Friday, October 30, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras #28, 10/30/20 - Yo! Mophead, Ren has great news, um...Oops so does Sonia.


Another Friday night fright nite combined effort from RGV and Kirbo.

Leo is with Sonia who struggles to whisper, “He wanted to kill me.” Leo asks her who “he” is but she is too weak to respond. After he insists and asks if it was Ewww, Sonia’s monitors go off. The doctor and nurses immediately come in and tell Leo that they need to stabilize her so he needs to step out.

Out in the corridor, Leo couldn’t have imagined seeing Sonia so fragile and weak. The doctor tells him that they don’t know how long Sonia had been without food or water. Leo should have told him how long but he is only thinking about how the animal who did this to Sonia has to pay. Adri asks if Sonia will recover, so the doctor tells them that they will have to be patient and see how Sonia reacts. He then comments that they were over lucky to have found Leo and asks if Leo is related. After Leo responds that he is not related, the doctor informs Leo that they have to contact Sonia’s family and asks if she is married, but Sargent Sanchez who initially contacted Leo interrupts with information about the boat’s owner.

Meanwhile, Skeleton Face Gilly reports to Ewww that Sonia is bad off and can die at any time. Ewww orders him to take care of it, but SFGilly nor any of his men can go…Leo is with Sonia. Ewww is none too happy to hear that and reminds SFGilly that he was supposed to keep Leo out of the case. SFGilly tries to explain that Leo works under a different division, but Ewww does not want to hear it and orders SFGilly to keep Leo away from Sonia. As Ewww ends the call, Scario’s doctor approaches and tells him that the bullet penetrated Scario’s stomach and he had some complications but they were able to save him. The doctor then informs Ewww that he can go in to see Scario.

At the Can’tDo house, Blondie goes into Majo’s bedroom as she sleeps. She opens the curtains as she grits her teeth and tells Majo that it’s time that she gets up. Majo thinks that Elisa is going to rag on her because of what happened yesterday, but Blondie has something very serious to ask her. When Blondie asks what she is doing visiting Cobra’s mother and points out that she is putting herself at risk, Majo thinks Leo ratted on her and that Blondie is the one who is putting everyone at risk and ruining her life. Majo discovers that we are watching clothing changes to get a timeline and cleverly sleeps in her clothes to throw us off.

Blondie counters that it is not she who is ruining their lives, it’s HIM! But that will end soon because Scario was found last night…the cops saw him at his house and shot at him, but Scario escaped. Majo cries, she can’t believe it. When Blondie insists that Majo has to turn Scario in, Majo refuses…she wuuves him. Blondie is shocked and reminds Majo that Scario is destroying her life. “Did you sleep with him?” Blondie asks. With tears in her eyes, Majo nods yes. (Nods twelve times?) Blondie thinks that Scario must have forced her to do it, but Majo shakes her head, “No, I did it because I wanted to do it, because I love him, because I wanted him.”

At the Acapulco hospital, Sargent Sanchez tells Leo that the boat is registered to an anonymous association situated in Panama. Sargent Sanchez then asks if Sonia has family, Leo tells him about Sonia’s mother who can’t be found. Leo also confirms that Sonia is married, but it’s not to Sonia’s benefit that her husband know that she is there….it would be dangerous because Sonia had a lover and the husband found out about it. IE: He is prolly missing a pair of extra small handcuffs?

At the Can’tDo house, Blondie is trying to convince Majo that what she is doing is not right, than man is dangerous. Tell her something sher DOESN'T know Blondie. Majo doesn’t care who he is, so Blondie asks her to recall that he kidnapped her and hurt her a lot. Majo also needs to process everything that has happened to her. Majo retaliates and tells Blondie that the same thing is happening to her with Leo, but Blondie argues that her situation has noting to do with this. Can'tDo logic at it's finest. 

