Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras, #16, 10/13/20: Confusion, Delusion, And A Few Emotional Contusions

When is a kiss not a kiss?  When it's conflicted.  Like Leo seems to be. the poor thing.  Seems his motor's revving but he's still stuck in P for parked.  Elisa is tired of him just spinning his wheels.    He tells the teary-eyed Elisa that his head is a jumble of mixed feelings and thoughts.  She wonders why he didn't figure it out once he saw the videos of Julia with Daddy.  Those should have clarified a lot of things for him.  Leo doesn't want to hurt her, but he doesn't know what he feels/wants and his emotions are all over the board.  He's not rejecting her BUT... Well, he might as well have according to Elisa.  She says she doesn't deserve to be played and knows exactly what and who she wants.  (Gawd only knows why it's him.)  Head games simply are not on her list.  Leo looks scared to take her at her word.  However, timid teddy bear types on guilt trips are not Elisa's--nor this corner of Viewerville's--style.  (Please, somebody buy this dude a clue.)  She walks away, more than less perturbed.

Somebody who does know what he wants is Eugenio and he's made it plain to the newly widowed Victoria.  She's not confused.  Her sixth sense tells her this situation is awkward and too strange for words.  Geño makes his case:  yeah, he and her defunct, two-timing hubby were best of friends but Hubby defaulted when he betrayed her with another woman (how many to be exact, we may never know--and if it wasn't really Julia, then at least there's Fernanda for sure).  He won't apologize for his feelings and with Art now wormfood, why should he?  She excuses herself and tries to lose the willies.  

Outside the manse,  Dario and Majo are parked, while he explains to Majo how the gang is using Elisa's gallery to launder money. They had to kidnap Majo to force Elisa to do all they wanted, but then he supposedly saw that Elisa was ready to leave Majo to her fate so Dario had to arrange the rescue.  (I think I heard that right.  Corrections accepted!)  Majo tearfully swallows Dario's version of things and believes Elisa did this as the easy road to get possession of all of Papi's empire.  (Dario doesn't dissuade the easily duped kid sister.)   Majo begs Scario to let her stay with him.  He says he needs her there to look after his mother while he's being pursued--now by the bad guys as well as the good guys.  Yes, he loves her and would save her a thousand times over from the baddies--but now is not the time or the place to play house.  Mousey Majo reluctantly exits Dario's car.  

Meanwhile, Vicki has had time to get ready for bed and now sits in an easy chair like the used sack of potatoes she is and thinks back to the last time she spoke to her husband. Somebody was waiting for him for sure.  It was Clara's big sister.  Isn't that what the girl admitted to?

Across town, Fernanda and Fabricio are having an on the rebound reunion.  He and his papi don't see eye to eye, but now that Fab's back, he can join Grupo Cantu and become Elisa's financial savior.  She will undoubtedly see him for the knight in shining armor and he then can woo and win her with the idea of joining their two empires and winner takes all--including Fernanda as Fab's first lady when he finally flings Elisa to the curb.  

Back at the manse, Renata has done her best to doll herself up.  Marcelo comes home for work and acts like a selfish prick with punked hair.  She smiles sweetly, hoping for a compliment, some notice or recognition at lease, but all he does is tell her to bring him a glass of wine up to their room.   He leaves and she deflates, literally. tearfully, passionately, but for once, it is actually a constrained passion.

Upstairs Marc asks Elisa if she gave the order to erase videos taken in the main offices.  She says no.  He leaves.  Majo walks past and Elisa tells her they need to talk.  Majo asks her to speak the truth or they have nothing to speak about.  Why would she have left Majo to go through the hell she did for so long, and her nearly getting raped until Cobra stepped in and saved her?  Where was she all this time?  Laundering money for that very same gang!  Elisa tries shushing Majo but won't go into any details.  Majo and Viewerville must admit to a major failure to communicate.  She walks off and Elisa enters her room.  She decides to read more of Julia's diary. She suddenly picks up her phone which we assume is to dial up somebody.

