Friday, March 13, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #19, 3/13/20: The Wait is Over, There’s a KISS

There is still room at the #frustratedwithNatalia table, because she could still change her mind. Let’s get right to it.

Julián gives Nat the Heave Ho
Natalia starts out strong, but Julián’s barrage of emotional torture and spit spray in her face seems to turn her back into her jellyfish stage. Julián leaves her standing in the dimly lit office after pronouncing that after all the love he’s given her, supported her, knowing all her secrets and defects, he still loves her, but he’s tired of all the drama and she’s A.L.O.N.E. [Note to Natalia: We are waiting for you to decide between being forced to choose a sleazy jerk who can perform in bed and the guilt of choosing a really sweet guy who thinks he can’t, all because you caused his condition.]

Who’s Minding the Dump? A dog.
Ingrid chats nonchalantly with Mauro on her cell phone after escaping the manicomio with Bertie and now navigating through mounds of discarded human detritus. She tells him they are ok and passes the phone to Bertie.

The two Amazonas stop, in broad daylight, get the body of skinny Luciana out and rolled over into a pile of trash. Ingrid wants to hurry away. Bertie wants to say “goodbye” to her friend. She removes a fancy dinner ring Bertie had given her for her birthday awhile back to keep as a trophy. [Note to future forensic investigators: Will the ring be a key to identifying the killer? And what about Luciana’s shroud. I bet that could be traced back to the clinic.]

Café No-Tell
Apparently, it’s still early the same day and Franco didn’t spend the night holding vigil over a sleeping Alba. He only stayed until she was sound asleep. He checks in with Bianca and then as he leaves, Paolo happens to roll in. Immediately, Paolo complains about having to meet with Julián and objects to the offer of indemnification he gave him. Paolo is still harping on no money, only justice with the person responsible for his accident rotting in prison. Franco tells him to be patient, these things take time, there’s a process, but that is their goal. In the meantime, take the money. The conversation is interrupted by the call regarding Roberta and he hurries out.

And the Band Will Play (Coronavirus Cancellations Notwithstanding)
Dante is at the café asking Bianca for an advance to cover two future play dates. He’s sure they will be able to bring in lots of patrons. They need the money to cover the rent and other living expenses. Alba has reappeared with a bit of a hangover. Bianca leaves Dante – they’ll talk later – to usher Alba to a chair. Alba is so ashamed of how she must have looked to El Licenciado. Bianca says that won’t be enough for Franco to stop liking her. Alba says not to be silly. Bianca counsels her to give herself an opportunity. Alba claims her life is in chaos and she wouldn’t be any good for anyone. Bianca reminds her that Love Just Arrives y Punto. Alba turns the tables on her and motions to Dante. And what about him? Alba thinks she likes him. Bianca scoffs at the notion. He’s nice, but so much younger than she is. Then what about Gael? Besides being a womanizer, he’s never gotten her very excited.

Getting to Know You
Franco is back home and joins Mauro and Ingrid after checking on Bertie. Franco wants to know why Ingrid was at the clinic. Mauro answers for her. She was there because he asked her. They’re in the process of getting acquainted. Nat arrives and goes up to see her mother. Ingrid gets ready to leave, so Mauro gives her a very showy kiss goodbye on the cheek. That FDA (that would be Family Display of Affection) reminds Franco of a conversation he and Mauro had not too long ago about mixing business with pleasure. Mauro tries to lord it over Franco, but he says as he respects Mauro’s decisions, he expects Mauro to respect his from now on. Then Julián pops up again, on the phone, to advise Franco of the (not so) permanent end to the relationship between himself and Nat.

Nat descends the stairs. Gramps goes up to see Bertie, after reassuring her that Bertie will not be re-interned. He’ll see she’s taken good care of at home. Father and daughter go have an espresso in the kitchen, although he’s the only one seen having one. They share the news of the break-up and yes, Paolo had something to do with it. Then she says she’d like her daddy to ask around his circle of friends to see if one of them could offer Paolo a job, without knowing she put him up to it.

