Monday, March 16, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #20, 3/16/20: Bloodsuckers and Emotional Vampires, and a Little Poisoning to Boot

Wow. Watching these episodes is exhausting.  Drama and über-drama out the wazoo.  Except for Franco who just keeps saying "tranquilo, tranquilo".  Well, he didn't look too tranquilo when he was laying hot and heavy kisses on Alba.  And Gabriel was far from tranquilo when he saw what his mama, only four months a widow by the way, was up to with her lawyer.  Ingrid claims to be "chapada a la antigua" [old-fashioned] because I guess I am too.  Moving on from widowhood that quickly seems unseemly to me.  But evidently in telenovela-world it's okay.  At least that's what Franco, Gael and Julieta are all preaching.  And they're supposedly in the "good guy" cadre.

But we start with fireworks.  First the Beso Fireworks.  Then the Outraged Gabriel Fireworks. Alba runs after him, pleading that he's the most important thing in life to her.  She's been trying to connect with him, looking everywhere for him.  Please wait and let me explain! Gabe isn't buying it.  Nor does he now believe that she really misses his dad.  How can he trust her when she always lies? Alba swears that she never lies! (How about lying to yourself, sweet lady?

Well, that's a philosophical question for another day.  Right now we've got a nosebleed and Gabriel makes a quick exit.

A City Park

Let's switch to Love in Bloom.  Natalia, in spike heels, is pushing Paolo all around the park. (He really should be propelling himself, given those meaty, athletic shoulders of his.)  There's lot of smooches, ga-ga looks and sharing of ice cream.  It's kind of sweet and kind of sickening. And it won't last.  Not with Roberta on the job!  She's ready to kill your dreams or kill, period--it all depends on the circumstance.

The Aqua House

A frantic Alba pounds on the door, interrupting (thank God!) a possible second round on the couch with Julian and Ingrid. She's frantically seeking Gabe, who isn't there--and Ingrid demands to know just what she did to make the poor boy disappear.  Alba confesses to the kiss (and Julián overhears). And Ingrid takes that nugget of news and runs with it. We get "cualquiera" [slut] and "descarada" [shameless] gaily thrown around, and in Ingrid's rendition the mere kiss, albeit steamy, has morphed into Bedroom Wallowing.  And not only that! wallowing with a married man!!!!  Alba returns all this calumny with a thrust of her own--"He's MY son.  That will never change."

 Touché lady.

Franco's Office

Our two Gossip Gals, Franco and Gael, are discussing his getting to First Base Beso.  Franco doesn't regret it at all, but he does regret the sh*t storm afterwards when Gabriel reacted with hurt and horror.  Gael brushes that off--kid should understand his mom's ready to move on. And don't worry that you're married.  You're actually separated.  Don't let Roberta keep working her emotional blackmail on you.

Well, that was easy.

Home Sweet Home with Mama

Natalia and Roberta are color-coordinated today in baby blues and white.  But otherwise--NOT on the same page.  Natalia's in love and over the moon happy.  Mom makes short work of that, reminding her that her future with Paralyzed Paolo would be genteel poverty, a couple of kids and one day their little ones asking "Gosh mom, how did Daddy wind up in a wheelchair?" -"Why I ran him over with a car, honey.  Of course I didn't mean to." Natalia protests that maybe one day she'll tell Paolo the truth and he will forgive her.  "No way!  You have NO FUTURE. You'll be pushing his chair for the rest of your life.  You'll be feeling guilt from your waking moment till you fall asleep each night."

Once again, Natalia collapses in helpless tears.

 Work done, Mom leaves Natalia weeping in her bed.  Later, when Roberta marches back in to demand "neni" wash her face, smile and come down for dinner, Natalia declines.  Oh well, all the better for Roberta to have an intimate dinner with her hubby. Win-Win.

Aqua House

Gabe trudges home to  Stick-like-Glue Ingrid who insists on following him to his darkened room, (while eerie music plays) trying to coax him to vent and bad-mouth his mama with her. Alba chooses that moment to call and Ingrid takes over the phone. "You did away with your son faster than you did your husband," crows Ingrid.  That does it, Alba, in despair, flings whitewash all over the mural she was painting in her hovel of a room.  (I don't feel bad about the despair, but I do hate watching people make a mess.  Honestly lady, what did you expect?)

