Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Imperio de Mentiras Lunes 10/5/20, Chapter 11: Stockholm Syndrome

Prisoners can be very strange, but then people are strange. That's what keeps me in tobacco and booze. – Dashiell Hammett

Eugenio gave Dario orders to have his men kill Maria José and to dispose of the body. Dario resisted, but Eugenio would not let him off the hook. He was forced to make the phone call and give the order in front of Eugenio. He told Domingo to get Gustavo in. He looked at Eugenio as he ended the call. “Perfect. You aren't the idiot you appear to be. Advise me when this is completed.” He then left.

A few moments later Dario drove away in his car. He called Domingo back, but he had left his phone on a table as he and Gustavo grabbed Majo from her bed. She was bleeding from the side of her mouth from an earlier blow. They forced her down the stairs and out of the building. Dario got Domingo's voicemail. He did not leave a message.

Victoria phoned Fernanda to get her a plane ticket to New York for a morning flight. She then told Elisa she needed to go. “Your sister is not well; I have to go to New York to see what is going on.”

We three can go,” Leo suggested. He looked at Elisa. “In about two days. I'd like to go to New York and you can deal with Chiapas in the morning. Remember you asked me to go with you?”
Yes; tomorrow.”
Oh, yes; I forgot.” She then suggested that they go in two days after she and Leo return from Chiapas.

Dario made another attempt at calling Domingo. No answer again. He did not leave a message. He floored the accelorator and kept his eyes on the road.

Leo and Elisa were alone.
It was the only thing I could do to buy time to rescue your sister,” he whispered.
How much longer will they detain her?” Elisa asked. “It won't be much longer before they realize we've deceived him.”
My men have a safe house ready for when we have a rescue plan.”
Yes, but can we do this in two days?”
Victoria returned with the maid before he could answer. She had Martita put the coffee tray on the table.
Yes, thanks,”

Or do you need more time to figure out what lie to tell me? I'm not a fool, Elisa. Surely you made an agreement with Majo to fake all this. I need to know what is going on with your sister. Is she pregnant?”
What? No, Mother. Not at all. Look, Mother, I think we should go to New York in a couple of days with Leo.”
Yes; I think it's a good idea. You can connect with her then have a good time.”
Sounds like a good idea to me,” Elisa said.
Yes; sounds good to me, for a few days. I don't want to leave your sister alone for too much time. It's that Renata is –”
The family nutcase,” said Renata as she came down the stairs. “Let me give you the timeline. At the age of fourteen I was diagnosed with juvenile schizophrenia. I was on medication for four years, right Mama?” Victoria gave her a look that could kill. “Then the doctor said 'No,' that what I had was a personality disorder. And therefore now, that I'm crazy.”
Renata, this is not funny,”Victoria said.
No? No, Mother, no it isn't funny. It's horrible. It's horrible so I prefer to hide it. But Leo is Elisa's lover, so he's almost family.” She looked at him. “If you want to hear all the horrible crap about this family I'll br happy to tell you.”
You'd be better off upstairs,” Victoria said. “I'll see you up to your room.”
Renata dodged her and ran up to Leo and Elisa.
Take my advice. Marry Elisa and take her far away from here. Nobody is happy in this family.” She whispered “I never am” as she pointed to herself. However she was smiling.

Domingo and Gustavo dragged Majo out of their SUV and a few steps away into the woods. They threw their crying captive on the ground. She got to her feet and pleaded for her life as Domingo took out his pistol.
Why do you think you're here?” he asked her/ “Because your family doesn't want to pay.”
He cocked the pistol to move the shot into place. She started to whimper like an abused dog.
Shut up,” he said. Gustavo stared through this. Majo began screaming for help. Gustavo laughed.
Scream all you want,” he said. “Nobody will hear you.”
Dario's headlights appeared.
Where is El Cobra?”
Think!” Gustavo taunted, pointing to his own head. “He gave the order to kill you.”
Majo cringed. Domingo taunted her further.
You think you can escape? I'm going to count up. One. Two.” She started to run. “Three.” He fired a shot in the air. “I'm coming after you, little doll.”

