Thursday, October 22, 2020

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Médicos: Linea de Vida & Dulce Ambición - Week of Oct. 19, 2020

 Greetings, Caraymates!

"Imperio" and "Dulce"  preempted on Thursday due to the Presidential Debate.

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. “Médicos: Linea de Vida” is in its “últimas DOS (2) semanas” and things are getting more than grim, but Lila forges on weaving a brilliant quilt out of scraps. If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNs, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM  - Médicos: Linea de Vida (Últimas 2 Semanas!!)

10PM – Dulce Ambición

Coming Nov. 9th at 8 PM -- Vencer el Desamor (Read about it here)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “MÉDICOS”.)


Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Not sure where my head was but I tuned in 58 minutes too late last night.

I saw what appeared to be a fast fading Aurora and a very concerned, emotional Felipe.

So upset I missed this but know everything will be revealed once I read your sure to be fabulous recap Lila!

I better get some caffeine in me to get back in the game :)



Hey, Diana! Thank you! Here it comes, Sweetheart!

MÉDICOS #70, 10-22-20

Que tal, PEEPS? Bienvenidos to OUR MÉDICOS PATIO!! I pray you and all your loved ones are well and I wish us all health, healing, love and strength through all our struggles. Although this is “just a story” it depicts real life situations that many of us have or do face and this cast is doing so spectacularly! Below are bullet points of what caught my attention; please provide details on these or add your own points on characters or plot development, whatever! Your Hostess hopes to pop in throughout the day and I look forward to reading your lively discussions! Have at it!

Susana and Luis reconcile lovingly and vow to get through their grief together. Susana decides to volunteer to help children at the hospital.

Cinthia and Rafa go out and it’s (almost) a dream come true for Rafa. Rafa (my 70s throw-back fox) is SO smitten! When I can I want to watch their date again for my LUUURVE fix! There is a smoking hot scene at the end when Cinthia leaves Rafa wanting, once again, and he watches her as she ascends in the glass-front elevator!

Tania smilingly threatens Clara, after seeing Clara and Daniel happily chatting, that if Clara hurts this noble, beautiful soul, she will have to answer to her!

Regina suffers for David, remembering their first kiss in the common room. Ever annoying and interrupting Art enters and pitches “let me help you; I am capable of anything for you” lines.

Rene gives Connie a shiny, white sports car! She jumps up around his waist in glee which Rene, who is a tall joker, handles easily. We suffer the beginnings of her breaking him off some. . .

Ibarra warns El Ciego to leave Michelle out of his dirty business. Rene likes the benefits he got from Connie for the car and tries to jack up his commission from El Ciego to double, threatening to tell the authorities all about his fake illness. They laugh and dismiss him and make threats of their own. El Ciego is about to bust out but we don’t know how. Last we see him he is cuffed and flanked by two armed officers, one of whom seemed to call El Ciego “patron”? Who are THEY working for? El Ciego didn’t tell Ibarra the exact details of the escape plan maybe for believable deniability? Please flesh this out!


MÉDICOS #70, 10-22-20

Gonzalo and David forge a closer relationship in their quest to investigate and unmask Rene. I thought this was important because when Regina whined to Gonzalo about losing her parajea and how David didn’t change, Gonzalo seemed to dismiss David along with his general statement of “people never change”. That surprised me. As I think back I don’t remember a lot of scenes of him and David relating personally. Anyway, David is clearly Gonzalo’s contact and updates him on equipment replacement; Rene’s personally attending El Ciego. David is visibly troubled about more and shares with Gonzalo he’s worried about Regina: she’s in Rene’s cross hairs. Gonzalo says he will ask Vega and Associates to talk to David about what he’s learned so far. Ricardo Bustamonte does stop by the OPC. When David says he has proof about his suspicions, Ricardo is anxious to hear and the two men talk off camera.

David and Ana discuss the purchase of a knee prosthetic device. Ana suggests the Guerreros may have requested the purchase; they are Patronatos and Cinthia is an Orthopedic Surgery Resident. David checks in with Cinthia. NO, Cinthia did not ask her Parents to buy the prosthetic device, which, by the way is about 2 million pesos! David will investigate.

Marco is seeing patients and gets an angry reproach for telling a man he needs to rest. Patient goes off on Marco on how it’s easy for him to talk about resting but in the real world people just can’t take time off like that! We have probably missed other scenes about the trials of Marco in the OPC. Oh, well!

Regina and Gonzalo talk. She reports recent developments to him about the supplies; Rene controlling El Ciego’s chart and something about the Secretary of Health. Please add details here.

Regina gives Gonzalo the bad news that Aurora’s tumors are not responding to treatment; she is readmitted and will have to undergo double strength chemo and radiation? Please clarify. Aurora is devastated and does not want to be in the hospital or continue treatment. She feels the more powerful chemo will kill her; she would rather go home and die in peace. She makes this emotional plea in a touching scene with Gonzalo, and later with Felipe. Gonzalo begs her to undergo just one more cycle of treatment.

That’s it! I love how interactive this Patio is; I especially like when y’all talk to each other; I appreciate how you all enjoy my efforts but this is not about me; I love YOUR flowing prose, and funny rants and the different perspectives on the story line. I’ll see you later, Peeps! MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS in advance to you ALL!!!!!


Lit with light and hope Lila.

"Susana and Luis reconcile lovingly and vow to get through their grief together" was beautiful.

"Regina suffers for David, remembering their first kiss in the common room" perfectly captured her longing. And suffering.

I am beside myself that I missed "There is a smoking hot scene at the end when Cinthia leaves Rafa wanting, once again, and he watches her as she ascends in the glass-front elevator!"

Not having seen it, I'm not sure if Tania's threat was a "hands off" or a reluctant concession, a begrudging acceptance of Daniel and Clara's relationship.

I am a bit relieved I didn't see Aurora's scenes.

"Aurora is devastated and does not want to be in the hospital or continue treatment. She feels the more powerful chemo will kill her; she would rather go home and die in peace. She makes this emotional plea...".

Some choose to fight with every fiber of their being. And yet, there comes a point where exhaustion overwhelms. Where acceptance of the (often) inevitable sets in. My heart goes out to Aurora. She must balance her wish to fade away without the ravages further treatment would bring against the wishes of her loved ones who want her to try and stay alive by whatever means necessary/available.

As we know Gonzalo loves Aurora, as a physician, I do not believe he would urge her to undergo another round of chemo and radiation unless he truly believes this will be successful. As Aurora's life hangs in the balance, we lift her up with much hope.

Lila, another incredible summary. Gracias...


Hello there , Lila wnd Diana, i missed the show because i forgot it was on early. Thank you so much , Lila, for the recap. I am sorry i missed the scenes you described so well, but i am relieved that i missed the part about Aurora. You gave me a giggle when you described Connie's glee over her gift . I especially loved your decriptiin of rotten Rene as " a tall joker. "

I am glad tbat Susana and Luis have reconciled because i can tell you that clinging to each other is a way to cope with losing a child. It is a heartbreaking experience . Your love brought that child into this world , and your love is important to seeing you both through that child's leaving this world. The pain and grief never go away, but sharing that pain and grief is important.


Gracias, Lila. I will try to help out here:

Regina and Gonzalo: She told him that Rene doesn't allow anyone else to see El Ciego's chart, which is definitely strange. Gonzalo had not received any orders or communication from the SOH. Regina told Gonzalo that if he doesn't return to the hospital she will work elsewhere where she won't have to deal with Rene or AnaL. He gave her the usual pep talk.

About Aurora, her body is weak after surgery but she is not responding to current chemo treatment. Regina said they needed to stabilize her and if that works she would need to begin with radiation treatment followed by double the chemo. This will be difficult and she told Gonzalo he needed to explain it all to her so she could make her decision. She advised him to remember how beautiful life is. He then went to Aurora's room to explain ahd she went into detail about why she wants to decline the treatment.

El Ciego: I'm going to guess that believable deniability is the reason that he didn't give Carlos any details about the escape plan. This is because Carlos will have to act as his attorney again if he gets caught and successfully extradited to the US. He will never let go of Carlos. The uniformed "guards" are probably prison guards he has bribed. When one asked "Ready, boss?" this -- and the music under his exit from his room -- says we can expect the escape attempt to begin in tonight's episode.

You always have to watch out when El Ciego laughs like The Joker. That usually precedes a major act of violence. Both he and Carlos seem aware that Rene's corruption runs deeper than his pathetic extortion attempt in that scene. Since Alonso's name came up in that one we need to be concerned about him and the other legal eagles, as El Ciego was out to destroy all of them in the closing episodes of PASL2.