Seltzer Cures the Blues
Bianca apparently gave Dante the advance he asked for. He’s giddy and showers Paolo, who is in bed moping, with the news. And yes, he likes her. All artists need a muse and she fits the bill. Paolo tries to tell Dante the money is all his because it is Paolo’s responsibility for the expenses, seeing as Dante doesn’t really live here. Says who, as Dante explains that like it or not, he’s been living here for quite some time and all his stuff is here, too. More horseplay.

Bedtime for Bonzo
Is it cuddling when it only involves one participant? Franco explains to Bertie that he’s moved back in the house but doesn’t intend to sleep in the matrimonial bed. She whines a bit and he gives in. She snuggles; he tolerates.

Buffed and Shiny the Bad Penny Turns Up
Next day Natalia shows up at Paolo's apartment wanting another chance, but still doesn’t tell him why she pretended to go back to Julián, just that it ended and he broke up with her. [Note to Set Design: You shouldn’t be furnishing Paolo’s apartment with the same white stuff from Bertie’s room at the clinic. This apartment needs some more wood and man-colors.] Paolo gives her a tongue lashing almost as harsh as Julián's. Nat promises that this time it’s forever, but no pinky-swear (just in case she has to go back on her word again). We’ve seen this scene before, nothing new, wash, rinse, repeat (and for heaven’s sakes, hang out to dry). All that’s left is a little joshing around over their make-up kiss. [Note to Univision: Could you defer your commercial for fresh huevos for a different time slot, porfa?] Awww. The two reunited lovebirds settle in to watch soccer re-runs.

What’s Up With the March-December Romance?
At the office, Gael and Franco laugh it up over Mauro hooking up with Ingrid. They act like a couple of old gossips. All they need is some knitting to be authentic. Franco says the only drawback to it is that Ingrid is the only one who can cause a great deal of damage to Alba’s case. Gael doesn’t think Mauro can be so easily manipulated. Well, Franco calls an end to this line of talk and hands him a list of items he’d like Gael to pick up, mostly painting stuff from a hardware store.

My (Electronic) Eyes Are On You
Franco runs into Mauro out in the hallway and tells him that Bertie is better, but who knows. Neither want a repetition of what they just went through. Franco says it would be impossible to monitor her 24-hours a day and they both know she won’t stand to have a nurse. Mauro, gently suggests security cameras in the house. Mauro says he’ll take care of the installation without Bertie ever knowing. Surprisingly, Franco agrees (and will surely regret).

Now Franco asks Mauro if his friend in the clothing business could use another employee. Paolo needs a job. Out of nowhere, Julián pops up and gets in on the conversation. Then he gets in deeper by offering to help. [Note to Franco: If Julián is scanning the want ads, Paolo will never get employment. Besides, never trust a man who seems to be wearing a very pale pink jacket which then turns light tan.] Franco and Julián retire to the infamous rooftop terrace to talk about Nat. Jules repeats the story he told Nat, but in a much more pleasant tone. He’s so disappointed. He loves her and that will never change, but knows her heart is elsewhere. He’s willing to step aside. Franco asks if that means he will no longer put pressure on her. Julián accedes to that. He earnestly says he’ll do all he can to make her happy, even though it’s not with him. [Note to acting school students: Observe carefully all gestures, mannerisms, tone of voice and facial features to see how a master of the craft interprets hypocrisy.] Franco then takes into consideration Julián suggestion that he hire Paolo for the bufete—to help out Olga, or make copies.

Missing Person Inquiry
Never mind if it is only Luciana’s sister on the phone with Bertie, who is on her rain-washed deck having coffee. She tells her not to worry, they all know how Luci is. Ingrid is present. Bertie hands her a cheque for all she did. Ingrid munificently tears it up. She claims she doesn’t need to be paid for helping a friend out of a jam. [Note to Ingrid: Bertie knows your kind. She figures you are going to make up that amount and more from 1) Mauro or 2) blackmail.] Ingrid insists she did it for Bertie, or maybe more for Mauro. They are on their way to being a “thing,” and won’t it be fun to be family? Bertie tells her not to confuse things. She negotiates with money not family. Ingrid uses Alba as bait. It’s to their benefit to be close, after all, they both hate Alba, although Ingrid has more reason to.

