Saturday, October 10, 2020

Imperio de mentiras, #14, Friday 10/10/20 Rejected in love, Elisa turns her attention to work... for a hot second

Like always, scenes have been combined and dialogue reduced to the important facts. Feel free to add anything I might have missed.

Elisa is kissing on Leo again and this time he really looks uncomfortable. He goes for the “it’s not you, it’s me” speech, or the Spanish version “no me lo tomes a mal”, but it only makes Elisa feel worse, since she thought he felt the same (gotta be the breakfast he prepared for her several times).

Leo’s problem is that he hasn’t forgotten Julia (how could he, since she’s only been dead for 14 capitulos). But they do need to keep working together to find the assassins. (Remember the premise of the show? So much seems to have happened in the meantime)

In conclusion: what keeps them together tears them apart (cue dramatic music).

Renata and Marcelo are talking about Majo, she’s putting him up to speed with what has been going on. Marcelo is worried that when the press finds out that Augusto was an art thief and a delinquent, the company shares will be worthless, the family’s reputation will take a big hit.

Renata is surprised that Marcelo would care so much about the Cantus (as if!), but he says that he only cares about their love and making all their plans come true. Renata accuses him of wanting to leave a sinking ship and wonders if he stopped loving her.

Marcelo needs to make an extra effort to convince her otherwise, they end up making out on the couch like a bunch of teenagers.

And just like teenagers, they are caught by mommy Victoria, who asks Renata to order dinner for Majo and herself up to the room.

Renata thinks the princess of the house should come downstairs and celebrate her safe return, but Majo doesn’t want to run into Elisa. That’s when Renata wins me over by defending her sister, reminding Victoria of the trauma that Elisa has experienced too, and of her own selfishness. And Augusto is the only culpable, since he caused all of this. Victoria jumps to defend him, but Renata has had enough abuse, she forbids her mother to ever touch her again.

Renata rocks so much in this scene that even Marcelo seems impressed.

Elisa is thinking about Leo’s rejection, sharing her feelings with Fernasty. She was mistaken thinking that everything they have gone through made him have feelings for her, too. Fer, who is a pro at playing Elisa, says that his refusal only means that he’s truly a good guy, who honored his fiancée’s memory, while also respecting Elisa. And now they don’t have to see one another again.

Elisa reminds Fer and Viewerville that Augusto and Julia’s murders haven’t been solved yet, she needs to stay involved. Fer thinks this is just an excuse to be near him, Elisa admits it is also an excuse because she luuvs him.

Leo might have said no to Elisa, but he is giving that kiss some thought.

In another part of town, in Adriana’s apartment, he’s talking with his friends about it. Adriana and Mario think he did the right thing, Leo seems tormented by the fact that he must have send Elisa some mixed signals, since she was sure that he loved her, too (I’m telling you, it was the cooking!). His friends think he’s still in mourning, maybe down the line… Leo admits that anyone could love Elisa, she’s beautiful, cultured, stubborn and sassy… There is enough longing in his voice for Adriana to suggest that maybe he IS in love.

Just to prove her wrong, Leo’s next stop is Elisa’s house, or, to be more specific, the front of her house. Nothing says “I don’t love you” like gazing at a woman’s window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her unlovable self.

Not knowing that Leo is outside, Elisa sends him a message, apologizing for earlier.  She goes to the window, but she doesn’t spot him.

Majo is calling Dario, who has a hard time picking up, since he’s tied up and at gun point. Victoria comes in to say that dinner is coming. They start talking about Augusto, would Victoria have married him if she knew that he was involved in illegal activities?

Never, how could anyone ever live with a criminal!

Auch! Majo receives the message loud and clear.

Fernasty and Eugenio talk about Elisa being enamoradisima with Leo. Genie can’t risk killing him just yet, so what to do, what to do?

Fer suggests that Genie bring Fabricio, his (other) son, back. He can pretend to be in love with Elisa and they can place him at the constructora like Elisa’s right hand man aka their spy. Genie thinks his son is an idiot (having two idiot sons must say something about their father, right?), Fabricio is in love with Fernanda, not Elisa. That’s why Fer thinks she can convince him to come back to Mexico, play their game.

