Friday, October 30, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras #27, 10/29/20 - Or Liars Academy, and Sonia is almost alive for a while longer.


El doesn't want to think about anything but them right now and enjoy the moment.

Fer runs straight to Eww for an inperson report on her recon / spy mission at the gallery opening and tells Eww that Majo told her everything. Majo was very nervous and was acting strange. Majo told her that she even went to see Piedad. Fer is afraid that Majo will confess everything to some one else now.

Mario and Adriana have a little dust up with Mario the STALKER asking Adriana what the heck is she doing, and Adri telling him to let her live her life. Adri tells Mar that she has nothing going on with JL. He needs to stop butting into her Life. He needs to get a life. Mar agrees about getting a life.

Mario aint getting laid tonight,,,,,or EVER.................

He gave Ad back her key. Bye.......and scurries out with his tail between his legs. These two are still an uninspiring mystery.

MoJo is telling Vic that she has never shown her any love. Vic has never asked her if they hurt her or if they raped her, nothing. She is pretty much right. Mojo is having a Can'tDo style meltdown sitting on the floor in her see thru party dress bawling. Would it be wrong if these three ganged up on the Ma and killed her? OK nevermind. where was I ? The day she came back, Vic acted like nothing happened. All she wanted was a kiss from her and to be asked what she went through. But as we saw, she got the Vic treatment. Hmmm.......did Vic already know and so did not need to ask? ed..

Here we go! Action!! Our luuurveable hateworthy Scario is simply trying to see his dear sweet sick bedridden much maligned Mommy by sneaking past the popo security. Oh Noes, it turns quickly to snakeshit and they fire on him, getting him in the lower back and we see the exit wound on his front side right below his ribcage. Well, at least they won't need to go in and remove the bullet. He manages to NOT fall like most gunshot victims in TNs and outruns the doughnut munchers to his car and escapes. So will he go to MoJo to patch him up? ? And all he was doing was trying to see his sick Mom. This shot looks to be in a surviveable area missing most of the critical internal equipment, but sheezo, he needs to go straight to the emergency room.

Vic has had enough and is no longer with her Drunk and Disorderly daughter num 3. Because in Victoria's world enough happens in about fifteen seconds.

Majo is now calling Scario, unknowing that he has another problem as annoying as her. Why don't you answer? I feel so lonely. I love you but I know that this is not good. I beg you not to look for me or come to the house. I don't know how I will tear you from my heart but I will do it. So dramatic. This goes on for what seems like an eternity. (Majospeak for come get me, I'm drunk and horny, prolly)

Back to Sonia. They are still attending her as she is still in very bad shape.

El's puppy Leo is is wagging his tail now. >>FF >> I just do not care about these two. Leo wishes the night would not end. Speak for yourself, the patio is done. Ya some nightmares never do Bud.

Doc tells Sargent Sanchez that Sonia is in a state of confusion. She has only mentioned one name...Leo's. She has a severe dehydration and may not make it.

Frog can't sleep. And in a moment of late night desperation JL tries to put the moves on HIS WIFE La Frogalita. It aint happening. He is her husband – it is normal to have sex; it will do her good, JL pleads. Wake her up when you're finished JL. Booooring, could not care less about THIS nowhere relationship too. I just don't give a royal shit about these two.

Back at Elisa's mating tryout' Luuurve nest Leo discovers that El is not good at making coffee. Cute little cheerleader body, but who could ever put up with her lies and psycho family? El tells Leo that it was Cobra who was with Fab. And to cover her lying little ass she says it was too dangerous to tell him that night.

Leo asks her if FabPoodle knows Cobra. El says that she doesn't think so . Leo thinks Scario showed up to show her that he has her under a microscope . Did she tell him all or just about the gallery opening? Nopis, just the bare minimum about the night before, still keeping her other 247 lies in reserve. She only told him about the gallery and that he has her and Majo under his control. Leo thinks Scario forces Majo to go visit his mother and give her messages from him. LHe thinks that she did the right thing by not saying anything last night . Of Course, Leo, your little bedwarmer can do no wrong, puppy. El, give him a Milk Bone.

Scario has made it to that warehouse we always see with exotic cars around that seems to belong to Ewwww. He has exited his car and is sitting on the floor leaning against a big post.What? was Scario just going to sit there and bleed to death? Smart Yoyo. Luckily Ewww and three gun toting henchmen and two suitgoons happen by and discover Scario.

Vic calls Ewww and asks him to forgive her. ??????? WTF ? OK all these people are cray cray. She tells him that she needs her. Um for what might we ask.

Pops Stone is in critical condition. He needs to go to ICU and needs that kidney transplant NOW.

Leo got a call about Scario and the incident over at Piedad's house. So he has to go back to normal life and leave the Luuurve nest/ mating tryout endeavor. She didn't say Te Amo back to Leo did she?

