Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #12, 3/4/20: Confusiones

Some scenes are combined, some not explored fully, but you'll get the idea.  My cable company/DVR has a title for each episode.  Today’s was “Confusiones” so that sounded good enough to me.  There are lots of confused people in this telenovela and we all know who they are.

We open with Alba & Franco in the hotel room, still arguing about what has just happened (see yesterday’s recap).  She is ranting on, tells him that now she understand “pro bono” and “I’m your bono, eh?”  (yet they never really talk about the red dress on the bed).

Alba tells Franco that Olga gave her the papers, with instructions to bring them to Franco.  Like the good legal “runner” she is (not!), she did just that.   We viewers do not question "why?" We just roll with it, or else we, too, will be confused. Just like these characters.  But I digress ...  Franco says he never had Olga do any such thing. Alba calls him a liar.   (awww, their first lovers’ quarrel)

The social worker for Gabriel’s case shows up, unannounced, at Ingrid’s house.  Ingrid isn’t too happy about this surprise, but deals with it.  The house phone rings, Ingrid goes to answer it, and the case worker uses this time to quiz Gabe on how life really is in crazy town.   He must know that Ingrid came back and is eavesdropping because everything is super-linda with his tía and his life there.  He only wants to be able to see his mom.

Outside, before she can get into her car, Gabe approaches the case worker and shows her the video he took (in yesterday’s episode) of Ingrid having one of her BSC conversations with Javier.  Case worker agrees this is muy grave.  Gabe tells her his aunt is not well and he has mucho miedo in staying with her.  He says he did not show the video to the case worker to get Ingrid in trouble; he just wants her to get some help and he be allowed to go live with his mom.  After  that scene, Gabe is already waiting at Alba’s when she gets home from the hotel fiasco.  He shows her the video.  (Why doesn’t he also send it to her so there is a duplicate around, somewhere, anywhere???)  Gabe leaves when Ingrid texts him, asking where is he.  

Valentina is going with Natalia to visit Paolo.  Little does Nat know that Vale is Bertie’s spy and lobbyist against this relationship.    Vale looks disapprovingly at Paolo, is very uncomfortable being with a paralytic, etc.  It’s obvious she would rather be anywhere else but there.
Later, Vale tries to talk Nat out of her relationship with Paolo, pointing out there is no future in a life with him.  Natalia has had enough, pulls over by the curb, and tells Vale to get out of the car.   (Wow, it  looks dark outside.   I hope Vale isn’t mugged on the street there)  

Back at Chez Roberta,  Franco walks in on Mauro & Roberta having a chit-chat.  He returns the red dress to Berta, who denies any knowledge of it.  They argue and she storms up to her bedroom.

Mauro tells Franco that he is the one who set up that hotel ploy.  He figured Franco would have a quickie with Alba, get that over with, and then move on.   Franco is indignant, all QTH???
Mauro all QTH? back;  he can’t believe Franco rejected Alba.   Franco assures him nothing was proposed.  Mauro  looks confused as heck over that.  

Later, we learn that Mauro was lying to Franco, to cover up for Roberta per her request.  She wonders if Franco  believed him.   Mauro assures her he is famous for being convincing—that’s why his legal career has been great. (What a great guy, no?  Lawyers!  Ugh.)  Berta starts one of her usual tirades and Mauro tells her she is getting more and more insufferable each time, that she needs to get Franco back by being nice, instead of making his life a living hell as she has been doing and running him away and into the arms of another woman.  Basically ‘You will catch more flies with honey’.   Duh.   Bertie is worried that franc loves Alba.  Mauro tells her to make him love you!  Viewerville wonders if Bertie can hold it together long enough.  Stay tuned.

After dumping Vale at the curb, Natalia returns to Paolo’s house to apologize for her snotty friend.  They’re in his bedroom and that GOT-like music is in the background.  He’s having a major pity party, crying; she would be better off without him, life with him would be challenging, I’ll be in this chair until he day I die, I’m not worth it,  I can’t even dress myself;  Dante has to help me.   You think this is what I want for you, Nat?   I can’t give you the life you are accustomed to.  Wah Wah Wah!   We get it, dude.

