Monday, April 20, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #45, 4/20/20: Another Hot Mess of an Episode

Would you believe, Patio, that I'm beginning to miss the crazy hijinks of Hijas these days?  It's true.  At least we had some beach scenes.  And some muscular fellas in bathing suits.  Now it's Nose-Hair Mauro, Beady-Eyed Julian and Soggy Paolo.  Oh well, moving's what happened today in our storm-tossed, über-dramatic world of suspect lawyers and star-crossed lovers.

In a nutshell, Bertie and Tiz tighten the screws on Papi Mauro.  Ingrid and Julian get busy in his hospital room.  Natalia has a passionate night with Paolo as a way of "saying good-bye". Gael learns he's going to be-- not a dad but a lawyer who helps place his baby for adoption. And Alba finds out Franco is off her case and her son has leukemia.

I'm tempted to leave it right there.  And maybe you are too.  But for those who want more detail, buckle up. And suck it up.  'Cause here we go.
el Bochornoso Bufete

A snotty Tiziano chuckles that old geezers like Mauro don't know what a cellphone can do these days.  The whole horrible confession of immolating his inconvenient wife has been recorded.  Mauro is more huffy than horrified.  He can't believe they would try and blackmail him this way.  And now he understands why Tiz took on Ingrid's case against Alba.  What a disloyal churl!  Bertie wants to get her two cents in, so she adds a big thank-you to Papi for bringing Tiz back into her life.  It's the one thing he did right.  As for what she wants--very simple.  That Alba rot in jail. So take Franco off the case.  NOW!  And Mauro, all the while recorded on speaker phone, does just that.  He persuades Franco to let someone else handle Alba's defense, since Tiz could even argue that Alba and he had a relationship  before her husband's death.  And you know he's crooked enough to do it! adds Mauro.  Franco finally agrees. Score one for the Bad Guys. Alba, of course, is not happy with the news, but Franco tut-tuts her concerns in his usual Me Big Lawyer You Sweet Naive Little Lady way, and she acquiesces.

Confession Café

Alba might as well hang out her shingle as a counselor.  Every whip stitch she's listening to someone's tale of woe.  Today it's Paolo. He's there to brood while Dante rehearses.  As for a drink, bring him something lethal please. (Yes, please!) But perky, pretty Alba prefers to listen and do her best to fix it.  After the usual "she just played with me" lament, she hops on the phone to try and persuade Natalia not to marry Juls out of pity. After all, what if Julian survives instead of conveniently dying right away? Then Natalia will just have to learn how to love him.  We can tell Juls is listening to Nat's side of the conversation.  I'm surprised the heart monitor isn't speeding up and the blood pressure hitting blast-off.  But no, he's cool with it.  Just so he gets that ring on the finger and the noose around her neck, I guess. Besides, he's already heard her woeful apology for not being there last night during his alleged medical crisis.  Now all she asks is that he hang on to his little shred of life until tomorrow when they can marry as God intended. As she drapes herself dolefully over his body, his beady eyes open and twinkle in a turgid kind of way. Yep.  All going according to plan.  No more broom closet for him!

Paolo's Sad Sad Sad Apartment

Faithful Dante has heard Paolo tossing and turning and comes in to see if he wants a bedtime story.  Nope.  But there's a knock later on the door and it's Nat, coming for the big Finish It Off Right that Alba recommended.  Dante doesn't think it's a good idea but he lets her in.  She's wearing her usual skin-tight jeans and 4 inch heels and we see her tottering into Paolo's room ready to give him a night he'll never forget.  There's the usual "Don't speak.  Let's just let our hearts (and our bodies) do the talking.  But then unfortunately they do do a lot of talking. The usual, I love you, perdoname, why are you doing this? perdoname, is this a good-bye? perdoname, I will always love you, perdoname, But I don't understand, perdoname...  She's put some dumb song on her phone and it plays over and over as they finally shut up, kiss, undress each other etc. And there we draw a veil Viewerville.  You'll just have to use your imagination.  

A Sad Sad Sad Park

Gabriel, looking like one of the Beatles in his heavy, draping the forehead coiffure, bids good-bye and farewell to Julieta.  -I'll never see you again because I'm going to die of leukemia.  I won't bother you anymore.  She begs him to stay, but of course after such a heartbreaking announcement, the little twerp knows he needs to make his dramatic exit and does.  But he's laid the groundwork for a cataclysmic meeting between Alba and Julieta where they talk like Moms,  and Alba learns the alleged truth about her son's disease. Nifty.  Let's see where that goes.