At los Velasco, Leo intervenes in the family dispute between Theresa and Jose Luis.  She claims she's his last priority and has forced her to live as a family mooch all these years.  Leo says she and Leslie are his only motivation for living and he's given her the best that he can.  Terry thinks it just isn't good enough.  Leo suggests she live with gratitude for what she has and not fall into the trap of wishing for what she hasn't.  

Elisa has gone over to Adriana's house and shown her the ticket Julia had for a trip to N.Y.  It was paid for by credit card in the name of Rosa Tehran.  How did she get this, anyway? Elisa admits to entering Julia's room and grabbing whatever when Leo showed up forcing her to hide.  Has she told Leo about it yet?  Nope.  Adriana can give him the receipt but mustn't tell him she's got Julia's diary.  She will eventually give it back.

Meanwhile, Leo is talking to JL about his feelings towards Elisa.  What should he think about Julia's relationship with Cantu?  What's frustrating him is that now things are complicated by his new feelings for Elisa Cantu.  He doesn't know if it's lust or love--or avenging his hurt feelings at having learned she was with another man.  JL says he's the last person to know anything about marital or lovelorn psychology.  The bottom line is Julia's gone.  She's the past.  Go with his feelings and what he truly desires.  True love appears at the weirdest times in life.  Grab it when it does and enjoy it.  Think things through with a cool head, objectively.  Certain things cannot be changed. Don't be piling them up or eventually, it will all come down like an avalanche to suffocate you.

The next day, Elisa pays a visit to JL at the hospital.  She wants to thank him in the name of the Cantu family for all that he did to rescue her sister.  Majo is fine physically, but she is still mentally missing a few tricks.  He suggests seeing a psychologist or the girl will never get over this bad experience.  (Wow!  Why hadn't WE thought of that?)  She tells JL then that the case is going to be closed.  JL says once it goes to a different federal attorney in a different area there is nothing they can do about that. Elisa is not a happy camper.

Just then Leo walks in.  Elisa says hey and explains her reason for being there, then exits.  JL tells his brother to go after her.  After all, he is pining away for her, isn't he?  (Parts of him are, we can be sure.)  He turns around and races after her.  "Elisa!  Why are you running away?"  She's got to get to the office now.  "Say, I've been thinking about what you said.  How about we start from square one, start over as just Elisa and Leo, a couple of adults without a past to pursue?"  Ok.  What's he got in mind?  He invites her to dinner that night. She agrees.  

At the office, Fer gets her kicks by rubbing Marcelo's nose in it.  His videos were erased.  No, he knows someone entered his office and erased the tapes.  Oh, well there was such an amazing amount of important activity going on in there.  So, he better get to work putting together his report for the new boss.  "--Yeah, yeah.  Fabricio Serrano.  So what."  "--Show him how valuable an employee you are....." (Snicker, snicker....)

Geñio and Sonia are eating breakfast across in uptown.  They discuss Fab and that he's ready to take over the Cantu company. "-- He has everything except the majority of stock, right?"  Geñio wonders how she knows this.  Sonia says she of course overheard his discussion somewhere along the line.  He says Fab will eventually manage that and take over.  Just then Marc calls.  She gets permission to take "bidnez) call from The Gym--her personal trainer.....  He is called away from the table for business.  She tells Marc that yes they were caught.  He says he knows it was Fern because she's the only one with access to his office.  Fern is waiting for the perfect time to use what she's learned against him.  Geñio returns asking why Sonia "forgot" to tell him Fernanda was there last night.  What did she want?

Dario is following someone down a stairwell.  Looked like Fabricio.

Ren surprises Marc at the office.  He's not a happy camper.  She wants him to come with her to the realty company to see the apartment she's found.  He says he's too busy and is pissed that the company passed him over for a promotion and put Eugenio's son in charge of Finance instead.  He didn't even get a chance to interview!  She has another temper tantrum about his rejection of her.  He doesn't kiss her, never looks at her, won't tell her he loves her.  Does he love her?  If he doesn't then tell her to her face, here and now!  He sneers and she goes ballistic.  He shakes his head in disgust.  She cries and whines then races out.

