Friday, March 13, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #18, 3/12/20: On the bright side Luciana won't have to worry about her diet anymore

Patio peeps this was totes intense.

A few observations: Do we know what the cause of death for Javier was? Because with the bald head they make it seem like it's cancer, but they also made it sound like Alzheimer's, but now we are being told his illness was a result of being poisoned by Ingrid. This is sloppy writing, how much access to him did Ingrid have that she could continue to poison him on a long term basis? What herb could cause you to lose your memories like he did? I'm confused, can anyone help me figure this out? Oooh also, because of the way in which he died wouldn't they have preformed an autopsy which would have revealed that he had been poisoned? This is a case for Forensic Files! Now to our recap:

 We start the episode where we left off last night, Julian and Natalia are having a screaming match, Julian is getting a little too close for comfort and thankfully before things can get worse for Natalia Gael shows up and grabs Julian by the throat. I'm sitting on my couch cheering for Gael, I want blood! Sadly for me Natalia manages to get Gael to let go of Julian without further violence and I'm sad, someone needed to punch his lights out. I'm not violent, I swear. Julian slithers away but not before telling Natalia that "this isn't over".

Natalia makes Gael promise that he won't tell Franco what he witnessed. She says she'll make sure that something like that never repeats itself. I saw a movie when I was 12 called " No one would tell", it was about a young girl who was in an abusive relationship, all her friends knew what was happening but no one spoke up...and then her boyfriend killed her and she ended up dead and thrown into a swamp. Natalia should watch herself, because I don't think she realizes that Julian is a major threat not only to her mental health but also to her physical wellbeing.

Mauro is spending some time with Ingrid, he is telling her about Roberta being hospitalized for her mental issues, Ingrid volunteers to go visit her in order to lift her spirts and to offer moral support. Mauro tells her the name of the hospital Roberta is in and encourages Ingrid to visit Roberta, he also thanks her for her concern towards his daughter, this little love fest is interrupted by Gabriel who is having another nose bleed. Gabriel tells Ingrid that he is worried about his constant nose bleeds, honestly he is such a little jerk that I don't much care that he is being poisoned.

Alba makes some lasagna for Franco because she noticed that it was his favorite, he asks her to eat with him but they are interrupted by Mauro's arrival. Mauro is unhappy to see Alba and Franco together and so he later shows up at Alba's home and giver her the scoop on Roberta and it goes like this:

Roberta's mom was mentally ill, things got worse when she learned that he was having an affair, she never confronted him and instead set herself on fire in front of a young Roberta, this destroyed Roberta's mental health and she needs her husband with her in order to heal. He warns Alba that there's to be no more surprise lunches and coffee breaks with Franco, because she really won't like it if he has to come back for a second visit.

Franco goes home and has.a heart to heart with Natalia, he tells her that he will returning home and she says she knows he's only coming back because of her mom, she wonders out loud if that's.a good idea, after all he is still young and handsome and has a lot of life left to live, will he be okay returning home? Franco tells her that as long as his families okay he will be okay. Franco also tells Natalia that he knows something is bothering her and tries to get her to open up. Natalia tells him she's sleepy and goes to bed, she would be much better off if she told him the truth and had him in her corner.

Ugh, I guess I have to recap Gabriel's scenes too. But I don't want to cause he annoys me. Anyhoo, the little snot receives a visit from two women, the first is Julieta who he bullies into a kiss, which is gross cause she's probably like forty and he's like a toddler, also she's his best friends mom. Ewwww. Alba also shows up to visit him but he's a jerk to her and tells her she's bad luck and that he does not want to see her. If anyone here deserves to be poisoned it's him.

This rejection leads Alba to drink and she gets wasted, her friend calls Franco and he shows up to take care of her in her drunky time of need. He tells her she's the best woman he has known and that she is his soul an omg he's only know her for like a week and their scenes are so sweet that they hurt my teeth.

Luciana makes the biggest mistake of her life by going to visit Roberta at the hospital. Roberta is probably still not on medication and she's upset about EVERYTHING including the crummy flowers that Luciana brought her. Roberta starts to insult Luciana, she's upset that the in vitro treatment did not work and blames Luciana for it failing. Luciana is not up to taking any crap and she tells Roberta that she's the one to blame for the treatment not working, it was her impatience that doomed the procedure, oh and also she's too old to get pregnant again. Roberta threatens to tell everyone what she and Luciana did which of course would lead to Luciana losing her medical license. Luciana gets in Roberta's face and tells her a few harsh trusts. Truth number 1: She's her only friend and two Roberta might know things about her but Luciana also has a lot on Roberta. She should not have said that because as she's out to leave Roberta corners her and says "if you can't help me make life I'm just going to have to take yours" and she grabs Luciana by the neck and strangles her to death. The whole scene was horrific.