 She points out that Majo is very young but she is capable of knowing that when someone tells her that they love her and treats her the way Scario did, THAT is not love! Majo is delusional and thinks Scario will change…he will change for her. Blondie argues that Scario is only manipulating her, in a way, he still has her sequestered. (Now get this) Elisa insists that her relationship is based on lies and THAT IS NOT LOVE! (Ding! Ding! Dingbat, look in the mirror!). Majo thinks that then all of them are bad off…Ren is in love with a criminal, and Blondie is in love with a cop. Blondie again insists that her relationship has nothing to do with this! Majo knows Leo and what kind of person he is! She asks Majo, “Does he (Scario) make you feel protected? Does he make you feel safe? That he loves you? Can you trust him?” Majo cries and does not respond.

At Can’tDo company, FabPoodle and Alfonso the accountant, talk money. FabPoodle learns that the company is still in debt despite his father’s payment for the shares. FabPoodle thinks that this is the time to invest so that they can generate more money. Fer interrupts with some documents so Fab asks her to make a reservation for lunch with Dar and to call El to meet them there. Fer is glad to make the reservation, but doubts that EL will show up, El hasn’t come in to the company nor has Fer been able to reach her. After Fab excuses Alfonso, Fer tells Fab that El didn’t sleep at her house last night…they can guess where she slept. Fab goes off to look for El. Is he going to stop by her office and raise a leg and mark her door?

At Acapulco, Leo tells Adri that Mop had reason to fear for Sonia, Mop knew exactly what Ewww was capable of. Adri lets Leo know that she had to tell JLuis about finding Sonia. After Leo rolls his eyes, he gets a message and tells Adri that he is worried about EL and wants to return ASAP…and off they go.

At the hospital, Stone Face thinks that Pops has suffered too much already…and so have they. As Clara comments that they can still do several things, the doctor approaches and tells them that, if they are believers, they should call a priest, Pops is in agony.

At the Can’tDo house, Ren overhears Majo leave Dar a message about needing him to face her and tell her that he was lying when he said he loved her. Ren promises not to tell anyone, but she needs Majo’s help, she wants Majo to tell Clara to go with her to see Mophead. After Majo tells her that Clara won’t be coming in, Ren gets Majo to agree to accompany her. Ren smiles and assures Majo that she and El will be her baby’s godmothers. Oh Boy, nothing personal Ren but we hope you are having a chimpanze.

Fab has found El and emphasizes how important the meeting with Dar is, but El argues that she does not want to do any business with Dar…he is a mafioso! Fab doubts that they are talking about the same man, so El tells him that Dar is the one who kidnapped her and Majo, and the one who has been threatening her since her father died.

At the hospital, Clara and Stone Face sit by Pops’ bed as he flatlines.

El explains that she couldn’t say anything at the inauguration because Dar arrived armed and threatened to turn the event into a massacre. Fab wouldn’t have been able to do anything…and anyway the cops are already after him. Fab is disappointed that EL hasn’t confided in him about this, but El assures him that she just doesn’t want to involve him or put him at risk. Fab asks her to promise to always tell him the truth from now on. Show us her hands, her hands, her fingers. Rats.

Ren makes it in to see Mop who thinks that Ren has not contracted an attorney as punishment for the affair with Sonia. Ren responses that she certainly was going to give him a prize after what he did to her, he hurt her very much…she wanted to kill him. She chuckles and adds, “I wanted to hurt the father of my beautiful child.” Mop is in disbelief, so Ren explains that she wants everything in the past, including the problems with her family, to be behind them, she wants their future to be only about him, the baby, and her. Psssst …. Ren, she is still alive and in the hospital in Acapulco. If you hurry you might beat Ewww there and win a big prize.

Leo and Adri are driving back to Mexico City. When Leo comments that Mario has been asking where they are, what they're doing. Adri frowns and wants to know nothing about Mario who has been acting very strange, he has been butting into her life and trying to control her. She has told him that he has no right to question her or spy on her. Leo replies that it is no secret that Mario is in love with her. Adri shakes her head and adds that Mario makes her feel uncomfortable…and if she told Mario that she is not in love with him, it would not be pretty. Leo wonders if Adri has someone else in her life that she is in love with. Adri nervously laughs it off, but then admits that there is someone, but it’s of no use because it’s impossible. What? Are you crushing on a twelve year old or something?

