emir says “Lets go trap the lovebirds.”

Nihan and Kemal continue listening to the song and she says it’s not their song because it’s about platonic love.

Emir gives everyone their position. He’s ready to go up to the door.

Nihan starts singing about their love keeping them together. As they’re about to kiss, she’s alerted to the knocking on the door. She thinks it’s Wmir, but Kemal is in denial. She begs him not to go anywhere or leave her alone. Emir continues to knock on the door and Kemal slowly approaches it. He turns to look at Nihan one last time.

Tufan asks Emir what they should do. Emir orders that he force it open. When it’s done, Emir finds himself at an empty house. There’s a computer with a note waiting for him. Emir orders everyone to leave him alone. The video is of Kemal speaking to Emir. He tells him “Your plans are over, you’re losing the war and you must be desperate, but I finally took Nihan away from you.” Kemal finishes with “It will be impossible to find us, don’t bother.” Emir screams in rage.

Kemal opens and finds a service worker. When he’s done he tells Nihan “I told you it wasn’t Emir.” He smiles and she hugs him, crying. A short while later they are sitting on the couch and Kemal tells her that he tricked Emir. He warns that when they go to the boat, he will search for them too but won’t find them.

Zehir tells Zeynep that her husband sleeps like a baby. Not getting a response, he asks if she’s ok, because she’s looking tired. She says she’s ok but restless and will step out. Zehir comments that while one is sleeping, the other one can’t bring herself to rest. Out in the yard, Zeynep is asking god and Kemal for forgiveness. She dials Emir.

Emir is outside with his army, not knowing what to do. He gets his father’s voice message yelling at him to go back to the company. Then he receives an alien spaceship call from Zeynep, under an unregistered number. She asks if he’s missing her. He demands to know where Nihan and Kemal are. Zeynep starts toying with him and drops that the baby she’s expecting is his. He says he doesn’t want to know anything about her child. She tries to get some first-time fatherly emotion from him, but he tells her he can’t be sure it’s his son anyway. Zeynep asks him to be careful and offers him a deal: he won’t touch her son in exchange for Nihan and Kemal’s whereabouts. She adds that they’re renting a house, she can figure out where it is. Emir says that he knows they’re leaving in boat, he has information, he does not need her. She counters that the boat is a diversion. Emir accepts her offer, but he adds that Zeynep must convince Ozan not to hand himself over to the police. She tells him she’ll work on it. When the call is over. Zeynep thanks god that her plan worked. She speaks to her son, hoping that everything will go well.

Zeynep enters the house and sees Ozan. “The big day is coming: are you afraid?” Ozan answers that he’s nervous but also glad that Nihan is getting her freedom. Suddenly Zeynep feigns pains and Ozan asks if it’s the baby. She tells him that she knew this would happen. He says that maybe her pains will get better as the pregnancy goes on. She says no, she saw this on YouTube, the pregnancy will get more complicated. Ozan says that she can do this without him, but she brings out that maybe she’s having an abortion. Ozan the dumb idiot says that he can’t leave Zeynep like this, he has to be responsible for his son and for her. She weakly tries to convince him not to do it. Ozan says that Nihan wouldn’t be escaping if she knew that Zeynep was pregnant, but regardless, once Nihan and Kemal leave, it wouldn’t matter whether or not he hands himself over to the police. But now Zeynep wants to return to the Sezin home and convinces Ozan to speak with Emir and get his pardon so that they can go back and be maintained by him. Ozan agrees and walks out to call Emir. Once alone she stops faking her pains and texts Emir that she convinced Ozan and should be getting a call from him soon. Just then Emir receives Ozan’s phone call and asks him where they are.

Kemal and Nihan are still on the couch. Zehir messages Kemal to let him know he’s getting the car ready. Nihan tells Kemal that she’s ready to go wherever he wants to, Africa even, if necessary. Kemal starts to touch Nihan’s neck. He says that the love he has for her awakens his desire for her. She says that will happen wherever, even in Africa. He also agrees on Africa.

Zeynep goes down the stairs slowly to not make any noise. She sees Zehir on the couch, who almost awakens. She picks up his phone and starts looking through it. She immediately texts Emir Kemal’s new number. When done, she leaves the phone and walks back up the stairs. Zehir didn’t catch a thing.

Emir sends Tufan the information. He tells him to get the army ready. He wants Tufan to investigate the location of the cell number. He does as told.

Kemal and Nihan are thinking about going to sleep. He says he will sleep on the couch, and Nihan looks around and replies that so will she. He says her name in disapproval, but she enchants him with her smile. They kiss. Nihan asks him if they can sleep together, for the first time. He says that they will sleep together, but this will not be the last time they do so. They lay down on the couch and he protectively hugs her as they sleep.

Emir and Tufan are in the car again. Emir says that the hare may jump high and escape the first time, but not the second time. They go for Nihan and Kemal.

In the morning Kemal watches Nihan, who’s still sleeping. He gently wakes her up and says that it’s their first morning. She says good morning. He gets up and tells her to sleep some more.

Emir and Tufan are outside, his men keeping watch over the bungalow. Emir doesn’t want to storm in yet, he just wants a report of every movement. Kemal steps out and leaves Nihan sleeping. Tufan receives a message about that. He reports this to Emir, who says he wants someone to follow him, and he also has a plan to retrieve Nihan. Emir is speaking to someone on his phone and instructs that they follow his directions exactly as he wants them.

Two of Emir’s men are in the second floor of a building, watching Kemal purchase some vegetables. One of them is a sniper, ready to shoot Kemal. The other called Emir to say that they are ready. Emir exits the car and heads for Nihan. He knocks on the door and she wakes up, thinking it’s Kemal. She happily opens the door but is horrified to see Emir. He asks “Weren’t you expecting your husband? Won’t you invite me in?” He continues that she’s not behaving according to protocol. She asks how he found them, and he says it was hard but not impossible. She tells him to leave her alone. He says that she needs to go back home with him. She says that he can’t force her, but he grabs her and tells her that she will make a choice. She stares intently and asks “Who are you going to hurt now?”

