Thursday, August 06, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Medicos: Linea de Vida & Como Tú No Hay Dos - Week of Aug.2, 2020

Greetings, Caraypeeps!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa continues to provide her delightful highlights of the light and fresh “Como Tú No Hay Dos”  and Lila is gracing us with her entertaining recaps of Médicos: Linea de Vida. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for MLDV or CTNHD, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

7PM – Vencer el Miedo
8PM  - La Rosa de Guadalupe
9PM – Médicos: Linea de Vida, Ep. 18-19
10PM – Como Tú No Hay Dos, Ep. 74-75

DULCE AMBICIÓN will premiere on Monday, August 31st, 10PM (E)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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COMO TÚ NO HAY DOS Thursday 8/6

Highlights of the Highlights Part 1

Crucita tells Toño that Ric doesn’t love Nati anymore and Nati is missing him (Toño) because she fell in love with him..

Claudio is upset by Ric punching Damián out and threatening to kill him as well as Nati having left upset. Claudio tells Dora how upset he was seeing the fight. He feels everything has changed lately even with her after they kissed. He feels like Ric hates him. Claudio tells Ori to invite Vale to come back home to live if she wants. He tells her about Ric hitting Damián. Ori is upset.

Vale makes it clear she doesn’t want to give a relationship with Luis a try again.

Ric overhears Nati accusing Betty of telling “Ric” that she had something going on with Damián. Betty denies having done so. Nati tells her Damiân was the worst mistake ever and how she fell in love with Ric. (Toño)

Remedios has another cure for the curse,

Fede tells Dan he has a serious problem. The doctor is sending him for more tests and to an oncologist but he Is more concerned about his situation with Sol. Fede makes Dan swear he won’t tell anyone what he just told him.

Fabi is packing up Tina’s things when Adán comes in with the flour sack. Fabi thinks she is going to stay with Andy and advises Adán to give Tina time and space.

Amelia asks Tina to come back to her house. She can be angry with her or Adán but she’d like her to do it in her home. Tina is shocked because she knows everything she does offends Amelia. Tina leaves. Tina tells Fabi she thinks it is all over with Adán. Tina runs into Adán with the flour sack baby. He wants her back. She is not interested.

Dora tells Ric that what happened with Damián was bad but it is even worse with Nati.He has nothing to explain. Dora was disappointed that he changed his mind about the adoption. She is ready for a little one running around. He says if there ever was somebody who knew how easy it is to get a kid without all the paperwork it would be her. She is surprised by that statement as well is Claudio who has been listening in. Ric explains the easiest way of getting a child is buying him. He clarifies his thoughts for Claudio. You only have to find people living in the misery of poverty to be able to buy one of their children. He asks Dora if she would do it if she were one of those people who wanted a child and couldn’t be bothered by morality or what the child would cost. Claudio asks Ric why he has changed so much. He seems like another person. Ric says of course he is another person or the same one Claudio never wanted to see.


Highlights of the Highlights Part 2

Ori, knowing that Luis had lived in Vale’s apartment, tells her that beautiful women like them do not support men. Vale doesn’t understand her mother’s point of view. Couples should help each other out. It comes out that Vale cut things off with Luis because he cheated on her.She hoped her mother would do something like that and not let herself be bought.

Luis tells Fabi how he loves and misses both girls. She tells him he will end up like “el perro con las dos tortas.”

Dora is upset and suspects that Felix must have talked to Ric. Claudio says he will take charge of it all and shows her the anonymous message that convinced him to allow Ori to come back and live at the house. He doesn’t think Felix sent it. He has hired an investigator to find out who sent it to him.

Ric lays Charlotte a visit. He says he is confused and wishes he could just disappear. What really got to him was that Nati wanted to adopt a child with Toño amd not him which meant Toño had every intention of keeping his identity for the rest of his life. He is Very upset that Nati loves Toño amd not him. Ric isn’t ready yet to tell the truth. They all have to suffer like he did. He finally remembers everything that Damián and Nati did to him. It stuck in his mind how Nati told Damián that Ric disgusted her.

Dan almost lets Fede’s medical situation out to Dora. She sees Fede out eating and enjoying a glass of wine with another woman in her restaurant. She never thought he would have moved on so quickly.

Toño calls Nati who is mooning over her wedding picture. She is angry with what he did at the office and what he is trying to do now.She just wants him til leave her alone. He says he loves her. She asks him to stop hurting her.

Adán is suffering (like he should) over Tina. Tina is suffering, too.,

Nati argues with Ric when he gets home. He has had enough for one day and isn’t interested. She asks him why he called her just to say he loved her. Is he trying to drive her crazy? Ric denies calling her and says he is moving on. He suggests she do the same.

Fabi shows up at Toño’s. Ric calls and Fabi answers.She ends up leaving while Toño tells Ric the time has come for them to talk.


Jarifa: Vengeful Ric still a jackass. I hope he suffers!


Good morning JARIFA. Well, another episode of people feeling vengeful, breaking up but grieving, and lots and lots of misunderstandings. Even poor Sol thinks Fede is already off courting another woman. Certainly is typical Ultimos Capitulos with everything falling apart. Time to start knitting things back together.

Luis really is a sad sack doofus. Not sure what his future in this story is going to be. We've really had five male characters juggling double women--Luis (Renata and Vale), Claudio (Oriana and Dora), Germán (Marianita and Luz Maria)Adán (Tina and his mom Amelia)and Damian (Natalia and Fabiana). Sure seems to be a pattern!

As much as I understand Ricardo's bitterness at the contemptuous treatment by Natalia and Damian, I'm tired of watching him be vengeful and punitive. Would much prefer seeing him move on and be happy with the lovely Fabi. Ditto for Toño and the vapid but beautiful Natalia.

Last night I proposed fresh peach ice cream. Tonight we could go for jamocha almond fudge if you want. Ice cream season is almost over. I feel Autumn approaching don't you? The flowers are looking tired and it's clearly the end of the growing season. Always feel a bit of melancholy at this time of year as the days begin to shorten. So let's have some happy happenings in our story!


Hey, Peeps! I'm done but have a business call to do before I post. Is this the right page for episode 18 of MEDICOS?



Judy: We all agree that Fabi & Natalia will likely get the twins in the end. Big question is whether Charlotte gets a happily ever after ?


Yes, Lila.


Correction. Whoopsie! Dan almost lets out Fede’s secret to Sol!!! Sorry for typos but it was a long day yesterday.

JudyB, I sure enjoyed the peach ice cream. It is always a summer favorite. I can surely go for more ice cream tonight! : ) Yes, there is a fall vibe out there. We are back up to 90 this weekend then mid 80’s next week. Great observation on how many male characters have been juggling double women. That had not occurred to me. So what does that say about these men who can’t make up their minds or just prefer not to close the door on one of candy stores once and for all (so to speak)?? I was pleased that Tina is going to make Adán work to make his way back to her. Amelia is turning out to be a much deeper and more nuanced character than Just la Pastora. That is a strong point of this novela: the secondary characters are likable and developed with just enough detail. A novela like this has to have a happy ending, don’t you think? I am sure ready for one.

Steve, good question about Charlotte. Being a psychiatrist makes it all even more problematical and unethical when she started to put the moves on Ric her PATIENT. I declare: no happily ever after for her! LOL

OT..judyb..melancholy does seem to be the feeling in the air. One has to take one day at a time . Nerves are fraying .

MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20

Hola, Peeps! Early morning at Luz’s house. She’s on vacation! Caro is at the table wolfing down breakfast, Luz is in the kitchen. A familiar scene plays out: Luz is looking forward to them spending some quality time together but Caro has plans with her friends. This time Caro wants to go to spend a few days with her friend’s family vacationing in Cuernavaca! Luz is stricken, Caro whines and pleads: she already made these plans; she didn’t know her Mom was going to be home because she’s NEVER there and NEVER has free time for Caro. Luz expresses her disappointment, but says OK. Dad comes downstairs and says NO, Luz, in the kitchen out of sight of Caro, asks Dad to stand down. Caro wins. {Grrrrrr.}

Gonzalo is where, at “The Club?” His friend, Alfredo Ponce de Leon from the foundation Gonzalo unsuccessfully sought a grant from a few days ago. Gonzalo invites him to sit down. The Instituto has gotten some publicity, Alfredo says. He is not smiling. Gonzalo didn’t know a journalist had recently been treated at the Instituto. It’s best you read it, Alfredo says. Alfredo hands him a newspaper with a big, bold, headline: instituto de Especialidades Alivia el dolor de la ciudad We learn of the contents of the article as we cut to The Coffee Shop where Cinthia and Regina read a few excerpts. Fausto writes about encountering the fragility of life and his tremendous fortune in having been under the care of people whose passion is saving lives. “Because of attention like that of the Chief of the ER, Regina Villaseñor, I am alive today.” He also mentions Gonzalo! Regina is so relieved; Lately, they have gotten so much criticism, it is great to be appreciated! Fausto really stressed her with all his questions when he was in the hospital, but with this article, it shows the Instituto is regaining its footing!