The Hot Sheets Hospital

Ingrid, as night nurse, is easily persuaded to lock the door and give Julian a night he'll always remember as well.  In fact our prince even vows that she's the first person he'll have an affair with after his wedding.  What a sweet thought! So c'mon lady, 'cause danger turns me on.  Well Ingrid hops on top and there, once again, we draw a veil Viewerville.  You're really going to have to work a little to imagine all these scenes of sexual passion, but I know you can do it.

Nose-Hair's Sad Sad Sad Mansion

Bertie is still having too much fun ribbing her dad about the dire turn of events in his cozy life.  Gosh, she trills, here I am back in our perfect little family home.  There's the passage-way where you set Mom on fire.  There's the basement that you shut me in.  And who could forget this little corner where you belted me so hard, I passed out.  But oh, all the presents you gave me so I'd keep my little mouth shut! Never wanted a brother or a sister.  Nosirree.  Let me be the only spoiled one [consentida] But now this bastard sister has come along!  Mauro sort of waves this off as "all water under the bridge" and begs fatigue, so Bertie bounces off to let him brood in peace.  Besides, she's got a wedding to plan.

Next morning in the sad, sad, sad apartment

Natalia is having trouble getting out the door since Paolo's hanging on for dear life.  After all, she's his reason for living.  Marry me!  Don't leave!  I can't live without you!!! Lots of perdonames from Natalia and the cryptic comment that their love was doomed from the beginning. But Paolo doesn't get it.  And he also can't pursue her as she heads out because...well, you know...he's paralyzed somewhere below the belt.  Fortunately his Love Machine is working just fine, thank you.  It's the legs, dang it.

el Bochornoso Bufete

Franco is hard at work.  We know that because he's wearing his Serious Black Glasses.  Bertie calls to chat.  He can't talk.  He's busy. -Too busy to come to your daughter's wedding at the hospital? Boom. He's outta there.  But not before texting Paolo to get to the hospital STAT and help him stop this demented boda.

Hot Sheets Hospital

Ingrid and Gabe show up for Natalia and Julián's wedding.  Why?  Which is exactly what Natalia asks.  Ingrid gives some lame excuse about being such a good buddy of the groom (well, that's one way to put it) and next thing you know the good Padre is there, ready to begin the nuptials. Even when Papi Franco shows up to protest, Natalia persists.  She's a big girl now.  Of age.  And she's going ahead with it.

Back to the Bochornoso Bufete

Bianca brings Gael his coffee.  I guess Alba is too busy counseling or learning about her son's fatal illness.  Or maybe it's just because Bianca wants to talk.  Of course Gael won't let her.  He keeps assuming she's there to get that other bimbo's name and address.  And launches into his "I fell in love with you but I'll get over it some day" when Bam! she breaks in and tells him she's pregnant. He leaps around the desk, lifts her up and crows "A papa, I'm going to be a papa, chaparitta [little gal]!  Well no.  She's not looking for a father.  She wants a lawyer to represent her when she gives the baby up for adoption. Gael's face falls.  His shoulders droop. His nether regions sag. And Bianca leaves. Stay tuned on this one Patio.  Maybe Gael will decide to become a single dad.

The Mean Streets of Mexico City

We now have some ridiculous Road Runner scenes of Dante madly pushing Paolo down endless sidewalks, running into impassable barriers, taking to the streets, nearly getting run over a second time, and finally snagging a taxi.  But the trouble doesn't end there.  Once at the hospital a wheel comes off, Paolo falls out of the chair, the police rush in to arrest them for wheelchair theft, and while Dante is explaining, Paolo manages to guerilla crawl down the hallway and into Julian's room just as the good Padre is saying "Natalia, do you take Julian to be your lawfully wedded husband....

NOOOOOOOOO, screams Paolo.

And there we end.

  Lots of drama today.  So pour yourself a drink. Or take one of Bertie's calming pills and wait with bated breath for tomorrow's episode.


Oh Judy, you did your best to make this sad sad sad episode sound watchable but it was DOA. Perfect title, BTW. Thank you for your recrap.

