Thursday, August 20, 2020


Nope, not talking about food, but it could pertain to how we feel about the food we just ate after we see some of the villains in our gone but not forgotten TNs. Yes, yes, yes, we have already talked about the worst villains, but in this discussion page, I want you to dig into your memory cells and think of those villains, not necessarily the main antagonist, but those supporting characters who are despicable, disgusting, and nauseating just at the mention of their names, For me, the first that come to mind happens to be a pair of low-down, conniving, nefarious, diablos who did nothing but relish in making the protag’s life miserable. I’m talking about “La Toña” (Claudia Ríos) and Fausto (Mike Biaggio) in La Doble Vida de Estella Carrillo.  

Oh how I hated to watch those two—had they not been key characters, I would have FFWD’d through their scenes...and I HATE that Univision sliced out their anvil which was to be arrested; though they deserved much worse! Of course there are others that I could mention, but I leave that for the comments later.  So-o, who made your “stomach turn?”

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Mike Biaggio is married to Gloria Sierra (the lovely Redhead from "VIDA").

Oooh, this is a juicy discussion topic. Thank you, Rgv Chick!

From the short list of telenovelas that I have watched:

Diego (Luis Roberto Guzmán) in Alborada was one of my most stomach-turning villains that I can still remember.

Fernando (Guillermo García Cantú) in FELS is also on my most hated list of villanos.

Any role played by David Zepeda.

I will have to ponder some others, if I can recall them.


Rgv Chick, how to narrow down this field? :)

Terrific topic. Loved the caption...

José Elías Moreno as LaFont in Pasion sent shivers down my spine.

As Danilo in La Malquerida, Alberto Estrella struck fear in my heart as did Christian Meier. One overtly evil, the other's seemingly kind exterior masking the heart of a murderer ...I often think only divine intervention vanquished these two monsters.

I agree with you doris about Cantu and Sergio Sendel also had great villain roles.

Lucero as Barbara in MEPS was heart stopping. Leticia Calderon in El Nombre del Amor was incredibly cruel. And of course, the incredible Daniela Castro in Mi Pecado also tops my list.

Steve - thanks for the info!



Another excellent topic RGV CHICK. I did not watch La Doble Vida, but I saw that actress play a brutal mother prostituting her daughter in El Hotel de los Secretos.

Interesting that two of the villains were from Carla Estrada telenovelas.

José Elias Moreno in Pasión--ditto with my friend Diana.

And totally agree with Doris also-Luis Roberto Guzmán in Alborada. And Fernando (Guillermo García Cantú) in FELS But Doris, you made me laugh with "any role by David Zepeda". Hah. Even when he plays supposedly "good guys"? Have to admit I find him incredibly annoying as the smarmy adoptive dad-lawyer in Amor Sin Ley.

Daniela Castro was relentlessly cruel in Mi Pecado, but you also got to see how she was victimized and destroyed by her father's abuse and the resulting shameful pregnancy, so my reactions to her were very mixed. She was both victimizer and victim. As much to be pitied as loathed. Or as they say "Hurt people hurt people."

JudyB - yes, LOL, I am not a David Zepeda fan. 😜 I watched him in something, probably Abismo, and I called him Ferret Face the whole time. Lucky I didn't get kicked off that Patio. Ew. Just ew. And he was so detestable in that role that I cannot warm up to him. Oh well, those who like him won't have to arm wrestle me. 😊

Ditto Danilo from La Malquerida. He was despicable.

Eladio Gomez Luna from pasión y poder.

Can’t stand Mark Tacher in anything. Eww.

Can’t stand Irina Baeva in anything either.

Charly from La Regina soy yo

Ana Leticia from Tres Veces Ana

Steve, thanks for the bit of info. I sure hope he's a lot nicer in RL than his characters :)

Doris, I haven't watched any of the TNs you mentioned but I cna understand your feelings about David Zepeda. There are certain actors who remain on our s**t list FOREVER. Mine is Jorge Poza who I saw in "El Vuelo de la Victoria" and "Ringo"--hideous characters!

