Thursday, February 20, 2020

DAYTIME TNs (#2): Me Declaro Culpable...y Mas - Week of Feb. 17, 2020

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to pg. 2 for this week.  We only have one more day of our smouldering new telenovela "Me Declaro Culpable".  Friday the show  will be preempted for Premio Lo Nuestro: Extra. But you don't want to miss a minute of this one.  Dramatic events are happening at a rip-roaring pace and our team of three recappers (although we'd welcome more help) Anita, Doris and JudyB will do our best to bring you each new sizzling development. If anyone else would like to jump in and contribute a recap, just give us a heads up in the comment section. So today we have...

3PM  Me Declaro Culpable: Episode 4

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., "Culpable")

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Judy: Is Sofia Castro in this Telenovela ?


DANIELA Castro is in this Steve. She plays Roberta, one of the antagonists.


Judy: Oh ok. I know Daniela Castro is very good at her job portraying the evil antagonist in recent years.



I'm quite late to yesterday's party so I'm posting on this page. Doris, you had me laughing out loud throughout your superb recap; how you managed to sneak in the snark into this drama is unbelievable. You rock, girl!

So many favorites, but these really stood out--

(Julian is a slimy snake of a sociopath and he makes this recapper’s skin crawl. )

Ingrid (Javier’s sister/Alba’s cuñada/all around crazy person played by Sabine Moussier, expert actress at portraying crazy people)

Julian (who is wearing a cheesy plaid jacket that Dario Iriarte from Hijas de la Luna would kill for)

She calls him a monster. (pot calling kettle black, no?)

(Okay, Patio, this guy is a little too chummy and familiar with his client and some mild hand porn on the prison cell bars…)

Oh noes! Roberta’s worst fear is real. She looks like she just bit into a lemon. Her brain misfires several times and she finally pulls a standard telenovela issue brown glass vial from her purse and drinks it.

I actually thought Jul had the video of Roberta pushing skank guy. Is he keeping that ace up his sleeve or did he just not find anything? It was hard to tell.

I don't think I have ever seen Daniela Castro in anything else, but she sure does play the villainess well. And Doris, you're so right about Sabine, she has a talent for playing "crazy".


Ok I couldn't take not knowing so I watched two scenes again--

Jul did find the video of Roberta pushing skank guy. And Alba did sign the custody papers!

Double "oh noes!" though the first one isn't too bad. Roberta will have her anvil...some day :-)


Daniela Castro was wonderful in a comedic role once. Can't remember the telenovela, might have been Una Familia con Suerte, but at any rate she did goofy and clueless well. Quite the actress.

Little Tornado might visit this afternoon. If so, the recap will be posted later than usual.

Fah-reeeezing Cold here!!!!!! But at least the sun is shining. We Ohioans get hysterically excited when we see blue skies.


Thank you RgvChick for double checking those scenes. I deleted my recording as soon as I finished watching. Alba had the pen in her hand, but seeing her sign the papers escaped me, every time I replayed that. Ingrid saying "Thank you" when she stood up to leave made wonder if Alba signed.

Meanwhile, I left one last comment on the prior Post.
Jul was downloading the security camera video as fast as he could before the police arrived. He got it all. Now, what will he do with it? He's got enough for two to go to prison now.

If Alba hadn't signed the document, I don't think Ingrid would have just left, even hissing that the best thing she could do is to stay in prison the rest of her life. As it is, Alba and Ingrid will be fighting over Gabriel, legally (so she will continue to require Franco's services) and really.

I meant Jul transferred all the video, so he wiped the security camera clean of any video showing Bertie tossing Skank Guy over the edge.


Part 1

Well, c'mon Patio, you have to love a protective Mama who can grab a swain's manly parts and squeeze 'em like lemons to make her point. Of course Julián, after a little recovery time, struck back with the video showing our li'l gal flipping Skank Man over the railing. But Roberta didn't back down an inch. These two scorpions are going to be very interesting opponents to watch.

But let's start at the beginning of the episode and see what led up to all this carnage.