Teresa found the video on Leslie’s phone and her reaction is exactly what you’d expect. She screams, calls her daughter names, abuela has to step in. Teresa goes ballistic when she realizes that abuela already knew about the whole thing, she goes to JL’s hospital and tells him that they need to throw his mother out of the house because she’s been protecting Leslie, who is sleeping around.

Leo hasn’t wasted any time, his people found out who created Leslie's sex tape and who shared it and they will all be punished.

The next morning Elisa tries to talk to Majo, but her sister treats her very badly. She thinks that Elisa only pretended to search for the missing artifacts and preferred to live her pretty life with her boyfriend instead. Elisa tries to explain that everything was just an act, they were trying to save her (which they did); she even went to NY at the goon’s order, why would Majo treat her like that?

Majo lets it slip that she was told that she didn’t care and defends her captor. Elisa realizes that something is wrong with this picture, so Majo yells that the guy saved her from being raped and murdered. She's under the impression that Elisa was doing the illegal dealings with their father, since they were practically joined at the hip.

Renata arrives to ask them to breakfast, but she ends up having to be the actual big sister. Demands Majo to stop acting like a brat and say thank you to Elisa for saving her. Majo can’t understand this change in Renata, since she always used to say that Elisa was dad’s favorite. If the artifacts don’t show up, they could all end up dead.

Dario is with the guy who’s watching him, trying to bribe him into letting him go. The guy is not that stupid, but he does agree to let Dario see his phone. He sees Majo’s text and sends her a vocal message: he misses her and could she go check on his mom? Majo gets the message and sends one back, she will take care of mama while he’s away.

Elisa and Renata have a talk about their liar father who lied them all his life and put their lives in jeopardy. Talk turns to Leo and Renata wants to know what is going on between them. She thinks that they are truly in love, she’s seen it while they were pretending to be novios. Elisa admits that she does love him, but he doesn’t love her back. Renata doesn’t believe this, he looks at Elisa the same way Marcelo used to look at her when he loved her. She’s sure that all that love is gone now, her disease drove him away; but what she wouldn’t give to have that again. But Elisa has the chance to have a great love, so don’t give up just yet.

Renata is a little frantic during their talk, like she’s doing her best to stay rational and be supportive, even as her usual obsessions are trying to take over. Suzana Gonzalez plays the scene perfectly. Would it be too much to ask that they somehow redeem Marcelo? I know he’s a creep, but did he ever love her or was it always about the money with him?

Majo wants to go out, buy a new phone, have a walk, she can’t be a prisoner in her own house. Victoria agrees only if Clara comes with – and the driver, of course.

The girls go to a park, Majo basically says that they can be friends if Clara covers for her and only pretends to spend time together while Majo does whatever she wants. For someone who has been kidnapped for weeks she sure got over it fast!

She goes to Dario’s mom, who’s in the hospital and she records her sending a message to her son, who is alive and well.

Eugenio is visiting Dario, who is still in lock up. Dario would rather die than continue to stay hidden, he thinks daddy dearest needs him. Genie threatens him with doing harm to his mom, who he’s keeping an eye on in the hospital.

Elisa finally remembers she is the CEO of the company, so she goes to the office. She’s aware that she has a lot of work to do, how will she ever manage? Fernasty suggests Fabricio, who isn’t happy with his London job anymore and has said that he’d like to come back to Mexico. Elisa is more than happy with the idea, and what do you know, her best amiga, Fer, has already called him. 

Elisa's naive nature shines through in this scene. Her daddy has lied to her all her life, her uncle will turn out to be a lot worse, her bestie is a bea!ch and momma is turning her back on her, too. No wonder that Elisa is falling for Leo, the only nurturing person in her life right now. She has always been sheltered from everything, I hope she grows up a little before she and Leo become a couple because right now he seems like her last anchor in the storm. She might be in love with him, too, but she needs to learn to stand on her own feet.

Next we see Elisa she’s at the police station, demanding the comandante how the investigation into the kidnapping is going. Did they catch the gang leader? Do they know who killed her father? Leo is with her, too, but that doesn’t help, since el comandante tells them both to get lost, since this is no longer the station’s problem, it has become a federal case. Elisa gets mad and storms out, Leo doesn’t manage to catch up to her.