This was mostly a FFWD→ episode for me, once I got the gist of each scene.

"The Hot Sheets Hospital" wins the prize today! LOL

Seriously! How can Bianca put the baby up for adoption without Gael’s permission?!? My beanie hat almost flew off at that one.

And seriously! When skanky Ingy "did" Julian, seems like whatever beeping monitor he is hooked up to would have beeped a lot faster and alerted the nurses? Gah.

And Mauro will really let Alba go to jail?

How did I just know Julieta would be the plot device for Alba to learn of Gabe’s leukemia?!

I really wanted Paolo to just stand up and run, like, "OMG! My legs work!" (I agree, that whole thing was ridiculous)

And … first warm day in over a week and we can’t have the windows open because the !@#$%&*! medium-small dog that lives behind us will. not. stop. barking. Argh… ( big dog woofs would not annoy as much, but we get stuck with the higher pitched ones)

DORIS....the only upside of compromised hearing is the multiple yapping dogs in the neighborhood no longer bother me. But the summer a lonely bullfrog came to live by out neighbor’s pool, ye gods, there was no sleeping with the windows open. At 3 am he start calling for a mate. The sound was terrifying
.No wonder no lady frogs answered him. Makes me think of Mauro for some reason.
Also wondering if Angelique could have made the Natalia role more interesting. Our current Natalia is sleepwalking through her lines.

JUDY - I'm not an Angelique fan so I'm happy enough with the current actress.

I can not imagine a bullfrog at 3 am. Ugh... 🐸

Is it too early to speculate on what will replace MDC? I am so ready for this thing to be done, Too bad Javier didn't pop in while Ingy was riding Julián. That might have been fun.

Dear Judyb...wowee wow outdid yourself with this bouncy recap. Just what we need during this surreal time..a little fun , snark, and distraction.

I couldn't believe that after thinking Julian was severely damaged , he is now ready for Ingrid to saddle up. Yikes. The guy took a lickin' and keeps the tickin'. Amazing and disappointing .

Gabriel does , indeed,look like a young Beatle.

Judy, this was marvelous.

Loved the "sad, sad" captions that mirrored the action in this "storm-tossed, über-dramatic world of suspect lawyers and star-crossed lovers" perfectly.

"spoiled one [consentida]" was my favorite along with the "Hot Sheets Hospital" line doris so enjoyed (your beanie is the best doris!)

I would have enjoyed "muscular fellas in bathing suits" (huge sigh).

"drapes herself dolefully" was clever and made me smile.

So appreciative of your skillfully recapping what certainly seems to be an undeserving story. Gracias amiga.


Ay, Poor JudyB, saddled with this ridiculous episode. After watching, I really didn't want to be immersed in any more sad sad sad ridiculousness, but I knew we were in for some fun with your recap. You did not disappoint. Thank you.

Among my favorite lines were these--
About Julian: "Yep. All going according to plan. No more broom closet for him!"

"Ingrid, as night nurse.." conjured up an image of a smartly dressed nurse in white togs before the real image came into view.

About Paolo: "Fortunately his Love Machine is working just fine, thank you. It's the legs, dang it."

About Nat: All those perdonames you threw in really got to me. Oh, and explain to me why Paolo would be wearing his man-bun to sleep. It was impossible to get a good night's sleep in a pony tail (don't ask me how I know) and what he has is almost the same, if not worse.

Tiresome: Alba and Julieta missing all the cues in their conversation about Gabe was taxing. It finally ended after a lot of agony on my part.

About Franco: "Franco is hard at work. We know that because he's wearing his Serious Black Glasses." The scene between him and Alba was also off the ridiculousness chart. He knew there was a conflict of interest the first time he kissed her and she kissed him back and that was a long time ago. We on the Patio tried to tell him that.

Poor Dante: "We now have some ridiculous Road Runner scenes of Dante madly pushing Paolo..." What a waste of film crew. Couldn't they just CALL a taxi?

Paolo again: "Paolo manages to guerilla crawl down the hallway and into Julian's room..." I think this was the most ridiculous entrance a galan ever made to impedir a boda.

But tell me, why is this Padre going along with marrying a young girl to a comatose patient? Apparently marriages to dying patients is allowed. We saw another one of these bedside weddings in Reina de Corazones, but the bedridden moribund soul was awake and could say si, acepto.