There was off-camera discussion of the escape attempt. When that scene ended Carlos' putting El Ciego's sunglasses on him was clear evidence that Carlos is his lackey (like the scene in Some Like it Hot where Spats Columbo tells one of his henchmen to button his spats). Ominous exit music, as mentioned above. If Carlos thinks he's seen the last of this creep he is deluding himself.

Later Carlos was interviewed outside the hospital. He gave the usual legal BS about the system and that he will prove his client innocent and prevent his extradition.


There were no other recent scenes of Marco in OPC. In this one he definitely gave the patient an excellent explanation of his condition and why he needed to rest for a few days. The patient is afraid that taking three unpaid sick days would get him fired from his job. I am wondering how many other patients have told him this in OPC. While AnaL was unnecessarily bitchy to him in his earlier OPC assignments putting him there now is probably teaching him a few lessons about how the other 99% live.


Lila, thanks a bunch. Always a treat getting your recaps

Regina suffers for David, remembering their first kiss in the common room. Ever annoying and interrupting Art enters and pitches “let me help you; I am capable of anything for you” lines.

Yep, Art is so tiresome with these boilerplate lines. But Regina's silence is giving him hope.

Rene gives Connie a shiny, white sports car! She jumps up around his waist in glee which Rene, who is a tall joker, handles easily. We suffer the beginnings of her breaking him off some. . .

Oh the horror of the scene!

Yay, Susanna reconciles with Luis and starts climbing out of her hole. Lovely that she's volunteering on the children's ward. But now she's another person to worry about getting caught in the crosshairs of El Ciego's escape.

I don't get Tania. If she's really fallen for Daniel, she should let him know before he gets serious with Clara. I don't want to see Clara get hurt, after having the guts to put herself out there.

It looks like El Ciego has either planted fake guards or bought off the police. Whoever they are, they aren't too smart to openly call him “patron.”

Haven't seen Marco in a while, but it was great to see a humble patient tell the arrogant doc's a$$ off.

Urban, thanks for the explanation about El Ciego. I dont like this storyline, and i didnt watch PASL. I cannot watch these shows about drug lords...too vio!ent, too infuriating when they get away with everything and cant be stopped. Ugh


Lila, your bullet points are thorough enough to paint a vivid picture, thank you! And thank you, Urban for the added details.

My favorite scenes were of course those of Cinthia and Rafa; they are my favorite couple. I'm wondering why Cinthia is so gun-shy about a relationship with Rafa. Is it only because she has seen what a womanizer he has been or does she have her own shattered heart story? She has always seemed to distrust ALL men. Oh, or is it because of her father? hmmm...

It looks like the writers wrapped up another storyline; so glad Susana came around and that she and Luis are back together. Will there be enough time for them to adopt or have another child??? Maybe next season???

The "Aurora" scenes were heartwrenching. Just about everyone has probably experienced the struggles and loss of a loved one to cancer. In my case it was my mother. In her second and last battle with cancer, my sisters and I opted to not tell her for the very reasons that Aurora has shown us (to not get treatment and die peacefully). But my mother did (unknowingly) receive treatment for it through the form a pills...and for that reason she was with us for much longer than the doctors expected.

Diana, I'm pretty sure Tania has "a reluctant concession, a begrudging acceptance of Daniel and Clara's relationship." ...although Clara did have a look of concern when Tania walked off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Tanya have a conversation with Rafa about not taking her opportunity with Daniel when she had it?

Art hounding Regina...not surprised at all!

I still don't like the El Ciego storyline. I cringe when I see him; the man exudes evil. And I am certainly not looking forward to the violence and chaos that he will bring. My fear, as others have already expressed, is that David will somehow put himself in the line of fire. Sheeesh! What am I talking about? he is already putting himself in danger by telling Gonzalo that, aside from investigating the purchases of unneeded equipment, he will also try to get the medical info on El Ciego!


Oh about Marco...The man kept asking that Marco just give him something to make the pain go away...because he couldn't take time off. I think I saw Marco give him a prescription. For some reason (if there have been other recent scenes in the OPC with Marco) Univision made sure we saw this one. Will something go umuck and get Marco in deep doodoo? He's so smug, I think he needs to learn that "playing doctor" is not as easy as he thinks...unfortunately, it would have to be at a patient's expense.


PASL was not devoted to drug stories. El Ciego was one client among many that came through the doors of the two law firms in the series. He does exude evil and while he looks mentally ill he is crazy like a fox.

We have four couples who are together now. Pamela is back in her residency What I fear now is that something will happen to one or more of these people during El Ciego's escape attempt. Or that one of the switches of equipment will cause a patient's death.


Rgv Chick, thank you for sharing your memories of your mother's valiant battle. While a mother's loss leave a void in the heart that can never be filled, I have no doubt she slipped away, knowing she was loved and treasured.

And yes, I believe Tania did lament to Rafa that she blew her chance with Daniel.

Niecie, I'm steeling myself that Tania will declare her feelings but predict it will not be until after Clara becomes totally enamored with Daniel. I hope Daniel makes the right choice, which for me is definitely Clara.

Susanlynn, I did not see PASL and really have no interest in the El Ciego storyline except as Urban noted, there could be some catastrophic consequences if there is an escape.


Medicos. Another great recap, Lila! I don't know how you do this so flawlessly day after day while dealing with a sick family member and the demands of work. I too was touched by Susana's volunteering to help with the children undergoing long-term treatment in the hospital. Could she possibly encounter an orphaned child down the line who needs a permanent family? I thought Tania's warning to Clara was kind of cute. So are we not going to have a violent El Ciego escape? Just a couple of crooked cops or prison guards? Nah! They've done too much to set us up for a violent escape. I don't quite understand Aurora. I know when I had cancer a powerful gut instinct to survive kicked in. I don't think I had ever felt anything so powerful, before or since. Of course, I just had regular chemo and I knew my prognosis was very good. Still. Even at the beginning part of her treatment Aurora was resistant.


Thank you for the bullet points, Lila.

I can admit that I still don’t understand the character of Marco. I guess it just doesn’t interest me lol is he supposed to be loyal to Rene or something?

I think remember a little bit more of the second season of PASL than the first. I just find El Ciego to be an amusing, almost comical villain. But yes he’s definitely still evil. There’s no doubt about that. He’s definitely very Joker-esque. If I remember the scene correctly, Ibarra doesn’t want Michelle to end up dead like his ex fiancée, Alejandra, who became a lawyer at Vega’s firm and was killed by El Ciego and his henchmen in the second season. Alejandra became Ricardo’s girlfriend. Ibarra went to prison for a period of time in the first season for the suspected murder of a prostitute. His imprisonment obviously ended his relationship with Alejandra.

I was also glad to see Luis and Susana reconcile and that Susana is getting back to a normal, productive routine. I’m glad that she sees the positive side of being around kids now.

I am still wondering if we’ll see Carmen again. There has been nothing more yet after Pam read her letter.

If Aurora is meant to die at least she and Gonzalo are on good terms again and Gonzalo will no doubt be a more devoted father to Felipe. That might be the lesson her death will give Gonzalo. She doesn’t want to suffer anymore and doesn’t particularly seem afraid of dying but obviously she’s not willingly leaving Felipe especially.

I’m sure Rene will soon be brought down. No doubt Ricardo will be able to make a case against him with all the information he’s getting from David and Gonzalo as well. I might been take a guess that Connie may not have that car for long lol hmmmm....


It would be ironic if Rene ended up getting shot during El Ciego's escape, but I don't think he will go down that easily. It's also not enough. He deserves serious public humiliation with the full exposure of his crimes.

I don't think we will see Carmen again. I suspect somewhere down the road Pamela will get news of her death, either from lack of treatment or a relapse of her addiction.

If Rene is exposed I'm sure his assets will be seized and Constanza will have to fall back on her own money or go to work. Their divorce would be very ugly.

Medicos. Worst case scenario in a violent escape: There is gunfire. Someone is shot and perhaps killed--but we don't know who until the 2nd season.


That is the most likely scenario.


Thanks Lila!!

“Ever annoying and interrupting Art” PREACH! Lol

Re Gonzalo & David - I had also been shocked when Gonzalo told Regina people never change. And look at David now,
changing into Sherlock Holmes lol. But really, it had surprised me that Gonzalo had said that, given that he has been a witness to Aurora’s change. She is NOT the same woman we met a few weeks ago!