Paolo is sitting in Franco's office, explaining his situation and also sending out little butterfly hearts and flowers vibes in Natalia's direction. Franco notices it and smiles. All good. And then Julián walks in, wearing horrid maroon slacks and a matching maroon slim jim tie. He lays claim to his romantic prey and slinks out with her. Paolo looks thunderous.

Elsewhere, the newly freed Alba arrives at Gabriel's school and rushes up to hug him and weep with joy at being reunited with her son. He's a little less enthusiastic, and plenty embarrassed at all this happening in front of his schoolmates, but finally thaws and admits he loves her too. And because he's got a free couple of hours, he's ready to go with her to a nearby café and talk. This would be great if Tia Ingrid weren't in the car nearby watching....and seething. But she's got a plan for that, it seems. And promptly calls the police to report that her nephew is being kidnapped by a murderess! Whew..another Lethal Lady who likes to play rough.

Paolo's meeting with Franco continues. He's not interested in money, even though Franco reminds him that he's going to need it. After all, the world moves with money, not sympathy. No! the one thing Paolo's interested in is bringing this despicable coward--who left him to die like a dog in the streets--to justice. And imprison him in jail! Just like he, Paolo, is imprisoned in this wheelchair. Franco promises to study the case and take him on pro bono.

At the café things heat up a bit. Gabe (who has a Beatles haircut) is angry that Mom disconnected his dad without even giving him a chance to say good-bye. She replies with the usual telenovela dictum "Don't judge me. I'm your mother." But she also shows him the video where her beloved husband begged her to let him go in peace. Gabe melts. Give his mother a hug. And sweet music tinkles in the background just in case we don't get it.

No music for Natalia and Julián though. He's miffed that she's taking an interest in Paolo's court case. She's annoyed at his jealousy. Paolo wheels himself out as Julián wraps his sleazy arms around Nat and grins like a schoolyard bully. "She's mine and you haven't got a chance" is the message loud and clear.

What's the message back in the café. Well, Alba is still beating herself up for her actions. " I should have waited for God to decide when to take him. That's why I can't forgive myself." Gabe melts some more. "Mom, I love you. I understand--you didn't want Dad to suffer."

This lovely moment is interrupted when Ingrid burst in the door like a mini-hurricane, police officers in tow, screeching that Alba has no right to take her nephew anywhere. She, Ingrid, has custody. Alba screeches right back that the custody arrangement was only when she was imprisoned. She's free now. The police seem to be on Ingrid's side and are pulling out their handcuffs. Oh noes!



Part 2

This lovely moment is interrupted when Ingrid bursts in the door like a mini-hurricane, police officers in tow, screeching that Alba has no right to take her nephew anywhere. She, Ingrid, has custody. Alba screeches right back that the custody arrangement was only when she was imprisoned. She's free now. The police seem to be on Ingrid's side and are pulling out their handcuffs. Oh noes!

So the director flips us back to Paolo's apartment where he has some annoying visitors. First his pal who's drinking his beer. And then his mom who's arrived with all her suitcases in tow, after being nowhere around during his two-month hospitalization. Guess Mamita needs more cash. This is the extent of her purported great love for sonny boy. She blathers that he's a good son, and he snaps that she's a bad mom.

This segment ends with Natalia back in the office, wrapping her arms around Dad and thanking him for being such a great guy. Paolo and Alba are both lucky to have him. Dad smiles and whispers, "I'm lucky to have you as a daughter."

So here's the deal, Patio. Two loving parent-child duos. Alba and Gabriel. Franco and Natalia. One dysfunctional pair: Paolo and mom Enriqueta. And skulking around the edges, a feral, jealous Roberta and an equally feral, jealous Julián. Oh, and churning in the background a semi-hysterical aunt who wants Gabriel's love for her and her alone. Um, this could definitely get messy.

Franco gets the urgent call from Alba that she's "en apuros" [in deep trouble} and rushes to her rescue like the White Knight he is. Gabe is trying to explain to Tia Ingrid that he wasn't kidnapped. He had a couple of hours free. Alba is bleating that he's her son and she's entitled...but smooth-talking Franco steps in and quells the storm. He cozies up to Ingrid and asks if he can call her by her first name. Well of course! you Silver Fox you! Then he advises Gabriel to go home with his aunt while restraining an outraged Alba. The cuffs are released, the police depart, Alba calms down and next thing you know, she actually has a job offer at the café as well as a little room in back where she can dwell for the time being. "But you don't even know me," she protests to the lovely Bianca. "No, but I know Franco. I bring him his coffee every morning and if he believes in somebody so do I." And just like that, our sweet Alba has two angels on her side. And from the looks of the other characters, she'll need 'em both!