Back at The Club, Alfredo tells Gonzalo that this article very much justifies the donation he sought the other day. “This indicates excellent management on your part and proof that you are decisively handling this crisis. I am going to talk to our Board and recommend the purchase of the dialysis machine.” Gonzalo is so very grateful, Alfredo doesn’t know what this means to him! Oh, yes, he does. Gonzalo observes that this article does A LOT to rehabilitate the reputation of the Instituto after what happened to Lara and he thanks Alfredo with beaming enthusiasm. Gonzalo said he believes it is the beginning of good things! Let’s finish with these two old friends. In a more personal tone, Alfredo extends greetings from his wife. Gonzalo asks that he return the greetings. Alfredo says his wife asked about Aurora (Gonzalo’s estranged wife) but he didn’t know what to tell her. Gonzalo walks away and looks off into the distance. “I lost contact with her many years ago.” Alfredo is sorry; he didn’t mean to make Gonzalo uncomfortable. After they separated, Gonzalo put a lot of effort into trying to forget her. Did he ever look for her? Yes, he did, many times, “But neither she nor my son wanted anything to do with me. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but the worse was losing my family.”


MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20

Regina and Cinthia continue to chat, also moving on to more personal topics. Regina tells Cinthia she’s doing better; she found an apartment and will move in in a couple of days! Ah, Cinthia knows just how she feels. When she first moved (to Mexico City?), she felt alone but when she found an apartment, started to furnish and personize it, she began to feel more peaceful, more at home. Regina reflects on all the changes that have happened in such a short time in her life. Cinthia understands and counsels patience. Regina agrees; life can throw a lot at you that you have to adjust to, but somehow it works out and leads to something better. “Let’s go see Ines!”

To get our gall up, we have to bear Mireya ragging Lili who is beat, but on the ball. She tells Miryea she can go and rest, and lists all the duties she has taken care of. “Just because you know what you need to do doesn’t mean you’ve done it and even if you’ve done it, doesn’t mean you’ve done it well.” This pretty much sums up Miryea’s twisted and sadistic view of Lili. “Because of you, I don’t get a day off because I have to stay here and watch you.” [This rancor towards Lili is not well developed unless we consider that, even when spit at and demeaned, she is still stunningly pretty – must be jelly!]

Regina and Cinthia check on Ines. She is stable. They hope this never happens again. Regina will talk to her when she wakes up, and order some additional studies. Cinthia goes to see another patient in the unit as Art enters the room. Regina updates him on Ines’ status. Art asks how Regina is; she tells him about moving into her new apartment in a couple of days. The place is just perfect! Art wants to know how she found it. “David! He was a great help; I didn’t have time so he toured some apartments and sent me pictures.” [Did she see Art wince and deflate a little?] Supportive chat about mixed feelings, lots of changes but she will prevail, step by step. Trying to recover as first-place supporter he adds, “Yes, everything will be fine, you are a Grand Woman and you will get on with your life.” [grand mujer and seguir adelante always give me trouble – suggestions?] She shows Art Fausto’s article on her phone. Art smiles.

Pamela and Tania enter a room where Daniel is. He greets them but excuses himself and leaves immediately. Tania is shocked. Pamela tells her she told her that Daniel would get fed up with her sooner or later and seems to enjoy Tania’s payback. Tania sees Daniel later while looking for Art and notes to him that he’s acting strange. What’s wrong? Nothing. She hopes not because he’s such a swell guy (muy lindo). Nope. He’s busy. She asks him to look for her after his shift. Daniel leaves with a smug smile, Tania looks after him with a frown.


MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20

Hmm. This ought to be interesting, Constanza wants to go to the office briefly before an outing at the “Valle” this weekend. [Anybody know what that is] They head to the Instituto.

Cinthia looks for Rafa, finds out he hasn’t shown at the hospital. She gets him on the cell; he’s groggy with sleep but says he’ll be right in. He’d better; she needs him to see a patient STAT!

Regina meets with Pamela, Tania , Diego and Marco. She gives them their new assignment: shadowing Drs. to learn how to take care of patients. She updates them on the budget crunch and the need to be absolutely careful with everything that incurs a cost in patient care. As a matter of fact, this will be the focus of their work in the upcoming days, to note, in writing, every medicine, every piece of equipment, medical supply, study, and laboratory analysis, everything that is used in the care of each and every patient. They will pay attention to everything their supervising Doctor does. Tania will be paired with Dr. Arturo Molina; Diego with Dr. Daniel Paredes; Marco with Dr. Luis Galvan; and Pamela is thrilled to be with Dr. Regina Villaseñor. They will make an exact count, write it up and put it in a special folder she has put near the patient charts. Each. And. Every. Day. Sombra! Sombra! Sombra! Regina calls! [“Shadow them!” or “Be their shadow!”]

Regina sees Luz about Ines. Ines agrees that the Ministerio Público (MP) should see Ines and take a statement. There’s a complication: Ines will never make a statement against her son, the abuser. Luz firmly states that Ines’ wounds are evidence of a crime and are enough for the MP to begin his investigation. Luz needs a medical report from Regina and to be notified when Luis regains consciousness and is able to talk. Done!

We have a medical education clip as Art sees a woman in the Out-patient Clinic ( OPC) with osteoporosis. She is surprised, says she eats vegetables and drinks fruit juice every day. This is not enough, Art says and gives her the following counsel: She must stop smoking, limit alcohol intake; exercise; eat foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D; get at least fifteen to twenty minutes of sunshine every day. He prescribes Vitamin D at 2000 IU (International Units) every day. A dose lower than 2000 IU is not enough to treat Vitamin D deficiency. She is to take a table every day for eight weeks and then return to the OPC in eight weeks to have her Vitamin D blood level checked. The Sra. enthusiastically thanks him.


MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20

Constanza wonders when Rene will be finished. He said it would be ten minutes. She notes how badly decorated his office is. Constanza goes to pick up a mug and a little stress ball from the floor near the door. Miryea bursts in to the office, oblivious of Constanza’s presence and announces to Rene, “We needto talk!” Rene momentarily looks busted but quickly recovers, asking Miryea sharply where does she get off coming into his office this way. Constanza is eyeing the two of them like a hawk taking in every word, every breath, every pause and emotional punctuation as she tosses the stress ball up and down, looking from one to the other. Miryea claims she cannot cover the shift as someone called in. Well, cover it yourself, you’re Head Nurse! Yes, she just needed to let him know so he would not pay that Nurse for the day. Rene says a written report would be sufficient. Miryea says she needs to talk to him alone. Rene declines. Whatever she has to say, she can say it in front of Constanza. No, Miryea insists: it’s about the Nurses’ contract; she needs him to go with her to Human Resources. Rene tells her he can’t now; he will look for her later: right now he has more important things to attend to, turning to Constanza. Rene tells her in the future; don’t enter his office like this again. Miryea leaves.

Constanza wants to know where Miryea gets off talking to Rene like that? Rene launches into a rant about how the Instituto is a disaster, nobody seems to know or respect other’s roles and everybody wants him to solve all the problems with medical equipment, with the Nurses, with Human resources. “I’m the only one who keeps this place on its feet!” Constanza sits across from Rene at his desk and quietly observes that this must be why he’s always in such a bad humor and so insufferable. She thinks Rene should ask Gonzalo for a raise. “You understand now, don’t you?” Rene asks. Leaning in, Constanza quietly says, “Don’t give me a reason to distrust you.” “I would never betray you, because I love you.” “I want you to know that I’m watching you; be very careful what you do.” He mouths “I love you” (English) to her. Constanza eyes are still hawkish, unimpressed by the sweet nothings. Later, they finally leave after Rene makes Constanza wait some more while he pretends to work, but is playing solitaire on his computer. After waiting all this time, I think the trip to the Valle is off; she just wants to go to a nice restaurant. Perhaps Rene was stalling for the end of Miryea’s shift as he and Constanza see her and Lili as the elevator door opens. He asks if Miryea solved the problem. Yes, Lili agreed to stay over and cover the shift. Lili jolts a bit. Rene knew she would solve it. Miryea agrees to leave “the report” in the HR office on Monday for Rene to sign. They bid each other a good weekend. Constanza notes that Rene’s hands are sweaty and wipes her palms on her dress. Yuck! They leave.


MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20

Later Miryea is in the bathroom openly weeping in a stall. Lili comes in and asks if she’s okay. Miryea mocks her compassion, saying she’s being hypocritical, that she knows Lili likes to see her suffer. I don’t catch all of what Miryea says but it’s a rapid-fire dressing down about Lili’s judgement and work skills.

Rafa finally gets in and goes to the room where Cinthia is with the patient she needed him to see. She asks what the heck happened to him. Rafa manages to blame his coming in late on a bad night’s sleep and his inability to sleep on his incessant thoughts of her. Cinthia chews him out in a whisper and tells him it better not happen again; she is not prepared to do his work for him! He thanks her for the favor and moves in slowly and kisses her on the cheek. She’s unsmiling as she leaves the room but smiling with satisfaction when her back is to him. Rafa looks after her as she goes. Hmmm, two can play the “leave ‘em wanting” game!