I loved the scene of Susana going to the hospital to spend time with kids! Even though she seemed a little apprehensive, she had a spark in her eyes and I think it will be really good for her. And very good for the kids! It’s sad that a lot of kids have to be there alone, so Susana volunteering will be a win-win. And maybe now that she spends more time at the hospital, she’ll be more understanding of Luis’ demanding job.


Well, it seems "El Ciego has left the building. I have a feeling the writers just set up an escape to happen in PASL3. It would probably be too much and open up a whole new can of worms in this tn so close to the finale. And El Ciego's threats (and, even scarier, smiling non-threats) are never in vain. We can be sure that the fact that Rene dared to be greedy and attempted to extort him is locked away in his criminal mind, to be pulled out and dealt with at a more convenient time. Just my guess, but maybe Medicos will cross over and we won't see Rene's Ciego-ggedon until PASL3 airs. I hope that's not the case.

El Ciego has many moles on his payroll everywhere, including the police department, jail and prison. It wouldn't be a surprise to have his whole supposedly police department security detail be on his payroll. And Carlos knows it. Thus, the openly-stated "patron" by that officer. But he's also very smart, and he wouldn't risk exposing them by escaping while in their custody.

Re-Secretary of Health, Regina wondered if Gonzalo had heard anything from him regarding the investigation of his case, because a "can't take it any more" and needs him back asap. Nope, nothing. But, come on, Reggie. Do you really think Gonzalo would have heard something and not shared it?

Tania did tell Rafa that she was a fool and missed her opportunity with Daniel. she didn't expect to develop feelings for him and now it's too late. When Rafa said maybe it's not too late, she said stte that he's seeing Clara now and she doesn't want to interfere and cause any problems for him. I believe her "warning" to Clara was because she genuinely wants Dan to be happy, but because of how her character came across in the beginning, it looks suspicious to us.


Thank you for explaining what exactly Tania said. And it all makes sense.



The above was meant for Anon.


MÉDICOS #70, 10-22-20

MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS to each and every one of you for giving us all a better grasp of last night's episode! I hope you all are well, I am but focusing more on some family challenges


This Patio is a refuge. I am taping tonight's show and I will, Lord willing, have at least a similar quick summary like this one for tomorrow!




You're a trooper LILA and I hope you know how much the Patio loves you and the incredible work that you're doing on this. And I hope and pray with all my heart that the health situation at home is getting better.

I loved your reaction to the wonderful visual of Cinthia going up up up in the elevator while Rafa looked adoringly on. And she looked sizzingly back!

"There is a smoking hot scene at the end when Cinthia leaves Rafa wanting, once again, and he watches her as she ascends in the glass-front elevator!"

It WAS a great scene and a little bit of consolation for us down in the mouth romantics that are yearning for Regina and David to re-unite.

I had very mixed feelings watching Gonzalo pressure Aurora into getting stronger chemo. I really think you have to honor the patient's wishes and hers seems to be to die in peace at home, without any more of the cruel side effects of chemo and radiation. I think that's a perfectly reasonable response--at this point--on her part. I've seen it go both ways. I've had friends, even in their nineties, opt for chemo until the very last moment when their physician finally says it's time to call in Hospice. But another friend, in her 70's, chose to not get treatment for her stomach cancer and opted for Hospice immediately. She was an Episcopal deacon and hospital chaplain and had seen enough chemo patients to know that she did NOT want that to be part of her final time on earth. So really, it's up to the patient and people see this in different ways. To pressure someone to "do it for me" just is not right, in my opinion. But I've never been put to the test with a family member, so perhaps that changes things. I hope I would always honor my loved one's wishes, but who knows....

LILA, blessings to you. You are a treasure. And thanks UA for your additions. You are another treasure.

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

JudyB! Thank you, Sweetheart!!!!

Urban, Diana, Susanlynn, Rgv Chick, Niecie, SpanProf, TF, UnOp, Hellashelle, Anon, MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS DE VERDAD!!!!

If I missed anybody, please forgive me! Y'all ARE THE BEST!!!

Good morning, Peeps! Get ready for another group effort on the recap! It's a-comin'!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Que tal, PEEPS? Peace and healing to you and all your loved ones!


Okay, it’s corny, but sometimes a little corniness helps pull ya through! Join me again, Peeps, in filling out last nights “action,” and don’t hold back! I’ve got some strong feelings; I want to know how YOU feel! There is some yucky stuff I didn’t like but, as always, I have to put a positive spin on it or make fun of it in self-defense! Let’s do the yucky stuff first! Vamanos!

POOF! Just like that, the Instituto is quit of the notorious El Ciego! I predict we will have a news report of his escape. I join you all in being thankful that nobody at the Instituto got hurt! Phew! Weigh in!

Detective David We get to listen in on Ricardo Bustamonte’s meeting with David. David shares that his information is coming straight from the Administrative Director! David believes the replacement of medical supplies is unnecessary as the replaced equipment was functioning perfectly. Rene’s argument that it was needed to have the latest technology for patient care doesn’t wash because Rene has never valued patient care! Ricard’s a smart cookie and has a theory that Rene is receiving “commissions” for the purchase of medical supplies; that would be corruption and would cost him the Directorship! Ricardo asks Detective Dave to find out three things; One, who the medical suppliers are. Ricardo also asks about Miryea; how did she come to personally attend Aurora? David says he understands Miryea appointed herself. Two, Ricardo wants to know what the relationship is between Rene and Miryea: what does she have to gain for placing the chemo meds in Aurora’s room? Ricardo asks about Rene’s relationship with the previous Director, Dr. Lara. (Who was shot to death in the first episode). David says he’s not aware of any serious problems between Rene and Lara. Ricardo says then a key question is why Rene is so at loggerheads with Gonzalo? This is Ricardo’s third request: Get accounting information on purchases Rene made as Administrative Director under Dr. Lara. David signs on!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Docile Dave has had a spiritectomy but the naughty bits were left intact for AnaL to play with! Yah, I said it and I want to hear from you, too! David does his due diligence and gets information from Ana, current and archival files on medical equipment purchases, names of providers, etc. but Ana leverages this to lure Dave to her home instead of working in the office. Twice he is going through the files and she pouts about too much shop talk! It’s late; let’s go to a movie? NO. Okay, why doesn’t he spend the night? He declines. The next night, he’s pouring over the Lara-era accounts and AnaL pulls the same stunt. Next thing we know she’s doing the pouring, plying him with wine laying her lips on his. That’s the final disappointing scene! Will Docile Dave keep his zipper up? Will Ana telling Regina she is pregnant be our cliff hanger? Insert your favorite cuss word here!

Annoying Arturito presses his case – AGAIN! Long-suffering Regina cranks her neck and cranks out the daily reports for Ana on ER activity. One day she enters Ana’s office without knocking, sees Ana and David standing together and immediately cops a hang-dog demeanor which she pretty much carries for the rest of the show. Ana notes David likewise becomes less animated after seeing Regina’s distress and chides him about still feeling badly about their failed relationship. Ana tells a truth: “Regina’s the one that let you go; SHE’s the one that ought to feel badly!” Back in the common room, Art does his lines about wanting to help her so they leave the hospital that night for takeout and see David and Ana also leaving. Ana greets Art and Regina cheerily. After Regina and Art return to the hospital with the takeout, Art notices Regina has fallen into a silent funk ever since they saw Ana and David leaving the hospital together. Art twists a scalpel in her wounded open heart AND applies salt as he says Ana and David have such a history together! It’s normal that they are living together and that she protected and advocated for his return to the hospital! She needs to face facts: David screwed her over and he’s here now, more in love with her than ever. Regina unconvincingly repeats twice that David can do whatever he wants; if he wants to be with Ana, that’s his business. Will somebody give Regina a mirror so she can see the pained and strained expression she has when Art is spewing this swill? Will she, herself, look at the nasty and desperate expression on Art’s face when he’s doing so? Will Regina succumb to this begging and hook up with this closet controlling psycho that she needs like a fish needs a bicycle?

Miguel ambushes Luz with the news that he’s filed for divorce and spirited their daughter away to their new apartment! Yah, you heard that right! Luz is gobsmacked! Miguel won’t tell her where their minor daughter is and storms out of the house leaving Luz with sore feet and open mouth! Does anyone care what Luz said to Miguel about “IT never being enough?” Was she talking about his contribution to the running of their household economically and as a house-husband? WAS he a “house-husband?”


