Monday, August 03, 2020

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas!: Week of Aug. 2, 2020

Good Day, Caraymates!

Welcome to Daytime TNs! This page is being provided to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss any of the TNs aired prior to 6PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TNI’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Vecina”; “Amores”)

"Daytime TNs" will be posted on Mondays only. There will be a different page posted on Thursdays with a variety of topics for week-end discussion. 

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Whoa! Efraín is the loose cannon!

Who will have the loose lips to confirm what Rogelio is suspecting about Bruno and Vanessa trying to run him out of business?

Btw, the baby in the nursery window was too old to be the newborn. It’s navel was healed.

Looks like we are in for another couple of good capítulos tomorrow!. I see at least one fist fight on the horizon.


Jarifa: Is this Telenovela a new one or old ?


Steve, it is the old one.

HaHa! It's the ONLY one of its kind. (Well, it is a remake of an even older one, but it went by another name.)

Steve--this is being rebroadcast on UniMas.


Another thrilling episode, zzzzzzz :-)

Folks, I think we need to be careful around Anita. I think she's a bit proprietary when it comes to LQNPA, which is not unreasonable. She watched the first run, bought the DVD set, and is now watching and commenting on the second run. Wow!

Things are definitely coming to a head now, and it won't be long before Gustavo realizes that the reason Sinthia kept so slim before the pregnancy is that he and Efraín had been tag teaming it.

Not to say that the episode was a bit boring, but Sinthia and somebody's baby had me scared there for a few seconds, she was breathing so fast. I know babies can breathe fast but this was ridiculous. Then I noticed that I had the playback at 2X speed to get through things a little faster.

Ulises and Macaria headed for a reconciliation? Sounds good and sweet to me. Seriously. It's not that I ever had any great doubts, but it would be nice to see them patch things up.

Vanesa, for all her faults, deserves better than Bruno.



Andy, your “tag teaming” comment sure described that situation. Yikes!

I cannot believe Efraín going for broke today. DNA test? He must be feeling pretty sure of the outcome or is just plain crazy which made me this of auntie with her lolli trying to get out of working.


Andy--Proprietary? Just take a look at Elvira's avatar. Well, the rest of your comment, I accept as being representative of me. I just can't get enough of Rogelio, douchebag or softie. I keep falling behind and then hurry to catch up, so I've only gone through half of yesterday's episode. So the baby was born at 7 months? Glad Jarifa pointed out the healed belly button on the baby. What I recall is that she was just SO huge in that incubator and Cinthia hardly showed at 7 months. (Not quite the belly Monica in Te Doy La Vida had when she said she was 4 month pregnant. I'm wondering if the actress really IS pregnant. It sure was "located" more normally than Gina's pregnant belly.)

This time, I noticed that a baby with breathing problems from underdeveloped lungs and inflammation to boot, would have had all sorts of apparatus attached and not just a couple of heart monitors. But that is the way of these "OLD" pre-modern medicine shows. That sure is a beautiful clinic, fully equipped, though. I had imagined a much more modest one. And that neo-natal unit was FULL!


Good evening all.

I don't watch any daytime TNs but I did see this when it originally aired.

I recall Jorge's character was that of a very unhappy camper. But this was yet another body of his work that showcases his remarkable acting.

Andy, you had me laughing out loud! Yes, several are proprietary regarding Jorge and I can't blame them!

Anita, your comeback was equally awesome!

You've made my night. Caray, Caray is always a treasure with golden nuggets strewn here and there.

Gracias - Diana


OK, a little better. Macaria was looking really good today and Ulises cleaned himself up, and I'm really happy to see that they are a couple again. We need a little sanity in this TN. For me it was the best part of today's show, even better than Cupcake in Rogelio's lap. (the later scene where he dissolves their contract, I have to admit that that was nice)

Goose got himself beat up again. The guy definitely needs to take some self-defense instruction, and not just by observing whichever guy is currently pounding him. A brain transplant would also help.

Jarifa, yes, Efraín is very definitely a loose cannon, and he's loaded.

Diana, so nice to see you here!