Over at the Ewww warehouse and Scario, Ewww says this is bad. Then boom, we are at Can'tDo.

A radiant Ren has to eat healthy for Junior. Ren has already bought maternity clothes but knows it will be a while before she will need them. ReNutty is almost giddy. Some women get so pretty when they are preggers. ed. Ren talking about how she is taking care of her and the baby. She notices El has a big smile. El tells her  the night was incredible. Leo is the best thing that has happened to her. El actually does not look like soured milk today. A departure from her usual. Until Leo catches her in lie #246. Ren asks El to help her find an attorney for Mop, she will not leave him...he is the daddy. Ren, your cray cray is showing......

At the Ewww warehouse Ewww orders a ambulance. Tells the goon that if Dar doesn't make it, he is to be cremated. Ewww doesn't want any loose ends. How sweet pop. Leave it to Ewww to cover all the bases (his ass).

Vic tells El that Ren's pregnancy has been confirmed but Ren can't have the baby since she is on meds. (Yeah, YOUR meds beyotch) El supports Ren and tells Vic that the decision is Ren's. This predictably does not go over well. And Vic in essence has the same attitude toward El that Ewww had toward her. Bitch.

So the three Leo, Mario Stalker and Adriana Stalkeer, show up over at Scario's Moms place to I suppose, investigate the 'incident'. Mario wants to talk with Adriana. He doesn't want their relationship to be strained. Adri can't believe that Mario would think that about her and this encounter goes nowhere. Mario Stalker is talking about their working partners on the police force. Anything else could get either one fired right?

Vic is not happy and you can just see the reserve evil bubbling up inside her. Vic says that Ren is not capable of raising a child. El: “You need to support her.” Vic assures El that she will look after the three of them and do whatever to keep them under control . Keyword...control?

Oh shit Pie called Ewww. Wait what? She actually has his phone number after all this time and agony? She pleads withhim the make sure her sweet boy lives.

JLuis tells Leo that Julia worked for Augusto...trafficking counterfeit and stolen art for him. Leo asks is they will continue looking for Cobra. Yes they will. And Adri confirms what JL said about Julia. Yep, it is true

And Leo your Julia replacement is working for Augusto's replacement. How's them apples Leo? Oh you don't know that yet, nevermind.

Woo Hoo, coasties called Leo. Leo gets call about them finding a woman but they could not identify her. Leo describes Sonia...yes that's her!! So Leo and Adri arer headed that way now.

Doc tells Stone Face and Clara that they were able to stabilize Pops but he is still critically ill.

And things are not going so swimmingly with Fur and Fab. Fab tells Fer that there is just something 'off' since El, Majo, and Ewww were all against Scario becoming a partner. Fer feigns ignorance. And ain't nuttin else happening, Fab's Fire is out...for Fer but not for La El.

What Fab doesn't know is that that Neanderthal cop is marking his territory as he and Fer speak. Ha!

Frog and her suitor are together again. She wonders what he wants with her. (What? he heard you have a great Taco Sauce recipe? Puleeeeeeze) She was the only one that he has really loved. He WANTS HER. Frog hasn't heard such nice things in so long. All she hears is complaints and demands. Yes, because you are that turd on the carpet that no one will claim or remove.

These TNs always indicate a shit neighborhood with chihuahuas barking in the background.

Frog thinks that she is not a good mother or a good wife. (An accurate self image is a step in the right direction Froggalita) She hates when JL touches her...last night he forced himself on her. She doesn't remember how to make love. Rey wants to help out. Barf, next...........

Aw Fork the Sonia rescue quickly begins unraveling. Ad tells JL, JL tells Skeleton face Gilly, Skel tells Ewww. Bye Bye Sonia. Ewww is her legal hubba, he can do muy bad shit.

Leo heard Sonia whisper, "he wanted to kill me" and asks who did this to you? Was it Ewww...  But will Leo Einstein think to put guards all over her? And he doesn't know that Gilly Skelton Face is a direct line to Ewww. Nope, no guards. But just hearing her say somebody tried to kill her and given the other circumstances, they should guard her.


Kirby..still reading your rocking recap, but i had to stop to comment on " El's puppy Leo is wagging his tail. " ..a perfect description of our lovesick puppy love galan. Ahhh

I am so sick of weepy , soggy Mojo. It was tricky sitting on tbe floor in that short skirt . I kept looking at her shoes because i have those shoes. There isnt a lot to them, so kudos to Mojo for not taking a tumble while drinking and walking ...okay back to the Rollicking recap which is a bright, fun spot in my rainy day. Thanks so much.

Kirby, thanks for the most excellent recap. It was very entertaining.

Highlight: Darío getting shot. Too bad they didn’t kill him off. Besides ending having to watch Darío who is terminally annoying, that plot twist would have forced Eugenio into a more direct role in his scheme.

