Thursday, July 30, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Cennet, Enemigo Íntimo y más: Week of July 27, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
  • 9-10PM -   Cennet
  • 10-11PM - Enemigo Íntimo
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I couldn't watch live last night. I'm watching now online and I'll post something soon.


Cennet #82 part 1

Arzu tells Mukaddes she’s ready to tell Cennet the truth. Mukaddes agrees this is the right thing to do even if Cennet will not forgive either one of them. Mukaddes says that Arzu and Cennet must speak privately. Arzu says Kaya must not know because he will never allow them to meet.

Mukaddes calls Cennet with the pretext she's out with Suna, looking at houses. Will she meet them to have tea? Kaya is suspicious of the call but reluctantly lets Cennet go. He asks Halil to tail her and keep her from meeting with Arzu if necessary.

Kaya’s phone needs a recharge. Looks like Cennet has left her phone behind. He takes both phones and leaves for the office. Melisa calls Kaya’s house to warn about the potential Arzu-Cennet meeting. Pinar answers. Get Kaya! It’s urgent! I need to speak with him ASAP! Too late, he’s left for the office.

At SR Group Orhan at Selim’s desk, looking through files on his laptop. Selim walks in and ask what’s going on? Orhan is looking for any improprieties; he doesn’t trust Selim. They start to argue. Meanwhile, Kaya shows up and when the receptionist does not know who he is, he grabs her, takes her to the main workspace and announces to everyone he is the new partner.

As Kaya makes his announcement, the argument between Orhan and Selim spills out into the workspace. They yell and shove each other. Orhan threatens to kill Selim, he’ll finish the job this time! Mahir steps in to break it up.

Arzu is waiting for Cennet at the outdoor café. Melisa calls her. Arzu doesn’t tell her where she is but says she’s waiting for Cennet. Melisa, who is now outside SR Group, begs her not to tell and Arzu hangs up on her. Melisa storms into Kaya’s office with the breaking news. He realizes Mukaddes set them up. (Uh oh, watch out Mukaddes!) A quick call to Halil and he admits he’s lost Cennet’s trail. Kaya gives Melisa a sinister look. I wonder what he’s thinking.

Cennet shows up at the café, still thinking she’s meeting Mukaddes and Suna. She sees Arzu and sits at a table far from her. Arzu moves in and tells her Mukaddes is not coming. Cennet does not want to talk to her. She assures Arzu that Melisa is safe, she won’t report her. Arzu admits Melisa has done wrong but she’s not there to apologize for her or play another game. She’s there to tell the truth about “what you and I are”.

Arzu’s not sure where to start. She realizes she was cruel to Cennet and she regrets it all. She wanted to ask for forgiveness but didn’t know how. Cennet sits, quitely and listens to Arzu babble on and on. Arzu, crying, begs for forgiveness moves closer and hugs Cennet, sniffing her hair. Cennet is uncomfortable and asks Arzu to let go.

Arzu lets go and blurts out, “I’m your mother, Cennet, the woman who abandoned you 23 years ago”. Now she’s here to fix her mistakes. She left because she wasn’t strong enough to care for her. She was too young. She even tried to kill herself. Cennet listens quietly at first and then yells, “shut up, shut up!” “What kind of mother are you, aren’t you ashamed? You’re a bad person!” OK, it turns out that Arzu really didn’t tell…this was how it played out in her mind if she told!

After this false start, Arzu is finally ready to confess. She asks Cennet to wait until she’s finished to say anything. And then Arzu’s phone rings. It’s Mahir. Melisa has had an accident and is in the hospital!



Cennet #82 part 2

Yasar comes to Selim’s office. Selim shows him the memory stick they found at Kaya’s. They must figure out a way to read it.

Sema is with Orhan. She’s scolding him. Why can’t he stay away from Selim! You have to be smarter than that. Arzu and Kaya are plotting against us. Just then the assistant comes in to say Melisa is in the hospital.