Red Herring or Red Hot Mama (of Alba)
Mauro joins the deck party. Ingrid runs her mouth with everything she knows about Alba. She has no family at all, her mother died years ago. She heard her mother was in love with a married man who abandoned her and never acknowledged the child. Bertie says it sounds a lot like mother like daughter. Mauro looks pensive, then asks, no one learned who the father was? Ingrid says Alba’s mother took that secret to her grave. Bertie has had enough chit chat about Alba and leaves to go rest. Mauro then asks Ingrid how did it go? How did Bertie take “their” news? Ingrid says she loved the idea.

Mauro goes upstairs to check on Bertie. It’s nearly impossible to hear the TV news anchor over their conversation. She doesn’t like seeing him with esa tipera (var. of tipa, or did I mis-hear vibora?). He tells her it’s nothing serious with Ingrid. She thinks those are just excuses. The TV breaks in with important news and Bertie’s attention is drawn to it—the body of a woman has been found abandoned in a dump. Mauro detects the change in her demeanor. Bertie turns off the TV and dismisses him.

Julieta Has Her a Baby Romeo
In a serious moment, in her car, Julieta and Gabe are having a conversation. She says they have to be careful. (Ya think?) Gabe agrees. He puts her in charge. Julieta is not saying this because she’s his mother. She cares for him and ruffles his hair like a beloved labradoodle. Which reminds her, has he seen his mother since that confrontation the other day? Since he hasn’t, she urges him to do so. She’s the only mother he will ever have. Gabe agrees and asks if she will drive him to her work. Ruh! Roh!

Soberón-Urzúa y Assoc. (Dream on Boy)
While all this is going on, Ingrid is back home “entertaining” Julián, who in turn, is satisfying his lust. Ingrid can see right through him. He’s not in love with Nat. He claims he was, once. Ingrid sees the ambitious sleaze he really is. He admits to the ambitious part. Nat is the means to attain his goal, which is to see a new name for the bufete. Ingrid corrects him, it’s still Mauro Monroy y Assoc. and will stay that way. But she rewards his forward thinking with a roll on the couch.

Afternoon Delight
What could be more fun than putting a fresh coat of paint on a little back room? Doing it with two people who can’t keep their hands off each other, but can still protest to themselves and others there’s nothing between them. Now, there is a lot of hugging, laughing, touching, looking and some painting. When Franco turns to see her work, he exclaims Ay Caray! It turns out Alba was taking art classes before Gabe was born, but then real life got in the way. He admires the landscape painting of trees on her wall and she criticizes the whitewash he’s doing on his wall. They even take a couple of selfies to memorialize the day. She’s done and takes off her painter’s coat. He turns to her and she starts to unbutton his. It’s all done with the excuse of getting physically closer and in position so a kiss can no longer be avoided, not that they want to. Franco can’t hold back any longer and at 2:59:54 EDT, Alba gives in and they go in for their first kiss. Unfortunately, at 2:59:58 EDT, Gabe opens the door and sees them in a clinch.

Monday is a long way off. Must see TV.


Oh wow Anita, I just wrote you a long long comment and then somehow made it disappear. Can't face redoing it at the moment but the winner for me was"

Bedtime for Bonzo She snuggles; he tolerates

But there was so much more. Absolutely funny and to the point from beginning to end. After I gather myself I'll be back to note more quips and descriptions that I thought were stellar.


All that was left, for some reason, when I tried to copy and paste was this:

Natalia starts out strong, but Julián’s barrage of emotional torture and spit spray in her face seems to turn her back into her jellyfish stage.

Loved the "spit spray". Nice touch you rascal.

Anita, thanks for the fun accounting of all the happenings.

So Julian is trying to hold onto Nat as his partner in crime Ingrid zeroes in on gramps. Lovely pair.

Rob is not to be denied. I was actually cringing and slightly embarrassed for her as she paid her head on top of Franco's clutching him as he was hanging on the very edge of that bed. I can never figure out why anyone would want someone who obviously does not want to be with him or her.

The whole painting scene was funny. ..just another excuse for Alba and Franco, those two crazy teens in puppy love , to get handsy and giggky. But then there is frowny faced Gabe.