Marcelo is at the office, telling Sonia about the stolen artifacts, asking her to try to find out something on her end. They agree to meet later, if she can get away from her cage.

Proving again that he’s an idiot, Marcelo leaves, only thinking that he’s ended the video chat. Once he’s gone, Fernasty comes into his office, opens his laptop and sees Sonia, who assumes that Marcelo is back and talks to him. She can’t see Fer’s face, but Fernanda can definitely see what is going on here.

Leo goes to Elisa’s house, Victoria is not being very welcoming. Leo tries to defend Elisa and everything that she has done to get Majo home. Elisa arrives just then (short work day, huh, let Fabricio handle  everything when he arrives),  she is pleased to hear all of this, but then Majo and Clara get home, too. Just in time for Victoria to ask Clara to tell Leo what Augusto and Julia were doing together when they were killed.



Thanks, Adriana, this was great. I especially enjoyed your comments and reminding us that Julia has only been dead for 14 capítulos. It seems so much longer. Good that Leo hasn’t forgotten. Makes it a bit more realistic.

If Renata can ever get her condition under control, she will be a force to be reckoned with in that family. Here is hoping! Then she can kick two-timing gold-digging Marcelo to the curb.

Sounds like Fabricio is the legit son. Is there a Mrs. Eugenio somewhere? flew the coop? dead?

Adriana: I just do NOT trust Elisa for some reason.

Jarifa: Maury Povich needs to show up. I think Eugenio's wife got whacked by that psychopath of a hubby!

Adriana, good episode, GREAT recap. Thank you. Too many to list, but Fernasty is a fav.
'Remembers she is the CEO of the company' is another and Renata rocked so much even Mop head was impressed.

It is great to see in Renata the crazy losing the war and the smart sweet taking over.

Leo seems to pretty much be on the ball, why would he want to hook up with a life support system for a pouty bad hair day?

Ole Fernasty does not miss a beat does she?

Now that he is untied, although still with fifteen AR15s pointed at him, I expect Scario to escape. He just has to, for Mojo and his Mommy. I am glad that Mojo told her sis' a little about him. Well, most of the good stuff.

And when Elisa smooched Leo, if she didn't hear Carlos Rivera singing, she should have known right there that "It aint happenin".

And ONE more thing: Victoria does not smell a rat? She must have know Ewww for decades if he is a non blood uncle to the girls and Auggie's BFF. She doesn't seem as dense as her middle girl, and women have this something that is pretty dam useful. Especially when we men wish they didn't have IT. She is no spring chicken, with years comes wisdom we generally hopeo anyway.

Or the bitch is in on it. I don't trust anybody except Leo and the other three, JL. Ad and Mario I think it is. Although Renata's application to be in the trust group is in review and things look good so far.

I agree Victoria does seem a little oblivious and innocent (except from being a devilish momma). She's either so much into appearances that it suited her not to see all the red flags (she suspected the cheating, but not the rest) or she is the dirtiest of them all.

I'm on team Renata and the fact that she's being played by a very good actress does help, even at her worst you could see something good about her. Dropping the pills might actually cure her. And then maybe she can help Elisa stay afloat, the girl has no life skills.

Adriana Noel, this was amazing. Your wry humor and laser focused insight was on full display. You did an incredible job.

"Fernasty" and "Nothing says “I don’t love you” like gazing at a woman’s window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her unlovable self" alone were well worth the price of admission.

"Leo’s problem is that he hasn’t forgotten Julia (how could he, since she’s only been dead for 14 capitulos)". You can see his understandable internal struggle as he wants to remain steadfast and loyal to Julia's memory. As he should, especially given the timeline. Yet, he is attracted to Elisa, who could be the right woman, but definitely at the wrong time.

"There is enough longing in his voice for Adriana to suggest that maybe he IS in love". He has an aching void and it would be so easy to fill.

Elisa's situation is equally complicated. "No wonder that Elisa is falling for Leo, the only nurturing person in her life right now". I completely agree with you in that Elisa needs to grow up. She has been given too much for which too little has been expected. Leo may be a knight in shining armor but this princess needs to rescue herself.