While Franco's calming troubled waters, Robert is roiling them. She's reaming Julián out big-time for mishandling her "neni" Natalia. "But she wants to drop me," whines Juls. "And you haven't done your part. "Do you love her or is this just business?" "A little of both. At which point Roberta grabs him by the nether regions (don't ask me to be more specific) and squeezes for all she's worth. Suffice it to say she has his full attention. "This isn't about love. It's about sex, social position and power. If you're in heat, there are other ways to get satisfaction. But watch your back and don't pressure my daughter!"

Honestly, I like the way this woman operates. Full frontal hostility. Works for me. And she can have all my lunch money if she wants it.


Part 3

Just in case our temporarily crippled Julián hasn't gotten the message, Roberta continues. " I'm nervous and bi-polar. If I'm in crisis, I can be verrrry impulsive, get it? So don't make me cross through Hell 'engendro' [, but literally aborted fetus. This is a very strong insult.]because you'll be the first one I take with me." Julián hobbles out. But he's not cowed. Not by a long shot. Just recovering before the next round of fire.

How about our other wounded warrior? Paolo is on the phone with Natalia, trying to sweet talk her into having dinner with him after her fight with Juls. She's feeling down and doesn't want to. He hangs up in a snit. But then calls back and they end up agreeing to have breakfast the next day. But he's short on cash -"Then how about at your apartment," she suggests. Bingo!

Sweet. Now to the Sour. Tia Ingrid is still raging at home. Gabe should never ever forgive his mother, she won't allow it! -"Why she not only killed your dad, she dragged our good name through the mud! And I've cared for you ever since the day your were born. I loved you as if you were my very own!" All this while madly puffing on a forbidden cigarette to his distress. And threatening to throw Gabe out of the house. "You can sleep under a bridge for all I care!"

Man, this is a rough crowd. Gabe smooths things over, asks forgiveness and pleads that he never wanted to make her feel bad. Ingrid churns a bit more, muttering that she's a better mother than Alba ever was. Oh my.

Let's talk about another exemplar Mom. Roberta darling. Natalia is sharing that she thought she loved Julián but now realizes she doesn't. But he's threatening to tell the police about the accident. Mom has a plan for that. Just fake being the perfect girlfriend for now. But don't worry, one day that "engendro mugroso" [dirty piece of filth] will be out of your life forever. (And you know our little Roberta can follow through!)

Ready for a quiet scene? It's evening now and Roberta and Franco the Family Man are having dinner. He wants to know darling daughter's whereabouts. She's in her room. Had a fight with you know who. Roberta's cellphone rings. Evidently it's alright for her to take a call at dinner. Just not Husband Franco. But it's a video of Roberta pitching Skank Man over the balcony. Next we see our hugely muscular "engendro" musing that he thinks now his little mother-in-law will respect him. Could be, buddy, could be. I'm certainly impressed with your workout regimen.

Next we see Franco gazing out at the night. Female arms wrap around him. He looks nervous until he realizes it's his daughter. Then he smiles. Elsewhere, we see Paolo tossing and turning, thrashing in his sleep. Bad dreams perhaps? Or just dreams of the lovely Natalia. Time will tell.


Part 4

Papi Franco is taking this cozy moment to clear the air with Nat. "You left your Mom and me for two months, saying you needed space from Julián. But now you spend all day with him. It's not right. You need to break it off." -"But Dad, it's hard." -"You deserve a real love." he counters. -"But what about you and Mom? I know you aren't happy." -"What can I say? Your mom is my Life Companion. I care about her a lot." -"Don't you deserve a real love, Dad? A new love?"

Franco stops, transfixed. "A new love...a new love..." he murmurs. And guess who's lurking in the background, hearing all-- this while one ferociously angry tear rolls down her cheek. Yep, you've got it. Our own little Hell's Angel Roberta.