Home Sweet Home

Our murderous Roberta greets Franco warmly at the door with an "Hola amor". He responds coolly with a "Buenas tardes Roberta."  Undeterred, Robs shares that Natalia won't be dining with them. -"She wants it to be just us two--isn't that sweet?  And really, we need to talk about our daughter anyway. We can't let her go on being a nursemaid to that handicapped Paolo!" -"She has a right to choose.  We need to respect that." counters Franco.  -"NO! It's our responsibility to GUIDE her!  I don't want him for her!"

 I dunno...dinner isn't looking so good right now. 

The Aqua House

 Next morning, our lovely 30 or 40-something Julieta is phone counseling Gabe to make up with his mom post-haste.  Basically same argument as Gael (Hey, maybe we should get those two together).  "Your mom has a right to move on with her life. Don't you want her to be happy?"  Just like that, Gabe does a quick about face and vows to look for Mom and make peace.  Ingrid ain't having it. She grinds up some pills to put in his orange juice.  -Wouldn't want to to bury the hatchet on an empty stomach, she advises.  Presto, next thing we know Gabe is passed out on the floor of his bedroom.  Our crazy Ingrid is as swift and effective as her partner in crime Roberta. The rest of the crew in this story just seem to be hapless noodlers.

Breakfast on the Urzúa Patio

As expected,  next morning Franco's advice to a soggy Natalia is the opposite of Mom's.  He thinks being with the person you truly love is what Life is All About.  And he likes Paolo, even when he's mad. "That's good, chuckles Nat, "because he's mad a lot."  Franco then floats the idea of giving Paolo scut work to do in the office.  Nat thinks it would be World War III with Julián around, but Dad advises asking Paolo what he thinks. He makes the phone call and looks like it's a go.

 But enough of that! Roberta arrives weeping and wailing and wants some loving hugs and sympathy because her dearest and only friend is dead. Franco prefers instead to call Luciana's sister and help her make arrangements for the funeral. Roberta keeps working on her Bereft Scene.  -"How did she die? "she wails." I'd rather you tell me than hearing it from someone else."  -"Well, it was a homicide.  The body was left at a municipal garbage dump." More sturm und drang from Robs.  Interrupted by a phone call from Alba.  Which Franco describes as "an important client" He hastily evades any sodden, dramatic hugs as he leaves.  And Always-There-Never-Wanted Julián arrives which leads Natalia to scoot out post-haste as well. No acknowledgement whatsoever.

Whoa! And here's where the fun really begins.  Julián pretends his visit is over concern for Roberta, as he reaches for her hands.  She slaps them away with a "I could care less that she's dead! I'm a good actress, that's all! But idiot! you weakling [debilucho]! you're letting Natalia cozy up to that lump [bulto] of a handicapped guy and allowing him to take your girl!" -"Maybe you should worry about your own infidelity problem!" hisses Julián.  "Did you notice your husband left without even a kiss good-bye? But it seems your Franco was smooching Alba like he's never kissed you in your whole life!"

Alright. I think we can say Julián won this round.

The Aqua House

Nose-hair Mauro has come a-calling.  Perfect time for Ingrid to share the budding Alba-Franco romance story as well, though she professes to be hesitant, fearing to upset her dear friend, BUT...well, if you insist, yes, my nephew is terribly upset because he saw your son-in-law in a mad, passionate embrace with his mama. Of course Alma is a slut and I'm sure she pursued him mercilessly but still.....

Mauro is outraged--evidently having forgotten that he too had an affair while married.  But no matter.  This cannot go on.  My daughter has just come through a difficult mental health crisis.

These deep thoughts are interrupted by a loud thump.  Ingrid zips off to see the results of her handiwork, and sure enough, Gabriel is passed out unconscious on the floor. Those ground up pills really work fast!  She grabs a pillow and decides to finish the job, but just then meddling Mauro knocks on the door.  So she puts the pillow tenderly under Gabe's head instead.  And whisks out explaining that the thunk was just a book falling to the floor after her studious nephew fell asleep.

Musty old Mauro declines the offer of a coffee, deciding to try and straighten out the mess of his daughter's marriage instead.  But first he tries to lay a good-bye kiss on Ingrid.  With a perfectly straight face, she claims to be "chapada a la antigua" [old-fashioned] and wants to take it slow. (Probably afraid Mauro could smell Julián's foul saliva on her.)  The old fool chuckles that this is one of her charms and leaves without a beso.  (Can't blame her.  Even sluts have standards after all.)

So now back to enjoy a moment alone with her unconscious nephew, where she professes that,God willing, he's really "her son" and her great love.  Nasty old bro' Javier chooses to intrude on this tender moment and assure her that God doesn't listen to assassins.

