Thursday, August 06, 2020

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Cennet, Enemigo Íntimo 2, y más: Week of August 3, 2020


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Cennet
• 10-11PM—Enemigo Íntimo 2

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'll put up a recap or mini-cap later tonight.

Cennet - ep. 87 - p. 1 de 2

The scenes from the previous night's episode feature three big reveals: Kaya's discovery of Pinar's spying; Arzu's discovery that Melisa has been faking her paralysis; and Cennet's discovery that Arzu is her mother.

Tonight's episode begins with Arzu's angry confrontation with Melisa. She tells Melisa that she doesn't deserve any explanation. It's over.

Kaya tells Pinar that she can't say no to anything he proposes. She will continue with what she's been doing, but in a different house. In Selim's house. "You'll work for me, be my spy, not Selim's." Pinar reluctantly agrees.

Selim looks at Cennet, who is asleep in Mukaddes' house. He kisses Cennet and comes out to talk to Mukaddes and her friend Suna. He assures them that yes, Cennet is there, asleep. He tells them he's not sure Cennet will fully recover, but he thinks the worst is over. Selim then leaves, and as he drives off, he mutters to himself, "You'll pay for what you did, Kaya."

At Arzu's house, Sema observes rather snidely to Arzu that she doesn't look happy that Melisa is walking. Arzu continues to say nothing about having discovered that Melisa was faking the paralysis. She then gets a phone call, from Kaya. She doesn't answer, but goes off to her room. She receives a photo on her phone, part of the one Kaya had planned to use against her. It seems to show a body. She calls Kaya and says, "So that's you're next move. I hate you! You think the photos will make me run to you?" Kaya threatens to show the photos to the police and have her thrown into prison. He tells her he's giving her one last chance as a free woman: "Come to me, or I'll destroy everything you love!" Sema overhears Arzu's end of the conversation, but she thinks Kaya is Arzu's lover.

Selim arrives at Kaya's house and bangs loudly at the door. Halil opens it, and Selim rushes past him. He calls for Pinar. Pinar appears, but Kaya tells Selim that Pinar isn't going anywhere with him. Kaya then pulls out a pistol and points it at Pinar. Selim steps in front of the pistol and again tells Pinar to get her things and leave with him. Kaya pulls the trigger, but he fires up at the ceiling. Selim then tells Kaya that Cennet knows that Arzu is her mother, but he adds, "That's not your worst problem, Kaya. You raped Arzu." Kaya stands there, speechless. Selim again tells Pinar to get her things and leave with him. She does so. Kaya remains speechless. [I wondered whether Kaya was really so stunned that he couldn't bring himself to stop Pinar, or whether this was part of Kaya's plan to have Pinar move to Selim's but now spy for Kaya.]

Back at Mukaddes' house, Cennet has awakened and comes into the living room as Suna is helping Mukaddes pack her things in preparation for moving from the house, as the landlord has demanded. Suna is about to throw out a ceramic work, but Mukaddes stops her, telling her Cennet had made it for her as a gift. Cennet takes the ceramic and throws it on the floor, smashing it to pieces. She then starts throwing other things on the floor, saying "You're not keeping anything of mine." [Yep, she and Melisa do have some of the same traits.] Cennet says she's leaving, but she asks Mukaddes to keep one more secret: she's not to say anything to her father or Arzu. "This time it's my turn to talk," she says, as she heads out the door.

Orhan announces that there will be a party that night to celebrate Melisa's recovery. Melisa asks that it be just family. At the party, Ozlem appears, and Orhan tells her this is a party for family only. Sema intercedes and invites Ozlem to sit with her.

Arzu is in her room, looking lovingly at a photo of Cennet, perhaps a duplicate of the one Melisa tore up. Arzu talks to the photo, apologizing to Cennet, and kissing the photo. Melisa watches from the door and overhears what Arzu says.

Cennet - ep. 87 - p. 2 de 2

Selim arrives home, and a happy Nilgun greets him with the news that she has sold the house. She tells him that they have bad memories in this house, so it will be better to move and start over. When Selim starts to leave, Nilgun asks him where he's going. He's not going to see Cennet, is he? Selim tells his mother that he loves Cennet. Nilgun insists that Cennet is not good for him. He warns her to stay out of this.

Nilgun sees Pinar in the house. She says to Pinar "Didn't they send you to Kaya as a spy?" Pinar explains, "Kaya found out that I was hired by Selim." Nilgun says, suspiciously, "Kaya knew this and let you go?"