Renata went on about Leo needing to know the family was dysfunctional. Victoria was losing her patience, but said nothing until Renata said “That's how we live in this house, this hell. And this hell was made by you, Mommy.”
Victoria stood up with a murderous expression. Elisa touched Renata who recoiled yelling “Don't touch me, don't touch me!” Elisa backed off. Renata backed away from her. Leo stepped in front of Elisa.
Don't touch me!”
No, don't worry. I need a bit of fresh air. Would you like to come with me? Please?”
Renata paused, then laughed like a flirtatious teenager.
I adore you.”
Let's go,” he said. He looked at Elisa, saying they would be outside for a few minutes. Victoria remained silent until they were out of the room.
Good God, Elisa. I swear I don't know what to do with your sister. I'm going to have her committed.”
Enough, Mother! You're not going to do anything. Understand that what she needs is affection and understanding.” She followed Leo and Renata outside. Victoria was shocked.

Majo ran from her captors. Despite refusing food for so long she ran fairly fast. She stumbled and fell on the uneven ground. As she got up a shot came in her direction.

It glanced off a tree. Domingo and Gustavo ran faster; they almost caught up with her. Some of their breath was wasted on their laughter.

They finally caught up, both with pistols drawn. They backed her up against a tree. She may as well have been Joan of Arc at the stake. Domingo cocked his pistol again. Aiming in that position was meant to look badass, but was actually less prone to accuracy.

Adios, pretty one.”

A shot rang out. Domingo spat blood before dropping to the ground. Gustavo aimed his behind Domingo, then looked around in the dark. He shouted. Then a second shot came and he fell to the ground. Dario appeared, pistol in hand.

Are you alright?” he asked.

She collapsed against him. He held onto her as she slid down toward the ground. She cried. He embraced her and kissed her forehead. He looked up in shock.

Your house is beautiful,” Leo said.
No, don't deceive yourself,” she said. “This house is a hell.” She laughed briefly. “My mother is dying because at this moment she thinks I'm revealing terrible things.” Her eyes looked wild.
Terrible things about your family?” he asked in mild disbelief.
You know what the best thing is about being the oldest? That I learned many things!” She almost looked like a child who thought she knew a big secret she was told not to tell.
Really?” he asked. “Then tell me so I can understand. Tell me.”
She motioned for him to come closer. He did. She then put up her hands to stop him. She laughed. “No, no. I like you for my sister. I don't want to send you running.”
Terrible things?”
Renata looked at him in a flirtatious way and said “You love her. You're in love with her. I see that in your face. Not sure about her. I talk much faster than I think but I always tell the truth.”
You and your sister... she talks a lot about you.”
What did she tell you?”
That she admires you. You are brave, you always try to win in spite of everything you have confronted.”
Is that what my sister told you, that she admires me?”
Yes,” he said, nodding.
She smiled. She seemed to believe every word.

Nieves looked at her daughter,. seeing that Clara had had a bad day. She told her mother that she had seen Leo at the Cantú household and that its mistress treated him as though he were the best catch of the year. Justino called to Nieves, so she didn't hear more.

Dario drove out of the woods. Majo was in the shotgun seat, hugging herself in fear.
You were going to kill me.”
Don't think that.”
What are you going to do with me?”
Take you to a safe place. Nobody will hurt you there.”
I've been kidnapped...” A police siren was heard from nearby. Dario saw that he was driving right into a roadblock. It was too late to turn back.
Who thought of this stupidity?” he asked himself.
Majo wiped her eyes and kept her hand in front of her mouth. Dario stopped at the line and a cop asked to see his license. The cop handed it to another to be checked.
Whom are you with?” he asked Dario.
My girlfriend,” he said, not looking at the cop, who looked over at Majo.
Miss, are you alright?”
Yes,” she said, looking him in the eye. She kept her hand in front of her mouth.
Are you sure?” he asked.
Yes. We were on our way home.”
The cop handed back Dario's license.
Okay. You can go on your way.” He had the others wave them through. They drove through without further incident.

Elisa came out of the house after Renata had gone back in.
Leo, I don't know what you said to my sister or how or what you talked about, but after talking with you she hugged and kissed me. She never does these things.”
That makes me happy.”
I feel content.”
They could not embrace as they wished to. Victoria came out.
So we will go tomorrow,” Victoria said.
Didn't you say you were going to Chiapas tomorrow?”
Yes, first thing.” She looked at Leo. “You'll be here first thing, my love?”
Of course. I have to go to prepare. It was a pl
easure to see you, Ma'am. Good night.”
Good night. Take good care of my daughter.”Of course.”
Leo and Elisa said their good nights and kissed. Victoria pretended to be pleased.

