Monday, October 05, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Oct. 5, 2020

 Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. “Médicos: Linea de Vida” has an awesome patio with Lila continuing her delightful recaps for it. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida

10PM – Dulce Ambición

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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I am going into an all day meeting so will have your recap to look forward to late today Lila!

Have a good day patio!


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Hola, Peeps! I wish you and all your loved ones well! If you don’t mind, I’ll be out of the brackets quite a bit in today’s retelling and, as always, let’s hear your take on last night’s action which is not in chronological order as aired. Vamanos!

We pick back up with David and Regina in the common room. David has sneaked up on his new love but finds she is not feeling lovey-dovey at all, having been assailed by Ana warning her, with fake wide-eyed innocence, about putting too much trust in Dangerous David. David and Regina face each other in the dimly-lit common room. They are standing near the lockers and bunks. David’s tone is even, and he looks directly at Regina. “Listen, my ‘relationship’ with Ana was when were interns, it ended and we both went our own way. That’s the truth.” Regina listens, but continues, “After learning about this, I understand many, many things. I sincerely think Ana has not forgotten you. That is why she was in your room when we were at the congress.” David alerts a bit, “No, no, just a moment. You have to believe me that on that day, nothing happened.” “Yes, I believe you, I believe you. I have sufficient maturity to deal with any number of things but if you hide something like this from me, we will not have good communication; to have this just as we are getting started, is not going to work.” Regina says, “David, it’s not important what you may have done or what has happened in the past; it’s just that there are some things that I would prefer to hear from you.” “I know, and I said you’re absolutely right! Look, I only want this to work, and I promise you that it won’t happen again because I don’t have anything to hide and I am a totally transparent person.” They are facing each other, Regina has maintained her serious and slightly wooden demeanor, she looks disappointed but begins to soften somewhat. “Well, I hope so.” “Ya, don’t be angry,” David says as he moves a bit closer to Regina. He makes the most subtle pouty face which cues their song and Regina looks to the side briefly, as if to toss the stern glance away and smiles a tiny bit. “You know I’ve never gotten along well with Ana and now this, just imagine! She could kill me with her looks!” “Don’t pay any attention to her,” David urges. Regina pauses a minute and asks if he’s jealous? He shakes his head no. “How long did you go with her? “While we were interns.” “And why did you stop going out with her? Did you break up okay?” “Yes, we did; as I told you we each pursued our concentrations in different areas; we would speak from time to time but we went our own way. Ya! What happened with her doesn’t compare at all with what I feel for you. I LOVE you and I’m not going to let anyone or anything interfere in our relationship.” Regina finally relaxes and touches the side of David’s face with her right hand and he returns the gesture and gently strokes his beard. “Thank you for believing me,” he whispers.


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Now, this happens later, but it concerns our lovers. David goes to the OPC to yell at Ana about why she told Regina about their old relationship. He warns her that if she doesn’t want problems with HIM, she’d better butt out and stop meddling in his life! Her argument? She didn’t know Regina didn’t know. They had a good relationship, didn’t they (he agrees); well, she thinks he’s afraid. The two of them broke up to concentrate on their chosen areas and he’s afraid the same thing is going to happen with Regina! [Uh, David and Regina are both Trauma Surgeons working in Emergency Medicine….helloooo!] David says they were adults and managed their relationship and it’s ending well, but that doesn’t give her the right to go talk to Regina about it! She flings back that he says it’s always best to be truthful and, again, she thought Regina knew. David repeats that she didn’t know and Ana needs to not meddle in his life! Ana says it’s a little too late for that; he knows how she feels about him and she thinks what he’s attempting with Regina is a mistake! She knows David felt something for her! David asks Ana not to make this more difficult. Ana says she KNOWS David and Regina cannot give him what he needs! David says, even though Ana doesn’t believe it, he is in a different moment in his life and even though she doesn’t think he and Regina are compatible, that’s a risk he will make for himself! David has given Ana a stage she didn’t deserve; he broke up with her, what, a decade ago? She continues: She wants what’s best for him because she knows that, despite his tough exterior; he’s fragile and is afraid to accept it. She tells him she will always be there for him but this conversation is over. She yells for the next patient and slams the door seconds after he walks through the door.

That’s as warm and fuzzy as we get, Peeps, but alas, such is life, even on the Patio. Luis feels so much better for having met with Paulina. He thanks her as they part in this same evening that David is called on the carpet. Luis heads home and Paulina reminds him she is there for him if he needs her. The next day, Luis tries to embrace his son’s memory as Gonzalo has counseled and so goes to the park where he and Gabriel kicked around a soccer ball as Susana taped them on his cell phone. There are other happy families there with little boys which has the opposite effect on Luis. He calls Susana, gets voicemail and texts her that he misses Gabriel and her and wants to meet. Of course she does not answer so he calls Paulina. Luis tells Paulina, through sobs, of his failed attempt to connect with Gabriel in one of his favorite places. She tells him Gabriel is not in these places, but in his heart; he’s only harming himself. She convinces him to leave with her.


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Cinthia meets her Parents on the terrace of a lovely restaurant in the early evening. The loveliness ends there. Cinthia and her Dad do the well-worn dance of her rejection of their support and their refusal to respect her choices, her decisions, her life. Frankly, it went on for a painfully long time. Cinthia asks why now, after never supporting her while she was in medical school, they are taking a sudden interest in the Instituto. She sees her Dad’s current gesture towards the Instituto as actually using her to position himself and make connections! All Cinthia wanted was even to be asked how she was doing; to be told she was loved; why couldn’t they do that? Her Dad said he didn’t have time! He was busy building a legacy for her! It hurts him that she doesn’t care about that. HE is hurt that she chose medicine because it had nothing to do with what he does! Cinthia does and is very proud and admires her Dad for his effort and accomplishments; she just has different dreams and wants to have her own accomplishments! Andres says she doesn’t need any of that! We think a breakthrough is coming when Andres takes Cinthia’s hands and says that he is the most proud Papa in the world… if she would just do that which corresponds to her (take her place in the family construction empire). That does it. Pam leaves and Patricia, who has silently and tearfully observed all of this declares she is so tired of their constant fighting and if he isn’t careful, he’s going to lose his only daughter!

JuanPa intercepts Cinthia as she is leaving. Patricia told him they would be having dinner tonight and invited him “to stop by.” JuanPa sees she is upset and convinces her to let him see her home. He drops her off and is totally a gentleman but is ever ready to press his suit. Cinthia tells him frankly, but not unkindly, that she is not interested in a relationship with him. He graciously accepts this but protests that she hasn’t given him a chance. He appreciates her directness and tells her that’s what he likes so much about her: she’s independent, she’s intelligent and beautiful. Cinthia thanks JuanPa but says her time is very complicated. Not surrendering, JuanPa asks her to think about it, smiles and kisses her chastely on the cheek and leaves. Damned decent, JuanPa!

Gonzalo and Regina talk briefly about Luis’ pain. Talk turns quickly to Aurora. Regina agrees to assist in him surgery in the morning. The next morning, Miryea sucks up to Aurora who cautiously thanks Miryea for her interest. Aurora is prepped and wheeled to the operating room. Just before going in, Aurora secures a promise from Gonzalo that he won’t leave Felipe alone if anything happens to her. Sensitivity Alert. Aurora has a difficult and graphic surgery. Assisted by Regina, the large bleeding tumor is extracted along with her uterus and ovaries which have been entangled with the bleeding mass. At one point Aurora bleeds out, goes into shock and has to get a shot of adrenaline. She stabilizes and survives the surgery! After the surgery Felipe asks Gonzalo how it went. Gonzalo tells him it was complicated because the tumor was large and the cancer advanced but they got it all and with chemotherapy, the remaining disease can be eradicated. His Mom will do well. Felipe grabs Gonzalo and hugs him tightly. Gonzalo is at first reluctant to acknowledge the gesture with too much enthusiasm, having so often confronted Felipe’s formality and coldness. Gonzalo is overcome with emotion and tightly embraces his son. Felipe thanks him for saving his Mom but seems to feel the shift in Gonzalo, breaks the embrace and leaves. The pain of Gonzalo’s unrequited paternal love is clear on his face and tear-filled eyes.


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

The day of the surgery, David goes with Daniel to pay the predatory lender at the market where he has his little loan sharkey stall. Daniel and David have two or three goons behind them and the shark has thugs behind him as well. Long story short: Daniel gives the shark a fat envelope; oh the accrued interest is not there! David takes out a wad of cash and pays the shark the “interest.” Daniel tells the shark off about how he is an exploitive, abusive, POS, the scum of the earth taking advantage of honest, hard-working people! David! Get him out of there! They leave. PHEW! Our noble David got his fine a$$ out of there without getting his clock cleaned! Hah-leh-luu-jah!!!! Later, there is a strange scene that I want you to chime in on, Peeps. Daniel talks to a Nurse about a patient and sends her into rapture! She gushes to Tania about what a good Doctor and person Daniel is! He’s so professional, yet warm; he has such a wonderful way of saying things! “He’s one of those men you could fall in love with easily!” Tania listens but coldly dismisses the Nurse’s observation. “I wouldn’t get very excited about such a thing. I don’t have time for that.” Tania leaves the Nurse, and us, confused. What the heck happened? I think we missed a few scenes!

We meet some new people and I’m going to openly ask for help with this. In a beautifully-appointed, sunlit room with expansive windows we have an older, though attractive woman, Sandra and her, what? Step daughter, Samantha. Playing the piano and coughing his lungs out is Alvaro. Sandra asks Alvaro to hold off dying, his beloved Daughter has arranged for a Lawyer to come and change his last will and testament! The Daughter, Samantha, seems to agree that her Stepmother should get what’s coming to her, having taken care of Alvaro in these last difficult years! The Lawyer comes, asks Sandra and Samantha to leave. Sandra protests, but complies. The Lawyer asks a few questions to determine if Alvaro is oriented to person, place, time and situation. Alvaro passes and does seem to want Sandra and Samantha to be the only ones to get his loot because the rest of the family abandoned him. Okay, Peeps. Have at it.

