Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #52, 4/29/2020 -- "Luke, I am your father."

Okay, it wasn’t quite like in Star Wars, but today Mauro tells Gabe,  “Gabriel, soy tu abuelo”.  But first we must suffer…..  Many scenes have been clumped together because today’s episode was like being the silver ball in a pin ball machine on a Saturday night. During Happy Hour.  My head hurts from all the bouncing back and forth between story lines.  Hopefully I did not leave out anything crucial.  

The police are trying to haul Alba to jail while she is screaming (of course) and calling Franco names, chastising him, same-old same-old.     
Later on, there is a near cat-fight in the prison when some of the other inmates are harassing Natalia.  Alba defends her and has one in a very fake-looking choke move.  That’s enough to get Alba taken away to solitary confinement.  THAT cell looks like a dungeon with water running down the walls.  Ew.

KATIA  (who just won't go away)
Tells Paolo that Natalia, because of her family money & name,  will likely end up in one of those Country Club prisons with all the comforts of home. Pao ponders that.  But he did not cry today, so, growth.

Is not hungry when her dinner is brought to her, and is dizzy, then promptly faints.  Okay, telenovela Patio, we ALL know what this means.  Yep.  The doctor informs her that she is embarazada.  Unfortunately, vile Julian has just arrived and overhears the news while standing in the hall.

Roberta is gloating with Tizzy when he tells her that Alba has been returned to jail.     Later, Tiziano pays Lorena (our Little Miss Slutzky) for her job with Gael and it looks like he is going to partake of her ... um  … talents.

Franco and Mau go to Gael’s apartment to see why he was a no-show for Alba’s hearing yesterday.  They pound on the door, can hear his muffled screams, Franco goes to find the super to get a key, and…voila! … there’s our boy still trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.   (I’ll bet he reeeally had to pee).   Franco & Mauro are so very disappointed to find him tied to the bed.   Good old Mau tells him he would have rather found Gael dead, than like this.  The Patio might be in agreement.  

* Sometimes I notice the art in a character’s home or office, and it is often clear insight into that character’s person.   So today, I noticed a 4-square/4-image print on the wall (behind Mauro as he was shaking his head over Gael being ‘tied up’)  of Gael;  a head shot, four of then, in this print, on his bedroom wall.   Ew, Gael ….  egotistical much?

Franco is royally  P.O.’ed that THIS is why he missed Alba’s hearing and Alba got tossed back into the klinker.     He finds Gael’s toolbox and it conveniently has a chain cutter to free Gael from las eposas.  Who else has a chaincutter in their toolbox, Patio?  (not me)  Franco  mutters that he would rather use them on Gael’s neck right now.  Recapper agrees.

Much later, Gael catches up with Lorena and threatens confronts her, demanding to know who put her up to “detaining” him.  She finally spills the beans,  allowing as how his not-so-BFF Tiziano was behind it.  

Much later, Gael goes to the No Tell Heartbreak Café and tells Bianca what happened.  She goes ballistic on him.  (Well, duh!)    She KNEW that woman was trouble!  You can’t control your hormonal urges!  THIS is why I’m putting our baby up for adoption!   Grow up!!!

Is in the hospital, post kidnap event,  with the requisite telenovela bandaged head.  He is asking for his mom and Ingrid tells him mommy is back in jail where she belongs.  Later, they are arguing over Alba being in jail.  Gael finally reminds Ingrid that she is not her son and he never will be.  That stuns Ingrid and shuts her up.

Later, Gabe (hospital head bandage is gone)  has run away from the turquoise house of horrors and skankiness.   He  lands on Julieta’s doorstep, asking if he can stay there.    Sure!  Pedro doesn’t even act weird around him, considering Gabe is "doing" Pedro's Mom, but, what-ever.  I don't write this stuff, I just report it.

The next morning, Ingrid comes to collect Gabe.  Julieta had called and told her where he was.  Ingrid thanks her.  Before they can leave, Gabe takes off out the door, running away yet again.  This might become a habit.

Bribed the prison guards to look after Natalia and to also put a small package into Alba’s cell.  Probably drugs, but we will have to stay tuned this week to find out, like we care.

Roberta and Franco argue over whose crime was worse, Roberta says Natalia should not be in jail because hers was an ACCIDENT, unlike Alba who willfully killed her husband.  Robs then tells Franco her plan to save her daughter is to Declare Herself Culpable – so Natalia can be free -- and then commit suicide.   Recapper is, like, what-evs, you would be doing everyone a favor.   Franco lines … Roberta lines … you know the drill.

Franco goes to visit Nat in the jail.  He heard she was in the infirmary and is worried about her.  Lots of  “I love you forever”s, but she does not tell him she is pregnant.  She saves that for later, when she calls Paolo to tell him.  But Paolo does not want to talk to her, because she ruined his life forever and then there was that lie of omission.  He hangs up, so her news gets delayed. (Oh good grief! Why she just didn’t spit it out before that is beyond me.)