OT..Sunny here. Stay safe and well, everyone. I don't know how long I can remain in this place without going out into the world. My daughter is trying to create a daily routine for her 2 year old and 7 year old to get them through 2 weeks at home.

Great stuff, Anita. Chapter titles wee excellent.

I knew that Roberta would never like the idea of Mauro slumming with Ingrid, who looks younger than herself. Let's see how long before she can't keep a lid on her contempt; I still see a catfight in the future.

Franco needs to get a divorce, so Roberta's return to the nest had gotten in the way.

That ring looks sufficiently unique to be remembered by whomever sold it to Roberta. Where she was found -- and rather quickly -- is too suspicious.

While we might find Gabriel annoying, remember the number Ingrid is doing on him. This is the kind of abuse suffered by young adult protagonists from their toxic mothers.

Anita – thank you for your recap and snark!

My CCs said "tipera" when Roberta was discussing Ingrid with Mauro. It fits the context; Ingrid is beneath their social class.

Good call on Luciana's ring. Let’s hope the CSI team does their job.
Will the arson team determine the fire started in Roberta’s suite? Fingers crossed.

”Bedtime for Bonzo” --- LOL

”Awww. The two reunited lovebirds settle in to watch soccer re-runs.” At least they have that. Right now, I would settle for NHL hockey game reruns. Those two made up faster than lightning.

”Julieta Has Her a Baby Romeo” And ... ew. Just ew. That woman is inappropriate and can have all sorts of charges leveled at her, but this is telenovelaland.

The actor playing creepy vile Julián could have a very lucrative career in antagonist roles.

Doris, he probably will.

I hope the forensics can determine cause of death. Roberta can't be allowed to get away with her crimes here. If I see that in one more novela I will lose my own mind.

Hola Patio--
First chance I've had to weigh in and thank you for stopping by and "decomposing" the action. Luciana is my first priority. Although the ring may be important in the future, even if they trace it back to the store where Roberta bought it, she can declare she bought it for herself. Luciana isn't around to contest it. However, maybe the sister can shed some light on the history. Cause of death? Strangulation, but will they trace her back to the clinic? Will they trace her back to Bertie's room? She was there visiting Bertie. Is there a sign in sheet? You'd think that at a clinic for people with mental or emotional problems would be more carefully monitored. All the assisted living and nursing homes I've ever visited, you have to sign in and sometimes show an ID. Like UA, I can't help second guessing these writers.

Right now we have more antagonists than protagonists. And is there even one normal family? Gabe is now going to fall into the antagonist class. I don't think he's going to like his ma moving on so quick. It will just confirm that she did his father in to be rid of him. Sigh!

JudyB--I'll miss your nice long analyses. Better luck next time.

Doris--Thanks for clarifying tipera. I went back and watched that scene and watched Daniela's lips. I was pretty sure also, she said tipera. I'm surprised she didn't find a worse name to call Ingrid, like gold-digger (oroescarbara?) Remember all the compound words we made up in El Tal?

I'll be on "sabbatical" all next week, but will try to keep one eye peeled on the recaps. Can't wait for Monday.

Thanks, Anita, for another entertaining recap. Even with CC, I missed major points in the story. Then it was pre-empted for a few minutes to hear that Coronavirus went from being a hoax to a national emergency in the course of a week. So, thanks for all the clarification.

Your headings were great, and I especially liked Who's Minding the Dump? A dog. I wondered if anyone else saw that dog! I think they filmed this at a real landfill. Do you think the dog was just there, or they put him in? Remember the well trained telenovela rats?

And another note to set design: maybe lose the stairs. Unless Dante is sleeping up there, Paolo needs a new single level place. Dante cracked me up when he walked in on pouty Paolo and said "otra vez de malas?". Uh, ya.

Your description of Gael and Franco being old gossiping biddies was spot on! Gael ROTFL and suggesting Mauro would have a heart attack with Ingrid was a hoot.

Gabriel is turning into such a little brat. I agree with UA, though, that we can't downplay Ingrid's awful influence, let alone poisoning, with him. At this rate, he'll be one of those sad people on My 600 Pound Life.