Lowlight: The message that Sonia was alive getting to Eugenio in like no time. She better talk fast.

The Question of the Episode: It must be 5-6 hours driving from CDMX to Acapulco. How did Leo get there that quickly? Did he fly? Did I miss something?

Is José Luis DEAF or what???? Teresa told him she wasn’t interested and he didn’t want to take no for an answer. What a goof! Teresa needs to move on out to greener pastures and happier times. She is no prize but JL isn’t either.

Yuck! Victoria is right where Eugenio wants her. Her pandering and catering to him on the phone was “vomitable.”

Fabricio’s sniffer is working. He definitely smells a rat.

Yay! Elisa will FINALLY side with her sister against Victoria. May I guess that Victoria won’t be singing “victoria” by the end of this?

Thank you, Kirby, this was fantastic. I love your snark, you can come up with something laugh worthy no matter the material. And Imperio is getting easy tolaugh about..

"luuurveable hateworthy Scario" - describes him perfectly
Was it to much to askthat he ends up in the same hospital as Sonia? Never mind the different region,everything is possible in novelas.

"El, give him a Milk Bone." - well, she already gave him a Boner, soooo...

Jarifa, I can't believe it that Vic has fallen for Eww's shtick so fast. Can't be his charming personality... My best guess so far is that she's always been used to have a man handle stuff and since Eww is so willing to replace Augie... I can totally see her all alone with the pshyco, trapped in her own house, mentally abd physically abused, when her daughters finally wake up and decide to leave their poor excuse of a mother behind.


Kirby, just finished reading the rcap . Thanks for a fun recap of all tbe various and sundry crazy .

Jarifa, yes, that was an odd scene with JL and Terr in bed. No matter how annoying Terr is, no means no ...even for married folks. The writers have depicted JL as a good cop who loves his family , so i was shocked tbat they showed him forcing himself on his unwilling , unpleasant wife. Nice guys never ever do that .

Adriana, yes, are we going to see Eww and Vic marrying, and Eww moving into her house and then revealing his true, evil nature ? Will he finally drop his disguise after they marry ?

Scario getting shot shocked me . I think he might end up in the same hospital as unlucky Sonia . Will he follow orders and kill her thus sealing his evil fate rather than eventually redeeming himself ? that Lovelorn Leo knows who Dario is and what he has been doing, what does Leo do now?

Maybe Fab is smarter than we think and he looks. Fer is not going to like him falling for El for real.


Kirby, just fabulous.

"luuurveable hateworthy Scario" nailed it.

“MoJo is telling Vic that she has never shown her any love. Vic has never asked her if they hurt her or if they raped her, nothing. She is pretty much right. Mojo is having a Can'tDo style”…Serious and very disturbing truth. I can't even pose the "how did she ever raise three such wonderful well-adjusted daughters" question. They are all unbalanced with deep psychological issues. Right now, Majo seems the worst. To be fair, we didn't really see her before the kidnapping and if much of this is Dario induced, then a lion's share of blame lies at his feet.

"Majo is now calling Scario, unknowing that he has another problem as annoying as her" made me smile. And yes, let's add "soggy" to Majo's list of attributes Susanlynn.

"Vic is not happy and you can just see the reserve evil bubbling up inside her" could not have been perfectly descriptive.

I hate even spending any more time on Vicky, but I have to also say "Victoria is right where Eugenio wants her. Her pandering and catering to him on the phone was “vomitable” was excellent Jarifa.

So,initially I was interested in Adriana and JL, but now that we know JL is a rapist, not so much. And like you Kirby, I don't care about Mario and Adriana.

"El, give him a Milk Bone." - well, she already gave him a Boner, soooo..." Adriana Noel, that was great.

Now that the hotline has immediately revealed Sonia is alive, her future seems very bleak. I wish someone would shoot skillet face, his lurking around and furtive looks have caused so much damage. Wonder what Ewww has on him.

The Elisa/Leo scenes didn't light my fire but that is because I (rather than Elisa) wasn't in them. I still love Leo though.

I'm surprised Ewww didn't let Scario bleed out and die right in the garage. Guess he still has some use for him.

If Leo and Vicky do marry will Beelzebub officiate?

Kirby, thank you, thank you. This was great!


Diana, i supppose that Eww is thinking of the bother of having to replace Scario as his fixer if he dies. He certainly doesnt seem to have any loving,fatherly feelings toward his son. Odd since even the worst villains seem to protect their offspring as extensions of their egotistical selves. Ewww is a stone cold gnome who only loves himself , money, and power. .

"Odd since even the worst villains seem to protect their offspring as extensions of their egotistical selves".

Very well said Susanlynn. And I agree - he loves no one.

Dario's fatal flaw might well be whatever he feels for Majo.

Ewww has directed Dario to kill Majo more than once. There was no earthly reason for him to do that (from what I've seen) except cause pain for Dario.