 Spoil sport!

Alba is being a spoil sport also.  Franco the Married Stalker is back in the café wanting to talk up the good points of their steamy kisses.  Nopis, as far as she's concerned, it was a mistake.  It hurt her son.  She let her baby boy down.  Franco preaches the opposite viewpoint--Life goes on! (It sure does.  Only four months and wow!).  Gabe has to understand.  That kiss was LOVE.  Love doesn't hurt anybody. Nopis again.  Alba is going to look for another lawyer.  Franco argues that she's running away from him, and running away from herself and her feelings.  And besides:


And there we end.  Evidently our lawyer believes that's the winning argument.  He's falling in love with Alba, and therefore this love must be.

 And of course we  do know they'll end up together at the finale, but I imagine there will be a lot more drama and separations before then.  So stay tuned, Patio!


Absolutely no chemistry between Juan Soler and Mayrín Villanueva whatsoever! Oh but those puppy dog eyes of Juan Soler.

When was the last time Televisa gave us really "hot" chemistry between the main protagonists? It surely wasn't in Dragón.

The recaps have been splendid. One can really tell you guys are dedicating so much time. And another telenovela where the recappers give us snark! Oh I love it.

The experienced actors in this novela have surely aged well! Enrique Rocha looks not a day older than he was in Corazón Salvaje and Daniela Castro the same as in LQLVMR.

Thanks everyone. Looking forward to catching up by Wednesday maybe, if things stay calm here.


Gracias, Judy.

Every day I become more convinced that anyone who has to live with someone like Roberta sooner or later needs a shrink himself. Starting with Franco, who needs an escape route last week.

Again, I don't care what "neni" or "nene" translates to. It is no term of endearment coming out of Roberta's mouth. In her exchange with Franco it's obvious he sees Natalia as a young adult and Roberta is determined to infantilize her so she can control her. I also confess that out of her mouth the word sounds like ninny, which is certainly an insult to one's intelligence.

BTW, Victoria, I have the feeling that Enrique Rocha has new dentures; his smile looks different. His voice is as distinctive as ever. And he's 81.

When is Alba going to remember Javier's nosebleeds?

Four months that follow at least six months of nursing care, knowing that Javier was going to die? I can't judge Alba for that. She should not have to put herself in a nun's habit to please anyone, especially Ingrid. I am, however, thinking that Alba should see just how insane that woman is. That she insists that Gabriel is hers and calls him "my love" raises the creep factor exponentially.

Helooo VICTORIA and URBAN ANTHROPOLOGIST. I see this story is eliciting strong reactions and that certainly makes for a fun, lively patio. Juan Soler is indeed handsome, VICTORIA, but he seems to be playing such a cool character in this story. Almost antiseptic. Mayrin is lovely but I a couple they don't interest me. Evidently you're having the same problem. Two pretty people. what? have an interesting viewpoint. Much more liberal than I on Alba's behavior. I'm old school in that I think a year of mourning is not only healthy but keeps people from rushing into an unwise new alliance, simply to fend off loneliness. But you argue your point well--she's suffered months and months nursing a dying spouse, and additional months going through the horror of imprisonment and why not? It's understandable that she would fall for her White Knight savior. Different points of view but I certainly understand yours.

And for sure, Roberta wants to control Natalia. And Franco. And Julián. And Ingrid and Mauro. Her hapless servants. And probably a good portion of the outer world as well. Whew. Pretty hard work. And quite impossible. But she'll keep slugging away, I'm sure.

I loved the title Judy.

The recap was wonderful and makes me sad I can't watch this.

Your amazing vocabulary including "chapada a la antigua" [old-fashioned]", "cualquiera" [slut]" and "descarada" [shameless]" was very much appreciated.

From the divine "meaty, athletic shoulders" to the distasteful "Nose-hair Mauro" - I had to laugh.

Ahhh Enrique Rocha. The only actor who may have even better dulcet tones than Caesar Evora. I loved ER in Pasion...

"hapless noodlers" - I will have to remember that.

Gracias Judy for bringing a smile. Another sweet and savvy recap. Gracias amiga.


Thanks Diana. We all need a reader like you in our lives. Just wish that you could be a viewer as well. The action was hot and heavy today and I'm sure it will continue that way until the final capitulo.


