Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 10/12/20, Chapter 15: Secrets, Lies, and Illicit Lovers

Too much insomnia after too much of the air of the dog makes for unsought brevity. This time, anyway. – Dashiell Hammett

What did you say, Clara?” Leo asked. “what did you tell me?”

Don't be afraid, Clara,” Victoria said, in that voice that shouted it was something unwelcome. “Just tell Leo what you discovered about her.”

What did you find out? Tell me.”

I'm sorry, it was nothing.”

No, no,” said Victoria with a cynical smile Leo could only hear in her voice. “It's not your fault that your sister was my husband's lover.”

Is what she said true, Clara?” Leo asked. He was calmer than Victoria was hoping for. “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

No, sorry,” she said. She left the room quickly. She did not look him in the eye. He went after her.

Clara, wait.” He followed her out.

At least she told him,” Victoria said. She was as unemotional as a CEO addressing a board meeting.

What have you done, Mother?” Elisa asked. “Why is this person in the house?”

Is she the sister of the woman who died with my father” Majo asked.

What are you doing?” Elisa asked.

Why don't you tell her? Because you have no case? Clara is my personal assistant.” She turned to Elisa. “Besides, there is nothing wrong with helping people who need it.”

I'm sorry, but I don't believe in your 'good intentions.' What does she know about Father? What did she tell you?”

Leo followed Clara outside, asking again whether her sister and Elisa's father had been lovers. He had hoped to get the truth out of Victoria's earshot or sight, but Clara would not answer.

Fernanda looked at the screen in Marcelo's office. He had only turned off the camera and Sonia's face was visible. Sonia asked him if he was still there. Fernanda remained silent as she listened to Sonia demand to know if Marcelo was there. She finally closed the laptop.

Teresa went to José Luis's bedside, and talked about what she had found out about Leslie. She was contemptuous, especially when she said “And your mother hid that from us. She knew from the beginning and told us nothing. This is all over the school all week. She said nothing. The school's director called to ask me what was going on with our daughter. If your mother left, we woyld have known. Your mother kept us in the dark. We didn't know until now. What else is she hiding from us? She can't live with us. This is very serious. You get it, don't you?”

Shut up. Shut up now, Teresa.” José Luis had already heard this. Many times. “Forget about my mother. The only important thing is Leslie. What happene? How does she feel? Have you talked to her? Helped her?”

Teresa shook her head, took her purse, and stated to leave. José Luis called her back.

Really, did you talk to her? Help her at all?”

How could I?” she asked. She was condescending. “I was here all day helping you.”

Today? No. But have you talked to her at all, mother to daughter? Once in your life?”

Right,” she said, with sarcasm. “It's all my fault. Really? José Luis, do you know why this happened? Because you aren't here. You leave me alone all day.”

I'm working, Teresa. I have to work. Don't reproach me because I do this to provide. I want to have the best for us. You're at home. Your responsibility is –”

How can I be responsible for our daughter if my mother-in-law meddles in –”

Stop blaming my family! Damn it, you are supposed to help me when all you do is –”

What do I do? Sit around all day eating and drinking? Is that what you're trying to say?”

I didn't want to say that. It's the only thing you know how to do. Stop this. Get out of here. Go home now. I don't need your scolding or the headaches from them. Get out of here. Leave me alone. Leave. Leave or I will shout.”

She stayed still. He shouted “Get out!” The first time she was startled, the second time she covered her ears. But she left.

José Luis knew what was going to happen at home. He got out of his bed and removed his sling. He was about to collapse when two nurses and an orderly came in to put him back to bed.

The Cantú household wasn't in any better condition. The argument continued about Augusto and Julia. This time Majo was convinced that Elisa knew about them all along.

You think I knew everything about Father, but no. These last days I've discovered a lot of things about him.”

I think your galleries were a smokescreen –”


Please, stop fighting,” Victoria said.