Dario stopped the car when they were a safe distance from the roadblock.
Why didn't you turn me in to the police? I killed.”
You killed.”
Why does it matter to you what happens to me?”
You saved my life.” She looked away from him. “I think I am crazy for not telling the police. In spite that you betrayed me and no matter what you've done, I'm with you.” He said nothing. She looked out the window. “Where are we, the safe-house?”
It's my home,” he said. “We will rest there tonight.”
Why only tonight?”
Because someone is looking for me all over and could find you at any moment.”
And you? What will happen to you?”
|He got out of the car. Sh
e got out on her own.
Why did you save me?”When we go into the house I don't want the neighbors to see us.”
Will I go in? Why did you save me?”

He said nothing. He took her hand, unlocked the gate, and led her inside. There he closed a door, led her to his room, turned a photo face down, and told her to try to rest. He said he would get her a change of clothes so she could take a shower or bath.

You risked a lot for me. Nobody ever did anything like that. Never.”

He left the room without another word. She closed the door and looked at the framed photo he had put face-down. It was of a boy, most likely a photo of himself. She lay down and then noticed a bulletin board on his wall filled with pictures of the stars.

The following morning when Elisa and Leo were on their way José Luis called.

We found two dead men in the woods. They appear to be two of Maria José's kidnappers. No trace of their killer. We're in the {???} zone.  Everything indicates that Maria José is missing. We have to look for her.”
I will be right there.”
As he ended the call Elisa asked what happened. She was almost as agitated as Victoria had been. He explained what happened and that they didn't know where Maria José was. He told her to calm down. It was possible that Maria José had escaped.

Gilberto spoke to Eugenio to tell him that two of Dario's men were found dead.
What does Dario say? Did you talk to him?”
I've been calling him but he hasn't answered.”
And Maria José? Did they find her body?”
They found two men but her? No. We don't know anything.”
Damn it.” Eugenio ended the call. He was equally unsuccessful in reaching Dario.
What did you do, imbecile?” he asked the empty room.

Leo and Elisa arrived at the crime scene. Adriana told her that they believed Majo had been with the two dead men, but they knew nothing about her whereabouts. José Luis said they were not likely to find her near. They speculated on whether the killer or killers had her. Adriana went to check on the hiding place. Elisa began crying, worrying that her sister was dead.

Majo woke up in Dario's room. When she opened the door she heard voices. Dario was talking with his mother, telling her not to worry. Majo opened the door to the room. Dario had no choice but to introduce them. Piedad jumped to the conclusion that Majo was Dario's girlfriend and began asking her enough questions to impress the Spanish Inquisition.

A purse was found at the crime scene and Mario got something from the GPS signal. They identified the location of the kidnappers' safe-house. Elisa was still upset so Leo told Adriana that they should not show her the purse just yet. They all went to their cars to go to the safe-house.

Leslie was being cyberbullied. A series of nasty messages appeared on her phone. She called one of the creeps and got his voicemail. Affter leaving a tearful message she lay down on her bed. She could not shut out the messages from her mind.

José Luis and Leo led a SWAT team into the safe-house. No one was there, but Elisa found and identified some of Majo's clothes. Leo concluded that she must be alive. (Sam Spade might have thought otherwise. – D.H.) Adriana found Domingo's cell phone. José Luis was sure that they were very close. Adriana then called Leo back.

We received the reports from the border patrol and there was no record of Julia Alvarez' passport. The U.S. authorities also have no registration of a visa. She never left the country.”

Majo left Piedad's room and told Dario that she was asleep.
Your mother is very nice. Does she know what you do?”
I had to disappear for a while. The police found out where I was. We had to leave. They could find us at any time.”
How are we going to disappear? What about your mother?”
She will have 24-hour nurses with her.”
And I? What will I do?”

You will go back to your home, your life, and forget what happened.”

Forget? Do you think I could forget all this?”

You have to do it. If it helps, you can think of it as a nightmare.”

And will you also forget?”

Get ready.”

He left the room. She was confused once again.

Leo and Elisa prepared to leave for Chiapas. No calls from the police department meant that there was no new information. She had gone along with him to his mother's house to pick up his things. Sara regarded her as a gift from Heaven because she was worried. She asked if he could help her with Leslie, who had been in her room all day. Leo knocked, she tried to refuse to talk to him. He entered anyway and promised not to tell her father. He sat down and asked her what happened.

