Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #6, 2/25/20: Screaming Meanies

Bufete Monroy:

Franco and Alba make an after-dark exit from the despacho. As he's handing her into the car to drive her back home -- i.e. the coffee shop, which is close enough for her to walk every morning with a fully laden coffee tray, but juarever -- he notices a flat tire. Turns out he doesn't know how to change a flat because all he ever does is hand porn and lawyer stuffs, so she does it for him. He calls her a little box o' surprises and grins goofily.

Meanwhile, Roberta is spying on them from her own parked car and just can't handle all that jack action. She hits the gas and tries to flatten Alba like a panqueque but only succeeds in pushing them into each other's arms. Well, so much for that plan.

Casa Urzua:

Julian is for some reason all alone in a house he doesn't live in, desperately trying to convince Nati over the phone not to turn herself in. She hangs up on him -- twice! -- and then refuses to answer his calls. He's just gotten out the requisite "no puede ser!" when Roberta crashes through the front door looking even more assymetrical than usual and starts chugging a bottle of whisky from the bar. They argue over who has the bigger problem, and of course Roberta wins because she's crazier. She peppers him with "sueltames" and "largates" and then runs upstairs and swallows the contents of every bottle on her nightstand.

Depa Duenas:

Ingrid flashes back to her brother's death scene, including a few small details we didn't know about. Apparently after Alba flipped the switch, she freaked out and switched it right back on again, but she was so overcome by grief and guilt and pretty tears that she didn't notice her husband was still alive. Ingrid rushed in screaming and chased her away, then very deliberately -- and permanently -- turned the machine back off. "Sorry, brother," she said. "I had to do it."

But that was not precisely the end of that, because now Javier's back -- as a ghost. "You killed me!" he wails. She gibbers that she had to do it, all she did was take care of him, she gave up her life to him, it's her turn. Javier doesn't seem to take that well, but fortunately for her he pops like a bubble when there's a knock on the door.

It's Old Mauro, stopping by to "make sure she's all right" (don't hold your breath on that one, Dad) and accept a thank-you cup of coffee for...I dunno, something to do with her car. He sees a ouija board on the dinner table, but she explains it away by saying that she and her brother were orphans and used to imagine they could communicate with their dead parents -- wasn't that silly? Somehow the conversation turns to the subject of getting over loss, and his long-dead wife, and how he's ready to find another woman to keep him company in his final years, and she starts giving him the crazy teeth and THANK GOD here comes Gabe who woke up thirsty and needs to drink milk straight out of the carton. I think we should ALL wash our hands now.

Destination TOHIMC:

Julian tells the maid to call an ambulance, then calls Franco, who drops Alba like a hot rock and texts Natalia, who rockets out of the police station before quite managing to confess. They all end up in the hospital crowded around Roberta, who is mercifully (for us) unconscious. Mauro turns up and takes the opportunity to warn Franco away from Alba. "In 25 years, I have never been unfaithful to your daughter!" snaps Franco. "Well, there's a first time for everything...and this one is different," replies Mauro. I guess he can hear the background music, too.

Casa Urzua:

Julian and Natalia bicker on the escalera. (And it is quite an escalera. Long. Hard. Marble. I don't think we've seen the last of it, that's all I'm saying.) He spins her a yarn about finding the guy she hit with her car -- he just had a couple of fractures, he's fine, he moved to Toronto. She can go ahead and be "friends" with Paolo if she wants, but she's not responsible for him.

Next we see her fast asleep in her bed, with Julian lying next to her and staring at her face. UGH. Can we wash the sheets, too?

Depa Leiva:

Dante has to undress Paolo and decant him into bed. He whines about all the women who keep leaving him -- his Mom, his girlfriend -- conveniently forgetting that he keeps throwing them out. Dante tells him to quit whining and remember who he used to be -- a champion, not a quitter. He tries to throw Dante out, too, but Dante says he can't drive so he'll just crash there.

Bufete Monroy:

Alba shows up the next morning with her tray, but Franco is still at the hospital. Mauro tells her she's hanging around too much and suggests she get a different lawyer. She tilts her little chin and says she'll take that suggestion from Franco and Franco alone. You go, surprise-box.

Gael comes in with the dead blackmailer's bit on the side, although it's unclear what kind of witness she'll make since she didn't actually see the accident. She thinks Julian is pretty hot stuff, though, and offers to develop more legal problems if he'll represent her. Just then Olga appears with some papers for Paolo to sign, and Julian, sensing another bullying opportunity, snatches them out of her hand.

Back at TOHIMC:

Roberta wakes and begs her husband to promise he'll never leave her. She can't live without him, he's her whole life, he's everything to her, the only thing she needs. She seems to have forgotten all about her daughter. He reluctantly promises.

Depa Leiva:

Dante lets Julian in, announces to Paolo that his favorite asshat is there, and takes his leave. Julian tries to browbeat Paolo by telling him what a loser he is -- he used to be somebody, sure, but he's NOBODY now. After he drops off the papers and leaves, Paolo displays a little "I'll show him" attitude. It will be interesting to see where that goes.

