Thursday, October 01, 2020

DAYTIME TNs…y Mas (#2) !: Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2020

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs!  It is being provided to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss any of the TNs aired prior to 6PM.  If you would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it. TNS currently being discussed are

9 -11 AM – Mariana de la Noche

12-2 PM - Alborada

4 -4PM -   Cita a Ciegas

This page can also be used as a forum to keep in touch, discuss strolls down the Caray! Caray! memory lane, or anything else that is of interest to the patio.

Please remember that ANY daytime novela can be discussed and everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Friendly reminder to PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Mariana”)

This page will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays before 12PM. 

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Yay! Lola lives to fight another day.

Boo! Iggy finally gives in to Marcia and agrees to marry her when the baby is born.

Ewww: Atilio fries to convince (the no longer catatonic but now amnesiac)Mariana that she is his wife. She ain’t buying it. Sure hope she took some of the money she found. She needs to sleep in the easy chair.

Wah! Oropo is disappearing back into the jungle his work now being done.

Uh oh: Iggy wants to know who his father is but won’t press the issue.

Hmmmm: when will Chachi let it out that Mariana is not Atilio’s daughter and that Iggy is his son?

What the heck!: Yadira’s scars were glowing in the jungle when she was talking to Oropo.

I feel sorry for Alejandra Barros playing Mariana. What a blah role!



Jarifa, I haven't seen the episode yet but I know that I'm caught up just by reading your commentary on it. In fact, your commentary is much more entertaining than the episodes. Were there really viewers who stayed awake through the entire thing???


Jarifa: I got a BIGLY thrill up my leg seeing Angelica Rivera portraying the role of Marcia, who was a EVIL conniving manipulative expletive.

RGV Chick: I remembered watching this Telenovela 16 years ago (when I was in the USAF Reserves) & enjoy watching it right now.



I know that UA saw this telenovela years ago and liked it. Felt it was very operatic, loved the music and above all Jorge Salinas. And I must say he does look wonderful in this. But for myself, having suffered through other Meija productions, I find this one difficult to stomach in spite of the eye candy. Granted there's a nice sprinkling of both for men and women, but otherwise...ugh. But relaxing in it's silliness, I guess you could say. Like watching the Three Stooges or an old Milton Berle show.


I continue to be very caught up in this, even though I've seen it before. I get worried and upset all over again, even though I KNOW how it's going to end!!!! Talk about silly! But for me the filming, the acting and the situations are so deftly done that it draws me in, all over again. Clearly Carla Estrada productions are not everybone's cup of tea but they sure ring every bell for me.


Jarifa, thank you for your updates on this TN, they allow me to do some "assisted viewing". That is, I don't have to view every scene at normal speed because I know enough to not be lost and can then drop back out of FFWD when there is something of interest   :-)

Ignacio was a bit cold with mama at first, but he came around. All's well that is well enough for now.

I just love it that Isidro can find just the right plants, to cure whatever, in seconds. Or already has them bundled and waiting. But how come he didn't have anything for Yadira's scars? Before Oropo showed up I thought it would be Isidro who would fix her, um, "horrid" scars. Incidentally, I just love the flowers in her hair, the effect is so pretty.

I was not especially worried about María Lola, but I thought Cumache would not actually strike her with that heavy rock. Did he after all? Anyway, Isidro and Oropo, the dynamic duo of the jungle, fixed her up.

Chachi came through and acted like a decent human being with her mother! Well, almost.

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Padre Juan Pablo told Camilo that he could not marry Chachi since he does not love her. Listen up, Camilo.

Atilio is creeping out Mariana, and me.



JudyB, I am also thoroughly enjoying watching this novela all over again. It's kind of a problem in that it's two hours a day. Even zipping past the enormous number of commercials on the DVR recording, that's a lot. I keep telling myself I'm going to FF>> through some scenes and never manage to do it.

Yep, Carla Estrada was (probably still is) fantastic. I feared she might no longer be with us, but google tells me she's 64 and still producing some things. I think Uni just gave up on big, expensive costume dramas.


I saw that one when it first aired. The acting was good, but the melodrama was over the top a lot. I remember thinking that Alejandra Barros was SO beautiful. It was the first time I'd seen her in anything. I think she did a great job portraying the vulnerability of the character.

