Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #7, 2/26/20: The plot thickens

Here goes, Patio.  First time to post on the main page.  Yikes.  If I mess this up, I hope one of the recapping team can fix it.    Aaaack!  I am sweating bullets!

Some scenes are combined, some glossed over.   And if I misinterpreted any dialog, please correct it?  Our characters were very busy today.

We open at with Natalia & Paolo at the park.  She is doing a good job of walking in those 4-inch spike heels on the brick-paver/cobblestone path.  Ah, to be young again.  Her phone rings, and Paolo makes snarky comment that it's probably loverboy Julian. (it is)

Vile Julian tells Nat he has the phone number of the guy in Toronto who she H&Red (Hit and Ran)  and encourages her to call the guy.  While she is engrossed in her convo, Paolo leaves.

Alba apologizes to Ingrid for the chokehold (girl learned some life skills in prison that might serve her well, later on?).  Ingrid rattles on that she never had a kid and doesn't know what that's like, but she has taken care of Gabe all his life and saw more of him than Alba has.  Alba agrees, but I want my son.  Now.

Gabe calls Alba pleading with her to get him out of Ingrid's Crazy House.  He can't take it anymore.  Alba says she will talk to the lawyer.  (Awww, here is another excuse to see Franco)

Julian is coaching the fake "victim" on how to act and what to say when Natalia calls him.   Dirtbag.

At the only coffee shop in Mexico, Franco tells Alba he received a Restraining Order (R.O.) from the courts.  Alba is ordered to stay at least  100 meters away from Gabe.   (Guau, harsh!)  We see the video Ingrid provided of Alba's chokehold.  It came from the security system Ingrid has inside her home.   Franco tells Alba she has to comply with the R.O., and asks Alba 'are we a team?' Alba assures him 'yes' and hugs him by hanging on to his neck.  Looks like a big ole PDA to this viewer.

Roberta tells Luciana (her BFF doctor) she needs to get pregnant in order to hang on to Franco.  Luciana  tells Robereta this is a decision for both of you.  You would be risking your health.  Your psychiatric treatment would be fatal "para el embarazo" which I guess means could adversely affect the pregnancy?

Robs has an answer for that:  I'll stop taking my meds.  Easy Peasy.  I can do whatever it takes.  (This is so not a good idea, Roberta, because it doesn't look like your treatment is even working, at all, lately)  Luci rolls her eyes and you can see the wheels turning in her head, worrying about medical ethics, license, malpractice.  Run, Luci, run!!!

Alba and Gabriel talk on the phone.  He wants to see his mom every day of the week.  This R.O. is not fair!  He misses her!

Alba reassures him that she will not rest until he is back home with her.

Gabe confronts Ingrid about the R.O.  Bless her heart, will not take responsibility and  tells him she didn't do it, but it was the judge, for his own protection.   Riiight.    Ingrid blames Alba for ignoring Gabe and leaving him to his own devices for so long, and that's why he is in love with another boy instead of being "normal."

Gabe tells Ingrid that is not his mother's fault, it is just how he is made, and he is not going to speak to her ever again until the R.O. is lifted.  So there.

Katia and her padded pompis visit Paolo.  They talk and I don't understand most of it and it's not that important, anyway.  But she is worried about him.   They are still talking, and that deep violin/cello tune is on in the background, I call it Paolo's theme, and it  reminds me of the GOT (Game of Thrones) background music because they sound sort of alike, and it is very distracting for me because then I think about GOT....ack.)

They both share how they each are suffering their own kind of pain, since the accident.  Katia tells him the person who caused the accident crushed ("aplastaron") her dreams, too, and if you might think I'm self-centered for saying that (um, yes), then I'm sorry.

