Friday, April 03, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #34, 4/3/20: Da Bomb Was a Dud but the Warning Was Not

Our JuJu Princess Prognosticator was right! Franco and Alba don’t leave the series—yet. However, it could have been possible to have something go awry, cause some damage, maybe even require hospitalization. Instead, we get some aftermath canoodling in the NoTell Café, where everybody knows your name business, especially when you don’t hide it. 

Let’s Begin at the End (of Yesterday)
Franco and Alba are in the bomb-armed car (confirmed by Franco by using his cell phone as a selfie mirror—very clever). They are clutching each other for dear life, like maybe it’s the last time they’ll ever feel something. Neither wants to leave the other. They just wait, terrified, for the explosion. Mystery man calls again and says, in essence, “Fooled ya. But I’m your worst enemy and be on guard, because I’m gonna eat you little fishy.” (Well, actually that was Cat in Red Dwarf—see: Franco and Alba are celebrating their near miss. He tries to explain there are lots of folks out there who might be provoked by hatred and revenge, but never taken to this level. Alba is horrified. Franco entreats her into more macking and canoodling. He tells her, “All I need is you and a couple of whiskies.” Since they never got to Gabe’s to give him the news, Alba will text him to come by later. Meanwhile, the hugging goes on and Franco’s brilliant white teeth practically light up the place.

When Gabe does drop by, he’s proud he was the one who achieved what his mother’s attorney couldn’t. For Alba, the next step is to live together again. (In that little back room? Nah. Check back later on, we think there’s a solution, maybe they get the Aqua House back for themselves.) Gabe is afraid of losing her if she has to go back to prison. One step at a time, she counsels.

Cry Baby Cry
Dante and Manuel stand outside the bathroom and discuss Pao, while crybaby is still shivering (we suppose) fully dressed in the tub. (And I might say it was a mighty small tub for such a big guy.) Manny slips and almost tells Dante that Nat was the one who did the H&R, but saves himself.

Where’s the Beef?
At opposite ends of the Urzúa formal dining table, Franco and Natalia are having a rather somber meal. Nat picks at her food. There are flowers on the table, and a big green salad in the center, but what they are eating looks pretty bland. Franco can tell something is not right with his daughter and urges her to be Frank-o (couldn’t resist) with him. He desperately wants her to be ok. (Does she even know about the Danger-UXB—hey did any of you watch that series? Anthony Andrews PRE-Brideshead Revisited; did he ever file a report with the police and have the device taken in for forensic tests?)

Nat claims their divorce has affected her, but she understands. She just needs some time to assimilate it all. Franco asks if that is all. Nat answers that it’s almost all. The skinny is that Pao left her, but she’s not ready to talk about it. Daddy gives her some fatherly comfort.

Tizzy Tostito Pops Up and Scares the Beejeezus Out of Alba and He’s Not Even a Ghost
He shows up after the Café is closed and tells Alba he’s starving and not to turn him away. His granny always said that a glass of water is never denied anyone. Please, be a dear and fix him something to eat. He’s so persuasive, Alba relents, but resents it and tells him it’ll be take-out only. There must be a reason for this late night visit, of course. Read on, Patio, it’ll all be clear later on.

Women Over 50 Should Not Wear Mini-Skirts, Even if They Have Long Legs
(I meant to mention this in my comments for #33.) Franco bumps into Bertie as he comes to get a pillow for spending the night elsewhere in the house. She’d like him to spend the night in their bed, sort of a marriage farewell. When he turns her down, she turns on the waterworks. It doesn’t work. He tells her the only reason he’s still in the house is in order not to make the divorce proceedings more complicated. Bertie accuses him of getting it on with *her.* He denies it. He informs her that he and Alba are adults and have made the decision not to have “relations” until he is free. (All that canoodling, kissing, hugging and cuddling doesn’t count? Give me a break.)