Just finished reading a news report on the medical crisis in Italy. Due to lack of resources, they're just letting the people 80 and over die. The hospitals don't have enough beds in intensive care, nor ventilators to treat them. Sure hope it doesn't get that way here. I'd be the one left to fend for herself with a song and a prayer.

JudyB, snarkily delicious. I hope the
Eyes are better.

These People are forever crazy. Berti
Is in her own universe. Ingy is in her
Own whatever-the-hell you want a call it.
Looks like there's no hope for any Of these people. Crazy Tia talkin to her
Dead brother, whom she poisoned and is
Doing the same thing to her nephew.
Why can't alba fight harder for gabe?

Mauro is a dirty ol man. And he's only
Thinking with his lower extremities.
And he's really blind where berti is concerned. Or just stupid. He pond her
Off on franco, whose stuck.
"This cannot go on. My daughter has just come through a difficult mental
Crises". Berti is a mental crises, and
He probly created it.

It's nice natty is happy. To bad it will be short lived. She is planting land mines around herself, and they're
Gonna blow up at the same time. These
People creat problems for themselves.

Don't like slimy Julian. Still.

Thank you JudyB. Y'all stay safe.

Fun recap! Thanks, Judy. I love all your nicknames: Our Lovely 30 or 40 Something Juliet, Always-There-Never-Wanted Julian, Nose Hair Mauro and Musty Old Mauro.

Yes, Julian heard about Alba's kiss, but Alba saw Julian at Ingrid's place. He'll say he was dropping off papers, but he looked pretty cozy with that cup of coffee. I hope she mentions it to Natalia just to drive home the point that he's sleazy.

And why did Julian sniff his hands after Roberta batted them away? That was a tad odd.

I pushed my mom around in a wheelchair for years and never once wore spiked heels while doing so. Let's see how that works for you going up a hill, Natalia.

At least Julieta is speaking reasonably to Gabriel about his relationship with his mother. Maybe Juliet will be the one to notice the suspicious health issues with her boy toy.

Thanks again, Judy, and I hope the eye is feeling better.

Rosemary la Otra

Thank you, Judy, for your recap and the snark! I especially liked ”Our two Gossip Gals, Franco and Gael,”

”You'll be feeling guilt from your waking moment till you fall asleep each night."
Roberta kind of sort of makes sense and has a point.

Bertie recovered from her Luciana grief so fast, it was eye-popping. LOL

”Whoa! And here's where the fun really begins. “
Indeed, it did!

”Nose-hair Mauro has come a-calling.” ~snerk~ OMG LOL!

”Even sluts have standards after all.
I know, right? I cracked up when Ingrid told Mauro she’s an old-fashioned kind of girl. Old-fashioned, tu abuela! She’s an old-fashioned skank.

Rosemary La Otra --- "And why did Julian sniff his hands after Roberta batted them away? That was a tad odd. "
Well, let's think where had those hands been, um, thirty minutes or an hour beforehand? Ew. Let's not. ;-P

Ew is right, Doris! Eau de Old Fashioned Skank.

Still catching up…..

Episode #9, 2/28

Just a 'not so short' comment, several of you mentioned in the above referenced episode that the musical soundtrack referenced above was much better than what Televisa usually gives us. I agree!

A great deal of it is composed, written, and sung by Alex Sirvent. He's a pretty talented, and well known Mexican Actor, Composer, and Singer; and good looking to boot! He did most of the musical soundtrack for 'Tres veces Ana' (super Fantastic IMO), 'Abismo de pasión', 'Lo que la vida me robó'; just to name a few. I had forgotten the rule from Spanish class and from living in Latin America, but my sister in law reminded me that in Spanish you do not capitalize every word in a title. You only capitalize the first word.. Kind of different from English, yeah?

Here in 'Me declaro culpable' he wrote 2 songs: one in which he sings with Irina Baeva (who knew she could sing?) and the other with Juan Diego Covarrubias, Natalia and Paolo respectively.

As far as acting, he was so cute in Amor bravío; I especially liked his character in 'Para volver a amar' where he played gay guy who wouldn't come 'out of the closet'. His internal pain was palpable, and that's the first novela I remember having a gay character.

JudyB and Doris
As a super devoted Law & Order fan, who probably watched 50% or more of the episodes more than once, hooray for picking up on the single note very similar to the unforgettable note from the opening of Law & Order! Doris how you came across the YouTube video-ette is beyond me!

Ok, I'll try to shut up until I catch up. It's just so hard because you guys write such tantalizing recaps and y'alls comments are so enjoyable.