Paolo tells her that at this point in time, she would be nothing more than a gorgeous nurse by his side.  They say their goodbyes, their "take care"s, and Paolo tells her to go and be happy for both of them.  (This looks like it is killing Paolo on the inside)

Roberta (still in the hospital) calls Bianca at the cafe, to arrange a catered dinner in honor of Franco's birthday.  Robs tells her that Franco likes the simple, plain food they serve up, so that's why she called the cafe for his birthday party.  (this can't end well)

Back home, Natalia calls the "victim" who is "in Toronto" (when he is really sitting in Julian's car).  Franco arrives home, hears her talking through the bedroom door, starts to listen, only to be distracted by Mauro's arrival to his house.   Well, drat!  The convo goes well.  Vile Julian tries to pay the guy with a six-pack of beer.  The guy ain't havin' it and says 'where's my money?'  Not only is Julian vile and dishonest, he is a cheapskate.  The list just gets longer.

Bianca and Alba are chatting at the cafe.  Alba tells her she tried to make friends with Ingrid a long time ago, but it was not possible.  Ingrid came to live with her and Javier when Gabe was born.  Ingrid took over the house as if it was hers.   Worse than a suegra.  Then while caring for sick Javier, which took all of her attention, Alba wasn't a mother to Gabe.  She had no idea how much Ingrid was affecting Gabriel.

Paolo goes to meet his physical therapist, Ángel, the next day.  That Ángel is a real ball-buster. He takes no prisoners.  Angel tells Paolo:
- to forget the ex-girlfriend
- Angel is in charge and calls the shots
- he expects to be obeyed without question
- and don't forget that
(This guy would do well at USMC boot camp.  Just sayin')

He tells Paolo the exercises are not easy and he'll need a lot of patience and courage.  Got that?  Forget your past glory and live in the moment, in today, concentrate on the small triumphs you are going to accomplish here.

At the end of the rehab visit, Paolo asks Angel to help him up.  Angel tells him no, he is on his own.  Find your inner strength, blah blah blah.  Angel is not a happy camper, tells Dante the guy is a sadist and he is not going back.   Before they leave, Natalia shows up at the rehab clinic.  Paolo challenges her to sit in the wheelchair and race.  Winner decides the prize.

Roberta arrives home from the hospital, is hateful to the maid for no reason, and starts in on Franco to talk about "them."  All her questions are framed with a defeatist attitude and there is no way Franco can answer them honestly unless he just sucks it up and lies.  He finally tells her he is starting to get tired of this behavior of hers.  She sees this as proof he does not love her, he is sick of HER, and she is just another problem in his life. 

At the cafe, Natalia continues to feel guilty about the H&R and wants to tell her father.  Julian talks her out of it by guilt-tripping her.   This guy is good at his game.  Nat goes to the restroom,  conveniently leaves her phone on the table, so Vile Julian turns on her GPS and activites "Find My Friends" or somesuch, so he can track where she is at all times.

Later, Natalia is talking with Alba, still at the coffee shop, and asks 'how was prison?'  Alba basically says 'you don't want to know.  I saw and heard stuff I would rather forget.'  Nat looks like she might think twice about coming clean re: that  H&R .

Gabriel shows up at the law firm, runs into Mauro who talks to him in his office.  Mau tells Gabe the R.O. is for the protection of minors and for his own good.  Tells him to calm down and leaves the office "to get a glass of water." He really called Ingrid, who must live around the corner because she is there in minutes.  She greets Gabe, "My prince!  How are you?"  and the crazy begins. Again.  Gabe is frustrated and leaves.  Ingrid is spewing her usual venom about Alba.  Mauro tells her she needs a distraction; she needs to forget about her troubles for a while; accept my invitation a cenar.   (Yikes!)

Bianca's helper can't work Franco's birthday party -- his mother conveniently fell and broke her leg -- so Alba is sent.  While she is setting up for the party at Chez Uruza, in struts Roberta, hands on hips, tossing insults to Alba.  Franco walks in, and Robs is all over him like white on rice, in front of Alba. Later during the party, Roberta tells some people --- within earshot of Alba --- who Alba is and what she did to her husband, but Robs' husband is such a great lawyer, he got her out of jail and is she is now free.

Slime Julian is outside the office building, trying to figure out what place Natalia is at, on the GPS.

Natalia wins the wheelchair race at the rehab clinic.  Her prize is that Paolo listens to what she has to say.  Paolo says he might try to shut her up.  Both lean in for a kiss, and ..... besus interruptus!  Julian strides up, shaking his head as if they are two naughty kids.

And that's it for today.


