Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Me Declaro Culpable #57 May 6, 2020 --- Franco’s wedding ring is finally gone!

Some scenes are combined.  Some stuff omitted (I’ll probably pay for that later).  And some translations might  earn a C+.  No snark, just some frustrated recapper comments.  I’m so ready for this show to be over and to get these people out of my life.    Never thought I would say this, but I miss Hijas.  (Ack!)   I WANT A COMEDY NEXT!


When Gabe and Mia (a/k/a lollipop girl) overhear the police are looking for them, they take off running.   Mia is really weak and cannot keep up with Gabe.   He finally realizes this when he looks behind him and she’s not there.  Oops.   He lost her a mile back.  He finds her, she is running a fever, and she tells him she cannot take the pain anymore and  begs him to help stop her pain  Gabe ponders that this is what his dad said, too, when he asked Alba to end his life.   (nothing like insight, eh?)
Gabe takes off running back to the bus station, screaming “Help!” all the way.  By the time he returns to Mia with the police, she has passed away.

Later, when Gabe and Alba are reunited, Franco asks Gabe about the boatload of cash the police found in his luggage.   Gabe tells him that Roberta gave it to him, to get rid of him.   And he accepted it because he was tired of her slapping him around.    Alba is appalled.  

PAOLO    ( and a Katia-free day!)

Pao is upset that Emanuel went to see Natalia.  Emanuel isn’t having it, because he knows Pao still loves Natalia, do not deny it, and 'to love is aprender a perdonar.’  Whatevs.   That’s the least of Paolo’s problems today.  Why isn't he upset that Kat and Emanuel were ... moving the sofa?

Next, Mauro pays  home alone Paolo a visit.  Daddy Nose Hairs is not happy that Paolo was ugly to Natalia over the baby business, threatens him, then lands a good punch that almost knocks Pao’s teeth out.  (Such a niiice guy, smacking down a guy in a wheelchair)  The punch lands Paolo on the floor, and while Mau is standing over him and ranting,  it looks like Mauro kicked Paolo in the family jewels for good measure.  Owie!  He tells Paolo to drop the charges against Natalia, lose the venganza, or your own life won’t be worth living.

Paolo goes to see Nat at the prison and tells her he is tired of her family  messing with him.  She shoots back that SHE did not appreciate Katia coming to visit her and telling her that they’re living together.  Tit for tat.  I guess they're even.

JULIÁN (who had a very busy day)

First, he showed someone, maybe Tiziano (sorry, I didn’t write it in my notes)  the security video of Berta pushing the H&R witness over the roof ledge.  

Then, he visits Nat in the prison while Paolo is still there.  Natalia insists Julian tell Paolo the truth about who is her babydaddy.   We never see if he did, and I don't know nor do I care.

ROBERTA  (who was also very busy today)

Roberta tells Mauro that she knew about the H&R (hit & run) all along and that she killed the only eye witness.  She begs Mauro to keep Julian away from talking to Franco, or she will be destroyed (a little late for that, dontcha think, Berti?)   Mauro is looking like that little consequence might not be such a bad thing.   He tells Roberta that he will not lift a finger to save her, and that it would be best if she leaves,  disappears forever, never to be seen again.


The usual conversation about how she idolized  him, yadda yadda yadda.   In today’s convo, though, Javi drops the bombshell  that her son, Patricio, is … ALIVE!   And then he vanishes. 

Later on, Ingrid is looking over all the baby things she had for her child.  Javier is there, again, and tells her she…is…all…alone.  He invites her to join him and hands her the bottle of pills.   Viewerville has their fingers crossed.

Some time later, Ingrid has taken the pills.  While in a drugged fog,  she sees a young man entering her house, and asks “who are you?”  “My name is Patricio”.    (Ingrid is probably thinking “oh boy, a reason to live”)    “Patricio”  says he has been looking for her, and hands her something he says is all he has from his mother.  It is the matching pendant to the one Ingy has (see paragaraph  above) aaaand she passes out.

Gabe and Alba go by the Turquoise House of Horrors and Skankiness to invite Ingy out to get a bite to eat with them, and they find her unconscious, on the floor.


Franco must have read the comments here on Caray, because his wedding ring is gone. Finally.  Or else his Emily Post book told him it is crass in bad taste to get engaged to one woman while still wearing your old wedding ring from wife #1.

