Thursday, September 24, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Sept. 21, 2020

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. “Médicos: Linea de Vida” starts at a new time (8PM) this week and Lila continues to whip out her entertaining recaps for it. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

7PM – Vencer el Miedo

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida

10PM – Dulce Ambición: Ep. 13-14

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Que tal, Peeps! Prayers and well wishes for you, your loved ones, friends, neighbors, all human-kind all day long. We made it, Peeps! We made it through a long rough patch and, as we look forward to the BIG GALA, I hope it goes well! After all, it WILL literally benefit the Instituto! The baddies can still get their anvils! The first scene is a reprise of devastated Luis with Gonzalo. Let’s bless him, and move on. Pain and bitterness get short shrift, but fill in or correct on that or anything else you wish! Vamanos!

Regina is in the common room when David enters. Regina is surprised he is not in the OPC! David tells her about Luis feeling he needed to work. They agree that this was not a good idea but David says in cases like this you don’t know what’s good, what’s bad, or really how to help. Yes, Regina says, everybody confronts the pain of grief differently. Regina has put down her chart; faces David but she is looking down, her head resting against her left hand. David has not stopped looking at her. He scoots his chair in close. “And you, how are you?” he asks, taking both her hands in his. She keeps it to work and tells him about the critical case of hemorrhagic dengue fever in the ICU. David is surprised. Yes, he was in Chiapas and contracted it there. [This must have been just awful, and COVID had not started yet!] She updates him on the treatment and patient’s progress. David asks if she needs help. Regina’s face has brightened somewhat as she looks at David and says she doesn’t need help, Art is on the case. For the first time David looks away from Regina, with the same look that overcame her when she learned David was going to the OPC. He looks back at her, smiling. “Look, I insist, may I help you?” Making the motion of beating a drum she says, recapitulemos, let’s start over! They laugh. “Why are you like this, he’ll do a good job!” David says, “Ok, in that case I am glad because I have you here with me to enjoy for a few moments, while mr. doctor is there, attending his patients, I’ve got you here.”


MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

We hear a playful mandolin; David and Regina’s eyes have taken on a dreamy, playful softness. Regina says, “Exactly.” David moves in to plant a quick, soft kiss which Regina receives with a smile, followed by two more. David moves back just a bit to regard the impact of his kisses. Regina rewards him with a smile and a long, loving gaze. When we rejoin them, their foreheads have been pressed together, eyes closed as if in deep communion; his arms lightly grasp her shoulders while her right hand is on his shoulder and her left caresses his beard. With some effort, Regina pulls away, points her finger in the air and says she has to go see a patient. Ah, despite the bright hospital lights, they are both in a passionate zone as witnessed by their heavily-lidded eyes. “I insist, may I help you?” “OK, you stay in the ER, I will go to the ICU.” David’s shoulders slightly drop and, looking at her lips he says, “But I want to spend more time here with you.” “You’ve got to work, David.” She says smiling, now looking at his lips. He turns his mouth down in a perfect pout! [I know you’re melting, UnOp!] She laughs. “It enchants me that we share this passion for saving lives.” Still close and dreamy-eyed, she says simply. “I like to work when I’m with you.” After a pause David traces each of Regina’s eyebrows with his thumbs, all the while looking into her face; her eyes reflexively close but then open as he gently traces a line down her nose and then moves in for the tenderest of kisses. He sighs, “Me encantas, mucho, mucho!” “Y tu a mi.” Regina smiles, ruffles his spiked salt and pepper hair and initiates her own tender kiss before pulling away with a brilliant smile and stands up, bracing her rise with her hand on his back. “And now, I’m off! I’ve got a lot of work!” David is still sitting, complaining, half in jest, “NO, NO.” “Yes, I’m not going to stay here!” Regina goes toward the door; David leans back in the chair. Regina accepts this unspoken invitation for a kiss which she plants on him with a quick “ciao” and leaves, grinning! David makes a big exhale, sits up, shakes his head once, and then more vigorously again, smiling and savoring what just happened: simultaneously checking this delicious reality and clearing his head to attend to the work at hand.

Around the Instituto Tania runs into the Mother of Chris, the adorable little boy who was encouraged to continue his treatment by Daniel’s enlisting the aid of a famous Mexican Luchador. Chris is doing so well, he is in the PET scan* to assess the status of his cancer. Mom asks her to please thank Daniel for everything he did for her son! Meanwhile, in the OPC, it doesn’t go well for Luis. A Mother brings in a little boy, may 10, with fever. This is enough to send Luis into a panic: what if he makes the same mistake he made with Gabe! Luis flees the OPC office. Ana is understanding and tries to find out what happened, first leading Luis in a few calming inhalation and exhalations. He’s sorry, but he can’t see the patient. Ana sees the patient; it’s an intestinal infection for which she prescribes antibiotics, a bland diet and strict handwashing before and after using the bathroom. Ana tells Luis later the child had a simple infection and asks if he is OK. No, he is not; being at the hospital is only hurting more. He leaves. Pobrecito, we catch up with him later. [*A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that allows your doctor to check for diseases in your body. The scan uses a special dye containing radioactive tracers. These tracers are either swallowed, inhaled, or injected into a vein in your arm depending on what part of the body is being examined….Healthline.]


MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Speaking of short shrift to bitterness, Art verbally assaults David in the medicine/supply room. He is menacing and overbearing, telling David that HE’S the one who really loves Regina he had better not hurt Regina and that when he does David will have to answer to him. David doesn’t take anything seriously, and he’s not going to let David play with Regina. Frankly, it’s a lot of baiting-smack talk, expand if you wish! Thankfully, David realizes Art is trying to trigger him and he steps back from Art, having earlier responded to Art’s provocation by getting almost nose to nose with him. David does tell Art to but out of THEIR lives. Art leaves with his smug arrogance, feeling sure he has scored a point. [For yours truly, Art has just become a villain, at least for Regina and David!]

Elsewhere, Cinthia gets a call from Patricia after she and Const leave the dress boutique. Patricia wants to tell Cinthia about a surprise her Dad has for her. Well, Cinthia is busy and there’s an event this weekend, maybe next week? Patricia doesn’t insist. Tania swings by; she wants Cinthia to help her with something. Evening falls and we find René still in his office, talking to a credit card company. Miryea enters the office and he kvetches to her about all the money Const has been spending in the last few days! René is still excited about the BIG GALA! He thinks it will be so important for them! Miryea is jerked back to reality when she realizes Constanza will be at the GALA! SAY WHAT??? Well, of course, Rene says, Miryea knows how this goes, it’s a big shindig with the Secretary and Undersecretary of the Department of Health and all the deep pockets in the area; he has to be there with his wife! Miryea is done and rejects Rene’s attempts to woo her with the usual, “you’re the only one that drives me crazy” BS. She leaves in a huff! Later at home, René has another conniption when he sees all the bags and dresses and such all in one place. Unfazed, Const declares it’s an investment!

Regina and Cinthia chats in the common room when Regina casually mentions that she will be attending the GALA with David. Uh, did I miss something here? Cinthia wonders aloud. Regina looks away with a mischievous coyness, waiting for Cinthia to catch her drift, which she does very quickly! Oh! Tell me everything! They slip into girlfriend mode! Regina whispers, “I’m going out with David!” Cinthia is happy! Finally! Regina says they’re just seeing what will happen, nothing more. “I feel so good, Cinthia, so happy; he makes me feel good!” “Oh, enjoy it! You and David deserve to be happy!” They toast with their coffees!


MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

At this moment, poor Luis is sitting alone in the call room, in the dark. A different Art than the menacing, arrogant one comes in and listens to Luis’ pain: He can’t be at home, he can’t be here. Art offers, and Luis accepts to go to Art’s house. Later, at Arts house, Art is comforting brother to broken Luis. Luis feels Susana is right in blaming him for Gabriel’s death! Art understands Luis’ feelings of guilt for Gabriel’s death but rejects Luis bearing any blame; he went through the same over Cecelia. It hurts so much now, but he can and will heal with time. Later in the evening, Luis returns home to find Susana wearing black and wrapped in a black throw, nearly catatonic with grief. She says she does not need anything or anybody. Her life is over; she can’t go on without her son. He begs more; she rejects more. He tells her he is coming to get some clothes as he will be staying at Arts for a while. She says do whatever he wants. He says he will not stop insisting. He goes into Gabriel’s room, picks up a celebrity-signed soccer ball and sobs as he recalls Gabriel saying he wanted the three of them to go to a game of their favorite team, América, all three of them happy!

