Friday, April 03, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #33, 4/2/20: An episode full of bombs

Morning patio peeps! My apologies for this super late recap, I'm so stressed out that my body just shut down, I was getting ready to recap and next thing I know it's five am and my cat was chewing on  my hair. Now on to our recap:

Natalia and Pablo:

 Pablo learns from Franco that Natalia is hiding out in Morelos with her friend Valentina, Franco gives Pablo Valentinas address and Pablo rolls down there for a final visit with Natalia, basically they breakup (again)- this leads to Pablo later having a crying fit, getting drunk and crawling around his bedroom floor, thank goodness for his bro who comes in, picks him up and gets him coffee, then he throws a fully clothed Pablo into the shower.

Mauro goes fishing:

 Mauro goes to visit Alba, he tells her he's there to give her the news that the restraining order has been lifted and that she can now see Gabriel whenever she wants...yay? Mauro is really there to get information about Alba's mother and more importantly he wants information on Alba's father, Alba tells him that she never knew her daddy and I think Mauro is now more certain than ever that Alba is his daughter.

Mauro is a busy man, he goes to his office and starts to use the new security system, he catches Roberta with Tizano who my brain wants to call Tostito. Roberta lies and says she's at the club about to take a yoga class and he's all like "liar! I'm coming over to your house and we will see if you can lie to my face."

Tizano and Roberta:

Tizano was at Roberta's house so that they could discuss the pending divorce. Roberta wants to go to war, she wants to crush Franco for leaving her, as she earlier told Franco, the reason he's so successful is because she married him and he benefited from her connections, and now she wants to keep everything, she wants a divorce trail that will make history!

Tizano is not cool with this, a long divorce trial is not what they agreed to and making the divorce drag on will just mean that they will be apart longer than what he would like, in short Tizano is what the kids would call a "thirsty B"- he wants Roberta and he wants her now, his patience has run out. Roberta tells him that Franco will always be a part of her life, even if they are divorced and that the only way former to forget about him is if he were to die. Tizano is like "cool, cool, I can make that work." Then they go to Roberta's room where they are about to get busy, when Mauro calls and crashes the party. Roberta kicks Tizano out while calling him a pig. I don't understand why Tizano puts up with this, Roberta basically insults him every time that they are together and I think Tizano totally needs therapy.

So yeah, Tizano took Roberta seriously and arranged a hit on Franco. So that's bad, but you know what's worse? He used his personal phone to make the call to the hit man. Dude, that's not how you do it, you always use a burner phone that you buy in cash from a shady corner store.

Mauro & Roberta

Oh sweet baby Jesus this was bad. Mauro shows up at Roberta's just to call her a whore. How dare she sully their family name? Roberta counters that it's his fault, he was the one that brought Tizano into the firm. Mauro says he did it so that she could have a chance to rebuild her life with him, and to make Franco realize that he could lose his wife, but that doesn't mean she can act like a slut, what would her mother think of her? And how dare she criticize Alba for being with Franco when she's doing the same thing- but worse! Cause at least Alba is not sleeping with Franco (yet). This was a bad move, because Roberta starts to lose it, she accuses Mauro of being best friends with Alba and of taking her side. Then we get the same old "you killed my mom!" fight but this time we finally get confirmation that Mauro did in fact kill his wife. He tells Roberta " If I was able to get rid of your mom I'll also get rid of you, even if it huts me".

Natalia and Julian arrive just in time and break up that party, Julian even looks worried for Roberta.

Franco and Alba: Are we going to die? Answer: Nah, we're only 33 episodes in.

Franco and Alba are on their way to see Gabriel (ewww, why?) to give him the news that the restraining order was lifted, as soon as they are in the car Franco gets a call, the man on the other side of the line tells Franco that there's a bomb in the car, if he turns on the car the bomb will go off, if he opens the car door the bomb will go off. Franco tells Alba that they are in danger and that she needs to escape through the car window and then run as fast as she can. Do you guys think her stupid shoes are good for running? Anyhoo, Alba refuses to do this and instead wastes precious time arguing with Franco, and now they only have 12 seconds before the bomb goes off!

And that's it for today folks!


Thank you for your recap, Princes JuJu!

Best line in your recap:
”Franco and Alba: Are we going to die? Answer: Nah, we're only 33 episodes in.”
I kept telling myself that, too. And that idiot Alba just sat there, arguing with Franco, not caring if they blow up and Gabriel is left with BSC Ingrid to raise him. Gaaaahhhhh! WHERE is my beanie hat?!?

“Tostito” … love it!!! Oh yeah, this guy totally does need therapy.

Your comment on how to hire a hit man is a stitch. LOL

My buddy Doris tagged a lot of my favorite lines PJJ, but I can say in general I always love your personal, irreverent take on things. Including how you fell asleep and only awoke when the cat started chewing on your hair. Quips I loved:

Mauro goes fishing.
Tiziano as Tostito. And I figure he will be toast before this is over.
"thirsty B" (Really? I don't know any young people. Only old people and toddlers. Glad to be in the loop.)
advice on getting burner phones from shady corner stores. Hah!
and this:
[Alba] Do you think her stupid shoes are good for running? (Not only that, but climbing out of a car window is no easy feat either.)

Well, yes, I guess we can figure the bomb won't go off--too early--but my heart always races faster when we see those ticking time bombs.

And now to the mystery of what really happened to Roberta's mother and how. UA has always maintained this was only in Bertie's imagination. But the conversation certainly took on sinister overtones yesterday. Yikes. Ingrid better watch her step. Julian too. This old guy means business.

Great work under great stress PJJ. Thank you.

Thanks, PJJ. Don't you just hate it when your cat chews on your hair just because his litter box needs changing?