Julián goes to visit Natalia, because he is such a swell guy, oozing concern for her.  He heard she had gone to the infirmary, and tries to coerce her into telling him she is pregnant.  She claims anemia, but long story short, he says   ‘I can always tell when you are lying.  You’re pregnant, right?’  

One of the prison guards is walking Alba down the hall to see her attorney.  When Franco’s name is mentioned as said attorney, Alba stops, tells her that he is not her attorney, turns, and goes back to her cell.   So looks like she is still not speaking to Franco.  Next?

For reasons unknown (or else I missed something), Natalia is delivered to Alba’s cell in the dungeon so they can be roomies.  (QTH?)  Oh, wait for it, plot propeller!   Natalia tells Alba she is pregnant and is freaking out; her baby will be taken away because she is in prison.  Alba, our seasoned  prisoner-in-residence, says ‘eh, no biggie, there is a whole different section of the prison for women and their kids.’   I can hear it now, when this kid is older:  
“I grew up in Mexico City.  Where did you grow up?”   
“Um…. the women’s prison.”

 ... with Franco in tow, confronts Tizzy about Lorena.  They all trade insults then leave.  Meh.

Has made his way from Julieta’s house to the prison to see his mother.  While he is talking with Alba, his hair is starting to fall out from the chemo.  Says he’ll look like an egg soon.   Poor kid.

He makes his way back to Bianca’s, where he spends the night in Alba’s bedroom.  Gabe tells Bianca how he wishes he could tell the judge where he wants to live.  Bianca assures him that in three years (for-ever!) he will no longer be a minor and he can decide then.   Gabe asks her to please DON’T tell Ingrid I’m here.  Bianca says,  “Doña Pelos?  Nah, we’ll let her worry for tonight.   I’ll take you over there after your chemo session tomorrow.”    ( “Doña Pelos”! I just loved this!)


Mauro shows up at Ingrid’s shortly after Bianca brings him there, after his chemo session.  Mau tells Gabe that he has family and come stay at Mauro’s.   Ingrid starts twitching and interrupting, but Mau is not to be deterred.  He tells Gabe that the judge owes him a favor, and Gabe can come stay with him because …. Luke, I am your father  Alba is my daughter and I am your abuelo.  Gabe is too worn out from chemo to even have a cara de impactada.  

Ingrid is so not a happy camper.  If eyes could kill.

And that’s it for today.


Excellent, Doris.

One way or another, Gabriel has to get out of Ingrid's house before she kills him. Mauro is finally using his influence for good but doesn't yet know the extent of Ingrid's evil. The beginning of tomorrow's episode should be very interesting.

Paolo, Katia is garbage and she is showing that now.

Tizzy, enjoy this whle you can. You don't have much time left.

Guard, we thought you were honest. You have disappointed us.

Gael, violence is not the answer.

Franco, Robeta would kill herself to punish Natalia for not being a nene. Do you realize that now?

Natalia, tell your father everything. When your mother finds out you're pregnant she will kill herself and the rest of you can have an FPS.

Julián, you are a sick creep.

Mauro, best move yet even if the timing is off. How is Alba going to take this?

Roberta continues her epic selfishness. Natalia should tell her she's pregnant and then Roberta might finally off herself or get sent to the manicomio after getting caught in the attempt.

I couldn't find out what time slot this originally aired it but it would be very interesting indeed to know how the Mexican audience took the Mary Kay Letourneau story of Gabriel and Julieta.

Thank you , Doris, for that replay of all the angst and evil.

So we have two pregnant characters..Nat and Bianca.

Two characters in Jail.. .Nat and Alba.

Two BSC characters ...Rob and Ingrid.

I am amazed at everyone being okay with the Gabe and Julieta romance...except the ex hubby.

Gael is a horny idiot. That libido is going to get him killed one day.

Good Morning DORIS and frisky Patio. What a clever title you came up with! Kudos to you kid. And enjoyed all the sarcastic observations:

[Paolo] but he did not cry today, so, growth

those Gael Portraits times 4...Egocentric much?

and this whole paragraph was a hoot....

. They pound on the door, can hear his muffled screams, Franco goes to find the super to get a key, and…voila! … there’s our boy still trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. (I’ll bet he reeeally had to pee). Franco & Mauro are so very disappointed to find him tied to the bed. Good old Mau tells him he would have rather found Gael dead, than like this. The Patio might be in agreement.

also this:

[Gabriel] He lands on Julieta’s doorstep, asking if he can stay there. Sure! Pedro doesn’t even act weird around him, considering Gabe is "doing" Pedro's Mom, but, what-ever. I don't write this stuff, I just report it.

Such an off-putting storyline. Hard to believe we're supposed to be okay with this.

And this really made me laugh...