Depa Duenas:

Ingrid drags Gabe back home from school, screaming at him what a disgrace he is. He has shamed his family, dishonored his dead father, and killed Tinkerbell...by writing a love letter to another boy! Gabe's all "there's nothing wrong with that," but she smacks him a good one. He texts his Mom for help: "My aunt is crazy!" (Ya think?)

Alba appears nearly instantaneously and pins her cunada up against the wall in a truly impressive chokehold. "Did you learn that in prison?" snarls Ingrid. Alba starts to look a little abashed, which is a shame. Where's that tire iron when you really need it?


Blue Lass,thank you . I liked it; I loved it; I want some more of it.

My fav line : " looking even more asymmetrical than usual. " ha

Where's the tire iron when you really need it? That's choice, Blue! Also loved "can't handle all that jack action" and "looking even more assymetrical".

I am so happy there is going to be recapping of this show. It's like the good old pre- narco trafico days. I think we'll enjoy watching and discussing this one.

I'm a few days late to the party, so maybe this has been covered, but I read somewhere that Angelique Boyer was offered a role here, but declined. Does anybody know which role she was offered?

I thought Natalia's yellow dress was so pretty... until I saw her sleeping in it. What was with that?

I hope our jugador does show Asshat who the better man is. I hope those taunts have the opposite of the intended effect and actually motivate him. I like seeing him "roll" with the punches. Sorry, that was a wheely bad pun.

Thanks again, Blue!

Rosemary la Otra

Thank you Blue Lass for the recap and the snark! (oh, the snark! LOL)

Wow, I am so grateful for this recap because I was not really sure that Ingrid pulled that plug and my brain was all “whaaaaaaat???”
And now she is seeing her brother’s ghost? At least I now know who the grey-haired guy is in the opening of the show. BSC!!!

Franco knows better than to act the way he is with Alba. What is wrong with this guy, other than his crazy wife?!?

”Julian is for some reason all alone in a house he doesn't live in . . . ”
That was my first thought, too.

And Rabid Robs….. bi-polar is one thing but I think she has mental health issues on top of that. Or else she needs her meds adjusted. Yikes.

I really wish I had printed out a couple of Telenovela Bingo sheets. So many boxes would be checked off already.

Next we see her fast asleep in her bed, with Julian lying next to her and staring at her face. UGH. Can we wash the sheets, too?” Ugh,,,, creepy Vile Juls is BSC. That was so creepy to watch.

”Alba appears nearly instantaneously and pins her cunada up against the wall in a truly impressive chokehold.”
Poof!!! Instant Alba! Well, she wasn't getting any sleep, anyway.

OMG, Blue Lass—
How I have missed your recaps. Pure joy to read. So happy to have you back.
Poor Franco he’s between a harpy and a dove (well one with a bit of mama bear in her.
So now we know Ingrid was the one who offed her adored bro. She gave up her life for HIM? HIM couldn’t take care of himself? He grew up, got married and had a kid at least 18 years ago. What did she do after he fledged? The other thing that got me when she had called the police to the cafe and complained that she’d been the one to give Gabe a roof, clothing, meals, etc. It sounded like Alba was an absent mother. Geese, she was only in jail for 2 months, but she made it sound like she’d been doing this since he was in diapers.

RLO—So nice to see you on the Patio? Where have you been, Antarctica?

Since I never comment, I not sure where this goes but I read that PASL will start filming in April and air at the end of 2020, while Médicos, línea de vida Will have a Season 2 to be aired in 2021.

But it may all be hogwash.

Hi Blue Lass.

I just wanted to stop by and comment on your excellent recap!

I'm not watching but you had many classic, wonderful lines including "She hits the gas and tries to flatten Alba like a panqueque but only succeeds in pushing them into each other's arm" and "I guess he can hear the background music, too".

Glad you are all enjoying this!



WOW WOW WOW and WOW...I have missed my Blue Lass recaps. This was a laugh romp from beginning to end. Could I persuade you to move in next door? I want to laugh like this every day. In addition to everything Rosemary la Otra and Doris mentioned, I loved these lines (okay I'm duplicating somewhat)

They argue over who has the bigger problem, and of course Roberta wins because she's crazier. She peppers him with "sueltames" and "largates" and then runs upstairs and swallows the contents of every bottle on her nightstand.

giving him the crazy teeth (Exactly! Sabine/Ingrid always looks feral when she smiles

I think we should all wash our hands now

Can we wash the sheets too?

[Mauro] O guess he can hear the background music too

Ingrid drags Gabe back home from school, screaming at him what a disgrace he is. He has shamed his family, dishonored his dead father, and killed Tinkerbell...by writing a love letter to another boy! (Love that Tinkerbell reference. You're a little bit crazy yourself, y'know.)

You go, surprise box

Yes, our little little rose Alba has some thorns she can use when she needs 'em. Franco may think he's rescuing her but it looks more like she'll be rescuing him. I did laugh at the whole tire-changing fantasy. They put those tires on now with machines that make it dang near impossible, even for a burly boy, to change it strictly on muscle power. And certainly not with those little lady wrists of Alba. But juarever... it was a nice setup for Roberta's latest assassination attempt.