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Dopey Daniel wants to dump Clarita before it’s even begun. Fill in here if you wish. Daniel’s parents have to tell the dope that Clara is gone over him. DUH! He didn’t realize!! Oh, no, he doesn’t feel that way about her! Paco and Elena thinks he should let her down easy before it goes too far. The dope talks to Rafa about it. I think Rafa tells him the same. Yah, dope, great source for guidance on love; if you want Tania, he can help you with that, too: after all, Rafa’s been there! Anybody care to fill in more on what Rafa told Dopey Dan?

Connie almost catches Miryea and Rene sliming in his office. Connie knows the score and let’s Rene know for the umpteenth time as well and threatens him not to play with her. Connie gives Marta her cell phone number. [Yah, I have a work friend that always made a positive connection with the secretaries In her husband’s office!] Amplify, if you wish!

Art and Regina do a lung biopsy on somebody named Ramses who has a lesion in his lung. He’s a healthy non-smoker so they don’t know what’s up. They don’t think it’s particulates from his work in an auto painting facility. Regina thinks Ramses is hiding something! I may have this wrong. Anyone want to clarify>

Rene buys a crapload of top-notch, expensive orthopedic equipment and presents the paperwork to Cinthia to show how he’s looking out for her and wants her to have absolutely everything she needs to become an excellent Orthopedic Surgeon! Rene has this talk with Cinthia after hanging up with her Dad, Andres, who apparently knows about and maybe requested the purchase? Clarify, please! Cinthia tells Rafa about it later after their mutual flirting. Cinthia thinks Rene bought the equipment to please her Parents. Rafa gives Cinthia a gift. What was it? I couldn’t tell!

Marco and his Dad, Esteban, do their lines where Marco whines and Esteban tells him to take advantage of the situation for his own benefit. Did Esteban tell Marco HE should be the one to decide what OPC patients get surgery? Did I hear that correctly? David is a surgeon and the Chief of OPC and would be the one to make those decisions. Please clarify or correct!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Finally, THE GOOD!!! Susana enjoyed her first hours volunteering at the hospital. It is so fulfilling being with children whose Parents cannot be with them during extended hospital stays. Their smiles warm and calm her! Luis introduces Susana to Flor and her Mother. Flor is coming along well; she feels some pain, yet is filled with a strange boundless energy! It is the energy of the young and strong Rigoberto, the officer who gave this gift of life! Flor’s Mother says Luis is the best Doctor and human being she has ever known! Susana agrees and says she is fortunate to have him!

Felipe convinces Gonzalo to respect Aurora’s wish to go home. There are a series of lovely scenes, starting with a fajita supper at home on the day of discharge and then the following day the trio go to many of Aurora and Gonzalo’s favorite places: They stroll in a sunlit square; they eat al fresco and in another favorite restaurant in the evening. All through this wonderful day, Aurora and Gonzalo reminisce about the early days of their courtship with him as a struggling medical student; they tell Felipe funny stories. Ah! This is just what Aurora wanted; to spend her final days remembering when they were happy together. Although Gonzalo and Felipe don’t like the “final days” talk, Felipe thanks Gonzalo for making his Mother the happiest he has ever seen her! In the evening of this wonderful day, Felipe makes up an excuse about forgetting to submit a revision of his thesis and leaves the restaurant. Aurora and Gonzalo have his number and chuckle contentedly!

Thanks, Peeps and MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS in advance! PLEASE have fun with this over this weekend whether I am able to check in our not, though I plan to! Have at it!


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

OOOOPS! After Felipe left the restaurant in the evening, Gonzalo and Aurora talked about forgiveness. It was a lovely scene! Someone please fill in! Thanks!

Medicos. Superb recap, Lila! I loved "spiritectomy,' "Docile Dave," "Annoying Arturito," and especially "closet controlling psycho." Way to capture the essence of things in a few super witty phrases! I too don't know what the Rafa gift was, though it seems to have been something cute. Some kind of fit bit type device? Something to monitor patients? Hard to say. Ho ho! It looks as if Mart may undo the Rene-Mareya hanky panky (and possibly their scams) just by knowingly admitting Constanza to Rene's office at the appropriate time. So much to look forward to! Poor Luz! That's what she gets for being so selflessly dedicated to her work and the patients.


Lila, I am truly grateful that you created another stunning recap, despite everything going on. I am keeping you and your loved one in my thoughts and prayers.

Lila, one of the many reasons I love your recaps is that you wear your heart on your sleeve. Your compassion, empathy and (yes) frustration are evident at every turn. We not only read your insightful words, we feel them and believe in them.

Wonderful. Simply wonderful.

I must start with the crushing disappointment: "Daniel’s parents have to tell the dope that Clara is gone over him. DUH! He didn’t realize!! Oh, no, he doesn’t feel that way about her!" While you can never dictate the wants and desires of someone's heart, I admit my own sank a bit.

"Miguel ambushes Luz with the news that he’s filed for divorce and spirited their daughter away to their new apartment". A cruel and heartless action coming from this bland individual. I would suspect he must have a job as he rented an apartment(?) Unless he took his wife's earnings. Let him go Luz you deserve better. Hopefully your daughter will come around.

"Docile Dave has had a spiritectomy but the naughty bits were left intact for Ana to play with" was a bright note. I don't think he does feel anything for Ana but he is playing a dangerous game.

"Long-suffering Regina cranks her neck and cranks out the daily reports for Ana on ER activity". Exactly. "Will somebody give Regina a mirror so she can see the pained and strained expression she has when Art is spewing this swill?" Regina is a bright woman and I don't think she has any romantic feelings for Art. However, he is a poisonous spider spinning a web "Art twists a scalpel in her wounded open heart AND applies salt as he says Ana and David have such a history together!" and I hope she avoids getting caught in a weak moment.

"Rafa gives Cinthia a gift. What was it? I couldn’t tell!" I had no clue either!

"Felipe convinces Gonzalo to respect Aurora’s wish to go home". While there seems little hope for long term happiness, living happily from one day to the next seems to be on the horizon.

Lila, am sending virtual hugs and healing. Please let us know how you are.

Thank you, thank you.



SpanProf, thank you for "It looks as if Mart may undo the Rene-Mareya hanky panky (and possibly their scams) just by knowingly admitting Constanza to Rene's office at the appropriate time. So much to look forward to!"

You are so right! Although I cannot stand Connie either I'm looking forward to her fury! :)


Rafa gave Cinthia some tiny ear buds so she can listen to music while she runs. She loved them because she was just going to get herself some. His comment was something like, "Maybe not as grand as your 'amiguito de infancia' would do, but ... " Lol - every time he refers to JuanPa, he calls him that and the air quotes are understood. Cinthia had told him that JuanPa was just a childhood friend.

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hey, SpanProf! Hope you're having super Saturday! Glad to see I'm not the only one that didn't catch what Rafa gave Cinthia! She ripped the package open so quickly and had it stuffed in her pocket before I could get a good look at it! Yep, we're going to have a jam-packed week coming up, SpanProf! Thank you!!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Gracias, Diana, Amiga, for your well wishes and prayers and for this delicious comment! Girl, stop it! No, don't!!! Bless you!

Diana can you believe Daniel! OMgosh! I'm sorry, I had to yell at him for that. Idiot!!!

And you nailed it here: I didn't know what bothered me about Miguel: . A cruel and heartless action coming from this bland individual.

YES! "He's a real nowhere man; living in his nowhere land; making all his nowhere plans for nobody....."

The loss is yours, Miguel!

Diana, I can't tell you how disappointed I am in what the writers are doing to David. If this is NOT being visceral, I'll take the visceral any time! What a robotic, spineless pretty boy he's becoming. If you think I'm blasting him now, just let him get in bed with Ana, drugged or not!

Thank you, Diana! We are so much better her at the ranch, enough that I could whip this out this morning. Finding your comment is always a treat and I hope you keep checking in throughout the weekend!


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Thank you, Anon! Rafa is stepping up his game! They are now my heartthrob couple!

Lila, thank you so much. As the saying goes, "it's always darkest before the dawn" , so we know that these episodes leading up to the finale are going to be grim and frustrating .

Rene is so cocky stringing Mir along while he and Connie conspire together for money and power and social status. I will be so happy to see what happens next. Martha hates him ,and I would love her to be a part of Rene's fall .

I will be very disappointed with David if he succumb s to Ana's seduction . Girl will just not take "no" for an answer..embarrassing .

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Oh, Susanlynn, this is my first novela in about five years so I've forgotten the game! Yah, this is grim AND frustrating!

Thank you for mentioning Marta! She WAS a bright spot! She looked up and saw Miryea wanting to come into Rene's office and said something about "miracle of miracles, look who's here!" or something like that! Connie is smart to give Marta her phone number!