Daniel’s parents gush over the newspaper article. Elana scolds Paco for not buying more copies. Oh, our baby, all the effort paid off! FF>>

Gonzalo meets with the entire ER staff along with Luz and Marta in the board room and congratulates them on their long standing dedication and hard work which has been acknowledged in a gratifying and very public way with the lead article in the newspaper. What Gonzalo likes most is that the article told the truth about them! They are regaining the public’s confidence and getting back into their rhythm! Gonzalo wants them to keep up the good work and not do as some hospitals do: “treating” people rapidly, curing without acknowledging the patient’s pain and the underlying source of their suffering. “We are going to regain the essence of our Profession: WE are the Doctors that the people need!” They all applaud and pound the table in glee!

Daniel interrupts Rafa shooting up, thanks him for his advice. Rafa is uncharacteristically subdued. Is Rafa OK? Oh, he’s coming down with a cold. As he leaves the room we see the green rubber tourniquet hanging from the bottom of his pants. Later we see Rafa toss a few pills. Also, there is a brief scene in Gonzalo’s office of him encouraging her about Caro. She’s an adolescent; she will get over it and they will laugh about this one day. In the meantime, hold her close, put yourself in her shoes; listen to her.


MÉDICOS, #18, 8-6-20 END

This reminds Luz about Aurora and she says one day she hopes Aurora will respond. Gonzalo doesn’t think so and shoos Luz home to be with her family.

Regina is shadowed by Pamela who is scribbling her every word in her notebook. Regina takes it and gives her a stern but encouraging sermonette on needing to trust herself: she has the ability to retain everything she needs to know “up here” pointing to her own head. She’s got to develop her clinical memory and she can do it! David walks up as they stand at the staff station and waits for a break in the conversation. He asks Regina about the apartment. It’s perfect! Thank you so much! He offers that if she needs anything else, to please let him know. He is here for her. No, she thanks him; she can take it from here. “You know what, you’re stubborn! He turns to Pamela, asks her name and tells her, “Listen if your companion here is ever stubborn, please insist to her that she must accept help. Yes, write this down in your notebook!” Pamela has been jotting in her notebook; Regina takes the notebook and tells David through clenched teeth that she’s trying to break Pamela from notebook-dependence! He musses her hair and walks away. “Don’t muss up my hair!” she exclaims in exasperation!

This light moment is interrupted by an EMT who asks Regina to come outside; there is a sick lady who won’t come in to the ER. Regina and Pam run out. There, standing unsteadily with half-lidded eyes is the black-rooted Cecelia! They rush to her side. Regina introduces herself as Dr. Regina Diaz. What is wrong? Cecelia is mumbling that she can’t feel her hands or feet and feels like she’s dreaming. She collapses, and they hold her off the ground. Quick cut to Art finishing up with a patient. He walks by the bay where Regina, Cinthia and others have started working on Cecelia. Seems Cinthia is having a “nervous crisis”, they put an oxygen mask and blood pressure cuff on her and begin the usual emergent assessment and support. Art sees Regina in the bay and, recognizing Cecelia rushes in. “Ceceilia, what’s going on?” Regina asks, “You know her?” “Yes, she’s my pareja!” (Girlfriend, partner)



*Also, there is a brief scene in Gonzalo’s office of him encouraging her about Caro. She’s an adolescent; she will get over it and they will laugh about this one day. In the meantime, hold her close, put yourself in her shoes; listen to her.

This is GONZALO encouraging Luz about her daughter, Caro.



Here is the official trailer for Dulce Ambicion.


Lila, another amazing recap!

“Constanza is eyeing the two of them like a hawk taking in every word, every breath, every pause and emotional punctuation as she tosses the stress ball up and down, looking from one to the other” could not have mirrored that scene more perfectly.

Other favorites among many were “To get our gall up” and “rapid-fire dressing down”.

“David! He was a great help; I didn’t have time so he toured some apartments and sent me pictures.” [Did she see Art wince and deflate a little?]”. We did indeed. However Art has a more pressing, serious issue to contend with - his pareja!

“Daniel leaves with a smug smile, Tania looks after him with a frown”. While a cold shoulder may make Tania reconsider treating Daniel as a lapdog, it will not cause her to reevaluate her feelings for him. Whatsoever. A devoted admirer ready and able to do her bidding is all he will ever be to her. Daniel, don’t be a dope in keeping your hopes up!

“She’s unsmiling as she leaves the room but smiling with satisfaction when her back is to him”. Run, Cinthia, run! Do not lose your slightly suspicious attitude toward Rafa! Go with your instincts! Don’t succumb to his charms (not visible to me but whatevs).

Could Rafa unconsciously want to get “caught”? He has plummeted to being careless within 24 hours. He has shot up at work before (where Cinthia came in, radar on high alert). This is a disaster waiting to happen.

“Daniel’s parents gush over the newspaper article”. I actually found this scene a bit touching. Proud as peacock parents overwhelmed by pure emotion. Gentle tears carried the message without necessitating too many words. Our ears made a narrow escape.

And while Miryea is loathsome, I felt my hard heart cracking a bit after Rene’s abusive berating. She has swallowed being Rene’s second choice, and for sneaking and deceiving. Wasn’t that low enough? Nopis. Constanza’s piercing, judgmental, cruel enjoyment of the scene was cringe worthy. How low will she go?

I admit I’m not very captivated by the Luz storyline. So, her daughter hates her, bawls her mother is never there and prefers the company of her friends. And…??

At last, some praise for Gonzalo and company. Most welcome!

Lila, another delightful afternoon treat! Gracias!



Thanks Ms. LILA. At last some good news. I really had a sick feeling in the opening scene at the club. Alfredo looked so grim. Whew! But it was all good. Our hunky reporter was not fooled by all the sour bile and venom that Mireya tried to inject when she was treating his wound. And of course it was nice to see both head nurse and René squirming throughout this episode. But jeez, Mireya we know will just pass it down to more bullying of Lila. Still, have we every seen anyone as p#%@y-whipped as René???!!! Constanza is wretched, but it's rather enjoyable to watch her yanking his chain every dang minute. Quite the man-eater, our lady of leisure.

Loved how you noted Arturo's deflated expression when Regina praised David's help sorting out an apartment.

And this description was so apt:

Constanza is eyeing the two of them like a hawk taking in every word, every breath, every pause and emotional punctuation as she tosses the stress ball up and down, looking from one to the other.

Our señora truly had a dangerous, feral look in that scene. Not sure what she has on René that gives her such power over him. Maybe her rich family was his pathway to success in the medical field. At any rate, she's definitely got him by the short hairs.

As for Cinthia and the drug-addicted Rafa, I think they're endgame. Nope. Not prescient. But I noticed they have a theme song. It was playing as she swept off after ragging him for lateness, with a cream-licking smile on her face. So maybe our elusive doc will find a way to get our wild man clean and sober. Eventually.

Lots more drama to come, I'm sure. So glad that we have you to filter it for us and make even the grim moments fun. Wishing you a relaxing weekend LILA, with nothing but lazy sleep-ins and takeout food. Mama should get a few days off from the computer and the kitchen!!!!


SUSANLYNN...There is always something melancholy about seeing Summer come to an end, regardless of the other losses and griefs in our lives. We may complain about the heat, but Summer is such a season of hope. All kinds of plants spring up and flourish (okay, also weeds...but still). The days are long and the sunshine is generous. And in this time of social distancing, we can still spend time with friends and long as we stay outside.

Come Winter, that is not going to be the case. It will take a lot of fortitude to get through the cold weather to come, when we are still so isolated. Luckily, we do have CarayCaray and other forums where we can connect with others, virtually at least. But nothing takes the place of real live people, real live hugs, and real live handshakes. That's what I miss most about church. Not the sermons, not even the lovely songs by the choir. But the human connection. (Please don't tell my minister or choirmaster!)

Time to gird our loins, amiga. This winter is going to be a real test of our inner resources and resiliency.


Lila, thank you for all the time, talent, and effort that you put into this and every other recap. . You are a treasure , and your recaps are a great diversion from Current reality .

OT.....judyb....omg..... I don't know if I have anymore girding left in me.


Great work, Lila!

Constanza is no fool (love the comparison to a hawk). I want her to catch these two in the act, like Karina did to Leticia and Benjamin in PASL.

Mireya is a toxic narcissist, like Rene. This should come back and bite both of them like a great white shark.

Rafael is asking to be caught. He shoots up and takes those pills at work ad he will be caught sooner or later. I would like to know why he is an addict.

Could Cecelia be the story's next casualty? Art isn't the one chosen for Regina but he does deserve better than Cecelia.


Lila, I love the way you dish this story. “David! He was a great help; I didn’t have time so he toured some apartments and sent me pictures.” [Did she see Art wince and deflate a little?] -- heeheehee!

Last night the comic relief was Rene shooing away Mireya in front of wife Constanza. No sympathy from me for Mireya. The nerve of her taking it out on Lili.

Ouch, the show is stepping on my foot. When the older woman patient said,"But I eat fruits and vegetables!" It sounded like me with my doctor, who looks nothing like Art and it's probably just as well so I can focus.