Office Shenanigans Courtesy of Tizzy Tostito and Mauro
It is clear now why Tizzy played his little late night starving game on Alba. He can boast to the assembled ears at their morning staff meeting how Alba reopened the Café, just for him. She was his savior. But first, we get a lovely put down of Julián by Mauro, making him personally go make some copies rather than allowing him to call Olga to do it. Gael stifles a chuckle with a non-COVID-19 cough. Jules notices, nevertheless. He leaves and Alba enters with coffee. After Tizzy’s remarks, Franco is definitely displeased, while Alba shakes her head imperceptibly at Franco. Mauro on the other hand, compliments Alba on her graciousness. She’s a great person, he crows (knowing he’s just guessing at her paternity).

The Mental Retrograde Has Enough on Bertie to Earn a Grade A
Jules is not bothered by the label Bertie greets him with outside his office/photocopy room because he fully intends to get his old office back along with all its privileges. Bertie is the one who has to pull the strings with Mau. After all, he has enough on her....he proposes, that with her collaboration, he’ll see to it that all her Nennie’s problems go away. He tells Bertie that he’s sure Nat is on the verge of spilling her guts to Franco and/or Pao and they have to stop her. He has a way, but in order to fix things with Mauro, he needs information. He couldn’t help but notice how upset she was when he and Nat arrived back at their house the day before. Bertie always seems to be cowering or angry at Mau. He reminds her of the little pre-heart attack scene. Bertie blows him off. It was nothing, as if Jules was going to believe that. He’s sure all her emotional problems stem from some secret she’s been holding regarding her mother. She blows him off again, saying she made it up, as if Jules was going to believe that, too. Bertie states that her father is above reproach and she’s merely a bad daughter. Jules keeps pushing. Doesn’t she think it’s payback time for all the harm Mau caused her and her mother?

Coffee Breath Kisses
During an office break, Franco admits to Alba of being jealous of her ministrations to Tizzy. (Do any of these men actually handle cases, investigate, go to court and work in the office? And, BTW, why are there no women associates in this bufete? Just askin’.) Alba is tickled that he’s jealous, but he needn’t be. She only has eyes, lips and hugs for him. Besides, TT sort of forced her to make him a sandwich. She finds him insufferable. That said, they go back on Full PDA. When they come up for air, they discuss Mauro’s change of attitude towards her, seemingly overnight. This leads to more kisses, though Alba claims she’s working and he claims he’s working on her case.

With TT listening and watching in plain view (of Alba at least, but she only has eyes for Franco, remember?), Franco proposes a weekend getaway just for the two of them at the beach. (Will the Patio actually believe they aren’t going to give in to their very human natures? Give me a break. OTOH, they probably aren’t even going to leave the neighborhood, if TT has anything to do with it.)

Come Live With Me and Be My Love
(Apologies to The Passionate Shepherd)…and we will all the pleasures prove (probably not—see end of scenes between Ingrid and Mauro). Ingrid, waving her big honkin’ diamond ring around, serves Mauro a cup of  Café Abuelita from the corner Minimart.
(see: )

He begins to flatter her and she’s loving it, until Javier appears behind Mau. Mau is inviting her to live with him in his big honkin’ mansion. Javi doesn’t like that one bit. Mau invites her to take a tour of the place. Ingrid is more than happy to leave. Ingrid is dazzled by the big honkin’ rooms. She’s even more bedazzled when the old geezer introduces her to his two servants as the future mistress (señora dueña—and a play on Ingrid’s last name) of the house. He says he’ll be so much happier in his house away from Bertie’s clutches and along side Ingrid. He offers to let her redecorate the master bedroom to her liking. It was left just as his dear departed wife Isabel did it. Ingrid is flattered. (Are you sure of this, Mau? You may end up trying to sleep in a deep turquoise abode.)

Mau tries to get frisky with Ingrid. He certainly doesn’t act as though he needs any performance enhancing booster pill. Ingrid suddenly gets a conscience. Not now, not like this, she’s a decent woman. After they get married and she moves in, ok. Ah, that’s what Mau likes about her—her decency. He apologizes for getting carried away. He desires her so much. He admires all her good qualities. He’ll put the world at her feet, but…yes, there’s a big but coming. He’ll take it all away if she cheats on him even once and he'll make sure she regrets it for the rest of her life. He now has her by the neck and starts to squeeze. Ingrid panics. He lets go and continues his “life” lesson. She’s intelligent and ought to be able to figure out the hows of what she can have and what she could lose. (Man, but he scares me. No wonder Bertie trembles when he roars and why she tried to choke the old lion. Careful, Ingrid, what you only dreamed of having may turn into your worst nightmare.)