Mahir is with Melisa. She’s confused about what happened. Mahir reassures her, she will be ok. Arzu rushes in, Cennet looks on from the doorway. How did this happen? Mahir is not clear on the details, he says Melisa hit her head on a wall in the parking lot. Arzu looks suspiciously at Melisa (and I do too!)

The doctor comes in to examine Melisa. She’s going to be ok, it’s nothing serious. Then Melisa calmly mentions she can’t feel her legs, she can’t move them. Did you put a plaster on them? The doctor examines her legs. Melisa claims she can’t feel anything. Melisa looks around the room and asks what’s wrong. Melisa cries about her legs and Arzu comforts her.

Nilgun shows up at Kaya’s but he’s not there. She questions Pinar. Who recommended you to Kaya? Pinar gulps. Halil walks in and asks Pinar to make coffee. As she runs off to the kitchen, Halil thanks Nilgun for the Pinar recommendation. Nilgun is puzzled. Pinar comes back and interrupts, yes, Mrs. Nilgun, thanks for the recommend, Mr. Selim was going to let you know how grateful I am. He must have forgotten to tell you. Nilgun makes a quick exit. Halil has no clue.

Melisa’s doctor tells her parents, the test results show nothing. He can’t explain why her legs are paralyzed. (Maybe we can help with the diagnosis?) The doctor assures them he will do everything he can for Melisa. Arzu gets up and walks out, with the doctor’s words repeating in her head—we can’t explain why her legs are paralyzed.

Arzu walks down the hall to Melisa’s room. Cennet is waiting outside the door. We can hear Melisa inside, screaming about her legs, screaming for her mother. Arzu rushes in to comfort Melisa. Cennet watches.

Arzu has spent the night with Melisa. Cennet walks in. I think she’s spent the night there, too. She tells Arzu she is sure Melisa will be ok. They hug. Melisa is pretending to be asleep, she hears and sees this. Arzu tells Cennet she should go home and rest. Cennet wants to stay but Arzu tells her she will let her know if she needs anything.

Once Cennet leaves, Melisa angrily tells Arzu to leave, not to touch her, because she’s to blame for all of this.

And we are out.




Thanks VERY much, dondi356, for this superb recap! It's complete, clear, and gracefully written, with a few great asides as well.

One of the asides I liked was "Uh oh, watch out Mukaddes!" That was also my thought when watching the episode. I think Kaya may have said something about Mukaddes being old, and I don't know whether he said or just implied that her death might be coming soon. So yes, I suspect he now plans to help bring it on.

I'm glad you confirmed that Cennet's yelling at Arzu and calling her a bad woman was all in Arzu's mind, her fear of what Cennet's response would be if/when Arzu really does tell her everything.

I also loved your aside, "Maybe we can help with the diagnosis?" After the episode ended, I googled "psychological paralysis." It does exist, but I'm still thinking its onset in Melissa's case is another example of telenovela medicine, a specialty that I think is still not taught in medical schools, at least not in the US. :-)

So does the fact that Nilgun did not recommend Pinar for the job at Kaya's house mean that Nilgun will tell Kaya, or does she feel negatively toward Kaya? Does she resent Kaya for what he did to Cengiz? Is Pinar in deep mierda?

Also, Arzu knows how deceptive Melissa can be. Is it possible that she doubts Melissa's paralysis, or do her maternal feelings trump everything else?

Again, MANY THANKS for this great recap!


Thanks, Juanita, for your kind words!

Kaya tried to kill Mukaddes before. If he thinks it will help his cause, he will try it again.

Past behavior as a predictor of future behavior: I wouldn’t put it past Melisa to set up an accident and fake her paralysis. The last we saw her was in Kaya’s office and they were both desperate. I think a setup is in the back of Arzu’s mind, but she doesn’t want to believe it. On the other hand, psychological paralysis is plausible given Melisa’s delicate mental state. “Telenovela medicine”, indeed!

I don’t know if Nilgun will run to Kaya but I’m sure she’s going to question Selim. She has no hint of Kaya’s role in Cengiz’s death and their relationship is cordial. She is the one who found the incriminating pics left by Kaya and buys Cengiz’s guilt and the suicide attempt story. She was furious with Cengiz. Her marriage was already in shambles and she was not very upset when he died. Selim is the one who suspects Kaya’s hand in his father’s demise and is out to expose all of Kaya’s dirty secrets. It’s reasonable to think Pinar is in danger.