Did the manicomio completely burn down? Why haven't they taken Roberta back there?

Thanks again,
Rosemary la Otra


JudyB - most of the time I compose my comments in WORD, then copy and paste into Caray. That way if disappears it, I still have the original. I hate that we missed out in your original thoughts. 😕

R la O - I was worried the dog might eat Luciana's corpse. He looked underfed.
Then I wondered if that was the same dump where La Gata was filmed. 😜

Mauro (and maybe Franco) decided and both agreed to keep Roberta at home. I guess they figured she had been thru enough trauma with the fire. Ha!
Franco needs to watch his back and sleep with one eye open.

Doris...I should try that. I don't have WORD but I have and could do it that way. Right now my right eye is burning like mad or I'd have another go at it (on top of everything else have an infection in right eyelid. But tomorrow is another day as Scarlet used to say.

JudyB - really, anything would work, even a dummy email, just somewhere else to compose so if it disappears here, you still have the original. Back in November, when I was without a computer and writing(dictating) a few recaps, I did them on Notes on my IPad, them copied & pasted them here.

Thank you Anita for a fun action packed recap.

I had a really good recap and went to post it and it disappeared. I hate that when it happens, but I remember bits n pieces of it.

Mouthy ingrid:She has no family at all. Her mother died years ago. I heard her mother was in love with a married man who abandend her and never acknowledged the child.
Berti:"Sounds a lot like mother like daughter". O she can talk? She crazy like her mother was.
Mauro:lookin pensive Mauro ask,no one knew who the father was?
Mouthy ingy:"alba's mother took that to her grave".
Ok that was discovered a While back.
See, now berti and alba could be blood
Sisters. What are the odds?

Julian is trash but he's recycled trash. This guy really loves himself. He'll deserve whatever ingy Does to him.

Paolo should take the money, pay his
Bills,do the therapy and get his legs
Back, get rich playin futbol,be mad with natty, press charges,she goes to
Prison for awhile. He almost marrys
Katia(dodged a bullet there). Goes to visit natty in prison she gets out.
Get to eventually talkin again, the heartStrings awaken, theyre on Again.
Julian enterfears(he is such an ass).
Ok all this requires a time jump. It could happen. But I'm just guessing.
But what fun that would be.

The kiss. Aaand the thrill is gone cuz
Jerky gabe walked in. Well we will see what happens Monday. If there's anyone
At uni studios monday(coronavirus).

Y'all stay safe and sanitized.
Thank you Anita.


JudyB do you have the pinkeye? Hope not. Not an infection either. Be very
Careful girl, there's enough stuff happening don't want to throw an eye
Infection in the rink. Be safe n feel better.

Doris! That would be perfectly grotesque if the dog ate Luciana! Why aren't you a writer for the show? I do hope they at least notice some toes are gnawed off during the autopsy.

Okay Anita, it's a new day and we're still stuck at home other than walks in the park, etc. So here are some more of my favorite quips from your excellent recap which I enjoyed very much (in spite of seeing clearly only out of my left eye.)

the two Amazonas--Yes, the power of adrenaline and evil.  Great duo.  And I was creeped out by the presence of the dog.  Could just imagine him beginning to chew on the corpse once those inconvenient living humans left the scene.

Paolo happens to "roll in" (for some reason this just cracked me up.  As does Julian's nickname for him "Wheelie".) 

And the Band will Play (Coronavirus Cancellations notwithstanding) Actually I read that large scale gatherings are still going on in Mexico.  Not to mention our Florida beaches where college kids (who still believe themselves to be immortal) are hooking up and partying like normal)

Getting to Know You--Thanks for that heading.  I love it when an old familiar song plays in my head all day.  Much better than my usual thoughts.

wash, rinse, repeat (and for heaven's sake, hang out to dry)

Franco and Gael snickering over Mauro's interest in  Inrid (yes, who says men don't gossip?  They certainly do.  Especially now that there are no sports to talk about)
[Ingrid] she rewards his forward thinking with a roll on the couch (this was another howler for me.  My husband, who taught public administration, was always sprinkling in terms like "forward thinking", "strategic thinking" "future forward anxiety" into ordinary domestic conversations and it drove me nuts.  But linking it to Julian and Ingrid's horrendous copulations made it much funnier.)