Bertie Cedes Control to Tizzy Tostito
He tells her that if they’re going to sink Franco, it has to be all the way to the bottom. She’s ready to listen. TT tells her she is to become a domestically abused wife. When asked, she is to say her husband has not stopped beating her yet and that’s why she’s separating from him. Bertie reminds him that they will need proof. TT says he’ll work that out. (Careful, Bertie, what he may have in mind as proof is to rearrange your pretty face. Are you sure you are up to it?) She accepts and leaves it all in his hands.

Poison Ivy
TT comes to the Café to present Alba with a plant—for a beautiful lady. She rebuffs his seemingly genuine gift of appreciation. He pitches a little woo and she shoots him down with an unkindly look. (Now what is he up to?)

Guns and Roses Money
Jules has his inept henchie take him to a guy who needs money. Jules explains to him what’s at stake. Needy Money Guy (NMG) isn’t sure it’s in his line of work. When Jules throws down a wad of cash, more than NMG has ever seen in one place AND that it is less than half, he’s in. He tries to get a promise out of Jules that he’ll get him out of this situation in two weeks. (Hey, NMG, you obviously don’t know any lawyers. They can lie just like the rest of humanity—if it’s in their interests.) There’s only a verbal contract. Not even a handshake as Jules and Henchie take their leave.

Bertie, Meet Your Almost New MIL
Ingrid and Bertie meet on the office rooftop terrace. Ingy wants to know if they could see each other more frequently, now that they are practically friends. Instead of being pleased or angry that Ingy is wearing that big honkin’ diamond, Bertie warns her to be very wary of Mauro. Is she ready to know the real Mau? Does she want to know how her mother really died? Who commits suicide over an infidelity? Nobody. Bertie says Mauro wanted his wife out of the way, as in deader than a doornail. Ingy has heard enough and refuses to believe Bertie.

As Paolo Tries to Resign Chaos Reigns
Pao has dried up all his tears and comes to see Franco to hand in his resignation. Franco guesses the personal reason has to do with Natalia. On cue, Nat, dressed as the Chile Pepper Festival Queen, enters to talk to papá. Seeing Pao there, she wants to talk to both at once. The Pepper Queen is several hesitant sentences into her confession to H&R when Jules bursts in with NMG in tow and he does the confessing instead. Everyone is cara de impactada, including Nat, who knows it is Bo-o-o-Gus (thanks Car Talk Guys, miss you). Pao’s reaction is just as expected. He turns purple with rage and lunges at the guy as Nat looks on. Gael is there to grab ahold of NMG and they go out in the hall with Pao right behind him and Franco trying to hold him back. They are still yelling. NMG has a name—Rodrigo Santos. Franco assures Pao that he will make the guy pay for what he did and asks Gael to take him to the police station to give his statement. (After more than two weeks in the slammer, Santos will probably change his story.)

Back in the office, Nat is furious with Jules. He tries to show her that had she confessed, that is exactly how Pao would have reacted to her. He wants to save her from herself. He promises to make it all better. Better for whom, she retorts. He doesn’t know how. All he does is complicate matters. She was ready to face the consequences. Jules wonders what good that would have done. Nat says it would have eased her conscience, that’s what. Why did he have to interfere just then. Jules answers because sometimes the truth is not the right way to go, sometimes the truth hurts or even kills. Bertie has now heard what went on in the hall and slips in to see how Nat is holding up. She gets a piece of Nat’s fury for her part in this cover-up. She wants to know how they got this guy to take the blame. Jules answers—money, what else? Nat’s not having it. She’s not going to let this guy take the blame. Bertie has heard enough and lays hands on Nat, grabs her by the hair and gives her a good shaking. Jules looks a bit nervous, but doesn’t interfere. Instead of saving her, Nat says, they are drowning her and she can’t stand it. It’s killing her. Bertie says to suck it up. This is the best solution for everyone. Franco comes back in. Nat wants to know how Pao is. Franco asks if she wants to see him. Bertie says this is not the right time.