Natalia isn’t having it.  This girl is kicking butt and taking names.  She asks him is he done?  She did not know the “before” version of Paolo; she only knows the guy in front of her who is in a wheel chair—this is the guy I know and like.  You have two choices:
1.  I go away, but you look me in the eye and tell me to go.
2.  Tell me to stay, and I’m ready to stick with you; I’m looking for a “forever” relationship.  Eh, ya know what, you’re a coward.  I don't' think you can say it.

Paolo tells her that he wants her to stay and never leave.   Awww, smoochies.  More music.  Ya basta, kiddos.  I'm worn out from all the crying and Paolo was getting dehydrated.

Dante, who might be the most sane person in this telenovela, catches Natalia as she is leaving the apartment.  He tells Nat that Paolo has changed for the better since he has met her, and asks her to please not hurt him.  If she has any doubts, please break up… and now.  Natalia assures Dante that she has fallen in love with Paolo and isn’t going anywhere.

Shortly after, we hear more GOT-like music as Paolo tries to get into his chair from the bed.  A chair that is six feet away.  Dante hears the struggle and  is there, and probably finally has to help him because Paolo just cannot reach that darned chair.   (this recapper questions why the chair is so far away from the bed, to begin with? )

Back at Chez Bertie (cuz Paolo isn’t living there right now), our new and improved Bertie goes downstairs and makes nice with Franco.  (this means she is acting like a normal person).  They both agree they’re going through a rough patch and have been overreacting. 
(Wow, it is really weird to see these two acting normal)

Later, Natalia arrives home to her parentals sitting on the sofa and talking.  Like normal people. Still.  Roberta v2.0 (the new and improved Berta who will catch flies with honey)  leaves to go to upstairs, to bed.  Nat & Franco talk.  She confirms that she is in love with Paolo.  Franco is supportive.  (This is not the reaction Roberta will have and we all know it.)

Gads, these characters are busy!  Bird-dogging Mauro goes to visit BSC Ingrid.  Hmm…..   She is griping about the unannounced social worker visit, trying to garner sympathy from her free legal counsel and maybe sugar-daddy.  While they’re talking she hears a noise, maybe a window open?  Nope, Mauro did not hear it.  Ingrid excuses herself to check it out.  Well boy howdy, it’s Javier, who has shown up at an inconvenient time.  (and the window is open-LOL)

Javi is not a happy camper that Ingrid is “entertaining” a guy in his home.  She assures him this man is a good guy and he’ll help her keep Gabe.   Javi ain’t havin’it.  He points out she is not 20 y/o anymore.  Javi says she  knows veery well what this guy reeeally wants from her; they all want the same thing.  They use you and then toss you aside like yesterday’s garbage. When will she learn?

Ingrid’s feelings are hurt.  He says the same thing to her, every time.  She asks Javi if he doesn’t think a man can fall in love with her?  Javi tells her to look at her track record.  She was ready to go at it with this Julian guy after knowing him for only one day.  (Oh yeah, Javier knows his lil sis all to well)   Javier sees all, knows all, etc.
Mauro goes looking for Ingrid, and unfortunately does not overhear the BSC conversation.  Darn it!  Javi disappears and then Gabe comes home, so Ingrid dismisses Mauro.

Back at Paolo’s, guess who shows up next?   Katia.  Our long lost Katia, who has broken up with (or been broken up by) her boyfriend. Whatevs, she is available again.    She tells Paolo she can’t stop thinking about him. Ya basta, girl!  She has left him twice already.  Maybe the third time's the charm?  

- - - 

Well, Franco can’t leave well enough alone.  Nopis.    He makes a late night house call on Alba and tells her he has learned they were set up.  Blah Blah Blah.   Why didn’t he call her on the phone to tell her this?  Oh, right, plot propeller.
Alba says they need to only talk about her case, and nothing else.  Keep it strictly professional.  Punto.  Franco asks if that’s what she wants, Alba says “No but it is how it has to be".  (oh, gimme a break)  Franco says ‘it doesn’t have to be this way, but it will if that’s what you want’.  He leaves. And that whole conversation was just. so. high. school.  But, whatever.