Ter-ribbit is on the phone inquiring about a weight loss program, but she grunts when she hears the cost and asks for a discount. JLuis walks in just then and she quickly hangs up. JLuis brought her chocolates and invites her out to lunch…she just needs to dress up. Ter-ribbit sulks that she is already dressed up and turns down the invitation. After JLuis persists because he is feels like going out with her, Ter-ribbit spews, “Just like in bed…whenever you feel like it, you care nothing about whether I want it or not.” JLuis is upset that Ter-ribbit always brings up the sexual problems. They go back and forth until JLuis asks when it was that she stopped being the woman he fell in love with and walks away.

At the prison, Mop asks Ren if she has money…he needs an attorney. If he doesn’t have a good defense, he will never get out of there. Don't be so sure Mr. Clairol, we think Ewww may have your ticket out of there. Ren doesn’t want her baby to grow up without a father, so she agrees to get an attorney. She wuvs him, he wuvs her, and he wuvs their baby too…but she has to take him out of there. Ren doesn’t want her mother to butt into their lives, she wants her baby to grow up happy…and the baby has no fault in their problems, her illness or their past.

Leslie arrives home and sees the box of chocolates. When she reaches for one, Ter-ribbit grabs the box and asks Leslie if she wants to be as fat as she is. After Ter-ribbit goes to her room, Ter-ribbit cries as she stuffs her snout with chocolates. Like a sow rooting for truffles.

Leo and El meet at their favorite place, they hug and kiss. El wishes they could stop time. It is that square button right below >>FF>>...........

At the hospital, Dario lies asleep and is awoken by Ewww calling out his name. Ewww doesn’t like to see him like that—so fragile and weak. He doesn’t like people who are weak and knows Dar isn’t one of them because he has survived everything life has thrown at him. He needs to get well…and continue the job. Dar slowly fades back into his sleep.

Back by the lake, Leo tells El that they have found Sonia, she is alive but someone tried to kill her. El wonders who could do such a thing. Leo doesn’t know but it’s important that they find her mother. El suggests that Leo call her uncle so that he can give him the address (did she already forget that Leo lived in the same neighborhood?) Leo thinks not! It’s best that they let the cops look for her. El tries to convince him since Ewww knows Sonia and her family, but Leo tiptoes around it and tells her that they should let the cops find who was responsible. Leo then tells EL that he has to leave to look into the situation, but he is going to tell Mario to surveil her house in case Cobra tries to get close. El hopes Cobra stays away…because Majo fell in love with him. Cara impactada!

At the hospital, Dar wakes up again to hear Ewww tell him that he needs to get well soon so that he can continue pressuring El. As Ewww sits in the chair, he has Dar’s phone and watches a video of Majo and Dar doing the konky donk. Dar closes his eyes as Ewww stands up and tells him, “That woman will ruin you. I have always thought that women only bring bad luck. I suspect the feeling is mutual Rug Hair.

Leo and EL are still together taking a leisurely stroll in a park as they discuss Majo. El can’t understand how it is that Majo fell in love. Leo doesn’t think it’s love at all, he thinks it’s Stockholm Syndrome. El adds that Majo is suffering because she fears that Dar will end up in jail, as if he were her savior. Leo thinks that Dar probably had it all planned out from the very beginning. When El asks what they can do, Leo replies that they can begin by surveilling her house 24/7…and he can do it himself if it makes her feel better. El reminds him that he has to go take care of Sonia since she asked for him. Leo assures her that he will only be in Acapulco for a couple of days, just long enough to get her statement. After El promises to take care of herself since she also has to look out for her sisters, they part ways after more “I love yous” and kisses.

Vic and Ewww meet for a drink. Ewww apologizes for being late and Vic wonders if he is still angry with her. Ewww assures her that he is not and questions why she asked to see him away from her house. Vic explains that she doesn’t know what to do anymore, her life is a chaos. After she tells him that Ren’s pregnancy has been confirmed, she asks for his help...that baby can’t be born! She pleads with him to avoid the birth. Dammit just give this woman a pitchfork and some pointed ears.

Clara calls Leo from the hospital and tells him that Pops died. They had to take her mother to check her over because she took it badly. Leo is on the way!!