He and Alba are out to dinner & dancing.   Alba sure has made a speedy recovery from being stabbed in the stomach & brought back from the dead.   Franco proposes to her and has an engagement ring.  Of course, Alba says yes.   Well, isn’t that nice.  ~eye roll~


... tells Franco that Roberta killed the only witness to Natalia’s H&R.  Franco thinks he is lying, so Juls shows him the video.   Everyone has seen it by now, so next week it will probably  be on YouTube.

Again with Julian.   Always there, never wanted.  He goes  to see Natalia at the prison, with one of Tizzy's bodyguards in tow.   (why does Natalia keep talking to this schmuck?)   Juls says he is there to help her escape.   Freedom is calling.  He has a dress for her to change into and a very narrow window of opportunity.  Our upright citizen (Natalia) tells him no way, Jose.  She is staying and doing the time for her crime (and I made a rhyme).


Has come to the Heartbreak Café to wreak more havoc upon her half-sister.   Alba grabs Roberta’s wrist to stop her from slapping her, and Berta sees the engagement ring.  Not to be upstaged, Roberta goes all high school and  says her own rings from Franco are much nicer ---neeener! neener!--, and while maybe not by the court of law, she is still married to Franco in the eyes of God.  (can this woman just not let it go?)   Berti  wishes Alba all the unhappiness and worst in the world.  (Is there a Hallmark card for this type moment? )


Tizzy is frustrated that Roberta has showed up late.  They’re supposed to leave in a few hours, gosh darn it!  Berti goes all high school on him, saying she can’t go because she has bigger fish to fry.   Franco is engaged to Alba!  I saw the ring!  I’ve got to put that bastarda in her place!  

Franco shows up, so Tizzy tells Roberta to go to her room and wait for him there.  Tizzy  then pulls a gun on Franco and tries to negotiate, justifying Roberta killing the H&R witness as an act of love for her daughter. 

Eh, no, says Franco, that was cold-blooded murder and way different from Alba’s case, just sayin’.  Berti needs to pay for killing that poor guy, just like Tizzy needs to pay for HIS OWN CRIMES, like killing Ruffino Santos.  

Ruh-roh.  Fight scene!  They struggle for the gun.  Tiz overpowers Franco and says the only way for Roberta to be free is when Franco and Alba are dead.    Then Franco overpowers Tiz and knocks him out.   The Patio cheers. The gun lands on the ground a few feet away.

Roberta, who is about as obedient as my dog, did not go to her room.  She comes back out onto the patio, grabs the gun that was laying on the ground, and fires it into the air.  3x.  Then she points it to her head and Viewerville wishes she would pull the trigger again.  Well, we get our wish and she does, but it is out of bullets.  (darn it!)  So she goes for the injured martyr card with speech #109 about dedicating her life to Franco, yadda yadda yadda.  

Franco isn’t playing this game anymore and walks away.  Robert picks up something big and heavy  that  looks like a smaller version of the Stanley Cup….(this would normally be NHL playoffs season, but I digress.  #withdrawals)  She whacks him hard, from behind, on the back of his head, he goes down, and she continues to whack him with that thing, saying over and over Speech #149 ---  “I hate you, I love you, I hate you, I love you, you’re the love of my life for ever and ever, now die!”  

If Franco survives this without a brain or spinal injury, it can only be a telenovela miracle.    Franco is face down on the steps, blood is trickling down the side of his face from the back of his head, and he looks sort of  dead to me.

Tiziano wakes up in time to hear her Speech #149, see what she is doing to Franco,  and you would think the guy might get a clue and dump her like last week's garbage, right?  Nopis.    Tizzy looks at Franco, declares him dead, and tells Roberta to change her clothes (the blood splatters on her face and clothes are a nice touch)  and then they need to clean up this mess.   Okaaaaay….

Mauro shows up at that moment and sees dead Franco on the ground.
Mauro --- eh, what up?
Tiziano --- what we need to do right now is get rid of Franco’s body
Mauro --- and what will we say when people are looking for him?
Tizi --- well, nobody can know he is dead, much less know that Roberta killed him.
Mau seems okay with this, and that is where we are left today.  