I bet Angelique is thanking her lucky stars she didn't sign on for this one. I think she was already committed to Amar a Muerte--a much better vehicle for her. Don't forget MDC was a 2017 production and AAM was broadcast in 2018. I can't see her as Natalia, but there is a passing resemblance between the two. I guess that's what casting was going for, provocative and youthful. What they got was bland.

I can't see Angelique as Alba and nobody can do a crazy, demented, angry, murderous, vengeful, mean, cruel character than Daniela Castro. That only leaves Ingrid....need I say more?

Anyway, JudyB, you gave us a laugh a minute.

"" I think this was the most ridiculous entrance a galan ever made to impedir a boda."
Anita - it just dawned on me, when I read your comment, that this was classic telenovela Bodus Interruptus. Surely that is a Bingo square on someone's card.

Well, Judy, at least YOU are entertaining! I loved all the location names like El Bochornoso Bufete (so apropos), Confession Cafe, Paolo's Sad Sad Apartment, A Sad Sad Park, Nose Hair's Sad Sad Mansion and The Hot Sheets Hospital. I didn't see Hijas, but I sure would enjoy a beach scene over the aforementioned locales, muscles or not.

I also loved "no more broom closet for him", "fortunately his love machine is working just fine, thank you", "serious black glasses", "his nether regions sag", and I just may take you up on taking one of Berti's calming pills as we wait with bated breath.

Doris, do you live by me? We also have a small yappy dog in the yard behind us. I've put Thunderstorm Relaxation on my phone to play with headphones if I want to sit outside and read. Blue will have to tell you about her screeching owl.

I don't think Angelique could pull of a whole season of a vacant stare in the role of Natalia. She could have given the part some good cries and her trademark "es horrrrrrible" though.

JudyB, you're a hoot girl. What a fun recap.

Marrying a girl to a dead guy in a coma indeed. Who does that? That padre
Must be desperate for work since no body can go to church. How inthe world of fantasy island are they gonna deal
With this hot mess.

Papa nosehairs got something up his gray sleeves. He has gotten by all these hes not out of it yet. Tizzy better sleep with both eyes open I can't believe Mau just folded. No, He's gonna do something to those two Overly confident smelly cats. After all these years of covering his Gray nosehairy tracks, ah ah. He's got a

I never really got into the Juliet n
Gabriel storyline. Wasn't It a Mrs. Robinson kinda thing? Never got into the Mrs Robinson movie either. Hope he
Wont be to damaged by the older old lady.

Alba. Franco. What?

Paola crawling for dear life to keep his lady love from a fate worst than a
Coma. Marrying a smelly guy that just
Had sex with a fake night nurse.

Thanks for the laughs JudyB. This was very much needed. These People are crazier than mustard n yogurt. I have
No idea what that means, it just made sense for a few seconds.
Stay home n wash yours hands patio.��

Ps, now she can't give the baby up for adoption unless baby daddy sign off on it. At least That's how it is in the US. But this is the twilight zone of telenovaland. It'll be wonky.

Ok bye :-)

If Natalia can marry a guy in a coma, Bianca can give her baby up without the dad's consent. None of it makes sense.

And does Gabe have leukemia? And did his father have it? Or have the writers forgotten that Ingrid was sprinkling their meals with Nose Bleed Powder? And do the test results from said Nose Bleed Powder mimic those of leukemia? Running to put on my telenovela beanie now!

NINA - the rational side of my brain wondered of Papá Mauro has something up his sleeve, too. I hope your Crockpot Theory©️ is correct.

R la O - the test results said Gabe has leukemia. I swear, this is a plot by the writers to keep us tuned in. LOL

Good Morning Sweet Patio. You certainly lifted my spirits after a nightmare evening where we had to turn off the water in the kitchen sink because the faucet wouldn't stop running. And our plumber can't come because he's moving. So now I'm doing dishes in the utility sink of the laundry room. Yikes!

SUSANLYNN...Yes, Julián definitely wins the Took a Lickin' and Kept on Tickin' Award for performance under stress. We have to give Ingrid a little credit for doing most of the work, her being on top and all---but still. A great example of two people working together for the common good. Hah!

DIANA...Sweet lady, you're not even watching this and grappling with the difficulties of working from home. Yet you stop by to make me feel so appreciated. Yes, I put in "consentida" for you. I know how you love the language.