I will be very disappointed with David if he succumb s to Ana's seduction . Girl will just not take "no" for an answer..embarrassing .

Okay, I know it's not 1960, but is there a place anymore for self-respect, or like, shame, or say, dignity?

Oh, this is a novela! Whussamatterwitme!?

Gracias, Susnlynn!



Thanks Lila. Hope you are doing well! There was a lot going on in this episode.

It was nice to see Gonzalo, Aurora and Felipe spend quality family time. Gonzalo and Aurora seemed happy recalling the early days of their relationship. It seems like Gonzalo is finally appreciating how important family is. But I still can’t wait to hopefully see him back in the instituto.

I was wondering what kind of procedure we saw in this episode (the lung biopsy). Who else was helping with that procedure? Whatever that patient has seems to have stumped the doctors.

I was kinda shocked by the scene with Luz and Miguel. But basically yeah, he accuses Luz of working too much and neglecting him and Carolina. He tells her that he already found a place to live and that Carolina made the decision herself to live with him. By the context of their conversation whether Miguel works or not was not clear. So either he’s a house husband or Luz brings in most of their income.

No surprise that Ana used David’s request to try and get close to him. That scene where they run into Regina and Art was certainly awkward. Of course Ana and Art would rather see David and Regina with them respectively and not with each other. I see no signs of reconciliation at the moment when we are getting closer to the finale and when the story may potentially continue with another season.

It’s pretty clear to me that Connie will catch Rene and Mireya in the act sooner rather than later. Her giving Marta her phone number was probably unnecessary since she seems to like making surprise appearances at the instituto.



I actually think that Daniel's parents gave him some good advice re Clara. They saw immediately that she is head-over-heels and Dan the Dullard hadn't even noticed. So they asked him how HE felt about her. His hemming and hawing gave them their answer right away. She likes what he likes, is very attentive, easy to be with and he feels very comfortable being around her. But where's the love? The passion? The exciting feeling of "can't wait to see her, be with her?" It's .just.not.there. When he started to say, "Maybe with time ... " They both shut it down real quick. It's not fair to lead her on and let her believe that something can develop when it's just not going to happen. Rip the bandaid off now and avoid hurting her even worse later when she's that much more into it and believing he feels the same.

Other notes/observations: Regina has turned into Miss Whiny McWhinerson, "Oh, the pressure (from Ana, Rene, Mireya), oh, waah, I can't take it anymore! Waah, I have to finish this daily report for Ana! Waah, I cut David off and now he's friends with my nemesis and I say I don't care but I really do, waah!" She's getting boring. If she's not with a patient she's crying to Gonzalo or complaining to Cinthia and Art. Ya basta! Suck it up, Buttercup. You could have stood by your man just a little and things would be so different. But she doesn't know she's in a telenovela, poor thing.

Ricardo of Vega & Associates is hot on Rene's trail. Can't wait for the comeuppance.

I think it's hilarious how Rene, in trying to assert his "power" orders people to close his office door as they leave and they all (Regina, Luz, even Ana) totally ignore him. Marta is the only one who closes it, but SHE asks him if she should and does it mockingly.

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

TF, All right!!!! You are welcome!!!

I was wondering what kind of procedure we saw in this episode (the lung biopsy). Who else was helping with that procedure?

Anyone else is welcome to weigh in, too. TF that Ramses guy came out of nowhere. I suspect it's a PSA about some not so well understood health problem that could be prevented by people changing their behavior. Could it be vaping? Art, Regina, Pamela and Rafa were in the procedure.

Thanks for that on Luz. People feel how they feel, but I side with Luz!

I see no signs of reconciliation at the moment when we are getting closer to the finale and when the story may potentially continue with another season.

Me either, TF. I'm so afraid we'll have intervening marriages and even children before Regina and David get together. To be frank with you, if that happens, I will no longer care!

And, oh yeah, Connie's gonna cold bust Rene for sure! I know we're all waiting to see how that will figure in Rene's downfall!

Thanks, TF!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Anon@4:11 Yep. That is exactly what happened and it IS good advice. My ire is directed at Daniel. He wants to go sniffing after Tania who helped him make a fool of himself; Clara is a wonderful young woman who is crazy about him, saw his intelligence, his excellence at the science and art of medicine; his genuinely engaging bedside manner and compassion for sick children IMMEDIATELY! She didn't have to grow into him like Tania has supposedly done. So let him have a girl that his best bud and work colleague can tell him where every mole is. Whatever!

I'm sorry to say I agree with you on Regina: Ya basta! Suck it up, Buttercup. You could have stood by your man just a little and things would be so different. But she doesn't know she's in a telenovela, poor thing.

That COULD have been Regina and David tracking down Rene and Miryea's crimes. Like somebody else said, Regina could have told David about Rene's ultimatum and they could've found a way for her to "fire" him and plan to get hired by Ana so he could keep working on Gonzalo's case from the inside. They could have easily thrown in sexual tension by Ana trying to seduce David but him resisting because he and Regina keep each other fortified with LUUURVE! But nooooo, we get Miss Whiny McWhinerson. From your keyboard to the writers' ears!

YES, Anon!!! Thank you for mentioning the closing the door thing! It's one of the subtle but hilarious comic touches in this! I love it!


Hi Ms. LILA. I basically just want to copy and paste Diana's whole comment. You've dished out another tour de force during a tough time. Haven't yet seen the end of this, but looking forward to it, now that I've read your recap.

My friend, you're like the little blue engine of my childhood book that said, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" and then you do!!!!! and just keep knocking these out in spite of all that's going on in your life.

Bless you and your unflagging commitment to this story and the patio. And Happy Brisk Fall Day everybody.


JudyB, thank you, Sweetheart! When I dropped in from out of nowhere to this Patio, I did so because I remembered you and other friends like you. I remember the warmth, and wit, and fun fussing and mocking and swooning over strapping young galans! Silly fun but a lot of genuine human warmth as well! You and this tight little group give me all that and I hope y'all get some of that back, too!

I will gladly accept help with the finale and when I invite people to have input on the story, I really mean it and the Patio is stepping up! So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


The gift given by Rafa to Cintia was wireless ear buds. I recognized the buds but didn’t want to pay the price of $199 or even $99. Love the comments on Patio.


The gift given by Rafa to Cintia was wireless ear buds. I recognized the buds but didn’t want to pay the price of $199 or even $99. Love the comments on Patio.


Judy your comment to Lila: "you're like the little blue engine of my childhood book that said, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" and then you do!!!!! and just keep knocking these out in spite of all that's going on in your life" was perfect and I echo it wholeheartedly.

Anon, thank you for this on Daniel's parents: "So they asked him how HE felt about her. His hemming and hawing gave them their answer right away. She likes what he likes, is very attentive, easy to be with and he feels very comfortable being around her. But where's the love? The passion? The exciting feeling of "can't wait to see her, be with her?" It's .just.not.there. When he started to say, "Maybe with time ... " They both shut it down real quick". I could not follow the conversation other than they seemed to discourage him. Of course they want the best for Daniel. And if anyone has the winning combination for a good marriage, it certainly is them!

But, but, to be honest, I do believe that Clara does have passion for Daniel. She literally glows when she is with him, her ear to ear smile, her overt affection, seemingly feeling that tingly sensation at the prospect of love. I do believe that few love equally. There always seems to be more on one side than the other. And if Tania is who Daniel wants, then so be it. But he will be Clara more or less, the more infatuated of the two. I believe that love and respect deepen but that oh so often desired passion is either there or not. I don't believe it is in Tania. For Daniel.

But once again, Lila, you came up with another compelling reason as to why Daniel should want to be with Clara. Clara "didn't have to grow into him like Tania has supposedly done". Exactly! I wish he had chosen otherwise.

TF, "Her giving Marta her phone number was probably unnecessary since she seems to like making surprise appearances at the instituto" had me smiling away. Excellent point! Like Susanlynn, I am hoping Mara is part of Rene's downfall. Ack.

And thank you to the other Anon and House Star for revealing Rafa's gift. I think he scored real points!


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

House Star Welcome!!!! Never to late to join the Patio!!! Thank you for that information. Please, never hesitate to chime in. We're kinda loud (well, I'll speak for myself) but we're all good Peeps! You are more than welcome!


Diana, I age Clara does have passion for Daniel. I meant he doesn't have it for her. And I would hate for her to ever feel that he "settled" for her. She doesn't deserve that.


Agree, not age.