Finally, I loved Roberta's line:" I negotiate with money not family." Great writing on the part of the script mongers. Every once in a while they come up with a gem.

But you do even more often Anita. Nice work partner!

OT...Dear Judy, do you have medication for your eye? Take care. I will be sending you good vibrations)))))))))).

Stay well and safe , everyone. I am trying to keep busy around the house and do some yard work and walking in the backyard. I keep thinking of that old movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" that I watched when I was a kid in the latne, late show. . Or maybe I am feeling like Tom Hanks in "Castaway." For the last year and 5 months , but I kept pushing myself out the door . Now. ...It's tv, radio, caraycaray,, and texting and emailing, and videochatting with family and friends. Bizarre.

OT - viral pink eye has no medication. I had a viral case in both eyes, a few winters ago. I had to stay home for two weeks. 😛

Supposedly this is not viral pink eye, but a re occurrence of an infection I got years ago when I was down in the crawl space trying to empty out a duct that had years of laundry lint in it. It all fell down in my face and next thing I know I had an infection that required surgery. Now every few years it comes back like a bad penny. The ointment used to heal is a steroid--makes it hard to see well and ends up giving you a crazy appetite as well. Hence the long walks in the park!

But oh well, I'm alive and breathing, lungs are clear. All the things we take for granted but shouldn't. Each day "healthy" now is a gift that I am thankful for. true. At least we can all safely gather together in our virtual patio. I have also been texting and emailing a lot more with family and friends and trying to keep a schedule of chores and activities I like to keep myself distracted. Maybe I will open the art supplies that my older daughter gave me for Christmas since I cancelled the weekly art class I was going to take this spring.

Hang in there everyone.I have not been out of the house since Thursday morning . At least we don't have any of these crazy\ annoying\_evil people in our orbits and don't have to dump any bodies in the dump . I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers

Oh Judy, that sounds so painful. Maybe you can watch a sad show to help wash away that infection? Tears are nature's eyewash, and a little Charlotte's Web (the show, not the cannabis) can't hurt.

Hah Rosemary...I like the idea of watching a weepy movie. If only that were enough! Yep, it's painful--and it's also ugly. Bad enough to feel like crap, but to look like crap as well is really a downer. At least when I take walks outside I can wear sunglasses. Who knows what lies behind those shades? Only the Shadow and I.

"But this too shall pass". That was my beleaguered mama's favorite saying. She was not fond of the Bible or much to do with church, but she clung to that verse all through our childhood and adolescence (and maybe into our twenties and thirties as well.) When she wasn't using Shakespeare's "How sharper than a serpent's tooth is an ungrateful child..."

OT..judyb...My little sister from college just sent me that same quote while we were texting to keep in touch. Well, I used my house arrest to continue to clean off The patio and pick up sticks in the backyard. At least we had a sunny, mild day. NOw some dinner. I am getting a lot of texts saying " so ....what are you doing now? "

Let us hope that "this too shall pass."

It's amazing what can keep us occupied commenting. I won't burden you with my tales of eye woe, but it all started with an infection I picked up on a train when I was 4. I still remember waking up with my eyes glued shut and mother using warm compresses. My eyes have been my weak point ever since. However, JudyB, I'm right in step with your mother, "And this too shall pass." It has gotten me through some really frightful episodes, but also final exams!

I'm still surprised at how quickly Roberta went from a hovering, incoherent, screaming pile of human tissue back to a calm, rational (for her) being, sorting out her next strategies to deal with Ingrid. Woe be it for poor Franco and Alba when (better bet than if) she hears of their very passionate embrace. No doubt she will shout it to the hills that she KNEW it all along and the two were a couple of lying liars.

Anita, my dear, you have outdone yourself. I can see I'm going to have to up my game in the subheadings department -- "Casa Juarever" just isn't going to cut it anymore. "Bedtime for Bonzo," indeed! (Although my favorite phrase, shared with others, has to be "nothing new, wash, rinse, repeat (and for heaven’s sakes, hang out to dry).)