Leo calls Elisa while she's chatting with Fern.   Fab is postponing his first day.  He has a meeting with his pops.  Ok.  His brother's getting released from the hospital.  He says this call, though, is just an excuse to tell confirm their dinner date and then to tell her he misses her already.  Is it too soon to feel this way?  She giggles as she hangs up.  (Ugg.  FF>>FF>>) She tells Fern the call was from Leo.  Just then Elisa notices Renutty racing out of the building; Elisa chases after her.  

Fab having returned from London, does lunch with Dad.  Fab wants to ensure he has somebody on his side at Grupo Cantu.  So, ok. He's down with making peace with Papi.  Dario, lurking behind a nearby wall watches the "good son" embrace Geñio and the jealousy is churning.  What to make of this meeting???

We next are beamed to the apartment tour with Elisa filling in for Marc.  She convinces Ren that this could mean a new stage in her relationship with him.  (Of course, that assumes that Marcelo is still a willing participant--which we all know he idn't.)  

On the other side of town, JL gets released and the whole family is there minus one--Theresa.  She does suddenly appear a couple minutes late, sorrowfully sprinkling her little acerbic bits of personal tragedy around.  Yep, she's late but she is there so that they could present as a family for Leslie, although, truth be told, she and JL are separating.  News flash to JL et al!! Leslie blames herself. (Good goin', Theresa--NOT!)

And, speaking of unexpected, unwelcome news, Elisa and Ren deliver the news to Vicki that Ren's just signed a contract on a new apartment.  She and Marc will be moving out.  Vicki raises Cain when she's told.  "--No way!! You're incapacitated and without my support--" Ren breaks in and insists that she has a right to privacy with her family.  And she refuses to have her child born into this crazy household!  Vicki and Elisa are both now drop-jawed impactada.  Is she preggers????

Geñio at lunch is asking Fab if he's come back to assist with the business or for Elisa.  Just then he spies Dario and goes over to chide him.  Apparently, Dario was not invited.  Dario insists he has as much right to be involved with "family" as Fabricio.  Papi Ewww warns Dario not to push him.  Dario doesn't budge.  "--Don't you push me!"  Geñio warns him the police could grab him at any time.  "--But that would be as inconvenient for you as it would be for me.  I want to see my mother.  Where is she?"  Geñ says he's working on it.  Well, adds Dario, the way you've taken care of her,  I want that kind of care now also, Papaaaa!"  "--Don't call me that!  I forbid you!"  Dario semi-sneers.   Geñio turns on his heel and returns to Fabricio.  

Back at los Cantu, Elisa and Ren have gone up to Ren's room.  Mama must eventually understand that Ren has her own life--but only if Marcelo wants to go with her.  Elisa tells her to do her own thing and they will worry about the rest later.  Independence, we suppose, matters more than whether a lousy husband pays heed.   Elisa now changes topics.  She has got a date with Leo and they're starting their relationship anew.  Ren is thrilled and gives her sis the benefit of her therapy sessions.  (Whether she's ever put them to use to her own benefit is still questionable but Elisa does get great advice.)  Elisa then admits she's read Julia's diary and eventually must return it.  Ren considers reading a former novia's diary a very daring-do.

At the Alvarez house, Julia's daddy asks Nieves just what type of work was Julia doing for that guy Cantu? Nieves denies knowing anything about it.   His patience is way past its boiling point.  He explodes.  Hubby knows better but he's too weak to do more than argue like a dog with an old bone.  He suffers an attack.  Nieves (I wonder if she sheds her skin like her reptilian kin) escapes another truth or consequences episode.  

Meanwhile, Fern has had Sonia come over to make a bidnez proposition.  Fern shows her a piece of valuable art worth millions of dollars.  All she has to do is find a buyer and she can leave Eugenio once and for all.  Sonia doesn't know any buyers--well she's got to figure out a way to find some, right?  Ok....AND as Sonia exits the front door, who is skulking behind the bedroom door, listening in but Ewwwgenio.  Duh-duh-dunnnn!  Fer just gave Sonia a piece worth millions, he reasons; does she have any idea what might happen if things turn out badly???  Fern explains she gave Sonia the piece to prove her loyalty--to Geñio.  The purpose is to learn who Sonia's lover is-- If that is who she takes it to.  (What???)  Now how one thing leads to the other only the tn gods would know.  And, why it makes sense to give a ditz like Sonia a multimillion $$ piece of stolen artwork to begin with beggars, if not buggers, the imagination.  In other words, WTH???? is up with that? 