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Diana and Anon I just fear once Tania "got" Daniel, she would be quickly be bored, have wandering eyes for a hot new Resident in next year's class (you know she's just an R1) or worse yet, they get married and she presents him with a red-headed baby!


Lol, Lila ... entirely possible. Ta's seems to be a female version of Rafa (pre-Cinthia) a fun-loving, hit-and-run, "love the one you're with" type. At least that's how the writers first presented her. Time will tell.

How many episodes are left until the finale?

I wonder if we will see some of the couples together by the end , or will we be left hanging if they are planning a second season .Maybe we only get Luis and Susana and Gonzo and Aurora together.

Well, i mostly need to see Rene and Mir exposed .


Thank you for another fantastic recap Lila. I love the way you lay things out. Half the time, I don't even realized I've glossed over something until I read your recap lol!

Docile Dave has had a spiritectomy I think I had a spiritectomy right along with David. When he let Ana kiss him, all the air went out of my little Ravid? Dagina? Dang-it-all-to-heck-but-these-two-are-pathetic balloon. It honestly never understand when writers craft a romance like this. It's gotta be a cultural thing; the idea that true love wins over all even when there is very little evidence that these people will work together because the TN gods SAID SO. It's like the opposite of Dan and Clara.

Speaking of which, I get what Dan's parents are saying, but they've been on like 4 dates. They've been going out for what, a month? And Clara's "in love"? It just seems like a lot (I know, I know--for a TN it's not.)

I'm disappointed that there was no drama with El Ciego leaving the hospital! I know I should be glad, but I had gotten myself all worked up for a shooting and...nothing. Sigh.

Still, the only truly shocking thing from Friday's episode imo was Luz's situation. His husband had brought up divorce before, but Luz didn't take him seriously. Which, from their conversations, is always a theme with them. She comes home tired and frustrated from work and then they fight about their daughter. Honestly, I shouldn't have been surprised, but we see Luz's family so little, the divorce was still a shock. I'm sad they couldn't work it out; they seemed to make such a concentrated effort when her daughter had her accident. Sigh. I'm sad Gonzalo couldn't offer words of wisdom before it came to this for her.

Anyway, Ana and Luz's situations are pretty well done gender-reversal storylines. Maybe Luz explained why she was the breadwinner before I started watching; but it seems clear that she works and her husband stays home with their daughter. And yes, Miguel says he has always "helped" when/where he could and Luz did shoot back that it was "never enough!" Never fun words to hear from one's pareja...

As for Ana, usually it's the guy who just won't give it a rest, but no! Ana is a 21st century woman and will go after David until she breaks him down! I'm still annoyed that they have probably twice as many "work together at home" scenes as David and Regina. (Grrrr...stupid writers...grrrr...)

I want Cinthia or Aurora to give Regina a kick in the scrubs to remind her that if she doesn't even have a conversation with David, she can't possibly hope for a relationship and it's sad of her to give up on a good relationship so quickly!

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hellashelle!!! There you are! Thanks, Girl! They're killin' us! Why in heck do they want to destroy the alpha couple like this? I just don't get it! I agree with Anon that Regina has become a whine bag and David is acting like a clueless, robotic jerk! Ana is totally sexually harassing him and he acts like he doesn't get it. I want my visceral Daaaaaavid baaaaaaack!

I'm disappointed that there was no drama with El Ciego leaving the hospital! I know I should be glad, but I had gotten myself all worked up for a shooting and...nothing. Sigh.

Thanks, Hella! I was waiting for somebody to weigh in! I kinda feel like Charlie Brown after Lucy pulled the football away. Goldernit! I repeat, though, I think we're going to hear about the escape from somebody watching it on TV. I can't believe they're going to drop it just like that!

Hellashelle, thanks for clarifying what the fight was about. It almost seems like the writers ran out of ideas for Luz's family or they're trying to make a point about "a woman's place?"

I'm still annoyed that they have probably twice as many "work together at home" scenes as David and Regina. (Grrrr...stupid writers...grrrr...)

Hellashelle, it's worse than you say: David and Regina had NO work together at home scenes! All we got were two scenes where they jumped each other's bones. Regina freaked and panicked when David went upside Art's head and Rene gave her the ultimatum. She like went to a "you can't trust men, they'll screw the whole subdivision while you're at work" place and threw David out with the bathwater! Sorry for the weird metaphor, but I agree with Anon, she did NOT stand by her man for one second! Although I don't like Ana's predatory persistence, she said she knew David, could control him and she's showing Regina how it's done!

Funny, Regina's got a predatory persistent pest after her as well. Writers, PLEASE don't let David fall! He's been there, done that. WHAT ABOUT THE RED THREAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

I want Cinthia or Aurora to give Regina a kick in the scrubs to remind her that if she doesn't even have a conversation with David, she can't possibly hope for a relationship and it's sad of her to give up on a good relationship so quickly!

Yes, girl ain't got no relationship skills! She needs exactly what you said and not that psycho Art lying and character assassinating David!


Susanlynn I think we have 7 episodes/hours left. October 26 through 30, that's 5

Monday, November 2 is two episodes/hours? Or, I guess you could say 6 episodes, the

last of which is the two-hour finale? Somebody correct me.

I'm so mad 😠 at Regina, I want Eva Cedeño to replace Livia Brito right now!!

Just kidding ... sort of.

Lila and Hellashelle, i hope that telenovelas still believe in soulmates...because i do.

Let's hope that David turns away from that liplock that Ana put on him .


JAJAJAJA! Sadly, that won't help! I wish some writers would read these blogs and take our complaints into consideration and stop screwing up the alpha couple!


Amen, Susanlynn!!

Good Morning, Rockin' Patio!!

Lila, you are a true warhorse. If anyone has seen the movie, "Warhorse", you get what I mean. Thank you so much for soldiering on despite the rough time you are having. Sending thoughts, prayers and good vibes your way.

Everyone has already ranted and raved about Regina and David and let's just say I am in total agreement. A thousand lashes to the writers for turning our David into a Duh-vid. Watching Ana work him like puddy is excruciating. Susanlynn, I think it's a bit late to wish that David turn away from that liplock; and even if he does, he's already had a good taste of her lips UGHHH!

In regards to Daniel and Clara, I am not looking forward to Daniel bursting Clara's little bubble. Someone mentioned that they had been on 4 dates. I don't even think it has crossed Daniel's mind to consider those "dates." In his mind, he is just hanging out with a buddy. And I too fear that, if he does go back to Tania, Tania will see that she has won back his attention and drop him like a hot potato when an eye-catching loaded potato crosses her path.

I too am glad that Felipe and Gonzalo decided to respect Aurora's wishes. It was a nice break to see Gonzalo, Aurora, and Felipe out together spending some much needed quality time, but there is so much other stuff that I want resolved that I kept thinking, "OK let's move it along."

And, yes, Lila, the gran final is counted as 2 episodes, so there are 7 episodes left. I have my candle lit that, at a minimum, Nasty R&M get their anvils. And I do hope that we get to hear what came of Carmen. Oh and thank you, TN Gods for making El Ciego disappear without incident!


Gooooood Mornin' Rgv Chick, and all this, yes ma'am, ROCKIN' PATIOOOOO!

I feel like a DJ this morning!

Thank you, THANK YOU, DARLIN', for your thoughts and prayers! I'm going to miss ya'll soooo much!

Anyway, yah, we're witnessing what could have been a great relationship on life support and, if David falls into the familiar rut that is Ana's charms, that will be it's extubation. Frankly, I'm glad this is about to be over because they are killing my interest in seeing the David/Regina relationship bagged on its way to the OR (second season) in hopes for a transplant after Art and Ana have sucked all the life and fire out of their passion for each other.

Sorry, I know I wore the hell outta that metaphor!

Daniel's an idiot! If the writers try to sell Tania as future faithful, loving mate for Daniel, ain't nobody buying that $hit: Anon nailed her: Ta's seems to be a female version of Rafa (pre-Cinthia) a fun-loving, hit-and-run, "love the one you're with" type.

While I think Rafa can change for Cinthia because he has consistently pursued her from the beginning of the show; bared his reasons for womanizing in therapy and disavowed them, I don't see any such change in Tania other than misty-eyed smiling at Daniel as he cared for the boy with cancer and some other kids. She just cannot stand to NOT have any man not fawning over her. Yah, Tania will see that she has won back his attention and drop him like a hot potato when an eye-catching loaded potato crosses her path

Writers. Make this stuff believable!