Finally, Rafa gets an urgent call from a stranger in the same evening that began the show. A woman named Carmen is badly injured and needs his help. Sensitivity Alert as Carmen lies on the street retching and seizing. Rafa arrives and has her rushed to the Instituto. He, Art and Pam attend her. Carmen is confused and combative. Carmen relapsed, overdosed and was assaulted as well. Pamela remarks she has never seen such a case. Carmen is admitted and the next morning, Rafa goes to see her and introduces Dr. Pamela Miranda, Psychiatry Resident. He leaves them alone. Pamela tells Carmen she is going to help her get to the root of her problem and thus pave the way to change the behaviors that endanger her life. Carmen doesn’t think it will help but eventually is able, despite wracking sobs of physical and psychic pain, to tell Pamela her story. Twenty five years ago she got pregnant by mistake; she neither wanted the baby girl nor could care for her. She left her at a church and ever since then has been unable to get the sounds of the baby’s cries out of her head. She feels guilty and tortured and just wants to know if her daughter is even alive, is she safe is she hungry, is she cold? Pamela thinks having an objective will be therapeutic and says she will help Carmen get information about her daughter. This seems to calm Carmen somewhat. Carmen’s back is turned to Pamela, who sits at her bedside. “Do you believe in God?” she asks Pamela, who answers yes. “God is merciful. At least I’m going to die with a Doctor who is more or less the age of my Daughter. This is our final scene.



Regina finally relaxes and touches the side of David’s face with her right hand and he returns the gesture and gently strokes his beard. “Thank you for believing me,” he whispers.


Regina finally relaxes and touches the side of David’s face with her right hand and he returns the gesture as she gently strokes his beard. “Thank you for believing me,” he whispers.

Got to get the caressing right!



Thanks a bunch, Lila. Last night got too medical for me so I tuned out a bit. Happy to get all the main deets in you recap.

Gonzalo operates on his ex-wife. I know he's excellent, but he's too emotionally involved.Glad it turned out well.

Yay, Regina and David smoothed things over. But will David get Ana has become whackadoodle about him? Honestly, from a fling 10 years ago, she's the only one that understands him?


Thank you, Lila! I SO look forward to reliving the episodes though your eyes.

I'm glad the little rift between Reg and David was resolved quickly. Who could resist those pleading eyes?

I don't know how David can stand to put up with Ana. I just want to slap her when she ignores everything he says and tries to justify her concern and caring for him. "Oh, but I know you best, David" (((SLAP!!!)))

Gonzalo "saving" Aurora comes of no surprise, but he really shouldn't have been operating on her. Though he finished the surgery with success, he froze a couple of times and the result could have been fatal.

"Felipe thanks him for saving his Mom but seems to feel the shift in Gonzalo, breaks the embrace and leaves." I think Aurora's pride rubbed off on Felipe. Why couldn't he have just returned the loving embrace and left it at that.

"Tania listens but coldly dismisses the Nurse’s observation. “I wouldn’t get very excited about such a thing. I don’t have time for that.” Did she say that SHE didn't have time for that or Daniel didn't have time for that? Either way, that hint of jealousy was nice!

Regarding Carmen: "Twenty five years ago she got pregnant by mistake; she neither wanted the baby girl nor could care for her. She left her at a church..." OH EM GEE! Puede Ser??? Just a coinkydink or could Pamela be that baby?

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Buenos dias y gracias, Niecie! It WAS very medical and I thought the dinner with Cinthia's parents was tedious and Ana made the scene between her and David tedious as well! Sheesh!

And yes, Niecie, I was like should I comment on the inappropriateness of these guys, first Art, then Luis, Daniel and now Gonzalo providing direct medical care to family members and then I was like, NAH, just roll with it! Yes, maybe Aurora will be more pleasant now!

I could've slapped Ana. David is NOT a child! I only know what you need; you're fragile and afraid. Uh, I think NOT! SHE is delusional!


Great work as usual, Lila.

Tania has not thus far indicated any interest in a long-term relationship. However, she knows that is what Daniel ultimately wants. She is too intelligent to not see his interest in her and may even be fighting feelings for him. Now is not the time for this if it is to happen at all.

Aaaaayna (because she is an a*hole) will not stop trying to break up David and Regina. Why is David not getting tougher and smarter about this?

Luis is a wreck, but at least he's not hitting the bottle. What he needs now is a shrink and his good friends. Not Paulina. Had he never been involve with her Susanna would not be rejecting him now.

I've already said all there is to say about Cinthia and her parents.

Is anyone else thinking that Carmen is Pamela's birth mother? Pamela doesn't need this.

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

You are welcome and I look forward to your hanging out on the Patio, Rgv Chick!

Ahhhh. David. Yes, those eyes, and that expressive face. And his little pout. Lovers gain a different insight into each others heart and soul and David spoke to her from that new perspective and she heard him!

JAJAJAJA! I typed that about wanting to slap Ana before I read what you said. Yah, what the heck is up with her? I guess our man is just frickin' unforgettable! Silly girl! She shoulda gone into emergency medicine and learned how to be swept up into "the zone!" TOO LATE!!

Gonzalo "saving" Aurora comes of no surprise, but he really shouldn't have been operating on her. Though he finished the surgery with success, he froze a couple of times and the result could have been fatal.

Thanks for brining that out Rgv Chick! He DID freeze up and was sweating like a hog! I thought Aurora was going to die but I think that quota was filled with poor Gabe!

I wonder how old Felipe was when Aurora left Gonzalo. What did she do, give him daily "hate Gonzalo" lessons? Sheesh!

"Tania listens but coldly dismisses the Nurse’s observation. “I wouldn’t get very excited about such a thing. I don’t have time for that.” Did she say that SHE didn't have time for that or Daniel didn't have time for that? Either way, that hint of jealousy was nice!

OHHH! JEALOUSY!! I'll have to go back and listen. Maybe I heard wrong!! It makes all the difference in the world if she said HE doesn't have time for that! Thanks! I'll go back and listen. What did the rest of y'all hear?

Rgv Chick! I thought the same thing! I don't think it's a coinkydink! Carmen has GOT to be Pamela's bio MOM!!!!

Thanks, Rgv Chick! Keep checking back in!


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Gracias, de verdad, Urbanita! Tania fighting feelings, okay, that's possible. That scene really surprised me. I've got to listen again to know what to make of it. Daniel's lamentation has indicated that he perceives of himself as, shall we say, "not hot" and never thought a beautiful woman like Tania could like him. And I don't think Daniel is her type but she may be falling for him for all the reasons that gushing Nurse named and is fighting it.

OUCH but ITA in you assessment of Ana! JAJAJAJAJA! No, Ana is not done and I was surprised when David spent so much time listening to her infantalizing delusions about how mysterious and fragile he is! Gag me! What is she going to do next, turn up at the Instituto with a 10 year old boy claiming it's his son? Stuff it, heffa!

Luis is a wreck, but at least he's not hitting the bottle. What he needs now is a shrink and his good friends. Not Paulina. Had he never been involve with her Susanna would not be rejecting him now.

ITA. Man needs an in-patient psych eval! Did I hear him say he was going to take "another day" off? That is no ways enough!!

Yes, Urban, three votes so far for Carmen being Pam's birth mother!!!


Thanks Ms. LILA! I loved the reconciliation between Regina and David, and I loved your accounting of it--highlighting every glance, every melting moment, every tender word. So glad the writers didn't make us suffer.

Completely with everyone on the inappropriate medical treatment of one's own family. Usually that is not allowed. Not here in the US anyway. And we saw how Gonzalo froze up, and how Luis is completely destroyed. On the latter case, my only hope, with the pesky Paulina, is that these two do not seem to have a theme song. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Well, yeah, of course Pam has to be the long-lost adopted daughter. Mostly though I was just admiring Cynthia Klitbo's acting in this scene. She really did look on the point of death. That gal really has chops. She can play comedy or tragedy equally well.

On the Tania-Nurse scene, I heard "HE doesn't have time for that." And there was definitely a hint of possessiveness. Nothing like noticing another gal is after your man to suddenly decide that yes...he IS your man. Nicely done. I thought the nurse was cute though and would be a good match for Daniel. Not so sure about our way-too-experienced Tania.

Just lovely LILA. David and Reggie are back, and "all's right with the world"...for now. Until Arturo and Ana team up for some serious meddling.

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Hey, Amiga! Thank you, Judy! I am glad the writers didn't torture us either! Regina admitted to David she is "beginning to have very strong feelings" about him and ventured further to say, "beginning to fall in love," but she also told him she was scared. David needs to share Art's declaration to stalk Regina out of some need to protect her! He doesn't have to use those words, but both our lovers need to be alert and aware of the two arch enemies of their love!

. . .my only hope, with the pesky Paulina, is that these two do not seem to have a theme song. So I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Thank you, Judy! Hadn't thought of that! I feel better!

And, yah, Cynthia Klitbo was so affective I HAD to give a sensitivity alert. I have a love one who has seizures and I was almost getting stressed just watching her and she DID look like she wasy dying! Jeezopete! And yep, she's Pam's bio Mom!

OKAY, another vote from an experienced ear that Tania said HE doesn't have time for that! Cool!

You speak truth here:

On the Tania-Nurse scene, I heard "HE doesn't have time for that." And there was definitely a hint of possessiveness. Nothing like noticing another gal is after your man to suddenly decide that yes...he IS your man. Nicely done. I thought the nurse was cute though and would be a good match for Daniel. Not so sure about our way-too-experienced Tania.

Tania seems to wild for Daniel. Or, she could spice him up. We'll see. He is playing Dano the Feo role and they may go there.


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

I forgot to mention it in the recap, but this is Carmen from Rafa's therapy group. I'm glad I noted when we first encountered her that, for some reason, he listened as Carmen talked to Humberto about the sounds of the baby crying was driving her crazy. When Rafa left the program, he gave Carmen his contact information and promised to be there for her if she needed anything. Rafa was true to his word and I believe it is a slam dunk that Rafa has unwittingly introduced Carmen to that little baby girl left in the church 25 years ago. That knowledge will save Carmen's life and I don't think this discovery will disturb the big-hearted Pam's life and I predict her parents will be okay with it, too!