ITA about Eww only caring about Dario because he doesn't want to go through the trouble of replacing him. Besides his body would cause questions, the last thing Eww needs right now is the policia on his back.
Susanlynn, good point about even the evil loving their kids, if only for narcissistic reasons. All the narcos and mafiosos have a soft spot for their heirs. Eww, on the other hand, seems to despise both his sons more than anything else. If they were girls, I would almost get it, since he's a misogynistic pig, but he has two somewhat goodlooking, halfway intelligent boys -he should be a proud papa. Heck, even wolves love their pups. Eww is just rotten to the bone. I wonder what his motivation is for being so awful.

In the one scene we've seen of Majo before the kidnapping, she was begging Augie for a nice gift for her birthday party, like the one Elisa got. She came across as very insecure, the forgotten child.

Diana, yes, why does Eww think he has to kill Mojo? Does he think that she suspects that he was behind her kidnapping ? Why does he want to kill her ?

Adriana,of the three sisters, Mojo is the one who seems like a spoiled child . I think Renata could be fine if she gets off the meds Vic has evidently been giving her and gets counseling .Ren seems to be a loving , goodhearted person who loves her sisters. El seems clueless. Evidently Vic was a coldheartd mother to all her daughters , but she especially controlled and damaged Ren for some reason . Will we ever find out why?

Why does he want to kill her? Pffftt ...why not?


FWIW in RL Majo is 30 years old. Approx same age as Elisa, whose RL age is 32.

I was thinking the same thing about that short skirt and sitting straight legged on the floor. I decided that there is some hidden duct tape there so the essentials are protected.

I also wondered if she insisted on something with some leg, as Elisa was having her romp and in the opening credits and Majo has been relegated to looking like a car washing towel.

Except that one time she DID have on that nice grey leather skirt and proved that it IS possible to run in one of those things. Those sky high heels are bad enough but those little tight skirts, WOW. If you girls are doing all that for us woofers I applaud you. Thanks.

Kirby, I am more than impressed; you whipped this out like a real pro...or maybe you're one of those who works best under pressure. Whichever, thank you for an amazing read and the snark is LO MAXIMO!!

I actually felt sorry for Majo when she was crying. How sad that she was pretty much asking for a hug or kiss from Vic; and Vic couldn't bring herself to do it! What a cold-hearted beyotch!! Kirby, "you can just see the reserve evil bubbling up inside her" You certainly can! ad I don't think we have seen the worst of her, que triste! Hmmm, I'm wondering what we would see if she were to slimy mush??

jarifa, " It must be 5-6 hours driving from CDMX to Acapulco. How did Leo get there that quickly? Did he fly? Did I miss something?" Nope you didn't miss a thing. Leo DROVE back in a TN minute :-)

Adriana Noel, "I can totally see her all alone with the psycho, trapped in her own house, mentally and physically abused, when her daughters finally wake up and decide to leave their poor excuse of a mother behind." We can certainly hope! She would deserve every bit of that hell!

Susanlynn, "Ewww is a stone cold gnome who only loves himself, money, and power." You sure do have him pegged!

Diana, "The Elisa/Leo scenes didn't light my fire but that is because I (rather than Elisa) wasn't in them." LOL They lost their sizzle quite fast, didn't they? Now you go show Elisa how it's done :-)

Wow Kirby!! You must really be hating this novela right now. The recap was so full of snark, you must have hated even having to write the darn thing.

Oh it's just all in good fun. They have not given us many people to really love though so almost everyone has a bullseye on them.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anon 6:31,

In the famous words of Chris Ferro: “ We love to mock here, don't mistake it for real hate."

Actually, I think Kirby truly enjoys writing about this show. It brings out the be(a)st in him which turns out to be quite entertaining

Kirby, this a good one. And your
Snarked uppedness made it better.

I'm late with this comment so I'll just over look tonights episode anf dive into this one.

This is some messed up stuff. Every
One is screwed on this show. They make it look like the wrong people will die. Folks look doomed.

The people that are out of the loop seem so......dumb!
Majo is just miserable. Not happy in love at all.
And that whatever the hell that was
Love scene with jl and his veryvery Undesirable wife was like two cows
On a trampoline, squeaky springs and all. They hadnt been together for years and she forgot how to sex it up. What made the married ex think he could remind her. O yuck!
Change the subject. NOW!!!

FOR a while ewwwgy look really real worried he'd loose his unwanted son
Not. I dont think he is capable of
Lovin anybody. But his on Rug head.

Poor renata, I just think it's bad whag her bitch of a mother has done to her. I hate tothink she kept her drugged to keep the dirty secrets.
That's just lo. But aren't there spiders that eat their young? Nasty

Ok more tomorrow with tonights episode.
Thank you kirby. You really bring it to life kirby.


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