Ingrid shows up to visit her future stepdaughter and almost trips on Lucia's dead body, she immediately tries to help the woman but soon realizes that she's dead and that Roberta done did it. Roberta is hysterical, she claims that she didn't do it and that she is always being blamed for things she didn't do, then she kicks her dead friend body. Ingrid takes control of the situation, she gets Roberta to semi calm down, she gets a wheelchair and puts Luciana's body in a wheelchair then she stages fire and in the commotion she manages to escape with both Roberta and Luciana's corpse which she then puts in her trunk. Man, these ladies must have some crazy upper body strength .

While in the car Roberta asks to be driven home, she needs a shower because she smells like the hospital, she also takes the time to do her makeup and makes the best crack of the night: "Luciana was always dieting, I guess she doesn't have to worry about her diet any more". I guess not. Ingrid tells Roberta that she's responsible for the dead body in the trunk and that she's going to help dispose of it.

Elsewhere Paolo has the misfortune of having to deal with Julian. Julian tells him that he managed to get Paolo a settlement from the football team he was on, the settlement should be enough to cover his bills. Paolo does not want the money, Paolo is a big baby. Natalia shows up and of course Julian uses this opportunity to continue to torture her by threatening to spill the beans to Paolo. Paolo takes his leave. After he is gone Julian tells Natalia that he is tired of her not valuing everything he does of her and he is don dealing with her mistreatment. If she wants to be with wheels (Paolo) that's fine but she needs to always remember that he dumped her!

That's it for tonight folks! Come back tomorrow for more crazy action.


Hi Princess JuJu...This was a crazy episode and you are keeping some crazy hours m'dear. Just don't fall asleep driving to work after this all-nighter. I guess it's 2 am your time but I haven't been up till 2 am since my kids were little (oh alright, and also when they were teenagers, and now that I'm elderly, up and down all night, but I digress)

Enjoyed your snappy recap and your thoughtful meditation on the medical causes of Javier's death. I don't know what"poisonous herb" Ingrid was stirring into the scrambled eggs, but dang! the eggs sure looked good.

Love the way you phrase things:

[Alba] her drunky time of need

their scenes [Alba and Franco] were so sweet they hurt my teeth


Man, these ladies must have some crazy upper body strength

I guess we are to assume that these adrenaline-saturated Crazies are destined to unite forces and wreak murderous havoc on one and all. Certainly is going to be a rough ride. And with schools closing all over the place, even having this scary show on at 2 pm won't be enough to protect the kiddies.

Had to laugh at your nauseous reaction to Gabriel. Yes, he really is turning into a little putz isn't he? All confident in his ability to seduce his friend's mom (and evidently right) and equally confident in his ability and "right" to emotionally bludgeon his own mother. Plot propellers for sure, but makes him a very unlikable kid indeed.

Thanks PJJ...hope all is well with you and yours.


Thank you for your recap, Princess JuJu! And the snark! I’m with you, just wishing someone would beat the daylights out of Julian. No, I’m not violent, either, but he makes me want to throw something at my TV screen.
”I don't think she realizes that Julian is a major threat not only to her mental health but also to her physical wellbeing.”

Wow, so now Roberta is a murderer. (murderess?) Yeesh! Even that surprised me. Ingrid helping her clean up the mess and driving away now makes her an accessory to the crime. Crazy is as crazy does. Punto.

Murder Count:
Roberta 1
Ingrid 2 (1 actual, 1 accessory)

How is it that Franco was attending to a drunk Alba (and - yikes! - they sort of kind of went horizontal in her bed…..I was holding my breath to see if they would kiss) and he hasn’t been updated on the fire at the psych hospital?

During that drunk Alba scene, did I hear correctly when she said her father abandoned her before she was even born? Ding!Ding!Ding! We have a match! Mauro!

Let’s start a table on the Patio for those who are sick to death of Natalia gearing up to “tell the truth” and then chickening out?

Good call on the Alba connection to Mauro. Guess that we are right back in "Sin tu Mirada" territory with that one, DORIS.

But you are selling Roberta short. She actually has two deaths to her credit. Remember the inconvenient witness she flipped over the office patio railing?

And by all means, I'll join you at the table of Natalia chickening out scenes. But only O'Douls or something similar for me. Actually alcohol just puts me to sleep.

Great read, Juju, I couldn't wait to see your interpretation of some of the things that happened last night. I totally agree about Gabriel, he is so not roo-worthy right now.

Somebody call child services, please!
The smooch session was hard to watch, I had to go "boogle" the actors' ages. Margarita Magana (Julieta) was 39 at the time of filming and the Gabe actor 21 apparently, so that makes it less icky, but still!!!