Medicos. Another superb and perceptive recap, Lila! Suuuuure, Ana is only "concerned" for the well-being of Regina and David! And will David mention his encounters with Random Chick? Btw, David is so cute when he pouts! Agree with Rgv Chick, UA, Lila and JudyB. Is the Pamela/Carmen relationship another example of the classic topos of the reuniting of a lost child with his or her parent(s) or are the writers teasing us with a false flag? Thank goodness for DNA! Too bad Patricia and Andres didn't have a lot of kids--surely 1 of them would have been interested in the construction business1 And yep, you can't live someone else's dream. And I totally agree with all that Gonzalo in the operating room is an excellent example of why, in the US, doctors aren't allowed to treat their own relatives.


Thanks Lila!

I felt like Aurora’s surgery was anticlimactic. Given how quickly she’s stabilized after going into shock. At least Gonzalo didn’t botch the surgery despite being nervous especially knowing the consequences per se if anything went wrong. I hope though that his relationship/interactions with Felipe will eventually be less awkward.

Luis definitely needs a different type of therapy/environment to cope with everything.

I don’t like Ana’s attitude. When she says she wants the best for David etc I almost don’t believe her. She wants him for herself and is still holding onto the past. But Regina is right. There’s needs to be boundaries and honesty.

I also had the same feeling about Pamela/Carmen. Carmen has certainly had it rough so I hope she pulls through.


Thanks Lila! *sigh* I loved David’s pout.. I mean who could stay mad at him with those puppy dog eyes? Lol. Glad that everything was cleared up, but the scene was seriously lacking some besitos haha

It was evident that David was trying very hard not to tell Ana to just eff off.. even though he should have just done it lol.

“Honestly, from a fling 10 years ago, she's the only one that understands him?”

Good point Niecie. Ana is giving herself too much credit thinking she’s the only person I’m the world who understands David. And even though she might know David better than Regina does, it doesn’t mean anything. David and Regina are getting to know each other on a personal level, it’s only a matter of time before she knows David better than Ana. I think David also had a good point when he said he is in a different stage in his life.. so what if Ana knew him when they were interns? They were pretty young and people change.. they mature.

Lila, I completely agree that Cinthia’s tall with her parents went on for a painfully long time. I wanted to FFWD but then thought I might miss something important.. but nope. Just the same conversation they always have, again.

There are no coincidences in telenovela-land, Carmen is definitely Pam’s birth mom. Cinthia Klitbo is really good at bringing the crazy- it all seemed too real. I had the feeling she would be back because of where they put her name in the opening the credits (she wasn’t listed as just a guest star).

Tania is totally jealous lol

Thankfully, David did not get into a fight. So then are we to assume that the bruise was from a wild night with Regina? Hahaha


“That’s as warm and fuzzy as we get, Peeps, but alas, such is life, even on the Patio” was a picture perfect summation Lila.

“Damned decent, JuanPa!” and “little loan sharkey stall” were but a few of many excellent lines.

“Gonzalo is at first reluctant to acknowledge the gesture with too much enthusiasm, having so often confronted Felipe’s formality and coldness” described that touching scene perfectly.

Niecie and Rgv Chick, I was SO grateful Regina was in on the surgery. You are both absolutely right in that Gonzalo was far too emotionally involved and never should have operated on Aurora. When his sweating increased and he was having overt trouble focusing, I was very afraid.

I like that Regina seems to carefully analyze things and does not make rash decisions. While David is hard to resist, the credit for mending their very slight rift goes to her (with suaveness points going to David).

“Cinthia meets her Parents on the terrace of a lovely restaurant in the early evening. The loveliness ends there”. Telling his “cherished” daughter he didn’t have time to tell her he loved her was ludicrous. The truth is she wasn’t doing what he wanted her to do. Had she capitulated and been his right hand, I’m sure there would have been an abundance of appreciation and accolades. He is utterly self centered and selfish, clearly caring only about himself. How sad…And Patricia doesn’t have the courage or conviction to do otherwise. I am surprised Cinthia speaks to them at all.

"You can't live someone else's dream" is so true SpanProf!

And Luis. Grief stricken and heart broken, he is wildly reaching out. How unfortunate only Paulina is ready, able and more than willing to throw him that lifeline. A terrible situation spiraling down even further.

In terms of Tania and the nameless nurse, I think our rather vain, self centered Tania was a bit caught off guard by the nurse’s appreciation. I think her reaction was a mixture of hearing what she knows in her head is true but her heart hasn’t yet accepted with a bit of the green eyed monster, jealousy mixed in. As our Judy so sagely noted “Nothing like noticing another gal is after your man to suddenly decide that yes...he IS your man”.

I respect and like Dr. Pamela but I sensed a bit of an attitude with Carmen. I couldn’t tell if she was out of her realm of comfort with this particular case. In addition to the uncertainty, there seemed to be something else. A tiny bit of disdain? It doesn’t mesh with anything we’ve seen of her character but her usual kind smile and empathy was invisible if indeed she was feeling it at all.

Lila, your efforts to provide us with these carefully crafted summaries are much appreciated. I miss so much watching, you tied the loose ends up and explain the many pieces I miss with insight. And heart.



OK, I have been reading comments in between work and I somehow missed that very important comment about Carmen's possible tie to Pamela.

Thank you Rgv Chick! Now that scene, which disturbed me, makes total sense!


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Thank you, muchisimas SpanProf!!! Yep, I wondered about RC the other day. Regina mentioned her maturity; if she found out, surely she's mature enough to realize that David was NOT in a monastery after he broke up with Ana! I just hope they don't morph RC into being hopelessly in love with David after casting her as a "work out partner." And yes, David is precious when he pouts, he knows it and it worked with Regina!

Span, I really think the Carmen and Pam ARE Mother and child. The false flag, thankfully, was David possibly being beat up at the loan shark joint! PHEW! No, I think it's going to happen!

Girl, they're wearing me out with the Guerreros! We get it! What's the end game! Sheesh! And, our other dysfunctional "family," The Ex-Olmedos. Yah, Gonzalo has done all a man should be expected to do show his family he loves them: Wait over twenty years for the impossible return of his ex-wife; save the ex-wife's life to earn the love and respect of the estranged son; take on the critical and convalescent care of cancer-surviving ex-wife after second husband dumps her! Aurora and Felipe had better learn some grace and gratitude!

I see you, Diana! I'm cheating during a webinar! Be right back with ya! Thanks!


I also see you TF and UnOP BRB!!

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Hey, TF!!!! I hear you about Aurora's surgery. I know that's a different country, but all the surgeries I've been to, the loved ones are in the waiting room and get a quick update even before the patient goes to the recovery room and then a more indepth one in a conference room or at the bedside in the recovery room. Felipe's update seemed almost accidental as Gonzalo was leisurely tooling back to his office! Ooops! Oh, well. I think this will be the first Parent and Child reunion, followed by Carment and Pam.

ITA on Luis and especially on Ana! Your assessment is on point:

She wants him for herself and is still holding onto the past. But Regina is right. There’s needs to be boundaries and honesty.


MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

UnOp! Welcome!

Glad that everything was cleared up, but the scene was seriously lacking some besitos haha

But what we lacked in besitos, as you note at the end, the bruise was due to the Boss Lady game getting a little out of control! JAJAJAJAJA! LOVE IT!

UH-YAH! Come on, Directors! Whussup?

Ok, it's getting unanimous about Carmen and Pam!!!


OK, Tania is totally jelly?! All right! The Patio has spoken!

Thank you, UnOp!!

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Thank you, Diana! We're doing the same thing (darned work getting in the way) so pardon if this comment seems scattered!

Diana, I like Cinthia, but I'm getting tired of her fighting with her parents all the time. Like, where is this going?

Again, I repeat. Luis is not thinking straight. If Paulina is so concerned for Luis, she should suggest he do a wellness check on Susana. No! We know what she's after!!

Ok, the verdict is definitely in. All my Patio friends agree:

In terms of Tania and the nameless nurse, I think our rather vain, self centered Tania was a bit caught off guard by the nurse’s appreciation. I think her reaction was a mixture of hearing what she knows in her head is true but her heart hasn’t yet accepted with a bit of the green eyed monster, jealousy mixed in.

Diana, you are so welcome! I try to present something than the split, short-attention span-segments they give us!

HEY! Nobody has commented on the new folk eager to change the poor dying man's will! Did I get that part right? How weird is that story line and how is it going to link to the Instituto?



I hate it when work gets in the way, right Lila???

I was confused by the scene with the dying pianist. Poor Adalberto Parra playing infirm here as well as over on Imperio de mentiras! His daughter seemed to want stepmom to be included she is being played (I beleive) by Marta Julia, I suspect things might not be as idyllic as they seem! And who is being cut out??

This might be a foreshadowing of the next ER patient. I wonder if a DNR will come into play? Pure speculation.

TF, "Luis definitely needs a different type of therapy/environment to cope with everything". Amen. But I'm not sure he can rise above his depression enough to help himself. And Paulina is going to use this to help herself. To Luis. Agh.



I am 99.99% sure the story with the older man is supposed to be that of Jose Jose, a very famous Mexican singer. He died in late 2019 and there was A LOT of drama surrounding it and this is the time when they were filming the TN so the timeline fits

I’m not claiming to be an expert on the subject, and I admit everything I know is from tabloid-like news outlets, so just keep that on mind..

José José had been battling cancer for a while, and was being taken care of by his youngest daughter, Sarita. Sarita would not let his other children have contact with him in the weeks leading up to his death (his other children are from a prior marriage). When Jose Jose died, Sarita appeared on a lot of news outlets making the statement of his death, but she never let her half-siblings know. They found out about their fathers death through the media. For whatever reason, Sarita would still not answer her half-sibling’s calls, to the point where Jose Jose’s other children were visiting funeral homes in Miami looking for their dad’s body. It became a fight for the man’s body. There was also rumors saying Sarita had their dad change his will while he was gravely ill to exclude his other children.