Medicos 18. Another great recap, Lila! Tania got wat was coming to her from Daniel, no matter what his motivation was. Yep, Judy B! Fausto wasn't fooled by Mireya's false gossip and is publicly thanking the doctors who saved his life. Good for him!


Niecie..your comment gave me a gift " the show is stepping in my foot" You made me forget the rain and gloom we are getting here right now.

Great work, Lila. I always save your recaps to read when it's nice and quiet, no stress, coffee and eyeglasses poised. I don't want to miss a thing. You weave a tight little story with your verbal warp and weft. Thank you.

Well, the uniform code I worked out was shot down last night. Everyone had on different colored scrubs under their white coats, particularly Regina. I give up. At least by now we do recognize the collection of characters on sight.

Niecie--love how you characterized your own interaction with your doctor (who looks nothing like Art). I immediately checked my bottle of Calcium and went right out and replenished my supply of Vitamin D.

I think Rene has been skimming profits and taking bribes to augment his "salary" in order to keep Constanza enjoying the standard of living to which she was accustomed. She has made some digs about his financial status--remember when she needled him about the credit card being restocked before her trip? She may have come from money and higher social status, but I think she's now dependent on Rene for her lifestyle.

I want someone to catch Mireya berating Lili just for existing and getting a tongue lashing from some supervisor.

I like Luz a lot better at the office than at home. At the office, she's large and in charge. At home, Caro is large and in charge.



Diana! Thank you SO MUCH! Oh, Diana! I didn't see this coming! Just when Art thought the door was opening to Regina with her divorce, Cinthia literally shows up at the Instituto's door demanding attention in a most dramatic way! GAH!

Daniel, don’t be a dope in keeping your hopes up! Amen! His parents are a mess, but I like Daniel!

Constanza’s piercing, judgmental, cruel enjoyment of the scene was cringe worthy. Can you imagine what Constanza would do if she actually caught them in flagrante? OMG! She would be FIERCE!!

Yah, I could, um, slap Caro silly! Hope I didn't offend anybody.

JudyB! Judy, they played us, didn't they with that scene at the club? I thought for sure Fausto had written some exposé but then, they saved his life. Thank goodness he didn't listen to any of Miryea's cynical slime!

But jeez, Mireya we know will just pass it down to more bullying of Lila. HA AHAHAH HA! She'd better not come for me: I'm ready for her!

Rene is whipped, all right, but there's got to be something else. Unless, he is literally whipped!

Judy, I wondered about the theme song. I think Cinthia is going to fall for him and save his life...or fall for him and he dies in her arms!

Aww, Judy, thanks for the well-wishes. We've got one more night and yah, I'm looking forward to a week off from work, too! I'm sorry to see Cecelia in distress but glad Art's complicated comittment is outed so he can drop that concerned-and-available-hot-Doc act with Regina!

Susanlynn! Thanks, Hon! Girl, I'm trying. I've made it four days without looking at any TV news whatsoever! My blood pressure is down and my head is clearer! You and all the other Caray Mates/Patio Peeps help a lot. Bless you!

Mil gracias Urban! I hadn't seen your comment yet when I wrote my above response to Diana. Yah, man, that's gonna be some pop corn-grabbin' drama! I could see that actually happening! Rafa, Rafa, Rafa. He's got some good in him. He's got a tender streak. I think his constant sexcapades are also trying to meet the same need his drug abuse is. We shall see.

Hi, Niecie! Thank you! Girl, Miryea is another one we'd like to slap! She is straight up abusing poor Lili. Isn't there somebody Lili can complain to. She's always getting double shifts, just came off a week of doing them and then Miryea volunteers her for another. DOH!

Thank you, SpanProf It was so good to see the Instituto get some praise. The Director getting shot to death in the first episode was a gut punch. Glad the glory went to the Crack ER Team and not the whining, cynical Ana! Wonder what's going to happen to Cinthia tonight.


OMG, Anita! Are you serious? Thank you. I don't know what to say.

Well, the uniform code I worked out was shot down last night. Everyone had on different colored scrubs under their white coats, particularly Regina. I give up.

I'm sorry, Anita, but that's hilarious! Yah, these folk either didn't do research or just said to heck with it. Like, I thought Daniel was a staff Doctor and that's one of the reason his parents were fussing all over him. Then, he told Tania he was a Resident! Unless I misunderstood! And at the Big Congratulatory Staff Meeting, were the Residents there, or just senior staff? I thought it was senior staff but I swear sticky-fingers Diego was there! Go figure!

I think Rene has been skimming profits and taking bribes to augment his "salary" in order to keep Constanza enjoying the standard of living to which she was accustomed. BINGO ITA!

Lili is so sweet. She was truly concerned about Miryea. That chick is just bitter and she's got low self-esteem, too, being satisfied with Constanza's crumbs. I've got a feeling Constanza is going to teach her a lesson about being a bottom-feeder!



A rainbow exploded inside the Instituto and now everyone has different-colored scrubs! lol. I’m not sure if this will make it easier or harder to remember names..


Thanks For the recap Lila! About “Valle”- they were referring to Valle de Bravo. It’s a town outside Mexico City that is a popular weekend getaway for the city’s affluent crowds. There’s a lake and it’s popular for water sports, so it’s also popular with younger crowds, but CDMX’s wealthy families own houses in Valle (and upscale houses they are!)

Hey! UnOp Thank you SO MUCH! That is very helpful. I knew it must be somewhere special! Sometimes I would like to look these places up before the recap but why do that when the Patio Peeps know. Gracias!

That derned, cheating Rene, he purposely wasted the day at "work" so he could keep his "spare," Miryea, in check!



Highlights of the Highlights will be up Sat. some time. : )


Jarifa: Howdy from the Alamo City. I'm looking forward to seeing the recap highlights 😎


Slept in. Ahhh! Enjoy your morning, Peerps! See you this afternoon!

Como tú

Tina should still not take Adan back. He showed his true colors. He said what he said and meant it. Now he’s playing geeky to get her back.

Fabiana is kind of pathetic for her love of Tono. She knows she shouldn’t but she’s always there. Ricardo doesn’t deserve her either given how mean he can turn when he’s angry.

Mariana should have said no and left on that bus to wherever the day what’s his name stopped her and asked her hand in marriage. He’s not that into her. At all.

Hard to imagine Sérgio Reynoso (El bacalao) as anything else but this role, but he’s played the protagonist in Barrera de Amor fifteen years ago.

COMO TÚ NO HAY 2 #75 Part 1

Highlights of the Highlights

Ric and Toño get into an argument on the phone about Toño talking to Fabi and Nati. He reminds Toño that it’s his rules or he will be going to jail. He is not to talk to Nati again. Toño says he will not allow him to mistreat her or cheat on her with Fabi. Ric reminds him that if he didn’t steal his identity in the first place, they wouldn’t be in this situation.

Betty spills the beans to Ric about Nati cheating on him with Damián since just a bit after they got married. She saw a message on a tablet at Damián’s apartment where Nati said she loved Damián. She told Nati but didn’t get fired because she threatened to tell all if she did. Oriana also knew about it and gave her money for her silence. Ric will not be firing her but she needs to not mention their conversation to any one. She tells him she thinks Nati is falling in love with him all over again. Ric thinks about that last statement.

Remedios, at the invitation of Rafael, has arrived to support Ori with potions, soaps, lotions, etc., to control Claudio. Rafael has to tell Ori what the “chaca-chaca” is which is part of the process.

Amelia is feeling guilty about Adán splitting up with Tina. He has to admit that Amelia did go overboard in being demanding with Tina and Tina really tried. Fabiana is upset that Tina wouldn’t go back with Adán even though she asked her to. Ed is convinced Amelia will come up with something because she never gave up on him. She smiles.

Ric tells Charlotte says that whenever he insinuates something everyone tries to ignore what he is saying. He tells her that he threatened to kill Damián. Damián is at the root of everything that has happened to him. Charlotte is upset and suggests he stay there and see Fabi who calms him down. Ric says that won’t work because she is in love with Toño, not him.

Estrella and Luna try to decide what thing is holding the curse. Is it their mother’s wedding dress when she married Sol’s father? No, because she was making mole when she was cursed and she never would have risked getting the dress stained. Luna wonders if the curse fell on a person. What if their mother were pregnant with Sol. Sol could be the source of the curse.

Renata tells Luchita it is all over with Luis. They cannot even be friends. She also gives Luchita her okay one filing for divorce which gives Luchita the support she needs.


Luna and Estrella go through boxes of old things and find the wedding dress. They hope the curse lies in it and not Sol. They find an old pot they decide to take to the restaurant.

Nati calls Toño at the number he called her from. Felix answers and pretends the connection is bad as she asks to talk to Ric.

Luchita expresses her need to find her other son. Toño sees it as no big deal because he isn’t a kid anymore. He is all grown up. That doesn’t matter to her. Toño says he doesn’t remember anything anymore about him due to his amnesia.

