Monday, August 17, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Medicos: Linea de Vida & Como Tú No Hay Dos - Week of Aug. 10, 2020

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa continues to provide her delightful highlights of the light and fresh “Como Tú No Hay Dos;” I’m sure she is counting the days to the “GRAN FINAL” which will be on Aug. 25th! Lila is gracing us with her entertaining recaps of Médicos: Linea de Vida and now Anita has joined in to assist her…YAY!  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for MLDV or CTNHD, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

7PM – Vencer el Miedo

8PM  - La Rosa de Guadalupe

9PM – Médicos: Linea de Vida, Ep. 24-26

10PM – Como Tú No Hay Dos, Ep. 80-82 (Última Semana!)

DULCE AMBICIÓN will premiere on Monday, August 31st, 10PM (E)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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RGV Chick: Why hasn't the Univision telenovela "VENCER EL MIEDO" been posted on the Univision Primetime list on Caray Caray ?

It airs 6:00 PM CST.


Highlights of the Highlights

Ric warmly accepts Luchita as his mother and is very proud of her. He sees her bruises and knows that Felix did it and knows that unfortunately Felix is his father. He doesn’t want her near Felix. He explains he is Ricardo Reyes Alonso and everything about Toño having taken advantage of his amnesia to take his place and live his life.

A drunken Felix, frantically looking for his money bag at home, gets physically threatening with Renata blaming her for hiding the fact that Luchita was going to Veracruz with Germán. She calls for Toño who puts Felix in his place. Felix complains he lost his money and his wofe and that is no small thing. Toño tells him if he touches one hair on Renata’s head, he will be filing charges against him. Toño is disgusted by Felix thinking that he beat up his twin. He also tells him to lay off his mother. Felix is enraged that he would think it was okay for his mother to go off with Germán to Veracruz. Toño says he deserves that and more for all of the harm he has caused her. Toño also warns him about doing anything to hurt his brother.

Fabi tells Tina she is going out with her parents to celebrate her winning the contest. Fabi is still hung up on the fact that Ric slept with her without telling her he wasn’t Toño. Tina tells her to take her time to decide which of the two she really is in love with.

Adán goes home see Fabi who isn’t there yet. He is still all self righteous and angry with his mother and will not accept her apology. Ed
Is not pleased with him and puts him in his place. Ed explains he is only returning the favor to Amelia for all of the times she gave him another chance with his alcoholism. He is sure of his wife’s love for him. He hopes Adán has the same love from Tina. Adán ignores his sobbing mother and leaves.

Caludio locks himself and Dora in a room to talk without being interrupted. Dora says she thinks Ori suspects there is something going on between the two of them. Dora loves him, too, but thinks they should keep a low profile for a while. Claudio is worried about how Ric is going to take finding out he is his adopted son. He needs to do it to put an end to the lies and blackmail.


Luchita explains how she looked for him all over. Ric is grateful for that and understands how Felix lied to her. She apologizes for not having searched for him before. He apologizes to her, too, but adds the important thing is that they are now reunited. He also reminds her that Toño and Felix hid many things from her. Felix knew he was Toño’s twin all along. He tells her how Felix tried to kill him and Charlotte so Toño could stay in his place and he could keep getting money from him. He doesn’t want her going back to Felix again.

Felix looks at a photo of Luchita and tells her nobody makes fun of him and she won’t be the first, She won’t be keeping his money either and certainly not spending it on Germán. He’ll be taking care of that Germán making sure he pays for it all. He will be waiting for Luchita at home. She will have to return some day,

Dora is worried how Ric is going to feel finding out hay his parents sold him and not his twin. Dora wonder show he will react to his father being Felix. Dora saw Luchita as full of hatred and resentment, out of control. She tried to attack her with a knife but Dora could understand. She would have felt the same in her situation.

Ed and Amelia take Fabi our to eat at a nice restaurant for lobster.She thinks back to being out with Ric at that place for lobster. She also remembers her saying how he seemed like two completely different people and him asking her which one she liked better, She is worried about how expensive the restaurant is going to be for her parents. Ed and Amelia feel that they have a bit saved and really want to do this for her. Fabi insists they eat at home. They finally leave.

Adán is meeting at a restaurant with a client about investments. When she leaves, he sees Tina at a table with a man. He follows Tina When she goes to the rest room and asks what she is doing at the restaurant and who the guy is. She tells him that if he isn’t going to tell her why he is there, she isn’t going to tell him. He starts to go on about her not caring who sees her without her clothes on and she slaps him good and hard across his face. The man she is with comes to see what is going on. She goes with him leaving Adán behind.

Renata goes to the market and sees Luis sleeping in his car. She kids him about stinking it up. He isn’t happy she is marking fun of him having no home to go to. She says she never would do that and invites him out to eat. He finally accepts after she says it will be only as friends.


Luchita goes home and as son as she walks in, Felix demands to know where his money is and nest grabs her by her hair saying she is going to pay for going off with Germán. She tells him she isn’t alone and Ric walks in telling him to take his hands off of his mother. Luchita informs Felix he isn’t talking to Toño but to his other son. He congratulates her for finding him. She says it was without his help. Felix thinks Ric had a pretty good life with all that money. He doesn’t want to hear he would have been better with them than with the Reyes Alonso family. Ric disagrees. Felix thinks it is easy for him to say because he has been in the money all this time. He thinks poverty disgusts him. Ric says the only thing that disgusts him is Felix. Felix curses the day he was born. For him, Ric was born dead. Ric wants to know what he did for Felix to hate him as he does. What did his other ever do to be treated as he treats her? Because he had nothing and selling Ric could get him a few pesos. He thanks Ric. Ric tells him he is going to be leaving. Felix doesn’t think so. The police come in and arrest him for pirating copyright material and causing injuries to others. Felix is sure there must have been a mistake when Ric made the complaint. Luchita informs Felix it wasn’t Ric who made the complaint; it was her. Felix is incensed as they cuff him and take him away threatening Luchita and Ric.

As the police escort Felix out, he grabs a knife from his back pocket and stabs one of the officers in the back. He grabs Fabi and holds a knife to her throat and starts to drag her away. Ric asks him to take him instead of Fabi. A policeman has his gun drawn. Felix blames Luchita for it all and threatens her one more time. Ric knocks the knife from Felix’s hand when he is distracted, stabs him in the process and sets Fabi free. He ends up with a gash across his palm. Felix takes off while a policeman with his gun drawn goes after him. Felix hides between a couple of garbage cans and calls a friend to come and get him because he is seriously wounded and bleeding.

Back at Luchita’s, Ric calls Charlotte who is going to come over with something to calm Luchita down. Ed and Amelia are with her amd want to take her back home with them. Ric wants to talk with Fabi. Amelia is not too happy about that but Fabi cuts her off. Fabi has reaped that Ric and Toño are identical. She want to know why he grew up away from his family. He says he will get into that another time but is interested in knowing how she feels about him. She tells him he is a stranger to her. He finds that odd, because he thinks she knows him the best of anyone. She says she is confused and needs time. He thinks Toño is very lucky having a girl like her. She thinks Ric is pretty special, too, but repeats she is confused.

Charlotte come over to bring Luchita a sedative.She tells Ric she needs to talk to him.

At the company, the papers to form Damián’s new company are ready to be signed in the presence of the notary. Damián wants Nati to come with him because she is going to be his partner. She considers that good news.

Germán comes to stay with Luchita. Renata and Toño rush in wanting to know about their parents. Charlotte fills them in.



Adán is all concerned for his sister. She asks him if he has reconciled with their mother. He explains that he just can’t and is now having a lot of problems with Tina, too. He is starting to thinks that when his mom said “love isn’t enough” maybe she was right.

Nati wants to talk to Ric about something important about her and Damián. He says if it is about them being lovers, he knows that already. He considers her confession to be a little late if she wanted to be forgiven. She says that isn’t all. She has something even more important to tell him about Damián. She informs him that he wants to destroy Claudio and him no matter what. He doesn’t believe her. She says he has to listen to her because he loves her. He tells her that he doesn’t. He goes on to say that she didn’t fall in love with him. She fell in love with and married his twin brother.



Best scene: Felix hiding between the garbage cans. Could we be lucky enough for him to just bleed out in the alley?

Adán has turned into a real jerk. He deserved the slap.

I like that Ric is on his “tell the truth” tour. What will Nati do with the new info?



Jarifa: I agree with you on Tina slapping Cranky Adan. Safe to say Tina is moving on......

Previews for tonight show Natalia in the bario searching for Tono.


Lots of action in this one, JARIFA. Much as I dislike Bacalao, I don't want him to bleed out, since Ricardo is the one who knifed him. Never a good thing to kill your own father, no matter how horrid a character he is. Hopefully Felix will be found by police, treated, and packed off to jail forever.

I'd sure like to see the Morales Curse story wrapped up. But I enjoyed the scene where Luna was ragging on Estrella for drinking straight out of the milk bottle. That was always the battle in our house and others. Though it wasn't us gals who did it, only the guys.

Made a visit to Trader Joe's Sunday, inspired by your recent trip. They have some products there that are really unique. How about chips and guacamole tonight? Not pre-packaged. I'll make some fresh. Always buy three or four avocados weekly. Although usually just eat avocado toast with lots of salt and seasoning. Sure hits the spot.

Thanks telenovela partner. Always enjoy "hearing" your take on things.


Steve, Tina is moving on but I bet that Adán will learn his lesson once and for all and will do something to make her do a U-turn. We are in fairytale land. . . .

JudyB, looks like the disgusting habit of drinking milk right out of the bottle is international in its scope and is practiced by both sexes in some countries. You know, these novelas are a constant source of education. LOL Thank you so much for volunteering to make homemade guacamole. I haven’t had any homemade in ages and am so looking forward to it.


MÉDICOS, #24, 8-17-20 1 of 4

Hola, Peeps! Muchisimas Gracias to Anita! for her thorough and downright entertaining recap of Friday’s actionI Yes, I enjoyed a day off, but enjoyed your covering our little medical Peyton Place even better! Also, in a nod to you, Amiga, I’m going to attempt what you call a Reader’s Digest Version (RDV) and also rip off this phrase you used in your opening: If you feel there are facts, details or important conversations lacking or in error, please point them out.

Ana’s come on to David was a tease. She gets in kissing distance and then stops and leaves with a “Have a good day,” and satisfied smirk/smile. David mirrors her expression, minus the satisfaction. Methinks the two have shared more than a copa in the past.

We get to see the impossibly adorable Chris with El Tirano, (real life Latin Lover – thanks, Urban! Chris’ Mom calls Daniel, Tania and Cinthia into the room. Chris is visibly lightened, he says he will go through whatever tests are needed and promises he will eat. Chris thanks the Docs for introducing him to El Tirano and thanks the gentle giant for the mask. El Tirano tells him he can keep it: when he feels like he’s going to give up, he can put it on; the mask will give him the strength he needs to go on. Tania makes an overly-tender gesture of gratitude to Daniel, right in front of everybody: she leans on Daniel’s shoulder, whispers that what he’s done is incredible, that he is The Most and gives him a slow kiss under his ear, at the junction of his cheek and neck. [Eso sí, es una zona erótica!] Chris looks at the mask in wonder; El Tirano beams a peaceful pride. The Docs and El Tirano leave Chris’ room. They thank him for the priceless gift he has given Chris. Cancer treatment is so hard for children. El Tirano says children should be playing, not cooped up in a hospital. El Tirano shares the sentiment behind his beaming smile; he thanks the Docs and says they have shown him he’s still good for something. As a matter of fact, Chris has done more to reanimate and awaken his own spirit than he feels he gave to Chris. Tania turns to Daniel and thanks him again, punctuating her words with a smile and stroke of his cheek. El Tirano gives Daniel a “go get ‘em, Tiger” smile and Cinthia has her answer as to who Daniel likes!

Cinthia runs after Daniel to press him on this. He confirms it is Tania. She cautions him to be careful. Later in the break room Daniel is happily humming when Rafa comes in. Why is Daniel so happy? He tells Rafa that the successful intervention with Chris was not only satisfying but instructive. Little Chris has taught him to push forward through fear to go for what one wants. He now has the confidence to tell the Girl he likes what he feels for her: life is too short and she is a Girl worth fighting for! [Remember, Daniel told Rafa he liked a Girl in his neighborhood.] Later, there is a scene in the break room where Marco storms off in frustration that he’s the only one seeing patients.