Recapper wonders what happened to the Mauro who told Berta, earlier in this episode,  that he would not lift a finger to save her.  Oh, wait, a  disappearing Berta is much better than murder scandal Berta.  Got it.    

 And there we have it.  Stay tuned.  Must see TV.


Hey Ms. DORIS...What do you mean "no snark"? You were on fire with this one. When I watched it, it was so godawful, I just had to wait to see how you handled it. Mercy, what a mess. Here are just some of the Frustrated Recapper Quips I enjoyed:

(and a Katia free day!) any Katia free day is a good day

home alone Paolo I did rather enjoy Mauro's forceful directnes

[Ingrid attempting suicide] Viewerville has their fingers crossed Well the late arrival of a very nice-looking Patricio was cruel, even for hateful Ingrid. Jeez.

"Alba sure has made a speedy recovery from being stabbed in the stomach and being brought back from the dead" Indeed she did. In fact so recovered that she and Franco were able to have a romp in her bed after dinner. In real life, no way.

Roberta, who is about as obedient as my dog, did not go to her room

But the two winners...(could not pick just one) goes to:

1. Everyone has seen it by now [the video of Roberta, so next week it will probably be on YouTube.

2. Berti wishes Alba all the unhappiness and worst in the world. (Is there a Hallmark card for this type moment? )

Just hilarious. You're a sweetie but I like you best when you're totally exasperated. Thanks Ms. Doris!


Doris, thank you for that recap of all the dirty , dumb dealings.

OMG, I was stunned when Franco turned his back on Rob ( never a good idea), and she bashed him on the head....and just kept bashing him ..then more forced cuddling. YIkes. Is he really dead or will be recover as quickly as Alba.

And Ghost Javier tells Ingrid her son is alive and then he suddenly shows up ????


That sure was a fun recap for supposedly not having any snark! My favorite line was about the Emily Post book's advise on wedding ring etiquette.

This was a busy episode! I do hope we get a telenovela miracle and someone sweeps Franco's brains back into his head and he recovers before next Wednesday.

Spunky Alba is too fake, I'm sorry. Just one of these things: being in prison, getting stabbed, heart stopping, son is dying, son is kidnapped in front of you, son is missing, son is dating a much older woman, there is a dangerous vindictive ex-wife running around would knock me out for the count. But not Alba. She's out dancing and kissing with not a care in the world. Plus she got to use her signature move today: the slap.

Was that really Patricio in the flesh or was that Ingrid's imagination or her visit to another realm? He sure was a cute kid. If he was real, wouldn't he have stayed until the ambulance got there. Or did he see Crazy Ingrid and turn and run?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode!

Doris, you Snarkity girl you. These
People probly had fun with This show.
She knocks Franco out then keeps goin
"I love you, I hate you, I love you, I
Hate you". Makes you wonder what kind
Of writer wrote this script. Are they
Livin through berti vicariously? Ummm.
Ya have to wonder about these things sometimes.

Paolo is the sorriest paraplegic I've
Ever not felt sorry for. His lower body is suppose to be weak, but his upper body strength he could have hit
Sr nosehair in the gut. But what do he
Do? Goes whining to natty, "I'm tired
Of yo family messin wit me,waa,waa,waa
Waaaa". O shutup and grow a pair,oyeah
Nose hairs kicked the crap outta them.

Alba is wonder womaaaaaan. Yeah right.
Franco will probly heal quicker cuz the End is near)))))))).

This is the whackiest show I've seen in a Long time. The good guys have got to have a happily ever after.

Ok my bed time, thank you Doris.
Y'all stay clean n 6th apart patio ♡but let's Keep our hearts close♡.

Good stuff, Doris. I agree with Judy's list of bons mots.

Gabriel, you don't deserve any of this.

Katia, you have less class than Ingrid and you are just as sadistic as Roberta. You are toxic waste. (Deleted scene)

Mauro, were you a gangster in a previous life? [Check out Las Vias del Amor]

Julián, we hope you already sent the murder video to Franco.

Mauro, these are true, but what will you do? There is still more...

Natalia, Julián will torture you till the bitter end.

Mauro, you can't let Natalia suffer any more. Put Roberta where she belongs. ¡Manicomio now!

Tizzy, you are as crazy as Roberta.

Alba, por fin! This is payback for all Roberta's insults.