“Renata has had enough abuse, she forbids her mother to ever touch her again”. Loved that she grabbed Vicki’s wrist before that unwarranted slap landed. “Renata rocks so much in this scene that even Marcelo seems impressed”. Count me in. Jarifa, Renata is my new hero. Fierce and a formidable force.

I am also in awe of Suzana Gonzalez, who is my favorite actress. I think Marcelo may have loved her as much as he is capable of. But he is weak. He is the one person who seemed to have Fernasty's number but unfortunately, she now has his and I fear things look dark for him right now.

So Eugenio's second spawn will be entering the picture. I wonder if he knows who Fernanda really is. She is responsible for almost as much carnage in this as Eugenio is. Yet, she is still free to undermine at will.

How did Majo know where Dario's mother was??

I enjoyed every minute of the episode but your recap even more. Thank you Adriana Noel!


Adriana: you had the snarkometer on high give this time. True gems below:

"Leo might have said no to Elisa, but he is giving that kiss some thought".

"(I’m telling you, it was the cooking!)" LOL

"Nothing says “I don’t love you” like gazing at a woman’s window, hoping to catch a glimpse of her unlovable self". (My favorite! LOL)

"(having two idiot sons must say something about their father, right?)"

I knew Victoria had to have a screw loose herself somewhere. Where else would Re-nutty get hers from. As for frenemy Fernanda, pimping her lover so coolly like that gives me the chills.

Kirby: " if she didn't hear Carlos Rivera singing..." Yep. Actually, I would have hoped AB's love interest would have looked more like him than this dude.

Adriana , merci for an other excellent recap of all the drama.

I dont think i have ever seen Angelique play such a clueless role. Leo taking a step back and Mojo and mama rejecting her seems to have rocked her world, and she is confiding in her notbff Fernasty ...not good.

Perhaps those meds she has been given all these years are actually what is causing Renata 's mental state . I am still hoping that she , Leo, the good cops, and Dario will team up to uncover the villains. So far , Elisa seems useless, confused, and scared .

How could Vicki' s smarmy dude radar not picked up on randy Tio after having him buzzing around the family all those years . Just looking at the guy and his facial expressions and body language would have set off most women's alarm bells and whistles.

Adriana Noel, great recap and the sides just made it sweeter, thank you!

Renata really rocked last night; she is quickly becoming my favorite character and I look forward to her scenes. Stopping that slap was "lo maximo!" So how long has Vic been hitting Renata? since childhood? It's a wonder that Renata has best as she could. Susanlynn, "Perhaps those meds she has been given all these years are actually what is causing Renata 's mental state." That and her mother!

Fernasty (good one, Adriana!) is really coming out of her snakeskin and becoming more difficult to figure out. I don't think she is completely in with Ewwgenio; she is using everyone and everything she can to get what she wants.


Kirby, "Victoria does not smell a rat?" Vic can't even smell her own s**t much less a rat!

Well, I am interested in seeing what the new character Fabrisio brings to the storyline . Are he and Dario half brothers ? Do they get along ? Do they both hate daddy dearest? Will Fab fall in love with winsome Elisa putting both Fernasty and Love!y Leo into a jealous spin ?

Wardrobe always puts Victoria in blouses and slacks , making her look kind of large and in charge , but so far , she just seems clueless and heartless . WHy is Mojo the only daughter she seems to love and protect? Did she give birth to all three girls , or do they have different mothers ? Do they have different fathers ? Family dynamics here are very confusing .

No way is Eliza a bad guy, she is the main protagonist right? Or would GG be that mean to give us a lead actress/protagonist that would die in the end?

No way did Fabricó and Dario know each other, and no way would Fabricó know about Dario because Moptop is just too cunning and would probably never do anything to counter his super businessman and super good guy image, letting his legitimate son know he has a trained assassin son on the side.

If anyone is interested, and didn't know, the opening, theme song is sung by Carlos Rivera (he has sung several) telenovela theme songs). The song is "Otras vidas". YouTube link:

The video automatically had the Spanish lyrics at the bottom. Personally, I didn't like the 'Official' version of the song.