Vic explains that Ren is not well, she is on medications. Vic thinks that the baby will be born deformed or ill, it would be a cruelty to the child. Ewww suggests that they talk to the psychiatrist, he offers to talk to him. Vic knows that Ren will suffer, but she will suffer more if her baby is born with an illness. Ewww knows she is doing it for Ren’s good, no one can judge her. Har Har Har. Tell me another one. Vic wants him to talk to the doctor today so that things can be taken care of ASAP. After Vic leaves, Ewww uses Dar’s phone and sends El a message to remind her about the trip to New York. After she replies that she already knows that he made Majo think that he fell in love with her and that things won’t be that easy with her, Ewww sends her the video of Dar and Majo. He adds a text saying that just as easy as it was to woo Majo, he can kill her and the family just as easily, but first he will upload the video to the net. See Leslie, everybody who is anybody has a sex tape.

El bites her lips and pouts. She calls in Fer and tells her to get her a ticket to New York for tomorrow. After she snaps at Fer for telling her that she should have told her earlier, Fer tells her that she doesn’t have to speak to her in such a way. You are right FurBall, she could just FIRE you and never talk that way again, Si?

Leo arrives at the hospital and hugs a crying Clara.

Ren and Majo arrive home after shopping. El is there waiting and tells Majo that they need to talk. Majo doesn’t want to continue talking about the same thing. She just spent a nice afternoon with Ren and doesn’t want El to ruin it. El snaps back that the only one ruining things is Dar. Majo shakes her head and wonders why El hates her, so, El assures her that she does not hate her, the one who hates her is HIM! …and she shoves the video at her! Majo asks, “Why?” so El replies that he is a damn miserable person. Because he is forcing me to go to New York and if she doesn’t do it, he is capable of killing them. She ends with, “Is that what makes you fall in love with him?”

At the hospital, Clara tells Leo that there was nothing that they could do for her father anymore. Leo tells her how he appreciated her father. As Leo tells her not to worry about anything because he will take care of everything, Nieves approaches and asks what he is doing there. Is he there to make fun of them and call them criminals? Clara tells her that she called him because neither of them are emotionally capable of making the funeral arrangements. After Leo tells Stone Face that, regardless of their differences, he will take care of everything, Stone Face tells him to do whatever the heck he wants, but not to talk to her! Oh Boy. Loveable little thing isn't she? Ever think how much happier Pops might be now?

At he company, Fab invites Fer to dinner, he doesn’t want them to be mad at each other. Fer agrees and tells him to meet her at her apartment. After Fab leaves, Fer receives a text from Ewww informing her that Sonia has been found and is alive.

Parked out in the street, Mario tries to call Adri but gets no answer. As he leaves a message to call him, Mario watches as El has her luggage put into a car.

After their dinner in bed, Fer tells Fab that she reserved a ticket for him to go to New York with El. They need to continue with their plan. This would be a perfect opportunity for him to spend time with El…blah, blah, blah. Fab asks why El is going but Fer tells him she doesn’t know and it doesn’t matter anyway.

Ewww appears at the Re Cross hospital and smirks as he says, “My love, it’s good that you have woken up. You are very strong…that’s better, your punishment is not finished. And, it would have been better to die, but clearly you like suffering, right?” Just then the doctor enters and as he smiles tells her he wants to congratulate her…she is 8 weeks pregnant!!! Boinoinoinggg. Don't do a blood test just look at it's hair when it is born.

El is at the airport checking in while Mario watches her from a distance. At that moment, Leo calls Mario who tells him that he is at the airport following El. As he walks across to the other side, we see Fab in line toward the back as Mario tells Leo that it seems that EL is not traveling alone, Fab just got there!! Leo is surprised since El mentioned no trip to him. Lie #248