What I know was that Julia was my father's mistress and that's why they were killed. And I know that Father dealt in antiquities which – by coincidence – is your specialty. And for that I was kidnapped.”

Elisa reacted in shock.

What does the construction business have to do with art? Nothing. Nothing! But you had to have your galleries and he gave them to you. Why? Why?”

I have never done anything against my family.”

Stop this now, please,” Victoria said. “After all that's happened we're now accusing each other.” She looked at Majo. “Elisa has never broken the law, daughter.”

You were always Father's favorite. I don't know what happened at the gallery. I can't believe you.”

I can't believe that you doubt me. After everything that's happened with all those people you are here right now.”

You saved yourself so you didn't end up murdered like my father.”

Elisa picked up her purse and left. It was useless to try to convince her sister.

Sonia called Marcelo to tell him he neglected to sign off the computer and had left it open on his desk. She did not know who had entered his office. She panicked over who then discovered that they were lovers.

Elisa went to her room and cried after the argument. She looked into Julia's scrapbook. She read the entry in which Julia had described her feelings about her pregnancy. She had been certain that Leo would be happy. She found a photo of Lady Liberty and the purchase receipt for the expensive watch. She stared ahead.

Leo talked with Julia's parents. Whatever they had previously said was not satisfactory and they were not inclined to say anything. Both avoided looking him in the face. He told them what Clara had said and asked if it was the truth. Nieves became angry at the dirt thrown at Julia'a good name and family honor. Nieves denied that Julia had been involved with Augusto, contradicting what Clara had told him earlier. Javier could not calm her down. She accused him of casting shadows on Julia's character to justify his affair with Elisa Cantú. He lost patience with her and she accused him of tryng to humiliate her and family. She ended by saying that if he continued with this she would forget that he was ever part a of her family.

He was probably relieved that he no longer was.

Dario arrived at Eugenio's with a bag filled with cash. He opened it in front of him.

Here is the cash; the rest will be in checks.” Eugenio appeared satisfied. “You complete your promise. I want to see my mother.”

First we need to complete the pending operations,” Eugenio said. “There is much work to be done.”

We had a deal.”

First things first. Tomorrow the money goes to Elisa to be deposited with the checks. There will be nothing in our accounts.”

What if we don't impress her?” [???]

That is what you must do. [???] She must open the gallery to receive the merchandise.”

He implied that Elisa was “one of us.”

Javier told Leo he didn't like the idea of Clara working for Victoria Cantú. “Ever since I met her I've thought this would end badly. Like oil and water.”

What do you think would happen?”

Who knows? This disease doesn't let me do anything for my family. Sra Victoria isn't going to help us, but use us. If only I wasn't a damned invalid.” He then asked about his investigation into Julia's trips. Leo told him that Julia's passport showed no activity.

Adriana visited José Luis in the hospital. He asked her to find the doctor so he could leave.

You aren't getting up anytime soon,” she told him. “You must be patient.”

I have to get out of here. My daughter needs me. Please.”

The cyberpolice are on the case. Yes. Leo called and told me everything. They'll find those videos before they disappear. Don't worry.”

Leonardo knows everything?”

He didn't want to annoy you by telling you.”

José Luis looked upset. He said “Yes, in charge of everything, as usual.”

We're hoping you recover soon and bring the charges. What was done to Leslie is a crime.”

José Luis was depressed, but relieved at Adriana's optimism. She then brought him up to date on the case. Security cameras showed that Julia and Augusto Cantú turned up together in several different places.

Marcelo was taking some liquid encouragement when Sonia arrived. She was in a state of panic despite certainty that she had not been seen leaving Eugenio's house.

I'm sure no one saw me but he could come back at any moment.”

We need to come up with a strategy so that nobody suspects anything.”

We can't do anything; it's over.”

He led her to the couch and told her to take a deep breath.

I'm afraid. We need to go. Someone discovered us. I don't want to go back to that house.”

Calm down. Think. It was someone here in the office. Anyone could have hit a button on the computer by accident.”