Felix tells Toño he needs to watch himself after he hears he met with Crucita to find out about Nati. He is going to end up in jail. He feels him Nati called there looking for him last night. Toño is only worried about Nati suffering.

Amelia tries to get Andy in on a palm to get Tina and Adán back together. He is reluctant at best. Sje aks him to do it in the name of LOVE! She dances to the theme song. He joins her. It sounds like he is on board.

Since it is not busy, Fed gives Toño and Dan the afternoon off. The woman he was with yesterday was just a friend. Sol is still the love of his life but they are on the outs. What Fede would really like before he dies is a good breakfast made with the Morales mole. Fede arrives at Sol’s restaurant. Sol has a problem with serving him because they do not serve, drunks, drug addicts or liars. He orders coffee along with her enchiladas in mole. She says there is only leftover mole today.

Luchita tells Germán that Toño was of no help giving her information on his missing brother. It suddenly occurs to her that she needs to go to Veracruz where the problem started and talk midwife Socorro. Germán insists on going with her and that Mariana will understand. Luchita doesn’t think so.

In a hut somewhere in rural Veracruz, an ill woman (Marianita) on oxygen tells a young man (Brene) that he needs to find a woman named Dora for her. She needs to speak with her in person.

Damián tells Claudio that all of their investments are on hold at the company. He knows Ric is going through a rough time but this is business. Claudio is concerned. He tried to talk to Ric and points to his bruised face as proof that it didn’t work. Claudio gives Damián the authority to authorize all of the investments. Damián re-emphasizes how bad things are going with Ric as the president.


Ric asks for a detailed account of the SouthAmerican deal where $40million were lost. Crucita has no idea how the deal happened. Crucita never saw any of the documents so he did not see Toño sign any of the documents as they should have been submitted to him first for his approval.

Adán sees Remedios at the market and tells her his tale of woe about Tina breaking up with him. She suggests he go after her. She tells him that the nightclub has gone bust. Since Tina was now living with Andy and now that Andy is broke, Tina will end up in a cheap hotel or living under a bridge.She tells him the cafe where he can find them both. When he leaves, Amelia comes out to congratulate Remedios in her acting.

Germán meets Luchita as she is leaving the market showing her he has bought them tickets for the trip. Felix is there wondering where the love birds are going. Luchita lies and says they are tickets for Germán and Mariana for their honeymoon. Felix doesn’t believe her.

Betty discusses what she told with Diego. She finds out that he thinks that Damián has it in for Ric. Damián has been doing deals with a Carlos Bianchi who ran a company like Claudio’s but was fired because of supposedly making crooked deals. It it was never proven. Diego can see this happening because Damián is only another employee at the company, nothing special.

Damián is finalizing a deal with Carlos Bianchi(?) which will establish a new company in Damián’s name to which he can transfer all of the money. He has some papers he will present to Claudio and get him to sign right now.

Felix asks Mariana about her honeymoon saying he heard Germán talking about a trip with Luchita. Mariana thanks him for nothing since it had to be a surprise that Germán had planned for her.

Claudio looks at the documents presented to him by Damián and thinks they are preposterous. Damián assures him it was all Ric’s idea. They agree they cannot allow another million dollar loss to happen. Damián suggests that Ric take a break from the company for everyone’s good. He tells Claudio that just by looking at these documents, they can see the whole future of his company would be at risk if this deal were allowed to happen. Claudio asks hm for advice. Damián says Ric cannot remain as president.

Mariana tells Germán how much in love she is with him and how she know understands why he didn’t want to spend money or move right now. He is confused and she says she now knows he has something planned for their honeymoon. He figures out it was Felix who talked to her.


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Andy goes along with the plan and tells Tina about being down and out and says it is only temporary. Adán shows up (Looking like a doofus for all the world to see) carrying the flour sack baby on his chest. Adán invites her to come back anytime she wants and she can bring Andy because he is part of her family. Adán offers to move out if that makes her feel more comfortable. He can’t bear thinking of her having to sleep under a bridge. She thanks him but she is waiting to see if her old room at the pensión is available. Andy is ready to move back since he doesn’t even have enough money for a deposit.

Claudio presents the deal that Damián just showed him to Ric who says he never approved this deal with the amount of money shown. He blames it on Damián. Ric insists these are not the original documents.Claudio says it makes no sense why Damián would want to damage the company. He thinks Ric is out of contact with reality . He wonders how Ric could have changed so much in such a short amount of time. Ric says Claudio was always the one to tell and want the plain truth but now he isn’t so sure. Claudio asks what is he trying to tell him.

Luchita tells Toño she is going to be away For a couple of days in Veracruz. She is going to clear her head. It is something she has to do for herself as a free woman all by herself. He can understand and gives her his blessing.

Ed wants to talk to Toño. He just found out he was going out with Fabi again. He wants Toño to leave her alone. He has hurt her enough. Ed reminds him of the lost pregnancy.Toño insists. Ed says then he better follow his rules of not he will have to deal with him big time.

Ric remarks that Claudio cannot see differences even when they are right before his very eyes. He tells him that he is wrong when it comes to trusting Damián. Claudio is giving Ric a couple of weeks to get himself back together and explain it all to him. If he doesn’t, he will make some serious decisions about him. In the mean time, he is making a major change.

Claudio meets with Damián and makes him the president of the company.




Good morning JARIFA, and thanks as always. Things finally seem to be moving a bit. I swear when I saw the scene where a dying Socorro was talking to her son, that it was Cynthia Klitbo with gray powder all over her hair...and growling in order to sound older than she was. Anyway, looking forward to Luchita finding out the truth about her long-lost son pronto.

And another Morales mama "olla" appears. Hope that it gets broken quickly so the Morales sisters can resume their love lives. I did get a kick out of Sol complaining that wearing their dull, drab dresses was a real mood-buster. (did not want to say "depressing" after all those "d" words.)

Soooo tired of Ricardo being insufferable. Ready for that number to be wrapped up quickly.

The other part I really enjoyed was Luchita trying to talk as she thought a "liberated, forward-thinking woman" would do. Explaining her trip to Veracruz as an attempt to free herself from some old outdated concepts of womanhood etc. Just funny as you could see her thinking..."now what should I say to pull this off".

While I'm sure the twins will eventually end up with their true loves, I'm not sure about the other ill-assorted couples. Seems like it's up for grabs right now.

But let's talk about snack time for next Monday. How about I bring some REAL know, the kind where you actually squeeze real lemons, combine it with real sugar and ice water and have an incredibly refreshing drink. You can add whatever salty snack you want to that and we'll really go to town, partner!


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 1 of 7

Good Day, Peeps! Well. This episode is entitled Agresión, with good reason. It is almost entirely a Sensitivity Alert centered on Ines and domestic violence. If you read before watching, you may want to skip the entire episode. The scenes with Ines were sometimes prolonged, in my opinion; the actress is amazing and the makeup, very convincing. I will try to capture the essence of those scenes without lingering. This is also an episode about self-care, in the scenes with Cecelia, just so you know.

“She’s my pareja!” Art never takes his eyes off Cecelia so misses the look of surprise that Regina and Pamela exchange. Regina tells him that she had an anxiety attack and passed out. Cecelia wants to take off the oxygen mask; Regina urges her to leave it on. Cecelia turns her face away from Art; she doesn’t want him to see her this way. Regina tells her they are going to do some tests and blood studies to see why she fainted. Art insists on staying with her; Regina, Pamela and Tania leave. “What happened? What brought you to this?” “Because you rejected me and didn’t support me in my work again,” she cries bitterly, her face turned away from him.

We cut away to David, accompanied by Diego in a patient’s room. The patient has appendicitis and will need immediate surgery. Diego marvels to David about the rapid response to appendicitis here as contrasted with his little village where people are over two hours away from emergency and surgical care in Oaxaca. He knows of a man who died of a ruptured appendix, peritonitis and abdominal sepsis; [essentially, massive infection after the rupture of the appendix]. David agrees the disparity in access to life-saving medical care is an injustice. David invites him to attend and observe the surgery so that he can learn and, when he returns to his village, no one will have to die of appendicitis.

Out in the staff area, Tania asks Pamela what’s going on with Art’s Girlfriend. Pamela says she arrived disoriented and hyperventilating. Tania thinks it must be something very serious to have caused this. Miryea is in the background listening attentively. Regina hears to and scolds them: Cecelia is a patient like all patients. “I don’t want to hear you talk like this again about Dr. Molina or any other Doctor!” She tells Tania to inform her when the labs come back and orders Pamela to follow her.

Art continues tending Cecelia while she pointedly looks away. He doesn’t like to see her this way; why didn’t she talk to him? She says he’s always busy; she didn’t want to interrupt him. “I feel better; please go back to your work.” Art gently puts a nasal cannula on her. [This is a less intrusive and more efficient way of delivering oxygen.] “I feel so bad; you don’t deserve someone like me.”


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 2 of 7

Art tells he, “Anybody can have an anxiety attack. I promise we’re going to get through this together.” “You are so good; I love you,” she sobs.