Nat overruled her because she is now up on the rooftop with Pao. She gets a taste of the hatred, resentment and pain he has for the Santos guy. Nat has gotten ahold of herself and tries to be as uplifting as possible. Nopis, oops, here come the tears, again. Pao is never going to forget or forgive.


Thanks for a sparkling recap of a rather annoying episode. The only part I really enjoyed was when Mauro was scaring the bejesus out of Ingrid. Those two are well-matched in skankiness.

Loved these observations:

Meanwhile, the hugging goes on and Franco’s brilliant white teeth practically light up the place. (honestly, those teeth are blinding.)

Where's the beef? (thanks for that shoutout to the wonderful old Wendy's ads. And yes, pretty sad dinner...looked like pasta and cheese. Plus an untouched salad.)

Tizzy Tostito (a great nickname for a dubious character)

[Franco's claim of adult responsibility in relationship with Alba] All that canoodling, kissing, hugging and cuddling doesn't count? Give me a break. (Yessss...he's been carrying on an emotional affair since the first moment and now it's morphed into make-out dating. All his self-assessed moral superiority is beyond annoying.)

But the winner is:

Nat, dressed as the Chile Pepper Festival Queen. (Honestly, that outfit and the boots was such a disaster on so many levels. And did not square at all with her previous outfits. Not sure what the signal was from the wardrobe department but ugh!)

Well, here we are, almost as bemused and befuddled as our combative characters. Thanks for a smooth recap which managed to make sense of these convoluted carryings-on.

Bien hecho, Anita.

Check back later on, we think there’s a solution, maybe they get the Aqua House back for themselves.) Gabe is afraid of losing her if she has to go back to prison. One step at a time, she counsels.

Good point, and this sounds like a prediction. Neither Ingrid nor Roberta will give up on this and Tizzy will go to bat for Roberta if only to humiliate Franco, which also partly explains his attempts at seducing Alba.

(And I might say it was a mighty small tub for such a big guy.)

The bathtubs being installed in US apartments now would not even allow an adult to slink back into the tub with straight legs. I'm in my building for long enough to have the original one which allows me to do that. Paolo should have one of those huge ones from the UK.

(Does she even know about the Danger-UXB—hey did any of you watch that series? Anthony Andrews PRE-Brideshead Revisited; did he ever file a report with the police and have the device taken in for forensic tests?)

Another good one, although Tizzy Tostito might have been smart enough to not leave fingerprints on that thing.

Franco, you're not thinking but then again, you don't yet know that Tiziano is loco. He's also looking the wrong way at Alba. You have to know at least two reasons for that.

Natalia, for the nth time, tell your dad.

Tizzy, You are as insane as Roberta. If you even try to seduce Alba Roberta will kill you.

Roberta, you will never get Franco to love you again. Maybe you're deaf because he's made it crystal clear he wants a divorce. However, you are right about Julian. BTW, did your father goad your mother into her suicide? Even if he did that, he isn't loco.

Franco, Alba, You both need to learn discretion and to look over your shoulders.

Mauro, I love your mansion. Ingrid has execrable taste, so don't let her change a thing. However, I somehow think you won't end up marrying her.

Natalia, just kick the simian in the bazanzas. You will feel better.

Rufino, Julian will not bail you out. He will leave you to rot in prison.

Julian, in what alternate universe do you think Natalia would ever marry you after this?

Roberta, you have just proven that you don't give a crap about your ninny, who at least is human and has a conscience.

Natalia, your mother is a killer. Run because you are not immune from her wrath.

Thank you for your recap, Anita, and the snark. This telenovela has truly become snark-worthy.

The PDAs by Alba & Franco are appalling. Seems like he, at least, would be concerned, considering the law firm's "standing" in reputation and society. How is their picture not getting taken and circulated in the media, or social media? Gah.

”Women Over 50 Should Not Wear Mini-Skirts, Even if They Have Long Legs”
Well, Roberta pulls it off quite well, just like Tina Turner did at her age. I’ll give her that.