Good Morning!

Here’s a message from Judy—

I would love to respond to your comments, but our computer stopped responding after I cleaned the keyboard this morning. Hopefully our son can fix it when he gets home from work this evening.


Now for my own commentary—

I fell behind in watching the episodes, but I see that all the crazies are still crazy and the misunderstandings and tears continue to flow.

Thank you, JudyB and Anita for keeping me up to date these last couple of episodes. I’ll try to comment more once I actually watch them.

Thanks, Judy! Quite an episode. ITA with others' favorite lines, but what really resonated with me was, "I don't feel bad about the despair, but I do hate watching people make a mess." Couldn't agree more.

I think I'm more "educada a la antigua" than most, because as much as I support Alba getting on with her life, Franco is still MARRIED. Jeez, can't they just talk about it? Do they have to DO something about it? Right now????

Hello, again!

I will be JudyB's "voice" for now. She will be sending me her comments/responses to your comments for now...until she gets her keyboard issue resolved.

Here is JudyB's commentary--

NINA-“These people create problems for themselves “. So true. Just like I did when I sanitized the keyboard this morning and screwed up our computer.

RLO-“Always There Never Wanted” is Anita’s genius nickname for Julian. But I was happy to steal it and glad you enjoyed it.

VICTORIA-Alex Sirvent is multi-talented. He was also terrific in Gancho. And by all means keep commenting. The more the merrier!

DORIS-Hah...Ingrid is an old-fashioned skank! So true...a real classic bottom-feeder.

And bless you RgvChick for helping me connect!


Thank you , judyb.

Thank you, Chickie, for giving us Judys comments.

Do Ingrid and Alba know that Gabe has found his Mrs.Robinson ? I have taught a lot of teens throughout the years, and this poor kid is going to be so messed up by these women around him.

Hello to all..Hang in there.


Thanks Blue Lass. Like you I think a little wait time on the steamy kisses would have been appropriate, but in telenovela world, self-control seems to be for repressed virgins only. Everybody else is expected to leap into waiting arms and waiting beds at the first little tweak of desire. And this propensity for hurling dishware, drinks or paint just drives me nuts. And it’s usually some lowly servant that has to clean it up.

Just learned how to post from my phone thanks to Coach RGV Chick. Thanks Chickie!

You are very welcome, JudyB!!

No, neither Alba nor Ingrid know about Mrs Robinson yet. Neither one of them is going to be happy about this and they will likely blame each other. Pedro will have a fit if and when he finds out and that's a friendship lost.

During this horrible crisis I'm going to be binge-watching opera as well as Dark Shadows (which would make a great opera cycle). Just saw the Teatro Massimo di Palermo's 2016 production of Butterfly. Later on on the Met's website is La Boheme and somewhere in between the Bayerische Staatsoper's production of Il Trovatore which will have my favorite tenor, Jonas Kaufmann.

If you're interested you can catch Carmen on the Met's website now. They will take it down at 3:30 to prepare for tonight.

Rgv Chick, can you help ME post from my phone/iPad? I've been trying for YEARS. I just get into an endless cycle of identifying myself, then identifying stop signs, then identifying myself again, ad infinitum. The reason I rarely comment on weekends is that I don't always have a reliable computer at home.

Testing testing

Hi, it is nice to see everyone. I am grateful that I am not in house arrest with any of these characters. I have been keeping in touch with friends and family through emails and texts. Hang on in there , baby, to quote Johnny Bristol . Xoxoxoxo

Blue Lass—Scroll all the way down the main page until you see view web version. Click on that and then you can post.

UA..I am not an opera fan, I have been dancing to The oldies , crocheting,painting , and working in my yard and patio. I gravitate between watching the news and avoiding the news. I guess we all have to do whatever we have to do to hold onto our marbles.

Hi Susanlynn. By all means hang in there and keep hanging with us. We’re nicer than Roberta and Ingrid—most of the time anyway!

Urban—Your plan for the opera sounds lovely. Maybe that’s why we haven’t heard from Anita today.

Thanks, JudyB; I'll try that.

My pool is at a school, so no swimming for the foreseeable future. Fortunately I have a local beach to walk on.

JudyB--Remember...I was invaded by family for the whole week. Convinced them that yardwork would be the best way to help me through the coronavirus event. Haven't seen Tuesday's episode, but certainly enjoyed Monday's. Your recap was terrific.

How nice that some of you are now able to post from your phones!!

Let’s get it on...

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