ANITA...Great to hear from you so early. And I was in total agreement with you on this:

Tiresome: Alba and Julieta missing all the cues in their conversation about Gabe was taxing. It finally ended after a lot of agony on my part.

I was in agony right along with you. They kept on and on and on, talking at cross-purposes. I was afraid the same thing was going to happen with Bianca and Gael, but she nipped that in the bud reasonably quickly. And of course you were quite right about the Franco/Alba conversation as well. He should have recused himself from the lawyer position right from the start. Alas, he had other "positions" in mind! even if he wasn't consciously aware of it.

ROSEMARY LA OTRA... Thank you. So much fun messing with this, right? And I love your memory of Angelique and her "Es horrrrrible!" That actress can really wallop the bejesus out of a role. And hopefully she could have made Natalia more interesting. Sometimes the choice of actress makes all the difference. Irena Baeva is lovely but I've never had the impression there was a lot percolating up there in her brain. Maybe that's why she and Gabriel Soto are such a compatible couple.

NINA...Wow. Talk about things percolating in the brain--"These People are crazier than mustard n yogurt. I have
No idea what that means, it just made sense for a few seconds."

That pretty much says it all. These people ARE crazier than mustard in yogurt and we're a bit crazy for still watching. But the Patio is too much fun. And helps keep me sane between pandemic woes and the smaller woes of a non-functioning kitchen at the moment.

Thanks, thanks thanks dear Patio. Love all of you. As for the leukemia question, it is so muddled now I have no idea what to think. Hopefully the writers will make some sense of it eventually. A real illness? An Ingrid-induced illness that fooled the doctors. Or What!? All I can say is for some reason, TN writers love leukemia. It's been the illness of choice in so many shows that I've watched. Comes close to COMA which has occurred in absolutely every single one. At least once. Often more.

Isn't "someone in a COMA" in the telenovela rules? (if not, it should be). I'm pretty sure a neck brace is, but can not recall if Paolo wore one while in hospital. Julián did not and seem like he might have needed one after the impact of a train.

DORIS...Oh yes!, the neck brace. Any time anyone ever trips and falls, much less gets seriously injured, there is always a neck brace! Good call. That should be on somebody's Bingo Card.

And how were the yapping dogs last night. Maybe Rosemary la Otra's suggestion will work for you. Or you can download the app CALM. I've heard that works well for some people.

Judy - we had the windows closed, so I could, it hear the dogs. Many times in years past, hubby and I were driven indoors from our lovely screened porch because of dogs chronically barking, it is impossible to know in which house these dogs live. There is a big tree line between the yards. How these people are not hearing their own dogs is beyond me, but we had the same problem with a next door neighbor at our last house, almost 30 years ago. That dog would bark on its back hard all. night. long. 😳 Around the time I was getting ready to take legal action with a "private nuisance" complaint, he moved away.

....could not hear the dogs....

Good Morning, Culpable Patio!

I couldn't help but drop in to read your recap, JudyB. I dropped this TN when they changed to the earlier slot, but your introduction caught my eye and I just kept on reading. I sure miss your hilarious, snarktastic recaps! You had me smiling and laughing all the way through. I'm trying to choose some sidebar-worthy quotes but it's really hard since I'd really just like to post the entire recap on the sidebar LOL. I finally decided on a couple--

We can tell Juls is listening to Nat's side of the conversation. I'm surprised the heart monitor isn't speeding up and the blood pressure hitting blast-off. But no, he's cool with it. Just so he gets that ring on the finger and the noose around her neck, I guess.

Paolo doesn't get it. And he also can't pursue her as she heads out because...well, you know...he's paralyzed somewhere below the belt. Fortunately his Love Machine is working just fine, thank you. It's the legs, dang it.

A reminder to everyone: we do need some nominations for sidebar-worthy quotes. I know it's sometimes difficult when the entire recap is such a masterpiece, but if there is something that really has you laughing out loud, please send me your nomination to or you can send them to Anita.

DORIS...Before my hearing went south, it was the "little" sounds that drove me bonkers. Like the drip of a faucet (foreshadowing?), the tick-tock of a clock, or my husband chewing. But so sorry your Karma seems to be yapping dogs. Your own little one seems to be such a love.