The work day is over; Daniel is totally up the day’s take with his Mom at a single table on the sidewalk. OH EM GEE WHIZZ! Little by little, the whole Instituto gang has come to the little humble eatery: Tania, Pamela, Lili, (an unnamed cute Nurse); Cinthia and Rafa! David and Regina! Gonzalo! Daniel and Elena joyously greet each one with a hug! They all pull out tables to the sidewalk as Elena scurries about to prepare their famous tortas!

Oh, rip my heart right out of my chest, why don’t ya! At this moment, Ana is home alone with a glass of wine, the bottle nearby for refills and she is weeping as she replays David’s voice earlier in the day telling her about how much she has accomplished and how proud she should be of herself! Oh, my gosh! I wish David had a twin brother! POBRECITA!!!!

Back at the surprise chow down at the café, Elena thanks everyone for supporting her Daniel! There are the usual gracious de nadas and the group does indeed wolf down and enjoy the tortas! David tells Gonzalo that he feels so well fed, he’s ready to do a double shift! Elena says Daniel is so lucky to have bosses and companions like them. No, Regina says THEY are fortunate to have him. Rafa remarks he didn’t know what Cinthia had in mind when he said he had a surprise. Cinthia calls out that this surprise is all thanks to TANIA!!!! They all applaud! Rafa gets some love and support, too. Gonzalo, Regina and David are so glad to see him! Yes, he’s doing well, thanks to their belief in him. They are the best friends a guy could ever have! The chow down winds down; Gonzalo pays with a huge BILL and tells them to please, keep the change. Tania declares she’s going to tell all her friends about the Juarez’s café, and so will Pam! Gonzalo’s torta is so large, he’s saving some for breakfast and vows to come back! The happy group breaks up with hugs, besos and calls of GRACIAS from Daniel and Elena! Later at home, Daniel and Elena lift Paco up with the news of the surprise visit of his friends! Daniel tries to go back into a funk over Gabriel but Paco urges him to use the sadness as fuel to move on!


MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

David and Regina dismount from his bike. How does she like the apartment? He did very well; good location, lots of space! He says it was easy because he knows her very well. [Ok, need help with the Spanish. She says, “..desde esta momento estabas pensando en mi?” To which he answers, ”Creo que desde un poco bastante antes.” I know he’s basically saying he’s been thinking about her for a long time.] Regina says, “It’s funny, isn’t it, how life works? David, I never thought that anything would ever happen between us.” They are facing each other, both wearing jackets against the evening chill but generating their own warmth. Regina continues “And another thing equally funny! It feels good.” David moves closer. “Ay, what a beautiful thing to say to me. That enchants me.” They now hold each other’s upper arms and he gazes at her lips. Regina says, “It’s so strange how we study the heart, the nervous system, the whole body if you will but, how do you study love? This is inexplicable.” “I’ll explain something to you,” David says and moves in and they share a kiss that they reload five ecstatic times. David says, “I don’t know, there are times when I don’t think this is real.” Regina shakes him vigorously to which he protests with mock pain. “OUCH!” Laughing, she says, “It’s real, Doctor.” “I must have done something really great in another life for this to have happened to me.” “Well, do you think saving lives everyday counts for something? David, you and I may have different ways, but your method works.” “Vaya, this is a real compliment!” She kisses him, “Get some rest; tomorrow is going to be a long day and this weekend even more.” Aww, man, he doesn’t want to go. Regina says, come on, it’s for the Instituto and it will support Gonzalo and help us attract more donors. He says he’ll go because she will be there, nothing more.” “Descansa,” she says again and they share five quick kisses punctuated with the hair ruffle that she has now taken over from him. She watches him lovingly as he puts on his helmet and mounts his bike and we are serenaded by their signature song.

Cinthia and Rafa arrive to her apartment where they talk about his therapy: he was relieved of some very loads, some issues buried in his past. They talk of wounds that won’t go away; she uses the analogy of a broken bone mending and being stronger than before. They miss each other. He loves how she always know just the right thing to say to him. Thanks to her, he’s making it through. Cinthia emphasizes it is his own effort that is making him succeed. Rafa insists that she inspires him to be a better person and everything he’s doing now is because he wants to be stronger so he can be with her. Cinthia is just as insistent that he must do this for himself. He knows, but after all she has done for him, he can’t get her out of his mind. She thinks it’s better if he finish all this treatment, and then they can see what happens between them. This doesn’t mean that she won’t be by his side helping him with whatever he needs. Cinthia scares Rafa when she says she has something to tell him. She quickly relieves his suspense, “I am very proud of you!” PHEW! goes Rafa! “You have conquered all your fears; you’ve done very well and I wish I could do as much with my Parents, my life would have been very different.” Rafa says Humberto is very good and Cinthia should think about therapy. No, she thinks her situation is different. “They don’t accept me as I am and hope for something from me that I can’t give them.” Nadie puede no aceptarte como tu eres. Porque arrasas con todo. Nobody can reject you for who you are? Because you destroy everything? [Help?] He takes her hand. “Listen, pretending that things are fine when they are not is a very deep pain. I’m telling you from experience.”


MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20 END

The next morning, Daniel and David chat outside the hospital. Daniel wants to take care of his Dad’s debt; David says his offer still stands: he doesn’t want that crook to keep increasing the debt with his loan shark interest. Tania interrupts their conversation to grab Daniel. She has something to show him. They run into the hospital. Art and Regina go to see Erik, who is doing much better. All his friends who donated blood wave through the window of the ICU. Art uses this opportunity to throw shade at Regina, looking at her meaningfully over his mask while saying THESE are true friends, who are with you through thick and thin! [Whatevs, Arturito!]

Tania tells Daniel that after all the time and effort, Chris has won his battle against cancer! The PET scan showed NO CANCER!! In the cancer center we see the family, friends and fellow patients of little Chris have gathered for him to ring the bell of triumph over cancer! The impossibly precious little sweetheart covers his bald head with a knit hat; he gives a tearful recognition and thanks to Daniel for encouraging him when he didn’t want to go on with his treatment; going so far as to bring his favorite Luchador to see him personally! Chris rings, and rings, and rings the bell to the misty-eyed smile and applause of all! He tells Daniel he is going to miss him; he wants to come back tomorrow and visit him and invites Daniel to his house to play. Sweet little Chris cries and tells him, “You have to cure more children because everybody doesn’t have a good Doctor like you!” They hug and we know Daniel now has his fuel to go on!

That was the final scene but I wanted to end with a wordless montage, accompanied by music in which we see Pat and Const planning the GALA; Daniel seeing a little girl at the Instituto and Tania looking on affectionately; Elena serving people who have heard about the café online due to Tania’s adverts; Cinthia seeing a patient; Rafa having his last group meeting, thanking everyone; Rafa texting Cinthia to tell her and thank her for her support. And finally, David surrounding Regina with his arms as she sits at the table in the common room, a coffee in each hand and tender kisses on the side of her face. They rest their cheeks together for a moment and breathe in each other’s loving energy. He sits next to her and, without words we see them chat; she beams a deep centered joy and he is attentive to her every word and gesture.

THE END FOR NOW [Peeps, I couldn't think of the Luchador dudes name to save my soul!]



Lila, I honestly can't think of one detail you didn't include or any scene you didn't make shine. Exquisite, sheer perfection.

I believe that this is the first episode in which happiness and a few joyous events were a theme rather than an anomaly. We needed this so much. Thank you writers and thank you Lila for your marvelous retelling.

"We hear a playful mandolin" and " David and Regina’s eyes have taken on a dreamy, playful softness When we rejoin them, their foreheads have been pressed together, eyes closed as if in deep communion..." were adrenaline to the heart and soul.

There is a strong theme of camaraderie. David standing up, going above and beyond for Daniel and certainly "a different Art than the menacing, arrogant one comes in and listens to Luis’ pain." Cin and Regina, Tania and Pamela. Quite a list.

But, is there anyone for Ana? It took effort to stop looking at her beautiful apartment but it was very sad to see Ana's softer, painful other side. I know we reap what we sow but is there any support in her life? She is misconstruing David's kindness and fear she is in for more hurt.