And, of course, I enjoyed César Évora's scene chewing. He's one of the best villains ever, with probably Sergio Goyri on the same level.


Andy, I think El Cumache bounced that rock off her head! or so it seemed to me. Too much is unintentionally funny.


I very much enjoy this TN, but I have to admit it is the silliest ever.

Jarifa earlier mentioned the Three Stooges, and now JudyB says "Like watching the Three Stooges or an old Milton Berle show."

Novelera said "...the melodrama was over the top a lot." Jarifa, "Too much is unintentionally funny."

I think it's safe to say that this isn't quite Shakespeare, more like True Confessions meets Mad Magazine and García Márquez (and maybe a dash of Salvador Dalí).

But I enjoy watching it, with a little FFWDing "occasionally", and just as much enjoy complaining about it.




JudyB, you know how much I hate to disagree with you, but "...I find this one difficult to stomach in spite of the eye candy."

Nonsense. Patricia Navidad alone makes it worthwhile, and there's lots more besides!




JudyB, you make me laugh with your Three Stooges, Milton Berle comment. It is so true.

Novelera, I am used to seeing the present day César Évora playing kindly “teddy bear” supporting roles so this was are a real eye-opener.

JUDY - "I continue to be very caught up in this, even though I've seen it before. I get worried and upset all over again, even though I KNOW how it's going to end!!!! Talk about silly!"

Judy, no, NOT silly, at all. Nopis al maximo. Now more than ever we need something to distract us from real life. 😊 I'm having an absolute blast watching Reina de Corazones again on Peacock. Talk about silly! I'm still enjoying the the music and the story, this second time around. And the shirtless Eugenio Siller scenes, which abound. 😉 And Juan Soler. 😍 Reina and Nicolas/Javier have such great chemistry together.

Apparently Peacock comes under the NBC/Universal umbrella so Telemundo shows are included. I'll have to figure out what to watch next, since I haven't watched many Telemundo 'novelas and don't watch the narcovelas.


It looks like everyone is ending up in Costa Esmeralda: new start for Iggy and Lucrecia/Atilio tries to figure out where to go next., where he can get more money, how to continue with his revenge on the Lugo-Mavarro’s.

Sad but Yadira continues to attract physical abusers who won’t take “no” for an answer. Where was Oropo when she was being raped by the nasty engineer?? Oh yeah, Oropo was out of there because his work was done. Like the Lone Ranger? Or Zorro? At least she survives a suicide attempt and tells the priest that she was raped.

Ooooooo, Marcia is playing hardball, with the miners now that Iggy is gone for a while. The rapist engineer thinks she is one fine “FEMALE” (hembra). Yuk!

Camilo needs to drop Chachi ASAP. The girl is delusional and incapable of making any kind of commitment. Auntie Isabel needs to do the right thing and have her hospitalized. Camilo is too much of a pushover. It was only sex. Someone needs to remind him this is the 21st century.

Atilio FINALLY agrees not to put the moves on Mariana who he now knows is pregnant by Iggy. I loved that he had to listen as she thinks that she might be recovering her memory and remembered someone called Iggy. Atilio discusses with El Cumache what to do with her baby when it is born? Make it disappear? Kill it . . .That sounds pretty good to Atilio.

Iván wants to know who owns the Lugo-Navarro lands right now. He still wants his payback.

As Marcia smokes, Isabel reminds her to take care of herself because if there is no baby, there is no Iggy. Marica is shocked when she finds out who her new mother in law is going to be. That was funny.

Is that Iggy that Mariana recognizes out on her “roll in the wheel chair” with El Cumache? That was the final scene.

Ha! Very funny that El Cumache is the “ALL KNOWING” at this point with him knowing that Iggy is Atilio’s son but Atilio not knowing it.


Thanks JARIFA. You are a champ to keep doing this. I'm thinking "this gal has the patience of a saint"!


NOVELERA...So glad you are enjoying this with me. I usually watch one hour of it at lunch-time. The second at dinner time (although sometimes I eat dinner at 4:30...honestly, that's when I'm hungry!)