Selim phones Cennet from his car. She's at Arzu's. She sees the family party. Arzu is telling Melisa that she can't take any more of Melisa's jealous behavior, and she doesn't want to be unfair to Cennet any longer. Of course, this prompts Melisa to utter her ultimatum yet again: choose me or lose me. Arzu again maintains that she loves Melisa and Cennet equally. Melisa says (again) that she can't share her mother. Arzu (again) insists that she won't renounce either of them. "You're both my beautiful daughters." Cennet, who has been watching, calls out "Madre. I'm here."

Kaya is looking at photos (of him and Cennet, I think) and says, "Your father has ruined everything."

Cennet comes to Arzu and says, "I spent so much time looking for you. Now the search is over. You didn't come for me, but I came here." Arzu reaches out toward Cennet, but Melisa grabs Arzu's arm. Viewerville may have thought that there was about to be a loving scene between Arzu and Cennet, but Viewerville apparently forgot that the novela still has more than three weeks to go. Instead, Cennet says rather coldly, "Just Cennet?" Arzu responds with "Mi hija." Nope, not good enough. "It's not so easy," says Cennet. "You're not a mother because you call me hija." Arzu puts her arms around Cennet. "No!" says Cennet. "That's all? Just call me hija and apologize? She's your daughter," nodding toward Melisa.

Arzu falls on her knees and cries. "You're crying?" asks Cennet. "Are you scared that I found you? You think I ruined your life? I was a helpless baby, what could I have done to you?" Arzu says once again that it wasn't Cennet's fault. Cennet asks, "Then why did I have to suffer? Answer! Answer! Answer!" she demands.

Melisa walks away and comes to the table where her family are seated. "What's wrong?" they ask. "I just lost my mother."

Arzu is still saying how sorry she is. Cennet tells her to get up. Arzu swears that she'll never leave Cennet again. Cennet replies, "You stole my past, present, and future. I will spen the rest of my life hating you." And with that, the episode ends.


Dondi356: Telemundo gave Maria Celeste Arraras the boot & Rashel Diaz was let go as well.

Sounds like a house cleaning is going on.


Wonderful recap, Juanita! Great idea to include a review of the revelations in the previous episode.

Yes, Viewerville will get a lot of “(again)” before this is over. Within each episode characters rapidly cycle through conflicting emotions.

Whenever Kaya has been boldly called out as a rapist, it’s the truth vs his fantasy and he short circuits. Yes, he’s stunned, but this does fit into his plan for Pinar. Noticed that when Nilgun asked her for info on Kaya, Pinar had an audio flashback and said she knew nothing.

One small addition: All the Soyers + Selim show up for the final scene where Cennet not only says she will spend the rest of her life hating Arzu but also, she will hate herself for being the daughter of an irresponsible mother like Arzu! Look at all those shocked faces! Sema’s going to enjoy this, she finally has dirt on Arzu.

I'll do a recap of tonight's show and put it up as soon as I can.



Steve, I was shocked when I heard about María Celeste Arrarás and Rashel Díaz.

María Celeste wrote that ”they have decided to take the program [Al Rojo Vivo] in a different direction due to changes around the pandemic".

Does that mean financial changes rather than programming changes? These ladies probably made big bucks. I'm sure there must be severance clauses in their contracts. And I'm sure both will land on their feet somewhere else.




Many thanks, Cennet, for your very interesting ahd helpful comments. And thanks especially for the addition at the end.

I'm still having a hard time (though an interesting time) trying to figure out who the people I should root for are. I assume Cennet and Selim belong in that category. And I confess that I like Nilgun, knowing very little about her. I think I like her because she seems to be smart, perceptive, and, at least in the part of the novela that I've seen, not prone to fits of hysteria. I was impressed with her question to Pinar--Kaya knew you'd been spying on him and he let you go? I think/hope she'll soon figure out why Kaya did that, and perhaps help find a way to thwart Kaya's using Pinar as his spy. Yes, you told me that Nilgun at one point kidnapped Cennet and tried to kill her to keep Selim from learning he was adopted, and that does give me pause (to put it mildly). Still, I'm hoping that she feels more secure about Selim now. Or, if not, that at least she'll help bring down Kaya.

I was also hoping that Sema might turn out to be useful, but after last night, I'm no longer so hopeful. I had hoped that she had caught a glimpse of Melisa out of bed and standing up, but apparently she didn't. And she seems singlemindedly opposed to Arzu.

As for Arzu...Yes, she's a victim of a terrible rape, and yes, I suppose she's a good person (I was especially impressed with her in the prison scene), but frankly, she often drives me up a wall.

OK, ¡ya basta! Looking forward to your recap.


Sorry, I’m still waiting for #88 to be posted.