Anita, it's funny about pregnant bellies in TNs. Rgv Chick recently said something about the pregnant Aurora in Mi adorable maldición, something to the effect that...
[Ah, found it! "The scene that I always think of is pregnant Aurora laying on the ground with her balloon-sized stomach up; I thought she would float away. I don't think I've ever seen such a ridiculously large stomach before LOL"]

You ladies seem very taken with Jorge Salinas, even when he's being a douchebag. Well, I definitely give him an 'A' for acting, but I can't and don't want to relate to him when he's in douchebag mode. What I'd really like to see is Cupcake stretch him out on the bed after one of their "therapy" sessions and whip him repeatedly with his own fuete. Then spray him with some really stingy antiseptic. Rinse and repeat, maybe for a few weeks.

Only then do I think he might deserve his HEA. And who knows, Cupcake might decide this is a good way to keep him in line in the future. A new wrinkle in their relationship.



Looks like we are pre-empted today.

Jarifa--Yeah, we'll have to make do with the recaps, but they are just as entertaining the second time around.

Andy--Too bad you aren't watching Amores Verdaderos (also pre-empted today). Although I didn't watch Mi Adorable Maldicion, I have a feeling that KendratHO's pregnant belly (coming soon to a pantalla near Viewerville) would rival Aurora's.


Rats! Jarifa, thanks for the notice. It looks like a lot of Unimás daytime programming for today and tomorrow is scrambled, some on Friday as well, but NOT LQNPA on Friday if zap2it has it right.
Not a biggie for me as I record them all for watching later and it's easy enough to delete them if I find I've recorded Nosotros los guapos.




Andy, Yay! we’ll be back on the rancho on Fri!


I don’t know who I dislike more: Cinthia or Aunite. Susana González can portray “crazy” a thousand different ways.


Well, at least Cinthia and her mom are getting along better now :-p

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you guys who think that Rogelio is OK. He has treated almost everybody like dirt, right down to whipping them. But he might well have hit bottom now, with his own sister.

Granted she's a whiny, pathetic, lazy nut job, but that's the point. I have to believe that he had a part in making her what she is and, aside from that, he can see she is now totally losing it, if she hasn't lost it all already. So he wants to give her the money now, and then show her the door. Don't expect me to visit you in the manicomio, Sis. Great guy. Not.

I don't care what Cupcake says, Rogelio is a non-walking mess of bad karma.




Andy--I totally agree that Rogelio contributed to the warping and deterioration of Cinthia's mental state. After all, it had only been 7 years since Rogelio's accidentand she was already an adult.

I'm sure that Maria's influence was NOT good for her. Her "mother," with whom she apparently had a good and tender relationship, died when she was still quite young and her horrible father finally died, knowing full well, every day, that this girl-child was his bastard daughter by the very ama de llaves that was still around her every day. Her older brother was distant and learning how to run a food and cattle empire.

Did she even go to school in town? Or, in these circumstances, even a boarding school would have been better than she got. Who disciplined her? Why was she allowed to run around in such inappropriate upper-body clothing? Somebody missed the boat. And that is the point of the story.

AFTER Rogelio's accident, that's when he became the fuete-wielding bastard we all saw at the beginning of the series. Vanessa, Rogelio, Ana Paula and most of all, the self-sacrificing Gus couldn't help her. She rejected the idea she needed therapy. And thereby hangs the rest of the tale.

The REAL blame, and I've said it before, belongs to the writers who tried to update what should have been a mid-19th Century story to the 20th and failed.


Just another thought, about Rogelio washing his hands of her now. He knows she won't be able to manage her inheritance, but that's what she's been nagging him about for 50 episodes. He keeps confronting her with, "Well, you never wanted to learn about managing the hacienda, you preferred to do nothing and just spend money and look at the partners you hooked up with."

That's no excuse to have done nothing all the prior years, but we have to have a story and Susana is playing the perfect out-of-control victim-perpetrator.


Andy, when I think of Rogelio with all of his “problems”, I’d have to advise Cupcake to sleep with one eye open to hopefully see what was coming next. Not a lot of stability or sustained positive movement with that guy. He still looks good, though.

As for Cinthia, her rebellion could be a result of Rogelio trying to keep her on a short leash but it would never make her a killer unless she was born one. IMHO

This novela is hoot.

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