No, no, no. Someone paid attention to the camera. I don't want to go back to that house, I swear I don't want to go back to that house.”

I will go around the company to check all the security cameras and find out who went in.”

What do I do in the meantime? Go back to Eugenio and have him kill me?”

No, no. You have to calm down and think. It's likely that it was someone in this office. Nothing has to happen. Just go back home and you will not have to explain where you were. Take a tranquilizer or anything to relax. You will be alright. Trust me. Yes?”

Majo locked herself in her room and cried. She then sent a text to Dario saying “I have to see you. I miss you very much.” At that moment he was taking leave of Eugenio, who said he was taking charge of Dario's mother. He told him that other things had to be done first. Despite their words, neither seemed to trust the other. Dario's phone informed him of the text, They turned away from each other. Dario read Majo's message while Eugenio told one of his suited thugs to watch Dario and report on his every move.

After arriving home Dario searched carefully for surveillance equipment. When he found none he called Majo and apologized for not having answered her earlier message. He continued searching as they talked. They agreed to meet soon.

Elisa knocked before entering Renata's room. Renata told her she was not hungry. Her new medication was responsible for that. He ha been out shopping. Elisa looked down and found some infant-sized clothes. She asked “Baby things! Are you pregnant?”

No! No!” Renata was angry, sad, and more. “I am forbidden from being a mother!” As Elisa looked astonished Renata started to cry. “Please don't tell anyone. It gave me so much same. Of being crazy, all those days and all those nights of dreaming and having to forget –”

Renata, you are not crazy.”

I'm not crazy but I am mentally ill, no? They say I'm incapable of being a mother. If I want could I adopt?”

Let's look for a better doctor. Renata, let's look for a better treatment for you.”

Please, promise that this is a secret.”

Elisa nodded and went back to exclaiming over the baby clothes.

Teresa silently entered the house and said nothing to Sara, who watched her out of the corner of her eye. Teresa took her usual place on the couch. She smiled insincerely when Sara looked directly at her.

Congratulations, Mother-in-law. You got what you wanted.”

I don't know what you're talking about.”

You achieved your desire. You stayed in the house. José Luis prefers his mother over his wife.”

I'm not sure what you're saying but what a bitter woman you are.”

Bitter? No. On the contrary. I seem to remember the shadow in this house is myself. For that I will leave you.”

Sara took a good look at her. Teresa looked as though she had lost her mind.

Leo and José Luis spoke the next day. Teresa's poison had inflicted José Luis into thinking that he was a bad husband and a worse father. Leo tried to make him feel better. What had happened to Leslie was normal except for the asswipe who distributed the video. José Luis wondered whether his daughter somehow had permitted that; could they have avoided all this? Leo asked “Avoid what? Her being in love?” José Luis didn't know. He was confused. Leo reminded him that they had made many youthful mistakes as well. He reminded his brother that Leslie needed love and understanding. José Luis talked as though he were not up to it.Leo told him that Adriana was working on this and they would catch the young jerk. José Luis said that Leslie should change schools but Teresa would object to the expense. Leo offered to help with the expense because José Luis had paid for some of his studies and the two disagreed. Leo seemed to win this battle.

Marcelo chewed out a security expert at the office. The man didn't have the information he wanted about who was looking at his computer in his office. Marcelo threated to go to the head of the department about this breach. Obviously he wasn't thinking that the lack of such surveillance prevented his own shenanigans from being revealed. He called Sonia.

Little did he know that Sonia could not talk because Fernanda had arrived. She wasted no time. She asked Sonia point-blank if she was doing the horizontal mambo with Marcelo.

Eugenio was nowhere near her at that point. He was at the Cantú residence for a meeting Elisa had requested. Majo was resentful at this, but Elisa did not let her flip it off. Elisa announced that there would be someone coming into the family's construction business to help.

Hopefully it won't be another impostor,” Victoria said.