Kemal is speaking with Zehir, who reports that Ozan and Zeynep are still sleeping.

Emir asks that Nihan look at some photos on his phone first. He shows her Hussein, Fehime, Salih, Leyla, Kemal’s dog. He describes them all to her. Nihan calls him a villain. He says that he hasn’t touched any of them yet, and if she returns willingly to him, nothing will happen to any of them. Nihan starts trembling and says that this is a nightmare. Emir says that if she paid any attention she would have realized that he’s not threatening her with Ozan. He says “Ozan called me, begging for help because he doesn’t plan to go to the police anymore. Here I am, helping out your brother again.” Nihan doesn’t believe him, but Emir offers her his phone so that she can call him to verify.

Ozan receives a call from Emir and Zeynep asks him what’s wrong. He tells her it’s Emir, and she tells him to answer it. He answers calling out Emir’s name, but Nihan tells him that she’s actually on the line. She asks him if he really did call Emir to beg for help and if he really wasn’t going to go to the precinct? He confirms it. She starts to cry and asks “Why are you doing this to me?” He says that he had to, he had no choice and he’s doing it for his son. Nihan is stunned, hangs up and sits down. Emir starts blaming her for the man that he’s become. He says that she and Kemal drove him crazy, and now he has no other alternative but to use his other snipers. “Yes, I have other snipers,” he reiterates. He shows her live video of Kemal. Emir asks if she wants Kemal to return safely home, and he shows her live video of the rifle. Nihan begs him not to do anything, but he says nothing will happen unless he gives the order. Kemal is seen getting into his car and driving off. Emir asks “How far will you go for love?” She tells him first that she won’t go back home. He says “As you wish,” and gets ready to leave. She holds him back and says that she can’t go back home yet, she’s not ready. He says “I’m not asking you when you want to come back, it’s that you must come back. Or one by one Kemal’s loved ones will die, and I will get him last, making sure he suffers to the end. Is that what you want?” Nihan is too terrified to respond.

Zeynep behaving like Judas, handing over her brother on a silver platter. And Ozan, the dimwit who doesn’t see that he’s being manipulated. Those two freeloaders need to disappear. They have no shame, seriously, their plan is to go back to Emir’s home? WTH.

Nihan is faced with a tough choice. It’s not her brother, but everyone else this time. Emir is one psychopath. Tufan is an ungrateful traitor.




AnonFri, big thanks again! You are gracious to give your time to help others understand. You always catch things that went right by me, and I really appreciate it. For example, I didn't catch that Tufan was as much of a traitor as he was. I thought Zeynep had taken over the betrayer role.

Thanks too for the tidbit about the Asu actress being a beauty queen in real life! Did not know. I was reacting to her height and excellent posture.

Emir's photo threats were chilling. Even Bubbles the dog, how low can he go? Also chilling was seeing Kemal being followed through the sights of the sniper's gun.

AnonFri, you were right that weak Ozan would back out. He was ripe for Zeynep to manipulate him, too easy for her.

Poor Nihan, knowing what Emir is capable of, a terrible pickle. Those turtledoves will have definitely earned their "happy ever after" when it finally arrives.


I can put up a mini-cap on Saturday for the Friday show since AnonFri can't watch. If there is one, there may be soccer.



Hey Clara,

I saw that soccer is scheduled for 9pm tomorrow. There should be a new episode tomorrow, unless they have planned something else for 7-8. Regardless, thanks so much if you’re abke to do a mini-cap. Very appreciated.

When Emir showed Bubbles I wondered if he really meant the threat or if he was just testing Nihan. Sometimes I feel that he’s more bark than bite. But showing the sniper aiming at Kemal was definitely scary.

I remembered having seen Asu looking familiar and when I looked up the actress I saw that she was in Miss Universe 2011. She definitely has excellent posture!

I wonder how much more Emir can out Nihan through. Honestly it seems like she may be pushed to attempt suicide again.


Thanks AnonFri. I really appreciate U
Recaping this.

I have one question. What. The. Hell.
Is wrong with these people? Why would
Tufan stab kemal inthe back after what
He did for him? I know I said one ????
And zeynep, what a disappointment she
Turned out to be. And poor dimwitted ozan.

I suppose nihan don't have much choice but to go back. Kemal's family is a big disappointment like hers. Is kemal
The only one who is not afraid of this
Demon. And when is somethin good gonna
Happen that will last longer than a week of episodes? Did the Turkish Writters intend for this show to be so
Miserable? How much heartache can two
People take not to mention this patio?
I was reading something online about a
3rd season. I hope not. 2 is really bad enough. I just wish they'd get rid of emir already. Talk about hating a villain,OMG. He is the worst I'v ever
Seen. And I've seen many. How much more is left?

Zeynep is the worst traitor. When Her family turned their backs on her kemal
Was the only one that stuck by her. He
Even went to that joke of a wedding. Eventho fehima called him and told him to go. But he eventually embraced her again. What a piece of crap she Turned out to be. Why didn't kemal just get on a boat and come to America? There's
Plenty places to hide over here. He never should have left nihan alone. It was a good plan, but kemal trusted the
Wrong people. Family. Especially the
Stupid ones. Now what?

I'm kinda dreading tonjghts episode.
But I'll watch it. Maybe he'll rip into his dumbass sister. Or not.

Thank you AnonFri. A good recap for a
Miserable episode. I had an idea the
Dumbest couple(zeynep&ozan)in the tn history would ruin it for the happy couple(kemal&nihan).


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