At that point, I made it a point not to read anything about the situation anymore because honestly, the fact that his kids were fighting over Jose Jose’s body made me sick. I did see one thing months later saying Sarita had the body cremated and sent half the ashes to her half-siblings in Mexico. And it appeared that the siblings had put their differences aside and were ok- it then people started saying Sarita did not actually and her father’s ashes to Mexico, that it was the ashes of something (or someone?) else. And again, I decided not to read about this anymore because it makes me sick to my stomach..


*should be
“people started saying Sarita did not actually SEND her father’s ashes to Mexico”

As for how this plays into the instituto, I imagine we’re going to see the wave es where he is very ill or maybe even when he dies

“We’re going to see the scenes where he is very ill”

Ugh autocorrect doesn’t like me today lol

MÉDICOS #57, 10-5-20

Long day, Diana! I hope your meeting went well. I was in two webinars. I cheated but thank goodness for the opportunity to sneak to the Patio!

UnOp! That is an interesting theory about the new characters! I certainly know Jose Jose, mostly as "Lety's Dad" in La Fea. His career was well behind him, what with the gravely voice he had in that novela. This was my first introduction to him and was surprised that he had been a famous singer back in the day! Anyway, I'd heard the tiniest bit about the family feud, none of the detail you discuss: Man! That IS disgusting! We'll see how this turns out.



Fun fact: the scene were David and Regina make up didn’t have any kisses because Livia Brito had the flu when they shot that scene. During that time they also shot their first date at the restaurant and that scene also had no kisses. They kiss when he takes her home, but that recorded on a different day. You can tell because at the (outdoor) restaurant Regina is wearing a scarf (because Livia was sick). But when he drops her off at home she is not wearing the scarf

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Hola, Peeps! Prayers to everyone and their loved ones in the Yucatan and Cuba as yet another tropical system barrels through the gulf! I have not forgotten our friends and family on the west coast, either. I have family on both the gulf and west coasts and many of you do as well. Welp, the baddies run amok tonight, just a warning, but WE ARE MÉDICOS PATIO STRONG! Vamanos!

We begin with the frail Sr. Alvaro Rodrigo who is able to sign his will, which has been altered to exclude an unspecified number of older children with the encouragement of his current wife, Sandra and Sr. Alvaro’s youngest child, Samantha. [Peeps, I am not sure if Sandra is Alvaro’s wife. Please chime in!] Both flutter in and congratulate Alvaro and the Lawyer leaves. Sandra and Samantha tell Alvaro that he did the right thing! He’s happy to have made Samantha his universal heir, but he wants to see his other children! Oh, no! Sr. Alvaro begins his lung-wracking coughing again and collapses! Of course, he is brought to the Instituto where Regina has called her team to the ready! Cinthia is part of the emergency response team while Regina reviews medical information brought in by Samantha. Sr. Alvaro has been in remission from pancreatic cancer for two years. Regina asks Samantha to please wait in the waiting room while they work on her Father. The requisite tests are ordered but Regina suspects the cancer has spread to his lungs. She recognizes him as a legendary famous singer. It’s pretty clear he is terminal. They will stabilize him and make him comfortable so he can say goodbye to his daughter.

Sr. Alvaro is stabilized and sent to the ICU. Samantha comes in to see her Dad. He asks where his children are; he wants to see his children! He asks Regina to tell his children where he is and of his condition. Samantha says she will tell them. No, no, Alvaro says they won’t respond to her and doesn’t want to die without seeing them! Poor Alvaro begins to get upset. Sr. Alvaro entreats Regina to tell him where his children are. She promises she will and urges him please, to try to calm down and rest. Regina talks to Samantha outside the room and makes sure she knows her Father is very grave. Samantha wonders what can be done. Regina says the best thing they can do is to call his other children so he can see them. Samantha says SHE doesn’t want to see them. Regina tells Samantha he’s getting life support, but it’s just a matter of time; this is likely his final request, to see his children. Samantha claims she has looked for them and they don’t want to see their Father. Regina asks for their contact information; she will talk to them and explain the situation.


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Later, Samantha and Sandra talk outside Alvaro’s room. Samantha tells Sandra that Dr. Villasenor says it’s only a matter of hours. Sandra exclaims that it’s great that Samantha took her advice and had the will changed! Samantha says Alvaro wants to see her siblings and she agrees. No! Sandra objects: they don’t deserve to see him; they turned their backs on him. Samantha says it is their last chance to see him. No, says Sandra, let them be left with the image of him they had when they abandoned him! Samantha feels badly for her Father, she has to insist on fulfilling his last wish. Sandra says she will talk to Alvaro, don’t worry. Sandra asks if Samantha has heard from the reporter. Yes. Sandra advises her to ask for an advance and don’t say a word until she has the money in hand! Above all, don’t tell the reporter where they are; word travels fast and the first ones to show up will be her half siblings! YA, BASTA!!!

Pamela reports her findings on Carmen to Rafa and Art. Carmen suffers from hyperactive delirium (which is “. . is characterized by increased motor activity, restlessness, agitation, aggression, wandering, hyper alertness, hallucinations and delusions, and inappropriate behaviour. . . reduced motor activity, lethargy, withdrawal, drowsiness and staring into space.” and she has the beginnings signs of dementia. Art observes that this is why she constantly hears her daughter crying. Pamela says that Carmen’s addiction worsens the dementia. Rafa asks what she recommends. Pamela says Carmen is sedated, but recommends they give her something stronger because she fears if she goes into withdrawal, she’ll only get worse. Rafa thanks Pamela for her concern and she in turn thanks Rafa for referring Carmen to her: she will not let Carmen’s depression and sadness win and she is very motivated to help her. Both Art and Rafa caution Pamela not to get further involved in Carmen’s case; there is a limit to what is healthy involvement for the patient and the Doctor! Rafa says if the patient won’t help themselves, there’s nothing they can do. Pamela says she understands. Art asks that she keep him updated.

Pamela gets a similar warning from her Parents later at home as she tells them the basics of the challenging case Dr. Calderon has put her in charge of. Her Mom and Dad are enjoying a cuppa tea while Pamela, still in her scrubs, absently nibbles a roll. Her Dad says Dr. Calderon must have assigned her the case because he knows she can move it forward! Pam says it’s a case that depends on her and the will of the patient to overcome her problem. It’s the case of a woman has taken so many drugs she hallucinates that she hears the cries of her baby daughter that she abandoned; she takes more drugs to drown out the baby’s cries. It’s a vicious circle that will be very hard to free herself from! Her Mom feels pity for the poor woman; her Dad warns Pamela not to get emotionally involved, to protect herself from getting hurt! Pamela promises to try not to get too personally involved but she’s determined to spend lots of time and try to help the woman escape from the circle of addiction!


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Later, Rafa and Pamela go to see Carmen who is much more settled and calm. Rafa tells her that her tests show she has advanced cirrhosis of the liver and will need a transplant. Carmen asks and Rafa confirms that without it, yes, she could die. Carmen has no one who can donate, she has no one. Pamela steps forward and says they will find a donor but Carmen must make a promise. Lo que sea! Whatever it takes! Carmen must overcome her addiction. Carmen promises she will!

Remember, Paulina rescued Luis from the park and suggested they go somewhere less emotionally loaded. They go to Art’s apartment, where Luis is staying. Long story short. Paulina while “comforting” Luis reminds him that she has never stopped loving him and assaults the confused Luis with a kiss on the mouth. Luis breaks away and protests and Paulina further assaults him about how Susana has abandoned him during this great time of need! Luis blames himself for having called Paulina but maintains it is wrong and asks her to leave. Afterwards, Luis goes home where Susana lies cocooned in blankets, clutching Gabriel’s soccerball. Susana has hired help as she continues incapacitated by her grief. It is excruciatingly painful exchange. He begs her to let him approach her, that they share their grief together; she begs him to leave her alone, he only represents the pain of the loss of the only thing she loved, HER son. Luis leaves, dejected.

PSAs. ONE. Andrea weeps at the dinner table and doesn’t want to eat. She is scared to get chemo; she read about terrible reactions people had. Her husband, once again, tells her not to pay attention to such things: he is with her and they will get through it. TWO. Regina goes to see Jacobo and his wife and confirms the diagnosis of atherosclerosis (“. . refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your artery walls (plaque), which can restrict blood flow. The plaque can burst, triggering a blood clot. Although atherosclerosis is often considered a heart problem, it can affect arteries anywhere in your body.” Mayo Clinic). She advises that a combination of medicine and patient self-care make the condition manageable: healthy diet, cessation of smoking, exercise and once per month checkups. Jacobo vows to his wife that he will do whatever he needs to! He wants to see his grandchildren grow up! Jacobo thanks Regina.


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

The dirtiest dirt of all is pulled off by Rene and Miryea. I’m really going to try to summarize this quickly, as it was so sickening. Fill in anything you wish to amplify. Rene gets the folder of all the supplies used thus far in Aurora’s care. Looking at it, he notices the chemotherapy drug she will use is scarce and in short supply. He has Miryea to drug Aurora, knocking her out after suggesting Felipe leave the room, take a break. Miryea then gathers all the supply of this chemo drug in the hospital, which is in boxes small enough to put into Aurora’s bedside table drawer. Patients, including Andrea, get up in arms after waiting hours for their chemo to start and learn that the hospital has LOST their life-saving medicine! Andrea leads the charge and threatens to report the Instituto to CONAMED (“We are a public institution that offers alternative means for the solution of controversies between users and suppliers of health services, and promotes quality health services to guarantee patients safety, using procedures that operate under national and international quality standards.” CONAMED). Art is called and goes with the patients and Rene’s office. He tells the patients he will resolve the situation and asks them to go home and they will be called when the drugs are found. Miryea gathers about a dozen nurses, including Lili and Clara, the Nurse that was swept off her feet by Daniel. Miryea accuses one of them of having stole the scarce, expensive drugs and threatens them with firing if they don’t find them!