Unfortunately, it now seems entirely believable that Ana will win David back by turning her old tricks they both used to enjoy, and gun-shy Regina will reject a hot, spicy, meat-filled Mexican dish like David for the plain, soft, white corn tortilla that Art is.

Thanks, writers. You fudged this one up real good!

Ok, your Patio Hostess is done ranting. It is Sunday after all. Good Lord willin', I'll watch and re-tell this week and I will give them props if they are able to save David and Regina, but at this point, I'm looking forward to the union of. . .

.....Hot Foxy, 70s throw-back, Three Musketeeresque RAFA and CINTHIA...She of the smoldering gaze! YAH, BABY!!!

See y'all!



UnOp! Hope you are well, Girl! Where you at?

Chickie..ha .. " an eye-catching loaded potato" catching fickle Tania's eye ...I am writing that down ..gave me a giggle on this overcast, chilly day.

If nothing else, I hope that we at least get to see anvils land on Rene and Mir. Connie needs one, too, for encouraging Rene .

It doesn't seem as though Dan will end up with smitten Clara...foolish boy. Clara wants Dan, but Dan wants Tania. ..and Tania seems to want Dan now that Clara wants him, but who knows if that will last. So far,Tania has shown herself to be a free soul. That's the way these shows roll. Only soulmates seem to want only each other. ..and forever.

Medicos. Susanlynn. There's an expression for that in Golden Age (Early Modern) Spanish poetry and stage comedies: "Yo por vos, vos por otro." :) It was a common theme which the tn writers seem to have latched on to.


SpanProf, it's whiney Lila. Don't they have a saying that like "you and me against the world"? Now, I could really get into a novela like that!!!


Loved the comments on Tania.

Rgv Chick. You are on fire today girl! "A thousand lashes to the writers for turning our David into a Duh-vid. Watching Ana work him like puddy is excruciating" was great but "I too fear that, if he does go back to Tania, Tania will see that she has won back his attention and drop him like a hot potato when an eye-catching loaded potato crosses her path" was even better.

"So far,Tania has shown herself to be a free soul. That's the way these shows roll. Only soulmates seem to want only each other. ..and forever" is exactly right Susanlynn.

And this insight from Lila: "While I think Rafa can change for Cinthia because he has consistently pursued her from the beginning of the show; bared his reasons for womanizing in therapy and disavowed them, I don't see any such change in Tania other than misty-eyed smiling at Daniel as he cared for the boy with cancer and some other kids. She just cannot stand to NOT have any man not fawning over her". SO TRUE!!

And, last but not least, on a different topic but great: "ana and Luz's situations are pretty well done gender-reversal storylines" was spot on and very astute Hellashelle.

Happy Sunday all!




Happy Sunday, Diana!

I actually would like to hear Hellashelle develop the Ana situation. I see some aspects of the role reversal but would like to hear her perspective.

SpanProf, Does that translate as " i am for you; you are for another? "


Thanks, Lila. Super recap -- and I loved all your rants. Amiga, you don't hold back!

Docile Dave has had a spiritectomy but the naughty bits were left intact for AnaL to play with!

Bullseye! But I still have faith in David. He's on a mission. Even if he kisses Ana back, there will be no passion in him -- though it does ache to seem him so accepting of Ana's sexual harassment.

Will Regina succumb to this begging and hook up with this closet controlling psycho that she needs like a fish needs a bicycle?

Now Regina, I do worry about. Anon, "Miss Whiny McWhinerson" indeed.

Ah, Rafa and Cinthia! When she accidentally knocked something over the counter after he gave her the gift and he bent down to pick it up, I'm pretty sure they were ad-libbing. She: "Sorry!" He: "It's not the end of the world, don't worry about it" (or something like that). If I had to pick who in the TN might be attracted to each other in real life, I'd pick these two.

ITA -- Tania will never love and be satisfied with Daniel. Such a shame he's not into Clara.


Hi, Niecie!!!! Muchisimas Gracias!!!! I'm glad to hear you still have faith in David. I reckon I've slapped him -- and Regina -- around enough this weekend. I'll lay off them and wait to see what happens tomorrow. I know the red thread cannot break, but I'll be darned if it ain't stretched reeeeeal thin!

I'll have to go back and look at that Rafa and Cinthia scene. Even when Rafa was womanizing, you could tell he had it bad for Cinthia. One thing I can say, she is sticking to her word. Way back before his drug crisis on the night of Caro's accident, he was dropping her off at her place and he had asked, for the umpteenth time, when she was going to give him a chance. She said, "when you give up your whole 'Galan' act!" It seemed she was going to invite him in when they got paged to return to the ER. Anyway, Cinthia stuck with him through his drug crisis and his gaining insight into why he was sleeping around. He stopped the drugs and he stopped the womanizing.

One thing I didn't note and would love to go back and see was something he told her at the date which ended in the hot glass-front elevator scene. He told her about a particularly bad day when he was about to cave in and use and he got a text from her and was able to squelch the urge. I think he presented that as a turning point in his fight against addiction.

As for Cinthia's past, we only know about her struggles with her parents. Unless I missed it, I don't know why she was so adamant in the beginning of the show when she was supporting Regina in the immediate post-Sergio shock, that "all men are no good." They kind of dropped that hard line with Cinthia. Anyway, she and Rafa have only had a heart for each other though we saw each of them hook up with at least one other person. They are a sweet and hot couple! I certainly hope they make it official before this ends!


Lila "sweet and hot" is a winning combination . I think we will see Rafa and Cinthia together.

Medicos. Susanlynn: Yes it does.



Hey everyone. I was MIA this weekend, but I'm glad to see you all were present and leaving great comments! (RGVChick your comments really had me rotfl!)

Though there was no shoot-out, I am now still worried that they're letting Regina wither on the vine because Eva is a done deal. I was really hoping Livia was going to pull through and stay on...Sigh. Constantly disappointed...

Lila I think you asked me to expand upon Ana and gender reversal? Imo, the Arturo and Ana characters play the same role as foils for the alpha couple. We've all seen these characters before: the "romantic other (RO)" designed to keep the star couple apart for 80% of the TN. Traditionally, in old school TNs, I feel like the feminine RO was cloying, clingy, obvious, sneaky and manipulative, hatching pregnancy plots or drunken one-night stands that never happened left and right in an effort to "trap" the hero. The Male ROs on the other hand I think were typically depicted as more rational in their approach. While Female ROs were wildly spoiled "princesses" motivated by self-centered ideas that 1) they want the hero 2) they're better (read: richer) than the heroine, male ROs often had "heroine" focused reasons, arguing that they could help the heroine fix her problems while pointing out that the hero often caused her problems, they would stand by the heroine while the hero would give in to impulses (usually lust). These motivations, to me, play into stereotypes/archetypes about "evil" largely useless females and strong, supportive males, who will provide for the heroine. Female ROs were almost always villains, while male ROs could often be separated from male villains, usually by a line of violence. Male villains used to kill or assault other characters almost as a rule; male ROs rarely did (though, if they did, imo, they became Male Villains). While none of the them knows how to take no for an answer, the male villain would blackmail and threaten; the female RO/villain would do the same with a heavy dose of whining thrown in; the male RO sought to coax and convince, persistently and constantly. The Male RO wants the heroine to chooose him. Of those three, I think Ana's character plays out like a male RO.

In the New Era of TNs, however, women are stronger and more independent, both financially and socially. The old standbys don't work, particularly in a TN like MEDICOS, where the hero will not be fooled by a drugstore pregnancy test and everyone's making a good salary (in fact, both women outrank the men). There's no sick father/sister/aunt or outrageous debt at play. Ana's not grabbing and kissing David in the town square. Yes, she's plying him with wine and hoping to get him into bed, but not by means of drugging and stripping him. She and Arturo are using the same rational, logical reasons to get David and Regina to fall for them: I understand you, I want to stand by you and support you, I will help you in your daily life and provide comfort and relaxation when we're done fighting together. It's really ideal on's just not the alpha couple doing it. Which is the frustration of most TNs.

Blerg. I'm not sure I explained my opinion that well, but I'm supposed to be working, so I have to . I'll see you guys later!


Hellashelle, wow, what a well thought out , well stated analysis. Thanks .

Thanks Susanlynn! (It's possible I think about TNs waaaaaaaay too much...)

Yep, I sent one email and am immediately back on Caray. Smh. I'll be better, I just wanted to fix something:

"so I have to go"

"The Male RO wants the heroine to choose him"
I wanted to contrast that to villains, both male and female, who just want to "win," the hero/heroine. Their happiness is of secondary importance to the hero's/heroine's, if it's a consideration at all (which is usually isn't).