And agree with Anita that Ingrid has certainly more than a few crossed wires if she thinks SHE was doing all the care for big brother and Gabriel to boot. Wow. This lady could launch Urban into a whole new level of narcissism analysis.

Just a great way to start the day Blue Lass. Thanks. ( Now how do you feel about moving to Ohio?)

Judyb...ha " you're a little crazy yourself" ...aren't we all ?

Yes, Hub used to say that the way they tightened the lug nuts made it impossible to change a fire manually anymore ...but Alba must have superhuman telenovela damsel in distress strength. She sure pinned crazy Cunada speedy quick.

It's good to start the day with a laugh.

" They put those tires on now with machines that make it dang near impossible, even for a burly boy, to change it strictly on muscle power."
So true, Judy! It is also amazing that Franco's car had a spare --- of any sort! Many new cars today, from the economy-priced ones all the way up to luxury cars, have absolutely NO SPARE tire, at all, not even the donut style. I warned one of my sisters about that when her hubby went new car-shopping a couple years ago. (His 20 y/o Camry needed to be retired)
She reported back how shocked they were. One dealership called a few days after they visited to find out if they had made a decision; their answer was yes, and not that dealer's brand because the car they looked at had no spare tire, not even a donut, so they bought a different brand.
(you can add one for a price $$$)

Thanks for the welcome, Anita! I've missed CarayCaray. You guys are so funny! When Blue told me that Juan Soler was in this, I had to watch. Remember him as Geronimo in Cuando? Hopefully this tn will be just as entertaining. With this cast of characters I think we are in for a wild ride!

R la O

Speaking of being feral: "Sabine/Ingrid always looks feral when she smiles." I was drawn to her "mane" as she sat in Mauro's office. It rested around her just like our dear Cowardly Lion's mane in Oz. (To give her a couple of points, later, in her apartment, in her pjs, ready for bed, greeting Mauro, it looked a lot less like a mane).

Thanks for the better ears among us. I didn't catch that Gabe's "love note" was to another boy. Well, are there any girls in the school he's attending? We only saw boys grouped together. I would also say his feelings were entirely normal, but he's in for a struggle if it reflects his true nature.

RLO--I do indeed remember Jero in CME. That was quite a community that we participated in. However, I also saw Juan Soler in Reina de Corazones and Marido en Alquiler and then had to go find some of his older offerings to watch. What a guy, bad or good.

Thanks for coming to the party, everyone! And thanks for the props. I'm a little out of practice, but it's good to be behind my monkey-typewriter again.

Doris, I had to watch the plug-pulling scene twice, because I had no idea what was going on. So not only did Ingrid kill her brother, but she wanted to put Alba in jail for life for a crime she didn't commit -- AND keep the kid. Guau.

I think if I were playing Bingo, my card would be half-full already...

Anita, I wondered too about all that "I gave up my life for you" business. I guess the fact that they were orphans explains a little of it, but part of it may just be her overactive imagination. I'm assuming they all lived together in the house Ingrid & Gabe are in, which is why Alba has to live in the coffee-shop now.

Thanks for stopping by, Diana!

JudyB, "feral" is right -- I wish I'd thought of that toothsome adjective. (Is Ohio "mid-Atlantic" enough that you might make it to a gathering...? I saw the idea being bandied about on one of the lexicon posts.)

RlaO, I second the "wild ride." My immediate reaction after watching the first episode was, "I don't think I've ever seen so much screaming in a Gran Estreno -- that bodes well." I can't imagine where they would have put Angelique, though -- she's too old to be the ingenue and too young to be one of the Moms. Maybe there's a top-heavy pixie waiting in the wings.

"Toothsome adjective"!...you just never stop do you Crazy Lady! I'll have to depend on my Blue Lass Laughs long-distance. Only traveling I do these days is to see grandchildren (la llamada de la sangre!) as I'm a lousy driver and poor traveler on planes as well. But I know you all have a blast when you get together. I'll just have to cozy up to my computer for companionship.

I believe they had Angelique (top-heavy pixie indeed!) slated for the Alba role. Perhaps Alba was born "married and pregnant" as I often pretend to be.

Well, I was born married. And covered with cats.


Wise choice Blue--unconditional love and no stretch marks!

Blue Lass, lovin the snark. I did not
See this episode. But it sounds like a keeper.

Everybody knows berti swallowed her pills like she missed lunch and was trying to catch up. And get attention.
Which she did get.
I wonder if she would have done That if she had managed to flatten alba like a pancake. Is this what's gonna happen? When somebody pisses her off shes gonna push em off a cliff, ledge,
Run them over and then go have pills
For a snack?

Ok who is crazier berti or Ingrid? I think they're nose to nose.

Blue Lass, keep em comin girl.

Very late to the party, but thank you Blue Lass, you are hilarious.

I did miss the first few episodes, si I was under the impression that Ingrid raised her brother and took care of Gabe for a lor longer than a few months ? What is her problèm?
Oh, yes, she's a murdering lunatic.

Off to read today's recap!

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