“Todo Por Mi Hija”, "premieres on Tuesday, September 1 at 9pm/8c"

"an inspiring and family-friendly Turkish drama that follows Oyku, an extraordinary 8-year-old who will change the life of everyone around her, especially her newly-met father, with her love and sweet personality."



Well, there are things I still don't fully understand, but I'll give a try to some sort of recap later tonight.

Cennet - #83 - pt. 1 de 2

The episode opens in Melissa's hospital room. Melissa blames her mother for the accident, her paralysis, and everything else. She gets increasingly agitated, yelling "Get out! Get out! I don't love you!" Arzu leaves, devastated.

Cennet and Selim are sitting outside the hospital, talking. She doesn't understand his negative feelings about her father. She tells him her father is very important to her, he's the only one with her blood. She finally tells Selim she's tired of his attitude, and she asks him to leave her. He does. Orhan has been watching them, and as soon as Selim leaves, he comes and sits next to Cennet. He asks Cennet not to be angry with him. She replies, "You tried to kill Selim." Orhan counters with "They took my father from me," to which Cennet replies, "You didn't lose your father because of him." She gets up and leaves. Orhan then says to himself (and Viewerville), "But I've lost you because of him, Cennet."

Cennet returns to Mukaddes and tells her that Melissa had an accident and can't walk.

Mahir's mother (Sema) wonders why Kaya seems to turn up everywhere. She warns Mahir not to trust him.

Pinar is again in Kaya's office. She switches the keys to the computer. Kaya returns and opens the office door just as Pinar hides under the desk. He's about to come in when the doorbell rings. He goes to the door. Cavidan/Arzu has come to see him. She demands to know why he went to see Melissa. Kaya tells her he came from work and saw that Melissa needed help, so he went to help her. He tries to intimidate Arzu. She tells him she's not afraid of him, and she leaves in a waiting taxi.

Another taxi is parked nearby. Sema has apparently followed Arzu to Kaya's house. She asks the taxi driver to write down the street address of the building from which Arzu just left.

Ever a glutton for punishment, Arzu returns to Melissa's bedside. She tells Melissa that Cennet needs to know the truth. Melissa yells "Go to her! Leave me alone! You abandoned Cennet for a long time, and you could do the same with me. Go!" But then, suddenly, Melissa's mood shifts 180 degrees. She hugs Arzu and pleads, "Don't leave me, mother."

Cennet looks for her phone and realizes she must have left it at Kaya's. She borrows Mukaddes' phone to call Kaya. He tells her that Halil dropped it and broke it [Viewerville can be heard chanting "liar, liar, pants on fire."] Kaya promises to buy Cennet a new phone.

Selim is talking on the phone to Pinar. He asks her whether she has switched the keys. Nilgun enters the room and probably hears what he says. He finally sees that Nilgun is there and ends the call. Nilgun asks him who Pinar is. She's astonished that Selim is trying to spy on Kaya, especially since Kaya is his novia's father. Selim tells her that Kaya wants to kill him and has already tried to do so.

Meanwhile, Orhan tells his mother that a lawyer called to report that the address she inquired about was Kaya's house. Orhan asks why she is interested in Kaya. She tells him she's investigating Kaya. Orhan replies, "Selim put Kaya in the business, and I'll make both of them leave."

Arzu moans to Mahir that everything is her fault. The people she loves are fleeing from her, and she feels terrible. Mahir tries to assure her that Melissa will recover, and he urges Arzu to trust him.

Cennet - #83 - pt. 2 de 2

Aha! We see Melissa get out of bed and stand up, with a smirk on her face. Kaya is there. There's then a flashback to Kaya helping Melissa fake the accident. He gets the car to start and move forward by itself, crashing into a brick wall. Halil appears with an injectable substance whose (paralytic) effects will last for just 48 hours. Melissa gets into the damaged car, Kaya injects her, and then slams her head against the steering wheel. We then move from the flashback back to the present. Kaya has brought a similar substance that Melissa needs to drink to keep up the paralytic effect until she leaves the hospital.