Rene and Art go to see Gonzalo in Aurora’s room where Miryea supposedly in the course of caring for Aurora feigns surprise at finding the missing chemo drugs in the drawer Aurora’s bedside table. Miryea tells her they have been looking everywhere for these chemo drugs, most of which is for other patients! Felipe is present and everyone looks surprised, Art looks suspicious. Art, Rene and Gonzalo step outside. Miryea tells Aurora that her loving husband must have hoarded the drugs because he’s so concerned for her, the Mother of his child! Aurora says Gonzalo is not capable of such! Aurora is concerned about Gonzalo getting in trouble on her account.


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Outside the room Rene accuses Gonzalo of having taken and stashed the drugs in Aurora’s table. Rene acts as if he’s deaf to Gonzalo’s increasingly vigorous, angry and frustrated protests, talking as if he, Rene, wants to help Gonzalo who has rejected his repeated offers and now, out of desperation has done something seriously grave. It is a decidedly unpleasant interchange! After several minutes of Rene loudly talking to Gonzalo from the framework of this slanderous, concocted narrative, he leaves. Art says he believes Gonzalo and slaps him on the arm supportively before leaving. Gonzalo goes back into Aurora’s room and takes over doing the preparatory injection for chemo. Felipe goes to get coffee. Apparently, Aurora has been convinced that Gonzalo is capable of having stolen the meds out of a desire to save someone he loves and to win her forgiveness. Gonzalo evenly and quietly denies even having the ability to think of depriving others of life-saving medicine but when he hears “forgiveness” he alerts. What does he need forgiveness for; he hasn’t done anything bad to her! Aurora asks Gonzalo not to get upset and asks if he considers having abandoned her as something bad? Gonzalo calmly says, as he injects the medicine into the IV port, that the only thing he is concerned about now is that she is well. Meanwhile, Rene goes to his office and calls Eduardo, the Undersecretary of Health. He reports that something very grave is happening at the Instituto: Dr. Gonzalo Olmedo is abusing the resources of the Instituto! This is our final scene but as our friends say, no va a terminar asi! This recap is not going to end like this!

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20 END

In a brief respite from the baddies, Daniel talks to Clara and sees she is distracted and upset. She tells him about the missing chemo meds and that she and the other Nurses will be fired if they don’t find them! She can’t lose her job! Daniel sits down and listens and vows to help her look. Clara declines at first but is moved by Daniel’s earnestness and agrees to his assistance. Awwwwwww!

Regina is taking a rare break, sitting on the sofa in the common room watching TV when David comes in, looks around quickly to see if anyone else is there. He bends over Regina’s right shoulder, “Hola,” and plants a kiss on her lips which bloom into a beautiful smile! He plants another and, like a kid, she looks behind her at the open door and giggles. “How are you? How’s your day been?” He sits on the sofa, she turns to face him. “I’m a little tired, but I’m okay.” She tells him about Sr. Alvaro’s case and the Daughter reluctant to contact her siblings. Why? She doesn’t know. She tells David he was a very famous singer back in the day. David hopes Sr. Alvaro can see his children. Regina says that’s her goal: to keep him comfortable and give him even just a little more time. The deeply enamored always see their love confirmed in the actions of the beloved. David says, “This is why you enchant me. Fact is, I have a surprise for you.” The concern about Sr. Alvaro fades from Regina’s face and her smile dawns again. [I’m sorry y’all, this is one beautiful child! I say “child” affectionately like folk my age do!] “Oh yes, what?” Cue Hilo Rojo! You can see David drinking in Regina’s resplendent smile fueled by her growing anticipation. “It’s something unexpected.” “That sounds really good, Dr. Paredes.” David raises up, looks toward the open door, “Very good, you’ll see,” and moves in to kiss her brilliant smile. He moves back, looks into her eyes and says, “I wish this day was over already.” He kisses her twice more before looking at the open door. [Ooooh! Risky kisses are best!] This sneaky demeanor flavored with kisses cause them both to dissolve into mirth as she covers her mouth, quietly giggling and David rocks back in laughter. [Damn, those guns! Hay-sooos!] They snicker and look at the door and we leave them with David nuzzling Regina silly!



Thank you so much for ending the recap with this sweet scene, LILA.

“That sounds really good, Dr. Paredes.” David raises up, looks toward the open door, “Very good, you’ll see,” and moves in to kiss her brilliant smile. He moves back, looks into her eyes and says, “I wish this day was over already.” He kisses her twice more before looking at the open door. [Ooooh! Risky kisses are best!] This sneaky demeanor flavored with kisses cause them both to dissolve into mirth as she covers her mouth, quietly giggling and David rocks back in laughter. [Damn, those guns! Hay-sooos!] They snicker and look at the door and we leave them with David nuzzling Regina silly!

The rest of the episode, other than Daniel's kind offer to help Clara look for the missing chemo drugs, was just awful. One wretched scene after another. I had a hard time watching. It was torture. So bless you for summarizing it all and for looking up additional medical explanations for Carmen's disturbing behavior. We're learning a lot with this show, and it's not just Spanish!

I got the impression that Sandra was Alvaro's current wife and that she was intent on keeping the sons from a previous marriage out of the loop, arguing that she and Samantha had cared for him in his last years and they deserved nothing, not even a chance to say good-bye. Another ugly story. On top of all the rest. Thank goodness they gave us a little flicker of love and grace with David and Regina.

And thank goodness you are hanging in there with this, in spite of everything else you're dealing with. This is a tough time for everybody with the pandemic, the wreckage caused by fires and hurricanes, and the difficulties of working from home. Mil gracias querida amiga.


Lila, you took one for the team last night. Apart from David and Regina kissy-face (in the workroom with the door open!), there was too much cruel world last night.

I need to see René and Mireya not only fired, but in prison by the finale. Delaying breast cancer patients getting their chemo! I want to punch Mireya's lights out. Nice of Aurora to stick up for Gonzalo, but then, dang, she caves and believes he did horde the chemo drug for her.

That nice nurse is a better match for Daniel, though I know Tania is jealous of him.

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

JudyB! De nada, Amiga! This episode WAS AWFUL, as you say! I couldn't believe what Rene and Miryea did! No more feeling sorry for this low, trashy heffa when Rene snubs her for his wife!

Okay, Sandra IS Alvaro's current wife and Samantha's mother. Samantha didn't seem to ever call her mom? Doesn't matter. Samantha is heartless putty in Sandra's hands. What a cruel story. UnOp, you nailed it!

Bless you, JudyB! By gum, I may not be able to control a lot of things, but this is one of 'em! I'll give y'all as positive a recap as I can! GRACIAS!!

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

GRACIAS, Niecie! Man, I hope David's surprise for Regina comes soon and, Lord willin', I'm going to play it up BIG!

The ethical violations of their professions, both of them Rene and Miryea, are too numerous to count! Oh, I just can't even think of what these two deserve!

I need to see René and Mireya not only fired, but in prison by the finale.

At the least, Niecie! UUUUUFFFF!!!!!

Clara was cute with Daniel. I think she would be a better match. I don't think that Tania and Daniel are a good match, socially, culturally and temperamentally. I could definitely see Clara and Elena getting along famously and her spoiling Daniel the way Elena would approve. Clara looks like she can cook, too!


A marvel Lila.

Lila, you somehow managed to elevate the overall dank, dark and an utterly depressing episode with the lovely “He kisses her twice more before looking at the open door. [Ooooh! Risky kisses are best!] This sneaky demeanor flavored with kisses cause them both to dissolve into mirth as she covers her mouth, quietly giggling and David rocks back in laughter”. Gracias for that brief parting of the thunder clouds that enveloped this episode.

While murder is usually considered as among the lowest and most heinous of crimes, what Rene and Miryea did to Aurora and Gonzalo and the ensuing “slanderous, concocted narrative” was so egregious and outrageous, I no longer consider them human. Beyond repulsive. Beyond rabid. Devoid of souls, may they never find eternal rest.

I take whatever words slither from Sandra’s lips suspect, at best. We actually have no idea if Alvaro’s children “abandoned him”. Is Samantha taking Sandra’s dubious words to heart without any actual knowledge? It appeared she did want to honor Alvaro’s request, at least initially. We’ve no idea what poison Sandra has injected. I think she is inadvertently aiding and abetting Sandra, as money does not seem to override Samantha’s case for wanting to grant her father’s dying wish.

Will Regina be able to track down his first family children?? Judy, yes, an altogether "ugly story" indeed.

Thank you for explaining “hyperactive delirium”. With her colleagues and parents warning not to get too emotionally involved with Carmen, is there any doubt that will happen? Nopis. And an imminent transplant is another overt clue. The pastry that Pamela was nibbling on was as big as she is. And of course, nary an ounce will be gained! 😊

I believe it is Paulina’s intent to claim Luis. I’m just surprised she hasn’t been more clever in the way she’s gone about it. Offering a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on were key. NOT kissing the shoulder, or the cheek or the face. Due to her profession, she should know to gain his trust first, help him heal and then move in for the kill.

Jarifa, to be honest, Clara is a sweetheart and I feel, a much better match for Daniel than Tania. Tania is a very smart, resourceful doctor but in my heart (and in hers) I don’t feel she would be happy long term with someone who she loves more with her mind than her heart. And yes Lila, I can see Clara and Elena hitting it off and having many special moments together.

Lila, thank you for all of your time and work. Another outstanding outing.



I meant Niecie, not Jarifa in my comment.




Comcast is still showing regular programming for tonight.

Does anyone know if Medicos might air at 7 ET?

Thank you!


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Gracias for that brief parting of the thunder clouds that enveloped this episode

De nada, Diana! Appreciation like that makes it worth it! I have to, Girl! I couldn't believe how bad last night was. At first, I thought Miryea was going to kill or disable Aurora! That sounds far-fetched, but what they actually did was almost as horrendous! Cortisol and other stress chemicals flood the body when we are upset, preparing us to fight, flight or freeze! These chemicals have a double-edged effect on the human body and brain. Think of the harm this dirty ruse inflicted on sick people fighting cancer as well as the loved ones, other caretakers, the time wasted selnding Nurses on a wild goose chase! OK...I'm getting carried away! GOSH, I HATE THESE PEOPLE!!!