I loved, LOVED Roberta and Ingrid getting out of the manicomio. Thelma and Luise has nothing on these two. Poor Juliana, right? I'm joking, I don't really care, I thought the whole thing was hilarious.
Having a crazy kill a visitor and then spend half an hour screaming without even a nurse showing up? Only in telenovelandia, I guess.
Roberta complaining about having to wear Juliana's outfit while Ingrid had much bigger worries was funny, but seeing her fix her make-up with not a care in the world while the police was talking to Ingrid was the best! Daniela Castro must have enjoyed playing this, it was so ridiculous, even by telenovela standards.

Less funny was everything having to do with Alba drunken mumbling (too sweet for my taste, too). I'm sorry, but I don't find anything root worthy about Alba and Franco. Roberta being a crazy murderous nut is no excuse for cheating, especially since the emotional cheating has been going on for some time now; all the touching, lasagna cooking, coffee delivery at all hours of day and night = not cool!
I actually kind of agreed with Mauro, his daughter is sick, Franco needs to be there for his family. Yes, the good guys don't know the whole truth and the jury's still out on Mauro, but aside from watching Juan Soler age like the best of wines, I have no interest in our main couple's inevitable hook-up.

Just when we thought Nat would grow half a backbone she convinces Gael to lie for her, too. Keeping the perfect daughter routine with her dad is going to end up costing her dearly!!

Adriana Noel

Thanks, Princess Juju.

You are completely right about Javier's death. He did look like a cancer patient; the lighting even made him look thin. This is either bad writing or the writers decided to switch horses midstream, which made me look at the Wikipedia page. This went into production in July 2017 but did not air until November, so this was not due to any audience reaction.

Do not look at that page because it is loaded with spoilers.

Anyway, someone on the writing team -- realizing that SM was in the cast -- probably decided to make her character even more evil by having her feed this dangerous plant to her brother. As for how much exposure there was, I think she lived with them after the end of her marriage. This begs the question of who actually owned that house. The flashback to 8 or 9 years previously when Javier was alive and well took place in that house; they were eating at that same kitchen table. Whatever poison this plant was, it is long-acting because Javier had a nosebleed at that table.

Can anyone remember whether he was cremated or not?

It wasn't clear during the scenes, but Alba was in jail for two months before the trial date. That was in one line of dialogue.

I have to say that I hate the orange and aqua decor of that house. It would drive me nuts. Orange and red in decor is believed to stimulate appetite.

OK, so Ingrid is resourceful in criminal situations like this. Let's see what she tells Mauro. At least she didn't try to flirt with the cop who stopped them, but that cop should be suspicious of watching Robert put on makeup when -- had she been a visitor -- she should have been wearing makeup that was fully applied.

Gael should have encouraged Natalia to file charges against Julian (whose family's dirty laundry is still in the closet). He saw him grab her by the throat.

Paolo is an idiot for not taking the money. That does not exclude finding the responsible party. That money could pay for some intense physical therapy.

Julian is playing Natalia with the breakup talk. He doesn't intend this at all, since she is his ticket to staying employed at Mauro's firm.

Thank you, Princess Juju.

Wow, this TN is really getting wild. There is no use wearing a beanie because it'll just pop off.

Doris, "Let’s start a table on the Patio for those who are sick to death of Natalia gearing up to “tell the truth” and then chickening out?" I'm there!

" I have to say that I hate the orange and aqua decor of that house. It would drive me nuts. "
That's the point. Telenovela set designers know what they're doing. Always. So, Of course that color scheme would drive anyone nuts including Ingrid.
It sort of reminds me of the Chez Sarmiento home dec colors in Y Mañana Sera Otro Día.
I always try to lay attention to primary characters' set decor. Often lots of clues to their personality and psyche.

Speaking of telenovela decor, has anyone noticed the Picasso-like print on Julian's wall? I've noticed it a few times. It is abstract face (IIRC some lime green paint on parts of it) that strikes me as discordant, as do Picasso's works. It sends me a message that Julian is definitely a disturbed character.

JUDYB - I'm having chocolate at the #frustratedwithNatalia table. Anyone is welcome to bring their own preferred goodies. :-)
And thank you for reminding me Roberta killed skanky guy.

Adriana Noel - so glad you mentioned Thelma & Louise.

Thanks, JuJu, that was rock'em sock'em! I can't wait to catch up this weekend. Thanks to your superb narration, I don't think I'm going to be doing much FF'ing -- I want to see it all for myself.

JudyB and Doris, I'll join you at the #frustratedwithNatalia table. I think we should serve Girl Scout cookies. (I don't think anyone's been to the Paolo table yet at all. There's nothing on it but baby food, and the tablecloth is wet.)

Roberta cannot be redeemed now that she's murdered someone nice (although conflicted) in cold blood. Also, we think she may have dispatched Franco's old girlfriend -- remember, the one he dated before he got together with her, who mysteriously died?