Okay. It's the next day. Back at the office. Julián's wardrobe just gets worse and worse. He's in another Used Car Salesman Plaid Jacket (thanks NINA) while Papi Franco tries to get him to pull back and give Natalia a little breathing room. Just then Alba arrives from the café with coffee. She pours Juls a cup. He takes one sip and dumps it on his way out. Franco tries his. And makes a pucker face. Is it horrible, dreadful, undrinkable? Yes! All those things. Let Bianca make it from now on. But the discussion isn't unpleasant. In fact they're flirting like mad. And she vows to not give up until she's mastered making coffee just the way he likes it. You betcha, little lady!

Elsewhere in the office, the discussion isn't quite as amicable. Roberta professes to be unworried about the video Julián has. "It shows me in profile. It could be anybody."-"Shall I take it to Franco then?" She folds. For now. "Natalia is ready to be your perfect girlfriend." she concedes. -"Great. Glad we understand each other," sneers Juls.

That over, Roberta heads into Franco's office and finds the lovely Alba still holding her coffee pot. Alba gushes about what an angel Franco is and holds out her hand. Roberta gives her a death glare instead of a handshake. Well, as I said, this gal is Full Frontal Hostility. Always good to know. Let's vamoose from that uncomfortable scene.

Natalia arrives at Paolo's building and runs into a burbly Enriqueta who thinks she's her son's new insurance agent. She gushes a bit about her boy and his once upon a time earning power, but then warns Nat that he's in a "humor de perros" [nasty mood] and she should watch herself. Nat plays her part as the new agent, Paolo catches on. He assures his mother that (like a good neighbor) "estoy en buenas manos" and Mom can head back to Ensenada and her new grandson post-haste. Mom departs. Nat and Paolo smile goofy smiles. Hearts and flowers and butterflies. For now.

She goes on to say that they have a lot in common. " His legs are 'asleep', her heart it. Both of us are broken. But we can share out pain. Please...tell me more about the accident and how you came to be this way."

"Okay" he snarls, remembering. "Two months ago someone hit me with their car and left me to die like a dog in the street."

Cara impactada de Natalia. And there we end.


"Full frontal hostility. Works for me. And she can have all my lunch money if she wants it". And with that, victory is declared! Beyond clever Judy.

Yet, "While Franco's calming troubled waters, Robert is roiling them" is my favorite. Why? Because only you can use the almost never used but wonderful word "roiling" perfectly in a sentence. Impressive.

you have to love a protective Mama who can grab a swain's manly parts and squeeze 'em like lemons to make her point". "Swain". Sigh :)

"the usual telenovela dictum" and "...skulking around the edges, a feral, jealous Roberta and an equally feral, jealous Julián" round up my many favorites including" en apuros" [in deep trouble}".

doris, your recap was impressive and great fun. "These women, whether in jail or at home going through a divorce, only call their lawyers at night when they are lonely. As if the lawyer has no life. Ladies, the meter is (or should be) running!" was fantastic as was your vocabulary "“engendro” - monster … as in Roberta calls Julian an “engendro” when he blackmails her".

Profuse apologies to both of you as alas I have not yet seen this so I can't really comment on the storyline. But vocabulary and fun are contagious, even if you aren't there "in person".



Good morning Petite Patio of One: Diana

So glad that you checked in, my friend, even if you cannot watch this. You are such a supportive friend to all us recappers. And an amazing recapper on your own for the 8 pm drama Ringo.

This one promises to be as fraught as either Ringo or Rubi, and I'm only now realizing that the vapid Hijas, while supremely annoying, was a lot easier to summarize. One could skip all the nonsense and seriously wrap it up in six paragraphs or even six lines. With this one, not so much. A lot of hot and heavy dialogue which needs to be noted, especially in the opening episodes, in order to flesh out the character of each person in this human stew. Oh well, another wild ride in store.

Thanks for always being there, even when you can't watch. You're the best.


Judy - thank you for your recap! There were too many great lines to quote.

Oh wow, I was rather shocked when Roberta grabbed Julian's "family jewels" and then twisted them. That was a first for me in telenovelaland!