I thought the dog was the best actor in the whole episode. Did you notice he just did his part and exited stage left -- no drama, no threats, no crying?

And it's about time they brought Bianca into the action. After Alba pointed out the way Dante looks at her, she said, "Oh, he's too young for me" -- and when Alba mentioned Gael, she said, "He looks at ALL women that way...anyway, he doesn't turn me on." When Alba asked who DOES turn her on, she hurriedly changed the subject. Was she just covering up her feelings for Gael, or is there someone else? And if so, who could it possibly be? It can't be Franco, the way she keeps throwing him at Alba, and if Dante's too young then Nose-Hair's definitely too old. And nobody likes Julian.

BTW, R la O and I (and Jose Ron, if he wants to play -- he shares our birthday) now have double-bingo on card #8 with FIRE NOT IN FIREPLACE and THEFT OF IMPORTANT OBJECT.

"It's amazing what can keep us occupied commenting."
Agreed, Anita, especially now that we are all responsibly social distancing to stay healthy (and alive). The internet is becoming my new social gathering place. Our patio is one of my favorites.

No church or Sunday school (all cancelled), all my clubs and organizations are cancelled, and all worth it to flatten the curve, IMO.

I've been so bored, I'm cleaning house, and often. (Gasp!) LOL I'm onGrandma babysitting duty this week while la nieta is in spring break.

Saw a joke for the current times today:

--- Day #3 without sports, found a lady sitting on my couch. Apparently she's my wife. She seems nice. 😉

Anita, the way Bianca said "I love you" and walked into Alba's room in the middle of the night, are we sure Bianca isn't gay or bi?

UA--I missed that. Did Bianca say, Te Quiero, or Te Amo?
I guess good friends can say Te Amo gay or not. Let's see if Gael can make any headway with her in the weeks to come. He and Bianca do seem to be on the same "friendship" wavelength. They are very comfortable with each other, but we have to take her word that he does nothing for her in the skipped heartbeat division.

Doris--You seem to clean house all the time--at least you do bathrooms whilst I recapped Hijas. I need you to inspire me. I need to clean OUT my house. Too much stuff that is sentimental. My daughter (the practical outspoken one) says take a picture, put it in an album or folder and ditch the thing. She and her brother do not want all my STUFF.

Anita - you are so right, our kids do not want our stuff. So I finally started putting the good China in the dishwasher after holiday meals. They don't give a rat's patootie about anything antique, either. Great grandmother's old oak desk? or sterling silver flatware? Nopis. They seem to want painted pressboard furniture from Ikea. Oh well, to each their own. A cada quien, lo suyo. (Because its all about the Spanish, right?😉)

And no, I really don't clean bathrooms all the time. Ew. lol. I hate housework with a passion. My cleaning lady quit 3+ years ago. When I added up how much I had paid her over nine years, I decided to do it myself for as long as I am able. #retirementfund It really is exercise that I need. I didn't realize how soft I had gotten. Now scrubbing the shower stall doesn't make my arms hurt. Yeesh.

Nobody has mentioned Julian's Miami Vice/Don Johnson attire in Friday's episode. It looked odd for bufete wear.

Ot.. Anita and Doris..I so relate to your conversation. Through the years, I have inherited things from my grandmothers, aunt, mother, and mother in law. My best friend Carol and I often have the same conversation that you two are having. When Hub and I sent the farm furniture to auction, the auctioneer confirmed that young people are not interested in antiques. I have been giving a lot of things to Goodwill since I lost Hub, but I still have many items with sentimental value to me that I can't part with. My friend Pat has been on a mission lately of tossing so her kids won't have to since she had to declutter and sell her parent's home on her own. I have never had a cleaning lady. I am the cleaning lady. Well, looks like we will have plenty of time in our homes to clean, sort, and organize. I just don't feel like it.I got an email from ac former classmate who lives in London . His daughter is a doctor and wants him to socially distance himself. He thinks that the UK may ask people over 70 to self isolate themselves for 3 months !!!

Susanlynn - on the sewing forum a Canadian said the mayor of Montreal has told people 70+ y/o to not leave their house. Punto. Ontario is coming out with similar rules. Their health care system cannot handle an overload. Our own local health care system cannot handle a spike. Nashville has been reporting 100 people/day moving here for the last three years, do the math, while not one hospital has expanded their capacity for beds.