I've been watching from the beginning and it's been difficult for me to decide who to root for, too, Juanita. Everyone takes turns irritating me.

Cennet and Selim are the obvious choices, but there's much that annoys me about them, individually and as a couple.

Mukaddess and Suna are good people, even if they kept the truth from Cennet. They had no idea where Cavidan was all those years. They meant well.

You mention Nilgun and in spite of her dastardly deeds, I've had some sympathy for her.

I kind of like Sema. Your description of Nilgun fits Sema. She knew from the beginning there was something about Arzu. She got no respect.

Melisa is number one on my hitlist. I can't stand her.

I feel the same way as you about Arzu. There was nothing likeable about her for quite a while.

I can't like Kaya, there’s no redemption for him, but I think he's a very entertaining villain.



I'm a little concerned, dondi356, about your having to wait before your recap is posted. Don't you post it here, where it says "leave your comment"? If so, the comment should appear immediately.


Sorry, I should have explained better. I'm waiting for Telemundo to post #88 to their site. The episode is still not up yet. I'm getting anxious; I'm sure it was an eventful episode!

The problem is not with Caray.



Thanks, dondi, I'm relieved to hear that it's not a Caray issue. I've just checked, and I think episode 88 is finally up on the Telemundo site.


I've been checking all day. They have a link up but when I click I get, "La Página Que Buscas No Está Disponible". I'll keep trying. I also checked Telemundo on YouTube, nothing there either.



Wow, you're right. It never occurred to me to check the link, but now I did so and found a "404 no encontrado" message.

Hmmm...I do have some notes that I made. At times I can't even read what I wrote, and I remember thinking that it didn't matter, since I wasn't going to write a recap. :-)
Anyway, I think that since the episode is not available on either Telemundo or YouTube, perhaps I should try to decipher my notes and write some sort of recap. Please let me know whether this is OK with you.


dondi, I've now managed to put together a recap of sorts. I'm reluctant to post it, in case you're in the process of writing something. Please let me know.


Please put up your recap. Don't let your work go to waste. Anyway, I'm dying to know what happened. Hopefully Telemundo will have it up by tomorrow and I can comment.

Thank you.

Cennet - ep. 88 - p. 1 de 2

Thanks very much, dondi356!

The episode begins pretty much where the previous one left off. Cennet has confronted Arzu. Arzu continues to call her mi hija, but Cennet insists that she's not Arzu's daughter, her mother was Cavidad, and Cavidad is dead. "We're done, Arzu Soyer," she says.

Selim takes Cennet away in his car. Arzu tries unsuccessfully to hold on to the car, and then she runs after it, eventually falling on the ground.

Kaya sits in his house holding his pistol. "Just kill yourself before she finds out," he tells himself.

Arzu returns to her house, entering like a sleepwalker. Mahir hits her, saying "All this time, I trusted you. It was a lie, all these years." Orhan urges Arzu to tell what happened from the beginning. He says to Mahir, "She didn't cheat on my father as he did on her." Arzu confirms that she never cheated on Mahir. Sema remains hostile to Arzu, saying nasty things. Melisa stands up to Sema, presumably to win points with Arzu.

Cennet and Selim are about to take a boat ride. Selim tells her that she should talk to her mother and ask her what happened, why she abandoned her. A mother would never abandon a baby so soon, there must be a reason. Cennet accuses him of taking Arzu's side. She tells him "We're done!" and leaves the boat (which hasn't yet set sail).

Sema's lawyer arrives. Mahir says he doesn't think Arzu cheated on him. He asks Arzu to tell what happened. Arzu says, "Nothing I say will change things." Apparently Sema wants to transfer stock holdings from Arzu back to the Soyer family. Again, Melisa stands up for Arzu, telling Sema that what she's proposing is unfair, that Arzu worked hard for many years. Sema insists that "Cavidan" sign the agreement to transfer the stock. I was beginning to get very annoyed at Arzu's seeming passivity, but then she surprised me (and the Soyers as well). She takes the pen, and instead of signing, she scrawls a line through the document, then tears it up. (Hurray! The gutsy Arzu who defied the bully at the prison is back!!) Sema slaps her. Arzu tells her "You don't know what happened to me." Sema replies, "I don't care." Arzu warns her, "Don't mess with my family." Melisa is forced inside the house and the door is closed. Sema tells Cennet, "You'll never see Melisa again. Now will you sign?"