You know him very well, Mother.” She looked at Eugenio. “It will be Fabricio, your son. He will be arriving in Mexico shortly and will share the responsibilities.”

Elisa, that is in extremely bad taste. You know perfectly well that Eugenio and Fabricio are estranged.”

Elisa is right,” Eugenio said. “He is qualified and I'm sure that he will be a help with the business.” He looked around the room. “Business is business.”

Well, that is what my uncle always says,” Renata said. “Business is business and the estrangement doesn't matter to him.”

I thought it important to share this information with all of you. Since you, Uncle, approve, if any of you have an opinion...”

Well, I approve,” Victoria said.

I also approve,” Renata said. Elisa looked at Majo.

Since I don't have a voice in this house or a vote, don't even talk to me about this,” she said. She started to leave.

What's up with you, Majo?” Elisa asked.

What's up? What's up is that you've won, Elisa.” She started out the room. Victoria excused herself to follow her. Elisa's phone rang and she excused herself to take the call.

Renata moved closer to Eugenio to ask when he can arrange for her to transfer her shares.

Leo and José Luis continued talking. This time about Clara working for Victoria and about the discovery of the videos of Julia and Augusto. José Luis was tired but said they would continue that conversation the next day.

Sonia did not talk. Fernanda said that she would ask Marcelo. She started toward the door which caused Sonia to follow.

What makes you think that?” she asked.

Don't insult my intelligence, Sonia,” Fernanda said. “I discovered it. You and Marcelo are lovers.”

Fernanda, if Eugenio found out I'm sure he would kill me. Please don't say anything.”

Calm down. If that's what you're worried about don't worry; I won't say anything. How can you think that? I know perfectly what Eugenio is capable of. I know he hits you. I will help you.”

Help me? How?”

Don't worry. You will find out.”

Sonia looked doubtful.

Do you want me to help you or not?”

Do I have another option?”

No. I don't think you do, Sonia.”

What do you want? What do I have to do?”

Don't worry. I will contact you tomorrow. It's late and I don't want Eugenio to find me here. I'll contact you. Please, don't tell Marcelo anything.That would only make things worse.”

She left. Sonia didn't feel any better.

Clara told Nieves that she would no longer go to Victoria's house. That starting the next day she would be only working at the office. Nieves was not satisfied, as Javier had already told her. She left to prepare dinner. When she was out of the room Javier implored Clara to tell him what she had not told Leo.

What was going on with Julia? Please tell me. I don't want to die with all this anguish. Come on. Don't worry about your mother.”

Clara looked at him and lowered her surgical mask.

Father, Julia was in a relationship.”

Both cried.

Majo closed the door in her mother's face.

Mother, leave me alone.”

Majo, I'm worried.”

I'm tired. Let me sleep.”

Very well. Rest, my love. I'll see you tomorrow.”

Majo locked the door and picked up her phone to text Dario. She said to meet her in the garden.

Elisa met Leo on the street. It was uneasy. She mentioned her meeting with Adriana. They left.

Fernanda and Fabricio were doing the horizontal mambo.

Just as Majo sneaked out of the mansion to get into Dario's car. For a moment they were like teen lovers in a 1950s movie. Then she asked the fatal question.

Tell me something. My sister swore she had nothing to do with my father's business. Is that true?”

For a moment he did not look her in the eye.

Understand this. Your sister works with us.”


She launders the money. I have proof. Pictures, documents. Everything.”

Victoria poured some hair of the dog for Eugenio.

Now that we're alone...”

Yes,” he said. “That seems to be our destiny.”

What do you think about the announcement about your son?”

Why do you want to talk about that?”

What else?” she asked. She looked as though she was trying to avoid something.

Well, loneliness.”


Of my lonrliness?”

Really? You are not alone.”

Do you also think I'm in love with Sonia?”

Why not? She is a young woman. Very attractive.”

Sonia is no more that one more ornament.” He moved closer to her. “I don't feel anything when I'm near her. On the other hand when I'm with you? You are the woman I desire.”