MOVING ON UP TO THE BIG TIME (apologies to 'The Jeffersons') ---
- That is quite a rock that Mau gave Ingrid. Like, eight carats? Girl will need to wear a sling so her shoulder doesn’t start to hurt.
- There are proven, valid concerns that Ingrid will re-decorate that bedroom with deep turquoise tones.
- She needs to be concerned about her own neck after Mauro showed his fangs & claws. Yikes. Ing could always pop Mau in the eye with that rock, in self defense.
- And seriously, Mau hasn’t even knocked boots with Ingrid, yet he is moving her in? Old Nose Hair is nuts. Surely a man of his standing in society can bag a classier babe than crazy ole Ingrid?!? #does.not.compute.
- And where will Gabe live? Back with Alba?

Who here mentioned Ingrid’s clothes look like bears mauled them? The sleeves on yesterday’s top looked like bears chewed them. Very distracting image for this viewer. ;-)

I am so over Nat/Juls/Pao. Stick a fork in it, I’m done.

Thanks, Anita! Rollicking recap of an irritating episode. I'm loving the off-kilter drama but hating all the endless conversation about it. And don't even get me (re)started on the kissing and crying -- have there ever been two less engaging couples? Every minute any of the four is on the screen I'm praying for more mayhem, y pronto.

My faves:

"the NoTell Café, where everybody knows, especially when you don’t hide it."

"Gael stifles a chuckle with a non-COVID-19 cough."

"Coffee Breath Kisses...though Alba claims she’s working and he claims he’s working on her case." (Here Franco expands my vocabulary of syrupy sayings with "quisquis" and "abrazoterapia.")

ITA that Natalia's dress was the ugliest thing I've ever seen on a tn character, and that's saying a lot. Although I'm in the small group cheering for Roberta's skirt -- if I could pull that off, I'd totally do it. You only live once.

Doris, the mauled-by-a-bear wardrobe was mine. But last night I didn't even notice! Good catch.


Mauro's quasi-homicidal lecture to Ingrid about "loyalty" got me's my new crockpot theory(tm): Mauro actually killed his wife because she was unfaithful to HIM, and Roberta is not really his daughter, which explains why he's so mean to her. When Alba is revealed as the true relation, she stands to inherit not only his affection (dubious though it may be) but his fortune as well. That would REALLY send Roberta around the twist!

I think Mauro genuinely loves Natalia, probably because compared to Roberta she is normal. I think that once he confirms that Alba is his daughter there will be hell to pay and Roberta will likely make another attempt on his life.

If Roberta is not truly his daughter I don't know the legal status of the situation because of presumptive paternity and not knowing inheritance law in Mexico. However, I don't think that will be an issue. Roberta's constant thing of only death will separate her and Franco points to her dying at the end of the novela unless Televisa writers have different rules sheets.

Wowzee, Patio, we're all on fire today!

Can we get some posters made to wave at the writers? Bring back Bianca and Gael? (I know, it's a lost cause, but it sure would make us feel better.)

I'd never thought of Bertie not being Mauro's child. It would muddy the slimy waters even more. This story has enough complicated familial relationships to add another later on. But, this tn continues to surprise. (Not so much.)

Mauro is a secret lecher and he needs his lechee close. Since he knows about Ingrid's roll in the hay with Julian, I think he has ulterior motives for dealing with Ingrid. He's either way smarter than we think he is or dumber than a pair of inflatable dumbells.

He's a sly old fox. He didn't make his money by being dumb. Women operate on a different level, though, I'll give him that. He could be dumb in that department.

Interesting how he laid down the "no cheating" rule to Ingrid. I agree with the theory that it was Isabel who cheated on Mau and he set her on fire. Bertie witnessed that and has been twisted ever since.

It still surprises me how many toxic mothers tns have produced, yet their offspring are troubled but functional. (Remember Ursula, Daniel and Maleny in YNCELH? They are possibly one of the exceptions, not forgetting Josefa either. They were all crazy.)

All these characters are flawed. So far we haven't seen a single one who is decent and honorable--that includes Olga, too. That said, just give me a cut-out of Juan Soler's head and shoulders, and I could stare at it for 44 minutes a day.

Buen hecho, Anita! "Franco's brilliant white teeth" are even brighter now than at the beginning of this novela. Loved "urges her to be Frank-o" and "and he's not even a ghost". I agree with others that the winner was "Natalia dressed as the Chili Pepper Festival Queen".