The saying "lost in translation" certainly pertains to what I thought was going on, and what PJJ clarified for me. I missed that Paolo was drunk and was wondering why he was laying in the bathtub with his clothes on. The scene continuity is so choppy in this show.

I guess every tn needs someone, in this case Natalia, who is so wrapped up in the situation that she can't look at it objectively and see that all she needs to do is come forward, either to her dad, Paolo or the police. The punishment can not be as bad as what she is putting herself through. And it is the right thing to do.

It was because of Alba's stupid shoes, but paired with a cute dress, that I bought a pair of flats to wear at my son's (probably postponed) wedding. I don't know if she can run in hers, but I'm hoping I can dance in mine!

Doris- anyone who has ever watched a crime drama knows that you never use your own phone to hire a hitman- that's just asking to get caught.

Judy- yes "thirsty B*TCH" is a thing kids say these days.

Rosemary- Baby just wanted to be let out to take care of very important feline business at 5:48 am, he's the reason I fell asleep last night, he came up to me and fell asleep next to me, which in turn made me fall asleep. I'm so sorry about your sons wedding! I've been following stories of brides that have had to cancel their weddings on Reddit and it is heartbreaking- both for the wedding parties and the vendors.

Natalia really should come clean, in her place I'd go straight to the cops if it meant I'd be free of Julian. And yes, the editing in this is terrible.

OT - WEDDINGS in the Time of COVID19 (apologies to Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

R la O - Our son recently got married on Wednesday, March 18. It was originally scheduled for March 21, at a larger local venue with lots more guests. Less than a week before the big day, the 10 person gathering limit guidelines during the COVID-19 epidemic caused the venue to cancel. #bridalmeltdown In less than 36 hours, with the help of TripAdvisor reviews, the kids organized a “Pop-up” wedding with immediate family only at a smaller venue located 100 miles away, but it is halfway between us and the bride's parents. It was a nice wedding with 6 other members of the immediate family in attendance for a total of ten people. (The minister and photographer were graciously willing to make the day trip, as well.) Carry-out pizza was our dinner at the reception. That was different, but fun. And the kids will have their big party whenever it is safe to gather, probably next year. They had not planned to take a honeymoon right away, so no money was lost on travel reservations.

Princess JuJu - hubby watches the crime dramas and I watch the fluff. He probably knows that stuff and isn't telling me. lol

PJUJU and Patio
Please enjoy this recap and keep on commenting (and entertaining yourselves).

I'll delay a bit before posting tonight's episode, just to get full force of DA BOMB!

PJ--You got the cry baby and the cold bath scene and I get DA BOMB!

Anita- thank you! I can't wait to watch tonight's episode, will the bomb go off? My money is on "no"

Soggy Paolo is going to need IV fluids from all that crying.

Has there ever been a guy that cries so much in a telenovela? I am so over it, and 30-some episodes to go.

Princess juju..thank you for all the crazy details of all the crazy.

Stephen Colbert did a show from his bathroom.He was in his bathtub full of bubbles in his suit. Did he get the idea from Paolo.

So i have heard the slang " thirsty" ...has it replaced the word " horny? " go to shoes for fancy occasions is a black patent leather sandal with a low heel from Clarks. Most of my shoes are Clarks now because they are comfy and one of the only brands I can find locally that comes in size 5. Easy Spirit also makes comfortable shoes.
Susanlynn, fondly remembering those spike heels she used to wear


Susanlynn- you could use "thirsty" to replace "horny" but it can also mean "attention seeking". Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I feel your pain! I'm a five and can never find cute shoes :(

New avatar for me because the visual reminder is necessary while watching this crazy show. :-)

Princess Juju, I get it. This situation gets to all of us.

Roberta is so deeply insecure, hence her horrible need to control and abuse others. Or is she just plain evil?

Mauro, I will forgive you if you sneak a DNA test. However, I don't know that showing your cards at this point was such a good idea.*

Tiziano, open your eyes; Roberta is poison. She will turn on you just as nastily as on everyone else she wants to hurt.

Franco, get your ducks in a row before making any plans with Alba.

Ingrid, did you borrow that hallucination from Dark Shadows?

Paolo, go to every doctor on earth if that's what it takes. If you're still in love with Natalia after you can walk again, wait until Roberta is committed or dead.

*It occurred to me that Franco's dream could be what happened with Mauro's wife. Could he have tried to call her bluff and missed? Is it guilt that keeps him from applying some tough love to Roberta?

This was great rebiew of soap Me Declaro Culpable. Really funny. Thanks for making me laugh during this stressful and sad times of COVD19. Hilarious about has any huy cried so much in tele novela and will need an I.V. P.S. what to bomb in car,.was it a scare tactic? Didn't show following day. Everything back to normal as if it didn't happen. I see it at 2:00 on univision. Thank you. Keep up awesome previews and making us laugh. We all need to laugh.

Working on the recap. II’ll try to get it up before morning.

PJUJU—I finally got to read the recap and the comments. You’re a peach. It was clever and delightful. I’m going to appropriate Tostito, if you don’t mind.

PrincessJJ this was a crazy romp of an episode.

Tostitos, that's perfect for that jackass.
What does he see in her? And it Proves that Mauro don't give a birds assfeathers who she ends up with, he's
Got the daughter that's normal now,he
Will just through berti under the bus.
Gee what a swell dad he is. Alba just
Dodged a bullet not growin up With him
Raising her and so did her mother.
Berti's mother probly found out He was a cheat and alba's mom was the other woman.

Paolo is utterly rediculus. Crawling
Around on the floor cryin. Stop the cryin. It's annoying. He is annoying.
Make it stop uni. Univision dont have nothing to do with the writing. Right?
Don't matter, the writers really made this guy to get on The viewers last
Ok on to the next episode. Thank you

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