Victoria cleared her throat. She was uneasy with this revelation.

Elisa and Leo looked at the surveillance videos on a laptop. They showed two cars arriving and leaving. Adriana and Mario were there.

These images are from the Hotel Real in midtown,” Adriana said. “The videos were taken three days apart. We have another one in a cafeteria.” She moved ahead. The video showed Julia and Augusto sitting at a table.

We requested these from the cameras inside the cafeteria,” Mario said.

What is the date on this video?” Elisa asked.

The day before.”

Then there is nothing else to say,” Elisa said. “It's clear to me that Julia and my father were lovers. Excuse me.” She left the room. Leo followed her outside.

Elisa, wait.”

What do you want?”

He said nothing. The kiss was his answer. Under the streetlight, like in an old movie.


Sorry this is so late. I had to sacrifice dialogue for this.

Interesting that we see Fabricio screwing Fernanda before he even speaks a word.

Excellent title, screen shots and recap Urban.

Your dialog translations were so appreciated.

This is all so sordid and morbid. One scene more depressing than the next. One character more vile than the next.

Clara is an innocent bystander, who while wounded by her sister's death is being used as a pitiful pawn. Everyone needs to leave her alone. Even Leo was too forceful.

"Clara looked at him and lowered her surgical mask. “Father, Julia was in a relationship.” Both cried" was heartbreaking.

Outside of Clara's startling statement that Julia was in a relationship, there is no real proof is there? They were no doubt she and Augusto were using the hotel for the smuggling exchanges.

Marcelo made a fatal mistake not shutting down his computer. Now Fernanda has her evil hands in every dirty pie. I feel he might be in more danger than Sonia.

Teresa is despicable.

Renata is fighting with everything she has. Elisa has fallen victim to her own tears and is drowning in self pity. Pick yourself up girl.

José Luis and Adriana? Her sitting on his bed, so sweetly supportive made me smile.

Eugenio has filled Dario's head with even more poison. Too bad Majo has no faith in her sister.

So the prodigal son has returned. We already know he has no taste in women.

Urban, thank you.


Thank you, Urban, your recaps are true forces of nature, you included everything and then some.

Diana, I was watching JL and Adriana's interaction, too, that hospital gown didn't leave much to the imagination, I hope Adriana didn't peek (this Adriana would have). I'm not sure the show will explore it, though, the other day I felt like Mario might have a thing for her, too.
Sonia is truly scared for her life and Marcelo knows what she's going through daily and still sends her back home. If only for this, he deserves to go down, he's truly despicable.

I kind of noticed a reccuring theme in the episode: brothers and sisters.
We have Leo and JL, who have always been close, but JL, as the big bro,always took care of Leo; now he is the one who needs help and Leo is there for him. I loved the scene, my favorite part of the show.

Then we have Elisa and Renata, estranged sisters who are reconnecting- they're both a mess and alone, but if the situations they're in helps them rebuild their relationship, then I say it's worth it.

Elisa and Majo are another exemple- except they're losing their bond because of Liario, whose main goal here I don't see. He's back working with Eugenio, playing puppy love with gulible Majo - girl, if you believe a guy who kidnapped you and is a known criminal over your sister, then you deserve all the heartache that is coming your way.

And then we have Julia and Clara- one dies surrounded by lies and secrets, leaving the other one to deal with the mess, only betraying her sister's confidence when forced. Maybe Clara truly believes that Julia and Augie were doing it, but I can't believe it. Those videos only prove that they knew one another, they are not a sex tape.

Urban, I didn't understand how Dario is supposed to convince Elisa to help, either. What leverage does he have now, what she's done to help them in NY? Leo is not aware of that, either, so we'll see how long before she takes her pouty face to Leo to ask for help with this new mess she's in.

Elisa has already been tricked into one incident and that is all Eugenio ultimately needs to destroy her. He had no qualms about killing Majo; I was waiting for his complacency to break when he realized that Dario didn't obey that order.