Leo, looking rather rumpled in his jacket and tieless shirt (that half-shaved look doesn't exactly help much, either) arrives at the appointed restaurant that evening.  He waits for Elisa who arrives only to be kidnapped once again at the entrance.  It's beanie time cuz nobody notices--especially Leo.  (This kidnapping crud is definitely getting old!)


Jardinera: Good Morning from the Alamo City. Enjoyed your recap analysis.

Let me guess: more kidnappings in store ?

Thank you, Jardinera, great read as always and I'm with you on all your asides.
The talk between Dario and Majo - I undesrtood it just like you did: Augie was bad, Elisa was working with him all along through her galery, when Augie died, they needed to force Elisa to give them what Augie stole... makes my head hurt, but Majo is in luuuv,so everything goes. And it's not like Elisa is being very transparent, either, like you very well pointed.

IMO, Fer is the smartest one of the bunch. She is playing Marcelo, Eugenio, Sonia, I missing someone? I don't know what her end game is, she has no loyalty towards anyone but herself, so we'll see... she's the most interesting character right now, imo.
Her convo with Fab was interesting, he legitimately asked why he couldn't work at Cantu without "working" Elisa on the side(guy doesn't know all these people are mad, apparently). Her explanation for why she's going against the Cantus makes no sense to me, she's spiteful because some people are richer than she is, bottom line.

Will Dario and Fab become BFFs?
Will Fab turn out to be one of the good guys (we sure need one of those).
Can JL shave his beard, divorce Teresa and hook up with Renata instead?

More later...

Steve: Undoubtedly there has to be more kidnappings. Seems to be the signature occupation of half the characters....(snicker, snicker).

Adriana: you bring up an interesting point about Fer. She should be running things, not Ewwwgenio. Maybe she will be by the time the show starts the downward spiral.

Jardinera, thank you for another excellent recap of all the crazy.

I am getting more and more confused about what the game plan is.

Adriana, add Elisa to the the list of people Fern is juggling . I don't know what she is doing , but she seems very pleased with herself as a puppeteer .

Where will Fab fit into this tale? He and Tio Rug are estranged , but now they are hugging.Neither Fab nor Dario looks like Tio , so their mothers must have been very attractive .

Thank you, jardinera. Wonderful job! I enjoyed the snark but especially “This kidnapping krud is definitely getting old!”. When I saw that, I seriously have to reconsider if watching this novela is worth it. Is it going to turn into a constant campaign of terror?

I half expected Victoria to say the legendary “No me toques” as she dealt with creepy Eugenio. He is sooooo unattractive because he thinks he is hot in his own head. Great acting on Alejandro Camacho’s part.

Adriana, ITA that at this point Fernanda is the smartest one in the bunch juggling all of these moving parts but will she be able to keep it up?

Although she is a witch, I can understand why bitter Teresa wants out after feeling like the last family member of importance all those years. That could be why she is like she is. Just be grateful? Leo isn’t living her life. Now they need to just write her out because they have made their point and we need not hear from her again.

Here is hoping Renata can manage to get out from under Victoria’s control and successfully live in her own place with or without her dog of a husband and become more involved in the action at the office.


Let me see if I understand what's going on....Tio Rug is pursuing Victoria to get control of the company , and now Fern has brought in her lover Fab to romance Elisa to get control of the company . Is that right ? How many shares does Victoria own? How many does Elisa own? How many does Ren own? Does Mojo own any ?

Also, I don't think Elisa knew about Auggie's dirty dealings , but Dario thinks she did. Does Tio think that she knew?