Gonzalo leaves another message on his son, Felipe’s voice mail: “Happy Birthday, son. I want you to know that having you as my son is the greatest satisfaction of my life. It’s hard being so far from you; please call me, or write me. I love you.”

Regina updates Ines neighbor, Lola. Ines is doing well enough to have her level of sedation lowered and she’ll be able to leave ICU. Lola reports that no, her son has not been found yet despite her husband leaving messages and neighbors looking. Regina thinks it’s best that someone Ines knows and trusts is with her when she wakes up when it is explained what has happened. Lola wants to do that, but can’t spend the night. Regina tells her not to worry; she will stay with Ines and see Lola in the morning.

Fausto’s article continues to create a buzz. Lili and a group of young Nurses talk about the glowing op-ed. Miryea sees this and can’t miss a chance to piss in the lemonade. She tells them that Gonzalo paid to have that article written and, looking at Lili, says that SHE KNOWS why Regina was written about so favorably. She tells them to get to work and slimes away. Lili looks after her with a frown but then turns to the Nurses, leans over and, with a conspiratorial expression, whispers “Miryea told me that Dr. Olmedo and Regina are having an affair!”

It nighttime now, Tania finally catches up with Daniel, sitting in the breakroom. She tells them she enjoying learning through shadowing the Doctors but can’t wait until she actually gets to put this learning to practice. Daniel tells her to be patient; that time will come. She tells Daniel she likes talking to him: he listens to her and always has something nice to say. Daniel says he’s always around, just give a holler. Tania is glad; he had been acting distant and strange. “We have a good relationship and I want to keep that.” Tania turns to leave but then comes back and throws her arms about his shoulders and kisses him on the top of the head. “I’ve missed you!” She leaves. He smiles.

Regina enters the bay with Cecelia and Art. She has the results of the lab work and studies and wants to talk to them. Cecelia gives permission for her to share the results in Art’s presence.


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 3 of 7

Cecelia is dehydrated and has a very low level of vitamins and iron in her blood; she has severe anemia. Art is sitting at the bedside and rests his head on his hand and sighs upon hearing this. Regina gets permission to raise the head of her bed and asks Cecelia to tell her about what she eats for each meal. Cecelia drinks juice, some vegetables, does not eat fruit, or meat and hardly any carbs at all. For the past two days she didn’t drink any liquids for fear of retaining fluid. Art asks Cecelia why is she doing this to herself. Her answer is that she has to work hard to stay in perfect shape for her modeling job. Art pleads that she cannot risk her life for a job! Regina’s tone is even and direct: she will prescribe some medicines but the most important thing is that Cecelia change her way of eating or her current condition could turn into something grave. There are no other red flags in the test results. They ruled out pregnancy as a cause of the fainting; she is not pregnant. Regina will sign the discharge papers soon, she leaves. Cecelia asks Art’s pardon; she really needed the job.

Daniel arrives home to a darkened apartment. His parents turn on the lights and surprise him with balloons and cake with candle to celebrate the wonderful newspaper article. Daniel accepts this all happily and graciously, denies he is special: he just loves his work.

Luz pops into Caro’s room. Caro’s friends are super excited she is going to join them on the trip to Cuernavaca. Luz proposes and Caro excitedly accepts a Mom/Daughter shopping trip! Ahhh! We needed this little point of light!

Regina to Pam about Ines: When she’s stable, I want your opinion on her case, especially her psychiatric status. Ok, your shift is over, go home and get some rest; see you tomorrow. Regina declines her offer to stay overnight with Ines: this is personal, Regina will stay. Cinthia brings Regina a coffee. They will both stay with Ines.

Art and Cecelia arrive at his apartment; he guides her to sit on the bed. Art almost pleads with Cecelia that she can’t go on as she has; she has to take better care of herself! Ceceilia says that’s why she has him; to take care of her. No, she must eat healthily and drink water; she is putting her physical and emotional health at risk! No, she’s just doing what a lot of women do. It’s easy for him to talk, he’s successful at is job. “Look at me. One day you’ll get tired of me. I see all those Doctors you work with. You can exchange me for one of them any time.”


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 4 of 7

Cecelia asks him to put himself in her place: how does he think she felt when none of his colleagues knew he had a Girlfriend! Art says they are so busy; we don’t have time to talk about their personal lives! “Seriously? You mean to tell me you never thought she (Regina) was pretty?” “Well, yeah, but our relationship is based on are work and we just don’t talk about our personal lives! You know me; I am focused on my work. What is important now is that you are fine.” Art brings back a glass of water Cecelia asked for and tells her she should see a therapist, someone who specializes in food disorders. Yes, he thinks that can help; no, she’s not going home; he doesn’t want her to be alone: he’s going to take care of her tonight. Cecelia will think about it. In a much needed later scene Art enters the room clad only in his pajama bottoms. He slides smoothly into bed but not before we get an eye full of his lean but nicely chiseled torso. Cecelia’s back is turned; he kisses her on the shoulder and puts out the light.

Regina and Cinthia are in Ines’ room. Ines is still intubated and lightly sedated. Regina asks Cinthia if she knew Art was going out with anybody. No, he hardly talks about his life. Yah, it’s like that with most of us, Regina observes. She asks if Cinthia is going out with anyone. No. Nothing serious; no promises, no commitments, just have a good time!

Leo, Ines’ son, comes into the room! Regina stands to face him. He looks past her at his Mother and says, “Mama, what happened?” Regina calmly asks if he is Ines’ son. He says yes. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you get near her.” Leo stares at his Mother and insists with calm determination that he’s going to take her home. Cinthia tells him he cannot take her home. Leo looks at Cinthia and tells her don’t meddle. Regina never takes her eyes off Leo and tells him, “I know you are the one who beat her. Don’t complicate things. It’s best that you leave.” Leo more strongly states he’s going to take her home this instant and moves toward Ines. Regina tries to block him and he sends her tumbling to the floor with one blow. Cinthia helps Regina up. Regina groans, blood is trickling down her chin. “You imbecile! What’s wrong with you!” Cinthia shouts and runs out the door calling, “SECURITY!” Leo has knelt beside Ines’ bed and, seemingly in a trance talks to her, telling her she is going to be fine; he is going to take her home and take care of her. Regina approaches and bends close to Leo and tries to talk him down. Leo turns a bit to Regina, his eyes still on Ines and says, “You wouldn’t let me see my Mama!” Regina quietly and calmly invites him to talk to her. “You can’t do this to women; we have to talk.” She touches his shoulder; he recoils at her touch, jerking his shoulder away. Slowly, Leo rises, mumbling to himself about being kept away from his mother; he begins a steady, intense inhalation, as if fueling himself. HE LUNGES AT REGINA just as two big security guards rush in and grab him on each side. Leo is shorter than the security guards, but stout and they have to work mightily to hold him back; Leo shouts in protest that he didn’t hurt his Mother!


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 5 of 7

Leo stares at Regina, his face reddened darkly, huffing with rage between clenched teeth as the guards struggle to hold him back. Regina leans down a bit to get even with Leo’s face, “Shut up! Shut up! Look at me good! I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you never in your life hurt another woman and that you never see your Mother again!” Leo is ballistic as the guards drag him out of the rroom and Cinthia has to hold Regina back from following him with reproaches. She is breathing heavily and awash in adrenaline. Regina says she has never felt rage like that in all her life and realizes what a hell life must have been for Ines. Cecelia feels the gravity, too. “If he’ll do this to his own Mother; he’s a danger to all society!” Still coming down from her rage, Regina stares, as if still seeing the recent scene: “They will take him to prison!”

[Take a deep breath in, hold it for a second and then expel it explosively through your nostrils to discharge the negative energy. Now, think of something or someone that brings you love, peace and joy: breathe in deeply, fill your lungs, and hold it for as long as you feel comfortable and exhale deeply through your mouth. Ahhhh! Now, let’s get a couple of other story lines out of the way before we continue with Ines’ story.]

Luis and Susana share a moment enjoying the positive op-ed about the Instituto. Unfortunately, as the deeply wounded sometimes do, she brings up past hurts. This does its job at lashing Luis but he recovers: Nothing like that will ever happen again; nothing will ever separate them.

In a home Gonzalo seems to like to keep dark to match his<.i> wounded heart, Gonzalo pulls out the old picture of Aurora holding a young Felipe in her arms. He hears himself declaring in a long gone past, “In this house, we will be happy!”

David performs the appendectomy which Diego attends and observes. Rafa, the attending Anesthesiologist never misses an opportunity to talk about his conquistas
. They all, unprofessionally, join in the light locker room chatter. After the surgery, David decides they will go out to eat, acknowledging Diego’s attending his first surgery. Seems Diego has found his medical path. Tania and a friend are at a bar where Tania is due to meet some guy she has been chatting with over the internet. He’s an architect. She shows her friend his profile on her phone. Friend says people always fake their profile pick on this app. Dude is late but shows up eventually.