Yayyyyy, it worked! Thank you to my recapping teammates who walked me through this before I had a breakdown worthy of Roberta Uruza,

Hi doris.

Congrats on posting this on the main page (something I've not done but if I had to would definitely share your anxiety!) :)

I enjoyed "H&Red (Hit and Ran)" and "(girl learned some life skills in prison that might serve her well, later on?)" but "Guau, harsh!" and of course "besus interruptus" were my favorites.

I hope to watch this one of these days. Until then, I will cheer on the recappers from the sidelines.


Terrific Doris. And as a fellow Sweating Bullets Recapper, I share your pain. Loved the recap and all your oh-so-Doris asides. Like:

Alba apologizes to Ingrid for the chokehold (girl learned some life skills in prison that might serve her well, later on?).

"looks like a big ole PDA to me" It certainly did. She really wrapped herself around him.

Not only is Julian vile and dishonest, he's a cheapskate. The list gets longer.

Indeed it does. He's a stalker. A would-be rapist. Saboteur. And I'm really ticked at him for interrupting that kiss.

I've seen a wheelchair race before. Trying like mad to remember where...was it an Angelique Boyer-Sebastian Rulli telnovela? Oh well, why struggle? Somebody will remember. Anyway, it's a good ploy. And then there was the horse race between hubba hubba Fernando Colunga and Lucero in Soy tu Dueña. Rather a staple of telenovelas, like making love in a body of water. Hey! maybe we have that to look forward to at some point.

How does Roberta plan to get pregnant if our Family Values Franco never touches her? I got the vibe at the party that she has something incriminating on her doctor pal and that's how she's able to make her cooperate with the embarazo plans.

Anyway, fun to speculate, and great fun to read your recap. Now pour yourself a stiff drink (or dish yourself up a big mound of ice cream) settle in with that adorable doggie on your lap and chill the rest of the evening. The worst is over! After that baptism by fire, the rest is a piece of cake.

Doris you're good at recapping. I like
The Snarkity snark snark!

Il jump right to this, vile juian(like
That name) had bad timing. I am really
Hoping he get his legs back to working
Vile Julian needs a beat down and Paul
Can do it up good.

I wish natty would get some guts and
Stop letting vj turn her away from what she knows she needs to do. And why is she in bed with that parasite?
Don't she have any of her mothers guts
Minus the psycho genes? Is she gonna be one of these whimpy heroines That's
Going to be helpless?

There should never be anymore people
From berti's loins turned loose on man
Kind. I cant even see Franco touching
Her that way ever. She'll Probly have to drug him. And vile Julian could be
The sperm doner. That would like be like the night of the living dead, reborn.

Ok I enjoyed this recap Doris. Lookin
Forward to reading you again girl.


Hi, Adriana Noel here, to lazy to connect to my account, so posting as an anonymous!
Thank you, Doris, you rocked your first big page recap!!

Katia went to check up on Paolo, but also to let him know that she's seeing someone. Good riddance, girl, I hope the new guy has the money to buy you a dress that will actually fit.

So CrazyBerta wants to get pregnant again? Isn't she pushing 50? If she wants to keep Franco glued to her, how about if she tried to act sane for a bit.
Joke aside, she's obviously not well. Her medicine is not working, she either needs another dosage or a better doctor. Is Franco aware of her condition? I think she needs help. We make fun of her telenovela crazy antics, but shouldn't her behavior raise alarm bells for Franco?

WHY is Natalia still dating Julian? Did she threaten that he'll go to her father with the H&R story or is she just a wimp?

Doris, thanks . I missed this episode, but it is evident that the craziness continues.

I am wondering like others about Roberta's desire to get pregnant. How old are we supposed to think she is? Seems she is out of control in her desire to hold onto Frank. At this point, she is juggling a !of of balls.......

Julian is pure creepiness. Ick.

Adriana Noel - thank you. I thought Katie said she was seeing someone else, but I was not sure. I'm not very fluent in Spanish even with the help of CCs(closed captions).

Congrats, Doris! Consider yourself baptized in the limpid pool.