Rafa has done well and I hope he continues. Cin has wisely put their relationship on hold. If only she would seek therapy. I fear she will need it more than ever based on suspicion her father has some dastardly deed in mind to possibly end her career (?)

Chris' remission was heartening. Tania has also proven to be a loyal friend. But will she be more to Daniel in the end?

I'm now enjoying every scene with Daniel's parents.

So it looks like quite the soiree is in store tonight! What could possibly go wrong? Let me count the ways :)

Lila, thank you for another uplifting, heartfelt and wonderful summary.



Wow LILA. Your light really shines when you're writing about David and Regina. You make every scene better with you dish about it with us. This was just delicious:

"We hear a playful mandolin; David and Regina’s eyes have taken on a dreamy, playful softness. Regina says, “Exactly.” David moves in to plant a quick, soft kiss which Regina receives with a smile, followed by two more. David moves back just a bit to regard the impact of his kisses. Regina rewards him with a smile and a long, loving gaze. When we rejoin them, their foreheads have been pressed together, eyes closed as if in deep communion; his arms lightly grasp her shoulders while her right hand is on his shoulder and her left caresses his beard. With some effort, Regina pulls away, points her finger in the air and says she has to go see a patient."

And just as nice were these phrases....

[Regina and David] both wearing jackets against the chill but generating their own warmth.


[Regina and David] breathe in each other's loving energy

All such wonderful ways to describe this new-found, tender love.

As for Arturo, yes, we saw both sides. When he was snarling at David his face looked like a Doberman Pinscher's--but then he flipped to compassionate and caring when ministering to Luis.

And oh my, yes, rip your heart out indeed with that scene of Ana, sitting all alone in her lovely apartment. A wrenching scene. Simple but powerful.

Lady, you amaze me day after day with these. I tip my hat to you big-time, and thanks, thanks thanks as always.

Medicos. I agree with JudyB, Lila. Another superb description of romantic love! And I too was happy that this episode was more positive and uplifting. I was especially happy that Daniel had that win and gratitude from Chris, to offset a bit his unhappiness and unmerited guilt about Gilberto's death. Art did look scary and unbalanced when he confronted David. Maybe he could use a good therapist. But yes, he was kind to Luis and still treats patients very competently, so maybe he's not completely off the rails. Ana and Art? Nah.

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Hi, Diana! Thanks, Hon! I took my time: we all needed it after a rough novela week!

Girl, David and Regina brought it, didn't they! In that scene where he stroked her eyebrows, it almost felt like Livia was too much into it and opened her eyes, instead of Regina, but yah, loved them together!

ITA with this:

There is a strong theme of camaraderie. David standing up, going above and beyond for Daniel and certainly "a different Art than the menacing, arrogant one comes in and listens to Luis’ pain." Cin and Regina, Tania and Pamela. Quite a list.

And get Rafa out of that group. I don't know why Carmen was even there but I don't want to see her again! Bad vibes!

Tania has also proven to be a loyal friend. But will she be more to Daniel in the end?

Diana, seems like they're building to a something more. And yes, Daniel's Parents are easier to take!

You're welcome, Diana!

BIG GALA tonight. Remember, Friday night is posted Saturday afternoon!

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

JudyB! I am so glad for these crazy kids to be together. Like UnOp said, I know they have to break up, but Jeezopete, they just got together! Let Art not provoke David and Regina fall for it; or Ana go crying to David and he comfort her know what I mean. Let them present a united, loving front to the Pinscher (Art) and the Pitiful (Ana) and keep on LOVIN'!

You are welcome, JudyB! Are we dressing up or down or piggin' out for THE GALA tonight!

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

SpanProf!!! YAAAAAY! Thank you!!

SpanProf, Art crossed a line today! These actors are so good, it was actually painful hearing what he said to my David and I just couldn't bear to do it verbatim! He is downright dangerous! Cecelia was not the only sick puppy in that relationship!

Remember how Cecelia talked about in the beginning he just couldn't get enough of, er, loving her and she wanted that again. I get that vibe from Art that he could be physically very expressive, but selfish and then morph that into a symbiotic dependency with his partner IF the partner is psycho-emotionally vulnerable, as Cecelia was. Regina IS NOT, but she does not want Art, she wants her some DAAAAAVIIIIIDDDD!!!

Ana and Luis a long time from now?

Thanks, SpanProf! Y'all don't stop talking!



Lila, thank you for delivering another heartfelt account of everything that transpired.

Ana is a prickly cactus , but loneliness make you bitter.

Art is delusional .

David and Regina look so happy . That wonderful time when you first realize you are falling in love. Back in the day, you could call the local radio station or talk to the th at the school dance and dedicate songs to to someone . So..I would like to dedicate one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite duos Hall and Oates " Do It for Love" to Regina and David .


Thank you so much Lila!! Just wonderful! Especially all of the David and Regina scenes! And yes, you are correct- I was melting, swooning, gushing, the whole bit lol. Especially when Regina says “how do we study love?” David says “I’ll show you how” and kisses her!

I have mixed feelings about Art. During the confrontation with David I was thinking, geez I hate this guy. He is going out of his way to provoke David so he can turn around and say to Regina “I told you so.” But then we see him being a good guy.. so I’m not sure what to think.

I loved the scene with little Chris ringing the bell, we all needed that feel-good moment! Also when everyone went to the shop to eat tortas and Tania telling people to go, that was a really good idea

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Thank you, Susanlynn!!! Oh yes, if this had been back in the day, I'm sure David would have called in dedications to Regina! Now I'm going to have to think of some, too! Great idea, Susanlynn! Off to an errand. I'm going to think of some love songs.

I see you UnOp! Back in a flash!


Judy, Susanlynn and SpanProf, I am holding out hope for Art. At least for the time being.

Time lapses are not clear (at least to me) in many of these TNs. Has Art come to terms with Cecelia's passing? The truth is we don't know. I only need to look at Ana to remind myself that there is often a gaping wound to the heart, invisible to the world.

As much as I like David, I think it only fair to say he was as obsessed with Regina as Art is now. Remember all those pics on his phone when Sergio was very much in the picture?

The difference is that I don't believe David would have pushed himself on Regina or categorized the relationship as something it wasn't. Art told Pamela he was in a relationship and his menacing attitude to David is disturbing. Art definitely needs therapy.

"Ana and Luis a long time from now?" Now, there's a fascinating thought Lila! Now that we are seeing a more human side to Ana, that might well be a possibility.

I'm not dressing up for the party tonight (have a lot to do after work today) so will be in my comfy pjs, riveted to the screen. In addition to what everyone will be doing and saying, can't wait to see what they wear. I loved Rene's exasperation at Connie's spending and can't wait to see what she is sporting. I do hope it was outrageously expensive!


Diana, I bet Con bought the most expensive gown in that store because she is so sure that she is going to be able to push Rene to great heights with her new connections to the rich and powerful . Con is the puppet master . Rene is just the greedy , grasping guy who is more than willing to hurt anyone to get money and power. Ugh . Mir isn't happy that Rene will be at the BIG GALA with his wife. Let's see how that affects Mir's willingness to keep doing Rene's bidding . Rene is juggling a lot of balls .


Thanks, Lila. Delightful recap. It's fun to see Regina taking another chance on love.

Yep, Art sure is a sore loser. My take is he’s never been on the losing end before. Poor Cecelia always fed his ego. Now the Adonis is getting rejected and he just can't compute this. I'm so glad David kept his cool with him.

Looking forward to the gala. Got popcorn and beer ready.


No fancy duds for me... I’ll still be in my cargo pants and tee-shirt. And the brownies are all gone. I’ll be having a very chaste celebration with pretzels and an O’Douls. But hey, if I were there, I’d have my gladrags on and making a beeline for Gonzalo. The man is a teddy bear...and he can cook!

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Howdy, and Gracias, UnOp!!! Oh, yes! It's only in cyberspace, but I feel like I know you, Girl! That pout was so cute! I bet it was ad libbed. I feel like D.A. ad libs a lot based on the foundational characteristics of the character he's portraying. It was just so endearing and yes: ...when Regina says “how do we study love?” David says “I’ll show you how” and kisses her! AAAYYYYYIIII!