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 6 of 7

Tania and the Dude dance and kiss deeply. Tania tells her friends things have gotten intense so she’s invited Dude back to her place. Are you crazy? We and her friend ask. It’s okay; they’ve been chatting a long time on the internet! They waste no time at Tania’s and are soon rockin’ and rollin’ on her bed. The next morning Tania has gotten up and is looking at sleeping Dude with a satisfied smile. What’s this? His cell phone rings showing the screen name of the caller: Your Lover. She wakes him up, telling him His Lover is calling, throws the cell phone at him and tells him to get out, splashing his face with a glass of whatever she’s drinking for good measure. He calls her crazy as he grabs his stuff and leaves, shirtless and shoeless. [Phew, with the title of this, I just knew we were going to have date rape or abuse of some kind!]

Back to Ines. Luz and her husband are sitting in bed when she gets a call about Leo striking Regina. They both get up and rush to the hospital so Regina can meet with the Ministerio Publico (MP) and make her statement.

Next is the painfully long scene when Regina and Cinthia are with Ines. Regina tells Ines what they are doing every step of the way. Regina extubates her (takes her off the ventilator) and replaces it with an oxygen mask. They tell her the next few days will be for recuperation. It will painful, but she is stable and out of danger. What is most important is that she thinks about her life and security. That she survived the attack she suffered is a miracle. They don’t want anything like this to ever happen again as she may not be so lucky next time. They know it was her son that did this to her. They tell her he was there and was very aggressive. They can help her but Ines needs to support the Police’s efforts by pressing charges so her son can be detained. What follows a long scene of Ines become very agitated and Regina pleading and trying to persuade her to press charges while also asking her to settle down and struggling with Ines to keep on the oxygen mask. Ines cries and refuses to denounce her son as he is all she has in the world! Ines is never convinced and Regina eventually says she will give Ines something for sleep, promising she will feel much better in the morning.

Cinthia is with Regina, helping her do first aid on her lip wound when David and Rafa come in. What happened, are you ok, David asks? Regina says it’s just a scratch. No, Sergio didn’t do it. “Ines son came in, he was drunk and he hit me when I tried to keep him from getting near his Mom.” David’s turn to go ballistic: He jumps up and starts to bolt out, “This idiot is going to hear from me!” They stop him; he comes back and sits across from Regina. “But your lip!” He gently turns her face toward him, his hand under her chin. She continues to protest that it’s nothing. Rafa is noting Davdis reaction with interest.


MÉDICOS, #19, 8-7-20 7 of 7

“Where is he!” David demands. In the MP’s office. “This jerk is going to hear from me!” David jumps up and everybody rushes after him out the door! They catch up with David in the hallway outside the MPs office just as Luz and her husband arrive. They all (David, Cinthia, Rafa, and Luz’s husband) go inside the MPs office to be with Regina as she makes her statement. Leo is seated, a guard on each side. The MP tells Regina to proceed with her statement. I don’t catch what Leo says to her but David is triggered and lunges for Leo and has to be held back. Regina has one hand on David’s shoulder, a security guard on the other. David turns to Regina, “Regina, you are important to me, and as long as I’m here, nobody is going to disrespect you!” He turns to Leo and barks, “You got that? YOU GOT THAT?” Leo is leaning back in his chair trying to look nonplussed. Luz convinces everybody but Regina to leave the room as all this drama is complicating things. All they need is her statement. In the hallway after Regina’s statement, Luz tells them that although Ines’ wounds do demonstrate attempted murder, they can only keep Leo three days: they must have Ines’ statement. They discuss the tragedy of Ines’ silence. Luz’s husband says keeping quiet in cases of domestic violence only protects the aggressor! Luz and her husband leave. David offers to take Regina home; she declines and leaves. Cinthia rejects the flirtatious overtones of Rafa’s offer to take her home but accepts him walking her to the door. David remains and looks in the direction that Regina left, an unmistakable look of concern, and fear, on his face.

Finally, morning at Gonzalo’s. He becomes alarmed when he sees Regina’s face and hears what happened. He disagrees that it is nothing and is angry she didn’t tell him!* Regina didn’t think he had to know. What is important is that first thing in the morning they will try to get Ines to make a statement so her abusive son can be detained. Gonzalo’s frustrated anger turns to parents who protect abusive children. She says Ines understands that if she does not press charges, he will be free to hurt other people. There is a pause. Regina says she wants to ask Gonzalo a personal question. Yes. “Have you ever had contact with your family?” Gonzalo sighs and stares.

*[There it is! Personally, I think Gonzalo, having gained his Directorship after the murder, in the hospital, of the previous Director, should have instituted a new security protocol part of which should have been the installation of guards outside Ines’ room after she was proven to be the victim of domestic violence by a perpetrator still at large. But then, that would have thrown a monkey wrench in the plot and drama!]



Lila , wowee wow wow ....thank you so much for all the details. I had to surf out when I saw Inez lying battered and bruised in that hospital bed. Awful.

David is certainly smitten with Reg and trying at every turn to support and protect her and gain access to her. My kind of guy. Reg and David have to end up together.

P.s. When is bad penny Sergio going to show up again...because we know he will.


Jarifa: Thank you very much for the detailed recap. WTH is up with Amelia bragging about Tina living under a bridge ? Can that old hag stop meddling in her children's lives ?

Fabi is still STUPID!

I got a thrill up my leg when Ric lost his job as President of the company LOL. I hope the Karma anvil keeps hitting Vengeful Ric!

Judy: Luna needs to do something about the curse. She is still hot.


Great work,Lila.

It always disturbs me to see situations like Inez'. Too many victims are in denial and that leads to too many deaths or permanent injuries. This level of abuse is such that I think that Ines will die if it happens again. Only three days in jail? I hate to say this, but it sounds like women's lives are not valued in Mexico.

Cecelia is completely pathetic. She is old enough and should be intelligent enough to know that if she needs a man who will be at her beck and call she had better not get involved with a doctor. I was tempted to think she had faked this to get his attention in revenge for not being at her photo shoot but her medical problems didn't happen overnight. I also don't thin she is intelligent enough to be that calculating. I don't see her being particularly cooperative with any doctor's orders. She is already jealous of Regina.

The gossip is only going to get worse from here and Diego just made himself into the prime suspect when the supply inventories don't match. He should be investigating ways to get funding for rural hospitals and clinics and getting people like Fausto to help him.

Medicos 19. Lila: You certainly deserved a few hours' rest this morning. But my goodness, what an incredible, detailed, intelligent recap! You more than made up for any resting time. I think that Cecilia should consider a new career. She must be 30, or close to it, which is getting up there for a model. It looks as if Regina is going to have 2 stalkers--Sergio and Leo. Maybe they could do each other in? Tania was lucky that the internet guy was only a married man and not a serial killer. I hope this teaches her a lesson.


Wow LILA, you just wrote this one like a fire-burning novel. Given how intense and horrifying the abuse story was, I almost wish you hadn't been so skillful at recreating it. But I had to admire the mastery of your writing. You nailed it, amiga.

Some other highlights:

"Fausto’s article continues to create a buzz. Lili and a group of young Nurses talk about the glowing op-ed. Miryea sees this and can’t miss a chance to piss in the lemonade"

I'm hating Mireya more and more. What a loathsome character! That and the storyline of Arturo's über-needy girlfriend, I could really do without. But on the other hand. there's this:

..."he slides smoothly into bed but not before we get an eyeful of his lean, but nicely chiseled torso."

Okay. I started watching these stories for the Spanish. But now I'm watching for the torsos. And all the rest of the packaging. What can I say? The manscape in these stories is amazing.

Thank goodness you added this in part 5, after your all-too-effective recreation of the incipient violence of Ines' son:

[Take a deep breath in, hold it for a second and then expel it explosively through your nostrils to discharge the negative energy. Now, think of something or someone that brings you love, peace and joy: breathe in deeply, fill your lungs, and hold it for as long as you feel comfortable and exhale deeply through your mouth. Ahhhh! Now, let’s get a couple of other story lines out of the way before we continue with Ines’ story.]

Honestly, I needed that. Sometimes it's as if I don't have any skin. The words, or the actions just totally overwhelm me. And by the way, the disrespectful thing that wretched son said to Regina was something like this:

"Well, if I knew you wuz gonna report me, I shoulda really busted your snout [hocico] open."

LILA, You. are. a. writer. This was great. Thanks.



Ines’ son only got three days for punching Regina in the face. In order to indict him for beating his mother to death, Ines needs to testify. Without Ines’ cooperation, he will remain Scott free. There are no other witnesses as to who beats Ines, so they can’t just lock him up based on hearsay.


Lila, reading your summary was as impactful as watching this. Finely tuned, insightful and lovingly written. “In a home Gonzalo seems to like to keep dark to match his<.i> wounded heart” was lovely.

“Ines cries and refuses to denounce her son as he is all she has in the world!” would break the hardest heart. I do not want to waste any time or energy on he whose name will not be spoken (Leo). Your "I think Gonzalo...should have instituted a new security protocol part of which should have been the installation of guards outside Ines’ room after she was proven to be the victim of domestic violence by a perpetrator still at large" said everything necessary that needed to be said.

"He slides smoothly into bed but not before we get an eye full of his lean but nicely chiseled torso". Yes, it was impossible to ignore him in all his glory (not that I wanted to mind you!)