Dario and Majo left his house.
This is then end. You will be returning home.”
I want to help you.”
Help me? You? Do you know what that means?”
We can start over from zero. I can help you. Tell me how. Tell me what I have to do.”
Forget about me.” He mumbled something inaudible and caressed her face before shouting at her to go. She left.

Leo told his niece about the pain of his first breakup. He told her he healed by talking about it. He suggested she talk about this with her mother and grandmother. She wasn't in line with that, but he seemed to get through to her. Sara was giving a similar pep talk to Elisa and telling her not to lose faith. Leo came down the stairs to tell his mother about Leslie. Nieves arrived at that moment of family therapy looking her usual downcast self. She became angry at the sight of Elisa and would not accept Leo's word that she was helping solve Julia's murder. Not only did she refuse to believe this, she insulted Elisa openly.

And you? You should be ashamed of yourself. You enter my house with lies, bore yourself at our grief. My daughter died with this man's child in her womb. Did you know? Answer me! Did you know? Who do you think knows who killed your father? Do you think he was messing aroun with my daughter? Haven't you any shame?”

This provoked Sara to defend Elisa and an argument began between the two women. Eisa tried to speak. Nieves refused to listen and walked out after insulting everyone in the room.

Sonia went through Eugenio's desk, finally pulling out a document.

This girl is going to change your life,” Piedad said. “It's obvious. You have feelings. Why are you sad?”
It's the same as ever, Mother.”
Son, please. Why did you send her away if you are in love with her? I used to know everything about you. I'm your mother.”
Mother, I have to go away for about three months.”
The reason for that began pounding on the door. He took his pistol and left the room.
What happened? Dario, what happened?”

Leslie took her purse and started to leave. Sara was still awake and stopped her.

Leo took Elisa to Fernanda's apartment.
Is it true what Julia's mother said? Julia was pregnant?” Leo nodded silently. “I am so sorry.”
Leo cleared his throat and changed the subject.
I'm going to the station to see if there is any news and get some thing.”
Can I go with you?”
No, you need to rest. It's been too much for one day. You have handled this very well. If Maria José is still alive, it's thanks to you.”
Never did I think that telling El Cobra you were my lover would solve problems.”
It is helping to find the truth and... to get to know you.”
I don't know what would happen to me if you hadn't crossed my path. I am very grateful.”
They embraced before she went into the elevator.

Fernanda showed her true colors at that moment in her conversation with Eugenio.
It's only a matter of time before the whole world knows what's going on. Do you know who that man is Elisa is seeing now?”
Leonardo? He's a lawyer –”
He's a cop. They're working together investigating everything. Do you know who he is? He was the fiancé of the woman found in Augusto's car.”
Elisa knocked on the door, saying to let her in.
Were you expecting her?”
Fernanda shook her head.

Dario was armed as he came down the stairs to see who was at the door. He pointed the pistol and heard a familiar voice. “Dario, Dario, it's me.”
He opened the door and pulled Majo inside, looking carefully to see that there were no witnesses.
What are you doing here?”
I couldn't go back.”
How did you know my name?”
Your mother said it.”
He tried to pull her toward the door.I won't go until you tell me why you didn't kill me. Tell me now.”
I didn't want to hurt you because I'm in love with you.” He grabbed her hand and looked outside. “You have to go.”
No. I have the same feelings for you. And I don't know what to do about it. Dario, I love you.”

They kissed violently, like the illicit lovers they would become.

I don't give a fig about the side story of Leslie and wonder what it has to do with the main plot.

I'm so conflicted about Dario. A guy who loves the stars can't be all that bad. Right?? But boy I love a guy who puts his hands on your neck to pull you close to kiss you. JenCarlos Canela is one of the sexiest kissers I've seen. He was so good at kissing Gaby Espino in 'Más sabe el diablo'. No wonder she married him. And I loved how SR pulled AB close to him around her waist with a little bit of force in LQLVMR. It's not the force I liked, but the authority he commanded.

Victoria gets worse and worse. SG (Renata) is doing a great job in this role. She has always been under cast IMO.


Urban, thank you for your excellent recap with the D.H. quote and commentary.

Victoria, I agree about the Leslie plot. It sure seems just pasted on and along for the ride.

I so enjoyed the scene with Leo and Renata. So now we know Renata’s various diagnoses.

I am getting a double dose of Patricia Reyes Spindola with her appearing in the a.m. novela “Mariana de la noche”. Another wonderful actor in drama as well as comedy. IMHO, her best role was her comedic interpretation of Tomasina in LFMB.