MÉDICOS, #24, 8-17-20 2 of 4

Daniel asks Tania to step out and speak to him. Daniel has been moved by the experience with Chris and wants to thank her for her role in the intervention by asking her out to dinner. No, he did it all: it was his idea and he executed it beautifully. Besides, she has plans tonight. They’ll try for another time. Tania is so glad they are friends and if he ever needs anything, she will be there. Daniel is pleased. Prior to this, Rafa asks Tania to go out that night. She accepts. Later Rafa, being Rafa, tries to get Cinthia to go out with him. Cinthia, knowing his game, admits she did have a good time the other night but declines, saying he shouldn’t stand his date up. (She doesn’t know the date is Tania, incidentally.) At the end of the work day, Pamela and Tania are chatting outside the hospital. Pamela wonders at her energy after such a trying day. Tania responds that she’s got a date with somebody worth waiting for. When Rafa shows up, it is clear that Pamela begs to differ!

Now, to the action in the hospital. Regina has Tania with her for the day. Regina is impressed with her story about little Chris. They go in to see El Tirano. El Tirano is maskless and introduces himself as Raul Qintana. He is doing well and acknowledges that he must start a new life. Regina says that, with all his experience, he can continue to work in wrestling, perhaps training new fighters. Second chances are the best; she observes that she knows from personal experience. Raul asks if they know the first lesson in wrestling. No? Learn how to fall. If you fall properly, you will be able to get up and continue the fight. He thanks Regina. Raul will be discharged.

Luis is working in the OPC. He explains to Ana why he’s a bit late; his son ran a fever all day. Ana chirps, it’s normal; schools are bacteria and virus factories she wiggles her fingers humorously to demonstrate. That’s why SHE decided not to have kids! (Later in the day, we see Gabriel is doing fine. Fever’s gone!} Luis is paired with Marco for shadowing. Marco acts bored during OPC visits. After a patient leaves who is counseled that he must change his diet to lower his cholesterol, Marco asks with a frustrated sigh, “why do these people bother to come to the Doctor when they’re going to do whatever the heck they want anyway?” Luis excoriates him instructively: We are not here to judge anybody; we are here to help the patients and counsel them about their health. Luis warns him he does NOT want to see Marco display that attitude when he’s seeing patients!

Diego is assigned to Art. They see a patient in the ER who has a painful abdomen and vomits blood. Art coolly asks Diego what he is going to do. Diego examines the patient, makes a preliminary diagnosis of bleeding ulcer, orders tests and medicines. Art watches, adds a med to Diego’s list and then counsels him that he did a very good job but needs to work on his obvious nervousness: the Docs have to help the patients feel confident that the they are able to help them. Noted!


MÉDICOS, #24, 8-17-20 3 of 4

Art at home. Later in the evening, Cecelia complains to Art about the Therapist, Dr. Garza. Cecelia doesn’t like her! She asks so many questions and had the nerve to tell her that she has to stop playing the victim and take responsibility for her actions! Cecelia wants to quit; Art stands firm.

Pamela is assigned to David. As he talks, Pamela is writing down his every word, breath and swallow. David gives her the trust yourself and learn to use the clinical memory in your brain talk, throws her notebook in the trash and makes her leave it there. A bit later, David is standing at the desk where Pamela is seated when Regina runs up. She excitedly jingles her apartment keys. David congratulates her and indicates it’s time to par-tay, making some cute little dance moves. Pamela is taking it all in, smiling her amusement! Art is in the background as well, watching without smiling. David says her apartment needs to be inaugurated. They joke about how much time is at a premium. He asks Regina to advise him when she has the time, and he’ll bring over the drinks! David calls to Pamela to head off to their duties for the day.

Daniel and Cinthia talk about the upcoming award dinner for her Dad in Guadalajara and how she doesn’t want to go. He asks her why; she tells him about her poor relationship with her parents: everybody is not as lucky as him. I think Cinthia decides she’ll go to the family dinner and Daniel agrees to cover her shift. Please chime in, Peeps!

The central action is with Erika, who is carried into the ER by her husband, having managed to call him after collapsing at home. Erika is in bad shape with painful, angry red blotches all over her body. David and Regina begin their assessment; Tania and Pamela look on and stand ready to assist. Erika’s terrified husband gives an accounting of the development of her symptoms: it started as what they thought was a cold, she had body aches and the rash appeared suddenly. Regina assures him they will do all they can, they have to do studies before they can treat her. Outside the bay, David and Regina discuss the difficult case. Neither has a good preliminary diagnosis. The sudden onset of the rash is worrying. Tania is openly alarmed. Regina and David agree they must practice careful hygiene and appropriate protective measures. They need to alert and consult with Gonzalo. He comes down, examines Erika and is also stumped and orders her to be moved to intensive care where she can be monitored, isolated and available for rapid intervention as the multitude of studies come in. They have a lot of conditions to rule out. The treatment priorities: Diagnosis and not putting others at risk from her unknown condition.


MÉDICOS, #24, 8-17-20 4 of 4

Now, interspersed in the above action are sickening scenes of slime-swapping between Rene and Miryea. He has a scheme to buy some cheap heart monitors, sell them high and pocket the profits. Miryea takes a break from the mutual pawing to see what’s up in the ER and sees Gonzalo there. Despite her complaints that she is smarter than all the Doctors, she doesn’t understand that it is totally appropriate to both consult with Dr. Gonzalo Olmedo on the mysterious illness of the patient, but to alert him to the possible presence of a highly infectious pathogen in the hospital. She goes back to Rene’s office for more yuckery and stupidly tells him that Gonzalo is in the ER because Regina doesn’t know how to do her job! He’s doing her work for her! Further, she thinks Regina and Gonzalo ARE having an affair: he was SO attentive to Regina’s patient! Rene thinks this is great and despite Miryea’s protests about how she can’t stand Regina, she must gain her confidence and get close to her to learn of any exploitable weaknesses! (During their making out, Rene kicks Miryea off his lap when he learns about the possibly infectious patients, uses hand sanitizer and makes her wash her hands.)

Finally, in the ICU, Gonzalo, Regina and David are dressed in protective gowns and caps and look in at Erika. Preliminary blood work is all within normal parameters. David observes it is as if her own body is attacking her. Gonzalo solemnly states that if Erika doesn’t improve, her organs will start to fail, and she cannot survive that.



Lila...thank you for another detailed lilacap.

OT..judyb...I like avocados , but I always eat them in salads. I must try them on toast. I once tutored a business man from Brazil , and he told that Brazilians eat them in dessert dishes. My aunt made avocado and bacon sandwiches .

Thanks, Susanlynn!

HI Patio.....
Does anyone know why MEDICOS is not showing up in my scheduled recordings for the whole week of August 24th!???????


Lila, just splendid.

You convey every nuance in a few, carefully chosen words: "Chris looks at the mask in wonder; El Tirano beams a peaceful pride" was lovely.

"As he talks, Pamela is writing down his every word, breath and swallow" was my favorite.

While we watched Erika writhe in agony, her body covered in red welts, I kept thinking why don’t they remove her clothes and put her in a hospital gown? Will the great Gonzalo be the one to properly diagnose her? I hope that happens quickly.

"Tania makes an overly-tender gesture of gratitude to Daniel, right in front of everybody: she leans on Daniel’s shoulder, whispers that what he’s done is incredible, that he is The Most and gives him a slow kiss under his ear, at the junction of his cheek and neck. [Eso sí, es una zona erótica!]' deserved to be repeated in its entirety.

I don't think Tania is being intentionally cruel, but I believe she does realize how Daniel feels about her. She should be kind but cut out the caresses.

"[Remember, Daniel told Rafa he liked a Girl in his neighborhood]. No Lila, I didn't know/remember that. And thank you for pointing out Cinthia "...doesn’t know the date is Tania, incidentally)". These are both important points and am grateful you pointed them out.

"Rafa, being Rafa" said it all. Most women seems to gravitate to him quite naturally. (Pamela and I seem to be the exceptions :). I wonder if he would give up his hound dog ways if Cinthia tries to give him a chance.

Art has a beautiful smile.

The "sickening scenes of slime-swapping between Rene and Miryea" made me nauseous. Blech.

Mildly interested in Cinthia's family dinner and what in Luis' life is going to burst the bubble he, his wife and son are currently living in.

Lila, just wonderful. Thank you!



Thanks Lila!!

Come on peeps, make your guesses, what is the mystery illness?! Only thing I can think of is leprosy but I’m pretty sure that’s not it lol

My guess is LUPUS .


Diana!! Sweetheart, welcome back to the Patio! I pray you are feeling well!

I kept thinking why don’t they remove her clothes and put her in a hospital gown?

Diana, that kind of thing can drive you crazy! AND, should Tania and Pamela at least been instructed to go and shower and change scrubs? Maybe we're over-thinking!

Girl, Tania's kiss was SO intimate to me, I almost blushed and I wasn't in the room! HA! Poor Daniel is going to be so heartbroken when he sees that Tania is not The Girl he imagines her to be. She's not a bad person and has a right to date Rafa The Rake, but I agree she does realize how Daniel feels about her. She should be kind but cut out the caresses.

I'm sorry to say that I still think Rafa is cute. He awakens some old teenage tastes but is STD not a thing anymore. He does indeed sound like that French dude JudyB talked about in her hilarious post yesterday!

Diana, thank you SO MUCH. Oh yes, everyone, I forgot to mention that Rafa offered to go with Cinthia to her dreaded family dinner to offer moral support!

UnOp! Hey, Kid! You're welcome! Let's see. Sadly, it sounds like the infantile "version" of COVID, "Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome." a serious condition in which some parts of the body — such as the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive system, brain, skin or eyes — become inflamed. Inflammation typically includes swelling, often with redness and pain. Source: Mayo Clinic:

I'm sure that's not what it is. Gonzalo mentioned septicemia, a very serioius bacterial infection of the bloodstream infection and syndrome de Bechet, . . .is a rare disorder that causes blood vessel inflammation throughout your body. The disease can lead to numerous signs and symptoms that can seem unrelated at first. They can include mouth sores, eye inflammation, skin rashes and lesions, and genital sores. He also mentione purpura trombocitopenica idiopatica, an isolated low platelet count with a normal bone marrow in the absence of other causes of low platelets.[1] It causes a characteristic red or purple bruise-like rash and an increased tendency to bleed. Wikipedia. The latter is an autoimmune disease. Don't know if these are communicable! AMOT Lupus is autoimmune and Gonzalo did mention that as well!

Sorry to carry on. We'll see what they call it!

Medicos 24. Great recap as usual, Lila! And glad you're back, Diana! Good advice from Raul to Regina: Learn how to fall! Diego will get more calm in diagnosing as he acquires more experience. I love the medical mystery! I agree that David's observation that it seems as if Erika's own body is attacking itself is a clue that it's an autoimmune disease. Of course, given that this is a telenovela, I wonder how accurate these particular symptoms are. They certainly are dramatic!


I think some here may have missed their calling - a career in medicine.

Such excellent theories - I personally have no idea what is wrong with Erika but I suspect/hope a "cure" will be found.

And Lila, I thought Rafa may have offered to go with Cin to the dinner but wasn't sure. Thanks for confirming he did. Now that might be fun.




Great work, as usual, Lila.

I was wondering whether Erika had smallpox, but -- whatever she has -- how did she get it?

Who on earth would disown a daughter for becoming a doctor? The man must be the worst kind of narcissist. I can't wait.

Someone should rearrange Marco's features so he will end up in the ER. That might teach him that his career should be about his patients and not himself.


Okay, the vote is in...LILA should be writing bodice-rippers. I mean, this description was sizzling!

Tania makes an overly-tender gesture of gratitude to Daniel, right in front of everybody: she leans on Daniel’s shoulder, whispers that what he’s done is incredible, that he is The Most and gives him a slow kiss under his ear, at the junction of his cheek and neck.

but lots of humor too:

[Pamela] writing down every word, breath and swallow

sickening scenes of slime-swapping [Rene and Mireya]

more yuckery [René and Mireya]

and the lovely advice from el Tirano

"Learn to fall"

Reminds me of the Japanese saying "Fall 7 times, get up 8"

Someone needs to give that message to whiny little Cecilia. (And by the way, really liked how you condensed that scene and others. Saves you some time and it's still a brisk, well written recap with some "juice".)