Thank You Snarkinera, great work.
I think I want to go to these guys kidnapping school. They MUST have classes on how to do this ANYWHERE undetected, right? Not that I am a would-be kidnapper, but it just looks like some of those skills might come in handy in working on a boat or car, like maybe removing the engine effortlessly with no skinned knuckles and broken wrenches. Check engine light on? Pffftt, drop in a new one at lunch.
These girls never think to bite off a finger or two and 'Patooie' then scream bloody murder while embedding a spike 4 inch heel in somebody's foot or other tender area? Arms and legs spread eagle to NOT go into the backseat like when you try to put a cat in his bathwater?

In broad daylight on a highway or in front of a busy restaurant with probably, valet parking? Yep, sign
me up.

So let's see, FerNasty brings unFab with the poodle hair (sorry fellow woofers) in as supposedly El's potential new flame, but a funny thing happened along the way. WTF Quality Control or something? Like Orville Redenbacher not letting his corn ship unless it has been personally Tested and approved?

Elisa 'No More Secrets', only of course except the ones that are secret, like her little stunt that would make the FBI and CIA proud, sitting in her underwear at night reading Leo's DEAD girlfriend's personal diary. Thankfully Leo or Julia did not either have any rabbits.

So the Hoe Hoe Toad is leaving? Leo, tries to talk her out of it, what is wrong with “Don't let the door hit you in the ass'? Once you get your own place Toad, maybe everyone you are related to can Moovch in with YOU.

Kinda feel sorry for Leo, in that it is becoming unavoidably apparent that he was in Luuuurve with a complete fraud. Julia's intentions may have been quite noble, to help her Dad. And if she had just made a couple of trips smuggling, that is one thing, but she had a whole double life. Like you see every day where someone tearfully says “I thought I knew him/her.” when obviously they did not.

Thanks again Jardinera

Susanlynn, thank you for adding Elisa to my list of people Fer is playing. I think I didn't include her at first because she's such an easy target, Fer doesn't even have to make an effort with her, while all the others are more or less good at scheming.

Elisa didn't know about Augie's dirty dealings, but Dario wants Majo to think that she did. Why he would want to turn the sisters against one another is not clear yet. Tio Rug knows that Elisa was unaware of Augie's illegal activities, but doesn'tknow that Dario is trying to convince Majo otherwise. In fact, he made it known to Dario at one point that Majo was off limits to him, but he has no clue that they are an item.

Victoria has most shares, she also inherited Augie's, if I got it right; that's why she said after Augie died that she's the majority owner, so she decides who gets the CEO position. Tio Rug has 25%, what Elisa sold him to get cash, if Renata would have sold her shares to him, he would have become the majority holder.
Who has so much specifically, I don't know, but all girls supposedly have the same amount of shares, Victoria has hers and Augie's, Tio Rug has 25%, which would probably put him right under Vic... ah, my head hurts! If anyone understood this better, jump in.

Kirby - Fab, poodlehair - hahahaha

Jarifa, if I were Teresa I would have probably searched for a job as soon as Leslie was old enough instead of living with the MIL. I would be frustrated, too, my MIL is a sweetheart and still I have a hard time when she comes over for a long visit (which is the only kind she has, since she lives so far away from us). But to blame JL for everything is too low. I agree that she needs to go, fast!

Adriana/Jarifa: Well, has Theresa always been sullen? Has she a reason to be? Seems so and seems not. But, JL can only give her this kind of life. I thought most folks live with family in Mexico --of one sort or another. Is that cultural situation much changed of late? Dunno. It's a house that eventually JL will inherit I am certain. Why feel like a mooch? It could be a nice situation if she tried to connect with the others.

Kirby: ITA, some special sort of kidnapping school like they have special escape driving schools for chauffers and cops.

Susanlynn: ITA, Elisa was blind to Augie's dirty dealings. And I don't know the reason Dario keeps playing head games with Majo. One of the interesting mysteries still to make known.....