No surprise with Darío and Majo. I hope they go on the run and get out of the city for a while.


UA: I still cannot get a grasp on what does Dario really want & his purpose of kidnapping Majo.

Victoria: Stockholm Syndrome is what defines Majo: keeps getting in bad situations.

Urban, pure heaven.

The dialog translations, your vivid descriptions and screen shots were beyond.

"They kissed violently, like the illicit lovers they would become". Oh my. Combustible.

"She started to whimper like an abused dog" was painful to watch. I hope Domingo and Gustavo rot in their final resting place.

"Renata said “That's how we live in this house, this hell. And this hell was made by you, Mommy.” Further proof of Victoria's culpability who seemed to mismanage the care her eldest so desperately needed.

Like you Jarifa, I also loved Renata's interactions with Leo. Susana Gonzales brings a depth of emotions to the role. She draws you into and makes you sympathize and understand her psychological torment. Victoria, Susana is my favorite actress.

Eugenio deserves an especially heinous place in hell. I despise that he is winning and now that loathsome Fernanda has revealed Leo's identity, the number in imminent danger is quickly escalating.

Things look bleak and I have a feeling tonight's episode will be equally upsetting.

Urban, thank you so much.


I think the Leslie plot line is an echo of the theme of family dysfunction. Jose Luis' marriage is crumbling, his wife doesn't care about him or their daughter and is rude to almost everyone.

Julia's and Fernanda's toxic mothers are in full swing. Fernanda's pimped her out to an unknown number of men while Julia's can't mind her own business.

However, Victoria is the Queen. No wonder Elisa moved to New York for however long she was there. I am wondering how much responsibility Victoria has for Renata's mental health issues. The 8-year age difference between Renata and Elisa does not allow for Elisa to see the clues about Renata's childhood. At this point we know nothing about the early years of the parents' relationship or when it began going south. There is no older generation of aunts and uncles who can attest to any of this except for Eugenio whom we know cannot be trusted on any front.

We also don't know much about Maria Jose's mental state prior to the kidnapping. Now she is a mess and will need years of therapy.

Urban, thank you for every detail of this episode .

Leo is the best galan I have seen since Don Luis ( Fernando Colunga) in Alborada. He is kind and protective to all the vulnerable folks around him , not just Elisa but also Renata and Leslie . Kindness and caring are the mark of a true galan. Yay, Leo .

I think Dario and Majo are going to be a thing , but I don't think Dario will survive in the end.

I noticed that Tio Rug has a photo of himself on his desk. That kind of says it all. Narcissists never care about anyone but themselves .

Thank you Urban.

Scario drives in and saves the damsel in distress (that he instigated). The "foreplay" of this relationship was exciting, but I'm starting to dislike where this is going. Yes, he has his tender side, but bottom line is that Scario is a criminal...and one that kills. What kind of life does Majo think she will have with him?

Susanlynn, I do agree that Leo is one of the best galans I have seen in a long time. The man seems to have no faults whatsoever and protects all those he cares about. Is he for real?? Can I put in an order in for one of those :-)

Jarifa, "...the Leslie plot. It sure seems just pasted on and along for the ride." I thought the exact same thing!! They picked out a PSA and just threw it in! But then I started wondering if there will be some tie to the main plot down the line...can't think of one right now, but ya never know.


Chickie, there are some galans like Leo in real Life .

Great stuff, Urban! You got a really exciting episodio and did it justice. I loved the Daschel Hammet quote. Great touch.


Jarifa/RGV: possible white slavers as another subplot? Remember the kids Leo saves in the beginning. I see it fitting there. JMO

Jardinera, it's not a quote, but could have been.

You are onto something. They never paid off on what those children were being rescued from, but I definitely see someone we hate here being involved in this. Leslie is the more vulnerable of the two youngest female characters in this tale and there could be a revenge angle against her police relatives.

Jardinera, I can completely forgot about those kids Leo rescued. I think you are right that the evil doers are somehow a part of this.

Also, there must be a reason the writers decided to give Fern a son that she has hidden away all these years.

Jardinera, that is a good point about where the Leslie plot might fit in.

Urban, thank you for all the details, I could only watch this episode with my daughters around, so many of the details were lost.
So Renata was misdiagnosed at 14, which is not uncommon, then she had a poor treatment for the next 20 years. No wonder she's so screwed up.
And Majo is not exactly sane, either, going back to Dario willingly.
RGV, I agree with you that I like how their story started, but this "us against the world" mess is not interesting, I would have prefered for them to be apart for a while, realize that they are in love and go from there. Their feelings have no basis, no way to resist in the real world.