Smooth Moves Rafa is still working it. As he promised to go with Cinthia to the awards dinner, he slipped in another reference to his "suegros". Our fella is definitely dangerous.

Thanks too for all the extra medical information. I had no idea what was "syndrome de Bechet." But I do agree, there's a possibility it would be their first covid-19 case. If the writers are ready to tackle that. Don't know when this was put together, but the disease is certainly running rampant in Mexico as it is here.

LILA, this was great. But for your sake, I'm really glad to see you condensing a little bit. Take care of the Recapper first! She's the most important part of the process.


Thank you, Urban! Marco is so solidly embedded in his culture of priviledge, he just CANNT understand that this social currency has no value in the Instituto! He has to be told the same damned thing every day! Does he have to, indeed, have his features rearranged (thus needing plastic surgery-- good one, Urban!) or suffer some gosh-forsaken illness requiring the kind of sensitive care the Instituto renders to get it through his thick skull! Jeez Louise!

We'll see if this is a quick, two-episode mystery or if it carries over into something else. I'm thinking the medical catastrophes and guest starts will be circulating through fast and furious with our friends providing the dramatic backdrop!



SUSANLYNN-Avocados are great. Any which way. I like them in salads, guacamole, mashed toast, or combined in a cuisinart with chickpeas and lemon juice for a sandwich spread. And I'm sure they'd make a creamy lovely dessert. Brazilian cuisine is to die for. I spent some time down there and still remember a friend's description of their coffee, "as dark as the devil and as sweet as love."


Hi, SpanProf! Thank you! Yep, I reckon if we don't find out tonight, it'll be the next day. I can't get over how stupid Miryea is to think Gonzalo came down because she thinks Regina is incompetent. What a dip stick! Remember, folks, in the beginning of the story, one of the things Lara was criticized for, and indeed which led to the lawsuit, was his neglecting the clinical side of his skills and refusing to be involved in hands-on care anymore. Well, that ain't Gonzalo AND he should be advised of the mystery disease in the house! Sheesh!

Diana Yah, I know Rafa offered to go, I'm not sure if Cinthia accepted. I'm not as sure, either, about if that was a definite arrangement that Daniel will cover her shift so she can go. I guess it makes novela sense that she go to the dinner. What drama this could all entail!



Judy! Judy! Judy! Hey, Girl! Thank you! I'm sorry for the violent imagery, but I could beat Ceceilia's narrow arse! She doesn't like the Therapist because she asks too many questions? SAY WHAT? And "she thinks I should stop playing the victim and take responsibility for my actions." Art is like, uh, you don't think she's right? If Art ain't whipped, what else does he see in this ding bat?

Oh, Judy! I did okay condensing? Cool! I"m going to keep working on it. The Patio can really help by filling in stuff they think should've been covered. I was off last week but I'm back to work now and have a staff meeting in the morning, so RDVs need to be the order of the day! Thanks for your advice and support, Hon!



Lila, I’m impressed! I can’t believe you
1. Understand the medical terms and
2. Remember what they were!

If there was a quiz asking which medical terms were mentioned during the episode, I’d surely fail! Lol

If the novela was being filmed right now, I would bet my money that it’s Covid, BUT it was filmed in 2019/early 2020 (pre-Covid times). So I’m sure that’s not it


Judy: I wonder whatever happened to Vale because I haven't seen her on lately. I think the last time we saw her was when she found out about Indecisive Luis & Renata.

Jarifa: I wonder what Cranky Adan (AKA Thumb-sucking Jorge from "El Dragon") will do to get Tina's attention ? Unless something changes between now & next Tuesday night, I think Tina is moving on for the foreseeable future.

Big question is will Carlo (Damian's accomplice) get busted by law enforcement for embezzlement & framing Ric, etc.,

Lila--this episode was definitely in your talented hands. I finally got to watch it today and, believe me, the recap was definitely better. The medical staff talks so fast when they are in an ER mode, I couldn't figure out what poor Erica might have. let alone report what they were discussing. Rashes like that can erupt for any reason. An autoimmune disease sounds the most likely, but which one is accompanied by such sever pain. Crohn's disease-without the rash? Whatever it is it will be rare. I wonder if Pam's blood will be needed.


UnOp! Don't quiz me either! HA HA! I remember you saying once before they finished filming just before COVID hit. It was so strange, though, that Erika's symptomsmatched what I had so sadly heard described as a manifestation of COVID in children (and sometimes fatal). It might be lupus and we're going to get a whole PSI about seeking medical treatment when certain signs and symptoms are noted.

Hi, and muchisimas gracias, Anita! Yes, and the Docs speech sometimes sounds like their blowing raspberries! Sheesh! We shall see tonight. I want more David dancing! He's so darned cute!

Lila-- Question:"Art is like, uh, you don't think she's right? If Art ain't whipped, what else does he see in this ding bat?"
Answer: She's slightly more animated than a plastic blow-up doll, maybe? [Hmmm. Everytime I use that phrase I think of Foul Play with Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn, and the late great Dudley Moore hugging the blow-up doll.]


HA HAHAHAHAHA! Anita, I have tried to have empathy for Cecelia, but darned if she doesn't blow it out of the water every time she's on the screen! Then that nasally, whiny voice! I think the actress must be having fun playing this albatross! No wonder Art was watching the swan-like Regina with David. Now THERE was some animation fueled by a deep, uncovered passion! BRING IT ON!!!


Lila, I take back what I said about being sure it was NOT Covid lol. Now I’m thinking it actually might be... I mean this whole thing started in 2019.. what if Erika took a trip to China and comes back with this odd illness? They probably wouldn’t have called it Covid or coronavirus, just some “rare” illness after a trip.. that might be TOO out of the box for Televisa lol, but we’ll see..


Well, UnOp, I just hope for my and the whole Patio's sake that whatever it is, it is handled sensitively, whatever that means. Well, it is just a novela, but we are living real lives where we are touched by that and other afflictions. Let's do our best to keep things AS light and fun as we can!


Lila: Was that the lovely Scarlet Gruber I just saw in this Telenovela ?


Yes Steve, Scarlet Gruber is in Médicos


Highlights of the Highlights Part 1

Ric reminds her how she herself said he had changed. His twin appeared by chance. Anyway, she was marrying Ricardo Reyes Alonso out of self-interest. He loved her so much. When he found out the truth about her intentions, it devastated him.
She insists he doesn’t have a twin brother.

Sol tells her sisters that the witch that cursed their mother was Espiridiona Bautista when they ask. Her sisters want to go to Puebla to find her. Sol tells them no way. Estrella says they want to do something so they don’t end up like an old maid like . . . Sol finishes her sentence with “ like herself Sol.” Estrella is upset because Sol, for the first time, seems to have given up.They do not want to lose her. Sol admits she is the one who carries the curse and walks away. Luna is not happy with Estrella’s comments but the conversation is cut short when Sol tells them she has decided that she is going to go . . .to Puebla to see if she can find something to help them. Her only condition is that if she cannot find something to break the curse, they will let her leave for good. Fede insists on going with her to Puebla. She says the temptation of being with him all of that time will be too much. He presumes he must be pretty irresistible. She still wants to go on her own. She’s taking her van.

Renata has news for Vale. Her brother and Vale’s stepbrother are clones! She shows her photos. Vale says those two have to meet to find out about each other. They decide to arrange a meeting.

Nati tells Ivette about Damián’s evil plan to take over the company and the Reyes Alonso fortune.Ivette says they have to continue with their plan so Damián doesn’t get his way. Nati doesn’t know if she is up for it between how difficult Ricardo is being and her mother just popping up after all that time. Nati is happy that she and her mother have reconciled but is afraid she has lost Ric forever.

Damián gives Ori an invitation to the the birthday party for Ricardo Reyes Alonso. He cannot wait until they see the birthday surprise he has for them: he will be announcing that the Reyes Alonso Group is broke due to Ric mismanaging the business. He also is asking that Ori make a declaration that after all of her years being a loving and faithful companion to Claudio, he has been cheating on her with Dora. (Dora la engañadora) They cannot wait!

Crucita tells Ivette they are ready to move into phase two in their “Operation Computation” to thwart Ric. She is all excited but informs him how upset Nati is and not being able to count on her. Crucita says that is really bad because they need Nati for the plan to be successful. Ivette tells him that things are so bad between Nati and Ric that he ended up inventing a twin brother to explain away his marriage to her.Crucita admits that he knows about the twin brother. He works at the Buenaventura market and his name is Toño. Nati overhears that piece of info outside the door. Crucita explains the whole situation to Ivette and tells her that she knows the twin already. She is really confused now. Crucita will fill her in on everything so they can help Ric.

Tina tells Toño that Fabi won first place in the graphic novel contest. He pretends to know about the contest but doesn’t. She gives him the info about the awards ceremony if he wants to help cheer her on. He calls Ric. He tells him how grateful he is for Ric having saved Luchita from Felix. He also wants to let him know she won and all of the info about the ceremony. Ric


Jarifa: Natalia is STUPID.


Ric visits Lichita. Germán stops by. She introduces him to Ric. He thanks him for taking care of his mother in Veracruz. They chat. It turns out Felix is still on the loose and the police have no idea of his whereabouts. Luchita is worried because he is so dangerous. Ric has a security guard posted outside of Luchita’s house.

Nati goes to the market. She follows Toño’s voice. She sees him. He drops the plates he is carrying he is so shocked to see her. He thinks her tears are tears of joy. He approaches his “chula” and she slaps him good and hard. She leaves and he chases after her trying to explain. He insists they love each other. She informs him she could never love a man like him. She is in love with Ric who could have nothing to do with him. She leaves. Renata tries to console him.

Vale tells Ric that Renata wants them to go out to eat with her and her brother because Ric and her brother look the same! She saw a photo. Ric says he is too busy to talk about anything. He isn’t going to see anyone. They are having serious problems at the company. She just thinks it is freaky having a clone out there. She just wanted hm to know there were two “Ricardos” out there.

Remedios wants to have a spiritual session at Sol’’s, now that she is out of town, and call up the girls’ mother to find out about he curse.They have the session and Remedios calls up the girls’ mother Cielo Morales. When Remedios asks her for a sign, her old “chancla” (flip flop) comes flying out. When she asks her how to break the curse, a clay pot on a shelf bursts and Murillo starts talking to Daniel. Unfortunately, he is back to his grinning catatonic state in seconds.

Sol and Fede are on the road to Puebla in her red van “Juanita”. It breaks down. Sol blames Fede for being too rough driving her. He doesn’t knowing why they couldn’t have taken the bus. He tries to repair the van. She wants to call a mechanic but there is no signal for her cell phone. Soon they are overtaken by a huge herd of sheep passing on by. They laugh, enjoy the experience and kiss.

Nati is at work thinking about her encounter with Toño. Damián comes in asking for her signature on some forms For the new company he needs to run to the bank. The new company is Fuentes Jasso Investments. He assures her that he wants her for his partner at the company and in his life. She agrees that is always what they wanted. She hesitates to sign saying that this is his way of making her prove she wouldn’t betray him. He agrees. She signs. He is a bit surprised because he thought she might be in love with Ric. He explains this is the preamble to the big surprise he is going to give the Reyes Alonso. She is going to tell Ric she is divorcing him and marrying Damián. It will be a birthday party surprise.



Back out in the countryside, “the van is rockin’ so don’t come knockin’”.

Ric has stopped by to see Luchita. She tells Ric she feels like she can finally breathe. Renata arrives with Toño in tow and says that Ric is Vale’s brother. Luchita is confused. Ric tells her he isn’t Vale’s brother, he is HER brother. Toño nods in agreement. Renata is infuriated that they all have been lying to her. Toño tells her that she already knows Ric because he took his place for all this time. She storms out calling them all liars. Ric tells Toño that none of this would have happened if Toño had not taken his identity. As the argument starts to get heated, Luchita puts an end to it. Their birthday is coming up. She wants it to be the happiest day of her life because she deserves it. She won’t have them fighting. Ric agrees not to start anything. She makes them shake their hands because they are brothers. Toño extends his hand first. Ric is very hesitant but finally extends his. After they shake, they stare at each other as Luchita stands in between them with an arm around each of their necks.