When Franco was trying to get Nat to talk, he told her that ever since she was born he has pledged to protect and DEFEND her. Notice how they slipped that in. Is anyone else watching that crazy Tiger King? In a questionable will of somebody who disappeared, the first line was "upon my disappearance", not the usual "upon my death" and yet there doesn't seem to be any blowback. And the tigers seem well fed.

I'm confused about what Alba's case is at this point. Hasn't she been released (albeit early) from prison after serving time for Hubby's death? And hasn't the restraining order been lifted? Why is Gabe worrying about her going back to la carcel?

Blue, I like your speculation that Roberta is the product of her mother's affair. But, I don't want Alba to have a pyromaniac strangler as her father.

R la O - IIRC Alba might be free on probation. Or STTE.

Anita, I too find these characters almost universally unappetizing. I was shocked from the very beginning at how casually everyone lies, even the protagonists -- they're always saying they're somewhere they aren't, or aren't somewhere they are, or haven't seen someone they're standing right next to, even when conversing with their own family members. I don't think I've ever watched a TN with so little actual virtue.

R la O, Alba is out on something called "conditional freedom" (libertad condicional), which sounds a lot like being out on bail pending trial. I think we still have a totally unrealistic trial scene before us, probably with lots of pointing, shouting and lunging. Those AMC courtrooms are like aerobics classes.

Wouldn't it be grand if Tizzy smacked Roberta around to give evidence of her spousal abuse, and it all got caught on those security cameras and HE ended up going to jail?

I guess I should confess something... the color that runs through my house is turquoise. I think it is beautiful and used to think there can be no such thing as too much. We now know that isn't true. I do covet that cute little turquoise refrigerator, though. That would be perfect for my basement. It'll be interesting to see how Ingrid redecorates the new place.

Ahh, gotcha. I hope Alejandra (PASL) rises from the dead to help defend Alba. I wonder if our Beautifully Maned Ana Paula has a tn in the works, since she gave up on Dynasty.


Vikki's sister Adriana had come home from ... Europe? Adriana's story is so unforgettable 😉, even though I could not have told you which telenovela she was in.

I like the Aqua House! It matches my peacock.

Doris—Was it La Esposa Virgen? Natalia Esperon was with Jorge Salinas and Adela Noriega you were thinking of?

RLO—OK, turquoise is a nice accent color. I’m surprised Inge doesn’t WEAR turquoise.
Funny that you mentioned Alejandra coming back from the dead. I never thought she was really dead. I thought it was a way to keep her safe. Remember how they kept Doc Drunky alive in CME? I bet they were hoping to get Ana Brenda back at some time in the future. She made the story, for me, with or without David Zepeda. Maybe they’ll give her a new boyfriend.

Right now, I’m infatuated with a British actor named Theo James, who is one of the stars in BBC’s Sanditon (Jane Austen’s unfinished novel). He’s absolutely scrumptious. Check him out.

Dear Anita, thank you so much for the snappy recap and the giggles it gave me.
. I love reading the clever recaps and the funny comments..bright 🌅 spots in my day. You guys are the best !

Anita - I did not watch La Esposa Virgen. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Doris—Natalia was a beautiful tragic terminally ill wife of Jorge Salinas. See if you can find some clips.

Anita, I know of Theo James from the Divergent series. Muy guapo!

I also have thought that given Ingrid's eye color, she'd wear more blues and greens and turquoise. Kind of related... back when I got my first driver license, before computers, I wrote in "turquoise" as the color of my eyes. For 4 years it said "Turq" on my license! I loved it. Then, my cute boyfriend at the time got his license right after me and we wrote in "Cocoa" to describe his brown eyes, and they printed his license like that too!

I'd love to see Ana Brenda come back. I can't imagine they'd have made her mom suffer so much though, if Alejandra were alive. She would need a new boyfriend, or we can weather the love triangle of Ale, Zepeda and the gal who has 2 legs in PASL, but only had 1 in Rubi.

OT..? "Turq" and "cocoa " eyes...cute. Were either of you ever stopped by a cop ? I can only imagine what any of my cop friends would have said about that !