" I'm only now realizing that the vapid Hijas, while supremely annoying, was a lot easier to summarize. One could skip all the nonsense and seriously wrap it up in six paragraphs or even six lines. With this one, not so much. "
I was just telling hubby the same thing, earlier this week. CULPABLE is not mindless fluff, requires the brain to be engaged, and there is no being asleep at the wheel while watching.

"Julián's wardrobe just gets worse and worse. He's in another Used Car Salesman Plaid Jacket (thanks NINA) "
I know, right?!? That plaid jacket Julian had on is another refugee from the clothes closet of Dario Iriarte.

Natalia wore her very best push-up bra and skin-tight dress for the scene in daddy's office with Paolo & Julian. Hmmmm..... Televisa wardrobe dept is on the ball this week.

I was so proud of myself when Franco asked the cops to remove "las esposas" and I knew they were the handcuffs on Alba. (thank you HIJAS! lol)

Julian's video clip of Roberta pushing Skanky guy over the ledge was clearly her. Profile, tu abuela, Roberta! Anybody will know that was you.

Bianca offering Alba a job + room & board was just too easy, but anything is possible in telenovelaland.

Oh good grief, Paolo's weepy mother gave me instant flashbacks of "Soggy Paula" from Amores Verdaderos(?), and why not? Roberta's "dad" actor was Soggy Paula's lover in AV. Yeesh, I've seen too many telenovelas. :-o


Good Morning!!

Judy, muchas gracias! Doris is right, too many good zingers to list, but I gotta say that "Full frontal hostility" cracked me up.

What a character Roberta is! Just loved when she grabbed and squeezed Jul's nether regions. Unfortunately, he came back with his own hook, so I''d say they are even for now.

What I am really surprised about is how our three antagonists are bad to the bone. Usually there is one antagonist who is hateful with everything being selfish and just plain mean; and the others have hints of goodness. In this TN we have three! And we were introduced to all of them from the get-go. I think Ingrid and Juls should get together--her with the ruffled uneven skirt and boots and Juls with his "Used Car Salesman Plaid Jacket" --what a sight that would be (ACK!!)

Doris, "Natalia wore her very best push-up bra and skin-tight dress for the scene in daddy's office with Paolo & Julian." Yes!! I noticed that and wondered if Irinea had gained some weight; that dress was not as flattering as she thought.

Diana, I'm so glad you drop in despite not seeing the show. You are so right--Doris, Anita and JudyB are doing such an excellent job at the recaps and their snark alone is worth following plus it's always good to learn the new vocabulary. I hope "Full Frontal Hostility" makes it into Anita's "Lexicon."


Hola DORIS and RGV CHICK...glad to see a few more gathered around our cozy campfire. Thanks for reminding me about Soggy Paula, DORIS. I actually watched that show when it was on re-runs, and the recaps and comments were great fun. And my word, I have NEVER seen an encounter like that between Julián and Roberta in a telenovela--nor in real life of course. But yowza, what a scene. I was both transfixed and horrified. Hope they didn't have to do a lot of rehearsals for that one.

RGV CHICK...I like your idea of getting frowtsy, fringey, prairie-skirted Ingrid together with Julián. He's looking for action and maybe if she had some too, she'd be a little less cranky. For sure, the dialogue is so dense and important right now, we're all going to be getting writers' cramp scribbling notes and typing up the action. But good to have a challenge again.

Thanks for stopping in amigas. It's a beautiful day here, sunshine, blue sky, bone-aching cold but there are compensations.

CULPABLE (or should I use Diana's CULPABBLE)

JudyB-You never fail to throw us some little used words, it's like going on a treasure hunt and stumble over some unexpected treasures. Definitely a hunt worth taking. You must keep a dictionary of archaic words handy.

Full Frontal Hostility. If I had been doing the recap I would have just recorded the pain on Plaid Man's face. This visual is rich. Yeah, I'll add it to the Lexicon, but how will I describe it?

Paolo's mother is being played by Carmen, the trusty receptionist at Vega Associates in PASL. She did get a short turn as someone around whom a case was built, but I wonder if this is a step up or whether she just goes back home to her other son. It was a quick trip, nonetheless, she said she hadn't even unpacked!