Estrella tells Remedios the names of the witch who cursed them so she can research her and maybe find out her location.

Back in the van, Fede puts on a big grin to fake Sol out. There is nothing wrong with him. He is the happiest man in the world.




Jarifa: My personal thoughts on last night.

1.) Law enforcement agencies must be STUPID in loosing Felix, who in the previews for tonight will likely attack Luchita AGAIN.

2.) Luchita needs to move the Hell out of the bario & leave the damn country with German.

3.) Natalia, like I said before, is stuck on STUPID!

4.) Plastic Blondie & Damian will get their Karma anvils sooner or later.

5.) Murrilo will NEVER recover. Whatever Luna did to him will never come to light.

6.) Where is Charlotte ?



Thanks JARIFA. Perfect description of the scene:

Back out in the countryside, “the van is rockin’ so don’t come knockin’”.

Fits exactly with the retro outfits of Sol and Fede and their sweet, long-delayed romance. In spite of Fede's wretched dye job, I think they are my favorite couple in this odd tale.

I thought Renata's temper tamtrum seemed a little silly, but it's ultimos capitulos so we have to have lots of major misunderstandings and storms to get provoked and then resolved, so here we go.

Snack-wise, I was thinking of making a peach pie tonight. Peach season is nearing a close and we need to enjoy them while we can. Peach pie, peach cobbler, baked peaches with butter, sugar and's all good.



Judy: Big question is whether Felix, Plastic Blondie, Damian, Carlo & Co., will get their Karma anvils ?

Como tú

Finally Tina got rid of the horrid purple matte lipstick. She looks so much better without it. The purple lipstick made her look like she had a huge forehead.

Renata’s tantrum was so childish, that someone needs to tell her she’s not the center of the world. This isn’t the first time she’s acted like a spoiled brat. The way she got into her mothers face was close to abuse, so she must have learned it from el baccalao. Luchita has been way overconsiderate of her daughter’s feelings, and Renata has been terrorizing her with it growing up. Renata flipped that entire conversation into being about herself when there were bigger things to discuss. How is she more mad about the “lies” but didn’t give a damn her father was beating up her mother every opportunity he got?

MÉDICOS, #25, 8-18-20

Hola, Peeps! Again, I invite your participation if I get something wrong, or there’s some action or dialogue I didn’t cover that you want to highlight. I’m back on the clock, so I’m going to try RDVs as often as I can.

Gonzalo has pronounced that Erika is in danger of organ failure. He confers with David and Regina, they consider options if the cultures come back negative. The three wrack their brains while we watch a slightly prolonged and heart-tugging scene where Erika says her goodbyes to her husband, Martin. He begs her to hang on in between her professions of love and impassioned questioning of God to tell her what she has done to deserve this. “If things don’t go well, please know that I love you more than anybody!”

Art tries to explain Cecelia that being responsible for her own actions is a reasonable directive from Dr. Garza. She wants to quit! He convinces her to continue, and to do it for herself; she says just one more appointment and pouts through his parting kiss.

At the Bar Casual Rafa schools Tania on the fine points of taking shots. Tania asks what’s up with Cinthia. Oh, she’s just a work friend, nothing special. They toast to the joys of no strings, fun-having life! The next morning outside the hospital, they shoot the breeze about last night and who is likely to get burnt in their little fiery fling. Her deep daylight kiss confirms the night didn’t end at Bar Casual. Later in the evening, Rafa appears to blow off a text from Tania asking him if he wants to “destress.” Rafa has chosen to destress with some high proof alcohol, instead.

Daniel gets conflicting advice from Paco, his Dad and (later) Rafa, on next steps pursuing Tania, she of “light leg” kissing outside the hospital. [I know it will hurt, but I want Daniel to roll up to work and get a load of “his girl” doing a tonsillectomy on Rafa!]

Regina and David sit in the break room but it’s no break: they’re trying to figure out what’s killing Erika. “Ok, you always say that thinking outside the protocols helps you discover new and alternative ways to treat patients. Ok, use that thinking on this case. “David rolls his chair in close to Regina, looking at the chart he says, “It seems the key to what is going on with her is something she can tell us. We have to talk to her and assure her that whatever she says will never leave that room!”


MÉDICOS, #25, 8-18-20

“Ah, that’s why I like that you think differently,” Regina says as she briefly presses her finger to his forehead and makes a sizzling sound to indicate the intellectual heat emanating from his brain! David looks into her eyes; their faces are very close; David’s gaze does not waiver and, picking up something deep and intimate in his mirada, Regina abruptly gets up, breaking the spell. “Let’s go!”

Meanwhile, Ana has gotten a text from David that Luis is covering for him in the OPC as he’s working on a case. Ana is furious because she wants David in her…….OPC! She takes her anger out on Luis when he reports to work. Let’s finish with her. Ana storms into the break room to confront Regina and David and later into Gonzalo’s office throwing a tantrum and yapping about Regina didn’t keep her word and is not sticking to the rotation schedule for the OPC! Regina always gets whatever she wants! Gonzalo isn’t demonstrating his supposed equal dedication to all areas of the hospital! Regina and David both literally stand up to her and, when she leaves, having listened to not one syllable, in unison they flop into their chairs. HA HA!

Regina and David have apparently conferred with Gonzalo as he follows David’s suggested line of inquiry in reviewing the evolution of Erika’s acute illness. He reassures Erika that nothing she says will leave the room. Erika cries that she made a mistake, and now she’s paying with her life: she tearfully confesses that she slept with another man! Gonzalo utters the instructive healthcare message for this segment: Illnesses are NOT a punishment. He listens to her timeline of her actions and the development of the symptoms. He alerts when she describes having taken two doses of (over the counter) antibiotics six hours apart for what she thought was a worsening flu. Gonzalo gets an idea and hurries out!

Rene and Miryea plot their next theft. He plans to encourage Gonzalo to concentrate on clinical duties he’s more suited for and leave administrative things like budgeting and purchases up to him. As they walk the halls, they twice encounter the diminutive but surely wise and observant Marta (Gonzalo’s Secretary) and exchange a quizzical glance. Oh yea, Marta is never asleep at the wheel! Anywho, Rene does indeed meet with a medical supplier and makes a deal to buy heart monitors at a deep discount in exchange for a seven-year contract as an exclusive supplier of durable medical equipment. True to his word when theft is involved, Rene goes to see Gonzalo and tells him about the “cost-saving” deal and successfully exploits Gonzalo’s current preoccupation with Erika’s case to encourage him to follow his passion for clinical care and collaboration with his medical Team.

Gonzalo meets with Regina and David. He knows what Erika has: Steven Johnson Syndrome. Erika’s immune system had a severe and life-threatening reaction to her taking two very powerful antibiotics in rapid succession: antibiotic overdose!


MÉDICOS, #25, 8-18-20

Gonzalo meets with Erika and her husband to give them the good news and a warning: The antibiotics she took fought against her: People should never self-medicate with powerful drugs but instead seek the consultation and care of trained physicians for their care. Through lessened pained and crusted-over weeping wounds, Erika is relieved and chastened!
Gonzalo chats with Regina and David in the open staff area of the ER. He is, indeed, happiest when he is working with his Team, helping people: the challenge of diagnosis fascinates him! Regina tells him he did very well; she learns something new from him every day. Gonzalo turns the conversation to Regina and, over her protests, he and David insist they will help her move her things into the new apartment. They all leave the staff area, Regina taking David’s arm.

Let’s dispense with a couple of other developments. Cinthia catches up with Daniel; she okayed her trip to Guadalajara for the family dinner honoring her Dad. She confirms with Daniel that he will cover for her. Ah, that’s good for him; more time with his Tania! Daniel looks around nervously and asks her to please keep it quiet: he doesn’t want anyone to know and he doesn’t want rumors starting. He wants his telling her to be the first inkling of his feelings for her to increase the chance that she’ll say yes. Cinthia admires Daniel’s sincerity and wishes there were more men like him! Later, there is a very sweet scene where Cinthia arrives to the family home and is swallowed up in hugs first by an employee and then by her Mother who adds many kisses for good measure. Cinthia seems softer, less edgy in her Mother’s arms!

This next thing happens the morning after the final scene which I’ll cover in a minute. A man walks into the ER whining loudly and tweaking his ear complaining of a hammering noise in his head. Luis and Diego see him; Diego’s examines him, following a hunch which he confirms to Luis: Insect in the ear! Cure, liquid lidocaine in the ear for pain control, and take the critter out! When asked how he knew, Diego says he’s seen if happen often in his village. Luis admires his quick clinical processing and treatment!

It is nighttime in the parking lot of Regina’s new apartment. She arrives, opens the hatch of her car as David rides up on his motorcycle. They began to unload the stuff when a car rolls up. It’s Sergio! (Whom we caught a glimpse of in the hospital earlier, just as David, Regina and Gonzalo were leaving. He was lurking in the ER! Where’s the Security!) “Now I know why you wanted to divorce me! You sure did get somebody else real fast!” David tells him to back off! “Oh yeah, all you’re doing is showing him how EASY you are!” BAM! POW! CRUNCH! Sergio gets in a punch that sends David into the hatch of Regina’s car but David decks Sergio and bloodies Sergio’s mouth and is about to send Sergio’s teeth down his throat to shut up his insults of Regina when Gonzalo drives up and pulls David off Sergio. Sergio tries to claim a victory for having outed Regina as a slut, he leaves. Regina has been shouting at them to stop, especially David. “I’m not going to let this idiot disrespect you! Somebody had to put him in his place!” Regina shouts, “Why are you so impulsive!” “Because that’s me! “ David leaves. Gonzalo and Regina debrief in her apartment. She is sooo tired of Sergio!


MÉDICOS, #25, 8-18-20 END

He cheated on her, but now it’s her fault. She sighs that she was unjust to David. “Me agota, me agota!” I’m EXHAUSTED, Regina sighs.

The next morning Ana notes David’s bruise. She demands, but he insists it’s nothing and refuses to tell her what happened. [Jeez lady, what entitlement just because he maybe tapped you tank once? Sheesh!] Regina sees David in the general ER staff area. She tries to apologize: she was very angry last night and nothing that happened was his fault. He offered to help her and she is very grateful for that. “Look, Regina, you made it perfectly clear that I have no business butting in your personal life. Don’t worry, it won’t happen again.” He walks away, she calls him back. He returns and makes his point, “Understand, I didn’t even realize how far I would go when it comes to you! I don’t care if Sergio is your ex-husband; be absolutely certain that neither he nor anyone else is going to insult you in front of me!”



Steve, you made me laugh with “Plastic Blondie”.

Anon, you are so right about Renata. She has turned out to be so self-righteous. Just like you noted: where was her moral compass when her beloved criminal of a father was abusing her mother? Give me a break!

JudyB, that old van with Fede and Sol sure had a ‘60’s feel about it. They are my favorite couple, too, and I have enjoyed every single scene with them. Now, I can think of nothing better than peach pie. Come to think of it, I love all kinds of pies because you get a filling and CRUST! You are a real trooper putting in all that work for our snack. It is appreciated, amiga. Tomorrow night I will be brining a cheddar and caramel popcorn mix.



Jarifa: I like to slap annoying Renata too! Her attitude is pissing me off.

At this point, I like to see Luis & Vale together.


"...she okayed her trip to Guadalajara for the family dinner honoring her Dad."

* Regina okayed her trip to Guadalajara for the family dinner honoring her Dad."


Medicos 25. Excellent recap as usual, Lila! So antibiotic poisoning! And an opportunity for a PSA about the dangers of taking other people's meds! I had a great aunt who died of antibiotic poisoning, but in her case it was over-prescribed for another condition she had. Then the poisoning symptoms were misdiagnosed as leukemia, and by the time her doctor realized the mistake, it was too late. Also, Ana gets ever more annoying. Of course it doesn't matter which of the highly competent ER doctors takes a shift at the OPC. Ana is just being a spoiled brat. Diego seems like a very good doctor. Too bad his pilfering of supplies for his village may derail his career! And finally, it's probably just as well that Sergio thinks that Regina is living with a youngish, very physically fit other man.