"Miryea sees this and can’t miss a chance to piss in the lemonade" had me laughing away.

“Miryea told me that Dr. Olmedo and Regina are having an affair!” Et tu Lily???

“I’ve missed you!” She leaves. He smiles". Oh Daniel, Daniel.

”Daniel accepts this all happily and graciously, denies he is special: he just loves his work”. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I sheepishly admit I enjoyed the birthday scene with Daniel and his parents. I will blame it on their love and affection being infectious!

“Cecelia asks him to put himself in her place: how does he think she felt when none of his colleagues knew he had a Girlfriend!”. The omission speaks volumes.

"David invites him to attend and observe the surgery so that he can learn". Diego has his entire life ahead of him - a chance to do lifesaving work for the people he cares so much about. And he is jeopardizing it all for medical supplies. I'm hoping he will put everything "back". He has David's ear. Now speak into it.

Lila, jut wonderful. Thank you!



Hey, Susanlynn! Thank you, my Dear. This took a while, and re-reading it just now I see many typos and formatting errors. Sorry! Oh, I love David's jumping to her defense and wanting to smash Leo's face! And he pretty much professed his love for her in front of everybody! *Siiiiiigh!* Let Sergio show up; David's got some tension to release! BAM!!

Gracias, Urban! Man, did they ever drive the point home about silence being deadly for victims of domestic abuse!! I don't know how Ines survived this!

Yah, Cecelia seems to not only emotionally not well but is making it worse with her "controled starvation" die-et! I hope she does get some therapy. She is not, and her relationship with Art is not healthy. Let him stick with her and support her through therapy, perhaps they can also get couple's therapy and both come out the better for it.

He should be investigating ways to get funding for rural hospitals and clinics and getting people like Fausto to help him. Excellent idea for Diego!

SpanProf! Thank you so much! OMG, I was sure Tania was going to be number 1 in our body count! What an idiot she is! Yes, I hope she DOES learn a lesson!

JudyB!! Thanks, Hon! OOOooo! This novela is all about anti-violence but I sure want to slap Miryea, HARD, across the face! UUUUUFFF!!!

Okay. I started watching these stories for the Spanish. But now I'm watching for the torsos. And all the rest of the packaging. What can I say? The manscape in these stories is amazing.

HA AHAHHAH HAAAA! Girrrrl! Don't get me started. I may not want Art with Regina, but my man got BODY ON TAP!!! You hear me?

Anita, thank you for this about what Leo said!

"Well, if I knew you wuz gonna report me, I shoulda really busted your snout [hocico] open."

WOW! No wonder David wanted to break his face! I think SpanProf may be right: Regina MAY end up with two stalkers!

Anita. Thank you, Amiga, de verdad!

Hi, Anon Correction on Leo's detention and criminal charges

Ines’ son only got three days for punching Regina in the face. In order to indict him for beating his mother to death, Ines needs to testify. Without Ines’ cooperation, he will remain Scott free. There are no other witnesses as to who beats Ines, so they can’t just lock him up based on hearsay.

If I could, I would add your comment to the recap! Thank you!



Hi, Diana! Thank you so much! Were you as disappointed and surprised about Lili as I was? Oh, well. She's only human. That she's giving credence to anything Miryea says makes me sad.

Don't apologize for enjoying Daniel's family. That was cute and not disgusting like the "spray the crotch" scene. That's cool!

Diego has his entire life ahead of him - a chance to do lifesaving work for the people he cares so much about. And he is jeopardizing it all for medical supplies. I'm hoping he will put everything "back". He has David's ear. Now speak into it.

Yes, Diana! This and Urban's idea about enlisting Fausto's help in geting funding for rural hospitals. Fausto's article must have raised a lot of interest in health care. Anyway. I guess it's more dramatic for him to steal.

See you guys later. Oh, and didn't mean to call y'all "Perps" this morning! *GRIN!*



Steve, the reasons this was so detailed is finally there was something that happened and I had some time. LOL

JudyB, we are rolling along now! I cannot wait until that final pot breaks the curse. It looks like the Veracruz trip will be the final straw for Mariana. She needs a nice YOUNG guy anyway. Nothing like fresh lemonade. I will be looking forward to that. Haven’t had fresh in years. I’lll bring some snack mix and mixed nuts.


Jarifa: Big question is whether we'll see more folks getting their Karma anvils ?


To Her Graciousness, Lila, of the Humongous Talent for Rich Detailed Writing. It's hard to wait for your next installment. This one was a topper. Gracias.

I have nothing new to add except Megadittos to the comments and observations (another Lexicon entry).

Susanlynn--Leo looked familiar to me, too. Guess where I accidentally ran into him. In Caer en Tentacion (which I'm reviewing to enjoy Carlos Ferro and Silvia Navarro), Leo was one of Santi's work crew, Agustin. He is played by the actor, Luis Fernando Peña (no Wiki page). I knew he was in A Que No Me Dejas as Beto, the son of the servant couple. He had a role in Mentir Para Vivir, which I didn't watch. He's had pretty steady work as minor characters. I wonder what his trajectory will be in this stoy.


I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! *GRIN* Thanks, Anita. It's still fun but I am glad we're all off on Wednesday due to the Youth Music Awards, or whatever it is! And are you still on for Friday, 8-14? Thank you so much, Amiga!

Oh, yes you are. This is like having to write a short story every night.

Thursday is the Youth Awards. I'm still on for this Friday. It will be the Readers Digest version, I'm afraid.


Oh, don't be afraid, Anita! I am awaiting your RDV with great anticipation so I can use it as a model! I almost feel like I'm writing so much, that it stifles discussion! Plus, I have to do it for Thursday's show; I usually flesh out my notes the morning after the show but I have an appointment early Friday morning, so I need to do RDV for Thursday's episode! And, your doing Friday is perfect! Thank you!

Lila--Check your UNI schedule again. Mine says the Youth Awards are on THURSDAY--that's the night you get "off." Wednesday will be your DUMP day (I was going to say HUMP, but it didn't sound like the correct thing to say.)


Thank you Lila!!

Have I mentioned I love David? Well, I love David! Art is more of the typical “galán”- he says nice things and is charming, but David is so.. manly lol. He’s a little rough around the edges, but he has a good heart and he’s always looking out for Regina, even if she doesn’t realize it (he talked to Gonzalo about Ana’s machine so that Ana would stop bothering Regina)


Lila, great job.

Rafa, the attending Anesthesiologist never misses an opportunity to talk about his conquistas. They all, unprofessionally, join in the light locker room chatter. After the surgery, David decides they will go out to eat, acknowledging Diego’s attending his first surgery.

Gees, I hope the appendectomy was easy as pie because they sure did talk a lot during it.

I've seen the actor playing Ines's son in lots of good guy roles, but he's bringing it as a psycho son. His saucer eyes railing against Regina scared the beegeebees out of me. David, you have righteous anger, but this guy is a bomb waiting to explode.

Oops, Médicos


OMG! Premios Juventud IS Thursday! And that's what you told me, too! I've got to go back to Sesame Street and refresh myself on days of the week! WONK WONK!! Thanks, Anita! YAAAY! Double Gracias!

Hey, UnOp! Yes, Child, David is The Man! I know Regina has a lot of healing to do before she can even think about love again, but I LOVED seeing David wanting to break Leo's face over Regina! And he told her how he felt in front of everybody! Siiiigh! That's an interesting point about the dialysis machine. Ana got all mushy when she heard David went to Gonzalo about the machine, but you think David did it to protect Regina? I hope he overhears Miryea spreading her garbage. I bet he'd tell her off good and drop the mic on her foot!

Niecie!! Thanks, Hon! Yah, I've seen the Leo actor in lots of stuff too and he IS always a good guy but he was sho' 'nuff bringing the crazy! David wants to break his face? He may get a chance cause Dude can only be held for three days and I can't see Ines turning him in. That's a sick relationship!

Niecie--In case you are interested, I added some details about Ines's son Leo at 2:46 pm on Sunday. Maybe they chose him just for those reasons. He can seem so nice and caring one minute--and we believe him; and he's a raging maniac the next and CAN we believe it! Good acting.


Yes, when David went to talk to Gonzalo he mentioned that Ana was blaming Regina for not getting her machine and at one point they have this exchange:

Gonzalo: we’re doing everything we can to get the machine
David: it’s very important, the machine would help a lot of people, especially Regina!
Gonz: Don’t worry about Regina, she can defend herself
David: I know, but she’s suffering a lot and I want to help her

Also, after David’s first day at the clinic when he was talking to the other guy doctors, he said something along the lines of “I’ll go as often as necessary for Ana to stop bothering Regina.

So even though Ana gets all mushy with everything David does, it seems to me like Regina is always behind David’s intentions


Hey! Thanks, UnOp! I kinda remember that! It's great to bring this out so we can see that, despite his intensity and passion, he can quietly support Regina and is deeply concerned about her! YAAAY!


Thanks, Anita. Now I remember the Leo actor as one of the nice work buddies in Caer en Tentación. He doesn't seem to age.

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