Some European countries are setting the same mandates. Others are closing their borders. Punto. Why some of my 70+ y/o family members and other people I know do not think COVID19 is a big deal, is beyond me. Denial can be a safe cozy place to live until it's not. Denial about COVID19 can be deadly.

I've been following the spread of this disease since late January. Flattening the curve is crucial, or else elderly Americans will be left to die. And it frightens me that hubby and I are in that category at over65 yrs of age group. The reports from northern Italy are horrific. People are not reading about what is happening in northern Italy and/nor do they think it can happen here.

Our own JudyB here on the patio is in the most seriously high risk age group, and I pray her good health continues. Everyone stay safe!
Thank goodness for telenovelas to distract me.

Yikes Doris! Thanks for reminding me! LOL Alas I have a husband (82) who roams far and wide, out every day, likes to go to his gym for Silver Sneakers classes, then visit various new age health practitioners, plus read in cafés. He thinks his herbal remedies that he takes home every week from the chiropractor will protect him. In the meantime, I have to remind him to wash his hands then go around and try and sanitize what he has touched. He wears his gloves and cap and jacket everywhere and doesn't want me to wash them because they will "fray". I have bought him new jackets and gloves and hats, but he likes these and protects them from the laundry like they are his "blankie".

So yeah, I pray a lot. And take long walks in the park and pray some more.

I also think Bianca has a crush on Alba. They seem to have switched gears with Gabriel's sexuality, so now they've made Bianca our token gay person. Also, why would you keep an employee like Alba who leaves the pub unattended, gets drunk and suffers hangovers, has people coming in threatening her, brings her drama to work, hits on their best customer... I mean, when you think of it, she really should have been let go many times.

Blue, it looks like you and I and Ron Jose may remain reigning Bingo champs! Our lucky card #8 hasn't let us down.

Good morning, all. Hope everyone stays well and safe .

Judy..I hope your eye is better....keep in touch.

I wonder if I should have read that book "_On Hundred Years of Solitude."Many people are now home alone. I keep getting emails from local stores and restaurants assuring me that they are deep cleaning every day. My eye doctor wants patients to wait in their cars until called in for their appointments. My grief counselor just called to see if I was coming for my appointment on Tuesday.

We're all together in this. Funny, when you think of it, Culpable was made in 2017, so some of what we are seeing should raise a no-no factor in us.

Due to this virus, our plans have changed--not going to take a mini-trip to the beach, so I will be with you more than I thought earlier. Still, don't know if I will be in command of the remote magic wand.

Doris--I immediately caught the undershirted, tieless Julian. Maybe the bufete dress code does not extend to this Associate because of his "association" with the Urzua family. That ought to change now, starting with Mauro, who ought to follow through with his suspension for another infraction.

RLO--the way you put it, yes, Alba ought to have been let go--she doesn't wash her hands enough!

Susanlynn--One Hundred Years of Solitude is a remarkable book. Full of magical realism. It still reverberates in my conscious from time to time. It's NOT about being lonely, not at all. Do burrow yourself into it.

Canada closing its bordersbut US\_Canada border is still open .LA Give more ways " What calm, Stay safe, Stay home" NJ governor has called out National Guard. Tristate area being proactive together.

Ohio has just delayed primary voting until June 2. People can apply for absentee ballots. All rec centers and gyms are to be closed. Plus bars. Restaurants to do take-out only. All water parks to remain closed. So relieved as my pregnant daughter was going to be a poll worker tomorrow. We have 50 confirmed cases ranging from age 14 to 86.

Judyb....things are changing rapidly....PA and NJ are closing most public venues e felt grocery stores, drugstores, gas stations. Restaurants can do take out. My local bank's lobby has closed...only drive through and online open. Hunkering down .

Just read about the panic-buying of firearms. This is all too disturbing.

Which is worst? Panic toilet paper but
-ing or panic buying firearms. Some would put them nose to nose. What are they gonna do good the toilet paper hostage. That may sound funny but some are just that sick.


Toilet paper "buying"

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