So, the episode ends, I switch back to live TV, and a real live soccer player with legs that work, David Beckhem, is on the Ellen show, talking about how his feet have grown a whole shoe size since he retired.  Well, that is earth-shattering news. Anything else grow, too?   Nobody has told him that our arches fall as we get older and our feet get longer.  Bless his heart.   I'm not going to tell him.  ;-)

VOCABULARY (because it’s still all about the Spanish)
‘lisiado’ =  disabled person (e.g., Paolo)
‘arrancar’ =  to pull something out, tear out, rip out, basically more dramatic than ‘remove’ (e.g., Katia can’t “arrancar”  Paolo from her heart.


Gracias, Doris. More weirdness and deception on the menu.

Of course it was too soon for Mauro to discover that Ingrid is out of her narrow mind. How much more abuse is Gabriel going to have to suffer?

Natalia is surrounded by abusers; now even her "best friend" is guilty.

I don't see how playing the victim keeps a husband interested. But Mauro has to learn that his daughter is desperately in need of commitment.

Wow Doris, you had me laughing all throughout this romp. Certainly a lot better than the episode. Loved the intro--especially the "some scenes are not fully explored, but you'll get the idea". Yep, for sure let's not fully explore all this über-dramatic nonsense.

So many gems:

He shows her the video. (Why doesn’t he also send it to her so there is a duplicate around, somewhere, anywhere???)

(Wow, it looks dark outside. I hope Vale isn’t mugged on the street there) Exactly what I was thinking. Young woman all alone, dark street, big city...Mercy!

Ya basta, kiddos. I'm worn out from all the crying and Paolo was getting dehydrated.

(Wow, it is really weird to see these two [Roberta and Franco] acting normal)
Later, Natalia arrives home to her parentals sitting on the sofa and talking. Like normal people. Still. Roberta v2.0 (the new and improved Berta who will catch flies with honey) leaves to go to upstairs, to bed.

And your final paragraph really cracked me up:

So, the episode ends, I switch back to live TV, and a real live soccer player with legs that work, David Beckhem, is on the Ellen show, talking about how his feet have grown a whole shoe size since he retired. Well, that is earth-shattering news. Anything else grow, too? Nobody has told him that our arches fall as we get older and our feet get longer. Bless his heart. I'm not going to tell him. ;-)

And clever you to use the DVR title as yours. I'm always racking my brain to come up with something, and recapping involves enough "racking" without all that. Thanks Doris. This recap was just a delight from beginning to end. It will be fun to see how long Roberta can maintain "normalcy". Shall we measure it in minutes or hours?


PS I'm still wondering if Javier was as nasty in real life as he is in Ingrid's fantasies, or this is just her evil schizophrenic voice torturing her. These are very sad scenes. Don't like the character, but painful to watch these cruel ghostly confrontations.

Thank you, Judy.
I've been pondering Ingrid's convos with Javier, too, and wondering if he really was this cruel in real life. I think not, or Alba and Gabe could not have loved him so deeply. But who knows? Machinations of Ingrid's sick mind? His ghostly statements seem to be either her more rational side, or else some level of a conscience. Some how, some way, knowing right from wrong is evidently still inside that poor demented mind.

Doris, thank you for that snappy recap. I am trying to keep up with this show even though I have been missing it lately . Yesterday I missed the to lunch out with dear friends ...2 widows,a widower, and a divorce...he walking sounded ...So go the days of our could be a telenovela.

I always thought the actor playing Javier was a very handsome silver fox. I agree with Doris that this might be Ingrid's delusional interpretation of him based on projecting her own warped self on him since he is loved by Alba and Gabe.I

A sunny day here. I hope you all are having the same.

" he walking sounded...????? " was meant to be " the walking wounded " sorry..too hasty....autocorrect toys with and mocks me.

Thank you, Doris! You just keep getting snarkier and snarlier..and I love it!

I thought Alba's reaction to being "lured" into a lion's den was a bit over the top. She knows how sincere Franco is and she knows how conivingly wicked Bertie is, so, why wouldn't she allow Franco to explain. She should have known that something was not quite right.

Regarding Ingrid's hallucinations, "Machinations of Ingrid's sick mind? His ghostly statements seem to be either her more rational side, or else some level of a conscience. Some how, some way, knowing right from wrong is evidently still inside that poor demented mind." Very good hypothesis!

I don't think I have ever seen "Javier" before this show, but when I first saw him he reminded me of "El Puma" Jose Luis Rodriguez...most likely the hair is what caught my eye.