At the Can’tDo house, Vic is shouting at Ren that she will not allow her to go out… she will even tie Ren to the bed if she has to. Ren argues that Vic can’t keep her from going out because this is not a prison. Majo enters and asks what is going on, so Ren explains that she just talked to an attorney and needs to go see him so that he can get Mop out of jail. Vic grits her teeth as she reminds Ren of how much Mop has hurt them and wonders how Ren can defend him. Majo tells Vic that Ren has a right to defend her husband. She thinks Vic would have defended her father, everyone has a right defend their loves. Vic turns and growls, “Definitely not! Not if it involves a criminal!” When Majo points out that this is none of Vic’s business anyway, Vic scoffs and complains that now all three of her daughters are against her. After she tells them that they will see who will come out winning, her or them, she walks out as she tells Ren that she will not go out!! Ren follows her, they stop at the top of the stairs and continue arguing, Majo watches as Ren starts going downstairs and asks Vic why she is set on ruining her life. She is going to take Mop out of jail and she will take her baby far away from her. After Vic reminds her that she is ill and can’t take care of herself much less a baby especially if it is born with defects, Ren comes back up to her and shouts, “I don’t care! I don’t care how he is born. He will be MY baby and I will take care of him! I will protect him from you! I am going to get him far away from you because you destroy everything you touch! You destroyed my father! That is why he died, because he wanted to give you all the luxuries and money!” When Ren tells her that her life with Mop will be different, Vic grabs her as she growls wondering if she and her baby are going to live in the same cell as Mop! Ren tries to push her away! They struggle until…Ren FALLS DOWN THE STAIRS!! Oh noes!!! Vic and Majo look on in shock..

Thanks, RgvChick and Kirby, for another excellent recap.

I was just thinking how wonderful the acting has been in this one as I was watching the scene where Clara was waiting in the hospital for news of her father looking like she was ready to jump out of her skin.

Teresa better leave that creep of a husband JL before she eats herself to death. Looks like that marriage has been dead for years and JL has no idea. Talk about being out of touch.

Eugenio didn’t miss a step in impersonating Darío on his phone and Elisa didn’t miss a step in showing Majo the sex video and filling her in on new threats from “Darío”.

A new wrinkle in the plot with Sonia being eight weeks pregnant. Yes they will only have to “. . . just look at it’s hair when it is born.” That was funny!

So Leo finds out that Elisa is hiding things from him again. Yawn!

I think we all saw the fall coming when Victoria and Renata started arguing on the staircase.


Jarifa: Sonia still will NOT be among the living.

On Majo: I could've sworn I've seen the actress (who portrays Majo) in a previous Telenovela before.

Kirby: Good Job on the recap.

Steve, Thanks. MaJo appeared briefly in Dragon: Return of a warrior as Lucia. I think that is the only other one we have covered here that she was in.

Yeppers, if you are in a TeleNovela and there is anybody you don't get along with, stay off the stairs. Get suction cups and go up the wall if you have to.

Good work, amigos.

The Staircase of Doom has made a comeback. I should rewatch this episode to see if Victoria pushed Renata down it deliberately; she doesn't seem to be above this.

Renata is completely delusional if she thinks that Marcelo would stay with her even if she got him out of the slammer. He never loved her in the first place and no more wants a baby than Victoria wants it for them. Renata is not going to die but may end up with a miscarriage.

There is nobody to root for in this tale except Leo in solving the case. Elisa should be more resourceful than she is.

Eugenio is likely to try to wipe out this whole family if it will get him their fortune. He has no conscience at all. As Shirley Bassey once sang He loves only gold.

RIP Sir Sean Connery.

Sparking gems strewn throughout including "Skeleton Face Gilly" and "Is he going to stop by her office and raise a leg and mark her door?>

Perfect Kirby and Rgv Chick.
Show us her hands, her hands, her fingers. Rats.":)

“Does he (Scario) make you feel protected? Does he make you feel safe? That he loves you? Can you trust him?” Majo cries and does not respond”. I begrudgingly state that Elisa is not a dimwitted blonde. There are seconds of exception.

"After she tells him that Ren’s pregnancy has been confirmed, she asks for his help...that baby can’t be born! She pleads with him to avoid the birth. Dammit just give this woman a pitchfork and some pointed ears". Vile, vile Vicky.

"Ewww doesn’t like to see him like that—so fragile and weak. He doesn’t like people who are weak and knows Dar isn’t one of them because he has survived everything life has thrown at him". I had no idea what the doctor was telling Ewww - I assumed it was something like he wouldn't pull through, would be paralyzed. Nope. Just inconvenient for Ewww. So is Dario to be felled by a few bullets or will he rally like Superman? Don't think this TN can sink to lower depths with him laid up.