Cennet goes to Kaya's house to get the new cellphone. She spots an earring on the coffee table. She asks Pinar if the earring is hers. No, Pinar thought it might be Cennet's so she left it for her on the coffee table. Pinar decides perhaps it belongs to the woman who came to see Kaya last night. Cennet asks what was the woman's name. Pinar thinks for a moment and then replies, "Cavidan. Cavidan was at your father's last night." After several minutes of ads, we see Cennet very excited: "Cavidan--that's my mother!" She asks Pinar to describe the woman, but Pinar tells her she was not in the same room, she only heard that Kaya called her Cavidan.

In Melissa's hospital room, Kaya and Melissa are plotting. Arzu is in the hospital, and she comes into Melissa's room just as Kaya is putting Melissa back to bed. Arzu is furious. "What are you doing here?" she yells at Kaya. "Get out of here!" Kaya claims he just came by to see how Melissa was. Arzu keeps berating him, and he leaves. Arzu then asks Melissa whether she's OK, and whether Kaya hurt her.

Back at Kaya's house, Cennet tells Pinar that her father is hiding her mother from her. She asks Pinar to keep all this to herself and not to say anything to Kaya. She mentions that she has never seen her mother, not even once. She then asks Pinar to let her know if the woman comes again, so Cennet can come see her. Pinar is reluctant, but then Cennet plays the mother card: "Do you have children?" she asks Pinar. Bingo! "OK, I'll help," says Pinar.

Arzu encounters Kaya in the hospital corridor and asks him what he's planning. He claims that he's not planning anything, but he warns her that if she makes life difficult for him and jeopardizes his relationship with Cennet, he can be a very dangerous man. Mahir then appears. Arzu leaves. Kaya suggests to Mahir that he give Arzu a sedative. She's very overwrought.

Cennet returns to Kaya's house. He's delighted that she's there and says he wishes she would stay. Cennet expresses surprise; surely he must have women over. Kaya says he has no novia, and that Cennet is the most important person to him. Cennet then asks, "When can I meet my mother?" Kaya replies, "Perhaps she doesn't want to see you? Has that ever occurred to you?" Cennet asks whether her mother said that; it sounds as if he's repeating what someone said. Cennet then goes on to ask, "Have you been with my mother? Have you talked with her? Please tell me who she is." Kaya claims that he's not hiding anything. Her mother abandoned them both. Cennet continues to press Kaya: "Why are you hiding that you saw her? What are you afraid of?" Alas,she and we will have to wait until Monday for his reply. .


Another great recap, Juanita! Thank you so much. You captured it all with feeling.

BTW, do we ever fully understand what’s going on in any novela? I’m not talking language barrier.

Loved your aside, [Viewerville can be heard chanting "liar, liar, pants on fire."] I’ve been waiting for Kaya to die by spontaneous combustion. As far as I’m concerned, he should take Melisa with him when he explodes into a ball of flame.

It was a low blow Cennet delivered to Selim when she yelled, “do you want me to become an orphan like you!” That was uncharacteristic. Like old times and right on cue, Orhan moved in after Cennet and Selim had their disagreement. Glad she hasn’t forgiven him. There is no way Cennet should end up with Orhan.

Sema’s on the hunt for dirt on Arzu again. She better watch out if she goes after Kaya. Orhan better be careful, too. And now Nilgun is coming around to Selim’s view of Kaya. But I don’t think any of them are a match for Kaya.

We’re in etapa final! One month to go.




Thanks very much, dondi356, for your very interesting and helpful comment.

Yes, one month to go. Apparently the Turkish novela that they've started to advertise on Telemundo, Todo por mi hija, will begin on Sept. 1 in the 9 PM slot, so I guess the last day for Cennet will be August 31.


September!!! What happened to my summer? Oh, that's right, coronavirus. I'll probably be in for the new Turkish one. I haven't been able to catch up on Médicos on Uni.

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