Doris, Doris, Doris--Triple kudos for a great recap.
"Confusiones" indeed. What a switcheroo in mid-stream, so to speak with:

Franco and Bertie acting normal (one small point in his favor from P.A. post knowing Alba)--he doesn't take Bertie up on spending the night in their conjugal bed and heads for Alba in the No-Tell Café

Paolo boohooing, poor me, you don't deserve me and dehydrating; that's probably why he couldn't stretch to reach his out-of-reach chair (which Dante probably accidentally left there, not knowing Paolo would try to get to it himself)

Natalia instantly becomes a therapeutic counselor when her only qualification is being the spoiled daughter in a rich, but dysfunctional family

Alba losing her winsome, retiring, but hanging hug personality and turning into a whirlwind of invective

Javier turns into a nasty ghost, preying on the vulnerable (I use that term loosely), fair Ingrid (whose name is sooo wrong--when I think of Ingrid it's someone with two thick blonde braids milking cows in Norway)

Mauro bragging on himself and cunningly taking the blame for the red hot teddy business--so unlike him

But most of all--Where oh where is Julian? It's been at least 24 hours and he hasn't tried to phone Nat repeatedly or dropped by their unlocked house and her open bedroom door policy? I can't believe he missed the dancing rendezvous. I expected him at the very least to be staking out Paolo's place 24/7 to catch Nat there. We know he's not working on any cases because we've never been told what he actually does in the bufete except make inroads on Natalia. Is it possible that Bertie scared him off or has he withdrawn to plot an even more dastardly revenge on Bertie and Paolo.

Left out this last bit on Julian--By now he should have figured out someone deactivated the locator he had on Nat's phone. That alone should have driven him nutso to confront her. Shame on the writers for missing this opportunity in the correct timeframe.

Oh my! Plenty of drama here, although my messy schedule has kept me away from the TV screen. Thanks, Doris, for an excellent recap. I did get to watch this episode, probably the only one since the first one.

Even with missing so much, I can tell we have at least two love triangles underway. Silver foxy lawyer with wife and gorgeous client; their daughter with futbol player and his former fiancee. Probably some other scattered about who are also involved with the main characters. Also, crazy aunt for more drama.

It seems that Natalia is focused on Paolo partly because she's the one who caused his injury/paralysis. Assuming that it's too early for him to know she's the guilty party? So she's going to fix him and heal him, although we know that's a rocky road ahead.

Overall, I think I like the TNs with poor people struggling more than I like the ones with los ricos crying over their miseries. I will try to check in on this one just to read the snarky recaps.

La Paloma--You do have a lot to catch up with. First, Natalia doesn't know she caused Paolo's injuries. She's been led to believe it was someone else, by her mother.

As to the Silver Foxy Lawyer, if it's who I think you think it is, he is "the wife's" father. The other woman he's been visiting and counseling, the one with the skanky frizzy hair is the SIL of the "murderess." We've been enjoying her being plagued by the ghost of her brother. Got that? If not, join the crowd.

Another fun recap Doris. And here I was thinkin you were done with the fun
And we learn that David beckem's feet has lenghtened in size. You really should tell him girl, or he'll get on another talkshow about it. Im One that didnt know that. Now if some One complains about that I can tell em That. See, this patio is good for other stuff besides talkin about the messed up and confused lives of the telenovela characters. WoW you gotta be Long winded to say all of that let alone type it.

Nat should have waited to let her bff
Off in a lighted area. She is already in Trouble for one tragedy, don't want to be Responsible for another one.

I don't like daddy warbucks Mauro, he
Is a terrible judge of character. He
Don't even know hes being snowed by a
Nutjob brotherkiller. Who sees her dead brother and feeds hin tacos.

Alba n Franco are cute in a sickening kind of way. That was a cute first time lovers arguement. Except they are
Not lovers yet. Cuz he seems to be still Givin it up to berti. But this is Telenovelalandia, wifey bad, excon hot Lady good. Thats how it is on tn/
Soap operas.

I didnt see all of this (work) so I missed Paolo's whinny pity party. But
Natty set him straight. For a while.

Ok gotta go cook dinner. Thank you Doris. Great fun with yall.


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