Diana, I certainly can relate about Alberto Estrella as Danilo. It's difficult to see him any other way, even when his characters in other TNs are not as loathsome. Another one is Luis Gatica!

JudyB, I hadn't had the (dis)pleasure to see Luis Roberto Guzmán. He is currently in "La Mexicana y El Guero" and already I can't stand him LOL

Anon, 9:20, "Can’t stand Irina Baeva in anything either." ME TOO!!!

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Alejandro Nones; the man was so creepy in "Amar a Muerte"


José Elías Moreno in Amor Bravio along with the two mastermind villains in that tale, Leticia Calderon and Cesar Evora. What an unholy trinity they made between Leoncio raping and impregnating his niece, Hissssssadora's near-incest with her almost-equally repulsive stepson, Alonso (Flavio Medina) while boinking Dionisio (Evora), who played Scarpia to Camila's (Silvia Navarro) Tosca. What a bunch of Komodo dragons they were.

Fernando of FELS who was guilty of multiple rapes and murders, including murdering a minor female villain during sexual relations.

Agree with Leticia Calderon's Carloca from ENDA. She was bone-chilling with multiple murders to answer for. Got probably one of the greatest Karmageddons in Televisa history.

Marga Lopez as Ana Joaquina in El Privilegio de Amar was batshit crazy and one of the worst abusers of the confessional.

The most evil female villain of all time is undoubtedly Catalina Creel in either version of Cuna de Lobos. Second could be Ursula Santibanez of YNCELH.

For me Sergio Sendel's Pedro in LQLVMR is probably the nastiest male villain due to the nature of his crimes. He edges out Fernando Escandon by a hair.


Daniela Castro also played a lesser villain in Pasion.

And I'm also in the Zepeda nonfan club. Even when he was a good guy I just wanted him to go away. Or wished that he'd decided on a sudden career change and they could recast his role. Maybe that's a little over the top - I really don't remember what it was about him that I didn't like. Or maybe it's more like I just couldn't find anything about him to like.

The first time I ever saw David Zepeda in anything was as the hateful, evil Bruno in Sortilegio. Ever since then, I can't stand him At all, in anything. (I also can't stand and tn character named Bruno after that. Lol)
I will try to avoid any th with him in it, but if I watch it because of the story or because it features other actors I DO like, I'd rather see him as the antagonist. He is just not believable or likable (to me) as the protagonist, in any way, shape or form.
On the other hand, I love to watch Sergio Sendel, no matter how evil the role. He seems to relish the roles he plays and sometimes he plays his characters, though very "scoundrel-ly," with a touch of humor.
David Zepeda always seems to me to be over-acting, like he's trying too hard. Sendel's acting seems to just naturally ooze out of him.

LQNPA - Part 1
Thanks for the theme, RGV. It was fun. All of the above make my list. Funny no one mentioned the collection of chaotic villainous characters operating in LQNPA. It has just finished a re-run and I must say, except for Dany and Cupcake and a very few others, everyone else was vying for the Crown of Villainy. Let me count the characters:

Rogelio - Master manipulator, wields a great deal of power and money to get his own way. He wants Ana Paula and nothing will stop him, including sending her brother to prison for something he and David both know are trumped up charges.

Elsa - Wife of Federico Galvan, who sired a legitimate daughter, Vanessa and an illegitimate one, Ana Paula. Elsa's villany involved witholding vital medicine from Fed because she didn't want to share his inheritance with the bastard child. He dies as a result.

Vainesa - Jilter extraordinaire, Elsa and Fed's only child. When she realized Cupcake had replaced her for sure no matter what wiles she uses on Rogelio, all her energy went into destroying both Dimples and Cupcake. It only got worse when it was revealed Cupcake was her half-sister. She allied herself with other objectionable characters in order to ruin Rogelio and spread rumors to break him and Cupcake apart.