Gabe is too worn out from chemo to even have a cara impactada

Well, these stories, even the "ultra-liberated" like this one, are still preaching the old Every Child Is a Blessing...even if you're penniless, incarcerated, are embroiled in a toxic relationship, whatever. Hmmm...then why are there so many children in orphanages in Mexico? And so many in foster care here?

Anyway, that's another sad story. But you did a great job of organizing this mess of an episode and making it funny and readable. Thanks Doris.


Good morning, all.

I have no idea ( as ususl) where this rolling disAster is going, but I suppose, as always, there will be some sunshine and rainbows ( Paolo and Nat and baby makes 3...Franco and Alba and maybe another baby...Bianca and her baby) and then assorted anvils ( Rob, Tiz, Julian, Ingrid..table for 4 in hell???) As for Gael and Mauro ????

Judyb, I hope your hand is better. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

I wish that Kirby would check in and let us know that he is okay.

Stay well and safe, a!l.

Doris, thanks for getting this up so quickly -- I read with much appreciation but didn't want to comment until I had seen the epi. Okay, I did FF through pretty much all of Alba and Nat (made much easier now that they're in the same room -- thanks, writers!) and of course Paolo. Their persistent repetitious dialogue has really freed up my schedule.

And thanks to your expert guidance, I was able to dwell on the high points -- Gael's self-portrait (GAWD) and Gabriel's cara-too-tired-to-be-impactada. In fact, Gabe's reaction was so hilariously doltish I rewound and watched it twice. Then I went back to yesterday's epi and rewatched Franco's reaction to the whole Julieta storyline...or should I say Juan Soler's reaction? I think the mask may have slipped there. ;}

This whole slopshow really is circling the drain at this point, but we'll keep at it BECAUSE WE'RE COMMITTED. Or should be. In the words of UA, Manicomio Now!

My energy is really leaking out fast, though, because I don't care about either of the main couples or any of the major characters. They're all just so...unsympathetic. I want Margara to keep her job (or get a better one -- maybe she knows something about babies?) and I want Olga to unbutton at least the top button so she doesn't suffocate. And I'm marginally fond of Dante, although who can he possibly end up with? Natalia only has one friend, and Katia doesn't have any.

But the anvils should be satisfying, so I'll hold out for that.

Blue Lass, Well, I think Lorena will be single and ready to mingle once Tix is dead or IN jail.

Susanlynn, waiting for the rain ☔

Oooo nice idea, Susanlynn. They'd make a cute couple -- although Dante seems a little too sensitive and artistic to go for a gal who french-kisses guys in cafes in the middle of the day. On the other hand, opposites attract...

Doris--I was late to read, late to watch, and too late to comment. But I'm here to cheer you on. I have to admit to reading the title, then getting seduced into reading the recap before watching. Like Blue Lass, I'm now glad I did. You prepared us for the worst and the best (what there was of it).

When I read the word "LUKE," my eyes paused and wondered what Luke's book of the Bible had to do with all this, then I moved on to who might have gotten a new hairdo-or wardrobe. It wasn't a Bible quote, but I guess you could say Nat got a new "luke" in her potato sack (rather form fitting I would say). The prison must carry sizes 0-20 in stock at all times. Regardless, the Star Wars reference wins a prize. Luke was really a cute young guy. Can't believe Mark is 68 now.

Hi Doris

Not knowing if you'll see this... I am running quite late... but I wanted to thank you for the fun read.

I'm hoping Gabe actually goes and lives with Mauro so Ingrid isn't able to poison him anymore, if that's what the "leukemia" is supposed to be. Then, let's wish that his miraculous recovery is suspicious enough to review the autopsy results of his dad, and Ingrid can go join Alba and Nat in their cell.

Firiz I didn't get to see this episode but the recap done it up good. Thanks

Now We know how much of a murderous
Sleaze tizzy is. His Anvils should relieve him of life. That usually goes
That way with murderers in telly/soaps

Hey doris, quick question, when you said "he must reeeeally have to pee".
Was he standing at attention? Cuz guys
Stand at attention when they're in a tight, I have brothers I know These
Things. And gael been laying there for
A looooong time. Stupid Gael.

Anyways They found him. This should teach him a lessen about letting his brain tip Lead him instead of his real brain in His head. Stupid gael. He should be more pist at himself than with tizzy.

Another question, I was looking at the
Word "Embarazada", ok now that's the
Word for "pregnant" in Spanish? Now the first part sounds like embryo.when
I first saw that word I didn't know it
Was pregnant in Spanish. Now I know what to look for when there's a story line about being with child.

Juls is still sleazy SOB.
Robs is still a major nutjob.
Pao didn't wet his face, yaaah.
He will, give him time.

Gabe has a gampa aawww, And a Crazyass
Tia. He'll fit right in perfectly.

Thank you Doris. You done good girl.

Nina - yes, "embarazada" is Spanish for pregnant. Comes up in almost every telenovela. "Preñada" also means pregnant, but it is never used. One of my older dictionaries says it is used for pregnant animals like livestock. Who knows? 🤷🏼‍♀️

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