Thank you Lila!!

Small correction about the antibiotics, they were NOT over-the-counter medication. They had been prescribed to her husband.

If I remember correctly, an episode or two ago Erika told her husband “I’ll be fine, I took some of your leftover medication.” Of course, it didn’t seem like something important at that point lol


Lila, indeed you got nothing wrong but got everything gloriously right!

"Through lessened pained and crusted-over weeping wounds, Erika is relieved and chastened!". Excellent.

"...picking up something deep and intimate in his mirada, Regina abruptly gets up, breaking the spell" perfectly describes the pent up and just newly released feelings David has for her. The flood gates are open and it is up to David to stem the tide. Regina is not yet ready and her pain is still very real and palpable. She needs to heal before she can enter into any sort of relationship. David needs to take a breath, step back and stay firmly esconced in the friend zone.

"Ana is furious because she wants David in her…….OPC!" HA!

"Cinthia seems softer, less edgy in her Mother’s arms!" She does and I enjoyed every single second of that scene.

"Tania asks what’s up with Cinthia. Oh, she’s just a work friend, nothing special". It appears Tania knew the answer to her question before she uttered the words. Rafa's lie was expected but disappointing nevertheless. Tania will rue who will never be hers and Rafa just took many backward steps toward his pursuit of Cinthia. And poor Daniel is in for a world of hurt regardless...

I was happy to see Diego stepping it up which means his fall from grace will be that much harder.

Cecelia leaves me cold. I care not.

I would not have suspected antibiotic poisoning! SpanProf, so sorry about your great aunt. As all of the doctors seemed stymied here, perhaps it is a very difficult diagnosis indeed.

Lila, thank you for your exceptional recap. I savored every word.


Medicos 25. Thanks, Diana. Aunt Grace was a wonderful woman. She was a school psychologist who founded one of the first programs in the country to educate special ed students within their regular public schools. She had been retired for many years when she passed away. If I recall correctly, you used to be able to buy antibiotics and other drugs over the counter in Mexico, and some people crossed the border to do just that. I don't know whether or not that has changed.


Sometimes I forget the novela takes place in Mexico...

I looked up buying antibiotics OTC in Mexico and apparently that is no longer allowed, BUT I personally doubt that is enforced. I live in California, so this might be because we’re next to the border, but I know which Mexican markets here will sell me amoxicillin without a prescription. It’s not sitting on the shelf, but if I ask for it, they’ll sell it to me.


Something I saw on Twitter last night, a fun fact - the house that was featured as Cinthia’s parents house in Guadalajara (exterior) was also used in LQLVMR.

I don’t know much about it but obviously self medicating/using medicine that’s prescribed to someone else can be dangerous. At least they figured it out. The case of the guy with the insect in his ear was a little yikes.

Ana trying to use her doctor card to tend to David. He’s a doctor too and could’ve tended to himself if necessary but obviously it wasn’t a serious injury. The bruises will eventually fade. Sergio needs to move on. It’s not his place to question what Regina does when he betrayed her.



Hi, Peeps! Busy work day. Let's see what y'all are talking about.

SpanProf! Oh, SpanProf, I am so sorry about your Aunt! Yah, this show is all about health/medical education and advocacy. That's cool. Some useful information here.

ITA with everything you said. Ana is annoying! It absolutely doesn't matter who works in her OPC. That's as stupid as Miryea thinking Gonzalo consulting with Regina (and David) on Erika's case meant she was incompetent! AND, its good that Sergio had an encounter with Mad Dog David at Regina's apartment! Yah! She'll be safer for it! Gonzalo needs to do something about security at the Instituto. AGAIN, he got the position after the shooting death of the previous Director, IN the hospital. Then we had Ines' crazed son get in a knowck Regina around and now her even crazier ex can just saunter in and stalk her home! Thanks, SpanProf!

Hey, UnOP! THANK YOU for the correction. Yep, I even heard that in my recheck and, DUH! Thanks, Kid!

Hi, Diana! Thank you, Hon! Diana, can you tell I'm ready for the "flood gates to open!" I agree that " David needs to take a breath, step back and stay firmly esconced in the friend zone." Well said! He IS his impulsive self, though, as shown during his SMACKDOWN of Sergio! He's got a lot of pent-up energy, doesn't he?

That WAS a sweet scene with Cinthia, wasn't it? And Rafa...Pfft! I know I think he's cute but he's getting uglier with his lies. He seemed so sincere a couple of times when he told Cinthia how he felt about her. He just lies like a dawg!

"Cecelia leaves me cold. I care not." AMEN!

Thank you Diana, for you always attentive and spirit-lifting comments!


Hey, TF Welcome! Ana was ridiculous, trying to be self-righteous about a see-through accusation that Regina and Gonzalo were not keeping their word! No one ever promised her individual Doctors would assist her, she was only promised Attending Physician coverage in the OPC. She's acting like a mean version of Cecelia, whining and complaining when she doesn't get her way!

Lila--you saved precious few words with your latest recap. It was quite thorough, entertaining, and informative. Enjoyed the comments. It's nice to see TF back on the forum.

Agree with everything, though I thought Cynthia looked like she was being suffocated by mom. Wasn't it only a week or two ago they had their "reunion" in the DF? Does anyone want to bet with me that something happens to the Papi in the middle of his honorific and Cynthia saves him? It's either that or we actually never see him, which is ok with me.

The way Tania was examining Rafa's throat with her tongue, I was sure THIS would be the episode where Daniel would catch her in a compromising position. Since it wasn't, count on Tan to try to hurry things up with Rafa by putting some moves on him in public.

Ana was way off base positing that Reg had tinkered with the rotation roster just to annoy her. Even if they HAD dedicated certain doctors to rotate--which would be the decent thing to do for the doctors' schedules--EMERGENCIES do come up. I don't think Regina and Gonzalo really made that clear to her when the rotation was set up originally. Ana seemed to have a misplaced sense of superiority over OPC--which I kinda think that had been going on for some time since she was running it all by herself. Regardless, she's acting like a brat--a grown-up, educated woman, but still brattish.


Anita! Thank you! Here's something I hadn't thought of: Does anyone want to bet with me that something happens to the Papi in the middle of his honorific and Cynthia saves him?

Whoa! That could happen! And I agree, it seems that Papi is going to a "ghost character." Well, saves money in the casting budget!

Do you think Tania realizes that Daniel is koo koo over her? I was kinda thinking she didn't realize.

"EMERGENCIES do come up. I don't think Regina and Gonzalo really made that clear to her when the rotation was set up originally" Nah, let's not cut this heffa any slack. She's a Doctor; she knows emergencies come up. David had better take a notice of her harpy-like possessiveness and remember that when she's trying to reignite old flames in him. Let David extinguish his flames with Perla (Random Chick), at least she SEEMS to be just interested in his body and not his heart!



Dear Lila, thank you for another great lilacap. You didn't miss a beat.

My favorite part of the episode was David defending Regina from Sergio's vitriol . Sergio , you are a nasty piece of work and have nobody but yourself to blame for losing Regina.


Susanlynn! Thank you! We were sure Sergio would show up, and I don't think he's done! The nerve to call her "easy," the sleazy bastard!


Sorry to be so late to the Medico's party LILA. But always look forward to reading your lively resumé of the actions. This read like one of those great old comic books I used to love:

"He was lurking in the ER! Where’s the Security!) “Now I know why you wanted to divorce me! You sure did get somebody else real fast!” David tells him to back off! “Oh yeah, all you’re doing is showing him how EASY you are!” BAM! POW! CRUNCH! Sergio gets in a punch that sends David into the hatch of Regina’s car but David decks Sergio and bloodies Sergio’s mouth and is about to send Sergio’s teeth down his throat to shut up his insults of Regina when Gonzalo drives up and pulls David off Sergio."

I especially loved BAM! POW! CRUNCH! and "is about to send Sergio's teeth down his throat". You really do convey the action in a razzle dazzle way. I'm definitely on Team David. Can you imagine what an incendiary lover he would be???!!! Just WOW. Trying not to get distracted here....

Anyway, thanks so much. I notice the Patio is growing and part of that is the way you respond to the comments and keep the joint jumpin' all throughout the day. You're doing a great job lady. On every level. Thanks as always.


Forgot to say thanks Lila for the recap.

Something I noticed about Ana (and I’ve probably missed a discussion or two about it lol) is that she seems to not have any empathy or compassion towards her patients. I recall in a previous episode when another doctor (don’t remember who) who I think she referred a patient to (or vice versa) mention that patient to her later and she said that she didn’t remember who it was because she “sees a lot of patients all day” or something to that effect. And really whether or not David is meddling in Regina’s business that’s totally beside the point of what Ana is doing. To me what she’s doing seems more desperate and lame. Sure, Regina can probably fight her own battles but David isn’t blatantly like “notice me, Regina!”. He’s not acting like a lovesick puppy.


“Let’s not cut this heffa any slack”
I know she was way out of line, but I did think her little hand gestures imitating Regina were pretty funny lol

I see you, JudyB, UnOp and TF! It's almost showtime, I'll hit you up after it's over. THANK YOU!!!

MEDICOS #25 & 26

Gracias, Lila. I caught up to this a couple of hours ago. They sliced and diced, but we're not missing anything important in this one. Except the phone call Gonzalo made to his son, whose photo appeared on his phone. He will be played by Josh Guttierez, lately of TDLV.

I agree with the previous comments about Cecelia. She is looking for Arturo to take care of her and can't handle hearing Dr Garza's home truths. She needs to hear this song about a hundred times.

The more I see Diego with patients and his instinct for diagnosis the sadder it is that he will eventually blow it.

Ana is beyond being a brat; she is a rhymes-with-witch. David's refusal to tell her about his injury tells us he has no intention of telling her anything she can use against Regina.

Regina needs a restraining order yesterday. Sergio isn't going away. So where are the Vega & Associados lawyers?



JudyB! Thank you! Yah, comic books from the old days, or an episode from the old Batman show on TV! Yah, David got a chance to do some REAL sparring, didn't he! Seems Sergio had to get ginned up to stalk Regina. I am SO GLAD David was there! She keeps saying how she doesn't know him anymore; all kinds of terrible things could've happened at Sergio's hands!

I'm definitely on Team David. Can you imagine what an incendiary lover he would be???!!! Just WOW. Trying not to get distracted here....

I do declare! I think I'm flushin' and blushin' and TOTALLY AGREE!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!!!

Thank you for your support, JudyB. I REALLY appreciate you!

You are so welcome, TF! Yep! Regina is a "just the facts, ma'am" kind of Doctor! She feels like she is only paid to diagnose and prescribe treatment, she doesn't have time for thinking outside what ails them physically. Now, that's appropriate to a certain extent, but you might remember the big bru ha ha when Ana failed to make a referral to whoever the authority is that would look into possible domestic abuse. Yah, that's Ana.

ITA about Ana acting "desperate and lame." I kinda think David cares about Regina at a depth that even surprises him which is kind of what he said in the last line of the show. I may have misunderstood the Spanish but it was as if he exploded all over Sergio with an intensity that surprised even himself. And, remember that tender scene several of us went gah gah over, he told Regina that seeing that she was okay was kind of an obsession with him. Aaaaaah!!! Love me some David!

I hear ya, that was kinda funny. Ana is just jealous, though. Who do you think would win in a fight between Regina and Ana?

I may not see the answer til tomorrow. Gotta hit the sack! Thanks, Peeps, for making this fun!


Urban!! Glad I looked back before closing. Thank you! And gracias for this:

Except the phone call Gonzalo made to his son, whose photo appeared on his phone. He will be played by Josh Guttierez, lately of TDLV.

WOW! How did I miss that? We're going to get to meet Felipe? I wonder if he's as damned decent as his Dad? Marco's already got the jerk department covered. We'll see!

Good point about David not telling Ana about the dust-up at Regina's. He's hurt by her chastising him for kicking Sergio's arse, but we know he still deeply cares and is aware that Ana has it out for Regina!

And yep, Sergio is going to be a chronic a$$hole, and a DANGEROUS one!

Thank you, Urbanita!