Mukaddes and Suna are about to move out of their house, as the landloard has insisted. Mukaddes is reluctant to move until Cennet returns. Finally, though, they leave (leaving an immaculately spotless living room). They have left a piece of paper for Cennet with their new address. They bid goodbye to their neighbors. As soon as they're gone, Cennet comes back. She finds the address. She remembers as a child having a nightmare that Mukaddes had left her.

Kaya is still sitting in his house, depressed at the thought that Cavidan told Cennet the truth. He's still holding his gun.

Nilgun tells Selim that they should take only their clothes, they'll furnish their new house differently. Pinar makes it clear that her main concern is that her daughter should be far away from Kaya. She doesn't say what she may have to do to keep Kaya from hurting her daughter. Selim tries unsuccessfully to call Cennet.

Cennet is still in Mukaddes' old place. She takes something out of a small box--pills! She apparently takes them all and lies on the floor, thinking "I want to die. Please forgive me."

Cennet - ep. 88 - p. 2 de 2

Arzu goes to Mukaddes' old place, looking for Cennet. A neighbor tells her there's no one there, they've moved. Though Arzu doesn't know it, Cennet is slumped on the floor inside the house. Arzu starts to walk away. Cennet says very softly, "Mother, you're here." Arzu keeps walking for another second or two, but then, this being a telenovela, the power of the child's call to her mother, sensed rather than heard, forces her to turn around and go back, calling Cennet, Cennet, Cennet. She looks around and finds a hidden extra key.She enters the house and finds Cennet unconscious on the floor with the empty pill bottle by her side. She immediately calls for an ambulance.

Kaya holds the pistol to his head. Halil rushes in and grabs it from him.

As Mukaddes and Suna are moving in to their new residence, Suna gets a call. Cennet has tried to kill herself.

Selim tries again to call Cennet. In the ambulance, Arzu answers Cennet's phone and tells Selim that they're on their way to the hospital. Pinar hears Selim's end of the call. She calls Kaya. He doesn't answer. Halil bangs on a locked door. Kaya is again sitting with a gun. He has a vision of a young Cavidan. He puts one bullet in the chamber. Russian roulette? He puts the gun to his head. The episode ends.


Fabulous recap, Juanita! And many thanks for stepping in on short notice. You did a great job with just random notes. There was a lot happening and you captured it all.

Late last night, I lucked out and found the episode posted at a different Telemundo link. It seems to have disappeared again.

Easy for Melisa to defend her mother now because she believes Cennet is done with them.

Justification for Sema! She told everyone Arzu had secrets and couldn’t be trusted. Everyone thought she was just jealous and spiteful and they continually shut her down.

Some background: Riza loved Arzu like the daughter he never had. He doted on her and she adored him in return. He didn’t care she changed her name, but when he found out she abandoned her newborn baby, he turned on her. He felt betrayed. Riza had the exact same reaction that Sema has now. It literally killed him.

Riza left those shares to Arzu in his will. He died before he could change it and give Arzu the boot. Sema, Orhan and especially Mahir were shocked and upset at the reading of the will. Arzu was so smug. I must be honest and say, it is true that Arzu was a hard worker and even though she wasn’t an attentive wife to Mahir, she never cheated.

It’s annoying that Arzu will not tell her story. She has been given several opportunities to explain. I suppose we must continue to believe it’s still too painful and shameful. She did confide in Cengiz early on and he was sympathetic and somewhat helpful in scheming against Cennet.

That’s a giant picture poster of the young Cavidan plastered to the back of Kaya’s wardrobe. We see him look at it from time to time. I’m sure something will keep Kaya from killing himself. That’s letting him off the hook too easily and there’s still a few weeks to go.

We can be sure Cennet will survive.



Oops, I just looked at the recap I posted yesterday, and I saw that I mistyped Cavidan twice at the start as "Cavidad". In the rest of the recap, I think it's typed correctly, but since the error appears twice, I thought I'd mention it.

I just tried again to see whether Telemundo has made episode 88 available on its site, but still no luck. ☹️


Belated thanks, dondi356, for your wonderful comments about the recap. Though my brief "oops" comment appears after yours, I didn't see yours when I posted mine. I then left for most of the day.

I agree that Melisa's defending her mother is possible only because she thinks Cennet is no longer in the picture.

Thanks very much for the background information about Riza and Arzu. I had no idea how Arzu managed to have shares in the company. And thanks, too, for explaining that Kaya was looking at a large picture poster of a young Cavidan.

Though I'm frustrated at Arzu's refusal/inability to let people know that Kaya raped her, I was really pleased last night that she stood up to Sema and tore up the agreement Sema demanded that she sign. It reminded me of Arzu's courage when threatened by the prison bully. I hope we'll see more evidence of Arzu's strength in these closing weeks.

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