Cinthia - Tortured, suppressed and self-entitled, she's Rogelio's angry sister who only wants her inheritance, YA! She allies herself with Bruno to bankrupt Rogelio by going along with poisoning of the cattle. She was already loca when Bruno tried to grab the rest of her inheritance.

Efrain - Ranch hand/overseer who willingly engages in sex with anyone who'll have him, but reserves his best villany for Cin. He has her believe he is her only love and she is destined for him, regardless of his social standing, which Cin rejects over and over. He colludes with Bruno--for a price--to furnish Del Fuerte workmen to Bruno's land, thus hastening Rogelio's financial ruin. Despite his protestations to the contrary, we all are pretty convinced he wants to have a piece of Cin's inheritance.

David - Shady real estate developer from the git-go. Has no compuctions about fudging on all kinds of illegal deals and doesn't mind colluding with Rogelio.

Rutillio - Thug-for-hire, mainly Bruno's man, who, for compensation, will do dirty work for Bruno that Bruno feels is beneath him. He batters and shatters Gus nearly to death and later, all on his own, rapes and kills Macaria and Ulises only daughter, Maripaz.

Maria - The ama de llaves who carried around a dreadful secret, one which if revealed, would have changed the lives of just about everyone in Del Fuerte, but especially Cinthia. And sure enough, when Cin was told by Maria, that Maria was her mother, a product of rape and snatched from Maria's arms to be raised as a Montero, she rejected her and began her descent into bonkerhood.

Mercedes - That upstanding head of nursing didn't find it beneath her to lie to Cupcake about Gustavo being alive because SHE didn't think AP was good enough for Gus. She learned her lesson the hard way and almost too late--confessing it to AP that she was wrong about her AND Cin.

Macaria and Ulises - Sidestory, but they did engage in some disreputable conduct and engaged in lying to make themselves look better, to each other and to others.

Now to the worst:
Bruno - Attorney, friend and holder of a long-standing grudge against Rogelio for having lost his father's lands to Rog, acts like the concerned friend and attorney that will help Rog in any way. But his other face is a one-track mind to get those lands back at any cost. He changes alliances as often as he changes his underwear. His worst decision is to ally himself with Tia Rosaura. Among them all, he wheels and deals to whatever gives him an advantage over Rogelio and and IN with Ana Paula. Fortunately, but almost too late, neither option is successful.

Tia Rosaura - Who doesn't deserve the label Aunt for anyone. Her actions were all driven by greed and the least amount of work she could muster, living off her niece and nephew and haranguing them when they couldn't keep up her standard of living. She went back and forth on who should marry AP and finally decided on Rogelio. She got to live in the lap of luxury, throw her weight around as kin to the Duena, and engage in all the intrigue someone like her with no money to speak of, could muster. She sold her niece to the highest bidder and spread lies like peanut butter on bread. Rog saw through her early on, but because of her relationship to AP and to Miguel, whom he felt guilty about "causing" the brutality Miguel experienced in prison. Tia was a "pleasure" to watch, the second time around. Her callousness and antipathy for everyone and her lies to poor little Margaro I thought were among the worst.

I’ve said this before but I think Alberto Estrella’s role as Marcial in Entre El Amor Y El Odio was even more evil and scarier than his role as Danilo in La Malquerida.

The bad guys- all of them- were so bad in yo no creo en los hombres. That was a disturbing show to watch on all levels

Yall I dont remember any of the bad
Guys in those shows, mostly cuz I dont remember the shows, bad guys.
But the most recent bad guy I do remember is jorge salinas. And he was nasty wicked in "le toy lavida"
(Life). Dont know if I spelled that right but yall know what I'm Sayin. He really knows how to make ya hate his character. Now thats a realGood actor. Now I don't want to see him in nothing like that anytime soon. He is so sweet in those nice guy parts. But he can really turn on the nasty evil. I just wanted to
Slap him into next week when hegave elena that horse pill durg. That was just evil nasty and cruel.