JudyB--My tv screen showed Jul in real red pants. Were you with us watching La Tempestad with William Levy and Ivan Sanchez--he of the red pants we made so much fun of?


Right you are ANITA...Paolo's mom is the sweet, loving Carmen at Vega Associates in PASL...I always thought she should have ended up with the boss instead of that other gal.

On Full Frontal Hostility...Hmmm. Not sure how you should describe it. I just wanted to convey that Roberta's hostility to anyone mucking with her Life Plan for herself or her family was OVERWHELMING, FULL THROTTLE, PEDAL TO THE METAL RAGE. Wow, I still can't get over that scene. Riveting.

So on your screen Juls' pants were Santa Claus Red? Because I do remember Ivan Sanchez in those. Just ridiculous. But on my old screen Julián's slacks were maroon. Still ugly though.

No dictionary of archaic words handy by the way. Those are just words rattling in my Archaic Brain. Helps to have been on the planet for a while.

JudyB--How's this for whipping it up on the fly:

Full Frontal Hostility – This term is not applied to two characters face to face slapping or punching each other. This takes place further down, below the belt. The term is only valid if the person on the receiving end is a man (who cannot be labeled a gentleman) and being delivered single-handedly by an angry woman. The result is instant pain, reflection and perhaps revenge. (Created by JudyB in the real situation in Me Declaro Culpable.)

Part II of the Lexicon will appear shortly. Your new term will go into Part III coming later on.

Caray! Just watched the first 20 minutes, and I'M IN! Thanks, recappers, for doing such a stellar job of bringing us latecomers up to speed -- lots of wit & snark already, and plenty of sidebar fodder.

BTW, the footballer's girlfriend is Lorena, our 14-year-old intern from Vega y Asociados in POR AMAR SIN LEY.

Blue Lass - welcome to our CULPABLE patio! It is so nice to see you again. I'm cannot remember the last telenovela we both watched at the same time.


Judyb, thank you . I was surfing in and out of this one , and I saw creepy Julian writhing pain as if he had been hit in the family jewels......and he had. Like you, another first for me in telenovela watching. Violence is getting to be the norm in these shows, and Roberta is NOT to be trifled with.I would like to see who would be left standing if she confronted Rubi. My money is on Roberta. Narcissism vs bipolar\ BSC .

Doris, I think it was LEY2, if you watched that one. The last one for me was UN POQUITO TUYO, but there were only literally like 3 of us. It was good, though!


BLUE LASS...Delighted that you will be joining us. I still remember your "asked him to grab one of the lawyers, unaware that he was already grabbing one of the lawyers" quip. One of my all-time favorites, even if I'm messing it up. We will definitely enjoy your brand of sass on the Petite Patio. If you want to recap, you're welcome with open arms. If you just want to watch and snark, that's cool too.

SUANLYNN...My money would be on Roberta in any fight. Lordy, she'd flip Rubi over a railing in two seconds flat. Or do a little "full frontal hostility" on her upper regions, as a way of focusing her wandering attention. Ms. Roberta is a force of nature, red in tooth and claw. Sooo glad she doesn't live next door.

JudyB, I had forgotten that one! LEY2 was not much for plot, but it gave a lot in terms of opportunities for wisecracks.

I'll just snark along on this one until the schedule settles down. What's the turnaround for recaps on a 3 p.m. soap?

I can tell it's going to be a corker! SOOO much talent!


Doris and I usually get a recap up by 6pm. But if I have a commitment in the afternoon it might come as late as 8pm. Anita usually posts hers at 7:30 or so. It really doesn’t matter. I think Andy Banda posted his 2pm Manana recaps at 11 pm. Anything goes!

Hmmm...I might be able to take a night. Tuesday, maybe?

No show today. Oh, the withdrawals. 😉. But I got a stack of ironing done, so, yay! #easilyamused

Blue Lass -

IMO any recap posted by the next morning is appreciated by this viewer. Sometimes I don't get a chance to read them or comment until the next a.m.

LEY2? Which one was that? Does not ring a bell.