Jardinera, I believe most women could be happy with Teresa's situation. A good MIL, nice house with no mortgage, doesn't have to run to work every day.
I'm the opposite of that :)) When my mom and MIL were with us, helping while my daughters were newborns, I was going insane. Then I couldn't wait to go back to work, gain some of my independence back.
Teresa can't stand the big family (I sympathise), BUT she never did anything to better their lives. I'm sure JL's mom would have agreed to babysit if she decided to go back to work and they would have eventually managed to have their own home. It is a cultural thing in Mexico and many other countries (including mine) to have several generations living together, but if the situation no longer works for you... I believe Teresa could have used her charms to convince JL to move at some point or another, instead she prefered to turn to eating, drinking and being a bad mom.

Telenovela Kidnapping school - where do I sign? I'd love to kidnap Cristian de la Fuente in his next galan part.

Jardinera, this was excellent.

“He leaves and she deflates, literally. tearfully, passionately, but for once, it is actually a constrained passion” blew me away.

"She excuses herself and tries to lose the willies" was perfect and mirrored that scene perfectly.

"he supposedly saw that Elisa was ready to leave Majo to her fate so Dario had to arrange the rescue" and "Dario doesn't dissuade the easily duped kid sister" have me rethinking of this is really a couple I want to root for. "Mousey Majo" indeed.

I was moved by Vicky’s grim, brittle appearance, devoid of makeup as she rocked in her chair trying to sort out her questions resting hea
vily on her shoulders. Leticia Calderon was mesmerizing and totally owned this scene.

“Nieves (I wonder if she sheds her skin like her reptilian kin)” was spot on. She and Teresa are reprehensible. I have no sympathy for Teresa who should build a life of her own if she doesn't like the life she has. She has a daughter who needs her and her overt indifference to JL is incomprehensible.

Fernanda. I cannot wait for her downfall. Ack

Yes, this is one kidnapping too many.

I still love Leo,

Thank you Jardinera!


Thank you , Jardinera! I think the nickname Kirby gave you fits perfectly!

I have to join the table of confused why Scario is playing minds games with Majo. He really had us fooled thinking that he luuurved her. Seems like this is turning into a sick obsession for him.

I felt so sorry for Renata, She has been trying really hard to "be good" and she got all dolled up only to be asked to take dinner and a drink to the room.

Everyone is right, Elisa did not know about Aug's dirty dealings. I am still on the fence about Julia, though. I still believe that she was truly in love with Leo. If she was dealing dirty it was to get the needed money for her father's treatment...but, yeah, she was leading a very well hidden double life. And I'm sure Nieves and Clara knew about all of it.

Leo started out really well, but that lost puppy dog look is starting to get to me.

This is a very tangled web...frustrating!!!

Hey Gang, is there anybody to root for in this show? I have sunk to trying to figure out what make year and model of cars they drive, as they (cars) are more likeable and dependable than any of the people. Oh, wait, I think I like Adriana for the time being, but I suspect that is colored by her improvement over Rosa in Ringo.

And what girl in her right mind goes after a fellow whose preggers Fiance'e (not just girlfriend) was brutally murdered a couple of weeks ago? All four of those Cantu broads are about half cray cray if you ask me.

On top of it, the diary. Somehow to me that just smells Fatal Attraction scary. Like when you discover that your sig other has been waking at 3 AM for months to go through your phone.

Kirby, I hadn't thought about it this way, but Leo's situation is kind of creepy. He's the guy with the dead pregnant fiancée...not very attractive

Diana/RGV: ITA it is becoming extremely frustrating and the chaos abounds--not to mention both young couples give me pause. Are they really worth cheering on?

Scario de Dario is back in major form and Majo doesn't do anything but whine to everybody. Dario's got a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde complex going on.

Adriana: Both Elisa and Leo have little respect for the dead. Yeah, they're living but couldn't this mutual attraction thing have waited a respectable while? She moves in on Leo and Leo's conscience is only momentarily heard from. Fast work on both their parts.

Kirby - ditto what I just wrote to Adriana.