And Elisa could not resist adding to Majo's utter delusional confusion by showing her the video.

Jarifa, yes the acting is stellar. I also felt for Clara who seems to be one of the very few likeable characters here. Even Mario, who seemed to be decent initially is turning into a creepy stalker. Let Adri be...

JL and Theresa. Pure pain.

Sonia being pregnant was a shock. I suspect that despite two pregnancies, Marcelo will never be a father.

And the old staircase of doom rears its ugly head. Thought the writers would be a bit more creative but...

Another Friday night delight.

Thank you Rgv Chick and Kirby. Your dialog translations and smart snark were just what was needed. Just great.


Thank you, thank you, everyone! And a BIG thank you to Kirby for adding his personal snarky gems and posting.

Urban, "The Staircase of Doom has made a comeback" Sure has! And what a fall! Is there any possible way that Ren didn't lose the baby? We'll have to wait 'n see, ughh! It didn't seem to me that Vic intentionally pushes Ren down the stairs. This is one time (and probably the only time) that I can honestly defend Vic's actions.

That scene with Te-ribbit stuffing the chocolate into her mouth was pitiful. So the writers made us hate her and now they've turned the tables and are making her a victim and JL the bad husband...typical for this TN! I tell ya, you just can't trust anyone!!

Jarifa, ITA about the acting; it is outstanding, too bad the actors don't have a part in the writing. Maybe the writer's should allow them to ad lib the whole thing. Clara was excellent, but the one who is knocking it out of the park (IMO) is Susana G. I'm anticipating an award for her.

For a second, I thought that Ewww might show the tiniest bit of compassion for Scario. Boy, was I wrong! The man is beyond despicable! So what does he want Dario to do, get up off his bed and walk out as if nothing?

I keep wondering when Scario had time to set up his phone to record the video. IIRC they went directly from the hallway to the bedroom. Or did he plan the whole thing ahead of time? If he did, then he's back to Scari-oh-you-devil!

Diana, "Sonia being pregnant was a shock. " It sure was! OhEmGee! And from the doctor's calculations, Sonia's baby came first; so will Sonia say, "I have dibs!" Oh, but what if the baby comes out with a rug? Heaven help him!

Dear Chickie and Kirby, thank you so much. I just started reading your recap, but i wanted to comment on that staircase. It is the staircase from one of my favorite telenovelas " Amor Real. " i think we all knew that Ren was going to tumble down that staircase when she , Vic, and Mojo were arguing as they walked down. It also reminded me of Gone with the Wind when Rhett and Scarlett are arguing at the top of the stairs and Scarlett loses her balance and tumbles down and loses her baby.

In reality, it takes quite a lot to miscarry a good pregnancy....even a ride on a corn husker ( a very bumpy ride) as my friend' s country doctor once told her.

Vic is despicable the way she yells at and treats Ren, but i didnt see her push Ren, and Vic looked shocked when she saw Ren falling.

I wonder why the writers decided to have Dario shot and in the hospital. What storyline will that lead to?

Also, how could a fetus survive what Sonia has been through? Where is that going to go? Are the writers just trying to fill in their bingo card....fall down staircase....pregnancy....jail....affair....

Another block buster kirby.

Ok yall a show of computer & phone
Keyboards, who knew the pregnant mom falling down the stairs scene was coming? Tap your keyboard me me
Meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!. And watch and see dont that bitch say "just as well, it would have been deformed or ill". She don't know that. Yall
I think we've seen a little bit of what ren Has seen down through the years and Why mommie bitchiest has kept her all doped up.
This actress is turnin the victoria performance into an Oscar winning Performance. Love to hate her. That
Is why augy wanted to get away from her. Do they know for sure that he was in an affair with julia. Cuz if it wasnt her it was somebody else.I
Thinkin fer. Whatever he got from her now.