ANGELYNN...Well you're living up to your name, Angelynn. We'd be delighted to have your help. Click on my avatar and it will give you my gmail address. And Tuesdays would be terrific. As you can see, all you have to do is type your recap in the comments section which will be put up each Monday and Thursday. WELCOME ABOARD!

Are y'all looking for a recapper for Culpable? I'm down to recap, I love Daniela Castro and Juan Soler is bae.


Great Princess Juju. Write me at my gmail account so we can exchange cellphone numbers. Good to have in case of emergencies. And how would you like to be our WEDNESDAY recapper. That's ofen a day when I have a committment.


Looks like the patio is shaping up nicely.

Angelynn, welcome! And Princess, it's always a pleasure! I am smiling anticipating your most excellent snark.

This will be fun...



And Blue Lass, it's great to see you again.


Wow, we’’ve filled up all the days of the week for coverage. We could post this one on a front page every day, should you all choose. Since it is a DRAMA, we belong on the front page. BlueLass and P.JUJU, it’ll be a great team. Let me know what you think of front page posting.

Doris, we can add you as an official recapper if you’re on board with a front page.

BllueLass: LEY and PASL were the same thing. Por Amar Sin Ley. As far as I was concerned, the tn just sank under its own weight. I think it tried to take on too mulch. They should have treated us to a straightforward drama with a standard story line, rather than hurling so many cases at us.

Princess Juju - long time no see. Welcome! I cannot remember which relatively we watched "together". It is nice to see you here.

Wow, this feels like a Patio reunion. 😊


Anita said,
"Doris, we can add you as an official recapper if you’re on board with a front page."
Um,,, Anita, what is "a front page?" 🤷🏼‍♀️

My schedule is different every week, so I cannot commit to recap the same day every week. But with a few exceptions, I am flexible. If that makes any sense? And generally, I can schedule my recap days a few weeks out.


Thanks JudyB. Good n snarled as usaul.
That fill frontal assault was rather shocking. They probly had a good laugh
After doin that part, cuz moma had a hand full.

I didnt see the beginning of this
Episode. But the rest was juicey. And
The last part was good. But they didnt
Finish the last part. I knew they just
Let em taste and see how good the other was. But we gotta wait till Monday. Ok Im off to bed.

Ok patio, winter has finally come to the first coast Of florida. So cold up
Here. And I'm lovin it.
Ok my bed awaits good night all,and
Stay warm



Good morning patio gal pals. And some guy(s).
Happy weekend. Finally bright and sunny, but very cold. Winter has come to the first coast. Not as cold as up
In the northern regions but better than it was. It actually feels wintery and not spring.

Ok."Family jewels" or "full frontal Hostility" and "the nether regions". I like all 3,but full frontal hostility, that is a keeper. All 3 are actually.
Since "family jewels" have been here since the last century, I never heard of it since before that movie back in
The 70s or 60s when it came out? Anyho
The nether regions made me lol.I think
JudyB came up with that if I'm not mistaken. FFH & TNR should make it into the lexicon. And what is lexicon?
Im just now learning these internet
Telenovela Phrases. "Antagonist" are the bad guys and "protagonist" are the good guys? I think that's how it goes.
These seem to be phrases that writers
Use, and from reading the recaps I can
Assume some of you are writers. Well its Either that or you're just really smart people. Anyways I'm just loving the recaps.

Thank you Rgv Chick JudyB Anita Doris
Susanlynn(susyQ) Andy,Diana(Anon) and
Anybody else I missed. Y'all are just
Some of the coolest people I've ever
Met over the net and in telenlvaland.

I never knew how enjoyable a patio could be. Stay warm yall.


This is from Feb 21st comment
"Thank you JudyB Good and "snarked" as usual". Not "snarled" lol. Its auto's fault.


You're a big part of what makes this Patio a fun place to hang out, NINA. I wait for your comments every time I write a recap, just to see what outrageous observation you're going to make. The fact that we're from all parts of the country with all kinds of different backgrounds really adds to the richness of the discussion--whether it's about the telenovela or just one of our rambling Off Topic rants (usually about food, I've noticed).

Stay warm and cozy. I just went for a walk in the park. As long as there's sunshine and a blue sky (rare in Ohio Winters) I don't mind the cold at all.