Yes, little Chris fixed my heart back up after Ana ripped it out. And Art. Yah, it's Dr Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. I can understand being jealous and protective of "your woman," but I just feel like he would take it to a whole crazy level. That, and the fact that she told him she liked him "as a friend." She ain't lookin' for no pit bull protector. Uuuuf! Art gives me the heebie jeebies! Let's keep our eye on him. If he hurts our David, I'm going to rip him several new ones with my keypad!!!

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

I've got a song to dedicate to Regina and David!!LOVE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY, BY MERCY.....1969!

Yes, it's old and I ain't a bit ashamed! LOVED this song back in the day!

Thanks, Niecie!! ITA about Art. Never thought about it like that. He's a looker and he's smooth. He doesn't know how to lose!

Diana, Urban and others who know how to evaluate clothes, I will leave it totally to you. I have no fashion sense! I will be in my fleece jammies even though it's not cold yet and with cinnamon apple tea, peanut butter and crackers! YAH!!

JudyB Gonzalo IS a teddy bear! I hope the poor sweetheart doesn't get hurt tonight! I guess he's safe as long as Aurora the Horror isn't there!


It will be fun watching the interactions as everyone comes all dolled up to the BIG GALA . Rene and Con will be wheeling and dea!ing. Reg and Dave will be billing and cooing. Art and Ana will be seething and scheming.

Gee, everyone has an outfit and treat planned for the BIG GALA , but I don't usually eat or drink after 8. Maybe I will put on a pair of dangling earrings.

Lila, I like your song choice. The 60s and 70s had great love songs. It was a time when people really believed that they would find a soulmate and their love would last a lifetime.

How about " This Time I'm in It for Love " by Player?

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Susanlynn! That is a great choice, too, but now you've gotten me started! I know I have a lot of favorites, but I learned this in my first Spanish class nearly 50 years ago! It is, hands down, one of the most beautiful love songs in any language! THIS is David and Regina! I know it's old and hackneyed to many of you, but I'm sorry, it's BEAUTIFUL and it's best in the native Spanish. Some things don't seem to translate well, like when David says "Me encantas!" "You enchant me" sounds unnatural and stilted. So, anyway, here you go.

Eres Tu

[Letra de "Eres tú" - Mocedades]

[Estrofa 1]
Como una promesa, eres tú, eres tú
Como una mañana de verano
Como una sonrisa, eres tú, eres tú
Así, así, eres tú
Toda mi esperanza, eres tú, eres tú
Como lluvia fresca en mis manos
Como fuerte brisa, eres tú, eres tú
Así, así, eres tú

Eres tú como el agua de mi fuente
(Algo así eres tú)
Eres tú el fuego de mi hogar
Eres tú como el fuego de mi hoguera
Eres tú el trigo de mi pan

[Estrofa 2]
Como mi poema, eres tú, eres tú
Como una guitarra en la noche
Todo mi horizonte eres tú, eres tú
Así, así, eres tú

Eres tú como el agua de mi fuente
(Algo así eres tú)
Eres tú el fuego de mi hogar
Eres tú como el fuego de mi hoguera
Eres tú el trigo de mi pan

See y'all later!



I’m late today but thanks Lila!

I loved that everyone (or almost everyone) went out to support Daniel and his parents. That was really awesome to see. It’s nice to see that type of support system with the doctors. So far we’ve seen Daniel, Arturo and Luis go through hard times but have their coworkers to support them. Regina and Ana also have gotten some sort of support as well even if it’s mainly from David hehe.

And very nice to see Art offer to help Luis. Yes, he was feisty at times during the episode but he is definitely a good friend. It’s not healthy for Luis nor Susana to just waste away in their grief. Whether together or apart they both need professional help to cope with the pain.

Constanza really went all out for the upcoming gala. Not that it justifies anything but there’s obviously a reason that Rene seeks something elsewhere.

Hope Rafa can return to his job soon: clean and sober.

MÉDICOS #52, 9-24-20

Hey, TF! It's never too late! Thank you! Yes, love and friendship DO run deep in our little story and all our Instituto friends are very supportive of one another. I think they're going to need it. I have no idea what will happen at THE GALA, but this being a novela, something has to go awry! I'm afraid for Cinthia. She doesn't know anything about her Parents involvement in this. Did Rafa say he would be there with her? I hope so. There's nothing more therapeutic than helping someone you really love when you're in need, especially when they've been so supportive of you. Rafa may get his chance tonight!

Yes, Art is a good friend to Luis and not just because Luis supports his pursuit of Regina. We'll leave it at that. I just got a very scary vibe from him with David. Yes, they've got us anxiously waiting, haven't they!

Thank you, TF!



Oh Lila, that song is lovely....even without hearing the melody. Don’t know if it’s true today, but back in the sixties it was the country’s poets who wrote the lyrics to Brazilian love songs, and it certainly must have been a poet who wrote those words. So many unexpected gifts in your recaps...Thank you amiga Mia.


Aw, thanks, JudyB! I hope my hyperlink works. The title should be live so you can listen to a YT video of it. My youngest sib, a brother, called me today out of the blue reminiscing about that song. He's a musician and he remembers me playing and singing it 47 years ago! How random is THAT? So, I'm like, I've just got to dedicate that to Regina and David. Isn't that weird?

It's almost SHOW TIME, PEEPS!!!!


OH, Lila! I LUURVE that song. Hadn’t bothered to look it up to listen to it, but I’m enjoying it once more , THANKS!!


Cool, Rgv Chick You are welcome!!

About to post!

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Que tal, Peeps! Good vibes, prayers and well wishes for everyone, especially anyone facing challenges of any type, and that includes us all! Well. We’re almost done with the BIG GALA, and I’m wondering if it needed all caps. Anyway, this is a skeletal run down which you guys can flesh out if you wish over the weekend. Oh yes, and beyond colors of dresses, I don’t have much fashion sense so I welcome anyone who wants to rate the lovelies on the Instituto runway. Men get away with having stock uniforms to wear so they get left out of the fashion review, but include them if you wish. [Pardon my Spanish with no accents; still trying to master the virtual keyboard or do shortcuts!] Vamanos!

THE BIG GALA was a success for Dr. and Mrs. Rene Castillo who had the opportunity to showcase his understanding of the economic side of health care and it’s primacy over bleeding-heart altruism. The Secretary and Undersecretary of Health are impressed, and Gonzalo is blown away by the turnout, the pledges of support and Montesinos declares, at the end of the evening, they should take this show on the road for other medical centers. Esteban makes sure Marco is introduced as some kind of star resident to the Secretaries and gives his input on areas that need support. Marco says the OPC needs support but the rest of his conversation fades as the camera pans away. Luz also works the room, making sure Doctors meet benefactors knowledgeable about their area of expertise. Dr. Gonzalo Olmedo does his schmoozing and introduces the Health Secretaries to all his Doctors but when he is called away for a medical emergency (more on this later), Rene takes full advantage and drives home to the Secretaries that this is a perfect example of how Gonzalo does not have the temperament to be Director of the Instituto: he takes off to attend to ONE patient, when he should have stayed behind to secure funds that could help MANY! Rene is careful to laud Gonzalo’s medical skills; but he lacks the vision to be Director. Const chimes in as well, throwing shade on Gonzalo while shining the sun on Rene. It seems all but decided that Gonzalo will be relieved of all duties as Director. Esteban pledges his support in any way needed. Oh yeah, Const saw Miryea entering the event and quickly dispatched her as uninvited being neither a Doctor, or Rich or wanted! Miryea leaves and we see her crying in her car later and texting Rene to keep his wife; they’re through and NOT to look for her! Const almost catches Rene reading this text and she reels him back in.


MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Dr. and Mrs. Andres Guerrero are the stars of the BIG GALA. They are introduced as the newest members of the Board of Benefactors, The Patronato. Cinthia is absolutely blind-sided! Rafa particularly notes her shock and touches her back in support. Andres gives a brief speech in which he makes known the debt he owes to the Instituto for this is the place for which his Daughter left her home. Now, he says, he can understand better what she does, be closer to her and, above all, see her evolution into a great Doctor. Cinthia is frowning and her arms are folded while Rafa looks on, mirroring her concern. [Oh yea, Rafa is a fox: I love his perfectly man-scaped goatee, but most of all his luscious brown locks which are only surpassed by Regina’s raven mane.] Andres calls Cinthia up and it seems she may not go up. There is a murmur throughout the banquet hall; her colleagues are surprised; Marco and Esteban exchange glances. Andres doesn’t seem to see her, calls to her again and fills the awkward non response with words of praise. “My Daughter is a Resident here in the Instituto and it is for her hard work and dedication that we have made a generous donation and it gives us joy to be a part of the Patronato.” It takes a lot of urging and childhood dynamics unfold as Patricia finally scolds her, Que pasó, mi hijita? Vén para aca, Chiquita, te estamos hablando mamacita, vén , mira nada mas que chula estas. Un aplauso para mi hija por favor. Come on up here, sweetie, we’re talking to you, little mama, just look at how precious you look! A big round of applause for our Daughter, please!” Uh, yah. Cinthia does finally go up but she is tense and unsmiling during her brief time on stage with her beaming Parents. Her Parents introduce Cinthia to the Secretary and Undersecretary of Health; she is courteous but terse. They don’t seem to notice. After the Secretaries leave, Cinthia and her Parents argue about their intentions in becoming Patrons of the Instituto and essentially moving to Guadalajara. Andres is open-mouth shocked at Cinthia’s lack of gratitude; Cinthia is incensed that, once again, they are making moves to control her life. Patricia says this is the surprise she was trying to tell Cinthia about! For Cinthia, this is not a surprise, but an abuse! They go back and forth. She stings her Parents with her assertion that if she had wanted to be a part of their inheritance, she would have stayed in Guadalajara! Patricia appeals to Cinthia that they are her Parents, NOT her enemies and that they love and miss her. Andres tells her they want to support her but Cinthia asks them to consider how hard it has been up to now to do what she has done all alone. Cinthia angrily leaves and Andres wonders aloud where Cinthia got her stubbornness. Patricia answers Andres with a tweek of his nose implying where Cinthia picked up the DNA.

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Regina, David, Pam, Rafa, Tania and Art all discuss this unexpected turn of events. Most of them didn’t know Cinthia’s Parents were rich. Tania wonders if she asked her Parents to give money to the Instituto. Regina shares that Cinthia is very private and has always striven to keep her work and personal life separate; furthermore, she is very independent and does not want to any help from anybody. David agrees, if Cinthia wanted them to know about her life, she would have let them know. Art seems to be full of double-edged gestures and expressions when he’s around Regina and throws out, looking squarely at David and Regina. “The principal virtue of truth is that it always comes to the surface no matter how much one may want to hide it. Nothing stays hidden!” Art walks off, feeling this was a “drop the mic” moment, smug smile intact. David nods his agreement and looks at an unsmiling Regina who has a different understanding of this “gem” Art just dropped. More on my David and Regina later.

A good deal of support goes to Cinthia, from Rafa and from Regina about her Parents. Before Cinthia can leave, however, she is ambushed again. This time it’s an old family “friend,” Juan Pablo Torreslanda. Way back when Patricia met up with her Mother after a long absence, they were in a restaurant when this dude came over to their table. Patricia invited him to sit down and he carried on about skiing the perfect champaign powder at Vale, blah, blah, blah! He refuses to tell Cinthia how he found out about this event. Yours truly is thinking Patricia must have invited Juanpa, as he calls himself, he is there to make a BIG DONATION to the Instituto and wants to get together with Cinthia over dinner or something and learn all about the medical side of this big investment he is about to make. Rafa comes over to rescue and run interference. Rafa’s argument is there’s not much for him to learn; money pays for medicine and equipment, but what saves lives doesn’t have a price. What’s that? Passion, the kind of passion that Cinthia has in spades, Rafa and Cinthia attest! Juanpa presses that he has long wanted to invite her skiing or to his Parent’s place in Barcelona, but she’s always busy. Rafa says maybe that’s because she finds in the Instituto something she can’t find anywhere else. Cinthia has had enough man-splaining for the night and leaves, declining even Rafa’s offer to accompany her home. Juanpa wants to know if he’ll see her tomorrow. “I’ll text you,” she tosses at him as she leaves. Rafa eyes Juanpa.


MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20 END

Regina and David made their debut as a couple at the BIG GALA. I know her dress was a brilliant red and she was beautiful and my man, David, cleans up right good and is a handsome devil in a tux! Art knew and bristles and spends much of the night eyeing David. Ana is surprised and takes it upon herself to sit at David’s table when Regina is away supporting Cinthia to harangue David about how he and Regina are so different and his free spirit will never tolerate her way of being and she fears this bad match won’t end well and have bad repercussions for his career……Thankfully David and we are rescued after at least a full five minutes by Luz who comes to get Ana to introduce her to a benefactor who can help the OPC. Thanks, Luz! Prior to this, Ana greeted Rafa and tried to pry into what happened with the OPC patient. Rafa handles her deftly, whispering conspiratorially, “it was an allergy.” Art has been staring at David all this times and gives David his now signature arrogant smirk. David just shakes his head like, “whatever dude!” Regina has spent a lot of time away from the table supporting Cinthia and now, alerting Gonzalo to the emergency unfolding in real time in the ER!

Luis and Daniel are on call in the ER during the banquet. Luis is, understandably, distracted and tense. At this same time we are whisked to Aurora’s home. Her husband, Javier, sits at her bedside reading and seems barely aware of her. Aurora asks for some water and after a long moment, Javier gets up, pours her a glass and needs to be prompted on how to support Aurora’s back and to hold the glass so she can drink. Felipe comes in and pounds puppy-like on the bed and asks how she is. “Can’t you see; she can’t even lift a glass of water!” Aurora brushes off their concern: she knows what she has and she is fine. As if looking at his Mother for the first time, Felipe sees she is frail, pale and has huge bags under her eyes. Right before their clueless eyes, Aurora passes out and they rush her to the ER at the Instituto!

Now. I jinxed Gonzalo by saying that the BIG GALA would go fine for him as long as Aurora the Horror wasn’t there. Well, she wasn’t, but she showed up in a different way and her condition is horrible! Luis and Daniel attend Aurora and Luis’ shock at her condition and prior lack of attention is apparent but not intrusive. Long story short, Aurora is nearly dead, a text book case of near fatal, but self-inflicted neglect and malignant health illiteracy: She is confused, has disnea, or respiratory difficulties; astenia, a disease that makes even minimal physical exertion difficult, if not impossible, and can be fatal; adynamia, or lack of strength often associated with neurological diseases or lesions in the medial-frontal lobe of the brain; it comes and goes, and may be hereditary; she is anemic due to bleeding tumors in her uterus, one of which is quite large and worrisome to Luis when he images it on an ultrasound; and she has a vaginal infection. Felipe says his Mother has never had an ultrasound because she felt it CAUSED cancer. In fact, she has not had any medical care and has consistently refused efforts by him and her husband, Javier, to get her medical help. Regina alerts Gonzalo, who takes Felipe’s call and rushes to the ER. Felipe, still calling him Gonzalo says he know that his Mother did not want any help from him and that they told him not to meddle in their lives but please, please save her! Gonzalo tells Felipe he did right to bring her in, admits he is very worried for her current condition but promises he will do everything he can to help her.



Slight correction

Gonzalo is blown away by the turnout, the pledges of support

should be

. . .The Secretary and Undersecretary of Health are impressed and blown away by the turnout and pledges of support. Montesinos declares, at the end of the evening, they should take this show on the road for other medical centers.

Rene is very highly praised for making the event a success; Rene credits Const and Const credits Patricia.


Medicos. Another complete and precise jo of recapping, Lila! Aurora was incredibly stupid (and perhaps a bit nutty) to ignore a bunch of tumors and other health problems for fear she might have cancer! Duh! All the more reason to get to the doctor early. However, I have known a few people who didn't want to confront their fear of cancer in that way. I think Andres Guerrero, now that he has gotten all that stroking from the Instituto board of directors et al, could probably be manipulated to be supportive of Cinthia's career. But we'll see what he's really up to.


Thanks, SpanProf! Aurora's case sounds severe, but it may not be. I knew someone who had breast cancer but refused treatment leading to a horrible and indescribable physical and emotional impact before her death. This is the second time they had a patient not get imagaing because they thought that would CAUSE cancer. So, I think Aurora's case is a prolonged PSA for many people who don't seek medical care, not based on financial difficulty, but due to misperceptions and unfounded "beliefs" about the cause of illness and the effect of various health care procedures to diagnose and/or treat these illnesses. I wonder how old Felipe was when she left Gonzalo? What is her background that she is so illiterate and superstitious about healthcare? I am not dragging Aurora about this. This is not an uncommon problem and many of us don't know how we'd act until we face certain situations ourselves.