...I no longer consider them human. Beyond repulsive. Beyond rabid. Devoid of souls, may they never find eternal rest.


Oooo, I like the alliteration in this:

I take whatever words slither from Sandra’s lips suspect...

Diana, yes Ssssssandra is another sssssnake in this episode! I don't believe a word out of either of their mouths about contacting the other children! And insisting on Samantha getting a monetary advance for selling their twisted version of Alvaro's last days. DISGUSTING!!

Re: Pamela and Carmen:

And an imminent transplant is another overt clue.

Yes ma'am! Let's watch how THAT develops! Plus, "hyperactive delirium" will throw them off from the fact that Carmen's story is true and, as we all guess, Pam is the living proof!

Um, I think the writers have led us to justify whatever Paulina wants to lay on Luis and his accepting it. Yah. I'm sorry for the poor thing, but it's getting hard to see him crying every night. They're not listening to me about inpatient psych therapy, so let Paulina take him away for some R & R. Susana has left the building!

Daniel and Clara are cute! We'll see if Tania's jealousy becomes a thing!

I feel better about last night talking to you guys! I'm looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen!




Thank you, Lila!

I was hoping for a bit of relief for Luis in this episode but nope. It’s a tough position to be in and it’s understandable that he feels guilty but still it isn’t fair of Susana to put 100% of the blame on him and Paulina. I hope that if it’s confirmed that Pamela doesn’t go through the same thing but doctors can only do so much and what happened with Gabriel at least was unexpected and unfortunate but a difficult case for the doctors to deal with.

I agree with you, Diana, about Paulina. She’s rushing her plan to win Luis over. IF Luis is meant to end up with her it’s overshadowed by everything else going on.

I have no words for what Rene and Mireya did. Of course Gonzalo wants to help Aurora but he is a professional. Ruining his reputation is clearly Rene’s objective and the worst thing he could do. When Aurora and Felipe seem to be slowly starting to see Gonzalo in a positive light I just hope this doesn’t discourage them again and open new wounds. This is a little different than abandonment but it’s still a negative situation.


Great stuff, Lila.

Rene and Mireya aren't human beings; they're reptiles. No feelings, no emotions (except greed and hatred), no respect for their professional oaths. Their punishments have to begin with permanent revocation of their licenses to practice. However, the prison sentence will likely have to wait until the court case is over, which I suspect will be pending at the end of the season, since this series was green-lit for a second season. That's what happened with its sister series PASL. Expect a cliffhanger in the last episode.

Sandra was probably digging for gold, like some of Marta Julia's past characters. None of this is any surprise. I had forgotten about the issues with Jose Jose but this sounds like it inspired Alvaro's story. I wonder how these writers will wrap that up.

I just checked online and Adalberto Parra is playing older than he is; he will be 64 years old next week. He was in the 1993 CS and has been in all of GG's productions since YNCELH.


Your recaps are a work of art so I've come up with a new name for you... LYRICAL Lila :-) I am just astounded at your talent for describing the emotions and details, thank you for being YOU!! Wednesdays are unusually busy for me so keeping it short...

Well, everything wonderful that happened was overshadowed by Renefarious and Mirepugnant. What a nasty pair!!

I do, however, have to comment on Clara and Daniel though; ITA that Clara is a much better match for Daniel tha Tania.

Just a friendly reminder--

I understand that, in sharing interpretations about characters and storylines, it is very tempting to share RL details about the actors or purported actual events, but please be reminded that comments should be limited to the actual TN storylines and characters.



Diana, I believe "Medicos" will air tonight. All the TV guides I have checked still show the regular schedule, but I heard on Univision last night that "Imperio" and "Dulce" would be giving up their timeslots for the Medicos will more than likely be on.


Thanks Rgv Chick. I will have my TV on before 8 as I believe the debate coverage starts at 7:55 ET.

I suspect TF, Urban, Lila, myself and others are on board with "Renefarious and Mirepugnant". What a pair. Ack!


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Thanks, TF!

Help me understand what you mean by this, TF:

I hope that if it’s confirmed that Pamela doesn’t go through the same thing but doctors can only do so much and what happened with Gabriel at least was unexpected and unfortunate but a difficult case for the doctors to deal with.

Do you mean if it is confirmed that Carmen is Pamela's bio mother that she doesn't go through grief like Luis? Thanks!

When Aurora and Felipe seem to be slowly starting to see Gonzalo in a positive light I just hope this doesn’t discourage them again and open new wounds.

Yes, TF, this is one of the the things that make what they did even more hateful! Thanks for bringing it out!

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Gracias, Urban!

Rene and Mireya aren't human beings; they're reptiles. No feelings, no emotions (except greed and hatred), no respect for their professional oaths. Their punishments have to begin with permanent revocation of their licenses to practice.

Draw and quarter them! I don't know why Gonzalo didn't have cameras mounted after the AC and power fiascos! He knows Rene is out to get him. Problem is, even when decent folk are kind of on to the baddies, they just can't fathom how low the baddies will go!

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Rgv Chick!!!! YAAAAAY!!!! Awwwww! LYRICAL Lila!!!! You are too kind. GRACIAS!!!!

Well, everything wonderful that happened was overshadowed by Renefarious and Mirepugnant. What a nasty pair!!

Renefarious and Mirepugnant!!!! GREAT!!! Oh, those two. I think we should steel ourselves for more of them tonight! YUCKOLA!! You're right, Diana!

Thanks, Rgv Chick!

But, wait. I'm confused about whether we're on tonight. Debate starts at 7:55?



Lila, the debate starts at 8:55PM(E). Univision has been known to move up the preceding show by 5 min. to give the episode its entire allotted time. So that is why Diana is planning to tune in a bit earlier.

Lila: Yes, I mean that if Carmen is Pamela’s bio mom hopefully something bad doesn’t happen. Like Pamela was obviously told by the other doctors any attachment to a patient would likely not always have positive results but this could potentially be different and she would have reason to be attached.


Oh, OK Rgv Chick! I get it! Sheesh! Thanks!

Thank you, TF, I gotcha! Oh, my! I hadn't thought of that! I was just seeing a positive outcome for Pam finding her bio Mom, you know, Pam being happy and having a kum-bai-yah moment with her bio Mom asnd adoptive parents. BUT! Drug addiction, hyperactive delirium, dementia and now liver failure don't really fit that picture! Pam is in for a rocky road!

Thanks, TF!


Thank you Lila for such a through recap of such a depressing episode!

Completely agree with everything that’s been said about Rene and Mireya. They’re trying to implicate Gonzalo, but seriously? If Gonzalo would have taken all of the hospitals chemo treatments, are people going to believe he would stash them in the same bedside drawer where all the other supplies are kept and nurses regularly access? That’s dumb. We’ve never seen any other nurses in Aurora’s room besides Mireya, right? I hope it comes back to bite her in the ass

David and Regina are adorable! I hope we get to see the surprise tonight. We need some feel-good moments up in this hospital!

Dear Lila, thank you so much for giving us every detail off The bitter and the better.

Rene and Mir sink lower and lower as their greed for money and power grows . Despicable .

It's hard to watch Luis and Susana turn away from each other as they both struggle with their grief.

Regina and David are the only bright spots right now.

Vice pres debates,tonight, so no telenovelas to escape into. Uff

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Hey, UnOp! is in the HOUSE! Hey, Girl. You speak truth:

David and Regina are adorable! I hope we get to see the surprise tonight. We need some feel-good moments up in this hospital!

Last night was baaaaad! Bad episode! Bad episode! Yah, we need some good feelings!

Ah, yeah, I've about fussed all I can. Thanks for checking in!

Hi, Susanlynn! The bitter and the better! Love it and you got that right! Jeezeopete! You make an excellent point: Hard to watch and bitter describes it perfectly: Rene and Miryea; Susana and Luis; Luis alone weeping incosolably; Paulina trying to force Luis into her narrative of rekindled old flame; Carmen's 25-year tortured memory of the abandonment of her baby. . .Yah, last night was a whole lot of stuff that was bitter hard to watch!

The better: Sweet, helpful Daniel turning a head; and of course our David and Regina, promises of surprises and sexy giggling and teasing! Yah!

Thank you, Susanlynn!


I just hope that Pamela doesn't offer part of her liver for transplant. That would make everyone else question her suitability to be a psychiatrist.


Urban, I was thinking the same thing! But, with people caring for their girlfriend, son, dad and ex-wife, I think we can probably expect it.....with NO consequences to her chances to be a psychiatrist!


Buenos Dias! Hold on, Peeps! Workin' on it!

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Hola, Peeps! Well, here we are again and yes, we have to KEEP meeting like this on the MÉDICOS PATIO because we can and that’s a blessing! Prayers again for safety to all in the path or aftermath of the latest storm! We took another whooping last night, but let’s see if I can take the sting out of your cheeks! Vamanos!

First, the Worst. Gonzalo spends all night with a sick and weary Aurora who suffers from post-chemo nausea. Felipe is with him as well and Gonzalo is very attentive to Aurora, holding the basin for her as she vomits, wiping her mouth, feeding her ice and offering what support there is in sharing that the sickness is normal and temporary. Aurora finally falls asleep in the early morning hours. Gonzalo and Felipe are awakened by a sharp, insistent rapping on the door. It’s Miryea coming to “care” for Aurora. Gonzalo heads to his office, refusing to go home and rest. Miryea nosily asks about Felipe calling Gonzalo by his first name. Felipe says it’s complicated. His blue yes offer no invitation for her to probe more. “Well, I see the Director loves you a lot.” Gonzalo gets to his office and is clearly exhausted but listens to Marta detail his agenda for the day. Rene knocks and tells Gonzalo that the Undersecretary of Health is there. Rene claims to not know why.