Renata is a few bricks shy of a load, so he can take advantage of her without killing her.

He is incapable of love for anyone no matter what he says to Victoria, who is creeped out, anyway.

I dearly hope Renata doesn't get pregnant. Marcelo doesn't love her and I will bet that if he ever got control of her money she woul be expendable to him.

Urban, thanks. Your work was truly outstanding.

Diana, yes this is “sordid and morbid” far beyond what I was expecting but he story is intriguing enough it keeps me coming back.

Interesting seeing everyone jockeying for power and influence.

It looks like Renata might be dedicated to stabilizing her condition if nothing else but to be able to have a child. That could be beneficial for everyone all around. I still think she is going to be a key player in the end.

José Luis needs to get rid of that full beard that makes him look like Leo’s father rather than his brother.

Jarifa: Power & influence plus jockeying is going to be very intriguing.

UA: Thank you very much for the detailed recap: lots of influence, jockeying for power & more influence.

Diana: No happy ending in all likelihood. That's just the way it is!

Kirby: Body Count will likely increase again. I still like to know what reason Creepy Uncle Eugenio would want Julia dead ? What did she do to get whacked ?


Urban, thank you for a recap of all the dark dealings.

I was amazed that Jose finally had enough of Terrible Terri . So Will she move off the sofa and leave or just retreat to the bedroom with her snacks and magazines ? What a harradin.

I cannot imagine Julia having an affair with Auggie when she is engaged to hero material Leo and writing about him so lovingly in her journal.

Mojo seems to be a spoiled brat. Elisa cries and shakes all the time , and Renata has own challenges. Angie is a good crier . The actress playing Mojo is not. She just scrunches !up her face .

So Tio Rug is estranged from Fab ...why? All we saw of Fab was him with Fern.. Ugh. Is he going to make a play for her bff Elisa. Will he and Stepbro join forces against dear old devil dad ?

Thanks Urban for the recap. It takes some strength to situp and type when you're not feelin it.
I hope whatever it was you had has
Flown the coop never to return.

Ok, now, anybody else thinks teresa
Is a cow's butt? She is a horrible
Wife, mother, daughter inlaw,woman,
And human being. Shes not at fault at all. She's just there all day butt on sofa eatin n reading recaps of American soap operas. Not even acting like she cares about her daughter. She can do some really bad damage to leslie, more than that little piss head that put those sex tapes on the net. Right now shes very fragile and her mother is super bitchy. She doesn't even deserve the title mother. Ok enough about her.

When I first saw jose Luis he looks
Old for a brother, and then maybe
He was born years before leo? Well
Being married to that ol battle ax
Will age man too.

Fernasty is gonna throw marcelo under the noose. Those openning credits I saw is gonna become a reality. She's just as evil as the rug. She wants him outta the way That is her reasoning to get rid of marcelo.

I like ranata. Well if she does get to be a mother it may not be
Marcelo, hes fixin to leave. The hard way. Shes shopping for babg clother, better not let vicky find
Out. But she'll have her hands full with that hot rug guy.

Nieves has decided that lei is no longer in the he family. The way I see it he dodged a bullet. Having her as mother inlaw was not that wonderful anyways. That woman never smiles. Poor clara, she never looks
Happy. Yeah leo you dodged a bullet
Julia sounded like she was happy about that baby. Ok thats a mystery
About her.

Eeeewgenio and victoria. She'd probly kill him.

The 4 lovebirds back together again. Elisa n leo, majo n dario. Lets see how this works out.

Thank you Urban.


Leo definitely dodged a bullet. Nieves would have been the suegra from hell.

Julia most likely made a low salary as a teacher and got involved with the art smuggling for the money to pay her father's medical bills.

Majo is definitely acting like a spoiled brat but Dario's lies are compounding that.

I definitely think that Victoria could kill Eugenio and it won't take much to provoke her.

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