This is certainly becoming a tangled web . I felt that the writers were really doing a nice job of shaping Leo into a true galan . He was trying to solve the mystery of Julia's murder and also trying to help and protect Elisa. He was kind and respectful to Renata and Victoria, and he is devoted to his brother and mother. He , also,tried to give his niece Leslie advice and a shoulder to cry on . However, now he seems to be doing nothing but spinning his wheels and looking dazed and confused. Maybe that's why the writers decided to have ELisa give Leo something to do and a chance to be a proactive hero. I still like Leo , but the writers are not giving him a plotline that gives vhim a chance to be the hero.

And why has Fab appeared? he a good guy, a bad guy ? Does he even know that his dear Dad as another son who is his henchman ? How close are he and Fern ? Just old buddies with benefits ?

Fern is trying to manipulate a lot of people. Where is this all headed ?

Hello Jardinera654 from the sunny
Sunshine state of (as kirby calls it floree-duh).

Theresa makes an appearance and just spoils everybody's release from the hospital home going fun with"jose L and I are seperating.
And not caring that her daughter is right there. What a coldblooded
Bitch she is. Poor thing she can't take it no more, she done all she could to make it work. Right, and I
Got money growin on The trees in my
Yard. If she did try she quit tryin
And decided to sit all day and eat and watch tv and not even try talkn
To her daughter. Good riddance. Enter adriana.

Fab dont know he got a brother. So
Who is the older one. It dont much
Matter, daddy sucks. Now what woman let him come anywhere near her to get knocked up with fab? And whats fab's story? What makes him tick? Besides sex with whoever lets him in?
Genio dont want dario to call him papa, whats up with that? Hes not as good as fabrio, bull. Both his sons got bad DNA and they inherited
It from daddy. But dario maybe has
Some saving grace, with blood on his hands. But as arnald said in the movie "true lies, they were all bad people". Iam not condoning murder but the tn gods are intent on making him a good bad Guy. Iffin there is such a thing. Miss
Gonzales the floor is yours madam

Fernasty is really showing her true
Colors, and she aint tryin to hide
Them either. Atleast not to viewer
Ville. Sonia has no odea whats comin, we dont either but I can take a guess. And tio nastyrug is in on it.

Vicky sitting alone in her pjs no
Makeup thinkin Bout hubby. I dont
Think he was cheating with julia. What if he wasnt cheating at all?
Just more ???s

The kidnapping continues. I hope someone lets us know what is what
Soon, especially about augusto and
Julia. I dont think they were ever having an affair. Not with what she
Wrote in that diary.

When people are eating they don't notice nothing but the food in front of them. No body saw the kidnappers nab poor elisa. Again.

Thank you Jardinera654. Good safe day to you madam recaper.


Nina: thanks. Always enjoy your rants. ;?))

Susanlynn: I think we're all a bit confused at this point, Je-je.

OK, so FurNasty lets Sonia. who doesn't have a brain, know that her snooping corrupt ass is onto her little secrets with the company owner's daughter's hubba dubba.

But she will give her an artifact which is probably not hers to give away and is probably stolen anyway and half the people in their orbits are looking for it FOR FREE!

Here, it is yours, take it no strings attached, and run away, (and please let me know where you are going and with whom and at what time Girlfriend. Kisses, bye.

After hooking up with the poodle, I just thought FurNasty would fit better until we at least see her taking a shower.

I'm rooting for Fernanda. She's the only one getting stuff done! Sure, most of that stuff is a little evil, but she might have good reasons. And what's Dario's excuse? His mom is sick but she loved him. His dad is evil and that's enough for him to kidnap and manipulate MJ? Fernanda had a (supposed) worse mother and she hasn't killed anyone yet.

I'm curious about why Fabricio and Eugenio had a falling out. I thought maybe Fabi would turn out to be a decent sort, but nope. Apple, tree, etc. Fernanda will probably turn on him too. Good. Maybe she'll be the trigger for all these other people to finally get the therapy they so badly need. Speaking of, I'm also rooting for Renata. Because why not?


Because ranata may turn out to be the sensible one in the family. Somebody in This show please be sensible.

This show needs to move along quicker. It's such a mess, I'm losing interest. And that's me—a certified novela bing watcher. I'll just go back to 'La Antorcha Incendio'.
Too soon to watch Amor Real for the umpteenth time.

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