Ingrid, this is your future: Alone with your hallucinations.

Tizzy, do you really believe what you just said? Roberta is incapable of love.

Franco, you had me worried for a while but good work... for now.

What is this kouros ex machina?

Someone needs to tell Daniela Castro she needs to be intelligible.

And why the hell isn't Ingrid in prison for not only turning off the medical equipment but doing so with intent to frame Alba for murder?

"What is this kouros ex machina?"
LOL good one, Urban. Likely a figment of her drugged sick mind, just like Javier's ghost.

As for Ingrid not in jail, my best guesses are:

A) plot device
B) if Alba was going to get off for this, why not Ingrid?
C) none of the above
D) all of the above
E) monkey writers ran out of bananas; did not think this through #deadline

Judy: I don't see a happy ending here. It seems the producers ran out of ideas a long time ago.

Doris: The Gran Final will be very lame & annoying.

"I’m so ready for this show to be over and to get these people out of my life." You said it, girl.

Remember when we used to go into telenovela withdrawal at the end of the show? I mean, when ABISMO ended, I felt like I'd moved away from my home town and all my friends and would never see a chili pepper again. It was devastating.

Now we're rooting for everyone to die, even the protagonists, just to get away from one more annoying character. When Mauro knocked Paolo out of his wheelchair, I laughed so hard the Blue Lad thought I was choking. THAT'S WHAT I'VE BECOME.

Also, it just occurred to me that Paolo's all twisty up in his knickers because he thinks Nat moved the couch with Julian, and it was actually KATIA who moved the couch with Julian -- albeit only once, and she almost got poached in the Jacuzzi for it. That would be, like, delicious irony if we weren't all so ironed out at this point.

That incident made me wonder whether Mauro could read Nat's mind and actually see or hear Paolo's cruel verbal abuse of her. I could understand his actions if that were the case except... he would have also been able to read her mind and find out everything leading up to this and we would have had no story.

I don't want to see Nat with Paolo at the end. He deserves to be stuck with Katia.

It was, sadly, too early for Ingrid to bite the dust. I want so much to see her dead.

" The Gran Final will be very lame & annoying."
STEVE - You are so right!

That's so funny, Blue, because D la O also asked me what I was laughing at during that scene, so I rewound it for him. He didn't see the humor, can you imagine? I'm glad you brought it up so I can also confess that I guffawed at a paraplegic being assaulted by a man thrice his age. Knowing that you laughed, and Judy wished Alba would just go ahead and die, I know I am in good company.

UA, I totally agree about it being too soon to lose Ingrid. Maybe she'll languish and we'll get another few scenes with the Patricio story. Ingrid has been my favorite character. Chances are if Sabine is in a show, her character will be the funnest to watch.

Blue... Abismo ... remember that picture of Gael in the shower? Maybe you can post that in your next recap as a present to those of us who saw this tn through til the end.

As of right now, my Comcast TV cable guide still had MDC showing through May 20. (QTH???) Season 2? LOL

Why am I not bothered by this? (rhetorical question, of course)

So even Univision either has not decided what they're going to do, or they're keeping it close to the vest. ;-p

May 20th??? How funny about thoughts of a Season 2! You'd think they'd want to play up the Franco recovery and Natalia pregnancy plots for awhile, so I can see this lasting until the 20th. But will we?

I can't believe they're introducing an 18-year-old ghost child at this point, especially after spending approx. 18 weeks rehashing the SAME CONVERSATIONS. Couldn't we have had Patricio instead of...well, anyone?

Doris--Thank you for the description of all the antics of this episode. I was only able to record the last 30 min., so I missed the wheelchair incident. Is it possible that Pao, knowing his great upper body strength, didn't want to use it against a decrepit old geezer way past 70? (That's a LOL, NOT)

Speaking of wheelchairs, so to speak---Pao's wheelchair is a hand-me-down. Rogelio Montero uses it in LQNPA and some random kid in Caer en Tentacion was using it. I wouldn't be surprised if little Nico in Te Doy La Vida used it when he left the hospital.

YAAY--Franco took off his wedding ring. BOOHOO, no ceremony. I guess they didn't have time to show such an endearing scene since so much time was spent on Bertie snarking about hers vs. Alba's.