Thank you JudyB, this was funny.
Ingrid,"not now, not like this Iam a decent woman". And she said that with a straight face yall.
Mau, "I should have known you have
Decancy". Stupid nosehair guy.
And then he threatens her choking her.
That ol nosehaired geezer did Kill his beloved Isabel, and berti saw it As a little girl. Still berti turned out to be just like dear Ol nosehaired dad. Spookykiller. What a Lovely Family.

Natty n pao. The couple of tears. Hah,
A couple a tears,Ok 2 tears. I'm tryin
To be funny, And nothing is normal. But Look, now they are going to cry more than ever. This is a serious show but it Is funny too. Especially the nosehair guy And the hunky dead guy, & the cryin guy. Who can leap out of a wheelchair. The Upper body strength works wonders when You Wantta kill the guy you think hit You and ran away. If he move like that Hating on that guy, finding out that it was nats that done The deed will probly give him his legs back. If she Get hooked up with slimy juls after this, she deserves whatever she gets.
She's tired but apparently not tired enough.
Note to natty: girl get over your fear
Fess up, do your time for the crime,
Get out on good behavior(if they have that in South America)start your life over and move on. Who knows maybe the
Tn Gods will let you meet up with pao
In the future. Then you both can stand
And look each other in the eyes. That's A long note. Owell she probly
Wouldn't read it anyhow.

Thank you JudyB, this was a fun read.
Now you be careful and stay safe. That
Goes for the rest of the patio too.


O Anita I don't Know why I thought JudyB did this recap,I'm sorry. Thank
You for The recap Anita. Judy I'm sure I'll be reading one of yours again sometime soon I hope.

Is this what we might call a "beanie telenovela"??

There doesn't seem to be 'beanie' moments; the whole thing is 'beanie', IMO.


I couldn't help but post my laughs for today from NextDoor. I'm pretty dense about jokes (especially risqué ones), so it took me a few seconds to get the joke.

Doris This first one is especially for you.

Car Swappers

"Someone has been running around at night and swapping cars left outside for similar model, yellowish green cars. If you catch whoever keeps doing this, please tell them to stop, I hate that color.

Cleaning Lady

"Our cleaning lady just called and said she would be working from home and will send us instructions on what to do."


LOL. When our son lived in Atlanta, the amount of pine tree pollen on the cars was amaaazing! 😳. We could carve our names into it! In the stairwell of his apartment building there were "dust rhinoceros" of pollen. 😷😷😷

"There doesn't seem to be 'beanie' moments; the whole thing is 'beanie', IMO."
You are so right! 😄😂
Amores Verdaderos is currently rerunning on UnMas and only two weeks into it. That is another fun no-brainer telenovela with occasional eye candy shower scenes.

Somebody was mentioning just a couple of episodes ago, how distracting it was that a painting was centered exactly in the middle of the wall in the living room between Franco(?) and Roberta(?) while they were talking; and somebody else, about how annoying the painting was on the stairwell wall going upstairs.

Their house is full of typical Mexícan Folk Art.

For those who aren't familiar with Mexíco (sorry for the Mexícan lesson):

Mexícan Folk Art encompasses everything from textiles to pottery to paintings to intricate, finely-crafted and vibrantly painted 'alebrijes'. They are all handmade by self-taught artisans.

Mostly, each State has its own unique product: silver jewelry from Taxco, Guerrero; Textiles and Woven Rugs from Oaxaca; Huichol Beaded Products from Jalisco, Durango or Nayarit.

All are so colorful and expressive. I especially love the 'Tree of Life'. I remember its awesomeness from my years studying in Puebla. And you'll see the 'Tree of Life' in a great many telenovelas. you. I love art, and that was fascinating !

Wow, where in the heck do you guys get these YouTube clips from? "I'm going eat you little fishy". Do you just stream YouTube all day??

I couldn't stop laughing. But resisted watching the rest of 'Red Dwarf' as I'm in a 'Más sabe el diablo Remix' re-watch marathon. Somehow I missed the 'Red Dwarf' original 1988 airing.

While I'm not watching AV again, I'm enjoying reading y'all's comments here. Weren't Nikki and Kendra nasty????

Victoria - thank you for the folk art lesson. That really helps understand the decor!