DORIS...Thanks for the empathy. Glad that you're enjoying your "second time around" just like I am. Good stories are always worth re-visiting.


JudyB, every time I am ready to ditch it, I think just one more day and then I’ll decide. If anything interesting shows up in the evening, that will change my mind. Just saw my typos above. So hard correcting the auto correct but it is better with it than without it. Just picked up some apple cider donuts at Trader Joe’s today. I’ll put on the coffee, amiga!


JudyB, every time I am ready to ditch it, I think just one more day and then I’ll decide. If anything interesting shows up in the evening, that will change my mind. Just saw my typos above. So hard correcting the auto correct but it is better with it than without it. Just picked up some apple cider donuts at Trader Joe’s today. I’ll put on the coffee, amiga!

CITA A CIEGAS CITA A CIEGAS #16 -19 (Sept 29 – Oct 2)

A very mini-recaplet.

I predict Univision will bring out the tijeras on this before el gran Por Fin. Just sayin'. JudyB, you were right to bail on this one. I don't know why I keep watching.

Lucía has a second date with her latest cita a ciega, Carolo. ---(Carolo is a cutie, so I did some digging around on the Interbubes. The actor is none other than Juan Diego Covarrubias a/k/a our weepy ‘Paolo’ in Me Declaro Culpable, and ‘Antonio’ in La Vecina). --- His good looks is all he has going for him. They go out to dinner and robbers come into the restaurant and rob everyone, including Lucía, of all valuables. Carolo was the first to hide under the table; he didn’t even help Lucia to hide. The cad! By the time the robbers got to her, Carolo was gone. Looks like Carolo is history. At the end of the day, Marcelo rescues Luc.

Bobby asks Telma to divorce Eduardo. He does not offer her marriage, so who knows what his motive is? She’s not keen on the idea because Eduardo has money while Bobby does not.

Later on, Telma discovers she is embarazada. She has only been revolcando with Bobby and not with her husband, so she’s got a real dilemma on her hands. Much later on, Telma’s husband Eduardo finds the pregnancy test in the trash.

Bere makes Lucia see that she (Lu) is in love with Marcelo. Lucía says it’s a lost cause because he’s trying to make things work with Ingrid.

Julían and Marina did not get to Las Vegas to elope. Not enough seats on the airplane. They must have been flying on standby? Never heard of booking seats before packing and leaving? These two . . . uy! I think their wedding is on standby right now.

Telma starts working at Entre Nosotros as a photographer because she has no real talent nor a resumé.

VOCABULARIO - (because it’s all about the Spanish)
Plomo – lead (n.)
Que tranza? – what’s up? (very slangy)
Comadre - godmother; close friend; person who gossips
Denuncia – report
Dar un aventón – give someone a ride (in their vehicle)

And now I can go back to binge-watching REINA. :-)


Jarifa, "every time I am ready to ditch it, I think just one more day and then I’ll decide." That's exactly what happens to me! I've commented that this TN bores me, yet I keep watching it. And the TN is not necessarily boring as a whole because the main plot and most of the side stories are captivating. It's just those darned prolonged melodramatic monologues and repetitive conversations that frustrate the heck out of me.

WHERE WAS OROPO?! Yeah, yeah, his work is done...NOT!!That nasty engineer is horrendous and deserving of the Lorena Bobbit knife. When he said that Marcia was one fine "hembra" I took it that he meant Marcia was one fine "filly" (that needed to be tamed). Just my interpretation :-)

"Camilo needs to drop Chachi ASAP." Yes, indeed Jarifa! Maria Lola may be "loca" but she is not dangerous. Chachi, OTOH, is volatile and dangerous. Yadira shouldn't wish to be die; Chachi may just grant her wish.

Atilio wanting to kill Mariana's baby -> heartless, pure evil!

In the final scene, yes, it was Iggy that Mariana saw across the lake/pond...and so did El Cumache.

Andy, I think tha Yadira would really appreciate (and needs) a gentleman like you. Any chance you have a trip to Mexico?


RgvChick, you had me laughing calling for the Lorena Bobbit knife. If only! This novela could have been quite good if they had gone with about half the number of episodes. I think I have said that before for more than one novela. LOL I always enjoy hearing alternate interpretations and translations.

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