I think Andres could be supportive and I was starting to feel like Cinthia DID need scolding...until Juanpa showed up! I think Patricia is match-making to get them a son-in-law to run the Empire while Cinthia continues her doctorcita stuff!

Thanks, SpanProf!


Aurora's case sounds severe,....should be rare.....


Thanks Lila! What an episode this was and can’t wait to see what else happens at the gala.

Rene doing everything he possibly can to make himself look good and Gonzalo look bad. I almost doubt Mireya will keep her word and cut off Rene completely but we’ll see.

I did feel bad for Cinthia that she was put in an awkward position. Her mom treats her like a child and her dad seems to just do things for his own benefit. I’m glad Rafael accompanied her though.

I was surprised that Felipe ultimately decided to take his mom to get treated at the instituto. He couldn’t deny that she would likely get the best treatment there than anywhere else. Hopefully everything goes smoothly otherwise Felipe in particular may pull a Susana on Gonzalo and their relationship will be even more strained if not totally ruined with no chance of reconciliation.

I think David will just brush off what Ana said...haha


Gracias, Lila.

Fashion review will publish at 2PM EST.

Rafael was dodging Rene since the allergy happened, so I give him points for cojones at showing up for this event.

Ironic that Marco was presented as a "star resident" when his achievements so far are lagging way behind the other 1st year residents... and he has to know it. He isn't half the doctor Diego is and never will be.

The benefactor Gonzalo introduced Ana to was the one who donated the dialysis machine. Her reaction to him was genuine. However I still think that her resentment of Regina is about being in her shadow because much of the glory in medicine probably happens in the ER.

If I were Cinthia I would never speak to my parents again after this event. That was so embarrassing and undeserved. The arrival of their hand-picked son-in-law really cinched that. How much you want to bet that he thinks he can keep her at home, barefoot and embarazada after the honeymoon?

Aurora is poison. Like Miss Roots she should have known what being married to a doctor entails. She has also poisoned their son against him and now she has a fair-weather husband. BTW he is played by Fabián Pizzorno who was the despicable Ashmore of PyP.

Constanza is kissing up to Patricia to get on her A List, but Patricia looks like she has her number.

Finally, that whole discussion about obesity and diabetes and blame-the-patient sounds like Rene and some of the others would deny treatment to those patients if they could get away with it. Makes my blood boil.


Thanks so much LILA. I actually had to stop watching this last night because I got so annoyed with Cinthia's sulking. Not sure if I'm being fair, but there's a time and a place to throw a fit, if you're annoyed by your parents, and it's NOT at a gala. Save it for later, girl. Put on your big girl pants, smile and act gracious albeit surprised.

When I watched the rest of this in the morning, still found her unreasonably churlish. But others may disagree.

Felt sorry for Ana. She looked so matronly and frumpish in that huge, unflattering dress. The bright scarlet was a wonderful color for Regina, but the ruffled mid-piece was a disaster. Better a smooth, classic sheath, like Cinthia had on, to show off Reggie's great figure. IMO. Pam and Tania looked quite fetching I thought. Again, fashionistas may disagree. And yes, the guys, except for Rafa, were all in tuxes, but a man in a tux is GORGEOUS. So classic. So elegant.

David did a great job of keeping his cool in the face of Arturo's provocations. Cinthia should take a few lessons.

Very uncomfortable watching Gonzalo being sand-bagged. And even felt halfway sorry for Mireya, being thoroughly humiliated by Constanza. As someone else said, it's tough to watch Marisol playing this wretched Conni character, but she's doing it well.

Thanks too for the medical information LILA. You are wonderful for always including a detailed and informative definition of every diagnostic term.

By the way, our sweet DIANA is having computer problems and will not be able to comment until Monday. I know we recappers love basking in her warm praise so it's hard to wait, but needs must. Hopefully all will be fixed technically come Monday.

Thanks Ms. LILA. It's a beautiful, breezy day here. Hope it's just as lovely in your end of the country and that you get some time outside. Autumn chills are coming!

Now we know why Cinthia's mother made such a push to get closer to her. Cinthia was totally blindsided by her parents and rightly so. JuanPa is the handpicked futuro son-in-law and herido de empresa. He's a piece of work.
Good to see Rafa defend Cinthia she will need his support.
Art, has turned into a dangerous stalker, subtle psycho. David can handle him, but Regina seems more "under his ruse". He needs therapy.
I can't wait for Rene's world to collapse.
I suspect Miryea might spill the dirt on him. One can only hope.


Forgot to mention, I loved this description:

Const chimes in as well, throwing shade on Gonzalo while shining the light on René.

UGH! Yessss...she did that all too well last night. Hard to watch. Hard to stomach.

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

You are welcome, TF! Yah, everybody has not gone home from the gala. There has GOT to be more drama!

This is great and pretty much sums up that whole ambush!

I did feel bad for Cinthia that she was put in an awkward position. Her mom treats her like a child and her dad seems to just do things for his own benefit. I’m glad Rafael accompanied her though.

TF, Aurora's household seems real strange! Felipe and Javier claimed they have tried to get Aurora to seek help, but Javier was so slack just getting the poor thing a drink of water and Felipe seemed oblivious until she frickin' passed out that she was even sick! Jeezopete! Seems like some kind of "I-hate-Gonzolo-Instituto-and-all-Doctors" kind of cult up in that joint! Scary!

And David just listened so patiently to Ana's carping. She feels like less of a threat ow. The way he humored her was really disarming. Rafa kind of did the same thing to her when she tried to imply something was amiss with the OPC patient!

Thanks, TF!


UA: I knew I recognized that actor that was playing Javier (Aurora’s husband). He also played Facundo in Tres Veces Ana. He didn’t really seem concerned by what was going on.

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Hey, Urban!!!! Thanks for the episode number! ITA about Rafa and Marco. I thought it was interesting that he mentioned the OPC as an area needing help. Ana told him off about being pretentious and accusatory of Rafa without evidence. Hmmm.

Thank you for bringing out The benefactor Gonzalo introduced Ana to was the one who donated the dialysis machine. Her reaction to him was genuine. Yes, she still is very jealous of Regina and I was surprised at her rather mild reaction of David and Regina's being together.

Urban, I was thinking Cinthia was being harsh until Juanpa showed up! What a ZERO he is!

Wow! Thank you for pointing this out, totally missed it but important about the economy over idealism and healthcare equity issue:

Finally, that whole discussion about obesity and diabetes and blame-the-patient sounds like Rene and some of the others would deny treatment to those patients if they could get away with it. Makes my blood boil.

Thank you, Urban!


MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

JudyB!!! Yah, Cinthia was working my nerves, too. I'm like, your Dad is trying to make amends, what's wrong with what he's doing...though, Patricia can be insistent when she wants to; they really should have given Cinthia a heads up! That aside, she was acting like a brat and this is good advice:

there's a time and a place to throw a fit, if you're annoyed by your parents, and it's NOT at a gala. Save it for later, girl. Put on your big girl pants, smile and act gracious albeit surprised.

I was back on her side when JuanPa showed up. Loser.

JudyB, I kinda felt this, too. even felt halfway sorry for Mireya, being thoroughly humiliated by Constanza.

Thanks for telling me about Diana! I got scared for a few seconds til I saw "computer problems." That can be frustrating but something to look forward to for Monday: Diana's thorough and nourishing comments!

I did go for a walk before posting, JudyB. Yep! It's Fall and I do here a chill is a-coming!

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Welcome, SFChicaBonita!! Patricia acts all innocent and plays the role of referee between Cinthia and her Dad, but then SHE does provocative things herself like FINDING A HUSBAND for Cinthia!!!

ITA, Chica...Art, has turned into a dangerous stalker, subtle psycho. David can handle him, but Regina seems more "under his ruse". He needs therapy.

And YES to this:

I can't wait for Rene's world to collapse.
I suspect Miryea might spill the dirt on him. One can only hope.

I think you are absolutely right. This is the third time she tried to break up with him, but this one might be the charm! I don't think she has any fingerprints on the dirty black market in medical supplies OR the kickback to suppliers for exclusive contracts. GET HIM, MIRYEA!!!