Oh, yeah! You Can't Always Get What You Want! Good one. Her and Cecelia can sing a duet, silly dipsticks!



Highlights of the highlights

THE HIGHLIGHT: After getting the all clear from one of his pals and after another renders the security guard unconscious, Felix comes back to get his money and get even with Luchita. He grabs her and puts a knife to her throat. Germán is there and takes him on. Luchita runs outside. Felix knocks Germán down and runs after Luchita. She hides behind the security guard who has regained consciousness and has drawn his gun on the charging Felix. The guard commands him to stop. He doesn’t. The guard shoots him twice in the chest. Luchita is at his side as his last words are that he loves her. He dies. FINALLY!

Charlotte calms Renata down exposing the whole situation about her brothers to her. She later tries to explain it all to Vale.

Mayo tells Fabi that Toño said he wants to adopt him.

Toño admits to Ric that he messed up big time. He was just trying to help out with Fabi. He accuses Ric of sending Nati to humiliate him at the market. Ric says he never told her where to find him. Ric says Nati was never in love with him She fell hopelessly in love with Toño.

Ivette and Crucita hack Damián’s computer. They find the documents for the new company with Nati’s name included as a partner.

Luchita talks to Toño about what he did by agreeing to help her look for his brother when he knew already where he was. She doesn’t understand how he could be so cruel to her. Toño admits that nobody like his father forced him to do it. He takes full blame for it. When he left and didn’t come back it wasn’t because of finding her with Germán. He fell in love with a woman who never would have ever noticed him before. Luchita tells hm being in love didn’t give him the right to do the terrible things he did. He says he paid off Felix to keep quiet and to treat her well. She is not impressed. He wasn’t brought up that way. He has made her ashamed of him. He apologizes. She forgives him. She is afraid that karma will catch up to him. He feels like it has already and he is paying for it all. He pledges to always be there to help his brother.

Charlotte tells Ric she is going to Paris tomorrow. She needs to go because she is in love with it’s him. Ric thanks her for everything.

Fabi gets her award for winning first place in the graphic arts contest. Ric tries to congratulate her before when she is having dinner with her family and she tells him to leave. He shows up at the ceremony and she seems disturbed when he leaves after a phone call as she is receiving her award.

Tina tells Adán that they need to take a break. They admit that they both hurt each other. She is basically done at the club and is leaving town to go on tour with a musical. She doesn’t give Adán any date for her return.

A mechanic just happens to be passing by and stops to admire Sol’s vintage van. He is surprised when Fede and Sol pop up from under the covers. He ends up fixing the van. Fede gives Sol a box with wedding bands for both of them. He tells her she can set any date She wants for the wedding.


Ric brings a suit and some accessories over to Luchita’s. He tells her he is going to ask Toño for a favor. She tells Ric Toño feels so sorry he will do anything. Renata comes in and acknowledges her other brother for real this time. They hug.

Adán finds out that Tina did a calendar portraying mothers.

Germán tells Luchita that Mariana has left for Taxco and is gone for good. He says it was his fault because he never could get Luchita out of his heart. They are still in love with each other.

Fede and Sol return to the market. They found out that the “witch’s” granddaughter lives in CDMX but had been through Puebla to make a donation for a clay pot piñata they make there. Luna says that will be like finding a needle in a haystack. The little girl Julia notices them wearing wedding rings. Sol says it was a symbolic wedding they had, nothing legal. Luna wonders if anything went on between them. Sol covers the little girls ears as she admits to having let herself go. Daniel has to sit down. Yes, she was a little naughty. They all are shocked and look worried. Sol tells them all she is going to save Fede from ending up like Murillo and is going to protect them all by leaving them forever. Fede will not allow it. She says she will be in contact just at a distance. She will be leaving a happy woman knowing that for all this time there was a man who loved her and wanted her first above all things. Fede smiles with contentment.She will return if the curse is broken.

Fede hears Julia sing another version of the piñata breaking song to Murillo. She calls it the piñata making witch’s song. She has a piñata and stick with her. This version talks about breaking little clay pots to make the curse go away. Fede hears her and ask where she learned that version. Julia says that her great-grandmother sang it to her grandmother. Fede wonders if that version is about piñatas made out of clay like they used to do before they started using cardboard. Julia says she was told the song was to remember their family history. Remedios tells the sisters that she found out that the original witch Espirado a Bautista had died and that her granddaughter works here at the Buenaventura (Good luck) marketplace. As Julia puts an arm around Sol, Sol wonders how the granddaughter would know how to remove the curse. Remedios explains that the witch repented on her deathbed and they say that the solution is passing from generation to generation until the curse is finally done away with.

Adán returns home to find his that mother is done with the flama divina.She is throwing it all out because it did her no good In dealing with Ed, Fabi and especially him. He admits to having made mistakes with her and Tina. She tells him that Tina loves him a lot. He shouldn’t walk away from her. He tries to convince her to keep the good parts of the flama. He tells her she will always be the flama divina for him. They hug.

Two days later, Ric gives Fabi an invitation to his birthday party. When she still expresses her doubts about ever knowing who he is, he says she can take the invitation and if she doesn’t come, he won’t bother her anymore.



Ric finds Nati packing up her things because she is moving out of the Reyes Alonso house. She thinks it is better for the both of them.She hands him a large manila envelope with a large red confidential stamp on it saying it is her birthday gift for him. He tells her that she should stay until after his birthday party if she really wants to give him a gift. Her presence is very important for him. He needs her to be there.

Lichita songs “Las mañanitas” to Toño to wake him up. She has a birthday cake with a candle on it for him. She asks him if he thought about what his brother asked him to do.

Crucita and Ivette meet with Ric and show him the documents they found.

It is party time! Everyone is meeting at a huge tent outside of the Reyes Alonso residence. Nati is in attendance. Claudio is wondering if Ric is coming or not. Crucita assures him he is. Toño walks in carefully dressed in a grey suit. Ori thinks he is the “birthday boy” Ric and goes to greet him. Everyone applauds. Claudio tells Ric that he knows they haven’t had the best relationship lately but he wants to be the first to wish him, his son, a happy birthday. Toño weakly smiles and then grabs Claudio and gives him a big hug. Damián, acting like the jackass he is, calls for applause. Ric then appears on the scene casually strolling up to the tent. Ori screams and drops her drink. Ric is dressed in the same grey suit as Toño. Everyone stares in disbelief except for Vale who seems to be getting a kick out of the whole uncomfortable scene.



Another great episode. There was so much to like. I can’t wait until Friday, There are only two episodes left : ( More mañana.


Jarifa: Amazing recap.

1.) Felix FINALLY dies. Thank God!

2.) Charlotte leaves for France. Good for her because she would've been too obsessed with Ric if she had stayed in Mexico.

3.) Ivette & Crucita are making me laugh 😃. They're amazing.

4.) Renata FINALLY gets the message. Plus she finally accepts Ric as her brother.

5.) Luchita & German likely being together.

6.) Damian the jackass & Plastic Blondie think their plans will work.....just you wait until the sucker-punch comes.

7.) The Morales curse needs to end.

8.) Murrillo still creepily smiling.

9.) Not shocked Tina still moving on from Cranky Adan.

10.) Fabi acting like a spoiled brat on Ric leaving the awards ceremony.

11.) I wonder if Damian's partner-in-crime Carlo will go to prison ?

12.) Sol leaving town forever ?

13.) Fede AKA Sideburns Dude cracks me up.

14.) Keeping fingers crossed the curse is over.

15.) The Morales Sisters are intriguing.

16.) Claudio's body language when Tono hugged him.

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20 1 of 3

Hola, Peeps! As always, welcome to The MÉDICOS Patio, a digital, interactive wonderland where we can get as close to each other as we want: No social distancing required. As a matter of fact, jump in and add your corrections or additions and Solicited Opinions! *wink!*

David is adamant with Regina that she has made it clear that he has no business meddling in her affairs. “Don’t worry, that will never happen again!” He stomps away, ignoring her request to come back. David sulks in the break room, busybody Ana brings him a sandwich and tries to find out what’s behind his bruised cheek. David doesn’t budge; Ana hopes she can pry it out of him after he does his shift in the OPC; she leaves. Regina isn’t exactly sulking, but Art notices her spirit dragging behind her as she approaches a station in the ER. He asks if she’s ok. No. She thought her personal problems were over, but things are getting more complicated with Sergio; all she can do is leave it in the hands of the Lawyer. She never knew him! Art says that it is said that you never know who you married until the day you divorce. Sad but true, Regina sighs. She asks how things are with Cecelia. Bad, but it’s ok, everybody has problems. Regina agrees, but some problems are worse than others; she doesn’t think hers can get any worse. Regina concludes this relationship stuff is not for her. This gets a vigorous push back and finger wag from Art. NEVER lose hope! He’s seen her do impossible things for patients, now she has to exert that same effort for herself! Regina does that neck-twisting thing that David noted is a sign she is stressed. They end on a lighter note, laughing about the irony of being better at solving others’ problems than their own and even knowing what to do, and not doing it! They agree that knowing what’s good for oneself is most important. Art clasps Regina’s right hand in his own and tells her that if she needs anything, he is there. Later, Ana checks in with David again. His affect is still flat. He apologizes for having a bad day. That’s ok; she just doesn’t want them to have a misunderstanding. She kisses him on the cheek, tells him good night and goes to her office. A young nurse at the desk is looking at David, failing to suppress a smile. He looks at her and says, “Que?” “Nada,” she says and gets back to work. Funny.

It’s morning at the beautiful Guerrero hacienda. Cinthia asks her mother to please not turn this visit into an opportunity to pressure her to make up with her Father; Cinthia is here for her Mother. Oh, no, no; Patricia deflects to chatter about preparations for the gala awards dinner and flutters off. Cinthia looks around her old home, but seems tense and disquieted. At this same moment, the faithful Daniel chats with Pam and Tania. They learn he’s covering Cinthia’s shift. Tania claims to be not doing well because a woman wanted her to examine her because she wanted a female Doctor. Tania thought that was perverse. This somehow turns into Daniel defending Tania as a great Doctor. [This is not that important but what? perverse that a woman wants a female Doctor? What did you guys hear?] Daniel’s unnecessary defense gets an equally unnecessarily warm and prolonged embrace. Pamela rolls her eyes in the background. Later, at the end of their shift, Tania teases Rafa with an almost kiss and declines his invitation to go out that night. Let’s make it another day, she tosses him a saucy look over her shoulder as she walks away, certain he’s on her hook.


MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20 2 of 3

Troubled family relationships are a central theme in our medical drama, couples of course, but parent-offspring relationships on the rocks are an important subset and certainly figure is in this episode. Cinthia attends the awards dinner for her father, a construction magnate who has just landed some big deal for which he is being praised and feted. Andres Guerrero takes the podium and acknowledges, with thanks, the presence of his wife, Patricia and his daughter, Cecelia. Patricia thinks this is awesome while Cinthia looks curiously stricken. We soon find out why. After the speech Cinthia and Andres face each other and, for a moment, we think they will embrace in a joyful reunion. Andres introduces Cinthia to an associate who raves over Andres’ great accomplishments. She does express pride in what he’s done. When asked, she tells the associate she’s in her last year of residency in…she hesitates, looking at her father….in trauma medicine. Andres asks that the associate excuse them so he can talk to his Daughter. Andres asks if she’s coming home. Please, Papa, don’t start. [Peeps with business or Spanish saavy, please chime in!] Andres has just staged a business coup by buying a company, or winning a bid on a big construction project, beating out his arch rival. But, he fears, all this will be lost if his only Daughter refuses to join him and take her rightful place as successor to The Guerrero Empire. With this, right there at the dinner, the meeting devolves into Andres informing Cinthia that, as long as she insists on working as a doctorcita, she is wasting her time! She breaks his heart! In what is surely a worn and always ignored plea, Cinthia maintains that this is HIS goal, HIS accomplishments, HIS life! Everything he has done, ALL THIS that he has accomplished, he did it for her. Her place is with HIM, preparing to take over the Guerrero Empire. “Stay with me, stay with your family!” No! Neither you, nor anyone else is going to control my life!” Andres tells her, “Do what you wish, but when you return with absolutely nothing, don’t ask me to help you because I won’t do it!” “Believe me; I will never give you that pleasure!” Cinthia tearfully chokes out, “Goodbye….Papa!”