Yeah, Blue, why introduce a new ghost now? Maybe they were thinking of a Season 2 starring ghosts.

Too bad Patricio didn't play the role of Gabe. We might have thought better of Gabe and enjoyed watching him. Then Gabe would have been Patricio and Ingrid deserved him. We might even have enjoyed the Pat/Juliet hook up a little more--Patricio at least have been taller than Julieta.

I'm so thrilled. Two of my best friends are driving from their home an hour away to take a masked walk amongst all the azaleas in our town. Then we'll sit, 6ft apart on the patio and have "something to imbibe" (they said) and pound cake I made with apples and blueberries. (Then quarantine starts all over again.)

Nobody deserves to be stuck with katia. She trash. That really nasty trash, that ferments in the hot Florida summer heat. 97°
The index is 109°. Stinky stuff.

Anita that apple and blueberry pound cake sounds absolutely yummy! Is that your personal recipe or did you find it in a cookbook? Cuz I'm getting ready to Google it, if it's from a cookbook it's Probly on line too.

Ok back to these whacky people. They
Should not. Second season of this train wreck. No)))))))). Let the good guys come together like they're supp-
par to, fill up the psych ward with thepsychos, kill off the crooks,put the babies with their rightful mommas And papas. Send the dead people towards the light.....well you better think about that one cuz they going in the other direction😈. No light for them. And they know who they are.

ANITA - your outing sounds wonderful and the pound cake intrigues me. Have a great time! best friend and I met in a parking lot today and ate our lunches in our cars ..side by side with the windows open so that we could chat. It was a !little odd but great seeing her in person . I was also able to give her birthday present to her. Then I dropped some donations off at our Goodwill which is now accepting donations. When I got home, the lawn mower arrived so the yard looks nice again. Your pound cake sounds tasty. I love fruit.

susanlynn - ooooh, I'm so glad you commented above! I need to see if our Goodwill is now accepting donations again. We have summer clothing and a few other items. :-)

We used to exchange recipes on the blog line. Remember and Carlos and the sinfully rich cornbread recipe? I think Anita needs to lay our her recipe for poundcake.

Sinfully rich cornbread? Plz more info? :-)

Judyb....Carlos and I used to get reprimanded from time to time for exchanging recipes. I really don't like to cook ,and I am a lazy cook , but my family loved a Baked Corn pudding recipe that came from my eye doctor's newsletter.

I miss Carlos. I miss a lot of people.

Well, we could compile, publish a Caray! Caray! Cookbook and sell it at Meta Mart. Funds raised could go to Televisa to hire better writers.

Ok let's hear more about that sinfully
Rich cornbread. I'm a southern girl we like cornbread in the south. But in Between comments of course.
Are y'all doing ok patio? Stayin 6ft apart, staying masked n gloved? I wear
A mask when I go to the supermarket & work. This is a beach town which means
Extra people and y'all know the rest.
Well anyways home watching franco's head bashing, his crazy in-laws. His
Daughter on her mess. Isn't this fun?
This is gonna be a chilly mother's day
Those that can hug mom and keep her warm.
Hey what is it that berti hit Franco with? The Blood was coming out of his ear. And is Ol nosehairs getting out of the cover up?

OK, back home. The something we imbibed was Prosecco w/Elderflower liqueur.

I have to admit, the blueberries were a last minute idea. The original recipe was an apple cake using 2 c. white flour. I was trying to save my flour for the ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL bread I bake and our local grocery store has been out of flour for 4 trips running. So, I improvised. I bought (heaven forfend) a box of Betty Crocker Pound Cake Mix and reduced the liquid and added the apples and blueberries instead (which provide the liquid when baked). My friends (and I) pronounced it delicious--but that could be that we were all hankering for something sweet. We walked down to the lake park and watched a huge snapping turtle poking his/her head out every once in awhile. We enjoyed the sunshine and the fresh air and the view and four kids of varying ages on bicycles who "happened" to step in the mud surrounding the lake (the level being down for repairs to the dam) and were having a glorious time.

Susanlynn--I remember Carlos' recipes as well as others. I still make Cochinito Pibil and Lovely Linda's Corn relish.

Nina--I'd be happy to share my recipe for the original, which is almost as easy as opening that box of Betty Crocker mix. I can either post it here or you can send me an e-mail (located on my profile page).

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