Thanks, SFChicaBonita!!!

JudyB Constanza's role in Rene's skullduggery is very clear. The heffa!

Urbanita! Look forward to your fashion review! Thanks!



Lila, I don't know how you do it, but you just keep turning out one excellent recap after another. Thank you. . Your recaps as a daily great that I look forward to. ..a constant source of pleasure in the midst of whatever bad stuff is unfolding in real life.

I was looking forward to seeing the characters in formal wear. Men can not go wrong with a classic tux , but fashion choices are so much trickier for women . I always go classic ..white or black. At the BIG GALA, most chose black or red. Poor An a looked tragic in that big, old gown. I wish they had not made the actress wear that sad sack. We get it . ...Ana does not have a happy life . Uff . Reg looked stunning I red, but why the ruffles ? NO. I think Con' s gown was my favorite . Classic and it fit her perfect!y . Tania, Pam, and Cin also looked great in their gowns. I like long hair on guys, so I thought that Rafa looked wonderful with his long locks flowing in his shoulders . He looked like on of the Three Musketeers .

Ot..Judyb ..glad you are enjoying good weather. I woke up to gray skies and rain , and it has continued all day . I am glad to have two great recaps to read . This one and Imperio.

I miss Diana's comments on this episode.

I agree that Cin is scowling and sulking like 14 year old . I have two grown daughters , but I remember that face. Geez.

I hope that Con's attack humiliating Mir and chasing her away will make Mir turn on Rene. She knows every evil thing the pompous, unscrupulous ,conceited guy has done . Afterall, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned .

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Hi, Susanlynn, muchisimas gracias! So glad these little summaries bring you a bit of pleasure. That makes me feel right good! Yah, Ana did look kind of like she went foraging in the closet of that Aunt who raised her. Yikes! We know she's not the leading lady or David's choice; not sure why they did that to her!

Yes, Susanlynn, you hit it on Rafa, ITA:

I like long hair on guys, so I thought that Rafa looked wonderful with his long locks flowing in his shoulders . He looked like on of the Three Musketeers.

Three Musketeers! That's even better than a 70s flashback!!

Oh yes, see your later comment and it makes me even more hopeful for Miryea turning on Rene...Afterall, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned . Yeppers!

Thanks, Susanlynn!



Lila, you keep knocking it out of the park! Thank you!

I wasn't to impressed by the gala, but it was nice to see everyone looking so good...well, except for poor Ana.

I knew something had to happen to give Rene the opportunity to diss Gonzalo, but I never thought it would involve Aurora. Will Aurora be another casualty? That she refused to get treatment or even get some tests done is mindboggling; seems to me that it's to late to treat those tumors. She's had them for two years and did NOTHING???

Judy, "there's a time and a place to throw a fit, if you're annoyed by your parents, and it's NOT at a gala. Save it for later, girl. Put on your big girl pants, smile and act gracious albeit surprised." I was totally annoyed at Cinthia too and this was definitely not the time or place to have her little tantrum. I'm also starting to get annoyed with Patricia who makes mi hijita sound like a four-letter word. Cinthia is upset that her dad is trying to control her, but so his her mother; though Cinthia seems to only target her father.

I do hope Mireya follows through on her threat this time and turns on Rene. Oh, the things she could reveal!


You are welcome, Rgv Chick!! Yah, THE BIG GALA was anti-climatic. This discussion is more fun! Thanks for bringing this out:

I knew something had to happen to give Rene the opportunity to diss Gonzalo, but I never thought it would involve Aurora.

Rene is an opportunist; ever on alert for a chance to twist things and present the false narrative of himself as being the most capable. It's like breathing for him. This is the kind of instinct Esteban is trying to groom in Marco: take whatever situation you are in and make it work for yourself! Now, neither Regina nor Gonzalo let on that it was the Mother of his Son that was the emergency. The Undersecretary and Montesinos quickly followed Rene's lead in dragging Gonzalo for having left. Will the identity of the sick patient make a difference to them?

And this

Will Aurora be another casualty? That she refused to get treatment or even get some tests done is mindboggling; seems to me that it's to late to treat those tumors. She's had them for two years and did NOTHING???

Thanks for bringing out the part about having the tumors for two years!! Jeezopete! What kind of masochhistic ignorance is that? "Oh, my husband was a baaaaad doctor that spent all his time trying to support me and our son so I'm never going to get medical care for my reproductive organs; I'm going to rot from the inside out and it's ALL HIS FAULT!!!"

If "they killed Gabriel", then I think Aurora should die because she is in worse shape than Gabe was. She has several chronic disease processes going on, one of which is probably malignant and she's bleeding internally for gosh knows how long! It sounds cold, but yah, she should be a goner!



Lila (on the "Crimes of Fashion" page) said, "It's not over, I wonder if Art is hanging around to cause some kind of escandalo!" Art is a ticking bomb waiting to explode. He's gonna make Ceci look sane. Nina would say that he'll go all Lifetime LOL.


JAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!!! Thanks, Rgv Chick!! I LOVE IT! Nina is a gal after my own heart! I haven't been on a board with her since back in the day! You're not left guessing what Nina thinks and feels!

ITA, Art is going to be the real Psycho here! Let him just not hurt my David! If he does, I know David will be OK. And you know what? This may be true. As SFChicaBonita said, Art, has turned into a dangerous stalker, subtle psycho. David can handle him, but Regina seems more "under his ruse". He needs therapy. it may, unfortunately, take Art doing something drastic, like hurting David, for her to see he's whacko. I think David knows that he can't clean Art's clock or even argue with him because Regina is till in that "David is too extreme and out of control" mind set. She doesn't see that arrogant, crazed side of Art that wants to provoke David into "violence."

Hey, UnOp!! Where you at, Girl?


My vote for Most Valuable Player at the Gala goes to Luz. She looked amazing and was really WORKING the room! She was running around, networking and getting all the doctors involved. This was a work event and she took full advantage.


Good point Anonymous, she did look marvelous and was certainly earning every peso of her salary.


Amen, Anon!

Anon, you got my vote too!


Lila, this was such an interesting episode. Seen and summarized through your wise eyes and open heart, you did masterful justice to it.

The evening began with great promise. For a few brief shining moments we wanted to believe we were on the edge of a real celebration, which teetered and quickly collapsed due to evil machinations and lies.

“THE BIG GALA was a success for Dr. and Mrs. Rene Castillo who had the opportunity to showcase his understanding of the economic side of health care and it’s primacy over bleeding-heart altruism”. Perfect.

The rather austere venue was the perfect setting for the full spectrum of human emotions that were laid bare. Betrayals abounded, the most treasonous in nature (Rene), a testament to pure avarice and greed. Cinthia, a daughter being used as a pawn by her father, to her surprise, embarrassment and chagrin, with the true intent still cloaked in mystery. SpanProf, I fear his intentions are not in Cinthia’s best interests. I hope I am wrong.

Regina and David looked stunning together. There was no doubt they are a couple as Art’s anger, evidenced by his furtive, furious stares were unmistakable. “…a dangerous stalker, subtle psycho. David can handle him, but Regina seems more "under his ruse" was spot on SFChicaBonita!

I was very surprised by “Patricia answers Andres with a tweek of his nose implying where Cinthia picked up the DNA”. I thought Andres very controlling and rather unkind in his words but this showed Patricia is perhaps not quite as under his thumb as I thought. I still don’t like him.

“Cinthia has had enough man-splaining for the night and leaves, declining even Rafa’s offer to accompany her home” had me smiling away Lila 😊 We all know our doggedly determined Rafa is certainly not going to let a little competition deter him from pursuing Cin.

Anna's speech to David was handled well, with the kindness and patience he continually shows patients and colleagues.

“Const saw Miryea entering the event and quickly dispatched her as uninvited being neither a Doctor, or Rich or wanted!” While I didn’t relish watching Connie totally decimate her, she deserved it. That said, I’m not convinced Connie knows of the affair – she may suspect but isn’t sure. She treated her with the same imperious sarcasm she showed her in Rene’s office. She is cruel beyond belief. TF, I fear even this utter humiliation will not stop Miryea from getting back with Rene. And yes, RgvChick, what stories she could tell! While I don’t think tea will be spilled in the short term, I suspect something will trigger Miryea’s anger in the long run.