Like justino is free from stoneface
What a horrible woman. Makes you wonder what condition his condition
Was in Before he got sick. Stress & anger And frustration can cause illness. I would not be surprised if she worried him to death. Like ren said About vicky, she just had to have the best of everything. And the best cost lots of money. And ol stoney Probly aggravated justino and juls, And now clara. But now there is no reason for clara to work herself to Death(literally)
like Julia did. Pop Has changed his address. He are free. But poor baby
Girl is stuck there, but leo will take care of her. And he better cuz
He promised.

Just when ya think ewwwgie cant get
Nastier, there ya go. I hope they got a dozy of a death planned for
Him. Yes death, prison is to good for the rug. One for him and one for his rug.

Leo should have gotten sonia out of that hospital some how cuz she is as much as dead.
And dario, I just don't know what will happen now yall, him and Sonia
Are at the mercy of satan. And poor
Renata is at the mercy of satan's nasty girlfriend. I would have just preferred both taking a tumble down
The stairs. I think victoria whats her children. They are not perfect like her.

Ok all for now. Thank you kirby. Keep cranking em out baby, you're good at it.

OMG, sonja is pregnant, is it the
Rug's mat? Or the mop's spung? Will
He/she survive? Who knows with this

You know Nina, it never occurred to me that the baby might be Eugenio's.

I don't see Sonia pulling through now that Eugenio knows she is alive, but that is pure speculation.


If it is EwwwGenio's and he knows it, she might...scratch that. That evil bastard would go ahead and torture and kill her even if it WERE his. It would be of no use to him, as he would be dead before it could be old enough to replace Scario.

And he has not one molecule of love or goodness in his wretched soul, so he would prolly care less if it were his.

And another thing, if he thinks women are nothing but "bad luck" why does he try to get in their pants?
And why is he tryin to get victoria to be his woman? He thinks women are beneath him. I just wish he could come up on a woman he thinks
he can control and when he pulls that ugly tooted out lip mad thing
Threatening thing, like he did vick
She'd Grab his rug head and turn his butt every which way but loose. Hes a bully. He hasn't come up on the right woman yet. I cant stand him. Ok rant over. I know women that were treated that way by men like him. And all men R not like that, only a few A-holes.

Kirby, you are right. He doesn't seem to have any feelings for Dario or Fab. Guy is stone cold. I still don't understand why the writers decided to have Dario shot and hospitalized . Maybe to show us how little he mattered to Eww, but we all realized That when he had him tortured.

You said Mojo was in Dragon, but I cannot recall what part she played in that one.'re right. There are some very good guys in this world ...and some terrible ones...likewise with women.

It seems odd the way the writers have portrayed Terri and JL..perhaps they both are flawed. A happy marriage is a blessing . These two both seem to be unable to make a happy marriage .

Susanlynn, she was in the verrrry beginning as Miguel Garza's Mother when he was a baby or small child where his parents died. memory of that character. thanks

Look out your window at the big, full moon .

Don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour.

Kirby, what an exceptional memory you have. I have no recollection of Majo in "Dragon" either.

Susanlynn, maybe the writers had Dario shot so that we can see how tough he is and that it will take a lot more than that to take him down, like a vampire who will only die with a stake through his heart. Oh-h-h, maybe it's metaphorical! Majo leaving him would break his heart..and it would be the end of him. Thus, Ewww's comment about women bringing bad luck.

And regarding Ter-ribbit and JLuis, I have no idea why the writers would waste our time watching these two bicker and show us how not to treat your marriage partner. At first, I thought that Reynaldo might be somehow linked to Dario, but that idea went kaput! This storyline is completely useless and pathetic.

And yes, Ewwww has no heart, not even a black one. Emphasis on your previous comment, Susanlynn, that "even the worst villains seem to protect their offspring as extensions of their egotistical selves..." This guy is incapable of feeling or understanding the concept of love. He keeps saying that he has loved Vic for-ever, but I think he just wants the prize that Auggie took (if you want to consider her a prize LOL). Once he has her, he'll do away with her. It would be nice to get some background on Ewww's and Auggie's "friendship; I'm thinking that it mirror's Fer's so-called friendship with Elisa.


Did Victoria push Renata (maybe intentionally)? Because I didn't see Renata push Victoria at all.