Doris--The "front page" is what you see opening up CarayCaray. The comments appear on the "inside pages."

Ah, Nina--"Snarled" fits perfectly into your comment.

Definition of Lexicon--straight out of Webster's Collegiate:
---The vocabulary of a language---it has other meanings as well, but this is the key one
Definition of Vocabulary:
---A list of words usually alphabetically arranged or defined; a stock of words employed by a language.
A small but subtle difference, while Dictionary is defined as:
---A reference book containing words along with information about pronunciation, (spelling), meanings, etc.
Language is defined as:
---A form of verbal expressions understood by a considerable community.

In this category, Mandarin Chinese is spoken by more millions of people on earth than any other; Spanish and English follow by half as many. The latter two are probably the result of world exploration, conquest and settlement. There are more Portuguese speaking people than French or German speaking--again, the former sentence probably applies. French is in double double digits, and Portuguese in triple digits (Brazilians probably contributing most of those).

I looked up List of Languages by Number of Native Speaker in Wikipedia. It hasn't changed much since my dictionary was published (1990). It shifts a bit when you look at the total number of speakers of any language, but Mandarin Chinese still heads the list.

No wonder I can no longer find a particular hand-held digital dictionary for English-German/German-English. They all now list Chinese, Korean and Arabic with English (can't possibly guess why!).

Anita, I have taught students from all those language groups. I have learned a few words in those languages , but I probably know more Arabic than anything else. To me , it was the easiest for me to repeat in that I wrote it out phonetically and it sounded the most like English. I loved teaching ESL.


Hello, it's me, sorry, just ignore the Angelynn behind the curtain. I keep the computer logged into two different gmail accounts at once and sometimes it gets confused. Neither one of me ever gets confused. (Except when watching telenovelas...why does everyone keep saying, "Julian thought up the thing about the dog"? What thing? What dog?)

Anyway, I can take Tuesdays if you need me.



And YES, let's do a front page! So much easier to follow!


Yes, Blue Lass, we not only need you, we WANT you! Thanks for offering to be our Tuesday Recapper. YES YES YES! WE ACCEPT YOUR KIND OFFER!

PRINCESS JUJU...Are you interested in a particular day? Anita is usually doing Fridays, Blue Lass will take Tuesdays, I'd be thrilled if you could take Wednesdays, Doris and I will fill in on the other days. Just let me know.


PRINCESS JUJU...still interested in recapping? And are you okay with a flexible schedule each week? Doris has changing commitments, so this week she would probably have to take the Wednesday slot. As I have it now it's:

JudyB Monday
Blue Lass Tuesday
Doris Wednesday (this week, it changes)
Princess Juju Thursday
Anita Friday

Let me know, either here or at my email if that will work for you.


I see a nice group is gathering around this one. I remember watching a few episodes when it first aired, I do love Juan Soler.
I really need to get back to some serious tn watching, I miss you, guys, and my Spanish is starting to become rusty at a time I really need it.
I'll try to catch up and get back in here this week.



We'd love to see you back on the Patio Adriana. Especially if your avatar has pictures of your adorable family. But even without!


Judyb, thank you. I missed this episode because I was out and so was my upstairs cable.

Roberta is certainly a force of nature, and I agree that she would eagerly toss Rubi right off that roof patio. Done and done before Rubi had time to give Roberta her signature curl lip and condescending stare.

Can't wait to see what happens tonorrow.

Hi, Adriana, so Good to "see" you again .


Neither can I Susanlynn. Although it would be hard to top the Roberta-Julián confrontation. I'm still a bit in shock.

Guys it is so great to hear from all of you I haven't seen on this patio in a loooong Time. It's gonna be great reading all the snark from all of you
Recappers. And y'all got alot to snark
About. You guys are just golden to me.

I was lookin at on-demand but it was not on Friday so I gotta wait til Monday to see natty fall apart, and U
Know she will.

Welcome back all of you. This is gonna
Be a fun whacked out patio, I can hardly wait.

I'm trying to play catch up an hopefully contribute to this week's discussion.
It's great to chat with all of you again. I tried getting into several novelas last year but between new baby and new job, that was impossible.
As I type this I've got to run to work, but I'll be back soon...

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