O and there is one I remember, it was a daytimer "quiero amarte",that
Nasty brother who took his hot bros
Woman. I cannot remember the hot brothers name wait, Safuete, I know
Thats not spelled right, y'all know
Who I mean. But that guy that playd
His evil brother, he was nasty to the core. As a matter of fact he was in another one where he raped the heroin. I don't remember the spainish name of the show but the translate was "I'll never trust another man again"(yo no creo en los hombres)I think thats it.
Anyways that guy was horrible. And he died really well. No, he died really well in "quiero amart".

Happy weekend yall and stay safe
Patio people.

Re: David Zepeda - Sortilegio was the one where I fell in hate with him. I tried to watch the daytime rerun recently and when I saw that ferret face, I didn't bother to keep watching. He is probably a wonderful guy in real life, too. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Nina--You are remembering Flavio Medina in Quiero Amarte. He's made his millions playing nasty shady guys, from Amor Bravio to Cuna de Lobos. I think once an actor realizes he can't be a leading man, lacking the facial features, stature, voice, etc., they turn to villain roles.

Unfortunately for him and it seems to many on this forum, David Zepeda is about the only lead I can't stand to watch. He was superb as the dangerous creep in Sortilegio so I can't fathom why he ever tried to be a lead again. I think part of it, for me, is his voice--it's not commanding. He always seems to be in a hurry and wears clothes that are too tight for him. Even the hat in La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo didn't make him a contender.

He and Ana Brenda Contreras just didn't rise to the level of a couple in love in Por Amar Sin Ley. Measure them against Michel Brown and Angelique Boyer in Amar a Muerte. They are both partnered to someone else in real life, yet they sizzled on screen. Sexual chemistry is a mysterious force.

Yes, Doris, David apparently is a nice guy in real life and appears regularly as a guest on some sport show and seems to play himself.

Close your eyes, Doris, for he'll be back in Medicos. I wonder if he falls for one of the women in scrubs--or the women in white--maybe we'll be lucky and he takes Mireya off Rene's hands. Wouldn't that be a hoot.

In Accorolada, the worst most ridiculous telenovela ever made, David Zepeda was a galan who brutally raped and abused the protagonista. It was the dumbest telenovela ever, so I guess i should have expected it, but it still horrified me that after the rape, the demeaning, the abuse, the cheating and much more villainy from the protagonist, there was a happy ending for this couple.

Excellent topic, RGV!

Oh, Accoralada... I remember it very well, what a story that was (yuck!)

I despise Jose Elias Moreno in all his villain roles (his Leoncio from AB still gives le the creeps). Alberto Estrella is another "favorite", he's always so smarmy in his bad guy roles, I don't think I've ever seen him play the good guy.
Flavio Medina is a great actor, I wish we could see him play "good", too, maybe not galan material, but a tormented soul or something.

There is something about David Zepeda that makes him unlikable to some extent. I do like the aactor, so it has to be the director...

Adriana Noel

Alberto Estrella played a pirate, loyal to Ricardo (Fernando Colunga), head pirate in Pasión. He stuck to and protected Rick at every turn and even fell in love. I think that’s about as close as he ever came to playing a good guy role—if you can accept pirates as good guys!

Jose Elias Moreno, Jr. did play a very sympathetic good guy in Quiero Amarte. Flavio Medina was the real evil in that one, along with his mother, played by Diana Bracho. She made sure Mauro (JEM, Jr.) married her instead of the love of his life. We really related to him as a teddy bear father figure. Fortunately for him, it turned out Flavio was not his biological son, but it took a long time before that came to the forefront..

About DZ. For me, it’s his voice that makes it hard to relate to any character he tries to play as a good guy. He was just so deliciously bad in Sortilegio. He should have stuck to bad guy roles.

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