It's written by Carlos Rivera and Leonel Garciá. Leonel García wrote one of my favorite telenovela theme songs when he was part of the duo band, Sin Bandera with Noel Schajris—"Amor Real"! The Sin Bandera band, together or solo, have written and sung many great, popular Mexican songs.

Carlos was so popular in México that, along with other singers, he sang for Pope Francis during his visit to México in 2016.

In case you were interested.....

Victoria, i love the theme song to Amor Real . I also love the theme song for Alborada sung by Placido Domingo.

Adriana Noel you did a splended job
With this recap. Girl you're a keeper.
Iam so proud of ranata. The girl got spunk. She stoped the bitch from hitting her. She probly been doin that for years. Bout damed time she stops her from that abuse.
May the tn gods give her strength to keep getting stronger.

Hey I come upon something whiles I
Was looking for more imfo on The characters of impire of lies. And
This came up bout the producers sis
Whose also in this tn. She plays fernanda. A fan said something not so nice about her getting this part
Cuz her sister is the producer. She
Very politely shut said fan down. On instagram. But yall probly
already knew that. Wow so much drama. Movin on.

So dario has a big brother or baby
Brother. Their dads a jerk. Do ya
Suppose they know about each other?
Im glad he was able to get a text to majo about mama.
Now she needs to stop being mad at her sister. Wouldn't it be great if
The 3 sisters got together and went after tio rug? With leo helping?
And find out about fernasty. Now she maybe lookin out for herself but shes involved with murderers &
Theives. And momma pushed her into it not knowing what she was putting
Baby girl into. Shes in It now.
I would love it marcelo and ranata
Made it through but that opening
Credit where he's got that sheet around his neck tells me the story will change. I just hope ranata wont go open the coocoo's nest if that should happen.

Leo n elisa. They got plenty big mountains to get over before they get Together. What a nice guy leo is. Hes Showing some decency by still honoring his julia and baby.

Teresa is a piece of cow patty. Wanna throw her mother inlaw out of the house. JL got better sence not to listen to her. I hope. Leo needs to tell him what he found out about the lil pis head that bedded his baby girl.

I suppose tio rug thinks hes home free. Theres a reckin ball coming at his rugged head.

Ok then thats it for now, dinner is served. Later.


Victoria, thanks for the info about the music, I have a special place in my heart for novela music, there are songs that get stuck in my head decades after the novela ended.
However she got the part, the actress playing Fernanda is doing a very good job- we all hate her.

Nina, I have a feeling it won't be so easy to convince Majo that Elisa fought for her release. She might be 20 something but she's acting like a teenager when it comes to Dario. Us against the world never works long time.

Victoria was being a loving mother to Elisa, too, until Elisa stepped out of line. As soon as she finds out about Majo and Dario I believe she will turn her back o Majo, too.

Then Vic is willy willy going to have a berry berry bad day when she finds out about FerNasty.

Kirby, "Then Vic is willy willy going to have a berry berry bad day when she finds out about FerNasty." Can you imagine what kind of day she'll have when she finds out about Ewwwgenio? Add a few more "willys and berrys" to that LOL

Good Morning, Patio Peeps, have a scrumptious day! We'll be getting back into this super-tangled web tomorrow, so relax those neurons :-)

Sorry I'm so late this time, but needed to catch up on sleep this weekend.

Renata sees that Leo is in love with Elisa, but fails to see that Marcelo was likely never in love with her. He has been there to manage her crazy and is very much a fortune hunter.

Majo has been manipulated by enough people that she should be in a psych ward right now.

JL should head straight for divorce court; he's married to one of the sorriest excuses for a wife and mother I've ever seen.

I don't think that Eugenio's two sons know about each other. Can't wait to see them clash.


Just to let you know that tonight's recap might be late. I have been slightly under the weather and didn't get out of bed until almost noon. You may not see #15's recap until tomorrow.

Girl just take care of yourself.
We can wing it if we have too.
😷feel better ok🤒

Health is the most important thing.

Get well....

Thanks. Look for the recap around noon.

Urban..take care of yourself. That is the most important thing , especially right now.

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