Cinthia leaves the hall, stunned, goes a bit away and leans against a wall, heaving a bit, trembling, trying to hold back the tears, but finally is overtaken by wracking sobs. Cinthia eventually gets to her Parent’s home and there is a replay of these themes. Andres does not budge from his position and Cinthia stands firm as well. Andres feels his only daughter has abandoned him and turned her back on her family and the patrimony that he has worked tirelessly to build all his life. Cinthia feels that her true value, her very being as a person with her own goals, her own accomplishments are not seen nor respected. Both Andres and Cinthia express anger at Patricia’s efforts to orchestrate reconciliation between Father and Daughter and feel manipulated. Patricia concludes that Andres and Cinthia are equally bull headed. Andres even gives Patricia a choice: if she’s going to take Cinthia’s part; she’s welcome to leave. When Patricia and Cinthia are finally alone, Patricia apologizes, weeping, for having, indeed planned this reconciliation gone wrong. Even though Cinthia recognizes that her Mother also thinks she should abandon her profession and come home, she listens to Patricia’s tearful plea that they stay in touch and not let more distance grow between them. Cinthia leaves.


MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20 3 of 3

At the Zavala enclave we find Marco’s Father at the dinner table. Marco flops down at his seat and launches into his complaint that he’s being treated like an idiot at the Instituto and his Father, who pulled strings with The Chairman of Instituto’s governing board to get him in, is doing nothing to stop this unfair, insulting treatment! His Father coolly maintains between bites that, yes, he got him in via Montesinos, but what Marco does inside the Instituto is up to him! Taking him down a peg, his Father shares something he didn’t seem to know, “You got into the Intstituto because no other hospital would accept you and you wouldn’t have gotten in there without my intervention.” (Not due to the high grades he’s always talking about.) Again, if things aren’t going well, it’s Marco’s fault. Marco gets his back up and flings at his Father that if he, Marco, is useless, it’s HIS fault! Marco’s Father is tired of his attitude! Marco is tired of living in that house! Marco is reminded that he knows where to door is and is heeled when his Father reminds him he has not one peso. Having stood up in his anger, he deflates some. “As long as you live in this house, you respect me! Sit down.” Marco sits.

Elsewhere in this night without joy, Cinthia is at a bar and notes Rafa has texted her. She orders and downs another drink. [Peeps, is she back in Mexico City?] Rafa is at his watering hole, Bar Casual. He whines to the bartender about his girl being with someone else? [Comment if you care.] He texts Tania, asking for her address. He arrives and they consort and he leaves her with a satisfied smile. [Oh, Daniel, if you only knew!] Speaking of Daniel, he, Lili and another young Nurse shoot the breeze about whether men are all alike, that is, useless patans, and what it takes to win a girl’s heart. [This is some levity/comic relief; please comment if you care about the details.]

Regina arrives home to her spotless and barren apartment, throws her bag on the couch and keys on the table. She flops into a chair with a heavy sigh. She gets a call from her Lawyer who has something to tell her about the divorce, but he prefers to do so in person. They agree to meet at the coffee shop, as usual. “Ai, Dios!!” she sighs as she puts her head down on her hands.

Well, Peeps, we end with a whimper in this non heart-warming episode. Rene tells Constanza about his plan to take advantage of Gonzalo’s passion and focus on clinical duties to manage the budgetary and administrative things that Gonzalo should take care of as Director. Constanza is fingering her phone as Rene talks. What? He should BE the Director, not doing what the Director should do but without the title or the money. She complains that she is not living at the level of her friends…she doesn’t have the home they have, she doesn’t have the kind of cars they have, she doesn’t take the kind of vacations they do. You know what? You’re mediocre! She continues to blast him that he IS NOT providing her the kind of life he promised, decides she can’t spend another ten minutes with him, grabs the bottle of wine and stalks off. Rene is unphased. Daniel, on the night shift, sews up a guy who’s heart is as broken as his face. Daniel listens to his bemoaning lost love but beams that HE is in love! Broke-face guy warns him, “Don’t fall in love; when you give your heart, you lose everything!”


MEDICOS #26 (actually Televisa #27)

Gracias, Lila.

Andres is exactly what I expected him to be, an arrogant narcissist who sees Cinthia's career choice as rejection and disrespect. His nasty doctorcita also shows huge disrespect for her profession. What's going to happen when he ends up with a stroke or uno infarcto? He values his company more than his family.

It looks like Cinthia is an only child, so will this selfish jerk try to divorce Patricia, marry a younger woman, and try for a son? Both Cinthia and Patricia should learn the value of the company and figure out what to sell it for when the time comes.

The revelation that Marco has no dinero of his own was good to hear. If any "adult" character in this story deserves a controlling parent, he's it. Go, Sr Zavala!

Daniel does deserve a nice girl and I'm nominating Lili.

More later.


Thanks JARIFA. It WAS a good episode. But now we'll have to wait until Friday to find out how the birthday party unfolds. Certainly on tenterhooks at this point.

Sol and Fede continue to be very sweet and endearing. And if they'd just listen to that little girl and break the rest of those clay pots, our juicy Morales sisters could live happily ever after with their patient, long-suffering swains. Fortunately we CAN count on "un final feliz".

Looking forward to our popcorn con queso Friday night. Alternating sweet and salty snacks has been a great strategy. We'll have to plan something outrageous for the gran final, amiga mia. Going out with a bang, so to speak.


Judy: Let's hope the Morales sisters can FINALLY break the curse. That little girl's advice of breaking the clay pots is something to think about, they need to "JUST DO IT".



Deleted scene by Univision

Tania goes into a room to examine a woman, as her gynecologist. The lady states that she will not allow Tania to examine her, that she wants a male doctor. And besides, Tania looks too young and inexperienced (according to the patient).

Tania talking about what happened seemed kind of random when Univision cut the scene

I think Univision also cut this scene because I didn’t see you mention it in the recap -
There is cute scene with Regina and David in the hospital waiting room. This was after the Érika case was solved, but before they leave to go to Regina’s place. Regina says they work better when they don’t argue; David, jokingly, says no, we work better when we argue! You know why? Because it brings out the best in us. Regina says, just admit you’re learning how to follow orders (gently pushes his shoulder).. David, sweetly, says ok you’re right, I don’t know what you’ve done to me Regina. Regina- are saying I’m right? David- yes, just don’t tell anyone because I have a reputation to uphold (makes a grouchy facial expression). Regina Wales away announcing that David admites that SHE was right! [All the while their song was playing in the background]

It was a very, very cute scene I don’t understand why Univision would have cut it out


Excellent Lila!

You captioned this perfectly as a "non heart-warming episode". Sigh.

So much explained so succinctly: "His affect is still flat" as well as "Regina arrives home to her spotless and barren apartment"...

Most parents would be beaming at the thought of their cherished child becoming a doctora! Unfortunately, not the case with Cinthia. "...the meeting devolves into Andres informing Cinthia that, as long as she insists on working as a doctorcita, she is wasting her time!" Achingly hard to watch yet alone be the recipient of those callous, cruel words.

"Andres even gives Patricia a choice: if she’s going to take Cinthia’s part; she’s welcome to leave". I have an idea. Andres, why don't YOU leave??? And sorry, but Patricia should be defending her daughter and should never kowtow to his selfish mandates.

Urban, I was also wondering about Lili for Daniel. He seems so much older than her though...

I wish Marco's father would slap him silly. Am I a bad person???

"Tania teases Rafa with an almost kiss and declines his invitation to go out that night. Let’s make it another day, she tosses him a saucy look over her shoulder as she walks away, certain he’s on her hook". Well he took the bait but she hasn't landed him yet!

Thanks for filling in the cut scene Anon. So the snipping has already begun...

Lila, fabulous - thank you.



Thank you Lila!

What kind of person disowns their daughter for becoming a doctor?! Jezus! I agree that’s going to come back and bite him in the ass- somehow Cinthia is going to end up saving his life.

Why did Univision cut the only heartwarming scene? The ratings are great, it’s the most watched show in its time slot and the 2nd most watched show on Univision behind Como tu no hay 2. It does not make sense that they’re cutting out important scenes, scenes between the two main characters!! Ughhh! Ok rant over lol

MEDICOS #26/27

The woman who wouldn't let Tania examine her is off her nut. Female OB/GYNs are more likely to be empathetic and less likely to be dismissive. Claiming the impression of inexperience can be legit grounds if there wasn't a full MD there to supervise. Prejudice against female doctors should no longer exist.

The problem in Cinthia's family is that Patricia has probably allowed Andres to steamroll over her ever since saying "I Do". What also bothered me is that she was calling Cinthia munequita and other diminuitives. This does not help their situation.


Medicos. Great recap, Lila! I too don't understand why episodes are being cut--in the face of the pandemic it might be a good thing to have a few extra episodes. In his address, Andres doesn't acknowledge Cinthia's presence or even seem to know that she's there. Evidently Patricia hadn't mentioned to him that she was coming, despite intimating to her that her father really wanted her there. And yep, Andres deserves to be all alone. Regina's apartment is indeed quite bleak--interior decorator anyone? Poor Daniel! Tania isn't worthy of him, but yes, UA, Lili might be.


Have only seen part of this LILA, but decided to enjoy your recap since the big computer was free for me to comment. Oh my..."A night without joy"...we don't need that, do we? But you did a masterful job of condensing down to just three parts. Amiga, I salute you! And still put in lots of LILA Sass and wise observations:

Art notices her [Regina] spirit dragging behind her

Regina does that neck twisting thing that David noted is a sign she is stressed

Did get to see Tania saucily turning the tables on Rafa, but it appears from your recap that he called her bluff later, and she caved. Too bad, so sad Tania. You're in over your head with this guy.

And oh my, our David with his flat affect (I think that's his way of protecting himself from Ana's continuing romantic onslaught as well as hurt from Regina) and poor deluded Daniel, full of optimistic hope for a romance with out very flawed, kittenish Tania.

As for the final thought "when you give your heart, you lose everything." Well, yes, sometimes you do. But the alternative is a dead-end, passionless life. Better to give it a shot, and take your lumps if they come. Living behind an emotional barricade ain't living.

Thanks LILA. You've helped make this telenovela come alive for us on the Patio and we're all enjoying it that much more.


Lila, thanks for another winning lilacap as our story unfolds with all the twists,and turns and pain and longing of the characters .

JUdyb, I always love your wise observations . The one that rattles around my brain is that there are no happy endings but if you are lucky, you may get a happy middle . Better to have loved and lost than never to have !oved at all ?

OT....Diana, how are you doing ? Thinking of you and still sending the Good vibrations )))))))))

Como th

Judy , I get a big kick out of you and jarifa planning your snacks every day. I thought of you guys when I picked up sweet and salty popcorn at Rite Aid the other day ! My second grandaUghter and I are big fans of Pirates Booty which is white cheddar cheese curls !


Cinthia's and Marco's fathers should switch kids. Marco wants his father to use his money and influence to get him what he wants, which is to be a top-notch, celebrity plastic surgeon in order to make lots of money. I don't think he would care HOW he makes his money and would jump at the chance to be given a hugely successful business lock, stock and barrel. Cinthia's father would be perfect for him.

On the other hand, Cinthia loves being a doctor, has worked hard for it and is proud of herself for getting there on her own, exactly what Marco's father was hoping for.


The little girl Julia must be the granddaughter of the Morales-cursing witch. They've had the solution in front of their faces all along!

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

Urban! Thank you! Yah, I couldn't bear to give a word for word on Andres "conversation" with Cinthia! It was downright painful! You know what, I was thinking the same thing: he apparently has been blessed with good health. One day he's going to need a doctorcita! How blind he is!

Oh, Daniel! How naive he is. Uh oh! Some lyrics just popped into my mind, "She's a very freaky girl; the kind you don't take home to Mamaaaaa! She will never let your spirits down; once yu get her off the street!"
Yah, Daniel, that's nearly what you're dealing with liking Tania. Just like Lili, who also likes a tramp: Daniel and Lili DO need to get together!