So this whole novela seems to wrap around the idea that Elisa still will not confide in Leo about the galleries and her continued shenanigans; and when he does find out, it'll be the biggest blow up ever.

Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later.

I can't decide who is more disgusting:

Dario is ok for me because I really believe he will make a pact with Leo to help bring down Eugenio--possibly without jail time.

Does anyone know why this novela is airing about one week behind in the USA? México is finished airing Capitulo 36 on Friday??


Victoria, they were both struggling. Vic grabbed Ren first and started shaking her; then Ren was trying to push Vic away. I think it was truly unintentional.

Mexico started airing “Imperio” a week earlier than in the USA. Then there were the nights when Univision aired the presidential debates, and of course Mexico could care less about our debates, so Mexico is now 7 episodes ahead of us.

Darío is Ewww’s spawn and unfortunately learned Ewww’s evil ways quite well; so I include him on my list of despicable villains. And wha is it they say, “ The student outshines the master”?

If Eugenio is the one who actually finds the prehistoric Mexican treasures and Augusto is only the one authenticating and selling them, then I ask, didn't Eugenio have the most to lose?

Thus, if Augusto started backing out once Eliza opened the galleries and became more involved, I'm sure Eugenio had no small problem getting rid of Julia and Augusto in one quick hit.


Ha...Eww tells Dario that women bring bad luck. He has tbat twisted because he is the one bringibg bad luck to women. I am counting on some folks teaming uo to reveal his evilness eventually ....someone, anyone????..Leo, the undercover cop.... Dario, who is driven by his desire for revenge on Ewww ..maybe Fab ...maybe El if she smartens up and confides in her novio. ..Ren if she survives that tumble and stops taking those meds.

I am not interested in Terr and JL. Get a divorce and release each other since you are both miserable. Maybe some people feel comfortsble in their misery. Basta.

The blue moon last night seems to have taken away the sunshine we enjoyed yesterday and left us with a chilly, grey, rainy day. Ugh

Hope you all enjoyed tge extra hour we gained.

Victoria, I don't think we know how long Eliza had the gallery in New York. It seems to me that gallery was open for a few years; so I don't think Augusto was backing out. My question is how involved was Elisa in the financial aspect of the gallery? Or was she just the pretty pouty face tha mingled with the customers. IIRC, Dario told ELisa that she signed off on everything that her father would hand her; so obviously she didn't even look at what she was signing...and that is assuming that she was oblivious to what her father was doing.

Would Eugenio be the biggest loser? Probably, but he hasn't lost anything since he is the one who kept the missing art pieces. The mystery is why did he keep them and make Dario think that Augusto never gave them to him?

Everyone has secrets and no one knows the extent to which the others are lying to them. I wonder if the writers are even keeping track of who is lying to whom and what lies/secrets they have. Do they have ginormous corkboard filled with little post-its? Have some of the post-its fallen? Do they even know? ;-)

Chickie, i fear that we are keeping track of what is going on better th an tbe writers . I wonder if they have a clear path worked out for all these storylines, or do they just write whatever pops into their heads from day to day !

I think the writers 'live' at the local bar. No...this is a take off from an existing show, so they had a story to start with, so there must be something coming to start tying all this together. But it looks like trying to put a plate of spaghetti back into the box.

Oh, yeah, Kirby! It’s from that Turkish novela...uhmmm, did they use a translator or are they wannabe lip readers? 😜

I wonder how closely the writers followed the original storyline . I am hoping that things will start making sense soon.

Yes. Um....I think the Turk version was named 'Lie Like a RUG' or something like that?

Yall the name of the turkish version is "kara Para Ask"(Black Money Love),and "Te Acuerdas de Mi"
(Remember Me). Have no idea why it has two names. Don't care.
Victoria didnt push her on Purpose,
But she did want her to shut up about her greed thus exposing what
Ren had to grow up with. I dont like that bitchy woman, she nasty &
Evil. Like tio ewwwgy.

I read that IdM might have 124 episodes. (??) I hope so, there doesn't seem to be anything else worth watching.

Recap for tonight's episode will be posted sometime tomorrow, as there will be no novelas tomorrow night.

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