OT - AV Kendra was the nastiest of nasty. Nikki .... she was such a spoiled brat but was fascinating, and redeemed herself by the end.


Anita. Yes it was La Esposa Virgen.

I've been enjoying AV. Nikki looks familiar to me. Is she in shows filmed in the USA now?

If we keep watching these 2 shows, and add the new Ron Jose one, we better come out of this quarantine A) alive and B) fluent in Spanish.

Thank you, Victoria, for expanding our knowledge of Mexico and its artesanias.

No, I don't spend the day on YouTube. The phrase regarding the Little Fishy came from my memory banks and I just checked YT to make sure it was either plural or singular. I just loved the early episodes of Red Dwarf. I'm sure you'd be able to find them in sequence somewhere on the internet. I did love Cat (who evolved from a contraband kitty Lister brought in before he went into "stasis.")

I knew it was La Esposa Virgen. It was Doris who was trying to remember where she'd seen Natalia before, and it was right here on AV.

RLO--Nikki (aka Eiza Gonzalez) has been splashing TV screens for some time promoting some beauty product I would never use anyway. She does speak English fluently and her filmography seems to lean towards US action and horror films. Well as the Early Nikki, she is a horror.

"She does speak English fluently" but does she have that little bratty enunciation as she sells her beauty products? She really is a pretty girl. Smart company that hired her.

Victoria, I enjoyed looking at the Mexican art. I then looked at more Trees of Life on line. There are some spectacular ones! If we ever get to travel again, I'm going to look for a Dias de los Muertos Tree of Life Candelabra. In turquoise, of course.

OT...For anyone who has Starz , they are doing an Outlander season 5 marathon from 5pm to 12 tonight.

Susanlynn, taking herself to detention hall now


You guys really liked Outlander. Did it have a nice, 'conventional' ending?

Victoria--Outlander is a never ending story. There are still what, Susanlynn, 4 more books to transfer to the screen?

If you can find the 1st season. It will knock your socks off.

Anita...Diana is writing number 9 (Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone). She has said that she thinks that #10 will be the final book. I hope that Jamie and Claire die together. It would be unspeakably cruel to few I their bond and have one left behind to grieve for the other. Diana has said that she knows the ending.

WOW 10 books!!!

I just looked, and my library has all the seasons on dvd. If only the library were open.


Has anyone watched Salomé with Edith González?

Good or Bad?

It's not on the Sidebar recaps, and it wasn't mentioned when I put together the 'Recommended Telenovelas' table.


Victoria - Salomé was originally broadcast long before Caray existed. Unless there are recaps for a rerun, which I doubt, you won't find any.

I saw Salome back in the day. Edith was amazing, as usual. Niurka Marcos was good as her best friend, and Maria Rubio was the evil mother of Guy Ecker. Definitely worth watching.

If only Televisa had the story rights to Dark Shadows back then. She would have made a great Angelique.


DARK SHADOWS. --- oh my, I watched that back in the 1960s.

JudyB--It looks like you get the afternoon off. I'll check again, but last night the Uni schedule was all scrambled up with Coronavirus updates and TBA's. Gaah!

Just watched the Gov. Cuomo telenovela. It's on every day around 11 (although he usually comes in late). I'm certainly learning more about how NY government works than I know about my own state.

My guide show Me Declaro Culpable on as usual. Guess I’ll know for sure very soon.

My bad, Judy, MDC is on. (It's the Young and the Restless that isn't on, tee hee.)

I'm just a straggler creeping into the edge of the patio. I have to take my son to work during part of the 2-3 pm hour, so have missed many episodes. So thankful for the great recaps and comments. They are helping us maintain our sanity as we shelter at home.

Saw the mention of La Esposa Virgen. I think it was the first TN I saw on Univision, first one period. No captions, had to struggle to understand. I would love to see it again, now that I know so much more about TNs and the typical characters, events, etc. Great stars in that one.

Good wishes for everyone to stay safe and well.

I didn't see Salome, but Edith was a force in "Dona Barabara. "

Hi LA Paloma how are you doing ?

Hola, Paloma! Good seeing you!

Dona Barbara was excellent. Edith Gonzales was a far better choice than their original one.

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