RGV CHICK...Oh my, so glad that you stopped by. I have missed you, but certainly understand the 2 pm time slot doesn't work with your time dealing with land and animals. You've got a lot on your plate. Every day, day after day. Still, you made me feel very appreciated this morning. Thanks.

Or you can send sidebar nominations directly to me, since I'm the one who posts them. My gmail address is fishdontsleep.

I'm especially interested in anything non-Culpable, as this is the only tn I follow right now.

OT...hello, all. Looking forward to the distraction of the crazy show At 2.00 for a wee break from reality. I escape with the telenovelas and reruns of Dr.Quinn and new episodes of Outlanderin between chores. Running out of garb so I won't have crocheting to distract me. On to painting, I guess.

Raining steadily here with thunderstorms predicted for this affernoon and dropping to 31 tonight. .

On the food front, my daughter went to a small, old locale store for my groceries when the earliest date for delivery from our bigger grocery store was May 19. Then , I wiped down with Clorox wipes everything delivered . Then left anything that didn't need refrigeration in the foyer . Trying to figure out how long to let them " rest" before putting away.

Stay safe and well.

Hi, Chickie..miss you..

Ot..sorry about your kitchen woes. How is your hand ? Hang in there.

Above comment is meant forgot steadfast judyb. Xoxoxoxo

SUSANLYNN...Kitchen woes continue as do hand woes. Doc can’t do surgery till pandemic danger passes. But kitchen woes may get resolved tomorrow. In the meantime washing dishes in laundry room and using trash compactor for garbage since can’t use disposal either. Just hope new plumber doesn’t give me coved-19!


JUDY - we have been having workmen here for almost four weeks doing a bathroom renovation. Rotten subfloor around the toilet got this totally UNPLANNED ball rolling. Good thing because the subfloor under the little shower stall was so rotted it looked like a trampoline. But I digress.... We have kept our distance and they understand, and do not take it personally..

When we had a small sink faucet repair, when I called to book the service call even a month ago, our plumbing/HVAC provider asked *me* if everyone in our house was healthy. Much of their clientele are senior citizens and they were being careful. So keep your distance, disinfect everything afterward, cover your face for conversation, and you should be okay.

I'm a little late to this party but great work, Judy.

Leukemia is the Disease of the Year in our sector of Novelalandia, but I fail to see how someone could cause it with herbs or even poison. I am wondering if cleaning up medical fantasy in telenovela is a cause we need to espouse in view of how many covidiots there are.

Mauro, this threat is insane. Who would believe a woman who tried to kill three people – all in front of witnesses – and has been committed multiple times?

Natalia, Julian brought this upon himself and besides, he's faking. Don't fall for this trap. You don't know what other crimes he has committed.

Franco, look at that phone.

Where is that doctor?

Franco, WTF??? You have craploads more dirt on Roberta than she thinks she has on you.

Natalia, you are not doing the right thing for anyone.

Paolo, by now she might be as crazy as her mother.

Franco, you have to stop this.

Ingrid, could you sink any lower?

Julieta, you get the Purple Heart for having the courage to do the right thing.

Gael, You really aren't thinking.

Paolo, Your timing is incredible.

Judy, I loved your perfectly crafted nutshell. As well as the post-nutshell comment: "I'm tempted to leave it right there. And maybe you are too." But thanks for soldiering on.

My faves:

- Franco tut-tuts her concerns in his usual Me Big Lawyer You Sweet Naive Little Lady way.

- As for a drink, bring him something lethal please. (Yes, please!)

- After such a heartbreaking announcement, the little twerp knows he needs to make his dramatic exit and does.

I was watching on my iPad and kept hitting the 30-second FF during Natty & Paolo's endless conversation, but I think I got every PERDONAME. Aaaargh. Why can't one of THEM be in a coma?


Whoah -- big storm rolling in right now over Delaware Bay with marine warning. Waterspouts!

URBAN...Loved your Purple Heart for Julieta. The Ask U A approach is fun and I hope you’ll do it for Te Doy la Vida on the nights you don’t have to recap. Always adds to the discussion.

BLUE LASS...Thanks, my friend. And by the way, EXCELLENT suggestion. Put either Soggy Paolo or Soporific Natalia in a coma. Nate is so close already, a couple of baby aspirin might do the trick.

Sorry to hear about your scary storm warnings. These seem to be apocalyptic times right now.

Stay safe Patio! And thank you all. Mucho.

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