Now, the previous night Rene met with the Undersecretary, Eduardo, and told the lie that Gonzalo was abusing Instituto resources and presented himself, Rene, as Gonzalo’s staunch and disappointed supporter who had tried to help him and is now surprised that, out of desperation and love for the Mother of his Son, Gonzalo had taken and hoarded methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug. This is so galling and odious, I can barely stand to write this. Long story short, the next morning Gonzalo is called to the conference room. Not only the Undersecretary, but THE Secretary of Health is there, as is Miryea and Art. The accusation is made to a shocked Gonzalo who refuses to accept responsibility for something he did not do. Art is incredulous as well and supportive. The Secretary of Health announces that as of that moment Gonzalo is under administrative investigation and relieved of his duties. The new Director of The Instituto is Dr. Rene Castillo! Gonzalo and Art are stunned. Miryea is quietly smug. Repugnant refuse that he is, Rene feigns surprise.


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Related and noted without detail. Rene congratulating Miryea on her excellent work with oral slime injection. Connie ragging Rene about being late, suspecting him of being with Miryea. Ironically, we know he really was meeting with the Undersecretary of Health. Miryea tells the Nurses the medicine has been found but everyone is at fault for it’s having been lost! Double shifts for everybody with pay for only one! Groans all around. B WORD! Art talks to Andrea and apologizes for the chemo snafu. She appreciates that but tells him she did report the incident to CONAMED, the patient health care advocacy organization. Regina talks to Art about the chemo snafu. Regina is absolutely certain Gonzalo did not hoard the meds, Art can see how, out of desperation for a loved one, Gonzalo could have done it. “If you needed anything, there is no limit to what I would do.” Regina ignores this comment.

Runner up Worst. Having finally heard Sandra call her “Mama”, it’s clear to me now that Samantha is Sandra’s Daughter and Samantha is the mastermind of the successful effort to disinherit the older children of Sr. Alvaro Rodriguez Ortega. Sandra effectively squashes Samantha’s inclination to let her older siblings she their Father; Sandra, who insists on referring to them as “half siblings” cruelly lies to the dying Alvaro that his children don’t want to see him. Well, these children have names and we meet them, Sol and Jorge. Sol and Jorge make multiple calls to Sandra and Samantha, who tells Sandra to just keep letting them go to message. After scouring the city, Sol and Jorge go to the Instituto and discover their Father is there. Luz verifies their identity and takes them to the floor where female pitbull Sandra meets them, barking and blocking them. Samantha joins Sandra, lying to her Brother and Sister that Alvaro doesn’t want to see them and spewing their false narrative about Jorge and Sol’s having neglected abandoned him. Luz tries to call the b*tch down and defends Jorge and Sol’s right to see Alvaro. The issue is not resolved in this episode.


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Breaking the vicious cycle. Pamela tries to urge Carmen to eat. She is not interested. Pamela thinks it would be good if she had someone close to go through this difficult process with her. Carmen says she has told them she has no one. Talk turns to the infant she left at a church, being young and the baby’s father having died. Pamela presents a perspective on that long ago tragedy that Carmen had clearly never considered. Carmen was young and without resources; out of love and a desire for her daughter to have a better life, she let her go. What if during all these years of anguish, her Daughter is healthy and happy! If she had kept her baby, she would have suffered a lot of harm and deficiencies. “You did what you had to to make sure she didn’t suffer at your side. A good Mother does everything she can for her children, including the tremendous sacrifice that you have made.” Pamela reaches out and touches Carmen’s arm as she says this and Carmen sobs and reaches for the jello she had tossed away moments earlier and begins eating it with gusto. Pam looks a bit surprised, but pleased. Later in the day in a too real scene, Carmen is in the throes of a fierce fit withdrawal. Rafa and Pamela have her restrained while to try to talk her through with words of encouragement. She begs for drugs. Pamela asks her to remember her pledge to overcome her addiction. Fairly wrestling with her, Pamela says, “Carmen, I am going to help you find her.” This painful scene ends. Luis gets a call from Ana who is expecting him in the OPC. Nope. He’s not up to it. Click. He calls Susana who is in bed looking at pictures of Gabriel. She ignores his calls.

Exhale!!! First thing in previous morning, Rafa presents the results of a clean drug test to Ana. “Ah, good! If you ever hurt one of my patients, you will never practice medicine again.” “Yes, mama,” Rafa answers cockily, spins his chair and saunters out. Later in the afternoon JuanPa springs himself upon Cinthia as she returns to the hospital with Rafa. Cinthia is surprised and seems genuinely happy with his gift of a box of her favorite donuts and a thermos full of hot coffee. Rafa greets JuanPa genially and stays but stands back a bit, observing. Cinthia thanks him and JuanPa parts with a friendly cheek kiss. Rafa denies being jealous but gives his potato chips an exasperated squeeze as Cinthia hurries ahead into the hospital. That evening Rafa lies on one of the bunks in the common room and eyes an open locker with several bottles of meds. He gets up and slams it. Cinthia comes in and notes Rafa is off and asks if he’s ok. He is not. He tells her about Carmen’s hellish withdrawal and that it strikes some painful chords for him. Rafa says, “If not for you and Gonzalo, I would be the same as her, or worse.” “If not for you, yourself, Rafa.” She asks if he thinks Carmen can overcome her addiction. He hopes so, but he doesn’t think so. She is very grave. Rafa sinks into Cinthia’s comforting hug.

MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20

Daniel and his Parents are so grateful the loan shark crisis is over and they praise David’s generous help. Paco thanks Daniel and declares he is a Man in every sense of the word! Daniel says they will pay David back every cent and move the business forward! The Juarezs pledge that, though it will be difficult, they will do it. With family, anything is possible! We get a peek of Daniel at work later, talking to the little boy with a rapid heart rate that Luis was unable to consult on. Daniel counsels the little boy on the value of a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables and no junk food! He overcomes the little boy’s resistance by telling him that if he wants to reach his goal of being a pilot; a healthy, balanced diet is the key. As a growing boy, getting vital nutrients is better than taking them in the form of supplements! The little boy’s Mother is there, as is Clara, the Nurse who’s sweet on Daniel. She breathes in deeply his dreamy vibes and exhales with a faint, but unmistakable expression of affection.

He’s a Dancing Machine! David and Regina arrive at a club. I don’t know what the young people are calling them in America these days, but that’s what we called them, “clubs.” And it was a verb, too, we talked of “going clubbing.” In Mexico, I guess they are “antros.” Anyway, David and Regina arrive to the dark, lively place that is pulsating with music. Regina IS surprised! David says this is something he wanted to do to show her what he’s prepared to do for her. She laughs, not quite thrilled yet. He reminds her of the 15th birthday party for Flor, when he didn’t want to dance with her. Well, he said no because he can’t dance and that’s something he wants to change because he knows how important dancing is to her. “Okay, okay, you want to learn to how to dance, let’s go.” They head to the floor; Regina sheds her jacket and takes his off…he emits a silly little oooo, when she does so. They are both fetching in black; Regina’s neckline plunges daringly but tastefully; David’s guns are drawn in a simple black tee. She takes his hands and they been to step side to side; he looks at his feet for a few paces but within moments is stylizing the movements of their hands and smoothly spinning Regina! They swerve and sway, hands together, then apart; David freestyles, duplicating his fancing stepping with his arms; he seems to be in the zone! For a moment, they catch the attention of a couple in the background. David ends his joyous solo dancing outburst by pulling Regina quickly to him for a quick double beso! They sit down. “You’re a great teacher!”


MÉDICOS #58, 10-6-20 END

David observes again how good a dancer Regina is. Yes, she loves the music, the steps, and tells him he learns fast! That’s good to hear, he says. She puts her arms around his neck and kisses him firmly. “Thank you for this,” she smiles. After the kiss breaks, David has gone to a deeper level within Regina’s eyes and within himself. They face each other. David says he felt badly when she asked him to dance and he said no. “David Paredes, you are the first man to tell me you didn’t want to dance with me! The first one!” “Oh, the things I do for you.” They chuckle. He shares that before the operation on his foot, he tried to dance with some friends at school; everybody laughed at him and he never tried again. Many years passed and he hadn’t tried to dance until now. “You haven’t danced until this very moment, until now?” They get their drinks, toast, kiss and throw the mescals back with a grimace! Come on, Regina jumps up and leads him back to the dance floor. We leave them saucily stepping on the dance floor!

The next morning David and Regina are at the lockers, they look bright, rested and happy. Regina says that she likes the way he arrives to work on his moto. He likes that she feels that way. Ah, yes, he likes the speed, the wind in his face, the adrenaline rush! Regina says the more she knows him, the more she understands him. David sweeps her rapidly with a smile and gaze of appreciation. “Thank you for yesterday,” she says. “Whenever you like,” he answers. Regina leaves the lockers headed on her way to see a patient. David calls, “Wait, wait. Don’t go too soon.” He pulls her in for a trio of soft, slow, deepening kisses just as Art enters. That’s all I’ll say to not spoil the moment. After he leaves they share a quick, sweet, see-you-later-kiss.



Gracias, Lila. More of your brilliance as we enter the pit.

Reptile Rene has been very clever so far in doing things that can't be proven. Since he and Mireya have mostly been able to do these things carefully enough to avoid being seen the only way I see this being satisfactorally resolved is for her to turn on him. What are the odds of this happening?

Sandra is the obvious mastermind over Alvaro's situation. I think Luz and Regina are seeing this and will bust this one in the next episode or two.

I'm concerned at how Pamela will take Carmen's fate and the very likely horrible discovery that awaits her. We could end up meeting her mentor, which we should anyway. Pamela's parents might also be freaked out at this.

Arturo should not be doubting Gonzalo. I'm sure he's been at this hospital at least as long as Regina and David.

Something just occurred to me: Gonzalo did the neurosurgery on the accident victim, so why did he do the cancer surgery on Aurora? What were the writers thinking? These are two disparate specialties.


Thanks for sweetening up this pot of bitter developments with all those sweet, dreamy descriptions of David and Regina dancing, hugging, kissing and looking deep into each other's eyes and hearts. All good, because otherwise there was way too much horror. Rene (repugnant refuse), the ugly plot to keep a dying man from seeing his children, Mireya's continued, pretended "care" for Aurora and family, Ana, Arturo doubting Gonzalo, Luis and that lady lodging a complaint about the delay in her cancer care. All just puke-worthy.