Anon at 12:40! OH NO!!! THAT IS SUPER CUTE!!!! Why did they do this to us! OMG!!! I would've loved that scene. So they were getting closer. Darned Televisa! There goes two needles in the voodoo doll!! Thank you, Anon!

Also, thanks for the clarification about the woman patient. It didn't make any sense!

Y'all are on fire! Be right back!!


Lila, love those lyrics.... "Superfreak"by Rick James . Tania is at the very least a very free spirit if we want to be kind. It's hard to believe that she chose a career in medicine .

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

Thank you, Diana! Yes, Andres was all too convincing in his put down of poor Cinthia! Cruel, indeed!

And then....there's Marco and his Dad. Sure takes Marco a long time to learn a lesson: he's been told over and over at the hospital to come down off his high horse and at home he's been told over and over to prove himself by starting where he's landed and proving himself. No, you're not bad! Let's BOTH slap him! I guess he'll get it one day!

And if they're going to cut, let them cut out Rafa's conquests and drug binges! Sheesh! Thank you, Diana!

UnOp Thanks! You know, Cinthia's Dad acts as if she's down on the dock selling it to drunken sailors! Jeezopete!! Agree with you and Urban: he's going to need a Doctor one day!

You know, I forgot about the Univision snippers. I remember that now. UUUUUGHHH!!!

Urban Yes! Cinthia's Mom is not cruel like Andres, but she ALSO wants Cynthia "back home." Her use of diminuitives is a "kinder, gentler" way of not recognizing her Daughter's agency and value!

SpanProf! ITA: Great recap, Lila! I too don't understand why episodes are being cut--in the face of the pandemic it might be a good thing to have a few extra episodes.

And SpanProf! I went back and listened because I wondered why Cinthia looked stricken! Andres did acknowledge Cinthia but didn't seem to know she was there!

He said he wanted to thank the business dudes for their recognition and quiero compartirlo con Patricia, mi esposa y Cinthia, mi hija; me hubiera gustado mucho si ella estuviera aquí anoche. . . I was like, why is Cinthia upset but I misheard. He DIDN'T know she was going to be there, so Patricia blindsided them both and made the showdown/meltdown between Father and Daughter that much worse! Sheesh! Rocky road ahead for this family!

And we all feel sorry for poor Danny boy!

Judy!Judy!Judy! Thank you muchisimo! I'm try to do RDVs, Girl! Next week I have to be at the hospital with a loved one on Friday, the 28th so I'm really going to condense Thursday down. Gonna try bullet points!

Yah, Daniel with the Kittenish Tania. She's acting like a stray cat, if you know what I mean!

JudyB, you are too kind! I hope folk are enjoying this! I'm trying to. I'm going to try not to be too upset with the Uniscissors but I keep thinking about that cute scene they cut. I'm afraid to look for it on YT, though, for fear of seeing a spoiler. Oh, well! Thanks again, Hon!


Yikes, finally got to see all of this and what a downer. And all the conversations with Cinthia were painful. Her mother trying and failing to instantly create a "happy family" again, and lamenting the distancing of her relationship with her daughter was also very hard to watch. As was hearing from her husband that she herself could pack up and go if she didn't like the way he operated.

And that stark white, empty card table, with ONE chair, in Regina's apartment. Basically, after a hard day at work and a misunderstanding with David, she's coming home to emptiness. No loving memories of her husband because those memories have been trashed and destroyed. And no comforting presence of another person who values her [like Gonzalo]. Just an empty room. With stark, scant furniture. No comfort to be seen anywhere.

Boy, do I need a little cat on my lap right now. Alas, Kizzie is also long-gone, but if not, I'd be curled up with her right now, comforted by her warmth and her happy purr. Hoping all of you out there on lockdown have a loving, healthy pet around, if not a loving, healthy partner. And also hoping the next episode is a little cheerier.
You deserve combat pay for this one, LILA.


Ah Susanlynn, I'll admit, Jarifa and I sharing snack ideas has been fun for me too. And I got lots of good ideas for variations on deviled eggs. But cheesey popcorn is going to suit me just fine Friday. Glad to hear that you and your granddaughter are also fans.

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

Thank you, Sunshine, Susanlynn! Pain and longing, yes, but WE WANT PASSION!!! Ok, I'll calm down.

Anon@3:27 By Jove, that's brilliant! Go back and read the comment, y'all. Yes! Cinthia and Marco's Dads DO need to swap kids! Great observation.

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

You're back, Judy!

And that stark white, empty card table, with ONE chair, in Regina's apartment. Basically, after a hard day at work and a misunderstanding with David, she's coming home to emptiness.


OMG, I can't get over it!! Thanks, hon! Combat pay or somebody kissing David's cheek other than that possessive Ana--somebody like Regina!



Lila, just wanted to say that you have added a wonderful spark to the patio, and I am so glad that you decided to return. I appreciate you so much and look forward to your upbeat lilacaps and the comments of the caray community every day. Such a great distraction from reality.


I really got a kick out of Julia singing her family’s version of the piñata breaking song and in so doing so informing us that once piñatas were made of clay pots. The writers have done an excellent job with fleshing out the story. There isn’t any subplot that I really have disliked except for anything having to do with loser Luis.

Steve, good point about Carlo, the almost invisible criminal conspirator. I also would like to see him marching off to the big house with Damián in the end. We can hope, right?

JudyB, Fede made me laugh when he just was so relaxed and happy that he fell asleep at the restaurant. I cannot wait for the magical ending to the curse. Sol and Fede have been charming and classy in their own way. You can’t say that about any of the others. As for Monday, I agree we have to do something outrageous for the gran final. We can plan this weekend?


Lila - I liked your long RDV a lot, but this one worked well, having watched the episode before reading. Sadly, it seems that Uniscissors is at work (I like that moniker), but with or without the tender scene with David and Reg, you managed to make it whole.

I waited until 9:59:05 for Andres to suffer that infarto so he could see the stuff Cinthia was made of. Alas, it was not to be. Instead, I recognized Andres from Caer en Tentacion, where he was Antonio the neutral, benign lead detective on the case of Caro's death. I'm glad I heard correctly that he acknowledged Cyn as his daughter but didn't acknowledge her presence because he didn't know she was there. I'm up in the air whether Patricia should have given him any advance notice. Mama still seems too desperate and clingy to me.

Oh, Marco. If you had only been awake during Psychology 101 back when. I think you would have recognized Passive-Aggressive personality in your father right away. He manages to tell his son he's worthless, no matter how hard he tries and in the same breath, wants him to become a successful, highly paid doctor with some worth, even having to pull strings. I'll bet Marco had a terrible childhood trying to figure out how to please his father. I bet Daddy controlled the purse-strings as well. Perhaps Marco's attitude at the Institute is a result of his wanting to get on with it so he DOESN'T have to deal with his father anymore, yet needs him to go to bat for him when he isn't getting his way. Poor Marco didn't know that phase ended. All I know is I wouldn't want Esteban for a father, no way. It's a sterile environment, a household devoid of any "homieness."

Like Susanlynn, I'm so glad you decided to plunge back into Caray and you picked a winner.

Lila--I can't get a recap up as quickly as you, but would it help if I did the recap for you NEXT Friday?

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

Awwww, Susanlynn! Thank you so much! I am so glad and, like you and many of us, everyday brings a greater need for distraction. I beg everyone to be patient with me. A loved one has a serious health challenge and so some days you will get bullet points and some days I may have to beg off. I am glad to be back, too! Thank you, Hon!

Anita! Thanks so much! You kill me:

I waited until 9:59:05 for Andres to suffer that infarto so he could see the stuff Cinthia was made of.

Dernit! I feel it's coming, it's coming! Yeah, Anita, Patricia thought she had a Master Plan but it farted out. Funny thing, though, Patricia thinks Cinthia should "come home" as well, she's just not hostile about it, like Andres. They really don't get Cinthia. It may seem non-feministically progressive (yes, I just made that up), but if Andres had been totally supportive of his Daughter's dreams, she might have brought home a good son in law who would've been happy to take over the Empire. What a Power Couple that would have been!

Anita, I like your more empathetic analysis of Marco's situation. I think there is a lot of validity to is. Wonder what happened to Marco's Mother? Gosh only knows with a husband like that! Esteban. Thanks. I couldn't remember his name!

Oh, bless your heart, Anita! Actually, it's Thursday's recap I could use help with. My loved one's medical procedure is 7:00 a.m. Friday (8-28) morning and that's when I usually write the recap, the morning after. I am praying for no complications so I think I can do Friday. If not, I happily accept your doing Friday and we'll just go with bullet points for Thursday's Lilacap. Thank you, thank you so much!

Lila, please know that I will be keeping you and your loved one in my thoughts and prayers. I appreciate anything you bring to the patio. You make a difference in my day everyday. ...even today when I was informed that I need a new septic system of the challenges of living in a rural area. I escaped to The patio and read your recap and the comments.... .

Lila, yes, along with Susanlynn and all of the patio, I wish you and your loved one all the best.

I will be praying for both of you.

You've given us so much joy with your amazing summaries. Bless you.



LILA....Real life and real needs come first. You can always just set up a discussion page and let everyone chime in. The Patio can pitch in and give you a break so you can be there 100% for your loved one. We’ve already been blessed by all you do. Let us bless you back.

MÉDICOS, #26, 8-19-20

Susanlynn! You're turning me into a mush ball over here! No, really, I feel blessed to know this and humbly accept your prayers for our family, I truly do! Thank you, hon, and please know I think of you and all the members of this tight little Patio, and even those who read silently when I craft each of my little offerings. Thank you SO MUCH!!

Diana Thank you so much! I mentioned early on that I essentially have no online footprint. I don't do FB or Twitter or whatever else there is out there: Caray is my most extensive online presence: So. I'm very private but I knew I could at least share this much and I know I am not alone. We all have challenges and I've always felt the HEART in this group and with MY heart, I thank you, Dear Diana!

JudyB! Thank you, Judy! Thank you so much. You all Bless me. In the years since I last hung out here, both my parents and several other relatives got their promotion to Heaven, including some close friends. Again, I am not special, this is life, this is something we all go through. You get older and you see, after parents are gone, that you're next on the conveyor belt. I don't mean to be flip, but I remember the fun I used to have here and the non guilty pleasure I get from well-played scenes of love and tenderness and so came back. I didn't expect a medical drama, but so far it's not stressful. I thank and love you all for your warm welcome. You all are helping me more than you know. Bless you!

Lila—Since I can get the Friday recap up on Saturday, your posting Thursday’s on Friday still leaves us covered over a 24-hr period. I think folks on this Patio will understand. What say you?


Anita--I can have s quick summary of Thursday up on Friday morning and if you want to do Friday, getting it up on Saturday is fine. I don't post Fridays until Saturday afternoon anyway. So, I happily welcome if you can do Friday. Thursday will have at least a bullet point for discussion. Deal?

Como Tu

Jarifa, thank you so much for this splendid recap with all the detail. It was a jam-packed episode!

I see you liked it. I have such huge respect for your telenovela wisdom, so I’m trying to look at it with new eyes, as I thought it was really lame. The writers and director could have done so much more with it instead of having everybody just stand like statues and shout out plot resolutions. The actors should have had much more time to react to all these gut-punch revelations. And there were so many at one time! They could have ended the show right there, as they were almost out of story, but they then added Ric getting shot.

I’d really been loving this show until it seemed like they tossed out the writers and got new ones. Seemed like, but I have no idea if that happened. But the writing suddenly changed right at the time when they turned Tina and the pastora, both very interesting and serious characters into sit-com folks, complete with doop-tee-doop sitcom background music. Tina was suddenly acting childish and was mugging a lot. La pastora was dancing on stage. There was that fake baby for Tina to take care of. At one point, la pastora seemed to have hypnotic powers. Good grief.

The maldicion plot line was always kind of silly – but it was the comic-relief part of the show and was fun.

But anyway the acting is splendid - so many wonderful performances. I’d never seen Adrian Uribe in anything and he’s great. I hadn’t seen Sergio Reynoso (Felix) before, at least not that I remember, and he was astonishing in this role. Emmy-worthy if this had been a U.S. show. The Renata actress is new to me too – she was terrific. I’m a huge fan of Azela Robinson. But there were tons of other terrific performances I thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you again Jarifa, and please excuse my grumbling.


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