P.S. In one of Dead Javier's monologues, he said Ingrid should be grateful that he invited her to live with them after Gabriel was born so that she could have a family life. So I guess Casa Blue (I like it, of course, although it would be better with peacocks) was the family homestead. That would explain why Alba now has to live in a janitor's closet.

PJJ--Loved it from beginning to end. I'm with JudyB on all her comments, so there's no need to repeat, other than to thank you.

Aah yes, the abandoned unborn baby of Mauro's just HAS to be Alba. How on earth is he going to handle that news. Apparently, he's no longer looking for his lost love to see if she left a baby.

Julian of course has no intention of being done with Nat. Since Nat doesn't yet have a backbone, she will probably be the one who crawls back--after a decent interval. I'm joining the #frustratedwithNatalia table. She's such a chicken that I'm offering to bring a virtual KFC bucket of chicken (we must have our protein), mixed white and dark pieces. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water and it's been a good 5 years since I stopped at a KFC (just don't tell them that).

Gabe, they must have picked the actor for his putzability. Julieta is still a knockout actress.

I've heard Gael and Natalia refer to each other as uncle and niece. Is this just a sobriquet or is there a blood connection? Do we know? Do we care?

Alba's drunky time scene went on too long. However, it gave Franco plenty of screen time for me to imagine me, undrunk, under him. Regardless, her behavior was so inappropriate for someone who claims there's nothing between herself and Franco. Give me a break. He doesn't treat all his clients like that, for sure. He'll still be by her bedside in the morning and Roberta will be climbing the walls wondering where he is. It'll be enough to fire up Rob's imagination.

Thank you, PJuJu, for pointing out that Luciana was dumped in the trunk. I have enough trouble getting a 25-lb. bag of mulch out of the car these days, much less 100 lbs. of dead weight. I bet that's why Luci's diet was mentioned. So, Ingrid is left with a dead corpse getting ripe in her trunk. I'm sure whe won't want to abandon the vehicle. It looked expensive from the front. She'll have to move quickly, but it's still daylight.

The whole episode of Ingrid and Bertie was so improbable, but like most of you, just sat back and enjoyed Ingrid's dilemma. Bertie sure did calm herself down quickly and is now talking normally and thinking "rationally."

PJuJu you actually gave us the perfect cliff from which to hang and wait for today.

The recap may be a little late today. Will keep the Patio posted.

Anita, you vixen. Now I'm going to have to watch the whole drunky time scene just to make sure you don't take advantage of Juan when I'm not looking.

Thank you everyone for commenting, the whole hospital scene drove me crazy. Are we supposed to believe that someone could just waltz in to a mental institution to visit a violent patient who is obviously off her meds and is extremely agitated? And there's no nurse there to make sure she doesn't hurt herself, no cameras, no way of telling who is coming and going? What? I really, really resent it when writers are this messy, it makes me feel like they think the audience is stupid and that they can put one over on us. Rant over, lol.

Personal story time: Several years ago my baby sister had an episode of psychosis. We never did find out what brought it on, it could have been an infection that messed with her brain, her uncontrolled diabetes (the hospital never got her glucose levels under control) or if it was her lupus affecting her brain. At any rate, my 16 year old sister who has never been violent with anyone managed to throw a nurse halfway across the room. They actually had to sedate her and use restrains, it was awful, so I kinda can see how Roberta managed to have the physical strength to kill her friend during this manic stage.


Yikes! I guess adrenaline is adrenaline, whether the threat is real or imagined.

Princess Juju, thank you. The crazy just keeps coming . Ingrid and Rob together are a pretty scary duo. Crazy and even crazier.

Alba really loves those short, swirly circle skirts, but they seem meant for a younger lassie.


PrincessJuJu good recap. And really
Strange. Not your recap the story.
Ingrid wants to dispose of the body.
Guess where? Tho I could be wrong. But
This would be a good way to rid her sick twisted life and berti's of alba.
Y'all know it could happen. But Is it
To soon? Huh, we'll see as the plot thickens.
"The plot of the twisted sisters".
That would be a good title.

I haven't watched this in a few days so Whats happenin to Gabriel? When did he Become such a snoty jerk? And why is this grown woman putting up with it? Is he black mailin her into french kissing him?

Have I mentioned I don't like Mauro.
And why does berti need her husband to
Heal? How was She healing before she met Franco? Sounds like he picked franco to be the stool pigeon for him to pond his daughter off on cuz he's
Tired of dealing with her. Poor Franco
Got stuck. The only good thing that came out of that union is natty. Whose
Now in trouble. Franco need to be set free. But first he's gonna have set alba free cuz those twisted sisters ingy n berti could quite possibly set her up for killing lulu.

Julian. Still trash.

Ok this was good, thanks princessJuJu.
Patio ya got enough toilet paper? If U
Don't you're out of luck the shelves R
empty. Stay safe people & sanitize.

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