Other than David and Regina, I did enjoy Rafa holding off on the drugs and Clara looking dreamy-eyed at Daniel while he tried to talk a little guy into eating veggies (Good Luck with that doc!). I still remember one dinner where my young son crowed about how he loved "broccoli trees" etc., while I chatted with a friend who'd come to join us. Later when I was clearing the dishes, I saw that he had not eaten one single tree that he praised so volubly. Surprised he didn't grow up to be a politician.

Thanks Ms. LILA. You make even the worst episode fun with your lively recaps and your saucy comments. Stay strong lady!


Another night devoid of moon and stars, yet you managed to illuminate the skies nevertheless Lila.

The highlight of the night was your lovely “…Clara, the Nurse who’s sweet on Daniel. She breathes in deeply his dreamy vibes and exhales with a faint, but unmistakable expression of affection”. The hope and promise of love is always uplifting.

“Rafa answers cockily, spins his chair and saunters out. Later in the afternoon JuanPa springs himself upon Cinthia” was wonderful. That said, I am proud of Rafa for telling Cinthia he is struggling. Her understanding and compassion was evident with that embracing hug

Pamela comforting Carmen with truths cloaked in kindness was heartening. I am also afraid for the inevitable. It will be difficult enough to learn Carmen is her mother (still not confirmed) but her dire medical situation will make it almost unbearable. She will need her parents more than ever and they must rely on each other.

"Ugly plot" indeed Judy. Alvaro’s situation is dire. Samantha knows what she needs to do – but does she possess the courage? As the eldest of my father’s “first” family, I am acutely and painfully aware of how it feels when your very existence is ignored and even lamented. I will only say I hope Alvaro will see the children who (seemingly) did not abandon him, yet actually love him.

“Miryea is quietly smug. Repugnant refuse that he is, Rene feigns surprise” captured this nefarious duo perfectly. Cold blooded, unfeeling and dangerous. What also irked me was that there was no earthly reason Miryea was at the meeting other than to preen and bask in her unholiness.

“Double shifts for everybody with pay for only one!” I cannot wait for her to be overthrown.

Regina and David’s dance lesson was a welcome reprieve.

Urban, although Art looked uncomfortable at the meeting where Gonzalo was thrown under the bus, he should definitely have spoken up. But his self righteousness held him back.

And so a new dictator is installed in power. Rene will reign with cold, calculated cruelty.

Thank you Lila - this was wonderful.


Rene must be a fugitive from a US HMO.


"Rene must be a fugitive from a US HMO". Urban, that explains it :)


Medicos. Loved your recap as usual, Lila! "Repugnant refuse"! "Oral slime injection" Wonderful! I thought nowadays oncologists did a better job than in the past in controlling post-chemo nausea. Oh well, this is more dramatic. Wow! I hope Rene's victory over Gonzalo doesn't last long. I too loved Pamela's positive spin on Carmen's leaving her baby at the church. It's true! Clara and Daniel. So sweet! I hope they do become a couple.

Thank you, Lila.

There’s a lot to process with Alvaro’s case and his family. I’ll be interested to see it’s conclusion.

I too was surprised that Art doubts Gonzalo. I can only imagine what Rene will do with the power he has now. Things may change for the worst at the instituto.

It’s tough seeing Aurora suffer. Despite any personal attachment, saving her should be a positive thing in the eyes of Gonzalo’s critics. Maybe not Rene but hopefully everyone else that Rene is influencing to turn against Gonzalo.

I kinda felt like Luis’ response to Ana about not showing up to work was a little harsh BUT still overall she has been inconsiderate of other people’s feelings and heartaches. And as I’ve mentioned before, that includes her own patients. He could’ve just reiterated that he needs time to cope with his son’s death even if Ana didn’t/doesn’t care.

My mom made a comment to me, while watching, how Susana was getting on her last nerves lol and I myself even yelled at Su through my tv like “Just answer the phone, woman!”


GRACIAS, PEEPS!!! I see you! Busy day! Keep talking among yourselves! Can't wait to read your comments and join in!


Thank you Lila! Things keep going from bad to worse and since we’re in últimas semanas, I suspect it’s only going to get worse from here

David and Regina, what can I say? They’re adorable! When David started doing those hand movements I can’t help but think that was the actor just letting go. I can’t imagine a director telling him to dance like that lol. But it was cute and looked very natural, he was in the zone!

So David mentioned the scene where he didn’t want to dance with Regina at Flor’s party, which Univision cut and we never saw.. see Univision! That’s why you shouldn’t cut stuff Willy-nilly! Ugh

The next day in the locker room, Regina says “I’m really starting to like coming to work in the motorcycle”. Sooo if they came to work together are we to assume they spent the night together after they went dancing? Well, I am going to assume that’s the case lol

I was kind of surprised that Art was considering that Gonzalo might have done it... he’s never done anything that would suggest he would do something like that


Darn it! I've been labeling all these with the wrong date! SHEESH! Going to read your comments now. Might take a while! THANKS!!!!

MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

Hey, Urban! Thank you! This was hard to watch! I can get so angry at these stories, I find myself yelling at the TV. I've gotten hubster somewhat interested againt his will and he thinks Rene is outrageous as well!

YES! Miryea has to turn on him, or please, let somebody mount some cameras!

And yes, Sandra is the mastermind. Re-reading the recap, I see I mixed her name up with Samantha.

The Pamela/Carmen story line has gotten fascinating. It has not occured to Pamela that this could be her bio-Mom and poor Carmen is in a life and death fight for her life against a bear of a withdrawal!

Art is full of $hit. He's got Regina on the brain and saw the accusation against Gonzalo as a chance to remind Regina of his undying luuurve.

Something just occurred to me: Gonzalo did the neurosurgery on the accident victim, so why did he do the cancer surgery on Aurora? What were the writers thinking? These are two disparate specialties.

Uh yeah, Gonzalo is a Neurosurgeon. It's called a screw up or screw it!

Thanks, Urban!!

MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

JudyB! Yikes! What a couple of days!


I still remember one dinner where my young son crowed about how he loved "broccoli trees" etc., while I chatted with a friend who'd come to join us. Later when I was clearing the dishes, I saw that he had not eaten one single tree that he praised so volubly. Surprised he didn't grow up to be a politician.

Stay strong? I'm trying, Honey!! You help! Bless you!!

MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

Diana!!!! Thank you, de verdad! Daniel and Clara, Paco and Elena; Rafa, Cinthia and yes, even JuanPa; David and Regina saved the night. I just couldn't end on those nasty, nasty people!

You join a lot of us fearing or the possibility that Carmen as Pamela's Bio-Mother could be heart breaking. I guess it's also possible that just Pamela's opening Carmen's eyes to the alternate narrative of giving up her baby as a sacrifice of love might be the only connection the writers make between the adoptee and the tortured woman who gave her child up years ago. I guess we'll see!

What also irked me was that there was no earthly reason Miryea was at the meeting other than to preen and bask in her unholiness.

YES, DIANA! Thank you! That's right! That should have raised red flags!


MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

Gracias, SpanProf!!! Ok, you're going to think I'm weird but I actually got sick to the stomach from Aurora's realistic vomiting. I don't remember her from anything else, but this actress is KILLING being sick! YIKES!

MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

Hey, TF!!! Man. I think we will have some gut-churning episodes with Rene in charge! And yes, I hope Aurora survives too. She is not the bitter wretch she was when this started. Poor thing is very sick, but she can pull through. Rene is so rotten, will he try to force Aurora to be discharged early to like a rehab facility or something? And I'm sure he's going to charge Gonzalo full price if not more for her care! The eeevil possibilities are endless!

My mom made a comment to me, while watching, how Susana was getting on her last nerves lol and I myself even yelled at Su through my tv like “Just answer the phone, woman!”

Yah, TF, that means it's working. I'm losing sympathy, too. The writers want us to accept Luis with Paulina!

Thanks, TF!!!


MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

UnOp!! Welcome, Girl! Glad to see ya and Thanks!

David and Regina, what can I say? They’re adorable! When David started doing those hand movements I can’t help but think that was the actor just letting go. I can’t imagine a director telling him to dance like that lol. But it was cute and looked very natural, he was in the zone!

I agree, UnOp! My man can cut a step, can't he? Ayy! What Latin Soul! Yesterday when he and Regina were giggling on the couch seemed real, too. I don't see how an actor can NOT inject some of themselves in the character.

UnOp. I almost put it in the recap, but was anybody else scared that Random Chick was going to show up at the antro all sultry and juicy! Man, I was scared!

Thank you for this, UnOp, which I mistranslated!!

The next day in the locker room, Regina says “I’m really starting to like coming to work in the motorcycle”.

Yes, my imagination wants to think they spend the nights together and I'm going to look at their interaction through that lens! Thank you!

I was kind of surprised that Art was considering that Gonzalo might have done it... he’s never done anything that would suggest he would do something like that

Again, Art is the one desperate, desperate for Regina so he looks the situation through that perspective and even said as much. Y'all remember, he's a quiet nut job where Regina is concerned. Mark my words!



Thanks, Lila.

The little boy’s Mother is there, as is Clara, the Nurse who’s sweet on Daniel. She breathes in deeply his dreamy vibes and exhales with a faint, but unmistakable expression of affection.

Awww! Clara is so smitten. After David dancing, this was my favorite scene. Too bad Daniel doesn't seems to have Clara in the "friend" zone.

René's takedown of Gonzalo is all too realistic. And that innocent, surprised look on his face at the end is colmo.

...oops -- does have her in the "friend" zone

MÉDICOS #59, 10-7-20

You are welcome, Niecie!!!! Clara IS smitten! It is so cute! And Daniel, bless his heart, is so focused on his patients and families, he can't even see it! Too cute!

René's takedown of Gonzalo is all too realistic. And that innocent, surprised look on his face at the end is colmo.

Niecie, that was so hard to take and I know it's not over! Before the badness is over, you guys might just start getting bullet points except for David and Regina and any other love scenes! Thanks!

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