Thanks for pointing out the background music behind Paolo & Katia -- I never notice stuff like that, and thanks to reading your recap before I watched, I was able to pay attention. Otherwise I would have been so distracted by Kat's giant "WHATEVER" t-shirt over the ace bandage wrapped around her butt that...what was I saying?

JudyB, I think there was a wheelchair race in CORAZON QUE MIENTE, between Javier and the disposable girlfriend with the rabbit teeth.

Doris, CONGRATS!! on your first post! From now on it should only be one or two bullets that you sweat LOL (j/k) And Blue Lass a belated thank you for your Tuesday fit right in with this "snarkity snark snark" (thanks Nina!) team. This is definitely going to be a fun ride for all of us who need a relief from the day-to-day monotony and those primetime TNs that frustrate and shock the heck out of us.

I've been missing much of the episodes so I truly appreciate being kept up with this TN that has piqued some interest. We're just in the second week and I already loathe so many characters! But the good guys are really good so I guess there is a balance.

Roberta wants to get pregnant? QTH??? She'll probably fake it and steal someone's baby--NUTCASE!!


Looks like I'm the last one to chime in with a BRAVO, Doris. Job well done. Believe me, it gets easier with time--your automatic finger system kicks in.

RGV--If you haven't been watching, you're missing the best part of the show--the two hysterical women, Bertie and Ingrid (gotta find a nickname for her, soon). They are fabulous. So are all of Slimy Julian's moves.

Bertie wants to get pregnant? Give me a break. I hope it was just the remnants of a chemically induced brain fog. If she's serious, she's just the woman to manage to get someone else's ultra sound and pass it off as her own. It'll work for a few months and then she'll have to have a miscarriage. Lots of opportunities for drama.

OTOH, won't Franco notice that something is wrong with this picture? He hasn't "touched" her in years. She'll become the Second Immaculate Conception? Don't think so.

Blue Lass--I was transfixed by Katie's sweatshirt, too. Too bad it didn't say "Juarever." Carayers would have gotten a big kick out of that. I've noticed over the last decade or so, that ALL t-shirts with some lettering in these telenovela's are ALL in English. Does wardrobe go on a buying spree in the States to collect these things or is there a ready market right there. Hmmm. Anyway, WHATEVER, takes the cake. I'm sure it expresses more truthfully how Katie really feels about Paolo.

For a woman who's in big trouble, just lost her husband, separated from her son and has a toothy, handsome lawyer handling her case, the most INAPPROPRIATE thing she could ever have done was to hug Franco with her arms around his neck. She's just signaling her availability. A more modest hug would have been arms around his waist. It still signals something, but it would give viewers a longer opportunity to get used to it. (Not that I would have shied away from hugging JS around the neck, but nobody's giving me that opportunity...)

Oh, and I was so wrong about Ingrid. Poor thing, she did give up her life and devoted it to her brother and nephew, lo these many years.

Her alternative was probably not such a bright future, so the offer was accepted gratefully. Without bro, she might have had to start a fortune-telling business outside a taco stand. I would say she got a pretty good deal and should be happy she dodged poverty.

I can't wait to see how Mauro's dinner goes with Ingrid. What's he up to, anyway. A dapper gentleman like him could have his pick of ladies. I bet he has no clue how ruthless she truly is. So we have one rutting moose and one cow who knows how to fight for what she wants--and that would be a long-term meal ticket.

Thanks Doris! I think sweat is your creative power! You did great!

A home security camera? I wonder how far back it goes? Far enough for someone to see who really pulled the final plug?

This wasn't a race, but I thought of when Laura Ingalls pushed Nellie Oleson down that big hill in her wheelchair.

Thanks again,
Rosemary la Otra

I was so transfixed on Katia's obvio padded pompis and the CCs that j totally missed her tee shirt. Argh!

Um,, I don't think Ingrid gave up much, if anything, to come live with Javier and Alma. She probably relished moving in with them and always saw Alma as competition for Javier, even tho he was her brother. Makes no difference to a sick mind.

Omg, I just noticed your profile picture. Too wonderful!

Thank you Blue Lass. I enjoy that one and cycle it in and out.

Doris I like your profile photo, "life
Is better on the patio". Perfecto!

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