I do believe we got a glimpse into Majo's state of mind when, at Elisa's birthday party, sue asked Augusto for a similar larger than life surprise when her turn came. Augusto simply dismissed her with an "we'll see". I think Majo was the forgotten child, with Elisa being the star and Renata the trouble.

So to summarize: We don't give a fig about Leslie, nor a Dromedary date about Clara..
Body Count Boudreaux is staying busy..
Rug and Fur are definitely in cahoots..
Mojo is doing a DIY Kidnapping..
And in it's own way being Nutty as a fruitcake is contagious.


DIY kidnapping!!! Love this! :)))))))))

Maybe Renata is screwed up emotionally only because of Victoria and not a diagnosed medical condition.

Then Majo, being the youngest, lacked attention from Victoria.

Lastly, Elisa is the only sane, normal one because, even though she's a middle child (in my experience a toxic placement), she was her father's favorite; and, therefore, probably replaced a mother's affection with her father's.


I love your screen shots, all the back to your fan collection to Christopher Mason.

I like when the good guys/bad guys aren't caricatures of their role, but I'm confused.

Dario is a kidnapper, so he's bad. He's working with Eugenio, so he's really bad. But then he's also working with the Commissioner, so maybe he's a secret agent and not so bad. but the Commissioner is also working with Eugenio so all three of them are bad, including Dario. But Dario saved Majo, so maybe not so bad except that he's willing to get busy with a woman he's held hostage, threatened, and lied to about her family not caring about her so he's really not that great even if he does like astronomy. Correct or did I miss something?

And Fernanda! I didn't hate her even though she was suspect. She's got her own family issues (mom and secret son) that she needs to work through, but now she's working with Eugenio, so she goes in the bad column for now.

Did we ever see what Sofia was searching for? She really should be more careful.

Maybe when Dario is done being the bad guy, he can go after he boy who started the bullying against Leslie. Pretty dumb move if he knows her father is a cop, but Jose Luis is a good guy and limited in what he can do.


They are all bad, but a few are not quite as bad as the others, Leo, Elisa, (maybe). They all have nasty little secrets.

The only one who is not really bad is the family dog who we have not seen yet, but he tried to bite the mailman once but nobody knows about it ...yet....


Wow, I love a good love story. I like the way this is turned out for dario. He had better be under deep cover and not a bad guy Who wants to be good. And is so so good. I hope they don't kill him off cuz he so loves his mother and he is so sweet to her. She needs him. He and
Majo can care for her together.

The rug is really off the rails
Whats his reason for killing majo? the man twisted twisted I tell you.
This show is so confusing, but I can see abit who the really bad guys are. Well at least one really
Bad guy. That rug guy,hes the nasty
Nastiest Ive seen in a long time.
Hes just sickening.

Great recap Urban. Love the details
Leslie's mother is a giant turd of
Crap. I don't like her, shes a bad mom.
Nieves, i can't spell her name just can't pronounce it. Dont like her at all.I dont like fern either. Is uncle rug the baby Daddy? Poor kid.

I thought sure the coppers would see the bruse on majos face but she covered it well. They seem nervous
But the cops didnt notice that either.

Leo has a way with renutty. Maybe its because he talks to her like she matters. She probly can tell him some stuff she saw and heard
Growingup in that house of horrors. I dont trust victoria to be the lovin Mother she thinks she appears to be.
The doctors natty had don't seem to know what she was aling with. Schitz, bipolar, or a personality disorder, pick one. I dont think theres anything wrong with her shes
Just sick of them.
Ok Im late with this, didnt have time today so while I was watching tonites episode I did this careful not to put anything in about the new one. Thats tomorrow.

Ok thank you Urban this was good.Im
Anxious to see the next recap for tonight's episode.

I dont think majo has that syndrom
Thingy you were talkin about. Maybe
She really loves badboy/goodboy.
Besides she stayed with her future mom inlaw. Maybe.
There is definitely something wrong with all of these people except leo
And elisa. But Im sure they got their black spots like kirby said.
Well he said nasty little secrets I
Say black spots, whatever. They're

Sonia maybe found something, maybe
We'll see later, after hes beat the
Crap outta her for the umpteenth time.

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