“Felt sorry for Ana. She looked so matronly and frumpish in that huge, unflattering dress. The bright scarlet was a wonderful color for Regina, but the ruffled mid-piece was a disaster. Better a smooth, classic sheath, like Cinthia had on, to show off Reggie's great figure. IMO. Pam and Tania looked quite fetching I thought”. Fashionistas DO agree Judy! You perfectly captured what to and not to wear.

Best hair? “I thought that Rafa looked wonderful with his long locks flowing in his shoulders”. Yes, Susanlynn, totally agree he was the hands down winner!

“Aurora asks for some water and after a long moment, Javier gets up, pours her a glass and needs to be prompted on how to support Aurora’s back and to hold the glass so she can drink” was painful to watch. THIS is the man she married? THIS is the man Felipe calls his father?? Color me shocked.

”Felipe says his Mother has never had an ultrasound because she felt it CAUSED cancer. In fact, she has not had any medical care and has consistently refused efforts by him and her husband, Javier, to get her medical help” could have knocked me over with a feather. I thought her hatred for Gonzalo fueled her. Perhaps hate was mixed with fear…Tragic.

Judy, thank you amiga mia for explaining my absence. I'm hoping I'm set now.

Lila, just marvelous. Thank you, thank you!



Thanks Lila!!

All kinds of drama at the gala, but not the people I was expecting it from!

Loved when David and Regina walked in and Ana said “I didn’t know you two were together” and Regina says “I didn’t know we had to tell you” hahaha. I actually was expecting Ana to make a scene when she found out, but her reaction was more annoying than anything lol. At first when she was talking to David saying I just don’t want to get hurt, etc. I was like ok that’s a normal reaction from a friend. But even after David acknowledged her concerns she just kept going on and on and on! At that point I was thinking “just shut up already!” Lol. Kudos to David for keeping his cool because I sure didn’t haha. Art was creepy.. literally not interacting with anyone and staring at David the whole night. I loved when David just shook his head like “this guy is ridiculous”.

About the wardrobe- I have to say, I hated Regina’s dress. Ana’s was ugly, of course, and I think that was done on purpose. I think if she had worn something form-fitting she would have looked stunning, so they wanted her to look matronly to contrast Regina looking radiant (even though they missed the mark with those ruffles). I thought it was Tania that looked stunning and stole the show! If they didn’t want someone out-shinning Regina they should have put her in the potato sack! I liked Pam’s dress too, but Tania looked HAWT!

I thought Gonzalo’s son was a jerk. We know Gonzalo has always tried to get in contact with him, but the son wanted nothing to do with him and actually told Gonzalo they didn’t want his help. Well, now he shows up asking for that help he swore he didn’t want, and continues being rude! When the nurse says she can’t get ahold of Gonzalo, the son says “that’s Gonzalo, he’s never there when you need him.” Seriously? He could have gone to any other hospital in Mexico City, if he’s gone to the instituto then stop with the snide remarks


Felipe insisting that Gonzalo be there really irked me. Is he sincere in thinking that Gonzalo can save his mother or is it more of a challenge? If Aurora doesn’t make it, Felipe is sure to avoid taking responsibility and blame Gonzalo for everything.

Best figure flattering dress: Luz. Stunning in Purple. Just stunning.


Ana was trying to gaslight David out of his relationship with Regina. I don't think she will give up.

I agree about Felipe.


WHOA!!! Diana!!! Welcome! Let me just let you know I'm just about to read this and THANK YOU for your always enthusiastic, heartfelt comments! Bless you, Darlin'! Back in a minute after I read it!

And, UnOP! fellow member of the David Cult! I shoulda checked the blog in the evening but this is a great way to start a Monday morning!

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Ah, Diana, thank you for your kindness, but, my Dear, I can't wait until I watch a novela you're recapping to read a whole recap with such beautifully-crafted paragraphs as this:

The rather austere venue was the perfect setting for the full spectrum of human emotions that were laid bare. Betrayals abounded, the most treasonous in nature (Rene), a testament to pure avarice and greed. Cinthia, a daughter being used as a pawn by her father, to her surprise, embarrassment and chagrin, with the true intent still cloaked in mystery.

Yes, Diana, I know I kinda knocked the venue, your description gives a different, and valuable perspective!

And yes, the evening was FULL of not only man-splaining but crook-and hypocrite-splaining!

Connie....yah, I like that better than Const....I think she does smell a rat but, you're right, has no proof but is taking the smart move to keep her competition away, no matter how pitiful she thinks that competition is. She treated her with the same imperious sarcasm she showed her in Rene’s office. She is cruel beyond belief. NAILED IT!

On Javier: THIS is the man she married? THIS is the man Felipe calls his father?? Color me shocked.

Diana and all, Gonzalo needs to stop grieving over having "lost" this marriage! Sounds like Aurora was not a good match and seems to be yet another one needing some mental health help a long time ago. Her allowing her health to deteriorate like she did sounds like a slow-motion suicide to me!

Oh yes, a lot was revealed in THE BIG GALA episode, and I credit you, Diana, and all our Patio for pointing out the subtleties and angles to look out for today and in upcoming episodes. Thank you!


MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

UnOp! Good morning and thanks, Girl! Always love hearing from you on the Patio! Thanks for bringing this out:

Loved when David and Regina walked in and Ana said “I didn’t know you two were together” and Regina says “I didn’t know we had to tell you” hahaha

Yah, Ana in what one of our friends described as something that could be used as a parachute just went on and on and....she seems much less of a threat now. I was surprised at Marco telling the Undersecretary that the OPC was an area that needed help. Is Marco doing this to get into her good graces and will Ana join the baddies to try to bring Regina down now that she has "taken" her beloved David from her? I know Ana is very sharp and independent and refuses to be used as she has twice warned Rene but, if she thinks there's a chance she can get David into the OPC and Regina out as Director of the ER, she might move past annoying into dark.

Kudos to David, indeed! Art IS becoming creepy! The day that Regina told him she was going out with David you could see that brilliant smile turn into a grimmace and those sparkling eyes turn into a crazed blare! YIIIIKES!!! [Kudos to that actor!]

Hmmm, I'll have to go back and look at Tania. I know her make-up brought out an exotic beauty you don't see in the hospital. She was very beautiful!

Thanks for this, UnOp, I didn't mention Felipe saying this and it's important it be said. Felipe was a total hypocritical A$$ and you said it best:

I thought Gonzalo’s son was a jerk. We know Gonzalo has always tried to get in contact with him, but the son wanted nothing to do with him and actually told Gonzalo they didn’t want his help. Well, now he shows up asking for that help he swore he didn’t want, and continues being rude! When the nurse says she can’t get ahold of Gonzalo, the son says “that’s Gonzalo, he’s never there when you need him.” Seriously? He could have gone to any other hospital in Mexico City, if he’s gone to the instituto then stop with the snide remarks

Thank you, UnOp! All kinds of drama at the gala, but not the people I was expecting it from! Yes ma'am, and it ain't over yet!

MÉDICOS #53, 9-25-20

Agree, Rgv Chick and Urban on Felipe; and NOPE, Ana's not done, Urban!


Lila, Diana has a very eloquent way of expressing herself, doesn't she? She and I recapped "Ringo" and she would always start her recaps with a brilliant prologue. You should check it out...when you have some spare time :-)


WOW! I like that! I think I may have been making a feeble and unconscious attempt to do a prologue on my recaps (There! I said it!), but Diana NAILS IT!

RINGO? That's a Mexican novela? Yes, I will have to look for that! Thanks, Rgv Chick!


I totally agree that Ana is not done yet. Since she didn’t get anywhere with David, I think she’s going to try to get under Regina’s skin. Based off what she’s done in the past- bully Regina and then play the victim card with David, I think she’s going to act like a supportive friend with David while trying to get Regina to end the relationship.

For the life of me I can’t remember Marco talking about the OPC.. I guess my mind automatically stops paying attention when Marco speaks haha

Rgv chick- that makes a lot of sense about Felipe. Showing up with his mom on the verge of death and expecting Gonzalo to save her is his way of blaming Gonzalo if she dies. Seems like Aurora has always blamed Gonzalo for everything, so this kid has grown up hearing that Gonzalo is the cause for all the evils of the world


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