A few (admittedly kind of old) examples:
Martin from Alborada
Renato from La Sombra del Pasado
Alonso from Triunfo de Amor/ El Privilegio de Amar


MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

Hey, Hellashelle! Oh, no! Livia's out?! Ok. I've done enough fussing for the weekend. No further comment.

She and Arturo are using the same rational, logical reasons to get David and Regina to fall for them: I understand you, I want to stand by you and support you, I will help you in your daily life and provide comfort and relaxation when we're done fighting together. It's really ideal on's just not the alpha couple doing it. Which is the frustration of most TNs.

My dear, this is absolutely exquisite and crystal clear! My goodness! I could have saved myself a lot of kvetching and embarrassing ranting to our long-suffering Patio if I had understood this!

MUCISIMAS GRACIAS!!!! Worth saving!!!!


Hi Lila! Man, I really did miss you guys this weekend! And now I'm "at work" and I really just want to lounge on The Patio (obviously, since I'm here and not finishing the report I'm working on...)

Sigh--Another correction:
"The Male RO wants the heroine to choose him"
Also, I wanted to contrast that to villains, both male and female, who just want to "win" the hero/heroine. The hero's/heroine's happiness is of secondary importance to the villains', if it's a consideration at all.

I have only ever seen two telenovelas that I though did a stand out job in really making the alpha couple a partnership: The woefully, almost criminally underappreciated "Mi Destino Eres Tu" and "Amor Bravio" (which I could probably watch on repeat until the end of time). I honestly have no idea why more people don't talk about MDET--It was one of my first TNs and I LOOOOOVED it!

Medicos. Excellent analysis, Hellashelle! Ah, yes, the decent male RO--the Ralph Bellamy role. :)


Hellashelle. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this wonderful analysis and the TN recommendations. I'm going to look for both! Looks like MDET was not covered on Caray? I'm going to look for both on one of my several Ondemand services. I need a novela/Spanish fix after this goes off and I'm not watching Imperio or any of the others.

GRACIAS!!! Hope to see you for tonight's show!


Lila, i would love to hear your voice on Imperio. It is kind of wacky, but we are having great fun snarking about the characters and storylines. Caray Caray' s founder Melinama ( Jane) told me many years ago that the wackiest telenovelas are the most fun to recap or comment on. It's true. We just had a very animated duscussion on boxer briefs at Inperio.

Awwww, thanks Susanlynn! It's gone so far though!


Thanks Lila and the rest of the patio as well! I’ve had a migraine all weekend and even though I did finally watch the episode, I glossed over much of it

“Will Docile Dave keep his zipper up? Will Ana telling Regina she is pregnant be our cliff hanger? Insert your favorite cuss word here!”

Loved this!! Hahahaha
And this-

“Regina will reject a hot, spicy, meat-filled Mexican dish like David for the plain, soft, white corn tortilla that Art is.” LOL!!!

I still have faith in David! Ok, he kissed Ana, but I don’t think he’ll sleep with her. If anything, he would have hooked up with RC and he hasn’t

Well El Ciego’s departure was a letdown lol. I was expecting quite the showdown! Oh well

I really hate what they’re implying with the Luz storyline. So, in the very beginning, Luz and Miguel were depicted as having a really strong relationship. She was really devoted to her job, but he helped around the house, was very supportive (remember when he went in with Luz to the hospital after hours?). Anyway, I felt like they were trying to show the “modern woman” who can have it all- a meaningful and successful career as well as a good marriage and strong family. But now, I feel like they’re implying that it’s NOT possible, that if a woman focuses on her job/career she’s going to end up losing her marriage/family!

Tania had been presented as a wildchild- she was all about partying, drinking, hooking up with random guys.. we haven’t seen her outside the hospital in a while, so are we supposed to assume she’s a changed woman? That now that she saw Daniel out with someone else, all of a sudden she wants to settle down with a nice, boring guy like Daniel? I agree with whoever said Tania will get bored

MÉDICOS #71, 10-23-2020

UnOp!!!!!! So sorry! I wondered if you were ok! Pray you are better! Derned migraines!

Good to here someone else thinks David will not cave. I hope so!

UnOp, I'm with you on this! It was like, "Yes, working woman, you can have it all.....PSYCH!!!!"

I felt like they were trying to show the “modern woman” who can have it all- a meaningful and successful career as well as a good marriage and strong family. But now, I feel like they’re implying that it’s NOT possible, that if a woman focuses on her job/career she’s going to end up losing her marriage/family!

We're all in agreement on Tania. I don't know if y'all remember, but when the call came in that Tania was accepted in the residency, she and another girl were in their unmentionables with their tushes nearly hanging out, PASSED out in a trashed apartment. I was like, DAMN, where is THIS going! Yah, and remember that rando she hooked up with which I thought was going to turn into a PSA on date rape. Uh yah, NO, she is not believable as being in love with Daniel! Sheesh!


Lila, trust me, we could catch you up quickly because it has been moving very s l o w l y. We are having fun with lots of snarky comments and nicknames for the characters.....
Ewwwww or Tio Rug = Eugenio ( villain)
Scario = Dario ( villain)
Fernasty = Fernanda ( villain)
The Poodle = Fabricio (?maybe bsd definitely dim )

Drop by and read some comments . We can catch you up in no time. I would miss you so much if you disappear from the patio after medicos ends.

Unsolicited, so sorry you have been down with a migraine. My mother in law got them. You made some very good points. I agree that on many shows, including telenovelas, the theme used to be for a time that " women can have it all...a family and a career. " Now, we seem to be getting messages in A lot of shows that this may not be true. My mother and mother in law never had jobs, but my generation was told we could have a career and a family. Couples tried different wwys of doing this..some successfully,some not.

Scanning the comments and knowing I've done a very weak job of keeping up with this one. We've had family/medical stuff going on that seems to take up all the time and energy. I thought I could catch up this final week, but hubby is having big time (esophagus) surgery near the end of this week. May have to throw aside the TV medicos and concentrate on the real ones.

Maybe the one coming in early November will work for me. Thanks for all the comments and fun y'all put into the patio.

I was the unknown above. Sorry the correct name didn't show.

(((La Paloma))) and your family are in my thoughts and prayers .


Hi UnOp! Great to see you; sorry to hear you were hit with a Migraine Weekend! That always sucks.

I felt like they were trying to show the “modern woman” who can have it all- a meaningful and successful career as well as a good marriage and strong family. But now, I feel like they’re implying that it’s NOT possible, that if a woman focuses on her job/career she’s going to end up losing her marriage/family!-UnOp
Now, we seem to be getting messages in A lot of shows that this may not be trueSusanlynn

I'm hoping this is a Susannah/Luis like storyline, delving a bit into the negative, but with a lot of potential for a happy ending. I didn't get to see Miguel and Luz before their daughter's accident, but though they talked a good game in that moment, there wasn't a whole lot of actual change in the things they complained about. Hopefully, they're not going down the road of "the modern woman can't have it all" and more down the road of "if you want it all, you have to work for it. It can be hard to get."

La Paloma Hang in there, Patio Peep! It seems like we can't escape the real life medical terrors these days, but you've got support energy from the Patio behind you, wishing your family all the best.


La Paloma, I hope you see this! Definitely, prayers, well wishes, good vibes, all the ways that others send healing to those in need come from me and, I know, the good Peeps on this Patio! Believe me, many of us know how you feel! Please, please know there are MANY pulling for your husband and entire family, each in their own way!!

Thank you for even thinking of us and stopping by. I am glad that you have enjoyed this Patio and I hope, in quiet moments, if you are able to sneak away, you find something here that brings you peace or joy, or distraction.

Thanks for the positive wishes, prayers, vibes. Very much appreciated!


I love what Niecie said LILA--that the show was "okay" but what she really looked forward to was your recaps. And I want to thank all of the Patio as well because the discussions recently have been truly spectacular. LILA, you encouraged all of us to thoughtfully comment because you responded so warmly, and boy have they come through!

I've been negligent but only because I'm using up all my energy helping care for my daughter and her family at present. But I will join with all of you in praying for the best possible outcome for La Paloma's husband and for her as well. When our dear ones are ill, we are affected also. Body and soul.

Happy cold, rainy weather everyone. And hang in there, we've got to stay tough together to get through the Winter.

Just watched the end of this episode at dinner-time. LOVE Marta handing Constanza the key and joining her in ogling the horror of René and Mireya swapping spit. Looking forward to the aftermath.

besos y abrazos a todos....

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